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 No.467989[Last 50 Posts]


describe your last dream IMMEDIATELY UPON WAKING UP, so you don't forget it
i'll give you a score from 0 to 10 and an OFFICIAL and SPECIAL seal of approval or disapproval

and KEEP IT SHORT because my attention span is TINY


I had a weird dream where I was petting a dog that only had a lower jaw, no eyes or tongue, not even a brain. But they were happy nonetheless


i just have really shitty dreams which i always forget


A recent dream I had there was a tall white woman with red hair chasing me through a park, trying to eat me.


I dream about work or regrets.


tentacles everywhere


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wtf is this and why did you post it


wtf i never knew tom r toe was a guest singer on luminous orange



I dreamt that a nuclear war started. I started thinking of how to survive, and figured that involved first closing all the windows in order to keep radioactive dust out. I could not convince my boomer mother that exposure to extremely radioactive dust is worse than being slightly too warm for a little bit however, so I decided to say “fuck it” and close all the windows myself, but every time I did she would scoot in and close it; we were both running around in a circle, with me closing windows and her opening them. Looped old-timey black-and-white video recordings of nuclear tests were visible through each window. Eventually I gave up and went to fill the bathtub with whatever water I could, but by then my skin was falling off.


had a dream but dont remember it :(


i dreamt that i had composed a masterwork anti israel meme. as soon as i woke up i rushed to get my phone so that i could make it irl before i forgot what it was, but by then it was too late


i saw a brown husk of my body crawling towards me, trying to speak. an old lady's face with a very large nose and a cloaked man whos head lookedl ike tv static pointed at it and said something that i dont remember. i woke up with a great feeling of clarity


wow anon, i cant believe you've failed palestine like this


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>>468078 7/10 with a melancholy seal of approval
>>468087 7/10 with a spooky seal of approval
>>468438 8/10 with a dread seal of approval
>>468439 ?/10 with a mystery seal of appeal
>>468447 6/10 with an edging seal of approval
>>468472 9/10 with a haunting seal of approval


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I remember it was night and then I heard quakes, rushed to the street and what I have seen is my city being struck by an absolutely calamitous firestorm that cut tall buildings in half like grasses. I stood there in awe as it ruined everything and when it started to close in I hid away somewhere safe I do not remember and slept. Then when I woke up and left the shelfter I found out that despite all the destruction people are still going on with their daily lives, but it has knit them together much closer than before and they are acting together without compromises to rebuild what was destroyed.

I am not sure what this means…


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i was on a trip with some college classmates in a dirty, 90s, coastal town in bulgaria. i was buying some ice cream for myself and someone else, in a corner shop but i felt the need to return quickly having heard a warning (i think). the reason for the warning was the fact that on 4pm, the inhabitants of the town turn into monsters and rampage in the town, i remember being really scared of the monsters finding my room and eating me


I keep dreaming about the roof leaking again.


datamining thread


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shuuuuu shut the fuck up
I have not played this game


psychonauts is a good game. can recommend


I dreamt of repeatedly picking up a black cat and carrying them around a nondescript town. Now i know what interacting with a cat feels like.


I dreamt of séxo.


I was at some campsite but I discovered that it was actually a labour camp and thousands were forced to cook soup, not even in some big cauldron but normal pots, and then I had some Mission Impossible style plan to liberate them but the alarm woke me up just when I started going through with it.


I already forgot today but I'll report tomorrow. I don't usually dream but I've been taking melatonin and I've been having dreams every night. It's great, 10/10


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It's been months since the last time I dreamed I had a gf and it's killing me


We are destined to be together, anon.


Unlikely, it might have been the dream manifestation of the plaster cat figurine i keep on my nightstand. Does this mean i should paint it?


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I'm not going to report on my latest dream because I wouldn't even know what it was, I will report though on a dream I think I'll always remember that may have something to do with blood memory and my ancestors.

One time, probably 2-3 years ago I had a dream I was a Roman in a city that was about to get attacked by "Mongols". At the time I thought it was Mongols because I didn't know almost anything about Roman history but later after reading more I would deduce they were not Mongols but Huns. The dream wasn't historically accurate, I remember we had those stereotypical galea helmets with the red feathers but afaik by that time Romans wouldn't have used them. I guess it was my mind trying to tell me in ways I could know back then that we were Romans. We were hiding under something and saw the Huns coming, riding horses. At the time I didn't think too much of it, again I knew almost nothing about Roman history at the time and wasn't interested in that, but now I'm wondering if this is the memory an ancestor of mine being passed to me through a dream. It's certainly genetically plausible .


I had a dream I was sitting my my room and goonan all day long


A couple years ago I had this dream where I was in a hallway with doors. I had to enter these doors and collect enough money doing boring shit in order to pay for a hooker in one of those doors.


Woah dreams really might be blood memories. This was mine >>474494 and most of my grandpa's life was putting my grandma to work and then spending all the money she earned on booze and hookers


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I dreamt of visiting a eerie looking temple like structure. It had serpents carved on its walls. When I walked through it I entered a town with mysterious people. I remember waking up when one of them looked in a strange way when I asked them something cuz I got scared to death. Anyway it was weird but kinda exciting.


just before this dream on the same night I dreamt of jumping off a building due to some philosophical reason, dont remember the dream in detail


I used bing image generator to recreate my dream approximately


I dreamt that everyone was watching some space rocket launch and I was in a parking lot and saw something in the sky that I thought was the rocket but it came towards me, it had thrusters and everything but it was tiny and when it landed in the parking lot it was just a cheese grater. But then it turned out that it was some magic artefact that protected me from the giant frogs that invaded the spa.


dreamt I had sex with my ex of course.


OP here, i just lost a massive effort post where i analysed everyone's dreams, but i accidentally closed the tab and lost everything i had written


rewrite it bitch


Ctrl + Shift + T would bring it back with what you wrote, I think


>>476498 maybe(??????)
>>476499 i tried it, but i closed the tab hours ago before closing many other tabs and the history doesn't go that far back :C


damn that sucks. kinda fitting though since thats how dreams are. analyze mines first please >>474494


btw the boring shit wasnt like a job or anything it was more like. "find item x to give to person y who gives you a key to door z which has money in it"


I forgot,


Had dream where I was doing brain surgery, except I took the brain out and put it on a table, then put it back in someone's head. Brain had weird ribbon cables in it that had to be re-plugged, I remember being frustrated they were tangled up. The dream one of those late-stage ones right before waking and felt very real, so when I woke up I had a minor panic attack; disoriented that I was laying and it was dark instead of standing at a surgery table under a light.


I had a dream a decade ago where I was playing checkers with my brother, I then went up some stairs and to the right where I joined my entire family watching a news broadcast. I noticed that there was an exact clone of my dad beside my real dad, the clone had a single eye. I ran and he chased me. I was in a purple attic with a LOT of ants, then I woke up.


I dreamt about my waifu, told her I loved her then woke up for work. I have been miserable all day because of it. Now I'm drunk.


i had a daughter


Sounds nice. I love my waifu.


Not dreams but does anyone else get that thing when you're imagining things but your imagination doesn't want to listen to you? Ex: Worm poking out of ground, push worm back into ground and want it to stay there but it always pokes back up.


i dreamt i had a new pair of sweatpants. that was the whole dream

holy shit i didnt know it also happened to other people, i hate when my brain does that


Russia was planning to convert to islam


One of the worst dreams you can have are the ones where you are dreaming of work.


There was some concert next door that I was thinking about attending but I couldn't figure out when the artist I was interested in would be playing because they used some kind of grill as a timetable.


I dreamt of shrimp.


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this time i'll take a less ambitious approach and i'll just say things and then award you a ⭐if your dream makes me feel good, and award you a 💩 if ur dream made me feel bad

u'r a muscular hopium enjoyer with girthy genitals
i give ur dream a ⭐ award
bonus prediction: your future is filled with disappointment, wealth and happiness

i like spooky nightmares, and yours seems rly fun
i give ur dream a ⭐ award

i give ur dream a 💩 award, but that's because it made me feel sad because it probably means you're going through economic anxiety, and i wish u the best

quality, mystery dream. lovely
i give ur dream a ⭐ award

i give ur dream a 💩 award because I hate wet dreams, i hate waking up with jizz in my pants

i give ur dream a 💩 award because of the edging at the end. If you ever have a dream that finishes the mission impossible style plan third act of your dream, then i'll give ur dream a ⭐

i give ur mystery dreams a ⭐ and a 💩 award because maybe they suck and maybe they'r cool

i give ur dream a 💩 award because your dream gf is probably some weird ass anime gf

i give ur dream a 💩 award because this ancestor shit is a spook

i give ur dream a 💩 award because i also had a dream like that and it was depressing

i give ur dream a ⭐ award because i like it when dreams have goals and shit and it isn't just a meaningless fever dream
bonus prediction: your future is filled with pleasant surprises and cum

i give ur dream a ⭐ award because i like adventure dreams

i give ur dream a ⭐ award because das crazy dude

i give ur dream a⭐ award because it sounds fun. Unrelated but my analysis leads me to believe that you're really gay

i give ur dream a⭐ award because it's wholesome and doesn't sound depressing and good for you
but i also give your dream a 💩 award because u probably have it too good

i give ur dream TWO 💩 awards because it sounds really anxiety inducing
u'r a chronic procrastinator

give ur dream a⭐ award because I like spooky horror dreams like this one

i give ur dream THREE 💩 awards because that's the most depressing thing i've ever seen, i wish you luck with everything
bonus prediction: ur future is filled with blood and extreme wealth and the color green

give ur dream a⭐ award because that's wholesome
bonus prediction: BEWARE of the events that could unfold in the room with the metal table

i give ur dream a 💩 award because that's the most boring thing i've ever heard
bonus prediction: someone you haven't seen in years will be a major source disturbance in your life and you future is filled with comfort

i give ur dream a 💩 award because nations are a spook and so is religion
bonus prediction: the love of your life is already interested in you

i give ur dream a 💩 award because that sounds stressing
bonus prediction: the number you highlight first will be the likelyhood that the rest of your life will be happy 40% 10% 60% 100% 50% 80% 30% 90% 20% 70%

give ur dream a⭐ award and i'll not elaborate
bonus analysis: ur genitals are average


> the love of your life is already interested in you
she's coming back next week so I hope ur prediction is right.


I will dream something nice that will gain the admiration of OP!!


I rolled over in bed, picked up my phone this morning. There was a text from this girl I've been fucking on and off for awhile, I have a massive crush on her but we live in different places so we don't see each other much.

The text said "Hey, hope you're doing ok. I'm sorry about last time. I love you."

Then I woke up.


As usual I only remember the sexual dreams but this time it was a little more nuanced than the usual porno scene. An ex was lecturing me, almost monologuing about how I was going to get her pregnant as many times as humanly possible. In retrospect, very horny stuff but in the moment I was forlorn, like a kid in detention being scolded by the teacher.


I had two dreams:
1. I was a teen and went to bed. Woke up but things were slightly off like the layout of my house and where my school was but nothing drastic. I tried to tell my gf I think I woke up in another dimension but she didn't believe me and I said screw it since it was mostly the same anyway.

2. I went to change the porch lightbulb and there was a gorilla in my yard running around along with a beat up honda. The gorilla got in the honda and drove away after eating a bunch of leaves and grass. Then I started hearing a voice that sounded like some youtuber commentating on the situation.


I dreamt that I was back in elementary school and forgot my PE clothes at home.


That's a shame. My gym teacher was a hot woman who would make us participate in the class naked while she laughed at penises


>>482172 how was it
>>482176 anon kun ganbareeee!!!

i give ur dream a 💩 award because of the melancholy, but i hope u see her again
bonus prediction: BEWARE of the guy in the leather coat

i give ur dream a⭐award because that's really funny
bonus prediction: something INSANE will happen in your life in January 9

i give ur dream a 💩 award AND a ⭐ award because while it's anxiety inducing, it's also a memory from simpler times which is very cool

kakkoi story onii chan


forgot about your bonus prediction
bonus prediction: you will SOON find out about and play best videogame you have ever played!!!!!!!!!!!!


I guess it's time to give Demolish or Die a try!


this is an OUTRAGEOUSLY nice thing to say
just an OBSCENELY nice thing to say
an absolutely INSANELY nice thing to say
only the best person of ALL TIME would say such a thing


A few days ago, I had a dream where I was Sucrose from Genshin Impact. I was in a dam's control room and the dam was about to burst, so I released water to take pressure off of the dam and everybody was mad at me afterwards.


I had a dream that a nice person I knew was making fun of me for being trans and listening to eminem (like who are you a fan of eminem and also trans) and my grade 10 English was also there laughing at me the whole time


I dreamt of meeting a person cosplaying Iwakura Lain, and they were elated that I recognized them as such. For some reason they also carried around chocolate milk.


I dreamt that I should go for a walk on a certain route that I have not walked for a while now, but when I woke up I realised the reason I have been avoiding it is that it does not actually exist.


Sometimes I dream about things that don't exist. It sucks at first but then you just forget about it. This morning I had a dream that was so good I kept falling back asleep to keep dreaming it. I don't remember anything about it now.


i give ur nightmare a 💩 award for being stressful and because of genshin impact
bonus prediction: you should follow the advice of the woman with the the ponytail

I give ur nightmare THREE 💩 awards for a variety of reasons, and i wish the best for you ❤
bonus prediction: you will have the SÉXO of your life in the year of 2024

i give ur dream a ⭐ award because that's pretty neat
bonus prediction: you are destined for EXTREME pleasure within the next 20 days

i give ur dreams one ⭐ each!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but know that the places you saw in your dreams actually exist!!!!!!!! however i must WARN you that you will SURELY DIE if you manage to get to these multi dimensional places
bonus prediction for the first guy: THEY WILL FIND OUT ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE DONE
bonus prediction for the second guy: your 2024 will be nice




I don't remember what was exactly going on but at some point there were a bunch of birds, like storks or some shit, with 2 meter long legs and at least 1 meter long necks and they wore scarfs.


you feel unprepared and inexperienced in some aspect of your life, like work or school

you feel punished for doing the right thing

you subconsciously worry that the people around you secretly disapprove of you

you want to meet someone who shares your interests and then to share pleasant experiences with them

you miss trying new things


>and because of genshin impact
No, the drawing is nice.


glasses + downblouse + maid costume
a match made in heaven


I dreamt that some kind of mushroom was growing from my scalp and just touching it made my whole body shake.


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I had a dream the other night that a youtuber I enjoy was my mother and we went on a roadtrip together. She was driving me and would stop by certain scenes to show me the view. Lol.
I'm 20 and she was babying me and making me feel super relaxed.
I don't think I have a super parasocial relation with her but maybe there's some other unconscious yearning there.


I had a nightmare that my mother died. I don't remember the dream quite well now but I think she was killed by some cartel members. We were in my old house. Extremely distressing.


I dreamt that some woman was showing interest in me and it was so unreal that I woke up.


i dreamt that i was on a big train and somebody killed me, like ripped me apart and left me in a bloody pile. but then my vision zoomed out and started tracking the guy who killed me and i saw on the bottom 'press x to respawn'


I had a dream that I was going to have séxo but I woke up.


you're watching the streamer as a form of digital tourism and as a learning experience, and see this as similar to how a child watches children's shows/learns from their parents

you fear your country being destroyed by immigrants

maybe it was just a nice dream or maybe you have more options than you think you have, or maybe you feel your current life situation is too good to be true. idk enough about you to say, so I'm just covering the bases

you may desire to reinvent yourself, or you may have to do so out of necessity

you're horny/you desire companionship


I had a dream. it was in the 1940s during the nuclear tests. the people didn't know the plutonium was harmful so they were rubbing it on their faces and snorting it in the bar for fun. pimples started growing on their faces, which sprouted into mushrooms, and became a beard like a forest. inside the forest were microscopic dwarf people. they had no clue they were living on a person and thought it was their whole known universe. but then their host started to get ill, so the radioactive dwarves had to go on an epic journey into the sunset and leave their home, singing songs of joy and adventure.


In today's dream I went to do an exam in Esperanto. I arrived at the exam's place, which was an old peasant's hut in the middle of a big field. I was handed a test by a nice lady and was shocked to discover that I did not understand a single thing, not even the letters.


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i give ur dream a ⭐ award because that's pretty neat because that's pretty cool
bonus analysis: you're hopeful about your future

i give ur analyses TWO ⭐ awards each(!!!!!) for being cool and helping me out and making quality analyses
bonus prediction: the spoiler you highlight first is the likelyhood that u'r going to have a happy life:
60% 70% 60% 100% 60% 80% 70% 90% 60% 70%

>>491234 WRO
>>491237 NG!!!!!
I'm retroactively giving your dream TWENTY 💩 awards for questioning my flawless analysis!!!!!!!!!
bonus prediction no.2: the spoiler you highlight first is the likelyhood that u'r going to get a hot gf this year:
70% 50% 60% 60% 90% 80% 60% 100% 60% 50%

i give ur dream a ⭐ award because that's pretty cool
bonus analysis: you're extremely introverted
bonus prediction: you will get rich within the next 20 years

i give ur dream a ⭐ award because that's very relatable (i also dream about utubers that i watch too much)
bonus prediction: you will learn how to socialize sooner than you think

i give ur dream ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND 💩 awards because that's awful
bonus analysis: you're financially insecure
bonus prediction: uuuuuh

i give ur dreams one 💩 award each because of the edging
bonus analysis: u'r both very stressed out
bonus prediction: your whole family is going to DIE if you don't listen to what the brunette said

i give ur dream a ⭐ award because that sounds trippy
bonus analysis: you're afraid to try new things, and keep doing the same thing over and over again, trying to feel good, but it doesn't feel good anymore
bonus prediction: you will start going on long walks and you WILL be happy

i give ur dream NINE QUINTILLION ⭐ awards because that's a lovely trippy dream
bonus prediction: do NOT trust the man with the truck

i give ur dream one 💩 award because of the anxiety
bonus prediction: THIS YEAR u'll have a paranormal experience that will make you question ALL l of your beliefs


op here PLEASE rate my nightmare:

I had a nightmare where I invited a horny milf to a date, and I was 100% sure we were going to fuck, but then I got lost in a country in war where children were being executed on the streets, and I kept calling my mom because I was worried about her and she wouldn't pick up, and my phone was running out of battery, and the internet signal was weak, then the alarm woke me up


2 days ago I dreamt I was in this large mall area with people I knew from high school (I graduated 6 months ago). I forgot most of what we were doing there but I know there was this massive fat giant we fed and there was something dangerous


You want to have sex with your mother.
You want to have sex with your father.
You want to have sex with your father.
You want to have sex with your mother.
You want to have sex with your father.
You want to have sex with your mother.


Tonight I dreamt about going to the movie theater to watch a bonus movie for a yaoi anime I hadn't watched. There was a girl who was waiting to enter with me, we became friends but she called me fat and was kinda mean in general. I was a little anxious about people making fun of me for watching a gay movie, but nobody did, despite the fact that I live in a pretty homophobic area as a queer AMAB and I was in boymode. After coming out of the elevator, I was sitting on the floor for some reason. Somebody yelled that I'm late and the protags fucked like 7 times at this point. When I got off the floor and headed towards a random row of seats, the seats disappeared and the people turned out to be a shelf of cosmetics, so I ended up going somewhere else and sitting to the aforementioned girl and some old lady who was apparently known to cause trouble at the cinema. This is where I woke up. Picrel is the closest to the movie I was going to watch


I keep having a dream about playing some sort of single player mission focused dota 2 next gen tech demo.
I've neve even played dota.


One 💩 for edging, another 💩 for anxiety, and a final 💩 for not having a proper conclusion.


My employers organized some kind of conference stuff with free food but by the time I got there they have already ran out of it and I couldn't get any and I woke up so hungry…


Had a dream where I was being fucked in the ass by a man with a much larger penis than mine.
At one point he thrust so hard, that his penis came out of my crotch while my own penis detached.
I started stroking his (our?) penis, and it felt incredibly good.
Then my old penis started wriggling like a worm, crawled up my leg, my body, and then slid into my mouth and down my throat, then came out of my crotch and supplanted the other guy's penis.
After that I woke up from sleep apnea.

I'm not gay tho.


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was the man named the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin?


No, it was an otherwise featureless hypermasculine figure.


maupin is BSC only though


Just woke up from this dream:
I had to go to a middle aged lady's house to fix my gold chain. She had to put gold screws in it that were not made of gold but still came out as gold in tests. I looked under her floorboards and saw a stone furnace and I said "Reminds me of Mexico". She fixed my chain and we talked about getting old. She had a lot of eccentric wacky things in her house. She also adopted my dogs and I asked "What do you mean? I own my dogs, I just saw them home today." but I saw that they were there and she asked me to put 2 of them in the bathroom. I left and got in my car, my friend said that we should go to the carnival, I thought the same. I let him drive and he crashed the car badly and I got so mad I said "What the fuck are you doing? How are you this bad?" But it was ok because I just rewinded time. We arrived at a DVD store. I went inside and saw a lot of movies and documentaries. One of some guy I dont remember the name of, the new ahsoka show, something about lenin, and some anime shit. But I didn't buy anything because I had very little money. I went outside and saw a 70's dressed old man with this car. Except it was brown and lower to the ground, like impossibly low. I looked closely at the car and admired it without talking to the man, he was talking to other people. I walked to my car and it was moving on It's own, with my other friend chasing it (None of these "friends" are actual people I know in real life, on some randomly generated shit. "My" car changes form throughout the dream, I forgot what it started as but it ended as the car in the 2nd image) He caught it but it scraped a little on the ground. The car was really small for some reason he could pick it up with one hand. We got back in the car and I woke up.

What does it mean?


This is critical. The "Aufheben" of your penis. Daunting implications….


i just remembered a dream about a girl thanking me for fucking her father when nobody would do it i had about 3 months ago


I had a dream where I was in some hotel room. I was really tired but also horny and I wanted to go into the bathroom and just goon but I kept falling asleep and struggling to wake up. then I was worried that someone was going to walk in while I was gooning


you should check your gooning schedule and see if you can improve it somehow


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I need to do something with my life other than rot in my room and listen to leftist streamers/podcasters. I keep having dreams about Chapo/Hasan/Agent Kochinski/etc.


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I repeat: THIS IS MY LAST DREAM ANALYSIS, and i 'm writing this warning with a LOT of peace & love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, please review my FIRE dream:
I was in a special greyhound bus, traveling to who knows where. The bus kept increasing in size throughout the dream. And by the end of the dream the interior was a massive theater with thousands of chairs, and it was really cool to see where we were going by looking at the massive front windshield. There was also a basketball team in it, and lebron james was there sleeping. At one point the bus drove underwater and it was fucking sick. We didn't arrive at our destination during the dream, but it's fine because I wouldn't want to leave the greyhoud.

i give ur dream a ⭐ award because das crazy, even though I'm not sure if I trust the giant, but maybe they were chill
bonus prediction: the rest of your week will be reasonably ok

i give ur dreamare a 💩 award for the abusive frienemy, a 💩 for the anxiety, and a ⭐for the somewhat wholesome vibes
bonus prediction: your life will improve BIG TIME in the following years

i give ur tech demo dreams a ⭐ award for the autism
bonus analysis: they know what you've done

i give ur nightmare a HUNDRED 💩 awards for the disappointing conclusion
bonus analysis: you need to let go of what happened

i give ur dream a 😳 award for the pleasure, a ⭐ award for the crazy stuff, and TEN 💩 awards for the sleep apnea
bonus prediction: you will realize what really matters in your life and become a much happier person

i give ur dream a GOOGOLPLEX ⭐ awards because of the wild ride, because you managed to remember all this about it, and because it's relatively chill
deep analysis on the meaning of your dream: firstly, it means that you're a chill person and ppl want to be around you. secondly, it means that you're unimaginably, inconceivably gay.

i give ur dream a 😳 award and a ⭐ award because that's very cool
bonus analysis: penis

i give ur dream a 💩 award because of the edging and a 💩 award because of the anxiety
bonus prediction: you will go outside and you will touch grass and you will be happy IMMEDIATELY

i give ur dreams ten GORILLION 💩 awards because that's sad and because I also have these dreams now and then :C
bonus prediction: you'll accept your shortcomings and will be happy

very cool very cool
very >>500826 cool ❤
very >>500972 cool ❤
very cool very cool


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I dreamed a dream in time gone by when hope was high and life worth living. I dreamed that love would never die and I prayed that God would be forgiving


I sent and email before going to sleep and dreamt that I got a rude reply.


I basically closed my eyes, went to sleep, opened my eyes and was awake. No in between.
Fuck em.


I got a real reply (while awake) and it was nice.


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>Another dream where I'm gooning


>another dream where i'm about to bang a milf

this time i woke up while we were ABOUT to bang


I had a very exciting dream! The tram had three carriages instead of the usual two.


I thought you were gay for some reason


chihuahua poster is bisexual you bigot


Big if true


this reminds me that dream me has had SÊXOO but not me. what did my brain mean by this thinkibg.jpg




Is it allowed to report someone else's dream or will I be banished? My coworker came up to me today and was like "I had a dream that you molested me. You wouldn't do that to me, would you?" I was like "no wtf" and she said "oh good because you seem like a cool guy and it really disappointed me." What the fuck am I supposed to say to that dreambros


This is why I give a wide berth to female acquaintences.
This also why most of my hookups are guys despite being cishet


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>I had a dream that you molested me. You wouldn't do that to me, would you?
>oh good because you seem like a cool guy and it really disappointed me.


was watching an execution of a naked guy on a modern day state naval ship. it had a metal plank and we watched the guy jump off and he jumped off into the sea of unmanned sail boats that were all headed one direction of various shapes and sizes and colors. as the distance between the man the crew and i were watching increased we assumed he died but suddenly an approaching silhoueyte appeared and the naked man rocketed from the sea in an arc and landed on the aircraft carrier. last thing i remember was a cry of panic amongst the crew


Why the fuck would she tell you this?



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this time I was in a foreign country and one of my teeth fell out, and it had a load of wire stuck in there and it kept coming out. then more of them fell and I had put my hand in to stop them coming out. then I had to go to china to see a dentist to get them fixed


dreamed that one of my family members had to get everything below their ribcage amputated (bisected? idk) and the treatment called for replacing their lower body with that of an octopus, but like human-sized octopus appendages. i was freaked out and he was like "no no it's alright, i'm still me" and wrapped one of his tentacles around my hand to comfort me and i woke up instantly and fuckin screamed


punched the wall when i woke up trying to fight my dad. punched the wall again in the same night while in a puppy concentration camp that had a mall train track tour where i attacked the head guard. apparently this(rem sleep behavior disorder) could be a major precursor to Parkinson's disease. fuck.


i've been leaning flamboyant heterosexual lately(?!!?!?!?!?)

>>510571 dream you is the real life you and u'r dreaming while reading this


I woke up thinking about how my dream would be a good addition to this thread and then completely forgot it by the time I sat down at the computer.




I had a dream I was in a class for models, and I was crossdressing and passing, and it was a pleasant dream.
I'm not trans nor anything like that, so that was weird


it's okay, I hope it was nice <3

I dreamed that I was fucking my mum the other night, don't overthink it


I dreamt of going to vacation with old friends but all they wanted to do was drink beers and I did not want to do any of that.


try crossdressing and posting it on leftypol dot org slash siberia slash


Dreamed that I was on what seemed like a field trip to a major city like New York city to visit a McDonalds. Once there I went straight to the bathroom, entered a stall, slipped under the wall to the next stall and fucked some hot petite chick. Upon finishing it was time to leave and I was on my way down the street with the rest of the group but really wanted food so I ran back and was rushing to order and ended up waking up before I got it and had one of those moments where you try to fall back to sleep to continue the dream so I could eat that yummy slop
very sophisticated stuff


I dream about work or regrets.


I had a dream that I was an employee of a small scale glycine manufacturing operation in Asia, but because of the haziness of the dream I couldn't keep the recipes for synthesizing pharmaceutical glycine straight and the batches kept coming out very poorly. My coworker, who bore a certain resemblance to a coworker in real life, constantly complained about my performance and I frequently found myself avoiding her. Eventually I was fired by my boss for making poor quality glycine.

Some events transpired, and the dream shifted to a new dream. I was a yaoi boy twink being spooned by Tom Wambsgans from the show Succession in a roll away bed in a penthouse suite under a vibrantly red silk blanket. He was gently introducing me to a life of luxury, and I constantly lied to him about my background as a failed worker in a glycine factory so he wouldn't look down on me as a peasant. I don't remember exactly how I got there. He constantly complained about aspects of his life and I feigned sympathy so he wouldn't throw me out. In this dream, he was an actor in the new Dune movies for some reason. The charade of disguising my impoverished background and attempting to pass as cultured felt exhausting but I think he enjoyed showing off his wealth to someone unaccustomed to it. His presence felt similar to the presence of my actual partner, who I am ironically from a significantly wealthier background than. Nothing sexual happened besides some mild spooning, then I woke up.

Don't really want to know what it means tbh.

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