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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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 No.26954[View All]

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.


last one reached max replies
950 posts and 151 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Also see >>29498 My posts didn't break rules nor were they bad faith or reactionary in any sense. "low effort" is an extremely bad faith claim considering that my deleted response actually provided an argument while all I got in response was low-quality, speedreading nonsense.


mods ban according to feelings. you touched on a topic some mod cares about, you're fucked now. from now on you will be banned for 'spam', 'evasion', until you start hopping over tor/vpn nodes or leave.


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Stop deleting guest threads that are getting replies. This is /leftypol/, not Hexbear or fbi.gov some other private garden. It's not supposed to be a curated circlejerk. When someone comes to us with an earnest shit take, we should be allowed to explain why they're wrong.


>>29518 (me)
In fact, why are posts being deleted when they are getting proper replies anyway? So long as it's not some fuckin gore raid, replying is just evidence that the users want the post to exist.


The word Earnest is doing the heavy lifting here.


Hey, would the mods unsage the BLM thread?
Not the OP but I think the BLM thread can make for an interesting thread regarding 21st Century mass movements and the modern US labor movement, it shouldn’t be dumped into USApol considering it became a global phenomenon, and I don’t think USApol should be or was meant to be a dumping ground for anything that hypothetically occurs or begins in the USA


> frog post
Deserved it


Oh, so 3 days for me, but 1-hour ban for the fucking "trade bad"? Yeah, okay, buddy.



It is very clear that it is one poster keeping alive this thread by repeatedly samefagging and spamming posts. I don't mind debate but repeated samefagging is a bannable offense.


The polyamory thread is pure IdPol. Get rid of it.


I’m using a friend’s computer.
Why was I banned for suggesting that the FBI destroyed Occupy via a modern COINTELPRO? This was practically /leftypol/’s official position on the movement.


There’s no way in hell you got banned for that, calling full cap


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I'm calling a moron, by the way


It was wvobbly who issued the ban.
Are we going to get an explanation?


>It was wvobbly who issued the ban.
There's your explanation >>29513


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>This was practically /leftypol/’s official position on the movement.
Official? Are you accusing us of actually agreeing on anything?


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NTA but yeah it was pretty much an agreed upon point that the workers movement was divided by identity politics based dick measuring which resulted in the movement losing steam. It's also a pretty well known COINTEL tactic, it's why they invested so much in people like Marcuse and Gloria Steinem.


> it was pretty much an agreed upon point that the workers movement was divided by identity politics based dick measuring which resulted in the movement losing steam
Again agreed upon by who? You are only repeating what that anon, without giving me any proof that this is norm.

Even I don't personally think OWS failed because of idpol stuff. OWS failed just like the Iraq war protest failed, just like the anti-WTO and FTA protest failed, just like the Vietnam War protest failed. The public simply doesn't care for such causes, or at least willing to change the system for the cause.

Not to say that there wasn't a self-destruction element behind OWS via idpol nonsense, but the over fixation of it from people like you is just an easy way to whitewash the public and absolve them of their complicity. Like how Qtards believe the election is stolen so they don't have to deal with the uncomfortable truth that people don't like trump.


>Again agreed upon by who?
The userbase of this site. You can literally look it up in the booru, where a lot of people, including those that took part in the movement explain how people left because idpol provocateurs kept breaking apart the workers unity by bringing up irrelevant bullshit.
>You are only repeating what that anon, without giving me any proof that this is norm
I was there at the movement, I was part of it.
>No proofs!
Its hard to provide proof for something that was very much a verbal problem. Identity politics as a source of sectarianism has been recognized by leftypol as a problem in the American Left for a long time, and this is reflected in the site's policy against sectarianism and identity politics.
>Even I don't personally think OWS failed because of idpol stuff
That's not the only reason, and nobody here said that.
>The public simply doesn't care for such causes
Are you fucking joking? When Occupy began there were serious concerns about it actually getting somewhere, there was an enormous reactionary response, strikebreaking efforts by corporations and even Hollywood was producing stuff putting Occupy in bad light. The 3rd of Nolan's batman movies literally has a plot that is supposed to be an analogy to Occupy depicting them as violent lumpens biting the hand of their rich benefactors.
>the over fixation of it from people like you is just an easy way to whitewash the public and absolve them of their complicit
“The People” are stupid. They are also tired, beat down, beat up, underpaid, under-educated, and overmedicated. The proletariat isn't fighting for idealisms and empty words, to paraphrase Amilcar Cabral, they fight for material benefits, to live better and in peace and to ensure a future for their children. The blame falls on the leftist movement as much as it does on them. The people need a vangaurd, otherwise their movements breakdown and are easy to manipulate through COINTEL OPS which is my point. And when leftist organizations permit any smidgens of distraction this quickly creates larger and larger cracks that shatter both credibility and unity in the movements.
>Like how Qtards believe the election is stolen so they don't have to deal with the uncomfortable truth that people don't like trump. pic rel
The Election was a farce either way.


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>Its hard to provide proof for something that was very much a verbal problem.
Even harder to assert consensus that FBI destroyed OWS via idpol like that.

>this is reflected in the site's policy against sectarianism and identity politics.

And claiming that idpol killed OWS does not violate against this.

>When Occupy began there were serious concerns about it actually getting somewhere, there was an enormous reactionary response, strikebreaking efforts by corporations and even Hollywood was producing stuff putting Occupy in bad light. The 3rd of Nolan's batman movies literally has a plot that is supposed to be an analogy to Occupy depicting them as violent lumpens biting the hand of their rich benefactors.

People got shot and beaten in the Vietnam War protests and still nothing changed. This is deeply minor in comparison to that. You cannot be serious. BLM was a bigger deal/threat than OWS tbh.

>And when leftist organizations permit any smidgens of distraction this quickly creates larger and larger cracks that shatter both credibility and unity in the movements.

You can do all those things and still have to cross the bridge to deal with how apathetic the people really are. It is not mutually exclusive. Material benefits only go so far, people will not want to change the system unless they have to.

>The Election was a farce either way.

lol okay, at least you admit that you have the same Manichean outlook as Qtards.


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>Even harder to assert consensus that FBI destroyed OWS via idpol like that.
Comet, what I don't get is why are you so invested in it NOT being idpol? Obviously this shit is going to be hard to prove, because unsurprisingly glowies aren't openly announcing their operations. However we know their MO, we know that the CIA and FBI have done this with American workers movements and invested heavily in Identity Politics ideologues that are often cited or delude large groups of people into sectarian idpol.
You do realize what COINTEL PRO is, right? You realize that FBI informants, agents, assets, etc. have ADMITTED to being involved in strike-breaking, provoking peaceful protests into becoming violent by planting people within groups to incite violence and so have justification for police crackdowns, and paying hitmen to kill leaders? Gloria Steinem didn't even pretend to hide her affiliation with the CIA and its well known that the CIA helped form the entire Ghettofication and racial division that we have today, and encourage it because idpol divides the working class. Have one bad-faith actor planted and causing consensus cracking and others ignorant and angry will pick it up and create division.
>claiming that idpol killed OWS does not violate against this.
I… what? Comet are you okay? Nowhere did I say that claiming idpol killed OWS violates this. An anon was banned specifically for a post stating such a view, which is how this entire debate began >>>/leftypol/1668596
>People got shot and beaten in the Vietnam War protests and still nothing changed.
Things did change, the CIA switched tactics, subtly and slowly influencing hollywood to depict Vietnam as we see the current genre of films (Apocalypse Now, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket etc.) which is why those films were permitted to be made. They capitalized on the socio-economic need to leave Vietnam and spun it for PR, and in the meantime prioritized in dividing the protest movements. The Vietnam protests were the beginning of what would also kill Occupy, killing leaders, whistleblowers etc. and planting divisive saboteurs. This plus the Reagan era Ghettofication of American cities and funneling of Columbian and Afghan heavy drugs into these poor areas created a horrible environment where criminal gangs thrived without the authority of people like the Black Panthers to curb them.
>This is deeply minor in comparison to that
A result of material developments. During Vietnam they had to do a lot more to repress a revolt, which is how COINTEL PRO came to be in the first place. By the time Occupy came around, the CIA was well practiced and dug into every major organization and movement and knew where and what to push to destabilize it.
>BLM was a bigger deal/threat than OWS
BLM is the picture of controlled opposition, the leadership of BLM was all rich, bourg black college kids that took all those donations and efforts and used them to pay for big houses and in return promoted identity politics based rhetoric that has made current racial tensions comparable to the 1970s. I posted about this before, but I grew up in "the hood" and shit has changed. People keep segregated by race with no need for police enforcement or so on, because everyone is angry at each other, because the leadership of BLM promoted some pseudo-leftist nonsense and pointed not to the bourgeoisie as the issue but the police and particularly white police, even though the police are a problem because of their function within the capitalist apparatus, and this is reflected in places like Chicago and Detroit, where primarily black police forces are seen to have high brutality rates against black citizens, and the rate of brutality against whites isn't far behind either, but media sensationalism promotes the latter to incite more racial tensions between people, so that while Black people see the image of them being brutalized by white cops, white people see a complete lack of coverage on brutality against them (for context 2 years back my white friend had the police break down his door and fill him with bullets for bullshit reasons. The News didn't even mention him in my area, let alone national TV. 6 fucking police cruisers blockig off a road, a bleeding corpse carted into an ambulance and barely a tweet online about it.)
So when you see shit like this, your idea of what is and isn't reality is twisted. BLM may have been even LARGER than OWS, but it was most certainly not more of deal or a threat.
>still have to cross the bridge to deal with how apathetic the people really are
One does not exclude the other as you said, which means dealing with both is necessary. You're talking revolutionary defeatism right now. Besides one is linked with the other; the apathy comes from how useless and pointless pushing back feels to these people.
>Material benefits only go so far, people will not want to change the system unless they have to
I mean duh, but that doesn't give us the right to talk shit about them either.
>at least you admit that you have the same Manichean outlook
What? Do you even know how the Electoral College works? The "democratic" system in the USA has been broken for a long fucking time.


This conversation is already off topic for the thread tbh, so I'm not going to continue this debate as that would be derailing. I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree Comet, however while I have no dog in this, I would ask for an unban for that anon since by your own admission his post didn't violate the rules. Have a good day and remember vid rel.
Ja Ne!


>Comet, what I don't get is why are you so invested in it NOT being idpol?
Lol be serious, you literally vomited a wall of text, creating a narrative to make everything about the CIA doing idpol. But I am the one with a hammer who thinks everything looks like a nail. Physician, heal thyself. I can't be bothered to address all of this nonsense when you have so little self-awareness.

>I… what? Comet are you okay? Nowhere did I say that claiming idpol killed OWS violates this.

I meant to say that banning claims that idpol killed OWS does not violate our commitment against sectarianism and idpol. We all agree idpol is bad, but not all of us obsess over it. If anything people like you is why we shifted to a non-idpol stance where we crush both idpol and anti-idpol nonsense. Idpol is quicksand, you waste time and energy arguing for and against like what I am doing with you.

>that doesn't give us the right to talk shit about them either.

It does give you the clarity to not be indulging in self-flagellation by talking shit about the Left.

No, I won't. My days of never taking /meta/ seriously is certainly not going to end today. The notes on your ip were right lol.


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>Anon posts a detailed explanation to their argument
>Clearly isn't "talking shit about the left" but engaging in necessary self-crit
>Anon points out that idpol is historically used by the CIA to create sectarian infighting with examples
>Anon is clearly a proletarian that has had experiences with police brutality and in actual activism
>Anon then respects the rules of the thread and site and decides to stop the conversation there because it's derailing
<Comet passive-aggressively gives a long ass condescending response that deliberately misconstrues the posts, instead of just posting "TL;DR: Ok retard" like a normal poster.
And yet you imply the other anon is "obsessed" and accuse of "textwalling"?

>My days of never taking /meta/ seriously is certainly not going to end today

Then why bother even posting here at all? Even Wvobbly only posts here in good faith, even if they're blatantly wrong at times.


I genuinely wasn't going to respond to your next post because I expected a simple ending remark, or something along the line, but frankly this condescending, passive-aggressive post was purely disrespectful, especially in the face of me being polite with you. The sheer projection to call me lacking self-awareness is staggering. If you're so disinterested, why bother replying?


I was amused that someone could so boldly claim that this website could form a consensus on anything. It took me a couple of posts to realize that you are completely lack awareness and you are not here to understand but to preach.

Like accusing me of passive-aggressive? Maybe there is some cultural differences between us but I was being hostile from the get go. I have always been clear that I am the least tolerant/liberal member in the moderation team.


Honestly Comet-san you should just outright ban anons like >>29610 and >>29609 because it’s likely the same person, a sharty or net raider. I usually check the main board for news and occasionally respond to anons on topics I know. Every time I come here, I see anons bitching about being banned and then disrespecting you guys instead of engaging in good faith. Fuck em.


Nothing I posted was Ukraine related, I posted a poem about ww2 and some retard began shitting themselves, unban me. I'm assuming none of the mod team can read or write in Russian, and google translate is not, in fact, a reliable form of translation. The poem was about WW2 and the rise of fascism again, nothing about Ukraine is even mentioned, let alone "zigger shit" as your post claims. I posted it in the thread for poems because obviously its on topic.
The other anon was the only one bringing up "Ziggershit" and even then it wasn't even relevant nor did I engage it. I laughed at them as did another anon and then when they continued to make slanderous claims, I just laughed more, ending my 3 responses with… a poem and leaving the conversation. You could have deleted the posts as they were off topic, but a ban, especially a week long one is both utterly unbalanced and completely unfair, and deleting the poem when it violated NO rules is fucking retarded.
>inb4 image
The pic is literally a parallel to a Soviet poster from WW2 and is directly related to the poem. That's not "zigger shit"

As a side note my ban neither shows up in the public logs nor is the 1 week time frame reasonable considering the fact that posts labelled "polspam" get 1 hour bans.


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you faggots are kinda missing the point that its a fact thats up in the air that we can't really determine for certain until there is declassification or leaks and is a fitting talking point for a supposedly left wing board.


Could you delete >>>/hobby/37647 (I dunno if that hyperlinked it) I posted it by accident 😭


Was this thread from /anime/ deleted by mods or OP? And if former, why?


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lolicon discussion is too edgy for the reddit mods. i left a tab of the thread open in anticipation.


Mods couldn't handle a civil thread about a sensitive topic.

Lmao, this guy is always behind the most retarded mod actions, eh?


Can you unban your own onion server on the /leftypol/ board? Not only raiders use it, you know.

Literally no better than using a Clownflare CDN. Although at least it lets you in after a browser check.


Hey mods can you do something about the retarded namefag shitting up the palestine thread with edgy sectarian posts thanks


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Please move >>>/siberia/475257 to >>>/hobby/ as that is the relevant board for a Star Trek thread and link >>>/hobby/1857 in the new OP as the previous thread. Thanks




>disliking anime gets you a 6 hour ban for “idpol”
Anybody want to explain this bullshit?


anime watchers are the most oppressed minority


I can only imagine what kind of dumb bullshit you posted.


Yea that was cringe. Just call it spam or off topic


CAN THE MODS PLEASE UNSAGE MY THREAD, 😂🤣🤢🤮✊😜! I’m one of the most unique/interesting/eccentric/funny posters on this website, and even if the Mods don’t like my eclectic ideology and eccentric posting style, they should at least realize that Anons like me are critical to keeping exotic imageboards like this alive, and I know many Anons may think I’m just a Troll, but I genuinely love this website and enjoy engaging with all the Anons on it and I give tons of credit to the Mods for being more accepting of me then any other website (I’ve been permanently banned everywhere else) and thank them for running this wonderful community, so can you please give me a break and MAY YOU PLEASE UNSAGE MY THREAD, MODS, ✊😜!


Can king lear get the thingnoticer treatment?


It’s up again in siberia…


>King Lear is back
AHAHA he escaped the mental institution again!


I had a 100+ comment thread on /leftypol/ discussing under a legitimate frame of critique what the term 'incel' is.

It was deleted and I've been banned for spam for 5 weeks. Why? Because one of you saw the word 'incel' and thought 'absolutely not'.


Adding to this, this isn't the first time nuanced criticism has gone unpunished.

One of you cannot accept criticism of the LGBT movement's complicity in reproducing bourgeois values. Anytime the topic is discussed you decide that these criticisms must be an attack coming from bad actors. Why? Because you are a zealot You cannot differentiate between the politics of sexual liberation and the contemporary western bourgeois endorsment. So you ban them.


So here is a piece of advice, coming from a fellow Marxist.

Read this, and then consider the fact that legitimate criticism does not exempt from itself the scrutiny of sections of society because you hold them to be beyond judgement.



pls delet >>>/hobby/37726

I'm the OP of the thread.

Unique IPs: 30

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