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 [Last 50 Posts]

Hello everyone. This is the thread to make proposals. Feel free to have your say whether user or mod. We have these proposals did not pass last week, but may be worthy of further discussion:

Proposal: Moderator votes remain the counted votes in admin decisions, but users should let vote using strawpolls (or perhaps polling systems built into the site?) per topic to display general user attitude to a proposal. If the majority User opinion directly opposes moderator majority vote then the proposals should be discussed and votes called on again after a break of 1-2 weeks to let people rethink positions on a topic.

Proposal: Make this the ‘official’ Leftypol channel >>>/leftypol/534666

Proposal: I think that we should also keep the current userbase engaged, making things like weekly game tournaments, actual organized debates, movie nights followed by discussion and so on. I've been thinking that a weekly leftypol podcast could be a good idea, just a couple of anons talking about what happened in the board and the world during the past week and inviting people to talk if they so desire, we could have debates there, and interviews and other things, and share it on spotify for others to see.

Once again, I must clarify that ONLY MODS CAN ACTUALLY VOTE ON PROPOSALS OR VOTES. Anons are free to have their say and offer suggestions and feedback to improve proposals/votes but these are only advisory and user votes are not counted for official decisionmaking. But who knows, a persuasive enough argument might sway the mod team to your cause?

Please reply to this post to post proposals for consideration next week. If a user proposal seems like a good idea, we may adopt it and make it official. Thanks everyone. Feel free to post your opinions but try not to spam or needlessly bicker back and forth in order to keep the thread clear and legible. Any off-topic posts may be removed without warning.


>Proposal: I think that we should also keep the current userbase engaged, making things like weekly game tournaments, actual organized debates, movie nights followed by discussion and so on. I've been thinking that a weekly leftypol podcast could be a good idea, just a couple of anons talking about what happened in the board and the world during the past week and inviting people to talk if they so desire, we could have debates there, and interviews and other things, and share it on spotify for others to see.
I mean I don't have any problem with this proposal but who would be willing to invest their time and energy to do that?


fookin' hell that pic gives me conniptions


the freshest proposal thread here: kinda of some time from today but April Fools word filters'd probably be fun, like Fuck being turned to Duck, so any swearing becomes 'ducking' hilarious. Just a thought


They did play with wordfilters last April, didn't they? that was fun


Also, an even more atrocious theme than jungle becoming the standard for the day.


Remove (you)s on replies.
Keep (you)s on your posts so it is easier to find your own posts.
4chinlets thrive on (you)s and removing them may lower incentive to b8


Since it's late Thursday already, this post will be recycled next week.

PROPOSAL: I propose the rules page be changed to the following rules. The intent of this is to provide clarification, remove 'unwritten rules', and remove long paragraphs, rather than change any policies.




0) Intentionally evading a ban will result in an immediate, long-term ban.

1) Anyone posting child pornography, child modelling or who attempts to challenge this rule (e.g. 'this is technically legal') will be permanently banned. Their information will be forwarded to relevant legal authorities.

2) Spam and malicious flooding is banned. This includes flooding a thread in protest, posting off-topic content in unrelated threads, and soyjak spam (quoting with no meaningful addition). Bot spam will result in a permanent ban. If you wish to make a post to advertise another site such as an imageboard or disc0rd server, contact the moderators for clearance.

3) Actively promoting extreme illegal activity ('fedposting') may be removed or banned at the discretion of the moderators. There are more suitable sites for doing that.

4) Pretending to be multiple users ('samefagging') in order to fake popularity or start drama will usually result in a ban. Imitating a staff member is banned.

5) Any 'shock images' (gore, extreme pornography, abuse, etc.), regardless of intention, may be removed and punished with a ban. If it's legitimately constructive to a conversation, it may stay up if hidden using the Spoiler Image button and clearly described in the post to avoid being confused for trolling.

6) Direct calls to maliciously raid other communities are banned. This includes raiding other imageboards and calls to brigade live-streamers. Leftypol is not your personal army.

These rules are enforced less rigorously on /siberia/ than they are on more 'high-quality' boards such as /leftypol/ or /edu/.

7) Reactionism and liberalism, or any other kind of non-leftist positions are not banned in itself, as we will endeavour to allow and encourage people of other political philosophies to explore leftism through /leftypol/ so long as they follow the rules contained herein. However, non-leftist users are ultimately to be considered ‘guests’ and thus will be removed if they prove a nuisance or disrupt the normal functioning of the site. Low-effort raiders will be banned.
Opening posts with liberalism or reactionary topics will be treated with far more scrutiny to prevent them filling the catalog.

8) Creating a new thread for a topic with an existing 'general' thread (e.g. creating threads about COVID-19 news, any e-celebrities, or USA mainstream politics) will be deleted or merged and will usually result in a short ban. Creating a redundant thread will be treated the same. Search the Catalog view search to find existing threads.

9) Due to derailing, COVID denialism outside the COVID-19 thread will be deleted.

10) All boards except for /siberia/ (and potentially /roulette/) are 'Safe For Work' boards. Pornography should not be posted on them without good reason, and any pornography on these boards should be hidden using the Spoiler Image option. New threads on /siberia/ with pornographic topics should have a Spoiler Image on the opening post.

11) Posts should, overall, be conductive to an informed and productive discussion. /leftypol/ is not an academic journal, but it also should not be a cesspit of back and forth bickering and pointless insults. Users should attempt to argue for the point they are presenting in an honest and open way and should be receptive to information or arguments that do, in fact, challenge their views.

12) Reactionary 'I am [ideology] AMA'-type threads are considered inherently bad faith and off-topic, and will be removed from /leftypol/.

13) /leftypol/ is committed to the ideal that the left should have an avenue for open discussion, so all ‘mainstream’ leftist ideologies will be permitted (so long as they do not violate the conditions set out in [[Article 1)]]. /leftypol/ does not adhere to a specific leftist ideology. Sectarianism is banned. This includes idpol and '[left ideology] hate' threads.

14) To ensure a basic level of quality, topics or posts will not be tolerated when contributions are not conductive to well-intentioned discussion. Therefore, posts or topics are likely to be removed at the discretion of moderation staff if they;

a) argue under false pretences ("false flagging")
 e.g. "Hey fellow commies, did you prep your wife's bull today?"
b) imply reactionary or false positions of the userbase as a form of group shaming
 e.g. "Why do you guys all hate white people?"
c) are of an overly derisive and mocking nature
 e.g. "haha, btfo commies hitler rulez"
d) are of a gratuitously offensive or hysterical nature
 e.g. "I hate fucking Mudslimes, we need to hang them all before they rape our children"
e) are debating inherently reactionary topics where no reasonable debate is possible
 e.g. "In what way should be exterminate the lesser races, guys?"
f) are low effort sectarian bait rather than good faith discussion
 e.g. “Tankie/Anarkiddie hate thread” or “Why does this theorist suck so much?”
g) are likely to create pointless and unconstructive arguments about ‘idpol’ (as defined in Article 1)
 e.g. “Why can’t I have women as sex slaves?” or “Why are whiteoids like this?”

These examples are low quality posts that are considered, at best, bait, but are better described as spam. Any poster that violates this rule may be subject to a ban, and any post that violates this is subject to deletion at the discretion of moderators, if they feel that the topic may be an avenue for productive discussion.


15) Volunteers may remove other posts according to their own discretion which they feel do not contribute to the stated mission of /leftypol/, but they should try to adhere to the standards of the community and of their fellow moderators, and to refrain from arbitrary decisions. Where there is disagreement among moderators, the matter will be decided by informal consensus of currently active moderators. If there is still disagreement, the matter should be escalated to a formal vote.

16) Users have the right to question and challenge any bans or post removals, or other moderator actions, which they feel are unfair or do not live up to the spirit of the rules. This may be done in the moderation feedback threads on the various boards, on the /meta/ board, through the ban appeal feature, or in the Leftypol Matrix Congress chat, but comments should be considered and constructive, and should not devolve into polemics against the volunteers. Ultimately, the judgement of the moderation team is final.

edits made since posting:
18/11: Moved 7) to board rules, added subtitle to board rules, and applied suggestions from >>14672


PROPOSAL: I propose we publicly and formally reconsider (via /leftypol/ sticky) whether 'Rule 6 in the above list should remain once more staff are recruited.'

PROPOSAL: I propose we publicly and formally reconsider (via /leftypol/ sticky) the extent to which Rule 7 in the above list (currently rule 3) is enforced, due to discontent in the /meta/ moderation sticky (e.g. >>14635 ), excessive ban lengths, user concerns with over-reach, and sterilization negatively affecting organic activity, discussion and entertainment. The rule explicitly states that reactionism and liberalism are not in themselves banned unless they are disruptive.

PROPOSAL: Officially forwarding this as a proposal, as I believe it should be voted on.

Already a policy.


this makes following conversations wank
although it may be interesting to replace (you)s with a red line at the side of a post or similar, which would make it easier to track if you've been replied to without having the exact same effect as a (you). though of course that makes it more difficult to come back to a long thread where you've made a niche point and ctrl+f to see if anyone's engaged with it or not.


Some feedback on the Rules:
I think most of the Global rules are too harsh and should probably be mostly excluded from /siberia/ on the pretext of it being a shitposting board. Spamming and shitposting is kinda the point of an anonymous forum, and raiding 4chan is something people do in response to /pol/ raids. So isolating that to /siberia/ (and anchoring particularly provocative posts) permits people to continue to let loose but not shit up the rest of the site.

>Intentionally evading a ban will result in a permanent ban

This is too nebulous: ban-evaders IP hop and often permabans end up blocking legit IPs that do nothing but harm other users, leaving the evader untouched. Moreover a sitewide ban system means that, to post a proper appeal on /meta/, you need to use Tor and on a technical basis that'd be considered ban evasion too.
>Spam and flooding is banned
I think that's kind of obvious, but you should be specific about defining spam. TheThingNoticer shit is obvious crap but sometimes I or other users post different in succession because posting a single and excessively massive textwall post is annoying to other users and the poster.
>advertise a relevant site, contact the moderators for clearance.
Please define advertising a "relevant site", because users link to sites as sources for arguments or news and just general discussion literally all the time. There aren't enough mods active to "clear" things for every link that gets posted, especially since the moderation kind of drops off at times. Archive.is is not infallible and cannot save some sites, neither can archive.org (robots.txt) and freezepage/Googlecache have been failing as of late.
>shock images
The mods should probably provide examples of that in a document, not to mention Spoilers fail sometimes or get forgotten. I suggest that first you give a warning 5 minute ban to let a user know, and if they continue posting shock images then you can hit a longer ban.
>Calls to raid are banned
Does this include agitating support for a leftist movement? Because activism is a common reason for use of this site.

>non-leftist users are ultimately to be considered ‘guests’ and thus will be removed if they prove a nuisance or disrupt the normal functioning of the site. Low-effort raiders will be banned.

>Already a policy.


>more difficult to come back to a … thread where you've made a … [post] and ctrl+f to see if anyone's engaged with it or not.
thats the point
I didnt have any issues with the no (you)s on bunkerchan, and with the new search feature, it generally shouldn't be a problem to find whatever post you're looking for anyway.
(you)s are a matter of convenience


>Spamming and shitposting is kinda the point of an anonymous forum
I'm going to say 'no it isn't'. It can be, but there are dozens I've used with substantial quality control and purpose. Lainchan is a well-known example.
But I believe that's a valid point in this case with /siberia/. I think historically there has been issues with inconsistent moderation on /b/ where the only clue apart from experience was the name and the line (something like) "Rule enforcement is more lax in /b/". There were conflicting views by both users, other users, mods and other mods about what is allowed there.
On one hand, the site has stabilized enormously after the dividing of leftychan/b/ and leftypol/siberia/. It's fair to say there was a type of user responsible for the vast majority of prolonged /b/ edgeposting and antagonization, who almost exclusively used /b/ (which is part of why /siberia/ was hit so much harder after the coup than /leftypol/ or any /alt/ board). And, to be frank, it's much more comfy now that they've fucked off. On the other, I also agree that some of the /b/ shitposting was fun, constructive even. The balance is in the middle, for me.
(basically: "yes")
Maybe a "The following global rules do not apply to /siberia/: " clause would be appropriate as it's global except there, adding any caveats for partial enforcement. Does that sound appropriate?

>Intentionally evading a ban will result in a permanent ban

This is a good point. In fact, I just realized we can probably set a 'default' ban time of 1h (instead of blank, which results in a permaban if careless) so hurried anti-raid bans don't perma all the VPNs (and the Tor clearnet ban makes it less and less necessary). Additionally, we should prioritize this issue for making bans default to a board instead of all boards, especially since our rules endorse appeals on /meta/

>you should be specific about defining spam

Good idea, maybe a list of some types of spam like "(raiding, flooding, quoting dozens of posts for a shitpost, unsolicited advertising, soyjak greentexting)". Hopefully other mods chip in with any details as I think I've seen 'spam' used to describe other things.

>Please define advertising a "relevant site"

Good crit, my intent was for that to mean "visit my imageboard /leftypol/!" or "join my chatroom" threads/spam. As with all alt imageboards, we get the generic imageboards spam threads quite a bit. I should clarify that to not include organic endorsement of sites you're talking about.

>shock images

Doesn't it list them?
>5) Any 'shock images' (gore, extreme pornography, abuse, etc.)


Already a policy ;)

>>Already a policy.

Here's the list of the last lot of April filters: https://git.leftypol.org/leftypol/leftypol/commit/695d407d69c0ee02e96f96664d11cfb435bb194c
It was generally well received (except for that thread were everyone laughed at that one anon) so we'll probably do something similar.

>>more difficult to come back to a … thread where you've made a … [post] and ctrl+f to see if anyone's engaged with it or not.
>thats the point
<you will read the fugging thread :DDD:DD
<nooo let me only read my replies

What are thoughts on (You)s disabled by default, requiring a checkbox in the [Options] menu to enable? It would de-dopamine raiders a bit and allow regular users the significant convenience.


PROPOSAL: in response to >>>/leftypol/582312 and replies: remove behavior where posting a reply jumps to the bottom of the thread.


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>my intent was for that to mean "visit my imageboard /leftypol/!" or "join my chatroom" threads/spam
I thought that, but it'd good to be clear so other mods don't abuse the rule's vagueness
>maybe a list of some types of spam like
Yes, sounds good.
>set a 'default' ban time
Good idea


Kinda Esoteric TBH. And you make a good point, that's the reason I like /siberia/ being essentially a trash dump, filtering out high-speed shitposting and bad content from /leftypol/ and the other alt boards.

>a "The following global rules do not apply to /siberia/: " clause

Yes, partial enforcement sounds pretty good, kinda like 4/trash/. I feel that /siberia/ acts as an outlet for the more site-destructive tendencies of anons, letting them be less cancerous on other boards and thus help target bad faith spammers more easily.


making that part of the point actively reduces engagement. people coming into a thread to post bait is the primary part of the problem. people posting a niche point about staffing at aeroflot (or whatever) in a thread about the entirety of the USSR, less so.

the lack of (you)s on bunkerchan is one reason i took up a tripflag: to make finding things easier.

>What are thoughts on (You)s disabled by default, requiring a checkbox in the [Options] menu to enable? It would de-dopamine raiders a bit and allow regular users the significant convenience.
this is probably ideal, or would at least make an interesting experiment.


>the lack of (you)s on bunkerchan is one reason i took up a tripflag: to make finding things easier.
In my original proposal I recommend keeping a (you) on the posts YOU make, but removing the (you)s on the replies.


For the love of shit, finally.


>people posting a niche point about staffing at aeroflot (or whatever) in a thread about the entirety of the USSR
Is this a real example? link? and even if it is a niche point, it's still related to the content being made.
I think a better example is derailing of threads using content that clearly doesn't belong in regards to the main discourse of the OP in any capacity.


Does anyone object to the idea of just making the proposals thread permanent, to reduce workload? It could also give people more time to hash out ideas.


I think they should be made monthly and pinned until the end of the month, then a new thread made for the next month.


was my reply deleted
mods should make an effort to ban rightists/reactionaries
they actively scare away actually productive and leftist posters who decide the community isn't worth posting in and leave behind teenagers and /pol/jaks and other shitters who feed back into the scare effect

i've known a few people who've mentioned they don't post here cuz of it myself


I remember there being an extra reply


I did remove it. Saying "you should rangeban reactionaries" sounds like moderation feedback rather than a proposal, because we already ban them (almost every day). Therefore, it's in the wrong /meta/ thread. This is for proposals. Are you proposing a concrete rule/policy change?


>>14747 (cont'd)
And if it is a concrete proposal that all reactionary posts should be banned (which indeed is explicitly not a rule, second half of rule 3), it's worth considering that /leftypol/ may not be the right place for people who are trying to post in a very restricted, 'safe' environment like chat rooms and focused subreddits. The name /leftypol/ itself gives reference to idea that this isn't meant to be as politically restrictive and sterile as other 'left wing' communities. It's a feature. So do take this into consideration in your reply.


>because we already ban them (almost every day)
no you don't. there are gaps. also rule 3 talks about people who want to explore leftism while what i see are concern trolls who drop their guise and show their true colors at the drop of a hat, as well as just openly reactionary and belligerent regulars. you should make rules more clear about bad faith stuff


more a logistics issue than a rule issue.


>openly reactionary and belligerent regulars
If you cannot challenge them (or learn to report and ignore as is the norm of chans) you need to reconsider yourself, it's some random anon's posts on an obscure mug-making site, if anything open reactionaries are easy to deal with, it's the pseudo-communist liberals that try to gaslight people, use fallacies and scream "ur Xphobic" to garner outrage support that are a real issue, since they play on emotions to get people to stop being practical and analytical.


i do challenge em

also there should be explicit rules against moving goalposts/meandering conversation or someone that's clearly just jumping in with pre-prepared script without following the conversation


(nta) I do actually think that goalposts point is potentially useful, like a mod capcode reply saying "Don't move the goalposts." and if they continue, wack them.


there should also be a rule against browbeating ppl with normie "common sense"
like "normal blue collar everyday joe blows that live in my head don't care about X so you're dumb/stop talking about it"


>ike "normal blue collar everyday joe blows that live in my head don't care about X so you're dumb/stop talking about it"
You sound like a salty liberal, most of the time [X] tends to be idpol garbage.


you sound like a salty rightoid that concern trolls leftypol FOR FREE


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shrigma flag


We need to add a wordfilter for degenerate and degeneracy
polyps just cant help themselves, even false flagging they keep repeating it.


>N-no u
>Everyone that calls out my liberalism is /pol/ that'll get 'em!
Go back.


whoevers the admin of this site, you really should add these lines to your https://leftypol.org/robots.txt :
Disallow: /anime/thumb/
Disallow: /anime/src/
Disallow: /edu/src/*.pdf$
Disallow: /hobby/src/*.pdf$
Disallow: /leftypol/src/*.pdf$
Disallow: /meta/
Disallow: /music/src/*.mp3$
Disallow: /siberia/thumb/
Disallow: /siberia/src/

you can remove Allow: / it is non-standard.

by blocking crawlers from google et al. from indexing images, pdfs and/or mp3s from these slower high-risk boards where people frequently post copyrighted material, this will significantly reduce the amount of DMCAs you get in the future. copyright troll bots regularly scour google images for this stuff.


yes, not only should direct links to pdfs be blocked in /edu/ but /hobby/ too, lots of copyrighted books found there:
/leftypol/ too because of the Reading General thread.

/meta/ as a whole should not be indexed by search engines as it is meant for internal communications/complaints, no reason to publicly broadcast it to the world wide web. just from people posting certain keywords like "DMCA" and "child porn spam" and having that indexed for a long time on google et al. could get you unwanted attention or demoted in search engine rankings.


>Proposal: Moderator votes remain the counted votes in admin decisions, but users should let vote using strawpolls (or perhaps polling systems built into the site?) per topic to display general user attitude to a proposal. If the majority User opinion directly opposes moderator majority vote then the proposals should be discussed and votes called on again after a break of 1-2 weeks to let people rethink positions on a topic.



Just one problem, this makes it harder to archive stuff, pdfs only save properly on wayback archive and it doesn't run on sites using robots.txt Blocking google crawlers also means this site gets less exposure and so people using the browser (a large majority of the population) are going to be filtered from this site.


We can probably allow-list the archive.org bot, not sure what the archive.today (et al.) bot is.

>Blocking google crawlers also means this site gets less exposure

The impact would be small, as it's mostly blocking just images, .mp3s and .pdfs, not the site text. That would mainly affect google images results and people finding .pdfs.
I have some doubts about the need to block anything on /siberia/ as they aren't absolutely filled with commercial copyrighted property likely to get trolled. Worse case, we remove the infringing content.
I think for the .pdfs, it might be better to risk having them up until we start getting hit, since they're a useful resource that may bring people to the site. Does that sound foolish?
I fully agree with /meta/; we have an internal search feature and /meta/ is next-to-useless for public searches. Same with /music/ and anime images, too high-risk for very little reward.


archive.today functions fine it just can't save pdfs for some reason. But yes an allow-list for the archive.org bot is a very good idea.


>I have some doubts about the need to block anything on /siberia/
Definitely not, and frankly mot of leftypol is so fast paced that little stays up there very long to matter, leftypolarchive on the other hand…
/draw/ is almost all OC and /music/ files are fairly tough to copyright (given that even on youtube many copyrighted songs go up and stay up (including in AMVs).
>anime images
Nah images in anime are pretty risk free for the moment, it's only Youtube that get the banhammer for content, even 4chan is pretty safe, people upload leaked content there all the time.


>PROPOSAL: I propose the rules page be changed to the following rules. The intent of this is to provide clarification, remove 'unwritten rules', and remove long paragraphs, rather than change any policies.
>PROPOSAL: Officially forwarding this as a proposal, as I believe it should be voted on.


>PROPOSAL: I propose the rules page be changed to the following rules. The intent of this is to provide clarification, remove 'unwritten rules', and remove long paragraphs, rather than change any policies.
yeah sure


>I propose the rules page be changed to the following rules.
I vote yes on this.
>I propose we publicly and formally reconsider (via /leftypol/ sticky) whether 'Rule 6 in the above list should remain once more staff are recruited.'
For now I say keep it - its not like we have many communities to which it'd be advantageous to raid anyways. Vote no but willing to revisit on a more provisional basis.
>I propose we publicly and formally reconsider (via /leftypol/ sticky) the extent to which Rule 7 in the above list (currently rule 3) is enforced
Current levels of enforcement is fine in my eyes, so vote no.
While that might be nice conceptually, there is plenty of user-side software to allow for (You)s like 4chanx (which is compatible with this site to an extent) so if they really want it they can easily find it. That besides that was our MO on bunkerchan and it never stopped raiding. Vote nah.


oh, and fucking yes on that one


Aye for this
>PROPOSAL: I propose the rules page be changed to the following rules.
Aye for this
>PROPOSAL: I propose we publicly and formally reconsider (via /leftypol/ sticky) whether 'Rule 6 in the above list should remain once more staff are recruited.'
Nay for this
>PROPOSAL: I propose we publicly and formally reconsider (via /leftypol/ sticky) the extent to which Rule 7 in the above list (currently rule 3) is enforced
Mmm sure, still think we should keep the rule and crack down on reactionary posts, but it's good to have a community discussion about how we go about doing it
>Remove (you)s on replies.
Don't really mind either way. Going to abstain on voting on this one.


Yes to everything

We should LARP like we are going to do another split.


It is good that those people left. They don't want a discussion, they just want a hug box where their weak opinions are validated


Yes, why not.
>PROPOSAL: I propose the rules page be changed to the following rules.
Yes, sure.
>PROPOSAL: I propose we publicly and formally reconsider (via /leftypol/ sticky) whether 'Rule 6 in the above list should remain once more staff are recruited.'
Abstain, I don't really like these kind of 'we vote to consider X' proposals, they don't really mean much. If we want to discuss rule 6 we should just discuss it.
>PROPOSAL: I propose we publicly and formally reconsider (via /leftypol/ sticky) the extent to which Rule 7 in the above list (currently rule 3) is enforced
Abstain as above, for the same reason.
>Remove (you)s on replies.
I vote no, I like (you)s.


remove anchoring and locking features so you faggots have to start deleting reactionary bait



support for webp files please, this isn't the 90s anymore


I'm happy to open this proposal up again.
Consider myself abstaining until I'm satisfied a discussion is had and that it won't lead to 20 non-/meta/ people telling us to reverse it.

The general points at this point in time:
Significant filesize benefits, supports lossy compression, animation and transparency
Increased web usage, reduces need t convert before uploading
Already know viewable by users
Many image editors don't support WebP, it's considered a major annoyance when someone downloads one. I'm not sure how much this has changed in the past year.
Google invented it (I don't really believe in this argument being important since it's an open format that doesn't really support them by using it. And we already use WebM lmao)

I think I should do some user polling to see what exactly doesn't work for people. My guess is it will only wreck Windows Photo Viewer and Photoshop with maybe one or two niche editors.

AVIF / JPEG-XL browser support when


doesn't webp do that thing where it pretends to be a different filetype and you don't realize it's webp until you have downloaded it?


it's supported by microsoft paint and GIMP
what more do you need


That's the fault of websites I think. I wonder how that would affect here (I assume uploading a WebP named a.png would work, so the only inconvenience is to someone who downloads it and it breaks things).

I want to agree, and if that is the case I'm kind of satisfied nagging people to install gentoo. If there's something bigger we're missing, I'd like to know early.


what's the downside to adding support? who cares if some dumbass complains


I suppose all the biggest problems have simple workable solutions like the Windows codec add-on, it will just be things like a few editors. I'll do a quick feedback thread to make sure we aren't missing anything and then I'm happy to trial it.


Proposal: Create two more archive boards (/siberia_archive/, /alt_archive/) for non-/leftypol/ threads with either significant content or discussion that reach bump limit (or special considerations for popular, high-quality, slow threads like /GLSG/ that non-moderators request to archive).
The reason I propose a single archive board for /alt/ is because I predict it will be low traffic and a bit of a waste to have one for each board, even if we try to fill it with old bump-limit'd threads from archives.

This will solve issues like >>>/siberia/110135


>slow threads like /GLSG/ that non-moderators request to archive).
/GLSG/ got archived??

And btw, of course I want this. I agree with a different archive for /siberia/ and /alt/.


>/GLSG/ got archived??
Well kind of; leftychan is so dead that it's effectively archived of their /b/ board.


I second this.


second the proposal, though I motion we may as well skip the vote for expediency if we get enough proposals.


Can we number these proposals per post next time?

1.Vote against. Imo this would self select for a vocal portion of users and could be very easily manipulated.
2.Vote for
3.Vote for of course
but as Krates
put it


1.abstain for now, I'd like to review it later
2.vote for
3.vote against. I think the current level of enforcement is for the most part satisfactory, I don't think a public discussion on the board is sufficient for deciding the extent of this rule, along with the previous one I think a lengthier and more organic discussion would be preferable
4.vote against
Vote yes
we recieve 0 spam or astroturfing from liberals, we recieve daily spam and astroturfing from reactionaries
IMO it would be too difficult to read and reply


halp this link doesn't work


why are you breaking an established convention to never use capital letters in URLs outside of GET requests?


How is that not a GET request lmao

but yeah, I'm happy to check if people want a reconsideration:

PROPOSAL: rename /AKM/ to /akm/. This will require the board to be remade (move posts out, move them back into the new board) but shouldn't be much trouble.
I vote abstain.


>why are you breaking an established convention
AUTISM! Many such cases.


lol who gives a fuck about convention


Or make that link redirect to the actual board.


This might be fixable in nginx. A redirect. Lemme check.


I'm just suggesting that way if we want the full canonical change with the actual title up the top and everything to change. If we just want to allow a secondary URL I can symlink like lainchan do with the greek letter boards ("/tech/" and "/diy/" for example also work).


Bumping this. I need to know before we move some threads across.


to be clear we could change the topbar link to /akm/ without having to remake the board?


Kind of. It's the same technique that adds /GET/ and /ref/ there, so it won't show hover text on the link and won't show stats for the board on the homepage. I'd rather not, in case there are complications.


okay let's leave it then I think


I like it as it is, the capital letters make it distinct and garner attention for the small and new board


It should be deleted


Proposal: Trial a red recolor of the LainchanJP theme for a few days to receive user feedback and promote discussion of theming changes. Theming is generally superficial and simple to adjust, so it's an 'easy win' with real user experience improvement.

I request people who see this message to try the LainchanJP theme now and give feedback so it's not a disaster if/when we do try it and it's broken for some users.

Relevant user comment:
>LainchanJP is the superior looking built-in theme and it should be turned on by default. It has the most legible font and color scheme, and the centered content layout looks well on most screens. It is overall very aesthetically pleasing.

Known issues that MUST be fixed before trialing (reply to add things to this list)
>Quick Reply form is too big


it clashes a ton with other elements like the make a post/reply box which remain uncentered
also lots of padding and text is still too small


>like the make a post/reply box which remain uncentered
on mobile, at least


On muh phone the comment text input is huuuge and spreads out past the screen horizontally and vertically

switched back to yotsuba b for comfyness


/AKM/ should be deleted tbh
gun fetishism is right-wing
ignore my post history on there




<Some feedback / bug reports:


See my experiment here:
>This is an attempt to create a thread as a tor user
>Since I can only do it with an embed, otherwise receiving the error message "select an image" or something to that effect, I conclude that mods should allow the making of threads as a tor user by simply not having to select any file, embed or oekai, maybe giving this option to regular users as well.


Board-specific infinite scroll.
(Say I find only /leftypol/ and /edu/ interesting. Then sfw overboard content is incredibly over-the-top).


Being able to filter boards (this has the usage of overboard(s) in mind, so for example say I use sfw overboard: I filter /games/ let's say)
(I didn't notice that this feature had already been implemented).


Add "filter by flag" to the Post menu


Add a darker tone to "Anonymous", when it's a saged post, when posting with the default theme "Dark Red", so as to be consistent with how most imageboard themes work.


there should be a temporary bump-lock on threads since a lot of people don't realize saging is basic BBS etiquette
like a thread could be auto-saged for the first 5-10 minutes after the last bump, or if it's on page 1 or 2. or a combination of both, like a time period after it leaves a certain threshold of pages (i.e. 10 minutes after it leaves page 3)


vote against


most people look at the top threads to see what has recently been replied to. this would mean that whichever threads got to page 1 or 2 would end up staying there until someone ventures lower on the list. it would give more power to decide the front page to people who read farther down but would also probably increase the post rate of whichever threads end up near the top. it would probably have the opposite of the (presumed) intended effect of spreading out the posts over more threads


>most people look at the top threads to see what has recently been replied to
those kinds of people are exactly who this is meant for. why is that even something to be defended?
the "intended effect" is just to stop certain threads from taking supremacy just because they're hot at the moment and keeping the boards balanced as a whole, and putting it on the users to navigate smartly for once


>those kinds of people are exactly who this is meant for. why is that even something to be defended?
I'm not defending it. I'm explaining what effect the change would have.
>stop certain threads from taking supremacy
but that's exactly what you would get any time you don't have someone around looking for older threads to bump - the top threads would stay in the same order and you'd get more posting in the very top ones


>but that's exactly what you would get any time you don't have someone around looking for older threads to bump
what does that even mean, and why would that be a bigger problem than social media tier self-rewarding of engagement?


how about just scrub /ITG/ and any marginally related discussion away
containment never works


File: 1642066153779.jpg (85.49 KB, 612x448, ground.jpg)

I2P tunnel pls


How many people would realistically use this over tor?


everyone with a functioning brain



Bug report:
<Hide a couple of threads
>On page refresh of the overboard see the recently bumped [hidden threads] in the correctly hidden manner, but when scrolling down to pull more, older threads and a couple of said pulled threads have been [hidden] since before - they for some odd reason show up as unhidden.


tor is backdoored to pluto and back iirc
meanwhile i2p uses widely trusted encryption methods and such


D e l e t e / s i b e r i a /



>no rationale given


Mods ignore criticism when the rationale is given anyway so I will just continue to voice the original and continuing demand for the removal of /siberia/ whether you like it or not. Simply scroll up if you want reasoning.


It's not mods you should convince, retard. Seriously think for 1 fucking second about things. Get a paper and pencil and write shit down.


>Seriously think for 1 fucking second about things.


>It's not mods you should convince
uygha the only reason I posted Delete siberia again is because other users have also started writing it recently again on /meta/. The demand for it is growing.
> Get a paper and pencil and write shit down.
I will repost my earlier reasoning in a shortened and clarified manner. This is one of the reasons which have led caused several anons on /meta/ to keep writing "delete /siberia/" for the last months, as they are either in full or partial agreement with the following sentiment.
Delete /siberia/.
The porn is one of the lesser problems with the board. The main problem is that it's a concession to the reactionary memetic hegemony of 4chan/b/ and effectively makes it so that /siberia/ has become a camp site / breeding ground for reactionary anons subverting our discussions. Only snakes have benefited from the creation of /siberia/ and it's literally not a coincidence that we've seen a corresponding decline in quality with its addition.


But frankly, ever since the above reasoning was written, the porn problem have gotten even worse.


There are a few threads worth saving in there though.


In /siberia/, that is.


I agree. When mods were being much stricter with Siberia, the disc0rd nazbol types were the first ones to seethe.
I think Siberia can work, but it needs much less "lol le random, I do i little trolling, le edgy meme" shit. And also no porn. I think an off topic board is a good idea, but it needs to be more "serious" and waaaay less shitposty because it does attract and fester nazbol types.


>bad posts on /siberia/ is why we have bad posts on /leftypol/
do you even read the shit you write or do you just slam enter after the stream of thought diarrhea is done?


>boards are firewalled between each other and its impossible for users to simply click between them
>I'm very intelligent and poop is funny
Finish high school, I believe in you


Has a reason ever been given as to why the blatantly /pol/-fascist "BBC Kino thread" on /siberia/ has been allowed to bump for months on end? It's filled with violent misogynistic corporate pornography and race fetishism as well as clearly /pol/-type racial supremacy narratives. Is it a creation of / protected by the woke IDpol pushing mods that took over last year or why have they not heeded the constant calls of anons to delete it?


How do we kill /siberia/ without taking a serious hit to our number of IP's?


>we have bad posts on /leftypol/ because people can visit boards by clicking on them
wow, you're an idiot. you still have to explain how content on one board affects the content on another board. how does you posting BBC cuck porn in /siberia/ make it harder for me to post a thread about Negri on /edu/? take your time, you're clearly struggling with conditional statements and causation.


this. anyone trying to shut down /siberia/ is a wrecker.


You create some new specific boards and don't consider porn as "contributions" to the community (because they're hegemonic sludge)
community =/= pph
Found the coomer now hysterical about the prospect of losing their dopamine circuit smuggled into a Marxist political website. You're despicable.


Low effort posting (and irrelevant namefag drama) spills to other boards.

Many people use the overboard btw. Reposting my suggestions below:

A new vision for siberia:
- no porn nor lewds (unless user made)
- no braindead threads (no soyjak threads, no retarded OPs, etc.)
- no threads of exclusively namefag drama.
- no reactionary shit, even if ironic. I am looking at you, shay, and sabinyak, possibly junko too. Stop posting reactionary shit even if "joking".
- no pedo-jacketing
- no idpol
- especially no trans idpol. That includes the suspiciously well researched transphobe posting about why trans are bad because of some random research paper. If you're going to post about trans seriously ONLY good vibes. Capitalism is shit enough and nobody wants to hear you spew hateful drivel.

NO R9k SHIT section:
- no r9k shit.
- no incel shit.
- no "why are women like this" threads
- no generalizing women
- no "tfw no gf" threads
- no anti sex threads
- no pro sex threads
- no "I want to commit suicide" or "I am depressed" threads.
- no virgin threads
- no "e-thot" threads, either simping or hating
- no misogyny
- no no-fap, or fap threads in general

I think we should try this for a month and see how it goes.

Low effort posting spreads around the site. Siberia is the breeding grounds for retard posting.


>no reactionary shit, even if ironic
>If you're going to post about trans seriously ONLY good vibes.
>Capitalism is shit enough and nobody wants to hear you spew hateful drivel.
Bro I say this with 100% sincere intentions, but why not just use reddit or twitter?


why couldn’t you just post it here instead of derailing the other thread. are you having a stroke or something


every website is built on a dopamine circuit, the trick for leftypol is to find a way to rig a better circuit.
the underlying problem with /siberia/, like with everything else, is a muddled rationale for each spinoff board. people want, or don't want, a board for 'x', but the discussion always begins and ends there - we never ask why we're making a board from 'x' in a wider sense: is it a board for /leftypol/ users to discuss 'x' or is it a board to attract people interested in 'x' to /leftypol/, or is there some other rationale?

chopping and changing boards isn't going to achieve anything without having a clear picture of what the actual aim is.

reddit and twitter have a completely different site and posting structure to imageboards. there's nothing particularly special about being able to post about how you're le based nazi who hates le transmissions because you're too cool for school.
one could have an imageboard with the moderation rules of club penguin for all it matters. (not so much for leftypol though - all those restrictions on talking about parents, the anti-Malthusians would have a fit…)


Explain your reasoning.

Why don't you go to fbi.gov if socialism for you is merely an edgy aesthetic you put on and off among other ironic and edgy aesthetics you use. How this behavior reflects a deeply hyper individualistic and ultimately reactionary individual is left as an exercise to the reader.


>Explain your reasoning
My reasoning is that your proposal is totally unrealistic for this site.
The mods would never to support it as it would create 10x more work for them and they are barely managing as it is. Especially on /siberia/ which only about four of the jannies are willing to moderate.
The users aren't going to support it either as most /siberia/ anons are guilty of posting one of the things you've listed at some point.
The closest thing to what you're looking for is twitter - which has an army of paid mods to delete "problematic" content - and reddit - which has an army of NEET powermods to do the same. Twitter and reddit also have more progressive cultures, where edgy shit is usually downvoted or ratio'd.
>if socialism for you is merely an edgy aesthetic you put on and off among other ironic and edgy aesthetics you use.
You sound fun.


I don't think the issue is mods. There is no defined purpose for Siberia as it stands now. Explicitly giving permissions to mods to crack down on shit is good.

As for guilty users, I'm guilty too. It's not about blame or guilt. It's about raising the quality of discussion and content.

I don't care about edgy per se. I care about reactionary edgy shit. Give disc0rd nazbols an inch and they will take a mile.
>You sound fun.
Thanks. I am.


>There is no defined purpose for Siberia as it stands now.
yeah, because it's an offtopic board
>Explicitly giving permissions to mods to crack down on shit is good.
Not when the mods are unable to enforce these new rules. That will just lead to inconsistent moderation, and we all know how bad that can be.
>Give disc0rd nazbols an inch and they will take a mile.
Are fbi.gov nazbols the new boogeyman lol
Can you link any fbi.gov nazbol threads that are up right now?


Since 'just use leftychan if you want a liberal /b/' is a valid option now, I can get behind a lot of this.
The only disputes I have are:
>no porn(…)
If it's generic stuff then yes, some of it I think can support a thread so a blanket ban sounds too extreme5me
>braindead threads
I'm not sure what your definition is but there is fun and art in simple, vague, original OPs and this definition gets very subjective very quickly. I do agree with removing generic stuff like soyjak posting or 'humor thread'
>- no […] "I am depressed" threads.
As annoying as they are, I think that can fall under honest non-reactionary venting that seems welcome on /siberia/.

>Low effort posting (and irrelevant namefag drama) spills to other boards.

Reminder to boycott namefags. Don't respond and encourage others not to. I'll even make a set of HET-like images if people want.


But there would be nothing left in /siberia/ if you actually do all that.


>Can you link any fbi.gov nazbol threads that are up right now?
The front pages are clean as of now.
>If it's generic stuff then yes,
I would be inclined to agree if it were easy to define "generic".
>I'm not sure what your definition is but there is fun and art in simple, vague, original OPs and this definition gets very subjective very quickly. I do agree with removing generic stuff like soyjak posting or 'humor thread'
Pretty much agree. That's mostly what I meant.
>As annoying as they are, I think that can fall under honest non-reactionary venting that seems welcome on /siberia/.
One thread or two is fine. No need for so many. They are depressing as fuck too.
Nah, not really.


anyone know the digdeeper neocities guy? can someone with a PGP-enabled email contact him to do a review of this website for his forum classification thing



I forgot they did a forum classification thing. Reading now.

You should do it yourself. It's pretty easy to set up PGP, and for someone who is interested in that kind of site it's something you should learn how to do.

My prediction is that the technical review will be similar to 8chan.se's review: generally good apart from them complaining about the clearnet being 'cuckflared' (I don't like using it either but it's considered a necessary evil in our situation). But socially they'll just call us NWO Nur-Sultanas for the covid general and anti-reactionary rules, and give us the same kind of review as Raddle.me because lefties freeze muh peach.


they can call out a lot of bullshit but then they also have a bunch of dumb reactionary views that they're extremely adamant about aside from that. kinda disappointing


TBH it's easy to call out bullshit, especially nowadays, it's actually having good opinions of your own that's the problem


ok nvm i take it back i vote for removing porn from /siberia/, it can get grating and attracts neanderthals


Could >>>/leftypol/513986 be archived?



Thank you kindly.


I propose that we adopt this updated version of the constitution (and update the welcome topic on /leftypol/ with it).


Vote aye


I actually agree so voting yes


this part always annoys me just because every mod kinda has their own different perspective of what these things are and different ideas of when you cross the line


I understand that, but I don't think it is really possible to actually define 'this post is ok, this post gets banned' in an objective way because there's so many variables


You're too unspecific. Some of the example quotes in those points are ridiculous and obviously warrant deletion from any even semi-legit mod. Which points are you thinking of moreso than others?


Proposal: Add a soyjak board /soy/ as the next roulette topic


threads that could be archived:


>I don't like using it either but it's considered a necessary evil in our situation
there are other solutions to the problems that it's supposed to solve
one is a reverse proxy that can filter out junk requests and stuff


If i ask for a thread that still hasn't gotten full yet to be archived, would that remove it from the catalog of, say, /siberia/? Because i think >>>/siberia/194052 is worth saving, though i don't want to cull the possibility of other people posting there.


archive pls >>>/leftypol/56299


Mods please consider archiving these.



File: 1645070895837.png (61.09 KB, 256x256, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you, based mod.


Could this thread: >>>/leftypol/703603 be archived? Reacting to the leaks there was loads of fun.



I request an eurasianism flag


File: 1646892947487-0.jpg (191.57 KB, 1326x1009, do it pussy faggot.JPG)

File: 1646892947487-1.png (945.4 KB, 900x615, 1646887819075.png)

can i get a glowy flag?



There already is one


How about a NATO flag?


can we have something like 4chan pass?

I am a tor user, IP is banned because someone else posted something about mods being lgbt. pass will be useful to users using vpns or tor.

maybe have a 1 week waiting time before the pass is given, so it dissuades trolls, maybe we can have a questionnaire from das kapital?
If there is a money option, I dont think it should be the only option, cuz even 1 dollar is too much for 3 world bros due to inflated fiat, and is also an anonymity issue.


We will be forced to come up with something for Tor


Filter all mentions of “Ukraine” to “Nazi occupied Russia”


Seconded. Also filter "King Lear" to "King Clown" because if he's going to shitpost relentlessly he should at least be denied the privilege of larping as a famous legend.


We should have mandatory flagging, with geo-location, if possible, it would mostly prevent samefagging while still keeping anonymity, and it would provide evidence to see to what extent the "ugh burger hours", "krauts are reactionary" are true. Of course, people could still have other flags if they wanted to.


And, it would also help detect glowies as well!




Proposal: Filter Agent Kochinski (Vaowsh) to Kharkiv Kid Finder


I agree, though we should probably revert it post-Ukraine crisis


geolocation would obliterate anonymity if you mean showing what city people are in. some americans might be okay, but anyone out in Iowa's going to be fucked. Then anyone in a country like Britain or Germany will be recognisable just because of the low probability we've got more than one poster from Belfast.


Abstain, no objection.
But I do feel there should be talk soon about policies on wordfilters and the validity of their purposes (e.g. disrupting external terminology and bait but not internal conversation, creating humor).

I heard this discussed elsewhere and someone raised the point basically said in >>18466 , where even on a national scale anyone outside the biggest 5-10 countries is effectively pseudonymous and possibly even unique. They mentioned /int/ as an example where 'that India poster' or something is almost an accurate identity.

How? Any competent operation would be aware that proxies exist.


Implying that glowies are competent. See 'Elgin AFB'. But I don't think nation flags are a good idea, unless maybe optional.


Yeah we should do optional


it should be against the rules to reply to a blatant bait thread


Here's a proposal: forced anonimity on /leftypol/. Threads get derailed by conversations that discuss the namefags. Who gives a fuck who the namefags are, they aren't special, and literally none of them add anything productive or insightful, they're just "wacky characters" and jesters.


I think it's a good thing people can point and laugh at the schizos and not mistake them for real humans


what you call "pointing and laughing" is usually called derailing. and I said /leftypol/ the board, not leftypol.org the website, so tripfags can tard it up in /siberia/ and every other board. I imagine most of them post on /anime/ anyway, just an assumption, I have never visited /anime/.


Make grillpilledschizo a mod


no, kys


No, I can't be bothered to do it again. Give it to sage or socdem flag anon instead.


I knew it, fuck these mods.


Nah, I wasn't kicked out. It was a mix of my old PC that had my throwaway mod protonmail and matrix log-ins literally melting down and me loosing mod log-in because this happened during Pineapple meltdown after which all mods got purged and then readmitted case by case. Also I was on holiday at the time and couldn't be bothered to mod, and didn't really want to continue doing so.


no one cares, you stupid fuck, they're making fun of you. lol


Proposal: Ban soyjak memes because they are unfunny and stagnate meme production to a dead end as well as stagnate all discussions leading to a dead end of nothing but soyjak versus soyjak. Limit poljak use to specific scenarios such as responses to /pol/yps and in OC thread to prevent it's overuse. Wojak memes are trash in general but this would help make the site more tolerable focusing here. No one likes looking at soyjaks. It's a very rightoid meme because the entire notion is making fun of someone based on appearances not their characteristics that actually matter for discussion and prevents real criticism to evoke change.


File: 1648371796682.jpg (225.1 KB, 1600x894, loathesome_papiez.jpg)

You think I care? That just means we have progressed into a new stage of my social experiment of what happens when you take a shit on imageboard "anonimity" culture and openly make all your takes, good or bad, under a singular idiotic namefag. You are my entertainment as much as I am yours.


You are absolutely right to be offended by that (if true). I want to say there were circumstances but something like that should never happen.


There is an existing rule against: "soyjak spam (quoting with no meaningful addition)". Are you describing posts that don't fit that definition?

>stagnate meme production

I make content in the OC thread. Do you?


These new developments only show that the current mod team is a fucking joke, hell I would even go as far as saying that CIA themselves created this as some kind of social experiment.

If this site wants to survive the majority of the mod team should be purged immediately, and brand new mods should be recruited,these people are not capable of moderating this site.


>vague statements of "rrampant problems"
>moral panic
>sows dissent
textbook wrecker shit. Fuck off.



File: 1648403992890.gif (26.8 KB, 112x112, janny bounce.gif)

Counter proposal: Make a soyjak board


'pineapple meltdown'?


Oh, shit, my bad. I meant Watermelon. The janny and his friends who tried to coup the site over what, if memory serves, was a spat about avatrfags on siberia and the question of /dead/ moderation, or similarpy pointless reasons.


And by that I mean a liberal getting into the mod team.


I like how one geopolitical disagreement now is enough to label one a liberal. I could call you a liberal sellout as well for suporting the capitalist regime of Russia, ya know. Or rather a Kautskyite dog, playing a "tankie".


Lol, what the fuck is it then.


>There is an existing rule against: "soyjak spam (quoting with no meaningful addition)".
>Are you describing posts that don't fit that definition?
Yes. I'm saying it should be expanded to a larger scope as they often are low quality posts regardless of if it's just spammed or not. Though I suppose an alternative proposal would be to require a certain level of constructiveness in posts especially when addressing fellow leftists.

>I make content in the OC thread. Do you?

Yes now and then for some years. Unfortunately I lost my work and dont know if anyone kept it. What I am saying is imageboards even in general are overly relying on the same stale ugly meme format these days and we should strive for better discourse and memeing instead of shitting where we eat.



Purge all the polcels, stormcucks and shitty bait threads. If i have to see another 14 year old demanding we give him attention on this board i swear to god.


you know this will never actually happen


Clearly define the boards and moderation teams position on what is and isn't wrongthink punishable by banning concerning the non-violent short term miliatary special exercise in the rural village of Malorossya by changing the rules to account for it.


We talked about it a bit at the latest meeting and I'll bring it up again with the rest of the mod team. I found the post you were banned for to not be rule breaking and unbanned you for now assuming you were not ban evading.


I am touched anon


Filter “multipolarity” to “multipoo-larpity” for laughs


In fact multi poo larp city


May I ask why the janny in question isn't being repreminded for power abuse? Because I just turned up for my evening shitposting time and found I have been banned once again, literally for an almost identical post, once again not violating any rules, and once again with a "reason" that is just "I dun't leik wut u said". Also this is like the fourth time, and keep in mind that second to last time it was a seven day ban and a situation just the same. If its personal janny vendetta, just tell me to leave to my face instead of this retarded goodcop badcop autism.


What post were you banned for?


>Do you ever consider how ball to the wall bloodthirsty your supposedly antifash rethoric is? No doubt this post will get me banned for a trumped up reason that doesn't violate any rules again, but it has to be said. A nazi is no less human then you. A nazi is no worse than a recidivist. When it comes to the mental process and dehumanizing the other, you are no different than the nazies sperging out about how based based based it is to see mass graves of executed communists. And its all due to the same fucking idiotic reason of both you and the nazi wanting to larp out an imaginary glorious past war that you never were and never will be a part of. Because thr Third Reich and the USSR are long burried and dead. Its the same shit like those hawkish burger rightwingers who still wrote Russians as "le bad guys" in all their military fiction just for old times sake.


Oh and if anyone is wondering the ban "reason" was just greentext of:
> A nazi is no less human then you.
To translate I can only assume I was banned because being an uncompromising humanist is a big no no in the 5th collectors edition of leftypol rules that are only privy to the jannies themselves.



Just stop banning Grillpill already, this place doesn't need to become even more of a hugbox.


Just stop unbanning Grillpill already, this place doesn't need to become even more of a cesspit.


Just stop ununbanning Grillpill already, this place doesn't need to become even more of a circlejerk.


PROPOSAL: allow tor users to upload fucking images you lazy bastards


I propose we make a svoboda flag as the idpol counterpart to z gang flag


File: 1651062491634.png (3.14 MB, 1392x1010, average pole.png)

Proposal: I think we should make posting frogs and non-leftist wojaks a bannable offense. They're avatars the of shitposters and "people" who post them consistently make bad threads and derail acceptable ones. I see little loss in banning them, and the gain is immense.


File: 1651064073257.jpg (40.9 KB, 550x550, soviet pepe.jpg)

Pepe the frog was created by Matt Furie, i think it was a cartoon series, the alt-right just co-opted it, it's not their avatar. There's no reason we can't do the same and make the frog say socialist things. Don't ban shit if you can take it over.


yep. also I love them frogs, very
versatile format


USApol should include Canada


>B-ban stuff that isn't sucking leftism off!
The entire point of leftypol is for this to NOT become an echo-chamber that can't handle and argue opposing views. Not to mention shitposting is a major point of imageboards


do we even get that many frogposters?


proposal: remove every wordfilter except for the uyghur and transhumanist ones.

They're getting excessive, are only funny for like a week and some of them don't even make sense.


Proposal: Introduce an autodelete function on /siberia/ and /leftypol/ which will delete threads which have less than 10 posts, once they reach page 10. This will reduce the number of dead threads, moved threads, or locked threads in the catalog and thereby give more space for more popular threads to last longer.


This seems fine. Going ahead and voting yes.


so are you going to stop enforcing generalfaggotry then?


Vote no. Plenty of good threads would get deleted by a feature like that and it would make threads to transient in nature. Although I would support making a function to delete moved threads from the catalog after some time.


I agree we should remove some of them


>This will reduce the number of dead threads
if you care about necrobumping so much then reduce the boards to like 5 pages or something retarded like that instead


It's not about necrobumping, it's to tackle the problem of dead threads cluttering the catalog and making popular threads bump off faster.


Ideally locked/moved threads would be deleted after like 10 minutes by the person who locked them, but I appreciate that it's extra work that takes a back seat to other tasks.
If a thread reaches page 10 with that few responses, I think it's safe to say it's not engaging the community and can be pruned relatively safely.

I agree that they are a bit excessive, but also misdirected. Mods shouldn't be forcing memes. If there are ones unambiguously directed at trolling raiders like the two mentioned, that's one thing, but forcing jokes (outside of April 1, of course) shouldn't be our job, funny or not.
>don't make sense
lurk moar

I think this needs to be emphasized, among both users and staff.

I know I was going on about it a year ago but it really is an existential question and it needs to be brought up as a full /meta/ thread soon for proper discussion: what is Leftypol for? If it were to be a hugbox that forces a small range of viewpoints, it might as well be one of the dozens of other places.


if users dont want to use the catalog and can only refresh the overboard thats not my problem


I agree. I also think that for threads that have at least 50+ posts should be automatically saved in /[insertboardname]_archive/ otherwise a lot of threads die and many of their 2.0s just repost the same stale content ad nauseum. For example the Films Recently Watched thread has hit bump limit, so should be placed in /hobby_archive/ after it sinks enough.


>Mods shouldn't be forcing memes
I think that the /tech/ team could try and make word-filters an option in the settings, so that people that like them can keep them and those that don't can remove them.


Is this a vote in favour or just a general comment?


Voting in favour


>If a thread reaches page 10 with that few responses, I think it's safe to say it's not engaging the community and can be pruned relatively safely.
There are plenty of threads especially outside of /leftypol/ that are slow, niche, awaiting updates, or will recieve a burst of interest later on.


uyghas really getting mad over wordfilters
i think they should be updated to reflect newer overused terms, not removed entirely


Also bait threads or other attention grabbing threads that require little effort to respond to tend to receive more than 10 replies. Just look at itg. High pph is not necessarily a good measure of worth.


i think this is the biggest reason implementing this would be dumb


>shitposting is a major point of imageboards
ah yes its "board culture" to make terrible posts


It's only for leftypol and siberia, not other boards.

Obviously, having over 10 posts does not inherently mean the topic is good, but again, quality control is not really the intention of the idea, it's to reduce catalog clutter from threads that will never be looked at again but are still taking up space. In my opinion a topic with 150 posts is much more likely to have someone think 'oh I want to post in that topic again' than one with 9 posts.

I would like very much for us to have a persistent archive of threads, however when I've raised the idea in the past I've been told that it was not technically feasible. Perhaps that has changed, I will check now.

I have removed the vote I created on this issue as the provision for a proposal auto-passing after 3 ayes is not the constitution anymore. It doesn't harm anything to have more time to discuss it anyway.


>Obviously, having over 10 posts does not inherently mean the topic is good, but again, quality control is not really the intention of the idea, it's to reduce catalog clutter from threads that will never be looked at again but are still taking up space. In my opinion a topic with 150 posts is much more likely to have someone think 'oh I want to post in that topic again' than one with 9 posts.
Yeah I can see your logic and where you are coming from this. I think there can be a
way to remove clutter that would not remove posts people still want to reply to or make initially slow threads have a short shelf life and the potential issues I posted above. What about like deleting saged threads after page 8 or something?


>it's to reduce catalog clutter from threads that will never be looked at again but are still taking up space
why is this a problem now
only locked and permasaged threads should get deleted but that should be another function entirely (which i dont know why its never been implemented)


That would be a good idea, but unfortunately that's something that the tech team would need to code in (as I understand it) whereas this function that I'm proposing is already in the settings.

See above.


>that's something that the tech team would need to code in
itd just be a function that checks the locked of a thread (whatever number/code you guys use for locked and permasage), its number of replies and position on the board and then calls whatever function prunes a thread, it cant be difficult to implement


All wordfilters should be listed so that abuse of power is less likely to happen.


theyre just wordfilters mate


Threads on the board of anime discussion that can be merged into prior, previously created generals should be, if it makes the overall quality or the usability of the place better.


agreed if theyre shitty threads, i dont care about usability and striving to become general-land is silly on such a slow place


Feel free to use the hide thread function anytime!


Yes, lowercase would look nicer


>J-just hide all the spam guyz, it'll totally make all the shitty no effort threads pushing other threads down totally not a problem
You're a faggot. If you're talking about a topic that exists on the board use the existing thread, that is the base guideline of every fucking chan board ever outside of /b/. If you have a new topic to discuss, make a decent OP or get deleted.


anti-vax rhetoric should be a bannable offense


>it'll totally make all the shitty no effort threads pushing other threads down totally not a problem
yes thats how hiding threads you dont like works, glad you understood that and will stop pissing your pants over what other people do!


>If you hide a thread its not hidden to others nor does the thread cease to exist on catalog, you fucking nimrod.


>B-ban stuff that doesn't promote the narrative, get da jab!
You already have the mods forcing all such discussion to be in your containment thread. Banning people for discussing that is just fucking reddit tier.


ummm yes then it would be deleted, not hidden
im not seeing the problem, are you that angry that people might enjoy things you dont


No you absolute retard.
>angry that people might enjoy things you dont
I don't care about new threads being made, that's just fine by me and I hide threads I don't find interest in, BUT my point is specifically in regards to threads that are redundant and/or are made in poor taste, literal shitposts that are /siberia/ content.
See >>20282


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I propose the creation of /hobby_archive/
threads like >>>/hobby/551 or >>>/hobby/2278 are discussion threads that hit bump limit and should be archived so they don't get deleted and lost forever, archive.is is not fully reliable.


Based. good idea


>Archiving the furfag circlejerk thread.
What is the point. Nothing good has ever come out of that discussion, only first-world NEET lifestylism.

Why would you want to permanently archive that thread on leftypol.org to begin with? It has nothing to do with leftism.


The fact that it ruffles the feathers of barracks-communists is enough of a service to leftism


1) I don't care for furries but you're being a faggot
2) that's the /hobby/ board, complaining about "nonleftism" on there is fucking retarded.


merge redundant threads on the anime board


i dont see any redundant threads, all threads are talking about specific events or media my friend


Proposal: Make a policy of giving 15 minute bans to people creating OR replying to inorganic, totally off-topic posts, such as thing noticers' non-sequitur bait.
This is not referring to 'organic' derailing, but posts that are unprompted and irrelevant to their thread. The intent is a deterrent to people feeding trolls.

I will not vote in favor unless I am convinced this proposal has community support.


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I see the reasons behind the proposal, however I'm not convinced this is the best way to deal with this, sometimes the Dongnoticer is just too funny, like that time he started posting this shit, and laughing at the poltards is a time honoured tradition.

I think it's best to just ban the spammers, and if people take the bait, ah well. It can be funny. We have too much hostility towards each other and it's nice to direct it outwards like in that WN Mestizo's thread the other day.


leftypol loves taking the bait so youd just end up banning way too many people
i do think replies to banned/deleted posts should also be deleted, at least the ones that dont actually bring anything to the discussion which tend to be the majority


did the FEMA camp public toilet just make a noise?



Sounds like a good idea.


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>ad hominum
<Hurr censorship is good stoopid conspiritard don't question "the facts"
You're on the wrong site.


conspiracism is literally liberalism


I agree that swiss-cheesing is annoying, where theres just a bunch of replied to dead posts. Then you also get people replying to already-deleted posts. I was supposed to make the thread updater mark deleted/warned posts maybe a year ago, I will make that priority #1.
>leftypol loves taking the bait so youd just end up banning way too many people
Do we want to be in a position where taking the bait is normal? Honest question, not rhetorical: dumb stuff can be entertaining.
If we do want that to change, is it better to try and make a cultural shift as a community rather than enforce it by moderation?


>Do we want to be in a position where taking the bait is normal?
well like i said sometimes replies to bait are somewhat informative because the bait that gets the most responses here is malicious misinformation, but most of the time its just (well deserved) variations of "fuck off retard", those can go for sure


though i guess the issue is that this means mods will have to waste time checking which orphaned posts are worth deleting and which ones arent every time they delete successful trolls


No porky, but nice try at trying to grifting leftism


Conspiracism just glorifies the good, abstinent capitalists who drive Honda civics and spend quality time with their daughters during the hours when they aren't keeping the labor exploitation machine greased and people will call you a liberal for pointing this out, as if Conspiracy Theories aren't based on a fundamentally liberal notion of good governance that's somehow disrupted by the conspiracy.


>Conspiracism just glorifies the good, abstinent capitalists who drive Honda civics and spend quality time with their daughters
Schizophrenic projecting that i an utter non=argument, go back CIA.
>Conspiracy Theories aren't based on a fundamentally liberal notion of good governance
LMAO the fuck are you talking about? That's not what conspiracy theories are AT ALL, read a fucking book
>people will call you a liberal for pointing this out
No they call you a retard, for having no critical thinking and mindlessly eating up the lies of capitalists that have no moral qualms on siccing their CIA lapdogs on you to do medical and social experiments or seeling you bad products by having an establishment of bought out scientists tell you that its confirmed and good and look at all these peer reviews circlejerking the status quo. Conspiracy Theories are almost entirely anti-establishment and anti-capitalist.


Anyone ever notice how the wealthy control everything? Idk what’s up with that. I can’t really understand it. It’s definitely something dark and mysterious we need to uncover by listening to my podcast and subscribing to my patreon for extra content. I’m a Marxist btw.


The conspiracy=schizo/rightwing idealism meme comes from the bourgeois co-option of people, mostly sane rational, usually leftist people questioning the official narrative of 9/11. The People questioning the official narrativw behind the Kennedy assassination were also "conspiracy theorists". The Kennedy assassination and subsequent coverup mark one of the turning points in the American people's trust in their governemnt. After this event reported levels of trust plumetted. Most normies, even boomers, know some fucky shit happened then. To imply drawing conjecture about the role of the state in mass murders is insane and deserving of shunning and ridicule as a baseline is to play into a bourgeois narrative constructed to cover up real incidents of secret conspiracy from the state, including that which has already been unconvered and even admitted to, such as with the "WMDs in Iraq" narrative.


mah man here really bringing up the murder of jfk to defend himself lmfao bruh…
i love leftoids comparing the discussion of public documents to fucking antivaxx and other loony right-wing shit, fuck off mate


If you want to talk about conspiracy shit be more like Edburg and less like generic failbook boomer whining about vaccines and freedom, please.


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Niceshitty strawman
>I can’t really understand it
That's literally the opposite of conspiracy theories LMAO
>It’s definitely something dark and mysterious we need to uncover by listening to my podcast and subscribing to my patreon for extra content
<"conspiracy theories is ven sumbudy is a zoommer eceleb saying hot takes"
Touch grass
>leftoids comparing the discussion of public documents to fucking antivaxx and other loony right-wing
<Hurr I didn't read the documents about people bringing up real issues in medical corruption and bourg manipulations so it's all 'le rightving loonies'
Give a pregnant girl some Thalidomide dude, all the scientists say its perfectly safe! And don't forget cigarettes are definitely good for your health, finally make sure to head down to Tuskegee and get those new vaccines, all that talk about syphilis is just conspiritard shit haha!

Fuck off anglotard.


youre really proving your point by posting /pol/ memes against vaccines and queers


anyway im here to ask again for "conspiracism" to be bannable, like the antivass trash exhibited itt, not just posting declassified cia documents


Switch the USApol OP to something a little less eyesore-y than a fucking mutt meme and a twitter wojak


it is peak americana comrade


Ukraine general needs to be updated too, lots of outdated stuff in the OP.


>Not addressing the argument
>"muh /pol/"
>"Muh gays"
Fuck off you concern trolling shit, this is leftyPOL not your safespace.

>the antivass trash exhibited itt
<Saying that people shouldn't be censored because they don't conform to a narrative you believe in because scientists belonging to a corrupt system should be banned because your echochamber might collapse
Good god you are pathetic, imagine being such a whiny bitch that you strawman your opposition and after you get caught, try to twist it as being "different from le CIA documents" and blatantly ignoring your fallacious approach.


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> this is leftyPOL not your safespace.
NTA. Your behavior is indistinguishable from the hypothetical situation in which you were sent here by your handler with the task of enabling the smearing of the site with the "just as bad as the /PitOfLunatics/ but on the left" narrative. In that hypothetical situation those who were assigned that task would out themselves by responding with over-the-top aggression to any suggestion that would weaken that narrative, such as a suggestion to clean up at least the grosser forms of bigotry on this site. They would defend bigotry as "chan culture", with the underlying motivation of enabling the narrative they were tasked to promote. If the grosser forms of bigotry were cleaned up on their watch, so that not even a remote equivalence on bigotry could be drawn any longer between this site and the /PoolOfLosers/, they will have failed their assigned task. Just hypothetically speaking, of course.


This post is very puzzling lol. Good to know we have actual schizos posting, I guess.


no, anti-vaxxers are just like that
no fed conspiracy needed


Explain how.

>our behavior is indistinguishable from the hypothetical situation in which you were sent here by your handler
<Can't argue or defend unnecessary censorship, so let me claim you're "le fedz"
<The feds, that have ben suppressing any conspiracies (such as those criticizing Big Pharma) are going to send people arguing that banning criticism of Cov19 vaccines
Are you retarded or do you truly lack any critical thinking about logical consistency?
>smearing of the site with the "just as bad as the /PitOfLunatics/ but on the left"
LMAO wut? How is pointing out a fundemental part of the site being intrinsically politically incorrect but leftist a smear?
>hypothetical situation
Using snide wording does not make you any less of a retard
>a suggestion to clean up at least the grosser forms of bigotry on this site
Ah so you're that retard that got BTFO on the Ukraine General and made up a bunch of horseshit about "le red fasheests and beegots" and then complained here on /meta/ only to be told off for literally making shit up.
>They would defend bigotry as "chan culture"
You're shifting goalpostss and derailing in an attempt to deflect the argument being made by trying to take NOT CENSORING PEOPLE EXPOSING BLATANT PORKY MANIPULATION and equate them to RACISTS, despite you having no basis to your claim or any logical connection.

If anything YOU are more likely a glowie for trying to shut down people discussing topics freely.

>anti-vaxxers are just like that
<questioning the narrative spread by porky and not trusting untested new vaccines is just the same as being anti-scientific
*Laughs in DPRK*


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I repeat the sentiment of this post, Archive.is is not infallible and cannot save some sites, neither can archive.org (robots.txt) and freezepage/Googlecache have been failing as of late, not to mention that saved archives can be deleted at the discresion of archive site owners. I cannot archive pdfs from this site for example because robots.txt blocks archive.org and archive.today doesn't save pdf htmls properly. If a /leftypol_archive/ and even a /siberia_archive/ exist, then /hobby_archive/ should too.


I see no reason not to have a hobby archive, though maybe it should be an archive for all altboards, just to prevent having a silly amount of mostly empty archive boards


if you like a thread why dont you just take a pic or archive it or whatever, stop asking jannies to change your diapers all the fucking time jesus


An alt_archive is a pretty good idea actually.

>Just take a pic
Not efficient and other people like to view the content, there's a reason 4chan has had archives for a long time and even 8chan had one.
>archive it
I just explained that archives are unreliable, and its easier to link to an existing thread rather than reposting a full post.
>stop asking jannies to change your diapers
The fuck are you on about? How does this in any way affect you, if you don't use an archive boards, good for you, stop being a faggot.


>How does this in any way affect you
it affects me when youre asking for server resources and mod attention to be used on irrelevant shit

>archives are unreliable

this website is unreliable too, it could go down any second for no reason forever
if you want to archive a thread that much, you should do it yourself and do backups if you want it to be "reliable"


>youre asking for server resources and mod attention to be used on irrelevant shit
No this doesn't affect you, you're creating an excuse and your opinion on "irrellvant shit" is fucking laughable.
>this website is unreliable too
So? The point is redundancy and making things available for people to search back to. The entire Ukraine videos thread'd be lost alongside all its content because archive.is and wayback don't archive videos at all and cannot archive pdfs from leftypol due to robots.txt
>if you want to archive a thread that much, you should do it yourself and do backups if you want it to be "reliable"
that's not how it works you imbecile.


Moderate the altboards so that repetitive threads are unified into generals.


lets stifle discussion to appease a couple of autists


also what the fuck is an "altboard"


>U-ur stifling!!!
6 months later and you retards still have no proofs.


Hello, i would like to ask something.
What would guys think about doing a thread about organisation methods and ideas about how it can be improved upon or added to communist parties ?.


Sounds good, go for it. Or do you mean you want us mods to make it?


TBH i don't know what board it would fit in or where to start, but it's always a good thing to talk about these things.


but anyway mod's, what should i do ?.


I dunno, just make it on leftypol I guess? Or edu if you prefer a slower pace


Just make the thread on /leftypol/ and if they piss you off with shitposting make it again on /edu/ at some point


Proposal to change the predefined ban lengths to:

Predefined Reasons:
Length - Reason
10m - Responding to obvious bait
30m - Flaming, overly disruptive/hostile posting
1h - Spamming threads with unrelated discussion, spamming the same topic repeatedly
2h - Disruptive identity politics, reactionary thought, et cetera
12h - Samefagging, building false consensus, enflaming arguments by taking both sides
1d - Hysterical, gratituitously offensive, hateful posting, edgelordism etc.
10d - Bait topic, false flag topic, /pol/ spam topic (not machine spam)
30d - Machine spam, advertising spam, gorespam, etc (not off-topic discussion)
(double original ban length) - Ban evasion
Permaban - Illegal content

Second offenses: double time
Third offenses: triple time
Fourth offenses: quadruple time (and so on)

If a user incurs a ban length of over 90 days (through repeat offenses) they may be permabanned at moderator discretion.

NOTE: Mods can still use bans/reasons outside this template whenever they want, this is just a guideline.

I vote aye.



WTF you can get banned for responding to bait?
Stop bullying dumb people! This is an outrage!


Am I a joyless bastard for thinking that making posts that amount to >"you're from x website" should be a slap-on-the-wrist tier bannable offence akin to responding to bait?
Even if an anon is responding to a total liberal or polyp its just the lamest form of posting; Make an actual argument, no? To me, it's one step above quoting someone and posting a soyjack. It's internet idpol and I'm tired of pretending it's not


I'd add "offender is a namefag" double time, "known schizo" triple time


Are there any punishments that mods are subjected to in the case that they ban people erroneously? Sometimes the bans are ridiculous. Like one incomprehensible word given for the ban justification, even though the rules should've forbidden that.


this isn't the right thread
but potentially, yes. no one likes bad bans. however some things may sound ridiculous cause the shit we deal with is ridiculous (guessing at your meaning here).




Disable tripcodes.

If you are keeping them for that one legitimate use-case that hasn't happened in the past 5 years, make the thread number an input factor, like with IDs.


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Reposting an anon comment on /leftypol/ here, because they have some good intent (despite disillusionment and intentional derailing). I think these are valid concerns that should have a discussion, regardless of how stubborn the poster was in not putting their comment somewhere actually useful.

>I said it on bunkerchan, meta as a separate board is fucking cancer

>moderation feedback thread should be pinned on leftypol like it was at first on bunkerchan until mods panicked at the amount of shit they were getting and created a separate meta board out of the sight of the majority
>second they should be prohibited from using matrix and should create their cthat thread pinned on leftypol frontpage for everyone to see wtf are talking about
>third, moderators should be prohibited from posting about moderation of board matters without their mod tags

PROPOSAL 1: Move the moderation feedback thread (still site-wide) to /leftypol/, instead of /meta/.

It's a weird one, but I think this is the right choice.
Why did the recruitment thread go on /leftypol/? Because it has wide visibility to the main people affected. /meta/ makes sense to me for long-term threads, like for banners and flag suggestions (which would quickly die on a pacy board like /leftypol/) and casual discussion the direction of the site like >>21417
Plus, a separate thread on /meta/ means that the normal /leftypol/ sticky becomes confusing or abused for the same purpose: >>>/leftypol/742065

The second point (not using Matrix) I don't support, because:
- there are ultimately sensitive matters like IP addresses and server details that necessitate non-public chat
- notifications and other desktop integration are extremely useful
- a chat room supplies redundancy that is necessary if the site is down
- chat programs is far more convenient for these matters, and knowing who is online is important in moderation. Even IRC is preferable to an imageboard for moderation.
However the Congress chat should be emphasized as a medium where users can read and interact with decisions without it getting derailed with junk.

PROPOSAL 2: Staff should be banned from posting about moderation or board matters without a capcode.

This is a reasonable expectation, even if it is an inconvenience to log in. Mods are privileged users, and that should be disclosed in relevant situations.


>PROPOSAL 1: Move the moderation feedback thread (still site-wide) to /leftypol/, instead of /meta/.

>It's a weird one, but I think this is the right choice.

>Why did the recruitment thread go on /leftypol/? Because it has wide visibility to the main people affected.

Good post.

However I disagree with putting it in a /leftypol/ sticky for that exact reason. I believe most people do not care about meta issues and the people that spend the most time posting in the mod feedback form, are not acting in good faith as some are but are one of the few people that make posts over and over whining and trying to start drama for attention and validation.

I also do not feel that interacting with mod staff is an integral part of the experience posting on leftypol and I feel that it should be occupying board real estate for posters.
Additionally I believe that the front page of leftypol should be kept tidy and smooth with as few stickies as possible.

In my own experience when I use an imageboard it bothers me to see a frontpage with a bunch of stickies interfering with my ability to see a number of threads when I click on a link and visit a place.

I feel that meta is a more appropriate place to hold the mod feedback thread for those that wish to access it, it is organized specifically for site feedback and is available to those who want to use it when they want to use it while not interfering with site browsing and posting othwerwise.


Proposal 1


there's a mod feedback thread on /leftypol/
seriously it's right there


I agree with both of these ideas more or less, I always thought moving mod feedback off leftypol was a mistake, however, there needs to be more clarity on what exactly mods are not allowed to say without mod tags on. For example: are mods not allowed to say like 'I think x on leftypol is pretty good' in a general non official thread? That might be going too far.


I don't really understand the first proposal as we already have a moderation feedback thread stickied on /leftypol/ >>>/leftypol/742065 unless you mean removing any feedback thread on /meta/ and redirect everything to the /leftypol/ one. However that would be quite a mistake because where, then, would someone banned on /leftypol/ could appeal and complain about the moderation? It would encourage people to break the rules and ban evade which is idiotic.

For the 2nd proposal like caballo said >>21969 what exactly would be considered 'banned speech" needs to be clarified.


>banned speech
I'd simply say such a rule is unenforceable.
Fundamentally here's my problem: I don't know how someone with political education could come up with that. Might as well say mods need to say three Hail Marys after any action.


Make a second 25% longer. A new 1 second will be equal to a current 1.25 second.


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Proposal: Put a damn catalog button on top also.

Unique IPs: 118

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