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Or perhaps posting does, but I can't see the new posts.
121 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


but if you don't mix, it seems to work




File: 1629120922462.png (589 B, 80x15, λ.png)

filename test λ.png >>>/tech/10705


File: 1629121093025.png (589 B, 80x15, 💖.png)

filename test 💖.png >>10187


refresh the page while holding down shift, that works for me
i've also been told that there'll be a fix to that soon


File: 1630333770903-0.png (1.97 KB, 48x48, call-start.png)

File: 1630333770903-1.png (1.73 KB, 48x48, call-stop.png)

File: 1630333770903-2.png (1.62 KB, 48x48, document-send.png)

File: 1630333770903-3.png (2.79 KB, 48x48, edit-delete.png)

File: 1630333770903-4.png (4.06 KB, 48x48, edit-find.png)

custom multiupload test


lol you're responding to an OP made in January. This is now the based test thread.


unicode test
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v2 >>12768


v3 >>12769


File: 1632978496028.mp4 (1.62 MB, 854x480, glows_test.mp4)

Now that version control and most basics are sorted, I'm trawling through the old bug reports.
Checking this was fixed: >>>/leftypol_archive/1306




File: 1634730756843.png (Spoiler Image, 584 B, 14x16, zok.png)

test 2 for @getimagesize


File: 1634874688655.jpg (Spoiler Image, 284.33 KB, 1920x1080, bgz.jpg)

test 4 for @getimagesize


test 5 for @getimagesize


test 6 for @getimagesize


File: 1634990067352.gif (36.03 KB, 180x180, zinj.gif)

test 7 for @getimagesize


how long until this cloudflare shit is dialed back? I'm relegated to posting via the hidden service, which means I can't even attach PDFs in /cybersoc/ which is really fucking annoying. I'm also forced to piggyback on other threads because hey, can't post an OP without an image!


We're hoping to remove the image restrictions on the hidden service this week.
Restrictions on files like .pdf have now been removed.
The blocking of Tor clearnet exit nodes will most likely remain in place.


File: 1635524425484.jpg (42.91 KB, 576x768, crapitalism.jpg)

>We're hoping to remove the image restrictions on the hidden service this week.
oekaki works, interestingly. let's see if I can post an image in here
>Restrictions on files like .pdf have now been removed.

I also see activity on the gitlab repo. nice!


"'"'"'"test lol fff'''ff


indentation test


Us torchads ever getting image privileges back?


File: 1641381922710.png (2.55 MB, 400x400, flower-crown.png)

APNG test for >>>/tech/12801


File: 1641473898581.png (25.83 KB, 1074x456, Screen Shot.png)

result on >>>/tech/12819


File: 1641474154090.png (Spoiler Image, 4.33 MB, 256x223, aj8vsc.png)

spoiler test for >>>/tech/12819


File: 1641474346845.gif (6.35 MB, 256x223, aj8vsc.gif)

gif test for >>>/tech/12819


file_multiple bypass test


Posting images from proxy still doesn't work, I get the unknown file extension error


What proxy? VPN works 4 me



Any issues posting that same image on other lainchan or vichan-like boards? (lainchan.org , wizchan.org)


Its not one particular image its literally any jpg, not a single one has been working. I just assumed they imagebanned all public proxies and tor nodes


Alright, are there any issues posting on those other boards? That lets us know if it's just us or a general vichan issue.
How long has this been happening?


Just tested it on lainchan and I get the same error with the proxy. I also tried without it and the post went through so it cant be a problem with the file. Pretty sure this has been happening since at least early 2021, I saw other anons who had the same problem


Well that's weird, on one hand I can feel comfortable its not my fault but there's still a problem.
Is using noscript or something to block JavaScript just on this website something you are able to try?


>I just assumed they imagebanned all public proxies and tor nodes
When I try to upload an image I get an explicit error message about tor nodes not being able to do it.


Not with that device
When I try from mobile I get the unknown file extension error and when I try from PC I just get a timeout and the post never goes through


You said "literally any jpg", are other filetypes doing the same? Like .png, .gif, .pdf?
The only way the code can return that error is if it fails file extension checks, and a proxy should have zero impact on that, and if there was an error with those I would expect everyone to have issues… Is this the mobile app or some other non-web interface?


The only other thing that comes to mind is if Cloudflare is messing with it, if it has a badscore reputation. If you could do it and tell me when your post tried and failed, I can check to make sure there's no rejection log at that time. (either use UTC or mention timezone or timezone offset (e.g. UTC-8 ))

But I don't think that would cause the behavior you mentioned. It's very strange you get that exact error…


file_multiple test for >>>/tech/14228


file_multiple test #2 36.1 MB for >>>/tech/14228



File: 1653942533599.pdf (678.51 KB, 197x255, r7rs.pdf)

pdf thumbnail test


unicode character alignment test


Well that doesn't look quite right.


name and subject double-escape test


No escape


testing trailing dots



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