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>be me
>into black women
>my family, particularly my mom doesn't want me to marry or even think of dating a woman with the slightest melamine
>nooo society will look down on you and your black wife!
>nooo you will ruin muh family genetics
>nooo your children will turn out ugly and get bullied
>nooo you will face racism in Europe! marry an Aryan woman instead!

feels bad man
313 posts and 166 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I meant their right, From my POV it would be left (don't ask I was tired, I don't know why I referred right-left from their POV).


>would need to know their personalities tho


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Photorealistic gen I found


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Fresh batch


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wtf i love imperialism now?


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HOLY FUCK im gonna destroy my dick at this rate






good lord


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Why would you spoiler this? Beautiful pussy should be liberated from the confines of image spoilers!


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Somebody tag in Vladimir Lenin
Lenin if you can hear us please save me
Please save me Vladimir Lenin please
I'm asking you
Please save me
Please save me please get these imperialists away from me


Wasn't she an Afghan Vet that also did OnlyFans content?




maybe if there was onlyfans circa 2010 she wouldn't have gone to afghanistan


Fake tits are gross


found one of her that was already in my titty folder


I just love huge tits.
Don't care what color though these ladies and Poles seem to always have massive ones.
E cup and up minimum. G is really where "big" starts, but H or J is probably where truly tig biddies start.
<this all assumes the smallest band size relative to cup, and that insertions and volume distribution are ideal e.g. Tear drop nipple up. That is, smaller cups can still 'appear' big without volumetrically being so. This is truly what most people mean by "big/huge".
>I'm skinnyfat and malding though


Even these?


><this all assumes the smallest band size relative to cup, and that insertions and volume distribution are ideal e.g. Tear drop nipple up. That is, smaller cups can still 'appear' big without volumetrically being so. This is truly what most people mean by "big/huge".
my man's doing titty phrenology


Not the guy who you were replying to but I would fuck their sweaty armpit/side tit while they are disinterested, 7 hours into their work (and still working) and wearing nothing but an apron


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Not quite large enogh imo, left wood berry, right not so much.


it's kinda weird to get off on candid pictures of people in a context where they're not trying to present as sexy at all…


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Anon, they're shitposting here and in the tits thread, so I responded with a shitpost.
It's si/b/eria, relax.



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>left wood berry, right not so much.
What the fuck does this mean?

Fair enough


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>>left wood berry, right not so much.
>What the fuck does this mean?
it's a meme based on a post by a kid on facebook


A modern day poet


thanks for the nostalgia


Ah, sorry. I forgot about that pic.


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>very nice body that makes my dick hard
>very wierd nose shape and far eyes, that makes my dick harder


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Are black women the ultimate hairy queens?
They always sport the fluffiest bushes I've ever seen.


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Some black people have extra-curly pubes, like Type 4 hair. Probably makes it look thicker overall.


Being black means you suffer from never having a proper natural hairstyle.

Whites, Latinos, Asians, and Middle Easterns have no idea how lucky they are to grow out hair long and straight/wooly.

The only way to have good Negroid hair is to be mixed.


Why is this racist thread allowed?


King Solomon was the ultimate pimp daddy.
Any question on how to handle multiple bitches? Hes your man.

He is the arch figure in alchemy, Islamic mysticism, and Freemasonry


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How in the everloving fuck is appreciating hot black women "racist"?


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It's just bait ignore it. If they had an actual reason they would have said it. They are being vague to increase the chance someone will bite because of assumptions they make.


NTA: But if I had to guess (and I'm just spitballing) there's a lot of discourse around fetishization and objectification of female bodies, colonialism, misogyny in pornography, both pornography produced with and without consent, as well as pornography distributed with and without consent, and so on. Basically it's super hecking problematic that you're ITT busting your nut. You did an objectification. You did a colonialism. You did a rape culture. You did a no-growth. You did a colonialism if you're white, etc. etc.


i'm just here for nutslop


you said colonialism twice ma dude, right i get it, but i have a hot take, for me atleast, the biggest example of modern colonialism is companies like shell and nestle taking advantage of nigeria and the congo's workforce on behalf of european countries, not a few idiots on an imageboard who happen to like black women, or OP's racist turkish family


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>Ebony Anglers.jpg
damn, not usually into chubby chicks, but those faces make me feel like a skinny white boy from a BBW brazzers video.

I suppose you're correct.

They're being sarcastic, imitating liberal talking points that are often used, along with their lingo. The "super hecking problematic" is what clues you in.


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>>Ebony Anglers.jpg
That's their team name. They're a competitive fishing team. I just searched for "black women fishing" for a pic to reply to the bait with. This pic looks like that one meme so I thought it fit.


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Nice set I found. Also Bump. It's absolutely disgusting how this thread is at page 36, what's wrong with y'all?


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Some cunnilingus for ya


>tfw from Louisiana
>tfw assumed the rest of the US was as black as Louisiana


I really like the third picture


tfw southern mayo who's first crush as a kid was black

it was over before it even began

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