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 No.386264[View All]

How are you spending this Friday? Do you have any plans for the weekend?
406 posts and 123 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




Went to a work party, friends were in a bad humour, made my vibes go down and because its work related I couldn't go forward with someone.
Welp, >>522441 Based China, putting a stop to the commodification of SEXO


commodification doesnt stop with laws tbh


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I'm slandering telling the truth about women on the internet.
For instance: women don't cum piss, they cum dasani


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Its Friday Friday, gonna spend Friday evening locked in my room gorging myself on sweets and then weekend locked in my room studying and then 5 days suffering at the job and then locked in my room studying so I can get better job, and then 5 days suffering at the job and then


What are you studying?


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For Google Data Analytics certification. I already have an unrelated degree that proved useless on the job market.


Stalin-Stache is that you?


No, sorry. Is that an old poster or someone?


Cleaning. Not drinking. Decided to stay in. Tomorrow will drink, hopefully not too much.

I thought about going to the gym but now it's too late. Gym closes in an hour.


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There used to be a Tomoko-poster who used a Stalin moustache flag. They moved to G8T and abandoned the site after they drank too much cool-aid. Also enjoy >>>/anime/731


What is your unrelated degree? Good luck with your studies, I hope it will serve you better!


Psychology. I guess its not completely unrelated, we had statistics classes, and my reasoning is, most people in social science dont seem to be much into math, so it could be a niche to fill.


Gonna go out and not get laid again. I just hope I stay away from nicotine and not be hungover tomorrow.


There's 3 weeks left to my semester. I have 0 motivation left, im broke and starving and cant focus on school anymore. How do I push thru this?


any food banks/pantries near you?


no im in a burger suburbia. i just want to finish this degree already and school is taking up all my time and cant search for jobs because of it


doing arylcyclohexamine research chemicals tonight whattup comr8s


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What's that


the class of dissociative drugs that includes ketamine and PCP


Did you get the super strength?


I took some what of the locals call pixie in colombia recently and it was quite the trip, maybe it was in it? But I fucking hate dissociative drugs (if it's not DXM)


no I got the telepathic powers to kill porkies with my mind


oh I love DXM. the body load sucks but it's a really cool versatile substance and super fucking cheap and easy to get. but I also just like dissos in general a lot.


losing my mind looking at imageboard archives and realising they were never "objectively" good, that the whole mythology behind them is nonsense, that you're trapped overhearing middle-aged losers nostalgia-posting and literal children pretending they were there instead of embracing where they are.
>b-but they were g–!
99% chance you weren't there, but for the 1%: the fact that they were enjoyable at the time doesn't mean they were "objectively" good. playing pretend with your friends as a 5 year old subjectively feels great, but to adult eyes it's quickly clear that you're just looking at nonsense. the same is true of playing shovelware games - great as a kid when it's all you've got, but they're not going to stand up to a critical eye 20 years later.


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According to the DEA Pixie is Amphetamine. They do call PCP angel dust tho.


Lol but they put bennies and benz under amphetamine so maybe they're just wrong.


I actually stopped taking DXM like 10 years ago because I felt it messed too much with my memory. Still I have many fond memories and it's a drug that was fundamental for my intellectual development. Now I'm just at the occasional mushroom or LSD trip and god I love cocaine but I never ever buy so I only take it when my friends bring some


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I already don't remember most of my life so dissos just feel comfy for me. it's a familiar feeling of detachment from a world that I feel completely out of place in. gonna be doing acid tomorrow though.


The DEA is lame and late, they should hire tasters. I know my drugs, this shit was a mix of amphets yep but also MDMA, ketamine, maybe a little bit of coke and je ne sais quoi, and it really made me have visions like I never had with any drugs before. And the kick? It lasted like 30-40min until I got back on earth. Incredible, but painful for the nose and too dissociative for my taste.


Damn bro, I hope you can manage that. A question though, do you still manage to be a good person? To stick to your principles? Even though memories are going down the drain…


Lol I never even knew people mixed together different drugs like that. Most I've ever done is like two at once like weed+tobacco or cocain+tobacco or lsd+alcohol. Never would cross my mind to mix up a bunch of different synthetic drugs. A drug coctail huh.


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I'm trying my best!


When I smoked weed we did that by default in my country because weed was expensive and tobacco not so much, so we rolled joints with both, tobacco isn't great or particularly bad in high quantities. It's a basic melange although I guess it can be stunning for non tobacco smokers.


Nothing better than smoking a cigarette while you confidently spew your bullshit to your colleagues on cocaine, good one


Now that I think about it I never took LSD without drinking something, although it makes you feel like you're not drinking anything even if you're gulping that whiskey bottle, 20/20.

People are getting used to the usual and they want more, they want to get fucked up fast and cheap and pixie is the way for them I guess. But for me it's a bit insane to do this mix of drugs, cause people are more sensible than others, and I think it can be dangerous, so the dealers are playing lottery on who will commit some fucked up crime first. Guess it's not as important in Bogota as in other places.


Hang in there comrade. What's your favorite drug?


I meant like literally at the same time. like putting cocaine in cigs and dissolving LSD in alcohol. Talking being high on multiple drugs at the same time maybe like four since I always drink/smoke weed+tobacco. Fourth drug is whichever sometimes drug.


>putting cocaine in cigs
Why would you do that
>dissolving LSD in alcohol
Why would you do that

I mean you can just take the cocaine and smoke some cigarettes, put the tab or the drop in your mouth and then drink. Something that I appreciated one time was MDMA and LSD, some people call that candy tripping. But sadly MDMA makes me loose my memory and my wits so I restrain from that,


>putting cocaine in cigs
>Why would you do that
To smoke it. I don't want to snort that shit. It's an easy way to do it.
>dissolving LSD in alcohol
>Why would you do that
I like progressively taking it at low doses instead of all at once. Kind of fun how some drugs it's so agreed upon to space out the administration and other drugs, it's like CHUG CHUG CHUG every time.


doxxing myself with this because it's such a weird specific response but my favorite drug is diethyl ether. I like dissos and ether is basically a euphoric dissociative.


>I like progressively taking it at low doses instead of all at once.
This makes sense, I remember one time with friend we put the acid in the punch, good times
Where do I get it, how do I take it


it's legal in a lot of places. you can just buy pure ether from chemical suppliers. there are a few ways of doing it but the classic way is to just pour it onto a rag and huff the fumes. if you do that, make sure you're not near any open flames or anything likely to spark because ether is extremely volatile lmao


Gracias amigo


>doxxing myself
everyone already knows who you are because of the flag, lol


I need to meme anarcho-nihilism into being a thing again so that I can be a flagfag anonymously on leftychins


It would be actually surprisingly easy as long as you can find very smart and easily influenceable high school students. Although this trotskyst method may not suit your moral agenda.


sounds more like the FBI method


I'm going to try to study physics! For fun! Let's see if I can do it!


Visiting my parents for the weekend. Originally I wanted to spend time with our sick dog, but its too late, so Ill be probably just sitting in front of the computer screen, switching between studying and playing Far Cry 2.


I'm gonna try to set up a website using cloudflare so that I can use cloudflare's tunnels to bypass CGNAT(so that I can use the tunnel's public IPv4??), I think this will work


Damn, its friday, let's read on the algerian revolution (and the original backforth of the lesserevelist)

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