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 No.415467[View All]

Alunya & Grace fanfic thread
412 posts and 249 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


That's not Grace, Grace does not have hair antenna


she probably does when she's been laying in bed all day though


eepy princess uwu


Why does Alunya look like a soyjack on the second picture?


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Alunya x Grace fanfic in a nutshell:


Why is there so much grace fanart when there's basically zero monarchists? Is it just one giga-autist making it all?


>Is it just one giga-autist making it all?



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How are Grace and Alunya spending Valentine's Day?


Go and ask them directly.


alunya waking up grace to breakfast in bed. kissing. hand holding. cuddling. then saving the day from one of porky's nefarious plans


Why does this sound so corny? Like a very amateur fanfic.


I would read it!


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>saving the day from one of porky's nefarious plans
has potential tbh


Surprised no one has mentioned Amanullah Khan and his relationship with Lenin in this thread.


I need a fluffy cute story to maek the sad thought go away


I'm going to send this thread to prominent yurinfluences on fedi.


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Grace x Alunya:


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comic strip idea:
>alunya is pissed at grace-chan for some silly reason and starts a riot
<grace-chan is watching from her castle and, sympathetic to alunya's plight (whatever it is), says the famous words "let them eat cake!"
>next panel shows alunya tonguing grace-chan's butthole


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I don't like it because Grace-chan is crying.


I love it because Grace-chan is crying.


okay hear me out, grace chan and alunya, but both male


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I like Grace-chan because she is cute.


they kiss and make up later



Grace-Rodina Russian Civil War Pg 2


He’s pacing again.

A usual occurrence for one man with glasses and a beard. War Commissar, Leon Trotsky. He mutters to himself, low enough for only a faint whisper of words to make it to where Rodina is.

“Disaster……Moscow……more sol…”

After a while, Rodina doesn’t bother to listen, she knows most of the information will be hashed in the meeting. He only knows half about the true mess we are in.

More people pour into the waiting room. All the staff seem to be finally here.

That’s when everyone is finally called in. At head is Lenin. Before a word can be uttered by Trotsky, Rodina gives the report on the situation in the South.

“North Caucuses have been taken by the whites. They’ve captured all important cities.”
Lenin sat there, thinking to himself, the room silent.

“How many men lost?”

“Two entire armies. 150,000 lost. 50,000 captured.”

The sudden realization had hit all. Trotsky began to shake with fury.

“This army, its swollen.” he began.

“A horde more rather, fought against Denikin’s well organized troops and lost. The army cannot continue on like this. It’s clear a new direction is needed, lest the war be over before we know it.”
Lenin once again thought, stroking his beard. A commander spoke up.

“It is clear, for all to see, that decisions were made that have severely hampered our war effort. The current direction we are facing will only lead to disaster. I agree with Commissar Trotsky, a shakeup of military leadership is in orde.r”. Trotsky scoffed at this notion.

“Playing politics after such news. Have you no shame.”

“150,000 lost. This is the most reasonable time to begin to discuss our war effort.”

“And yet you lay these deaths at my feet. Again, I ask, have you n-“

“Enough.” Lenin said, silencing the two. He began to ask for the situation on the other fronts. Rodina looked around as the room seemed to get grimmer and grimmer. If it wasn’t clear at the beginning, then it was clear by now. The situation was dire, more dire than anyone could have thought.

After the meeting was done, Lenin dismissed everyone, short Rodina. He asked her to stay to play chess with him. She saw the strain this war had placed on the man, so she indulged him. She sat down across from him.

“Wouldn’t you prefer I play white. I mean, not exactly the most flattering color these days.”

He looks at her with a knowing stare before chuckling himself, placing a pawn to E4. Rodina smiles
“You can’t help yourself.”

“It’s a fine opening. Many a men beat with such an opening”. She merely shakes her head and mirrors his opening. They go on and on, dancing knights, bishops and rooks across the board. One after the other, the pieces are taken. First a pawn. Another one after that. Soon it’s a bishop. Another pawn, followed by a knight. The game begins to grind to a halt.
“This war”
Rodina looks up from the game, at a Lenin with a furrowed brow.

“If it continues like this, then this experiment will be for nought.”

“What is with the sudden demeanor Ilyich.”

Lenin looks into Rodina’s eyes and stands up, walking over to the window, with a slowness only a man with such responsibilities can walk. He stares out the window.

“The people, the common laborer, the peasant, grows wearily each day that passes. I fear out of desperation, they will accept the Faustian bargain with the Whites.”

“The solution is simple. You must guide them away from the Devil, as hard as that may seem.”

Lenin looked out for a few seconds, before turning back.

“I would like to task you with an important assignment. To meet with someone who might be able to help our situation.”

“A new ally perhaps”

“New and yet old.”

Rodina’s brow raised, curious at what he just said.

“Tell me, Rodina, what are your thoughts…”

He said before walking over and finally making his next move.

“On Anarchists”


Is the next instalment going to be Alunya? I can't wait!


No. The next installment will be the Whites or Grace POV. Though for the next Red section, yes Alunya will appear!


It's been 2 weeks, where we at?


It's ok.
Nobody has any obligation to write anything in this thread.


Just one suspiciously rich monarchist commissioning.


I just exploit the 3rd world to find cheap comms


Anon, look at the time between chapter 1 and chapter 2. Do you really think you'll get it soon
The answer is yes, I'm basically done, few things I want to change, but its practically done. I just forgot and am lazy lol


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Did a mod delete the nsfw thread from /draw/? I wanted to post the Grace-butt picture here and now it's nowhere to be found. What the fuck?


File: 1714250700419.png (1.05 MB, 3979x3000, Grace Phat Ass.png)


Thank you, do you have the other picture saved too?


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>deleted thread
why tho


mod hates fun?


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I meant the other drawing.


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>It actually got made
Nice. Could use some improvement but still pretty solid.


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An artist drew a pic of Grace in a swimsuit


File: 1714362350868-0.png (2.32 MB, 2481x3507, 1 swimsuit grace.png)

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File: 1714362350868-2.png (2.31 MB, 2481x3507, 2 swimsuit grace.png)


Time to start the week some fappin'


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