Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.
Logs: one reached max replies>>26951>your thread was a highly visible shitflinging competitionDoes that mean I can ruin/anchor anyone's thread by calling OP a schizo and hurling insults at them?
You see what is happening here, right? They (or could be one guy) flame and insult, then report the thread. Curious how all the anti-Hancock libs stopped caring once it was saged. Almost as was all a ruse to get it anchored. You've been played.
And it's not like those people will go on to write effort posts or start interesting threads. They'll go back to writing shitposts in generals. That's why the site is dying, you listen to people who don't contribute, while punishing those who do.
I argued in good faith, even admitted I was wrong on some things and accepted that some of the things anons were saying were true. Some insults I answer in kind, others I ignore.
Go look at the thread. Find a post I wrote that deserves a warning/sage/ban. If you don't, then unsage the thread. Thanks.
OK, I think it is time to unsage the thread have just found evidence that
refutes an argument from the previous thread. Namely, that there isn't any DNA markers from human populations on different continents in one place, which you would expect to find if a civilisation visited different continents.
WELL as it happens, they found such markers this point, you should allow future lost-civ threads, because I came with all the scientific evidence, while the detractors are just "lol Hancock dumb you schizo". Is that really the level of discourse you want to have on /leftypol/?
>>26965Filter? You mean the tag system? Its a very "in the future" kind of thing, probably as part of a partial rewrite or new codebase for the site.
If you mean manual thread filtering, you can filter any terms by going to the options, choosing subject from the drop-down menu in the filter menu, and putting in a part of the thread name into it (say, femdom). It will filter the thread so you don't have to see it. You can also use the little arrow next to the checkbox and filter that way.
>>26967Anon, there was a genetic bottleneck early in human civilization where there were possibly as few as 2,000 survivors, there is incredibly similar gene distributions across the whole of humanity because of it. Not to mention populations were far more migratory, between land bridges and more favorable winds from Asia to Americans and India to Africa than there is today, allowing much easier cross-continental travel. It's the prime reason why rightoid's shitty understanding of genetics is ludicrous.
>>26968Done. Self-deletion of OPs was never a thing I think, too easy to abuse.
>>26969>6969Nice GETs lol
But I recall early on that Bunkerchan let you delete your OPs (I recall because I accidentally double-posted one of the threads in
>>>/hobby/ and deleted the duplicate post, this was after the 8chan collapse). I haven't tried in years so I wasn't aware it changed.
>>26970Ah, yeah. Bunkerchan did, but this is all different software. We had bottleneck issues during the elections and the burgerkrieg were over 1000 users posting at the same time would crash the site. Elections are getting forebodingly close again, we'll have to hope the site holds up better this time around.
>>26971Dooming about how incredibly irrelevant rightoid posters have marginal internet influence (very likely as a means of self-promotion of those causes given your incredibly sparse post history) is not something people should entertain.
>>26972Uncritical reposting of rightoid trite like stonetoss is bannable, but lampooning or editing it is not.
>>26969>Anon, there was a genetic bottleneck early in human civilization where there were possibly as few as 2,000 survivors, there is incredibly similar gene distributions across the whole of humanity because of it. You're going by
outdated information. You're thinking like a conservstive. You learned something in the past, and that's correct, any new information, discovery or interpretation must be wrong.
>Not to mention populations were far more migratory, between land bridges and Uhhhh WHAT?! That's literally not true, and logically can't be. They migrated, sure, but it took a long time, thousands of years. Today we have planes, trains, buses, cars, ships, it has never been easier to migrate.
>more favorable winds from Asia to Americans and India to Africa than there is today, allowing much easier cross-continental travel. First thread I was called schizo for even suggesting a pre-ice age civ could sail around the world. Now you're like "it was
super easy".
>It's the prime reason why rightoid's shitty understanding of genetics is ludicrous.Ironic. Get rid of your liberal brain worms. Your mind is literally not working because of them. I expanded on it in this post:>rightoids>MUH CULTURE WAR!!!You're acting like a conservative (ad-hoc explanations to new information that
conserve the current understanding, therefore no change or
progress) and a reactionary (instead of taking the effort to understand what is being said, you
react, denying it is true).
How it isn't true doesn't matter to conservatives or reactionaries, it'll be a new reason every time.
>First thread: You idiot! You're wrong because a pre-ice age civ couldn't have crossed oceans.>Now: You idiot! You're wrong because crossing oceans pre-ice age was super easy.Just like conservatives and reactionaries constantly come up with reasons why things should remain the way they are.
At this point I have shown:
1) I am not a "rightoid"
2) I argue in good faith (only criteria FUCKING NAZIS need to satisfy to have threads on /leftypol/
3) have acted fine towards others
That's why I call you libs, cause you will rather have NAZIS and suck up to them, than allow A SINGLE TOPIC on something liberals don't like.
So what? I should go on 4chan his, x, pol, so that I can fucking DISCUSS something I have been trying to discuss here for weeks. I have been longer on /leftypol/ than the ENTIRE mod team yet you think I am the "rightoid tourist". Ironic.
I've had enough. Unanchor my topic and leave future ones alone. Or I will be forced to make a rival website, and slowly poach users by not punishing effort, listening to them and not having the site run by a clique of insufferable teenagers.
Because I will not go and discuss this on reddit or 4chan. You'd like nothing more than to find my topic on 4chan so you could say "see?! he was a 4channer all along!" thus in your head vindicating your past behaviour and opinions. Not gonna happen.
That long post in the thread, that alone should be enough to unanchor the thread. But it seems you wish to be stuck in an endless loop of Stalin threads and Marxism 101 questions "uhhh guys, how can we have no money?!?!??" Because that is what you know, it is safe and easy.
Fuck that and fuck this website you ran into the ground.
Out of the first 20 or so threads in the catalog, these are the non-generals:
>Khruschev Appreciation Thread
>The Vegan Question
>Rightoid: Marxism won the cold war
>Racism is usually explained away in Marxist circles as false consciousness or whatever,
>Isn't the phrase "Women hold up half the sky" quite transphobic?
>How blackpilled is /leftypol/?
>Stalin Appreciation Thread
>how has the board missed the work of Vivek Chibber?
only normal thread is the Iran-Taliban conflict, and that is going to become a general if the conflict drags on.
Do you know why rightoids and Nazis dominate all of these "low moderation" and "free speech" discussion boards? Because they are not afraid of discussion. They are not afraid to tackle contemporary issues. The Nazis on 4chan will talk to you about anything, look at /pol/ – they talk about movies, food, graphics cards, parking lots, and find a way to explain how it's all the Jews' fault or somehow get you on their side.
Anons here are in some kind of LARPy false dichotomy where they think others should become their particular kind of Post-Anarcho-Orthodox-Leninist Communist with Tibeto-Cuban characteristics or die. "Rightoids" don't give a fuck if you become an ancap, monarchist, fascist, liberal, white supremacist, etc. because ultimately all of them rest on a few basic premises, and once someone agrees with those premises that's it, when push comes to shove, they will side with those they agree with on fundamental issues. That is why historically liberals sided with Nazis and fascists, and "socdems" are aligned with rest of the liberals and now conservatives (e.g. Poland was a mean, bad country with LGBT-free zones, but now they are a beacon of "freedom", "democracy" in Europe and the "fight" for those). Because economics, existence, geopolitics are more important than "progressive values". Liberals have no positive ideology, they are the ideology of capitalism and its only purpose is to preserve capitalism and ensure its survival. Their "progressive values" and "inclusivity" are about extracting surplus value from more people, more efficiently. (That's why "progress" is giving better tools to your worker, but having them work the same hours for same pay)
Btw, the fundamentals of all these rightoid (fascist AND libs) ideologies are: private property, tradition, idealism (belief that we will never be able to know the real world so we must invent models that best describe it and then pretend that is reality), authority/hierarchies as external to and separate from us (like Hobbe's Leviathan, NAP, Rousseau's social contract, etc.). Not an exhaustive list but you get the idea.
We know that once a person has internalised an idea, it is very hard for them to be rid of it. They will selectively see evidence for it, and ignore evidence against it. This does NOT mean all people are inherently idealist (from a young age we are socialised into the thinking: in school we are rewarded for being right, we are told we are individuals in competition with everyone else) just convinced that being wrong on something and changing your mind/opinion is a sign of a flaw inside you (thanks to everything being pathologised, subsumed into the "healthcare" institution).
So, fascists/rightoids recognise this aspect of humans in capitalism and exploit it. Psychology talks about it too, but of course in a way that generalises particular behaviour in capitalism to universal/inherent behaviour. They exploit it by getting in there first. Yes, that is all it is.
Imagine a scenario where a person who isn't yet "socially or politically conscious" (because apparently not everyone starts thinking about how the world works at the same time) comes on the internet and asks or wants to talk about flat earth theory, or Hancock's lost-civ shit, or Moon landings being fake.
>reddit, lib spaces
They would be laughed at, called an idiot, a conspiratard, their posts deleted and they banned. Because the liberal attitude is that they hold the key to the Truth™ and you need to accept the Truth™, but they won't tell you what it is, they will never bring proof or argue for their position, because they don't have one, the Truth™ is whatever they say it is whenever they say it, cause the Truth™ serves one purpose, ensures capitalism's survival.
>fascist spaces
And the thing is, redditors and libs CAN ban people, because they are not afraid that they will go somewhere and become dangerous to capitalism, likely they'll go and become extreme libs, like neo-nazis, which is fine. Libs know their view is the dominant one, no matter where the person goes, they'll run into liberals. EXCEPT in places like this.
All the people who get kicked out of liberal and other highly-censored places, find 4chan and clones, or some innocuous channel where people will invite you into increasingly fascist servers until you're sitting in the Atomwaffen with the same.anime pfp picture "friends" who six months ago were talking to you about flat earth but now they are talking about exterminating undesirables in a glorious race war. You think "these are the same dudes, important thing is I have people to talk to, and it's not like they hate me besides I would never kill anyone".
I am not talking about myself, I have had the same "fundamentals" since I could think, a few infographics won't change my mind. I am talking about all the other people who come through here. Not so many people any more. Most people who visit forums (forums, reddit, chans) are actually lurkers, who post infrequently, while a minority, i.e. regular users, make most of the posts. However, it is the infrequent posters who make new/fresh content, because they have lives, do shit, aren't stuck in the same mindset, talk to more people, etc. etc. When a place does not allow new content, by implementing very strict "posting guidelines", rules and strict moderation, then it becomes stale, cause the not-so-frequent posters/visitors leave. Nobody wants to put effort into something for it to be removed. This used to happen more frequently before; you probably think "people learned their lesson" but they actually left. I am probably the only oldfag to be DUMB enough to still be here
Who are you left with? The "regular" users responsible for the stale content. Cause the "regular" users who spend their fucking day in front of the screen or on matrix never learn anything new, not really. They consume second-hand content, eat the shit, of youtubers, those who make infographics, journalists, pop scientists, liberal ghouls. The "regular" users then create a culture, inside jokes, repeated threads, referencing other internal things from near/distant past, etc. and become untrusting of anything that isn't written or made in a way that shows the person "comes from here".
Because what's the "Stalin appreciation thread" except virtue signaling and a circlejerk? And a few would be fine, but it's literally 99% of the threads.
You got fooled into thinking PPH is the most important, and not quality of posts. It's better to have 5-6 quality posts a week, than 1000 shitposts a day. You see PPH is still going up and you think you're doing everything right. That is why you're so dismissive towards users and criticism, you think you're losing drops in a bucket, when you're actually losing all the people who mad(k)e this place what it is.
tl;dr you are libs and I am wasting my time
>>26986By calling everyone and everything "schizo", the word has been stripped of its meaning. I tried to write in full, unambiguous sentences and lay out my arguments and thoughts in a way they couldn't be misunderstood or nitpicked.
It looks like it worked, your only retort was to call me a schizo.
>>26990>kind of a dumb move to have a vn "general" tbh, lol, proving my point. Reminder, when you punish effort and good content, these are the kind of threads you get:
>>>/leftypol/1483685>>>/leftypol/1483333>>>/leftypol/1477457Those are fine though, they are familiar and predictable.
10 dead boards (if you count /dead/ and /roulette/), actually 11, if you count /meta/. Out of the two "live" ones, one is /siberia/, and /leftypol/ is overmoderated.
lol imagine having 85% of a site be dead, and then have the arrogance to anchor/delete active threads. Despite being anchored, it remained an active thread, with more posts than 95% of the catalog (generals don't count).
Actually, more than 85%. Cytube instance is a ghost town, git is used to host the code for the site. Zine got abandoned, because out of 20+ mods they couldn't find
one person to take over.
You have killed the site with your behaviour and your over-moderation. Then mods don't even come to /meta/. AT LEAST, it keeps you at home, in your room, so you don't have a chance to poison and destroy any actual IRL groups. Silver lining to every cloud…
>>26988The fact that you claimed that I have been calling everyone a schizo to cry crocodile tears kinda proves my point.
Methinks the lady doth protest too much
>AT LEAST, it keeps you at home, in your room, so you don't have a chance to poison and destroy any actual IRL groupsLol if anything it is the complete opposite.
>>26993>The fact that you claimed that I have been calling everyone a schizo>me, me, meFunny you should say that, because I left out the sentence subject and used the passive voice on purpose to avoid accusing anyone in particular of overusing the word. Hell, even I used the word as an insult before.
>By calling everyone and everything "schizo", the word has been stripped of its meaning. I also didn't see your name, glare on the screen makes it hard to see green on black.
>Lol if anything it is the complete opposite.I hope you don't tell them about /leftypol/. The two people I know IRL who I know are/were /leftypol/ users (cause they said it) are two fucking losers, one of which is a rapist who is banned from leftist spaces country-wide.
Holy shit, epiphany. I was about to write
>I don't know why you think you're talking to academics…But it's me who thinks that. It is me who expects a higher standard from this place, despite all the evidence to the contrary. I imagined what this place could be, and then assumed after a while it actually is that way, just ruined by a few bad (evil or incompetent) actors. So it's me who's been dumb.
People can't even comprehend the arguments or follow them, and then I am asking for counterarguments or discussion. Like going to a 3yo, wanting to talk about calculus, then getting angry they ripped up my notebook.
Lesson learned. It will take a while for it to sink in, but the seed is planted.
>>26995>You have killed the site It was all of us. God is dead and we killed him.
On the other hand I at least made an effort to stave off death.
>me, me, me>People can't even comprehend the arguments or follow them, and then I am asking for counterarguments or discussion. Like going to a 3yo, wanting to talk about calculus, then getting angry they ripped up my notebook.>I am wasting my timeI absolutely cannot tell if you are on the right track. A lot of this mirrors my own reaction to the usual so-called "criticism" here to an uncanny degree. My hypothesis is that people that can look at themselves at least must have some basic level of skill, setting them apart from what I usually get here. Now may be the time to find out.
>you listen to people who don't contribute, while punishing those who do.I specifically do the exact opposite. I do not listen at all to anyone who doesn't contribute. But there is no shame in using incompetents to advance your own ends. Reactionaries will always dig their own grave. Working in opposition to this is like swimming against the tide.
>Silver lining to every cloud…Are you familiar with Zhuangzi?
Bottom line is this: If you wanna take over the position of The One with Righteous Anger, there is one free. I am finished with it.
Thank you for applying yourself to something in a serious way.
That said
>couldn't be misunderstood or nitpickedSounds very much like a challenge. Don't provoke me. I can misinterpret and nitpick anything. Because I watched people do it to my posts here for years. I learned from the best. It is the easiest thing in the world to me.
Anyways, I am listening, you are heard.
>>26996The overwhelming part of the public is indifferent. As a democrat I agree with them, I too am indifferent.
Let me explain the trick to you, the site being dead and all, it's time for a debriefing.
The function of a moderator is to moderate discussion. To act as an arbiter or referee, Now if you know anything about football, no referee is liked generally. You could call this a structural issue. If they were voted one, none of them could do any refereeing.
Now the way this is twisted here, this being a political website, is to think of it in political (or quasi-religious) terms. Voting on things will make it better in any case. A trap that is very easy to fall into for the average liberal subject (whether they actually believe it or use it as a rhetorical trick is immaterial, the ideology is perpetuated). Anyway, in cases where there is no way to do a vote, anyone claiming otherwise is a bad actor (there is a blatant incongruity between what they demand and what can actually be done) by definition. Continuously demanding the impossible wastes people's time. People transparently acting as bad actors are very easy to deal with, funnily enough. Because seeing incongruity is a basic function even someone with little political education can execute with ease. All that is necessary is to point it out.
>That usually works out, right?>I will be forced to make a rival websiteI'd love to see someone back this up. Do a better job. Do. Work. Create.
Go fourth and multiply.
>>26997First of all, thank you for a reply that is more than one word or dismissive.
>Are you familiar with Zhuangzi?Yes, great shout.
<When we sleep, the soul communicates with (what is external to us); when we awake, the body is set free. Our intercourse with others then leads to various activity, and daily there is the striving of mind with mind.…
<If there were not (the views of) another, I should not have mine; if there were not I (with my views), his would be uncalled for:– this is nearly a true statement of the case, but we do not know what it is that makes it be so.
>If you wanna take over the position of The One with Righteous Anger, there is one free. I am finished with it.All these years I thought I was alone… Pretty sure I've had that position since
_ days.
>Thank you for applying yourself to something in a serious way.I take everything seriously. Especially when I joke about something.
>Sounds very much like a challenge. Don't provoke me. I can misinterpret and nitpick anything. Well, I am glad you have said that! Because, dsspite what people seem to be thinking, I am not "shilling" anything. I want to talk about certain things because they are unresolved issues in my head (
heh). If I was certain in something, then I wouldn't have to go out and "prove" it to myself or others. Feel free to nitpick: >>>/leftypol/1473822 (you can skip the first 60-80 posts, it took a while for anons to get over the initial shock and get a lot of things out of the system). The thread was quite helpful, so if anything, the third iteration will be even more streamlined and succinct, and you can wait to nitpick until then.
I made the lost-civ/Hancock threads because I haven't made up my mind one way or the other. I take the position of and act as a "full on believer" of the theory, and I expect others to take the opposite view. We then make an honest case and see what is really going on. But I was met with hostility and outright rejection of the conversation on the grounds that some people have called Hancock crazy.
I ended up having to play their role too, because the times people did bring up "facts" against lost-civ theory, they got the "facts" of mainstream archeology/Egyptology wrong. Which was actually a good thing, because after looking at the Egyptology "evidence", it was lacking and did not stand up to scrutiny. The whole field of Egyptology is built on assumptions: >>>/leftypol/1481546 You can actually look for yourself, go find " evidence " egyptologists have for everything we were told about ancient Egypt as kids.
I find it funny how every science, social and natural, has advanced in the last 30 years, new discoveries, theories, interpretations… yet Egyptology has had the same beliefs, assumptions and theories since before WWI. How can you trust it? Apparently it was the ancient Greeks who said the sphinx was built same time as the pyramid, several thousand years after they had supposedly been built.
Looking a bit into it, it seems there is a lot of archeologists and historians critical of Egyptology, and questioning their narrative doesn't seem to be crazy at all. Yet people who will proudly say "ruthless criticism of everything!" (there's a reference to it in the sidebar menu on ironically) are preventing criticism, criticism in the Marxist sense.
Now I want to talk to people about it, because I would like to be dissuaded. Every time anons made an argument in the thread that was a good one, that made me think "well, if that's true, then the lost-civ theory" is finished, I would go and look it up only to find out it's not true or anons outright invented it cause it sounded right. That's an annoying thing too, people went in to "defeat Hancock".
For some reason anons thought that if they didn't ridicule, call me a schizo or a retard, then… I dunno, something bad would happen. There wasn't even an attempt to engage with the content, they saw "Hancock" and alarms went blaring, it was all about shutting the conversation down from that point. Also people seem to think if they bring one argument, or one piece of evidence, that is shown to be faulty or not show what they think it shows, they'd just move on and never mention it again. It's as if they were basically proving to themselves the dominant narrative, rather than having a discussion.
>the site being dead and all, it's time for a debriefing.If I one wants to do better, one must learn from the past, take stock what is available, and try something else.
>Anyway, in cases where there is no way to do a vote, anyone claiming otherwise is a bad actor (there is a blatant incongruity between what they demand and what can actually be done) by definition. I was never part of the crowd who wanted voting. There is no way to do it without trust. Only way would be if people were willing to give some personal information away, like a physical address one could mail a code to, or an ID. But then you might as well become a legal organisation/association and then you have to follow rules about data retention and so on, which would be a way to build trust through a third party. Needless to say, neither I, or the majority of people here would want that, giving personal info away or joining a leftypol association.
>I'd love to see someone back this up. Do a better job. Do. Work. Create.Right. I am not going to recreate the same forums/chans, and not gonna write a regular chan clone in an exotic language. It has to be slightly new, rethought, different, otherwise what's the point?
>>27000You are quoting me and I don't know what you are talking about. Needless to say it's clear the poster I was replying to has more political education than you.
It's also clear that they are acting needlessly antagonizing.
Bottom line is I won't try to intervene.
Asking that
>>>/AKM/1969 >>>/AKM/1328 >>>/AKM/405 Be merged onto
>>>/AKM/3080>>27051You brought up "chans" first, you just brought up chan "culture" even though that has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING in either the /anime/ board nor here. You're just name-calling because I used some insults spread out among my actual arguments. You made a shitpost about some nobody on twitter making a sardonic statement about an anime genre, a post bothering nobody that has any self-esteem or critical thinking, since it's just someone's opinion on the internet. Instead you cap it, make a whiny intersectional liberalist OP about sexism and being "attacked" and other nonsense. More than 1 anon replied mockingly of your statement including myself. I simply expanded my reply. You didn't read my post, made an emotional reply while accusing me of emotions and admitting to not reading what I wrote, so I further deconstructed your "arguments" (that's a charitable description) with both subjective and objective aspects. I further told you to grow thicker skin because we're not holding your hands. Then you involved the mods like a crying nancy, because you started spamming various reddit buzzphrases about /v/ and "channer", because as I said in my very first post you come from the tumblr school of "everyone I don't like is [insert a particular flavor of libpol]" argumentation, wherein if you scream bigot/racist/sexist//pol///v/ enough SURELY that will shout them down.
TL;DR: You're boringly transparent and I shan't be replying to you further, go away
>Rule 16: Users have the right to question and challenge any bans or post removals, or other moderator actions, which they feel are unfair or do not live up to the spirit of the rules. This may be done in the moderation feedback threads on the various boards, on the /meta/ board, through the ban appeal feature My ban was only 1 hour and I was fine to wait it out. However for the sake of honest feedback here I'd like to point out that I was technically unable to contest this ban.
My ban was across all boards for
"lack of civil conduct", even though my posts have not been in any way, shape or form different to the standard arguments on the site in general. Swears, insults and being in disagreement are not against the rules. The closest Rule to this is #14 a-g however my posts did not approach any of the examples given for that rule.
As said, my ban was on all boards for a post on an alt board. My other posts through the past week across the entire site were neutral at best and this was the only thread where I've posted repeatedly in quick succession today mostly in response to the OP's antagonism and hypocrisy. This ban included /meta/. Are bans not supposed to be board specific unless the person is actively shitting across the site? I have posted in 7 threads today to my recollection, once in /hobby/s Game of Thrones thread, agreeing with a different post, once in the /leftypol/ Kosovo thread to post music relevant to the topic, once in /AKM/'s meme thread to post a meme making fun of Burger armchair airforce posters, a couple posts in the /leftypol/ Ukraine thread primarily about military tech or the situation at hand (I didn't engage any of the shitposters), a post in the naval thread in /AKM/ about an old Russian ship still in active service and the posts in that one /anime/ thread. The only other post I posted was in /siberia/ by accident and I deleted it immediately. So, how do a trio of vaguely mocking posts justify a sitewide ban? If you're gonna ban, please don't be lazy and ban to a specific board, because otherwise this is overkill, especially given the large number of actually bad faith posters crawling all over
>>>/leftypol/ and shitting in other boards too.
>>27025Isn't /siberia/ essentially /b/ (as it was originally called)?
Why not just apply the purely Global Rules and leave the board alone? The entire point of it is to be (essentially) a dumpster for mass low quality posting and NSFW content that doesn't belong on other boards, so porn, obvious racism, bait etc, acting as a containment for less "proper" posting.
>>27055>Isn't /siberia/ essentially /b/ (as it was originally called)?No. Actually it was renamed for this reason.
Why not just apply the purely Global Rules and leave the board alone? The entire point of it is to be (essentially) a dumpster for mass low quality posting and NSFW content that doesn't belong on other boards, so porn, obvious racism, bait etc, acting as a containment for less "proper" posting.
I agree that the specific post in question should not have been removed by the moderator, we have had a discussion about this. I agree with your sentiment here to some extent, siberia having more relaxed rules and allowing porn and nsfw content means that it will have this type of content. That being said we have had discussions about this topic previously as a site, and I think a majority of people have agreed we don't want it to be a "containment" board, as containment doesn't work. And many users have different ideas for siberia and want varying levels of "quality control" or theming.
edit: mod tag >>27060Ok. Dead or slow? FWIW I have found spending half an hour bumping threads in alt tends to produce some responses and temporarily increased activity. Maybe sometimes people don't immediately think to reply but may answer new activity?
>>27061Ok. Thank's for feedback anyways.
>>27062> Dead or slow?Those 3 haven't had proper discussions between 2 people in months, I know about bumping in alt to generate new conversation, but it's been kinda useless, especially since necrobumping without having anything to say at the moment is just annoying to people.
Also since I have your attention, I was thinking that /hobby/ and /anime/ could have a archives for threads past bump limit that could be saved. The Star Wars thread in /hobby/ for example is completely full and it has a lot of effort posts in it that are going to just disappear so putting it in a /hobby_archive/ would be useful to have. Even /siberia/ has its /siberia_archive/ as does /leftypol/.
>>27063 Yes. I was being mocking, but so were most of the rest, my posts were just longer. I was being mocking because it's an imageboard and I've seen far worse on the main /leftypol/ board that the mods don't ban or moderate heavily at all. Was I mean? Perhaps, but as I said, it's an opinion on the internet by a literal anon, why should you let it bother you so much. I didn't insult their parentage or threaten violence or say any liberal or reactionary rhetoric, ironically or unironically. I merely dismissed radical liberal claims about some inherent misogyny of mocking a genre of anime and sprinkled in some insults as an off-the-cuff, uncensored reaction.
>>27064>Those 3 haven't had proper discussions between 2 people in months, I know about bumping in alt to generate new conversation, but it's been kinda useless, especially since necrobumping without having anything to say at the moment is just annoying to people. Okay I understand. Maybe we can help in some way hmm…
to be honest personally I appreciate even necrobumping without something in particular to say if the person is geniunely interested in the topic and makes and puts effort into the post>Also since I have your attention, I was thinking that /hobby/ and /anime/ could have a archives for threads past bump limit that could be saved. The Star Wars thread in /hobby/ for example is completely full and it has a lot of effort posts in it that are going to just disappear so putting it in a /hobby_archive/ would be useful to have. Even /siberia/ has its /siberia_archive/ as does /leftypol/. Yeah good idea. This was already agreed to be implemented I believe. But our dev team was out of commission for a while. I remind the dev room right now thanks.
>Yes. I was being mocking, but so were most of the rest, my posts were just longer. I was being mocking because it's an imageboard and I've seen far worse on the main /leftypol/ board that the mods don't ban or moderate heavily at all. Was I mean? Perhaps, but as I said, it's an opinion on the internet by a literal anon, why should you let it bother you so much. I didn't insult their parentage or threaten violence or say any liberal or reactionary rhetoric, ironically or unironically. I merely dismissed radical liberal claims about some inherent misogyny of mocking a genre of anime and sprinkled in some insults as an off-the-cuff, uncensored reaction.I asked the mod in question for a response.
>>27054>>27064It was more specifically for making the first posts on a thread pretty vitriolic which can heavily alter discussions continuing past that, plus not really mediating yourself when other anons were pretty actively asking not to. It matters a lot less for a cyclical where the posts will inevitably die anyways, but in alt boards especially those posts will have a lot of prominence for a long time because there is just less posting overall. Making it into a fighting pit will inevitably drive what few users exist from it away. Plus generally, they are supposed to be relatively chill boards to begin with as per their conception all the way back in the bunker. Places leftists can go to discuss media or hobbies without the range of vitriolic insanity of libs and rightoids, otherwise why wouldn't you just use the equivalent 4chan boards?
Ultimately a lot of it just comes down to not vibing with the still-existing culture of the place, we do have pretty nice longform discussion of topics in these threads (albeit at a slow burn) like these older /hobby/ threads
>>>/hobby/2562 >>>/hobby/2737. We've always been more heavy handed in patrolling the vibe of the /hobby/ boards (except maybe /games/) so these kinds of threads exist.
>>27082This is a fallacy of definition. Yes Originally that's true, but this is no longer the case for the internet. Back when 2ch did that the concept of memes was in its infancy in terms of actual widespread usage. Today this is not the case, memes are everywhere, from politics, to business to ordinary conversation. Every day dozens of new memes are made and posted, some being variations of old ones, others being brand new. Them still being old school is like 4chan's 4mb post size limit, it's just lack of progress. Is it retro? Sure, but memes make conveying messages easier or faster, because as the saying goes "a picture paints a thousand words". Moreover it can be used to expand an argument or set a conversational tone. That's the beauty of online imageboard conversation, you're not limited by purely words, you can provide associative images, comparable to using hand gestures and actually physically showing things in a face to face conversation.
Having all (hypothetically it's at least more than one) these little Goebbels running around, not conducive to a spirit of cooperation and solidarity.
>>27073How interesting, there is no useful information contained here whatsoever.
And you mean to tell me people fall for this?
>>27074>no info! no info!I left out time of ban, duration and my IP. Ban was for a month. It's irrelevant though, I didn't post it for you. Those who it is meant for will understand it.
>>27124You can be banned for "spam" based on a single post. Spam doesn't mean "repeated messages/links trying to get you to visit a site" any more, now it means expressing an opinion with an ulterior motive or agenda. Your post doesn't need to have links or mention any other site to be "spam".
ERGO, "spam" is now whatever a mod doesn't like.
>>27129and you have, most certainly, saved proof of this repetitive manipulation, right? I mean, you must, otherwise you'd be relying on a general feeling and the assumption that many different people are all one person (or a few) trying to manipulate the site.
Can you give us a list of these viewpoints/ideas that are trying to be inserted via manipulation? Then we could avoid using the keywords.
>>27131I don't even know what you are talking about how should I? We have established that it's impossible.
I am not interested in interfering. All I am interested in is the truth.
>>27132>oh no you want me to explain myself?! you weasel!not a good look.
I also like implication that every ban is justified and those who complain about them do it for self-aggrandisement. face it, you'll say whatever, so long you can avoid self-reflection or admit a mistake.
There's a reason I don't give you jnfo, because I was banned in /meta/ for disagreeing with a mod. As I said, expressing an opinion is now considered "spam". You can accept it, learn from it and change, or not. For every 1 person that complains about a ban, there are 5 who just leave and never come back. Then the ones who complained learn and use more VPN IPs. You think unique IP number and therefore people is the same, but it's not. I'd say there is max 100 unique visitors a month, and maybe 40 are active regularly (including mods).
You don't have to believe me, I don't care. lol not my site.
>>27134>>oh no you want me to explain myself?>deliberately making it impossible to explain anything or even understand the issue>withholding information>acting like a complete twatGreat job
>I don't care. Then why do you keep whining?
>self-reflectionI wish you could find it in you to engage in it.
What a fun performance. If you are parodying the faction I think you are you are doing a fantastic job.
>>27128>aping 4chan That was never the point. It's never been about aping 4chan, or some mythical monolithic chan culture. People come here to freely converse. The ability for relatively free shitposting, arguing and memes as I explained in
>>27079 (You) are the point of this site, down to how its formatted, otherwise it's no different to a communist "discord" server of some kind or a facebook page, or quora group or whatever that already exist. Yes people come here for more measured discussions, but that's not what 90% of the posts are. /siberia/ is literally shiposting, one word replies and porn and is the most popular board after the main board. The main board is full of shitposting and simplistic discussion and arguments and other crap, and only a small percentage is made up of effortposts. Only /edu/ has a higher effort-post ratio, but that's the reason it's such a specific board for that sort of conversation. The same applies to alt boards, it's casual discussion with varying levels of maturity, effort and tones. Some posts I make there are casual, some are long-form effort posts, I am not restricted to one or the other by text limits, single image-posting limits or the like, only by the general rules of the site on what is allowed or banned; something that is policed as is.
>>27136There's no point in telling you, because it is not about this one specific case, but your use of "spam" to remove things you don't agree with. As this person/mod explained:
>>27129>"blatant attempts at manipulation by repetition"Sometimes we can have a discussion to
persuade others, is that manipulation? Is consistency in your arguments and views repetition?
This isn't about fascism, or /pol/ shit or whatever, cause then it could fall under those rules. But even in those cases, fascists are allowed to post as long as they do it in "good faith". Yet if it is an opinion from the left they don't like, then it is "spam". So what we end up with is a "leftist imageboard" that is more tolerant to fascists than to leftists.
I am not the only one who sees this or has said this.
Everyone left, yo. Now it's reddit tourists and trolls from other chans triggering the redditors with fucking idpol of all things.
Once US election season starts this place will be flooded by dems and repubs and you won't have enough actual communists/anarchists to set the tone of discussion and provide a counter to the libs. I don't think this site will survive the next US election.
>>27147>spamming the tor nodeyou mean USING the tor node? lol
my post keeps getting deleted while other posts about literally the same thing get to stay up, thats why i keep posting it thus becoming spam
rule 14 is divided in 7 parts, which one or ones am i breaking that the other posts arent. the only one that makes sense to me is 14c but the other posts are dripping in passive aggressiveness, how is mine any worse. at least im being only aggressive instead of hiding under 10 layers of irony
>>27149>my post keeps getting deleted while other posts about literally the same thing get to stay upyou understand that two posts can pertain to the same topic while being different in content, right? if you want to talk about the way 4chan moderation has shaped the userbase, go ahead. do so without responding to disagreement with only insults and accusations.
>rule 14 is divided in 7 parts, which one or ones am i breaking that the other posts were warned for 14b, which i think applies to the posts i deleted. 14c also applies, as you point out.
>>27152idk the other poster was saying everyone who posts here must be a channer so it follows that he considers himself a channer too
>then you accuse me of the samesorry i thought you were the same poster because you both had similar posting styles, especialy the terrible allegories ("You might as well be a white person saying "i hate whites" when you're just talking about white supremacists.") LOL
>>27153thanks, i dont mind big nukes, theyre hard to argue against
>""""""""""empty IP astroturf""""""""""Let's break it down, shall we?
>empty IPthis means there are no "notes" on the IP, it is probably the first time it appears.
>astroturfThe mod is saying that, despite seeing ONE post by that IP, the person is "astroturfing". In other words, the person is part of a coordinated effort or plan to shape opinions here. What evidence do you have? None.
This is my point, every poster is assumed to have bad intentions, until proven otherwise.
>Be open with your intentions.Wtf? Should we now explain why we make every post, like they do on reddit?
>>27141>everyone i dont like is reddit<mods enforcing personal opinions and banning people they don't like<distrust of new users <approved posters<post histories<lack of recourseyou're right, this place is nothing like reddit, my bad.
>>27139you're here so you must be reddit. This is why self-aggrandizement is the most fitting way to describe your motivation by far. There is no reason to believe you over people that act reasonably.
I don't think
>"blatant attempts at manipulation by repetition"can be misinterpreted. Now you are asking about something else, what's the point of continuously asking loaded questions?
Yes, everyone left, you are truly special.
>>27165It's been there for like 4-5 years yes.
>>27162Not as far as I know but we received a cease and desist from UK Labour party over our hosting of leaked internal documents showing how they ratfucked Corbyn (lol).
>>27165I’m really late to the party, like six years late. I asked about it back then and didn’t notice they added it until recently.
>>27166Interesting, I wonder if they had some bureaucrat sifting through our shitposts, kek
>>27223I was replying to the hypothetical
Obviously I don't care who you think is winning or losing "the argument" (not that I have any knowledge of it in the first place)
>>27219I ban thingnoticer like last month so no. Also
>>27222 is right
>>27224>was replying to the hypotheticalwhile implying anyone you ban is an "illiterate nazi spamming". can you not see you're just attaching epithets to justify your actions?
"I banned him cause he was a nazi!" is a very clever move, I'll give you that. If one disagrees, you'll just say they're defending nazis and ban them.
You're literally like liberals who once they're in power, start making up idealistic reasons why they should stay in power. You're not communists, or anarchists, or socialists, you're just bitter. now you get your own fiefdom to bully. congrats.
>>27227Again, replying to a hypothetical.
You are angry but I don't even know what about.
What's with
been here since the bunker and still don't know how to link threads from other boards lol About a year's worth of the thread seems to be nuked, was it overkill from trying to delete the posts from the Polish guy who seemed to post his actual name and employer?
>>27254yeah good point. imo deletion after a bait post is deleted is better than a ban for responding to bait unless the person keeps encouraging spam. Although sometimes people prefer to leave up convo with baits and rebuttals. Depends on thread and the specific posts in question ig, as per usual
>>27257meds schizo
@jannies please remove the image ban for tor in siberia again
I'm not shitting up /edu/. Maybe instead of banning me, consider deleting shitty threads that add nothing. This thread
>>>/edu/17900 is nothing but treating something that isn't that serious seriously and just speculative nonsense that no one can engage with meaningfully. What the fuck is "overuse of metaphor"? Why would there be a "universal way of speaking", what does this hypothetical even address?
>>27267It breaks the rule of low quality
Basically its entire point seems to be that metaphors are bad
As for the other thread, breaking down information is valid, but OP just wants to discuss everyday rhetoric which is superfluous on a forum about in-depth concepts, and pushes some wild assumptions that are just annoying
>>27273Why not?
Ban got lifted anyway so idc anymore.
Thx mods
>>27277Mods are absolute schizos when it comes to IPs.
This is what happens when you get people who don't understand networking or even basic technology making decisions based off those things. I've been banned several times for having a "sus IP" and I don't even know what the fuck that means.
>>>/leftypol/1498818Why did I get a 26 week ban for this post?
I only wanted to show something delusional someone posted under the video from the other's anons post.
>>27291I just checked my IPs on my laptop( this one) and my home PC. My home PC uses IP6. This one uses IP4 for some reason.
I don't know why this is.
>>27291Yes. There is a lot of spam history on both of these IP ranges and the timing with other spam and the IPs replying to you are additionally suspicious. However I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Assuming you were banned by error I offer my sincere apologies.
>>27292Ok thank you for clarifying. I will revoke both the rangebans for now.
>>27293I don't know why but my phone is still banned.
It was banned for the post that replied to
>>>/leftypol/1498818 for 22 weeks.
I'm not sure, the post was either deleted or sent to /gulag/ it said something like:
>I'm currently on my phone>How are those posts spam, I was merely showing a delusional take on china from the comments of the video the other anon mentioned >>27306They probably have honest intentions, but I refuse to believe there are so many spammers that it justifies using these absurd range bans.
I almost never see spam, and no, the mods aren't just THAT good that they always manage to delete it before I see it. I think it just, for the most part, isn't there and they're overreacting.
>>27307Actually, after glancing at the /meta/ thread from the other guy who apparently keeps experiencing this problem, it looks like the "spam IP" excuse is just a way to justify grudge bans.
Figures. This is too much drama for me to bother dealing with, I'm just gonna try to find an IRC server or something because I'm sure as fuck not going back to 4chan.
>>27304> was literally using the same IP I always useWhich IP?
Ban #?
>Oh also making someone use a separate IP to appeal a ban is a hostile anti-user measure. What's wrong with the appeal form process that every imageboard has used for the past 20 years?Appealing with seperate IP allows to deduce if the appeal is legitmate or not, additionally it allows an infinite number of appeals, this is important for example if it is a shared IP between spammer and real user and the spammer replys with something like "fuck you uyghur" then an appeal can still be made by a legitimate user on that IP/range. This function is only used for pervasive spam (wherein the spammer is almost always an "outraged innocent" anyways).
>>27305Hey, mods, can someone, maybe, unban my phone.
It still has a 22 week ban for "spam IP + ban evasiln"
>>27329Free VPN? Like it's literally called "Free VPN"?
>Not that I care much in particular but it’s worth pointing out that range bans can be tricky when some of the more easier to access and free obviously VPNs will have more customers, especially on imageboards.Yes. Most of the rangebans we make are for botnets and bulk IP ranges on specific networks and ranges. We generally have different tactics for dealing with spam on proxies with arbitrary IPs, although this content generally is rate limited in it's own way by the time it takes to switch IPs, and often has some structural protections against botting etc. Oftentimes a good compromise is using the tor node, which we do encourage, and which is user and privacy friendly and allows us to pick up intuitively when someone is samefagging/astroturfing and prevents bumping of one's own posts on an alternate IP etc.
>>27330Today I leaned Australians and bad faith posters are indistinguishable
No wonder moot hated us Aussies back in the good old days
Why tf is my GPT-related post in the gulag
>>>/tech/18078? It's on-topic and it contains interesting use cases that others might be interested in trying out. While you're at it why don't you gulag the 50 billion low effort GPT generated walls of text in that thread that no one is ever gonna read?
EDIT: WTF this is not a spam IP! I'm in this country for work-related reasons and I'm using hotel wifi - idk if that looks suspicious to you.
>>27352I was IP banned for suspected spamming, but I want to clarify that my IP is not a spam IP, and the content I posted before the ban was not spam. There's your coherent post.
And you must have used a range ban because it doesn't show up in the public modlog. If you're going to range ban then you'd better tell the user the exact reason (we suspect X content to be spam based on Y pattern), otherwise you're going to find a lot of "incoherent" posts on /meta/.
>>27363Yeah I mean if I were spamming these IP ranges myself. Most sites already tracl users across IPs through shit like fingerprinting, but maybe channers would be desirable to track in this way. But at that point the suspicion is about one or more site staff literally spamming their own site, or appearing to, in order to get them to reply on a new thread right? At that point couldn't the whole thing just be rigged? Like why would I need to spam this place if all you as a user have to go off of is the mod log? That would only make sense if it was just one mod rather than the whole site staff or something. Which I will admit could be a potential concern. But if you had access to the info I and we have as mods it would be pretty apparent it's not the case and that there is a particular known entity behind the spam. Now as I am being intentionally vague to avoid sharing any information with bad faith actors that could assist them in being
less stupid, I have said also what I wanted to convey informayion and explanation wise to any users reading this. It's up to you whether you trust us or not, same with any site. As per usual I suggest use of the tor node, which is available sans JS.
>>27367Okay I will let you off with a warning for rules 14 a,b,c,e,f,g
Bans lifted. Read >>27369and yet my posts are gone, even those in unrelated threads
I changed my mind, unlift the bans: it was all me, the spam, the csam and all the other malicious actor stuff
>>27380>>27379You are indeed looking at the wrong ukraine thread lol:
>>>/leftypol/1499913No deletions. I can move to the new Ukriane thread if you would like
ok what's going on? I got banned on my original IP, appealed here
>>27361 (BG IP), made ONE post on /tech/ which hasn't even been removed, and now that IP is banned for spam?
I'm double appealing both.
>>27332 (me)
>>27334I am using my work computer because fuck it. Those posts are me. I posted those links to prove that i'm not spam. I don't understand why you are confused by this. I got caught up in the "range ban" apparently.
>>27334 >>27422 (me)
>>>/leftypol/1499262 is not me. Everything else is.
>>27429It's an absolute clusterfuck, for some inexplicable reason the only consistently active mod is the worst one.
If I thought the feds actually cared about us I'd be worried it was some kind of cointelpro shenanigans, but thankfully I think it's just generic leftist dysfunction
(samefagging) the range ban situation is under discussion. i will be lifting all range bans appealed either here or by ban appeal until we can get further clarification from m00dy and come to some collective decision on how to move forward.
>>27426>>27427>>27434you should be unbanned now.
>>27433>It's an absolute clusterfuck, for some inexplicable reason the only consistently active mod is the worst one.Be realistic,
second worst.
And yes, it's dysfunction. Any fed worth paying would realize we're a waste of their time.
(samefagging yet again) I'm still banned
>>27355 and I'm not the elusive spammer that you're trying to catch.
(spam)>>27443Ok maybe we've been unfair but it's also really annoying when your IP gets banned for no reason and when you try to appeal it you're accused of being a mysterious spammer who probably doesn't even actually exist
But if it wasn't a unilateral decision on his part and the mods actually all agreed and signed off to these range bans, then clearly my anger was misdirected and I should be annoyed with all of them.
>>27443one day moody repeatedly deleted my complaints
from /meta/ lol that guy can fuck off
>>27444>Ok maybe we've been unfair but it's also really annoying when your IP gets banned for no reason and when you try to appeal it you're accused of being a mysterious spammer who probably doesn't even actually existlike i said, the frustration is very understandable. i also think m00dy is probably correct that there is a spammer or group of spammers abusing one or more of the ip ranges he's identified. currently we are discussing whether or not range bans are a good tool to use in combating this spammer or spammers. the consensus at the moment seems to be that the range bans of the past few days were too strenuous, hence my post earlier saying i will be lifting all range bans on appeal for the time being.
>>27446this. the primary issue facing site moderation is lack of manpower, and that lack of manpower translates into burnout, apathy, and disconnection (both literally and figuratively).
>>27449If >>>/leftypol/1500829 is an element of the phenomena m00dy identified then it's just newfag liberals even if they are raiding from a d*scord server or the like
Comrade volunteers of the Democratic Centralist board leadership please do not concern yourself with such trivial matters as raiding the board poster's can handle raids
In fact we got a few converts from the raids and even more from earlier raids like in the full chan era
They already merged per my request
>>27615 >>27633It's not helping what?
You mean you can't figure out the reality of the situation because people act mean on the internet.
Why is
>>>/gulag/ no longer available for viewing? It's a hidden board and you can't post in it, but why is it no longer accessible to users to view?
>>27733It's been repurposed
A new process for post deletion by moderator action is in place
Moderated posts are now moved to /gulag/ for review so in the case of moderator error they can be restored
>>27772The logs on the last IP I had banned already had a ban evasion notice prior, so I assumed it was the same shithead.
But if what you say is sincere, I will promptly unban. Please don't misuse my trust. Thank you and I apologize.
Just to note on my "IP hopping" I haven't posted in
>>>/leftypol/ since the the /ukraine/ thread earlier today, I haven't posted anything else on the board since, so if someone is using my IP to cancerpost, don't hit me with the hammer for it.
>>27773The chances of innocently running into a banned IP on this relatively small imageboard are practically nonexistent unless an ISP is using carrier-grade NAT.
My beef is with moderation inconsistency. It seems I'm expected to be 100% civil in a thread while some neckbeard drops personal insult after personal insult or engages in some delusions where every poster he dislikes is his #1 board foe. Reports of those posts go unheeded. Oh, but if I dare reach my patience limits and reply with a single insult in kind, suddenly the ban hammer comes down on me.
I can't avoid the sense that we have a kind of Animal Farm situation here where certain posters, by dint of being fixtures or otherwise having some kind of back-channel presence and familiarity, are given free rein to shit on whomever they like.
>>27802>where every poster he dislikes is his #1 board foe. That's how Sage is about the vols on /meta/
I am specifically posting this to try and get some
recognition going on both sides
>>27804>>27802>I can't avoid the sense that we have a kind of Animal Farm situation here where certain posters, by dint of being fixtures or otherwise having some kind of back-channel presence and familiarity, are given free rein to shit on whomever they like.I have no back channel presence, and I most definitely don't go on the matrix chat but I am most definitely on a longer leash simply because I post a decent amount on /meta/ trying to do service routine questions etc since the vols job isn't customer service it's keeping muh /sfw/ free of NSFW
>hurr duh stalinstache poster you're wierdly fixated on metaYes, I do it because I feel guilty since I have the modding experience, but refuse to make a matrix account so I can help out
>>27823trust me i dont fucking use the search page either lmao
i wrote this on my june meeting resolution ideas draft
>Search Page>An eye sore. I rather go thru every board and use the search function on the catalog than use this fucking page I actually very much welcome stopping the bothsiders-zigger debate in the /ukraine/ thread. but if youre going to do so can you actually make a post in the thread or a notice or something like that rather than just starting it randomly out of the blue? otherwise you're just going to be banning people who dont know that such stuff has just started being banned.
I didn't know such stuff was banned and as such I was banned. Can my ban be revoked now that I know about this rule.
Also a public notice on my post
>>>/leftypol/1509464 says one post ip which isnt correct since i also posted
>>>/leftypol/1509350Into which log did my ban from /siberia/ go? I can't see it in this: since when is it official policy to ban someone for two days with a "reason" that could have been just posted as a reply?
>>27842The only time I use that phrase is regarding actually blatant redditors or people that space out their replies way too much, making poorly formatted, overly-large posts that could be condensed and still be readable, there's a reason
>>>/leftypol/1492952Move to
>>>/siberia/ plox
>>27892>click your button then.Already did.
I'm not the same guy even. But I will give you respect that you even consider justifying your bans by the rules new janny. All the others just write "Spam" and delete+ban any responses from the meta thread.
>>27910>redneck bumpkins<U stoopid wiggers/hicks/poorfags/rednecks, you can't call out my shitty formatting, it's paragraphing! I am sick and tired of entitled burgers and first-world ignoramuses using "redneck" as a supposed insult, especially on leftypol, considering the origin of the name REDNECK and it's relevance to labour unions. What an utterly bourgeoise attitude.
>filter reddit spacing reeee!This is pathetic overmoderation, word filtering is going to turn conversations into word salad because the filter is either going to be narrow enough that people WILL get around it making it useless, or so broad that even unrelated termins of similar spelling are going to get caught in the crossfire. Are you seriously complaining to mods about a couple people saying "reddit" when its known that a lot of reddit posters come here, especially during crisis times in reddit? Such as the shutdown of subreddits because of the "protest" against reddits API changes. If you can't just ignore people throwing out "lol reddit" at you, then you really need to re-evaluate your sensitivity to being insulted.
>>27925 >Muh Generals<N-no why can't I shit up catalog by necrobumping 4 threads that have been dead for a year with nothingburger posts! >>27926>the 20-post thread with actual discussion And which thread is that? The two 4 IP shitpost threads? The 12 IP thread with one sentence posts and a shitpost Long Cat OP or the 10IP thread with a short almost nonexistent amount of discussion based on some Google translations of Zun's posts?
Amazing "discussion".
>Muh image dump thread Nothing in the other threads is any better or more discussive than in the primary thread, you pseud.
It's not enough substance for an actual good thread and it just shits up catalog in smaller boards. If you want a seperate thread, it ought to be a topic wide enough to allow for it not to sink to oblivion in less than 2 days. That's how the LOTR thread, HP thread and GoT threads got made after they got resonance in the Fantasy General and generated good OPs that are still getting bumps. Your shitty 5 different threads on the same topic are barely posted in, and 4 were at the bottom of catalog until one autist necrobumped all of them. To what end? They have contributed nothing to discussion that you attempt to use as a high horse, nor are the threads posted in further. You're just shitting yourself.
>uyghas will seriously complain that there's too many threads on the slow as fuck side boardsYes, you retard. Mods recently have been talking about anon imageboards for free posting =/= no moderation, this is an example of that - most boards on almost any forum or imageboard, no matter how slow, have a policy against multiple threads on the same topic unless the prior thread has reached bump limit. Because it's just shitting up catalog, especially in slower boards, since the dead thread isn't going get bumped off the board for a long, long time and just sits there for ages.
>>27933Unironically shut up. Misato is like the only mod with any sanity and has been more than accommodating for people. They don't just mass delete posts by IP or rangeban continents, they don't even delete posts that they ban for, just leave a message or edit the post
>inb4 ur MisatoNope, I've probably been here longer than Misato TBH given that I've been here since this place was bunkerchan and before leftypol split with leftpol on 8ch.
>>27938NTC but being in the better half of a bunch does not mean one is immune from critique. I second this ->
>>27939 <- but overmoderation is overmoderation no matter who does it. And if misato == anfem mod (and I'm guessing so unless it's one of the new ones), then they're headed pretty fast into powertripping abuse territory. Which is a bummer to see.
I am in support of mods leaving ban messages when appropriate, it's good communication which is in dire need right now, but using bans and red-text as a way to elevate opinions like
>>27934 is just unambiguously abusive.
>>27913>it's relevanceits relevance.
>its known it's known.
Do you see why people don't care about the writing/composition opinions of redneck bumpkins?
>>27941Let me get this straight. The situation is that someone is believed to be ban evading, so they get banned in a way that tells everyone it was for suggesting practical objections about urban utopianism, and the original ban was for a position that you claim has been formal for three years but isn't mentioned anywhere at all in the rules page listed in the sticky, and in fact, contradicts it and the constitution of the site. Then you justify this secret rule as banning a position for not having enough 'substance', which describes half the posts on this site.
Do you understand why we see problems with this?
>>27936>>27937im so confused about what happened here but
>>27938>>27939i appreciate the kind and constructive comments nonetheless. however,
>>27933>>27940even more confusing, not sure how helping an anon with their request for consolidate threads of a similar topic to be considered "powertripping" or "overmoderation", i was simply doing a favor. That being said, I do agree however ban messages should encouraged to communicate transparency, as well as a way to let users know to please not reply to the posts in which the user was banned for (bc its usually bait, egregiously incendiary, derail, etc, which will further worsen the state of the thread in consecutive replies)
altho if there are genuine instances where i might had pushed a boundary, pls let me know as long as the struggle session is done constructively and comradely.
ps i know im cringe but at least im free <3 >>27936>>27937ok i just looked into the logs
dont really know what was the original message but it seemed like or i assumed whoever made the post deleted it? as an alibi, 3-4 hours ago i was in the middle of a reading discussion w my caucus
did anyone remember what it said? :-/
>>27943>someone is believed to be ban evadingHe was openly admitting to it in the ban messages and actively continuing his earlier conversation, lol
>that tells everyone it was for suggesting practical objections about urban utopianismWe were all having a giggle at someone protecting *cars over trains on top of an already stupid argument in the thread about how the person who was killed could've just cooperated with the cops and how the protests are disrupting my heckin small buisnesserinos.
>but isn't mentioned anywhere at all in the rules page listed in the stickyIt easily falls under rule 7 and 14e, and variably falls under other rules depending on how earnest or provocative they were being. In addition, as a general rule if anyone is ever coming into a thread about a happening to say how much of a happening it is not, then goes on to continue arguing with other anons, then they are clearly being an ass. Which, granted, is not rulebreaking, but does color our consideration in applying bans.
>contradicts it and the constitution of the siteNot at all. While we do seek to be a non-sectarian leftist site, it is ultimately the duty of the moderation to set the boundaries of "the left" as per this goal. Maupinites and stupididpol shit need not apply.
>Do you understand why we see problems with this?No
>>27619What IP? I'm assuming you were correctly rangebanned for spam and are coping and seething about it.
>>27658(For posterity this has been clarified internally) Look at the IP history.
>>27939>They are infinitely better than m00dyI concur. Looking at the board log, it looks like m00dy falsely banned me again for the usual false claim that I supposedly ban evaded (How? I had no ongoing bans), spamming and samefapping. Which is hilarious, since I reported a user m00dy appears to believe was me. What kind of spammer reports themselves???
What is this mod's damn problem? I didn't say anything controversial today. I didn't even post a chinlet or soyjak image (despite that not even being against the rules, some mods seem to have a problem with that recently).
(confirmed spammer) >>27988this ban isn't a rangeban, so I doubt you are not the intended recipient.
>>27990false positives on very small communities with very specific rangebans are incredibly rare, we've got site-wide IP lookup tools to see what IPs that have been posted would potentially be caught in a ban and use that for our calculations. of course there is always the chance that someone just phoneposts for the 1st time and is banned because of a rangeban, and we generally try to give that benefit of the doubt for that kind of stuff, but we're mostly vindicated by our application. 99% of complaining about rangebans is the people we intend to ban complain about getting banned.
Yes, yes, and yes. They fall outside of the "left" which this site upholds. It is not merely my opinion, but the team's opinion. Cop apologists, riot concern trolls, and other forms of terminally burger-brained morons are not tolerated. A decent chunk of our own staff is in these protests and have been in protests like it before.
>it's not a user's obligation to play into every circlejerk and pretend ITS A REVOLUTION COMRADE
It is also not in a user's obligation to stay around and post in a thread which they believe has no consequence to post repeatedly to every development about of how little consequence it is. If you are the golden god of consequential actions, surely you should go be doing something actually useful.
>Not every riot is praxis and we should be open to discuss whether it is or isn't instead of just getting banned for going against the consensus.
"Riots are not praxis" people are very keen to explain how much riots are not praxis, and post no other praxis besides, either in context to the thread, or anywhere else. Quite regularly, in fact, the only place the IPs which tell us how little the riots matter post in is threads about riots. That alone gives reason for suspicion.
>Critique of that is healthy
Personally, I would describe nothing of your habits as healthy.
>What's "specific" about the number 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 (2^64)
In a sea of large potential numbers, it is quite specific, especially to the degree which the proceeding numbers are often tied to specific locations of service when it comes to phone services. Most IPs on an IPV6 IP is not even arranged to a person at a given time, because its intentionally made to be an exceptionally wide protocol.
>neglected git repo
I mean, there alone is your answer. Most of our projects aren't posted in the git repo because the public repo isn't really maintained in the same way our private dev builds are. There isn't really incentive to because there isn't much useful user interaction with the codebase anyways, maintaining it to concurrency with the dev build is just pointless busywork for already busy admins.
>>27998>>28000 (me on wired)
and this post is over wifi, i turned it off and on and the IP seems to have changed on this device too
I appealed but it was rejected and I'm genuinely confused
>>27957>sorry for the lack of response. i didn't answer yesterday because i really wasn't sure. looking at the lainchan and vichan githubs, it doesn't look like mp3 is supported.hi, thanks, could we get some certainty on that? The faq says that mp3 are supported
>>27959This anon could attach an mp3 over tor
>>28008tried attaching a webm file and it timed out also.
Is there some restriction on attaching files over tor?
>>28009What board and thread are you trying to post on? Leftypol?
I am following up with the rest of the team
>>28009I've had a TOR post time out before when uploading multiple mp3s of 40 minute albums. One might suspect the TOR circuit reconfiguring resets the connection, but reportedly users can usually upload reliably over http.
Have you tried posting with javascript disabled? The vichan javascript code uses an upload mechanism different from http POST.
>>28072 (me)
Also that's a fixed internet line with IP6 so got
Looks like IP6 isn't just for phones anymore
>>28152the only thing i know about it is that it is shady and possibly uses slave labor among other shady stuff. i thought i might as well ask a lefty site about it.
if i could remake the thread to be more specific i probably would have
I don't know how things are on the back end but here on the front end it looks to me as if some people who would be acceptable material on say
>>>/edu/ or
>>>/siberia/ are copping bans on
>>>/leftypol/You might already be doing this but in case u aren't may I suggest a board ban not a site ban for them?
>>28213there's something labeled as cp on siberia
ffs if there are no mods active do not allow thread creation, it's not complicated
>>28220Serious response to the ban
Why the fuck should I take your politics seriously when none of you do?
>>28222Yeah ok point taken
Also trips of truthThis is my fault, I stayed awake during burger hours to do a run of effort posting, and I know I find burgers obnoxious and intolerable.
>>28215NTA but that's not really ban-worthy tbh, if the post is followed by clearly disingenuous posting or causes shitflinging that spills over onto other threads/derails a thread, then it should be locked or anchored, but banning for just the post in itself is a bit overboard. I'm just basing this off of the relevant board rules.
>inb4 "it's bait" So? It's on anon's to not be baited and also pic rel, just banning from the start makes this place become an echo-chamber, when the point is the ability to discuss and shitpost, at least on /leftypol/
>>28227Well first you have to presume that responses will be both good faith critique (of the concepts involved if not the poster's spam-posting to begin with) and/or that this critique needs to be stated within the group itself - like, hopefully nobody needs to hear that racism is bad actually, and to constantly engage with that topic is lending itself more legitimacy by virtue of engaging with it.
This also presumes that the only way to discuss these topics is through direct proximity to their existence, which is pre-object permanence thinking. It may have been someone expedient when /pol/ was our next-door neighbor to have this mindset as a cope for the inexhaustible spam-waves we used to receive, but in the modern era of /leftypol/ rightoid spam is infinitely more containable, and we have the privilege of discussing the mental illness of rightoids without needing their immediate proximity, which imho vastly expands the number of topics to discuss in relation to them.
Plus, as a general rule, it is simply fun and good to torture rightoids. Provoke thing noticer until he has mental breakdowns over Jimmy Neutron. Laugh at the ineffectual edginess of /pol/ and how outright ridiculous they are until they can only scream about trans jews. Harass, oppress, censor, and just generally be a dick if they are not behaving, if you feel like it. If not, just ignore them completely and report them.
>>28227>NTA but that's not really ban-worthy tbhi agree, which is why they weren't banned.
>It's on anon's to not be baitedi don't delete every bait post i see. i delete them when they are low effort, and even then i typically wait until it's been reported.
>just banning from the start makes this place become an echo-chamber, when the point is the ability to discuss and shitpost, at least on /leftypol/iirc, the post in question stayed up for a full day with only one negative one sentence reply. i deleted both posts. i don't see that i impeded any real discussion.
>>28234It seems though you don't even know what the topic in question actually was.
You really need to define what spam is. One post is hardly spam.
BTW this is the tweet I got the video in question from. You can go look at the retweets and the comments and see how many Africans agreed with her statements.
>>28235Low effort? I try not to inject my opinion when I post things since it puts my opinion before everyone else who will respond.
>iirc, the post in question stayed up for a full day with only one negative one sentence reply. i deleted both posts. i don't see that i impeded any real discussion.So because people didn't respond for whatever reason you deleted it? Yeah you're right it got one low effort reply that didn't reply to the content at all. I asked for clarification for what part the reply disagreed with, then they probably reported it.
Are you going to start deleting every post that doesn't get replies? If it wasn't generating any posts why the need to delete?
>>28234>first you have to presume that responses will be both good faith critique No, you don't that's why it's called shitposting. People can shitpost in bad faith, but as long as that isn't harming anyone or shitting up the board, it's not something that needs to be moderated.
>to constantly engage with that topic is lending itself more legitimacy This is how we get videos of self-proclaimed socialists trying to back talk losers like Ben Shapiro and being unable to beat him in a debate simply because they just flail in the water, unable to come up with concrete replies and then the right just feels more vindicated in "BTFOing 'leftists'". Idpol is trash but mentioning racism isn't automatically idpol.
>pre-object permanence Whether or not that is true is irrelevant, unless the post was getting tons of bad faith replies flooding the thread or was followed by a lot of spam it's not breaking rules of any kind.
Rule 7: Reactionism and liberalism, or any other kind of non-leftist positions are not banned in itself, as we will endeavour to allow and encourage people of other political philosophies to explore leftism through /leftypol/ so long as they follow the rules contained herein.>in the modern era of /leftypol/ rightoid spam is infinitely more containable Which makes being heavy handed with ban-hammers and post deletions all the stupider in the context of /pol/ content, since the site users can just as easily self-moderate in the face of bad-faith posters, without the need for intervention. This is especially relevant since the post in question got one lonely reply, was questionable at worst and so gave no reason for deletion.
>Harass, oppress, censor, and just generally be a dick if they are not behaving So essentially you're saying that we should stoop to their level and do the dumb things they do, but from the other side of the spectrum… that's childish.
>>28237>BTW this is the tweet I got the video in question from. You can go look at the retweets and the comments and see how many Africans agreed with her statements.>Low effort? I try not to inject my opinion when I post things since it puts my opinion before everyone else who will respond.if you had just posted the tweet and the above quoted two sentences rather than just asking if she was based i would have been far less likely to delete.
>Yeah you're right it got one low effort reply that didn't reply to the content at all. I asked for clarification for what part the reply disagreed with, then they probably reported it.the report was before the reply, and it was not the same user. and yes, it's no surprise your post attracted a low effort reflexively hostile reply. if your post had shown any effort, i wouldn't have seen a reason to delete.
>>28239>wouldn’t it be counterproductive to delete posts and ban people if they’re not actively spamming or being /pol/yps?<11) Posts should, overall, be conductive to an informed and productive discussion. /leftypol/ is not an academic journal, but it also should not be a cesspit of back and forth bickering and pointless insults. Users should attempt to argue for the point they are presenting in an honest and open way and should be receptive to information or arguments that do, in fact, challenge their views.>>28241see above. if you want to have a discussion about meloni, do that. don't just post a video of her and ask if she's based. if you do, either take that shit to /siberia/, or don't be shocked if it gets deleted from the main board when it generates no productive discussion whatsoever.
>>28260Subject I had high hopes for you, but you have just turned out to be a faggot like the others. It took you all of a month to 'go native'.
Very disappointing.
>>28260>if you want to have a discussion about meloni Anon look at the Ip, I'm not the same anon, I literally could not give a fuck about some Eceleb post, just pointing out that overpolicing leftypol leads to posters being unable ot discuss or argue such topics, and while Rule 11 matters, one should also take into consideration that we're not a formal discussion forum either, it IS an imageboard which lends itself to some one-sentence replies and the like.
>don't just post a video of her and ask if she's based People used to do this all the time with all sorts of videos and people, it's harmless.
>when it generates no productive discussion It only got one reply tho and neither derailed nor was it being excessively low-effort, it was just a typical leftypol shitpost. That's all I'm saying, the anons of leftypol demonstrated their own disinterest in the post and didn't give it any attention, which kinda affirms the point that deleting it was pointless, since the site users self-moderated it through basic "Ignore trolls/bait/low-effort"
Obviously if such a post is producing massive amounts of shit or annoying people then yeah, delete it, but this ain't it fam.
It's just honestly more trouble for you than it's honestly worth, but you do you I guess; peace brotha.
>>28237I vaguely do. Meloni is doing the standard retard tactic of posing some social-democratic positions (but only for white people) as a way to advance racialized thinking in the wake of the French riots - which, in context of the ongoing riots, is obviously done to create racialized exclusion for the sake of some idpol mental illness. Thus, any anon going
BASED?!1? is enabling idpol and deserves their ban for it. EZ.
>>28239Constantly screaming about how dead the site is before using the apparent dead-ness of the site as a reason to reduce banning them is a pretty common tactic of spammers who are, historically, the most prominent issues when it comes to sites dying out of circlejerking.
>>28241>it's not something that needs to be moderated.That is for us to decide. I have explained my (and likely, other mods) reasoning above, and I think excusing it as "just shitposting" is disingenuous. At best, the anon lacks critically important awareness in the political conflicts in France and is enabling reaction, and they ought to be better-read before attempting humor. Often, I find, the best comedy comes from familiarity with the topic, lest you are akin to rightoid "comedians" where the comedy comes down to shared knee-jerk reactions.
>This is how we get videos of self-proclaimed socialists trying to back talk losers like Ben Shapiro and being unable to beat him in a debateI mean, for one, it is a wholly ineffectual argument to bring forwards because Shapiro and friends are purposefully predatory to try and engage with uninformed people. It's why 30 and 40 year olds prowl college campuses to "le own" the SJWs or whatever babytalk they engage in now-a-days. And if they ever do get engaged by someone smart, they just disengage and never show themselves getting owned. It is purposefully tailored content meant to reinforce a pre-existing set of beliefs, which makes it kind of ludicrous to bring up in light of a Albanian bunker-building forum.
>Idpol is trash but mentioning racism isn't automatically idpol.I suppose I agree in abstract, in the sense that racism as a social structure needs to be dissected through Marxist material and social analysis in order to be combated. However, acceptance of racism in even small amounts is unacceptable.
>since the site users can just as easily self-moderate in the face of bad-faith postersHaha, I wish
>So essentially you're saying that we should stoop to their level and do the dumb things they doI am saying, there is a time and a place for nuanced analysis or spirited debate, and /pol/ pretty much never heralds that time or place. They are, to a degree, an inevitability of /leftypol/ so long as /pol/ exists, so you may as well have fun with it.
>>28342You should lower the log level or your /var will be full in a few weeks.
>>28340Try the latest patchchan or maybe gurochan.
>>28357The current one is
omegachan dot cc.
In the future look for a slow "altchan" with a /b/ and you will find a shill thread in the catalog. /siberia/ and /tech/ have these sometimes, but they're usually moved to /gulag/ within a few hours.
mods pls let me post this as a thread in /edu/:
Ruderal vegetation is defined as "vegetation found on human-disturbed sites, with no apparent recent historical natural analogs, and whose current composition and structure (1) is not a function of continuous cultivation by humans and (2) includes a broadly distinctive characteristic species combination, whether tree, shrub or herb dominated. The vegetation is often comprised of invasive species, whether exotic or native, that have expanded in extent and abundance due to the human disturbances" (Faber-Langendoen et al. 2014). This definition includes both the "ruderal communities" and "invasive communities" of Grossman et al. (1998), but excludes their "modified/managed communities", which are now treated informally as managed variants of natural types.
These ruderal ecosystems are sometimes referred to as "novel" or "emerging" ecosystems (Hobbs et al. 2006, Belnap et al. 2012). The vegetation is often comprised of invasive species, whether exotic or native, that have expanded in extent and abundance due to human disturbances, whether from abandonment of sites with cultural vegetation (e.g., abandoned farmland, orchards, plantations), or from extensive alteration and degradation of more natural vegetation. In many landscapes, ruderal ecosystems occupy large areas–sometimes more than any other category of communities–and can provide important biodiversity functions.
For a ruderal type to be defined based on invasive plant species, it must contain a new set of diagnostic species in the region and have essentially removed the diagnostic species of existing native types. That is, invasive species overwhelmingly dominate a stand (e.g., >90% cover), and native diagnostic species are largely to completely absent, or replaced by new, often "weedy" native species. Setting a high threshold minimizes the creation of new types until it is certain that a new characteristic combination of species has been formed. Such is the case for abandoned exotic tree plantations and post agricultural forests in Europe and the U.S.; these exhibit some characteristics of more natural vegetation, but differ from a near-natural analog for at least a full generation of trees, during which time native diagnostic species establish (Ellenberg 1988, Flinn and Marks 2007). The same is true of many secondary tropical forests (Zanini et al. 2014).
old fields on abandoned farmlands, containing a mix of weedy and exotic grasses, forbs, and shrubs (Wright and Fridley 2010)
successional tuliptree stands following cropping
red-cedar pastures
annual grasslands in sagebrush region (Davies et al. 2021)
secondary savannas of the West Indies and other tropical areas, with the woody layer often dominated by acacias, mesquite, or palms
Ruderal ecosystems are generally not priorities for conservation for their own sake, though they may support rare species or function as important landscape connectors or matrices in reserves. In landcover or GAP mapping, these ruderal types are important to map because of their large extent.
>>28362I still can't post in that thread. What does "Business not found…" even mean? If there is a thread-specific ban, the message should just state that. This is very confusing.
>>28375>I think it went out to pastureso do you mean its no longer exist ?.
>Are you looking for something from within the thread?i want to archive the whole thread
>>28364 Just post it in the Permaculture thread in /hobby/ it's pretty relevant.
>>28079 Say Misato how is the /hobby_archive/ /edu_archive/ and /anime_archive/ coming along?
>>28353 (me)
>>28356 (me)
I still can't post it. FYI it was a correction of a claim that is pushed as "Marxist" on Prolewiki (zero citations and article is locked) that is in conflict with what Marx said in "Value, Price and Profit". I would like to ask
>>28358 to manually add it, but I also can't post the comment in this thread. It throws the same error.
>>28383 (me)
Here is the impossible comment as a picture. *sigh* I fiddled with removing the URL but that's not it. So what is it, too high a percentage of quotations? Is the formatting classified by statistical filter as an ebin hacking attempt or what is it?
>>28384 (me)
I still can't post that text in the thread. I fiddled with the formatting, but it didn't work. So I went with posting the picture of the text. I still don't know what triggered the filter.
Requesting ban for
Pretty sure they're all the same person anyways. I am alright with counter-arguments what I am not alright with is debating the same thing 100x from glowies who make one line shitpost replies when we literally have on the booru screenshots proving that Luka never praised Hitler and yet this talking point is repeated ad nauseam just to bump threads. Make an argument over Belarus fine but if talking about shit like
>Iraq """"WMDs""""
>Uyghur """Genocide"""
>Tibetan """Genocide"""
>Assad "gassing his people"
>Gadaffi "raping his harem of Libyans"
>Kim Jong Un "shooting his cousin with an AA gun"
is ban material because they've all been debunked then so should this.
Rules broken:
11) Posts should, overall, be conductive to an informed and productive discussion. /leftypol/ is not an academic journal, but it also should not be a cesspit of back and forth bickering and pointless insults. Users should attempt to argue for the point they are presenting in an honest and open way and should be receptive to information or arguments that do, in fact, challenge their views.
14) To ensure a basic level of quality, topics or posts will not be tolerated when contributions are not conductive to well-intentioned discussion. Therefore, posts or topics are likely to be removed at the discretion of moderation staff if they;
2) Spam and malicious flooding is banned. This includes flooding a thread in protest, posting off-topic content in unrelated threads, and soyjak spam (quoting with no meaningful addition). Bot spam will result in a permanent ban. If you wish to make a post to advertise another site such as an imageboard or server, contact the moderators first for clearance.
>>28390Thead in question: now being spammed with soyjaks by the same guy trying to troll Leninhat. Please clean up this mess.
>>28395Well formally you have to wait till the bans over
the link is
>>>/edu/19860 >>284252600:8805:2100:7f00:a803:8881:66df:ca3d
Id imagine it was for low effort shittalking my appeal is pinky promise I wont do it again
>>28425God damb I closed the page
Here it is. I’m the guy from here
>>28422 >>28434Ok. I wasn't asking you to
post your IP. That range is being used for spam atm and that IP has a long history of bans spam. Could you possibly reply from another connection/IP you use so that I can determine if you are legitimate?
>>28438Ok sorry guess this IP is banned for the time being then.
Reminder to all, we do suggest using the tor node. We can manage abusive posts on the node easily and it is more anonymous and often convenient for yourselves.
>>28444I’ll try
Here it is
Mods what the actual fuck? I asked a question about a deletion I noticed that had a funny ban reason. and got banned for 7 days as "IP spam" even though I have nothing to do with your schizo problems. My last post in /meta/ was
>>28382 Over a week ago, Stop IP-rangebanning, you're just catching the wrong people.
>>28481I'm not using VPN you retard, I'm using the Tor Node as the Mods literally say
>Reply in meta modfeedback thread from new IP in case of false positiveMy local IP is
>>28382, you can check the post history of that IP and none of what I post is /pol/ in the slightest, I don't even post on the main board, all my posts have been in /anime/ /hobby/ /AKM/ and /music/ check the IP history FFS, you have the wrong man.
>>28483My brother in christ, how am I supposed to know when the spam started or ended or that I'm supposed to wait an hour (where the heck is that stated)? I saw a funny thing in the anime ban log and asked a mod a question completely unrelated to the other posts at the time.
>reply from a different IP other than tor<Buy a VPN I won't be using for anything else with all the money I don't have at the momentFFS, can you just check my post history on that IP? You'll see that 90+% of my posts are not on leftypol or meta, I. AM. NOT. YOUR. SPAMMER.
I know you're distrustful as hell, but for the love of god do me a favor and give me a chance here
>m00dy deleted my posts again, after I literally reported the spammer for being a wreckerCan you not? I significantly doubt actual spammers go through the trouble to get individual spam IPs that they hop onto, unbanned. Moreover posts of blatantly provocative nature are obviously not the same person as those asking for an unban since that's just pointless.
I'm requesting 1simple thing, if you'd be inclined to reply in confirmation
Check the posting history for the IP here
>>28382 on different boards, I guarantee that my posts are nothing like the spammer's since I only post about media like animation, writing, drawing etc. I guarantee that I have not posted in /leftypol/ or /meta/ all week.
>>28528your coworker pasquale deleted it all. showing once more that all hate we have for him is justified.
imagine being so vocally disliked by a community and yet you decide to stay, being an asshole in general to everyone you can.
you're a piece of shit pasquale, and all the bad shit in your life is your fault.
>>28529Your mental illness is on full display buddy. Do you really lack the theory of mind to understand that no on would this post and think "wow so trve sis, this particular person
is evil and stole my bike"? No you just look insane.
t. non pasquale
>>28536If you think the OP (me) of that Greta thread and the person posting replies are the same you are deranged.
Honestly, certifiable fucking schizo.
>>28541These two are me, yes:
>>28538>>28539The third one (>>28540) is not me.
>>28543>>28544I hope this is a samefag joke.
>the offenders have shown any proof that they are actually innocenthow does one prove they
didn't post something?
>They have a lot more information than us and therefore their judgements will be correct 99% of the
I don't know what's more sad: if you're serious, or if you're a mod. that's why I hope it's a joke with near-perfect delivery.
>>28547>then, after request, they went through your post history and discovered that you’re the spammer,it's a shared IP, because it is a VPN. I suspect it is one of the mods. The janny in question is subscribed to the same VPN (not expensive), and then the janny spams the board, switching IPs, and one of the "spam IPs" just so happens to be the same IP as the person that janny wants to ban. It sounds
fucking crazy and it's hard to believe there would be such a person out there. I'm pretty sure I know who it is, too.
I'm old and done my bit, one side benefit of trump was that it would upset and activate people like you btw.
This was part of the intention. <:o)
Protip; words matter a lot. What do you think organising and propaganda is made of?
>>28588I'm not going to dox myself for you so it'll have to be general.
Published material that stopped a burger propaganda campaign against one of their victims dead in their tracks.
I'm inured to pepper spray to the point where I've had to check myself and stop judging the people interfering any attempts at rescue by fleeing.
>>28590Oh they'll be horrified I'm sure.
I'm pretty sure they'd accept that a dehumanisation campaign against America is necessary however.
Why don't you accept this?
Requesting some thread merges
>>>/anime/18570 belongs in >>>/hobby/2562 >>>/anime/15587 belongs in the older, active and larger Berserk thread
>>>/anime/1822 MHA Vigilantes
>>>/anime/15931 is a good thread, but too small a topic, so it belongs in the main MHA thread that discusses it anyway
>>>/anime/429 >>>/anime/16626 is a good thread topic but obviously dead, please move to the mecha thread
>>>/anime/845 >>>/anime/16696 is an interesting thread topic, but frankly obscure and small, please move to the Manime thread
>>>/anime/13772>>28404That’s me and I have never spammed and I have definitely never spammed an OP. I haven’t had time to fight a ban until now, but I have made maybe 2 threads on the board in my entire time here and one of them was the one you deleted for spam.
I’ve never spammed and it on top of that, how TF does it make sense to say “someone else can repost the thread” if the thread was spam? It’s not a spam thread! And of course nobody is going to post threads about the topic if you ban them everytime.
Also how does it make sense to PERMABAN an account for appealing a thread deletion?
>>28619Lmao so you nighas made a literal rule that opposing national chauvinism is a bannable defense?
Says a lot tbh
>>28622What's really important is that you've finally uncovered a woke stalinist way to support capitalism
What an amazing way to tell us all that really ever mattered to you was getting to feel good for supporting militarism
I was also right about the site vulnerability. No, I am not talking about the gettext <= 1.2 xss vulnerability. I am talking about something that isn't a "vulnerability" and will never be flagged as that. I told you that in something as big as this frankenstein of a site you have, there will be lots of exploitable things. Didn't take me long to find one, I'm sure there's more, but this one is immediately exploitable. It has to do with people using certain things in a way they are not intended, and that can have unintended consequences.
As I said, you can ask, and I will help. Or you can delete this post, thinking in your liberal heads that removing a reference to something on the board = making that something not true or not exist.
Can't delete this one, I'm afraid. Not only is this security hole bad for the site, but exploiting it will literally crash your whole box, forcing you to reboot… and then what? You still won't know what it is and it can be done again and again. I don't even have to do it myself, just tell someone who is interested what it is. That someone could be you jannys. All you have to do is swallow your pride. One gulp.
>>28646only the schizo spammer who made the lysenko nazi bait thread would give a fuck about that thread. i suggest that poster's IP is logged as "
sus possibly spam"
stay vigilant mods, who knows who this schizo spammer will pretend to be next.
>>28631oh yes sorry ur right lol that was actually discussed during a meeting before, i guess we got sidetracked with other stuff
thanks for reminding me, we're now doing a vote on whether to create an alt-board archive.
apologies again
>>28691>Can the mods be more clear about the 'jak ban since I thought only soyjak shitposts and scripting was banned, primarily in leftypol, not siberia.I decided to give it a look just to make sure I wasn't breaking rules
Global rule 2 is the only one that applies
>…soyjak spam (quoting with no meaningful addition) I was not quoting anyone, I responded to reddit-tier posts, and considering that other responses were equally low effort (for example "gemmy") I don't see how I broke the rules nor how it results in
A) to a sitewide ban
B) to a 5 week ban
Requesting >>>/siberia/442937 gets moved and merged into the AOT thread. The siberia thread has lost steam and the original AOT thread is
>>>/anime/6734 so we may as well not lose the discussion it generated and merge them. Thank you.
>>>/hobby/1516 Belongs in
>>>/AKM/Please move
>>>/anime/20991 to
>>>/anime/15074 which is the Chainsawman thread.
>>28726Thank you, can you also do
>>28716 And >>>/siberia/443320 would belong well in the Batman thread
>>>/hobby/932 Please merge
>>>/hobby/15143 into the current 2.0 Star Wars thread
>>>/hobby/31553 Also we need a /hobby_archive/ soon, there's several threads at bump limit that oughta be saved!
Say mods, why are so many of the image files and video files in
>>>/leftypol_archive/ and dead or gone? Like they're not deleted by mods, they just no longer exist. There's so many .webms that are non functional it's not even funny and the number of threads missing all of the images in them is annoying as hell. It's Desuarchive's filedeaths all over again.
Just as an example has all images dead. Why and how? Or the /edu/ checkpoint thread>>28739 I asked a question regarding a specific issue in the archives
>>28734 I also linked the other posts to bring attention to the requests.
>>28744I meant this board - /meta/.
It's supposed to be where we can have dialogue with the mods but they never bother to respond to our questions.
>>28747>Ban Anfem anon This
Can the mods ban him? They've used no true scotsman, strawmen and other fallacies in bad faith argumentation, linking glowie NGO sites as "proof" and is derailing the thread with identity politics. They proceed to then bait people with concern troll statements and gaslight with rhetoric comparable to "So Much for the Tolerant Left" (like /pol/ does) with intersectional ideology. And while they attack other users for materialist analyses of Russia and its status, they've blatantly ignored a literal NAZI poster (that only got banned this morning) and their blatant fascist white-washing attempts.
Alright, so, what's the deal with this one? The redacted text was a link to the thread being discussed.
1) Where is the call to a raid?
Posting a link to the subject being talked about is very normal in /isg/, and another post had a screencap removed so it's not even about the link apparently. A call to a raid is when someone says "GET IN HERE AND POST SOYJAKS".
2) "lmao" as a ban message, censoring of other posts and the dubious formal reason suggests this was a ban based on personal disagreement rather than a rule. It's not like the criticism of that thread was some niche or reactionary take, it's not like most replies were disagreeing that the linked thread was performing racism. This is a mod abusing their role to censor.
Here is the post in question if someone wants context:
>>>/leftypol/1597841>>28860i'm assuming you're the sex tourist guy. easily 14e,g as well as 15 given that misato consulted with the rest of us before the decision was made and that there is no community standard or norm that grants leniency to such topics.
>>28863look, you make a fair point so i will lift the ban, but if you're the same hexbear schizo that's been stirring shit for the last few weeks, i would kindly request that you please stop.
>>28864I do see where
>>28862 anon is coming from. An idea that I could propose is, borrowing from GETchan, we could have a feature that grants users the ability to tag their created threads as NSFW, as well as give users a Hide NSFW toggle that they can turn on or off in the site's options (Probably on by default) and if on, it would either hide the NSFW tagged threads or have every image on those threads spoilered if thread is tagged as NSFW (maybe even grant users the ability to choose either or action)
think this would be ideal for most ppl
>>28862Why even have porn tbh?
There are a million other places to post it.
>>28927It will be later implemented to the Introduction / Welcome thread, it was a good idea.
The thread was moved to /gulag/ for later reference.
>>28929<including the one who posted the opinion you don't likeso, you are proposing that one of us is buying vpn time, cycling through ip's until they find the ip that posts wrongthink, and impersonating that poster in an attempt to get them banned?
do you have any evidence of this other than that the thought occurred to you and it (somehow) seemed plausible?
>>28932>$10-15/mo. isn't that muchi don't know about you, but i got bills to pay. seems pretty silly to pay money to further this elaborate scheme when you could just get the same effect by baleeting whatever you want and ignoring dissent, as we are accused of doing all the time anyway.
>>28935>seems pretty silly to pay money to further this elaborate schemeNot that anon, but people have done stupider things for stupid reasons.
There are people that waste money on 4chanX passes to skip the posting limits, people that subscribe to premium services to comment on various forums and sites and argue with others etc. There was even a mod on /d/ called nanna that autistically spent every moment they could using VPNs to spam caption threads with the most trash-captions imaginable, then turned around and used it as a reason to ban caption threads from /d/. So while certainly stupid and insane, it's not implausible, especially if a mod has decided to side with leftychin (see their /i/ raid thread).
TL;DR: Rangebans and micromanagement isn't going to work, it's just killing the userbase; all it takes is a dedicated shitter or sleeper-agent to awaken the problems in such a control-freak environment and we get a Fallout 76 mod situation.
>>28936>So while certainly stupid and insane, it's not implausibleit seems pretty implausible to me, 4chan janny mental illness notwithstanding, but again that's beside the point. i'm asking for any indication that this is what's happening beyond the fact that it seems plausible to (you) or (you)s.
>Rangebans and micromanagement isn't going to worksee, if this story is just a pretext to re-litigate the rangeban issue, you should have just said so. it makes even less sense to me in that context because the mods that most extensively make use of range bans are the exact mods that constantly get accused of censoring posts they disagree with.
>>28935>cycling through ip's until they find the ip that posts wrongthinkthey don't need to cycle through IPs when they can see the poster's IP. They cycle through to not make it obvious it is targeted.
>do you have any evidence of this other than that the thought occurred to you and it (somehow) seemed plausible?not just me. look at this thread, many people complaining that when they try to post the IP is banned for "spam". The posts I made personally aren't removed, yet the IP was banned between my posts and the replies I attempt to make from it a couple hours (or a day) later.
When it happened once or twice, it could have been a coincidence. But now it happens often. Look at this thread, people complaining about their preferred VPN IPs/countries being banned for "spam". And it's always a month or 4 month or forever ban. I used to appeal and write it is a VPN, but stopped after the appeal would get dismissed.
Implement a captcha and posting limits, if you have to, because this is getting annoying. When it becomes more annoying than fun to post, people will leave, they won't write these long posts and discuss things with you.
>>28938>they don't need to cycle through IPs when they can see the poster's misunderstand. i mean cycle through ip's in whatever vpn they're using until the end up on the ip of choice.
>>28938>not just me. look at this thread, many people complaining that when they try to post the IP is banned for "spam". The posts I made personally aren't removed, yet the IP was banned between my posts and the replies I attempt to make from it a couple hours (or a day) later. that doesn't support your supposition that this is the result of an elaborate ploy by some mod to censor posts they don't like. for my part, basically every 4 week ban i've handed out to my recollection has been for ip's or narrow ip ranges that have basically no significant history. i can't speak for the others, but i've looked at the rangebans they give, and where i see appeals for ranges that have significant post history, i lift the ban.
>>28939>I'm just telling you it's getting frustratingly difficult to, this is a completely different statement with completely different content than
<One of your jannies is actively destroying the site. etc.the former is completely understandable and constructive feedback. the latter just comes off as paranoid speculation.
>I'd rather captcha and a posting limit, than a "spammer" holding us all hostage.captcha does very little to deter the pathologically committed, and post limits do literally nothing to combat someone that can click a button and get a new ip, or just switch to their next proxy service.
>>28940>someone that can click a button and get a new ip, or just switch to their next proxy service.then what's the point of 4-week or eternal bans? sounds to me like a one-day ban would make the spammer switch IPs, but it wouldn't annoy someone else a few days later trying to post from the same IP.
Despite being on /leftypol/ longer than anyone here, I don't have a post history because I switch IPs. I used my home IP on bunkerchan (cause I talked to space and new he wasn't a glowie/someone who'd abuse the knowledge). Now, I have no idea who is admin, whether you hash IPs, or who has access to the box. You're never getting my home IP, so please stop giving month-long or eternal bans to VPNs. Or at least unban them when someone appeals and tells you they're a VPN.
>>28943>then what's the point of 4-week or eternal bans?i only perma ban for illegal content. you may have a reasonable point about month bans, and i will consider it further.
>You're never getting my home IP, so please stop giving month-long or eternal bans to VPNs.when i do month long bans, it is only for a specific ip. my range bans are almost always in the three day or less range. exceptional cases with particularly narrow ranges go up to a week. i say this even though i don't think i've put down a rangeban in over a month. i'm not asking you to use your home ip, i'm asking you to understand that vpn's are obvious vectors for abuse by malicious actors and why that might cause some inconvenience for you as a legitimate user. either that or just use the tor node.
>>28945dead website founded in the aftermath of an abortive coup spurred by wreckers and egotists now only frequented by a handful of said wreckers and egotists with a personal grudge against and a pathological fixation on imageboard janitors they feel have slighted them in one way or another.
this as neutral an opinion as you can get from a .org mod because i was on a long posting hiatus when that retarded spat occurred, and as such i was blessedly spared the experience of dealing with that bullshit as it was happening.
other mods feel free to remove this as you see fit. an honest question deserves an honest answer, but fuck giving that website free advertising.
>>28733>>28982sorry about that
it is done ^^''
>>29045>I just want to tank the admins for making this board tor-friendlyNot for much longer lol
>>28814Also you clearly weren't here for that time they banned the tor node for 3 months straight. Or when they banned tor users from posting images for almost a year.
>>29047Is TOR banned from making threads or was there a raid every time i tried it over the last months? Does this half-assed measure actually prevent raiders from flooding the catalog or do they use various VPNs anyway?
At least during the time TOR was completely blocked the post quality on leftychan/tech/ increased.
>>29053October 10th 2022: tor node is disabled
Mod response:
>>23341>Tor service is not broken, it requires authorization>We're working on a tentative solution which will allow access to the onion hidden service based on user accounts, in order to moderate the the traffic coming from the loopback address in more targeted wayThe tor node was then down for ~3 months. The account system discusses was never implemented - likely because it's a terrible idea. Eventually you were forced to enable tor again due to internal and external pressure.
>>23771>>24751>>23689 >>29072HOW THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT?!
>read the roomwhat in the actual fuck?
>>29073When something is read as the following:
>"will resume momentarily"could you put 2 brain cells together and correctly assume that the thread will be opened again in a fucking
moment >>29047How is this suggestion not tor-friendly? If anything this measure is to prevent tor abuse (which happens too often) while letting users use it.
People either don't know or don't care ThingNoticer uses TOR and the most devastating raids were from it too, hence the turning node off for 3 months part.
>>29090No the reason is to track your tor users because you retards can't handle anything that doesn't agree with your reddit tier opinions, so, you're going to act as man in the middle so you can censor the opinions of others and track tor users while hiding behind "abuse" like a bunch of faggots.
This has always been the issues you retards govern based on your feels not off reality.
>>29090>How is this suggestion not tor-friendly? What's the point in having anonymous browsing over tor when you will possess what is essentially a catalog of our posts? It defeats the whole purpose of posting over tor.
>If anything this measure is to prevent tor abuse (which happens too often) while letting users use it.Just do your fucking job as a janny and clean it up manually. This site is three years old now, everyone has managed to do that up until now. Are you just retarded or lazy?
Requesting that some of the post tags get fixed, they were messed up in merge
Primarily the fuck-up comes from former-OP
>>>/AKM/3202 with replies such as
>>>/AKM/3203 still having the old post # >>8979 instead of the intended post, thus the reply chain is a bit broken. It's not a major problem, since anyone that reads carefully will be able to follow the conversation, but if this could be fixed it would be appreciated. Thanks.
>>29091>>29092It always come back to tor users whining about grievances in moderation…
>>29095yea we are only just talking about it. The devs haven't opined or work on it for us to vote on implementing it.
Please add "LOTR" and "hobbit" to the OP of
>>>/hobby/11615 because one has to search specifically for "Lord of the" to have this OP show up in catalog search.
>>29107done and done
>>29099I think that I got it done correctly. One post I can't figure out who they were replying to so I left it as-is.
>>29092the currently-existing TOR node will remain. We plan to expand the regular TOR node to multiple internal IPs so that TOR users don't get hamstrung as much over trying to post at the same time, even.
>when you will possess what is essentially a catalog of our posts?already the case, really. its more of a "we can't be bothered to" thing where the effort/reward skew for trying to hunt down specific spammers on the node is too bothersome, but if there ever emerged a persistent enough threat we would purge it.
the TOR pass system is basically us providing the option of a free, internally hosted VPN to use on leftypol.
>>29095those retards think they are winning if we stub our toes. their site is dead and nothing happening right now will ever change that. if they had the righteousness of a real cause or the conviction to carry through a real revolutionary regime then maybe the users would follow them in an exodus a la bunkerchan, but as-is they just squat in more-or-less the same moderation structure we are using, except they blatantly signal "HEY, WE ALLOW MORE REACTIONARY POSITIONS HERE!"
>>29108>the currently-existing TOR node will remain.This is a lie.
>the TOR pass system is basically us providing the option of a free, internally hosted VPN to use on leftypol.How long before you ban all proxies and tor, meaning we will have to use your gay internally hosted data-mining system? That's what's going to end up happening. Everyone can see it.
>>29108Thanks for the /AKM/ and /hobby/ edits, I'd do these things myself, but I'm not janitorial.
As for the retards, while their site is dead and shit forthe most part, they know that too and are trying to drag leftypol down with them, so moderation here needs to tread carefully so as to not let them derail and damage this site's functionality through provocation.
>>29095 Better dead than a bunch of reddit fags larping as revolutionaries.
>>29102It's not whining it's just the simple truth.
The issue is you can't handle the truth so you have to try and gas light your own userbase in order to justify being terrible at your own jobs.
>>29105You already made up your minds long before this conversations. Get over yourselves.
>>29122>>29123More likely is just disabling image posting over TOR for a while. Its a quick fix that doesn't impede TORposting as much and pretty much neuters the spam-waves.
>>29124Agreed, captcha is a last resort, usually brought forth as anti-DDoS measures thru Cloudfare. We do have a native, non-javascript captcha system, we just elect to not use it for anything right now.
>>29128 (me)
*image posting over tor, i mean
>>29125A reliable captcha would solve the spam issue at least in regards to automated botting. Especially considering that using IP-hopping it makes deleting such bot spam time consuming as you've just spent like 20 minutes locating and deleting this honestly infantile and literal shit.
Captcha isn't 4chan exclusive, we had it on 8ch and temporarily on bunkerchan whenever /pol/ raid spam would hit. This is another case of such necessity and it's definitely better than the alternatives which would expose personal user data on and off Tor.
I think the OC thread being in leftypol is a problem relative to
>>>/draw/. The fact of the matter is that the OC thread basically eats up all content that would otherwise go on /draw/ leaving the latter mostly unused. Moreover, because leftypol is so fast relative to other boards, it means that we go through OC threads quickly and they get put in archive, which (as I've mentioned as a problem before) loses files at time, meaning some OC goes missing permanently as the booru is not supporting of mp4 and webms.
>>29127Well, it would slow down spam a little, but the spam isn't bot-spam for the most part. It's incredibly schizophrenic /pol/ retards, .net loons, and soyjack teenagers.
>>29130Likewise, automated spam is a minority - we do have a somewhat robust anti-bot spam filter in place which prevents the most common forms of bot-spam (copy-pasting page contents to fill up posts).
>>29128I'm not sure how granular the system is for that. It'd probably have to be a captcha for TOR posting altogether, I think that is how the system works. It can either be enabled for posting threads or posting all posts in general, with the ability to narrow it down to IP ranges which have to solve it. We used that to filter out some mobile phone spam a while ago.
Сan the mods fix the post tagging in the /hobby/ fantasy thread,
>>>/hobby/1296 for example
>>29140>the filters make it impossible to post in any language other than EnglishTOTAL ANGLO DOMINATION
and you will like it >>29155Quit using VPNs and switch to Tor.
>>29157Meh, you asked for it tbh. Just take the ban on the chin and come back when it’s over.
>>29181So you think mods will deanonymize people who just use Tor? That’s a really stupid thing to say anon.
>>29183Rangebans are reserved for people abusing multiple VPNs, the pattern is easy to pick up on. If you get caught up in it accidentally, that sucks but, like, deal with it.
Please more >>>/siberia/442500 into the
>>>/edu/ math thread, thanks
Please merge
>>>/anime/21578 into the /jp/ otaku thread
>>>/anime/21578 as its topic is literally what that thread is for
>>29201LMAO I meant to link the japanese thread
>>>/anime/4715 working 12 hour shifts makes you tired I'll tell you that.
>>29194This is an obvious shitpost math meme, I rly dont think it rly needs to be merged.
>>29202this one is done
>>29210>shitpost math memeI suppose, but better a meme to spice up the thread then to have no posts at all and no mathematics going on to speak of, and if a meme can get people to do math and learn, then all the better.
Thanks for the other request.