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Webm thread
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What the hell is this trying to convey?


Link to YouTube vid?



File: 1618169847531.mp4 (13.28 MB, 1280x720, distinguishYourself.mp4)


ok, this was good


I know you made this, Bat'koanarchismAnarchism


>Does New-Zealand have? Kiwi's?


Q predicted this


File: 1618177185427.png (73.62 KB, 616x467, glowboy greentext.png)


i think they actually took donald trump's voice and ran it through some sort of AI to make him sing the lyrics translated to chinese or something KEK



File: 1618350640307.mp4 (8.06 MB, 1280x720, mugabe.mp4)


>fried chicken commercial


can someone post the ww2 vid with "upside down" as the song please


Ads in South Africa are wild, here's one promoting chicken mocking a boer building a bunker during the 1994 election.




File: 1618701946624.mp4 (1.11 MB, 640x640, video0.mp4)




File: 1618752799397.webm (1.49 MB, 720x720, dsabol.webm)


Why did they put out a 16 page long platform nobody will read the whole especially not working people


Who knows, it's not like DSA members will read it either because it's non-binding


File: 1618775014081.mp4 (7.38 MB, 480x480, israelisettler.mp4)


File: 1618775282572.mp4 (21.12 MB, 1920x1080, austrianempirics.mp4)


File: 1618843458630.mp4 (29.6 MB, 1920x1080, whoismoke.mp4)



File: 1618848805197.png (90.11 KB, 1842x200, hum.png)

interesting choice of song


File: 1618931206075.mp4 (984.8 KB, 476x480, Brezhnev Kiss Me.mp4)



Song name?


File: 1618964041881.webm (7.88 MB, 1280x720, COPE.webm)

Use this for seething rightoids


SONG NAME?punkPunk



It's probably be considered nonconformist art to be sure, especially depending on the era.


On the contrary, it's basically Ghost in the Shell 0.5.


File: 1618966624731.mp4 (19.19 MB, 1920x1080, chauvinsz.mp4)



File: 1618966760974-0.mp4 (30.74 MB, 1280x720, cope22.mp4)

File: 1618966760974-1.mp4 (30.77 MB, 1280x720, cope2.mp4)

new edits



Anyone have that IRA webm that was a clip of a movie with some Brits on a boat fishing for lobsters? And as they're releasing one the boat blows up and Come Out Ye Black and Tans starts playing?



File: 1619225345620.mp4 (2.48 MB, 640x532, MLMs.mp4)







File: 1619341934049.mp4 (8.6 MB, 1864x1080, The holy trinity.mp4)


these are from the thaelmann movie


File: 1619377412945.webm (3.07 MB, 1864x1080, The holy trinity.webm)






Your avarege liberal woman in 2021egoismEgoism


Dis baie pragtig, hoekom ek het dit nie voorheen gehoor nie?egoismEgoism

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