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describe your last dream IMMEDIATELY UPON WAKING UP, so you don't forget it
i'll give you a score from 0 to 10 and an OFFICIAL and SPECIAL seal of approval or disapproval

and KEEP IT SHORT because my attention span is TINY
117 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


this reminds me that dream me has had SÊXOO but not me. what did my brain mean by this thinkibg.jpg




Is it allowed to report someone else's dream or will I be banished? My coworker came up to me today and was like "I had a dream that you molested me. You wouldn't do that to me, would you?" I was like "no wtf" and she said "oh good because you seem like a cool guy and it really disappointed me." What the fuck am I supposed to say to that dreambros


This is why I give a wide berth to female acquaintences.
This also why most of my hookups are guys despite being cishet


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>I had a dream that you molested me. You wouldn't do that to me, would you?
>oh good because you seem like a cool guy and it really disappointed me.


was watching an execution of a naked guy on a modern day state naval ship. it had a metal plank and we watched the guy jump off and he jumped off into the sea of unmanned sail boats that were all headed one direction of various shapes and sizes and colors. as the distance between the man the crew and i were watching increased we assumed he died but suddenly an approaching silhoueyte appeared and the naked man rocketed from the sea in an arc and landed on the aircraft carrier. last thing i remember was a cry of panic amongst the crew


Why the fuck would she tell you this?



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this time I was in a foreign country and one of my teeth fell out, and it had a load of wire stuck in there and it kept coming out. then more of them fell and I had put my hand in to stop them coming out. then I had to go to china to see a dentist to get them fixed


dreamed that one of my family members had to get everything below their ribcage amputated (bisected? idk) and the treatment called for replacing their lower body with that of an octopus, but like human-sized octopus appendages. i was freaked out and he was like "no no it's alright, i'm still me" and wrapped one of his tentacles around my hand to comfort me and i woke up instantly and fuckin screamed


punched the wall when i woke up trying to fight my dad. punched the wall again in the same night while in a puppy concentration camp that had a mall train track tour where i attacked the head guard. apparently this(rem sleep behavior disorder) could be a major precursor to Parkinson's disease. fuck.


i've been leaning flamboyant heterosexual lately(?!!?!?!?!?)

>>510571 dream you is the real life you and u'r dreaming while reading this


I woke up thinking about how my dream would be a good addition to this thread and then completely forgot it by the time I sat down at the computer.




I had a dream I was in a class for models, and I was crossdressing and passing, and it was a pleasant dream.
I'm not trans nor anything like that, so that was weird


it's okay, I hope it was nice <3

I dreamed that I was fucking my mum the other night, don't overthink it


I dreamt of going to vacation with old friends but all they wanted to do was drink beers and I did not want to do any of that.


try crossdressing and posting it on leftypol dot org slash siberia slash


Dreamed that I was on what seemed like a field trip to a major city like New York city to visit a McDonalds. Once there I went straight to the bathroom, entered a stall, slipped under the wall to the next stall and fucked some hot petite chick. Upon finishing it was time to leave and I was on my way down the street with the rest of the group but really wanted food so I ran back and was rushing to order and ended up waking up before I got it and had one of those moments where you try to fall back to sleep to continue the dream so I could eat that yummy slop
very sophisticated stuff


I dream about work or regrets.


I had a dream that I was an employee of a small scale glycine manufacturing operation in Asia, but because of the haziness of the dream I couldn't keep the recipes for synthesizing pharmaceutical glycine straight and the batches kept coming out very poorly. My coworker, who bore a certain resemblance to a coworker in real life, constantly complained about my performance and I frequently found myself avoiding her. Eventually I was fired by my boss for making poor quality glycine.

Some events transpired, and the dream shifted to a new dream. I was a yaoi boy twink being spooned by Tom Wambsgans from the show Succession in a roll away bed in a penthouse suite under a vibrantly red silk blanket. He was gently introducing me to a life of luxury, and I constantly lied to him about my background as a failed worker in a glycine factory so he wouldn't look down on me as a peasant. I don't remember exactly how I got there. He constantly complained about aspects of his life and I feigned sympathy so he wouldn't throw me out. In this dream, he was an actor in the new Dune movies for some reason. The charade of disguising my impoverished background and attempting to pass as cultured felt exhausting but I think he enjoyed showing off his wealth to someone unaccustomed to it. His presence felt similar to the presence of my actual partner, who I am ironically from a significantly wealthier background than. Nothing sexual happened besides some mild spooning, then I woke up.

Don't really want to know what it means tbh.


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Its been a full day since so the details are even sketchier than usual but I dreamt that I went to Germany with Sam Hyde to go to a content creators conference. This itself is odd, in retrospect. Other than a single one of his shorts that made it to my recommendeds once, my only exposure to the guy have been the memes and thumbnails that get posted here, itself a rare occurrence, and besides a brief moment in a Pavilion tent with a bunch of people I didn't know, Germany and the conference weren't really shown or explained, I just seemed to know that's where we were and what we were doing.
Afterwards he drove us to a gas station and filled up the car before realizing he had no money and hence was very grateful when I offered to pay. I spent a while contemplating whether I'd use credit or debit. After paying I reached under the seat, pulled out a rope (actually it was a bag of rope(s) that had been diced up into 3 or 4 inch long pieces) and proceeded to laboriously eat it. It was more edible (in the sense that I could chew it and swallow it) than you'd expect a real rope to be but the taste and consistency was so bad. The only way I can describe it is that I imagine it's what eating rawhide dog treats must be like. Then I woke up


>in ww2 fighting against russians barely survive
>then studying in uni in china but the locals are racists
>then family buys a mansion and previous owners come to visit


I dreamed my father raped me. It hurt. I felt great when I woke up though.




He hugged me


I was fucking furious over something but I don't remember what.


bunch of scrambled personal bullshit. is this the weed doing this


Three dreams recently
First one involved me about to go down on some black chick. She was naked and spread eagle in front of me. The plan was to lick from top to bottom but as my tongue goes over her butthole my mouth is filled with what I figured was shit but it tasted more like dirt. Regardless it was disgusting and I immediately woke up after spending a few minutes reeling from the sensation
Second one I was sitting in the backseat of my van which otherwise had no seats and there's a big screen tv sitting on the dash and I'm playing playstation or something. Gradually the backyard which is to my left starts filling up with soccer players and spectators and they proceed to play a game. After a few moments of this a few people join me in the vehicle. One of them is wearing a short skirt and as I'm trying to look at the tv she pulls up her skirt up and starts twerking in my face. At first I'm like hell ya but the longer it went on the worse it got. I think she was trans or something which for whatever reason bothered me but the worst part was that she had what looked to me like STD's, never seen it before but idk she was covered in scabs and in general was just gross down there. After a while of this she seemed to be expecting sex and I had to tell her off but I didnt want to offend her and the dream ends with me stammering while trying to come up with a way to express why I wasn't accepting her advances
Third one was last night. I woke up in my bed so it seemed pretty realistic. At some point an old neighbor of mine and two strangers show up in a van and I get in. I'm talking to the two strangers like were old friends catching up. At some point in the ride the van turns into a plane and the driver is flying extremely erratically–flying low to the ground, narrowly dodging buildings etc. and he keeps sticking his hand out the window and waving at people. Eventually we end up at an airport and as the conversation continues my late father steps into the scene. I hug him and we both start crying and he says something about about a wake but it doesnt make any sense. I say what a few times but he keeps saying the sentence in the same way before I suddenly woke up
in my experience weed prevents me from dreaming or at least from remembering them


I was helping some blind man living in a shack at the edge of a jungle.


We wuz in a post nuclear scenario where we could shrink down to the size of ants and the survivors were only looking out for themselves so I genetically modified bees and shrank myself down to talk to them, telling them that they were genetically modified with a collectivist mRNA virus and that they need to sting every human so that they can become collectivist and they did.


I imagine being Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. I'm inside a purple rundown mansion talking to some crackhead lady in some crib. then she says that something is coming and you hear rumbling. she hides back in the crib and I run. it's temple run with stairs and a 4 legged beast is chasing you. unlike the cartoon, none of it is funny. I've had this dream twice now.


Attempted rape by soccer coach. I outed him to the team. There were consequences.


>going to cinema with best friend
>the movie is virtual reality type where you can see and feel what the characters feel
>the movie is about war and egyptian gods (?)
>didnt like the experience and complain about the movie to friend


I don't remember my dreams. Can I change this? I've tried lucid dreaming before but I usually wake up real fast when it works.


I lucid dreamed one time like 15+ years ago and got to fly which was fun. It wasn't superman style pinpoint accuracy tho, rather it was very haphazard Hancock style where it took all my effort just to slightly shift trajectory. I remember seeing giant old fashioned schoolhouses on robot legs walking around in the distance before waking up, probably me dreading school xd


>we are building a planet size AI machine

>religious leaders start to power struggle for its control
>everyone dies when my sister connects her brain with the AI
>we try to rebuild the planet with the machine


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>have a dream where the dog in the movie Air Bud was a pig instead of a golden retriever
well I guess now I now why I don't remember my dreams, they're too boring lol


Piggy! :D


I dreamt that I jizzed in my pants and it was lot and it got on the carpet and I cried because I couldn't get it out of it.


i actually have this as a reacurring night terror, every time i wake up in a cold sweat and desparately check my surroundings for cum stains its actualyl really awful


I had a dream last night where a public official was riding down the road naked driving a self-made car plastered in QAnon stickers.


I dreamt that I adopted a baby bird that was the size of a fly and I fed it peanuts.


>wake up on sofa
>everything around me looks the same
>but i cant move even one muscle
>totally paralyzed and something big is starting to move in the room next to me
>it comes around the corner but still cant move
>i focus all my effort to move but manage only to make a small whimpering sound
>i wake up but still not sure if im in a dream


Typical sleep paralysis dream.


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Had a pretty long dream but I forgot most of it.

Started out playing elden ring but the misbegotten had too much health. Then I was sitting in folding chairs with a bunch of people and they were analyzing us and shit. Then I read a manga from 2019 (it's not real) about a guy with OP isekai abilities. He goes to challenge this skeleton guy and dies a bunch of times. They play a hand of cards, but the Isekai guy switches his hand with the skeleton's with his powers and wins. The skeleton says "you fool. did you really think that would stop me". The skeleton then decapitates him and the MC falls to the floor and dies and that's where it ends. I then was in a Special Ed school that abused us and I had a best friend that I escaped with to a boat. Except while running to the boat my legs kept giving out from under me and I kept falling down. Then I woke up.


I was in a huge room with a bed. I locked the door and started gooning. my dick grew to about three times the size, and it exploded like a waterfall, spraying stuff everywhere. then somebody walked in and I was embarrassed.
it was a bit like the scene in South Park when the internet goes down and randy gets caught and blames a ghost.


Ominous forecast


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had a nightmare today where i had a form of time machine and got to see humanity billions of years in the future. it was a conference about how the universe-wide war was over and everyone was clapping, all galaxies were now happy. but then i used the time machine again to skip a few more billions of years in the future and i saw another conference about a universe war ending, but this time it wasn't humans declaring victory, it was some fucked up evil looking demon aliens, and it was looking right at me, it was horrifying. i could feel the whole universe was suffering


I dreamt that my boss sent me out to investigate this new billiard like game where multiple teams played on a table and the balls belonged to teams and if they collided instead of following the laws of physics, the teams had to fight to determine the new trajectories.

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