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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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Hello everyone. This is the thread to make proposals. Feel free to have your say whether user or mod. We have these proposals did not pass last week, but may be worthy of further discussion:

Proposal: Moderator votes remain the counted votes in admin decisions, but users should let vote using strawpolls (or perhaps polling systems built into the site?) per topic to display general user attitude to a proposal. If the majority User opinion directly opposes moderator majority vote then the proposals should be discussed and votes called on again after a break of 1-2 weeks to let people rethink positions on a topic.

Proposal: Make this the ‘official’ Leftypol channel >>>/leftypol/534666

Proposal: I think that we should also keep the current userbase engaged, making things like weekly game tournaments, actual organized debates, movie nights followed by discussion and so on. I've been thinking that a weekly leftypol podcast could be a good idea, just a couple of anons talking about what happened in the board and the world during the past week and inviting people to talk if they so desire, we could have debates there, and interviews and other things, and share it on spotify for others to see.

Once again, I must clarify that ONLY MODS CAN ACTUALLY VOTE ON PROPOSALS OR VOTES. Anons are free to have their say and offer suggestions and feedback to improve proposals/votes but these are only advisory and user votes are not counted for official decisionmaking. But who knows, a persuasive enough argument might sway the mod team to your cause?

Please reply to this post to post proposals for consideration next week. If a user proposal seems like a good idea, we may adopt it and make it official. Thanks everyone. Feel free to post your opinions but try not to spam or needlessly bicker back and forth in order to keep the thread clear and legible. Any off-topic posts may be removed without warning.
272 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Anyone ever notice how the wealthy control everything? Idk what’s up with that. I can’t really understand it. It’s definitely something dark and mysterious we need to uncover by listening to my podcast and subscribing to my patreon for extra content. I’m a Marxist btw.


The conspiracy=schizo/rightwing idealism meme comes from the bourgeois co-option of people, mostly sane rational, usually leftist people questioning the official narrative of 9/11. The People questioning the official narrativw behind the Kennedy assassination were also "conspiracy theorists". The Kennedy assassination and subsequent coverup mark one of the turning points in the American people's trust in their governemnt. After this event reported levels of trust plumetted. Most normies, even boomers, know some fucky shit happened then. To imply drawing conjecture about the role of the state in mass murders is insane and deserving of shunning and ridicule as a baseline is to play into a bourgeois narrative constructed to cover up real incidents of secret conspiracy from the state, including that which has already been unconvered and even admitted to, such as with the "WMDs in Iraq" narrative.


mah man here really bringing up the murder of jfk to defend himself lmfao bruh…
i love leftoids comparing the discussion of public documents to fucking antivaxx and other loony right-wing shit, fuck off mate


If you want to talk about conspiracy shit be more like Edburg and less like generic failbook boomer whining about vaccines and freedom, please.


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Niceshitty strawman
>I can’t really understand it
That's literally the opposite of conspiracy theories LMAO
>It’s definitely something dark and mysterious we need to uncover by listening to my podcast and subscribing to my patreon for extra content
<"conspiracy theories is ven sumbudy is a zoommer eceleb saying hot takes"
Touch grass
>leftoids comparing the discussion of public documents to fucking antivaxx and other loony right-wing
<Hurr I didn't read the documents about people bringing up real issues in medical corruption and bourg manipulations so it's all 'le rightving loonies'
Give a pregnant girl some Thalidomide dude, all the scientists say its perfectly safe! And don't forget cigarettes are definitely good for your health, finally make sure to head down to Tuskegee and get those new vaccines, all that talk about syphilis is just conspiritard shit haha!

Fuck off anglotard.


youre really proving your point by posting /pol/ memes against vaccines and queers


anyway im here to ask again for "conspiracism" to be bannable, like the antivass trash exhibited itt, not just posting declassified cia documents


Switch the USApol OP to something a little less eyesore-y than a fucking mutt meme and a twitter wojak


it is peak americana comrade


Ukraine general needs to be updated too, lots of outdated stuff in the OP.


>Not addressing the argument
>"muh /pol/"
>"Muh gays"
Fuck off you concern trolling shit, this is leftyPOL not your safespace.

>the antivass trash exhibited itt
<Saying that people shouldn't be censored because they don't conform to a narrative you believe in because scientists belonging to a corrupt system should be banned because your echochamber might collapse
Good god you are pathetic, imagine being such a whiny bitch that you strawman your opposition and after you get caught, try to twist it as being "different from le CIA documents" and blatantly ignoring your fallacious approach.


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> this is leftyPOL not your safespace.
NTA. Your behavior is indistinguishable from the hypothetical situation in which you were sent here by your handler with the task of enabling the smearing of the site with the "just as bad as the /PitOfLunatics/ but on the left" narrative. In that hypothetical situation those who were assigned that task would out themselves by responding with over-the-top aggression to any suggestion that would weaken that narrative, such as a suggestion to clean up at least the grosser forms of bigotry on this site. They would defend bigotry as "chan culture", with the underlying motivation of enabling the narrative they were tasked to promote. If the grosser forms of bigotry were cleaned up on their watch, so that not even a remote equivalence on bigotry could be drawn any longer between this site and the /PoolOfLosers/, they will have failed their assigned task. Just hypothetically speaking, of course.


This post is very puzzling lol. Good to know we have actual schizos posting, I guess.


no, anti-vaxxers are just like that
no fed conspiracy needed


Explain how.

>our behavior is indistinguishable from the hypothetical situation in which you were sent here by your handler
<Can't argue or defend unnecessary censorship, so let me claim you're "le fedz"
<The feds, that have ben suppressing any conspiracies (such as those criticizing Big Pharma) are going to send people arguing that banning criticism of Cov19 vaccines
Are you retarded or do you truly lack any critical thinking about logical consistency?
>smearing of the site with the "just as bad as the /PitOfLunatics/ but on the left"
LMAO wut? How is pointing out a fundemental part of the site being intrinsically politically incorrect but leftist a smear?
>hypothetical situation
Using snide wording does not make you any less of a retard
>a suggestion to clean up at least the grosser forms of bigotry on this site
Ah so you're that retard that got BTFO on the Ukraine General and made up a bunch of horseshit about "le red fasheests and beegots" and then complained here on /meta/ only to be told off for literally making shit up.
>They would defend bigotry as "chan culture"
You're shifting goalpostss and derailing in an attempt to deflect the argument being made by trying to take NOT CENSORING PEOPLE EXPOSING BLATANT PORKY MANIPULATION and equate them to RACISTS, despite you having no basis to your claim or any logical connection.

If anything YOU are more likely a glowie for trying to shut down people discussing topics freely.

>anti-vaxxers are just like that
<questioning the narrative spread by porky and not trusting untested new vaccines is just the same as being anti-scientific
*Laughs in DPRK*


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I repeat the sentiment of this post, Archive.is is not infallible and cannot save some sites, neither can archive.org (robots.txt) and freezepage/Googlecache have been failing as of late, not to mention that saved archives can be deleted at the discresion of archive site owners. I cannot archive pdfs from this site for example because robots.txt blocks archive.org and archive.today doesn't save pdf htmls properly. If a /leftypol_archive/ and even a /siberia_archive/ exist, then /hobby_archive/ should too.


I see no reason not to have a hobby archive, though maybe it should be an archive for all altboards, just to prevent having a silly amount of mostly empty archive boards


if you like a thread why dont you just take a pic or archive it or whatever, stop asking jannies to change your diapers all the fucking time jesus


An alt_archive is a pretty good idea actually.

>Just take a pic
Not efficient and other people like to view the content, there's a reason 4chan has had archives for a long time and even 8chan had one.
>archive it
I just explained that archives are unreliable, and its easier to link to an existing thread rather than reposting a full post.
>stop asking jannies to change your diapers
The fuck are you on about? How does this in any way affect you, if you don't use an archive boards, good for you, stop being a faggot.


>How does this in any way affect you
it affects me when youre asking for server resources and mod attention to be used on irrelevant shit

>archives are unreliable

this website is unreliable too, it could go down any second for no reason forever
if you want to archive a thread that much, you should do it yourself and do backups if you want it to be "reliable"


>youre asking for server resources and mod attention to be used on irrelevant shit
No this doesn't affect you, you're creating an excuse and your opinion on "irrellvant shit" is fucking laughable.
>this website is unreliable too
So? The point is redundancy and making things available for people to search back to. The entire Ukraine videos thread'd be lost alongside all its content because archive.is and wayback don't archive videos at all and cannot archive pdfs from leftypol due to robots.txt
>if you want to archive a thread that much, you should do it yourself and do backups if you want it to be "reliable"
that's not how it works you imbecile.


Moderate the altboards so that repetitive threads are unified into generals.


lets stifle discussion to appease a couple of autists


also what the fuck is an "altboard"


>U-ur stifling!!!
6 months later and you retards still have no proofs.


Hello, i would like to ask something.
What would guys think about doing a thread about organisation methods and ideas about how it can be improved upon or added to communist parties ?.


Sounds good, go for it. Or do you mean you want us mods to make it?


TBH i don't know what board it would fit in or where to start, but it's always a good thing to talk about these things.


but anyway mod's, what should i do ?.


I dunno, just make it on leftypol I guess? Or edu if you prefer a slower pace


Just make the thread on /leftypol/ and if they piss you off with shitposting make it again on /edu/ at some point


Proposal to change the predefined ban lengths to:

Predefined Reasons:
Length - Reason
10m - Responding to obvious bait
30m - Flaming, overly disruptive/hostile posting
1h - Spamming threads with unrelated discussion, spamming the same topic repeatedly
2h - Disruptive identity politics, reactionary thought, et cetera
12h - Samefagging, building false consensus, enflaming arguments by taking both sides
1d - Hysterical, gratituitously offensive, hateful posting, edgelordism etc.
10d - Bait topic, false flag topic, /pol/ spam topic (not machine spam)
30d - Machine spam, advertising spam, gorespam, etc (not off-topic discussion)
(double original ban length) - Ban evasion
Permaban - Illegal content

Second offenses: double time
Third offenses: triple time
Fourth offenses: quadruple time (and so on)

If a user incurs a ban length of over 90 days (through repeat offenses) they may be permabanned at moderator discretion.

NOTE: Mods can still use bans/reasons outside this template whenever they want, this is just a guideline.

I vote aye.



WTF you can get banned for responding to bait?
Stop bullying dumb people! This is an outrage!


Am I a joyless bastard for thinking that making posts that amount to >"you're from x website" should be a slap-on-the-wrist tier bannable offence akin to responding to bait?
Even if an anon is responding to a total liberal or polyp its just the lamest form of posting; Make an actual argument, no? To me, it's one step above quoting someone and posting a soyjack. It's internet idpol and I'm tired of pretending it's not


I'd add "offender is a namefag" double time, "known schizo" triple time


Are there any punishments that mods are subjected to in the case that they ban people erroneously? Sometimes the bans are ridiculous. Like one incomprehensible word given for the ban justification, even though the rules should've forbidden that.


this isn't the right thread
but potentially, yes. no one likes bad bans. however some things may sound ridiculous cause the shit we deal with is ridiculous (guessing at your meaning here).




Disable tripcodes.

If you are keeping them for that one legitimate use-case that hasn't happened in the past 5 years, make the thread number an input factor, like with IDs.


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Reposting an anon comment on /leftypol/ here, because they have some good intent (despite disillusionment and intentional derailing). I think these are valid concerns that should have a discussion, regardless of how stubborn the poster was in not putting their comment somewhere actually useful.

>I said it on bunkerchan, meta as a separate board is fucking cancer

>moderation feedback thread should be pinned on leftypol like it was at first on bunkerchan until mods panicked at the amount of shit they were getting and created a separate meta board out of the sight of the majority
>second they should be prohibited from using matrix and should create their cthat thread pinned on leftypol frontpage for everyone to see wtf are talking about
>third, moderators should be prohibited from posting about moderation of board matters without their mod tags

PROPOSAL 1: Move the moderation feedback thread (still site-wide) to /leftypol/, instead of /meta/.

It's a weird one, but I think this is the right choice.
Why did the recruitment thread go on /leftypol/? Because it has wide visibility to the main people affected. /meta/ makes sense to me for long-term threads, like for banners and flag suggestions (which would quickly die on a pacy board like /leftypol/) and casual discussion the direction of the site like >>21417
Plus, a separate thread on /meta/ means that the normal /leftypol/ sticky becomes confusing or abused for the same purpose: >>>/leftypol/742065

The second point (not using Matrix) I don't support, because:
- there are ultimately sensitive matters like IP addresses and server details that necessitate non-public chat
- notifications and other desktop integration are extremely useful
- a chat room supplies redundancy that is necessary if the site is down
- chat programs is far more convenient for these matters, and knowing who is online is important in moderation. Even IRC is preferable to an imageboard for moderation.
However the Congress chat should be emphasized as a medium where users can read and interact with decisions without it getting derailed with junk.

PROPOSAL 2: Staff should be banned from posting about moderation or board matters without a capcode.

This is a reasonable expectation, even if it is an inconvenience to log in. Mods are privileged users, and that should be disclosed in relevant situations.


>PROPOSAL 1: Move the moderation feedback thread (still site-wide) to /leftypol/, instead of /meta/.

>It's a weird one, but I think this is the right choice.

>Why did the recruitment thread go on /leftypol/? Because it has wide visibility to the main people affected.

Good post.

However I disagree with putting it in a /leftypol/ sticky for that exact reason. I believe most people do not care about meta issues and the people that spend the most time posting in the mod feedback form, are not acting in good faith as some are but are one of the few people that make posts over and over whining and trying to start drama for attention and validation.

I also do not feel that interacting with mod staff is an integral part of the experience posting on leftypol and I feel that it should be occupying board real estate for posters.
Additionally I believe that the front page of leftypol should be kept tidy and smooth with as few stickies as possible.

In my own experience when I use an imageboard it bothers me to see a frontpage with a bunch of stickies interfering with my ability to see a number of threads when I click on a link and visit a place.

I feel that meta is a more appropriate place to hold the mod feedback thread for those that wish to access it, it is organized specifically for site feedback and is available to those who want to use it when they want to use it while not interfering with site browsing and posting othwerwise.


Proposal 1


there's a mod feedback thread on /leftypol/
seriously it's right there


I agree with both of these ideas more or less, I always thought moving mod feedback off leftypol was a mistake, however, there needs to be more clarity on what exactly mods are not allowed to say without mod tags on. For example: are mods not allowed to say like 'I think x on leftypol is pretty good' in a general non official thread? That might be going too far.


I don't really understand the first proposal as we already have a moderation feedback thread stickied on /leftypol/ >>>/leftypol/742065 unless you mean removing any feedback thread on /meta/ and redirect everything to the /leftypol/ one. However that would be quite a mistake because where, then, would someone banned on /leftypol/ could appeal and complain about the moderation? It would encourage people to break the rules and ban evade which is idiotic.

For the 2nd proposal like caballo said >>21969 what exactly would be considered 'banned speech" needs to be clarified.


>banned speech
I'd simply say such a rule is unenforceable.
Fundamentally here's my problem: I don't know how someone with political education could come up with that. Might as well say mods need to say three Hail Marys after any action.


Make a second 25% longer. A new 1 second will be equal to a current 1.25 second.


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Proposal: Put a damn catalog button on top also.

Unique IPs: 23

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