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 No.501771[View All]

Since the original autism thread has reached the reply limit, I decided to create a new one. Discuss your autism here
126 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Actually, adults are the ones whom guilt trip kids into idealism then turn around and accuse them of being arrogant/entitled for having dreams.


Kids with leukemia or Down Syndrome have better life prospects. In fact, autism is linked with higher chance of cancer.
Its the curse that never stops giving. Autism is proof that God has forsaken us.

I think those are high functioning autists whom wre the most obboxious online. Or semi-normal autists.


life is unfair get over it
some people eat healthy and exercise all day but a lazy jackass who started smoking at the age of 6 will still outlive them all because he has good genetics


t. copium

Of course you say that because you think autism is a non-issue.
A lazy jackass chronic smoker whom outlives healthy people is probably in alot of pain.
Unless they were smoking actual tobacco from the ground and not from the store.


>autism is linked with higher chance of cancer.
It's unlikely that autism has a physiological component. It's more likely that autistic behaviors result in a higher chance of cancer. If somebody with autism makes health and longevity an autistic obsession, like some other people do, it's likely that their chances of cancer will be normal.


Autism does have a immunological defect. Its not just a neuropsychological disorder


>immunological defect
So the cancers with a higher incidence rates among autists should be mostly related to the immune system, do you have evidence of that?

That anon does raise a good point, cause a lot of autists do neglect their health. For example lots of them are picky eaters.


Tobacco 'from the ground' still gives you cancer




so i guess theres no possible conciliation between normals and autists


I just keep imagining them and talking about them. I find fat people to be extremely funny for some reason. I will occasionally say “fat fat fat” at work for no reason. I keep staring at fat people’s stomachs and imagining me poking them or throwing bowling balls at them.
It’s the weird random things that give me this annoyance with this condition.


This is why the self-diagnosed maskers are spoiled and don’t know how bad it is. They won’t know what it’s like to be fired or unemployed for months or years on end.


I think it is important to distinguish parts that suck inherently and those that suck because societal discrimination. If you cant get employed because boss doesnt like your vibe, the fault doesnt lie in you.


I just want to be balls deep in autistic pussy.


>>513666 (Cheka'd)
I want to have a pussy for neurotypical people to be balls deep in.


What's everyone's special interest? I tend to have at least one long-term special interest and one short-term special interest at any given time. Since childhood, my long-term special interest has been history of all kinds while one of my current short-term interests in music is Soviet pop/rock music.


My special childhood interest was astronomy.
From second grade to seventh.
Before that, it was medical biology.


Philosophy and ideology. I don't really think I have autism, I am too "flexible".


Mine used to be programming until I got a job doing it…


Why, what changed?


Work made me dread it.


Mine is quantum physics and history, but like >>513737 said i don't think i have autism.


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Sorry if this is a chinlet take, but i don't like the neurodiversity movement.
While probably not intentional, it feels like many of them shove autistics who express their pains with autism out of the way to tell people how great it is to be autistic, based on very little actual benefits of autism that could apply to all autistics, and moreso fuzzy "it's good because it makes me different" hollywood drivel, they go on about how even the idea of giving the former autistics the option to be cured is eugenics, chalk them up as "self hating autistics" and any issues with the disorder as a societal problem even when it's stuff like some autist being socially crippled to the point of not being able to make any friends or connect emotionally to anyone, or many of the deeper psychological problems that can arise from the disorder. And many of their takes also border on outright autistic supremacism seeing themselves as not equal, but SUPERIOR to non-autistics. Some of these #ActuallyAutistic tweets feel like reading 2015 ironic /r9k/ posts about how autists are superior to the normeez.


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>Sorry if this is a chinlet take, but i don't like the neurodiversity movement.
It kind of is because, like neurodivergent people themselves, the movement itself is diverse. There's a reason for why the saying is "when you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person." We're not all identical in our experiences.
>While probably not intentional, it feels like many of them shove autistics who express their pains with autism out of the way to tell people how great it is to be autistic, based on very little actual benefits of autism that could apply to all autistics, and moreso fuzzy "it's good because it makes me different" hollywood drivel
Tbf most autists I know and have met don't think they're special or anything, if anything in most cases they'd rather fit in but just don't know how. They're well aware that they're different from the majority and that's okay, they simply want to be understood and feel accepted by the larger society despite the fact that they're different. It's not that hard to understand.
>they go on about how even the idea of giving the former autistics the option to be cured is eugenics, chalk them up as "self hating autistics" and any issues with the disorder as a societal problem even when it's stuff like some autist being socially crippled to the point of not being able to make any friends or connect emotionally to anyone, or many of the deeper psychological problems that can arise from the disorder.
There is no such thing as "former autistics," because autism is caused by the fact that their nerves are literally wired differently on a fundamental level from those of an allistic person so as a result their thought patterns are completely different, they get overstimulated more easily by their surroundings, and so on. There is a reason for why most autists who do find a partner end up pairing up with another neurodivergent. Eugenics was literally what was practiced on them when Asperger's Syndrome was first quantified because autists were classified based on whether they could work or whether they needed to be euthanized. There's a very good reason for why that's kind of a soft spot in the community, especially recently. The fact that autists become socially crippled and have no friends IS a societal problem because of the behavior that comes naturally to them due to their lack of social filters and self-censorship that allistic people have built-in with their own thought patterns. This causes autists to be ostracised and bullied in a society that is built for neurotypical needs and sensibilities while in a lot of cases having no support network that truly understands what their problem is, so they're gaslit and told that their problems are not real problems, that its all in their heads, and that they should just suck it up and move on. It's like if you put a person behind the wheel of a car and told them to drive without them having gone through the process of learning and getting a license first, sure might learn eventually purely through trial and error, but they're going to come out of it with some damage to both the person and the car. The difference here is that the neurotypical gets the instruction booklet with their subscription to life, whereas the autist doesn't. The solution here is not to deride because autists are not gonna disappear from society but to change society to be more accommodating to neurodivergent individuals. Give autists access to therapy (hell, I think many allistic people could probably use it too) and a support network of their peers, teach them what the social norms and conventions are without being a judgemental asshole, but most importantly, stop expecting us to be fucking mind-readers, and you'd be surprised at how quickly the problems disappear.
>And many of their takes also border on outright autistic supremacism seeing themselves as not equal, but SUPERIOR to non-autistics. Some of these #ActuallyAutistic tweets feel like reading 2015 ironic /r9k/ posts about how autists are superior to the normeez.
Afaik this is literally only a thing that exists online, there is no existing autistic supremacy movement that exists outside the internet and even then, its a fringe part of the larger movement and most autistics, again, just want to be accepted for who they are. This is literally a non-issue on par with burgers who are worried about black supremacists taking over the larger black liberation movement, its not gonna happen. Why are you even worried about shit like this?


>and any issues with the disorder as a societal problem even when it's stuff like some autist being socially crippled to the point of not being able to make any friends or connect emotionally to anyone or many of the deeper psychological problems that can arise from the disorder.
The fallacy here is that every claim of alleged social deficits on the side of autists is framed in a universal and uncontextual manner which is rooted in assuming that the social dynamics that arise out of the allistic psychology are objectively right. It‘s taken so much as a given that it‘s not even considered as a factor.

The social deficits you speak of are in actuality the problems that arise out of people of differing cognitive types possessing a social intuition that is not congruent with the other. It‘s comparable to how people of different cultures can have conflict with one another because their behavior somehow offends the socialized sensibilities of the other while the other side is oblivious that they have apparently offended them.

The end product of the socializing person is not only determined by nurture though but also by biology. Allistic and autistic people have distinct psychological differences because of innate neurological differences. This subsequently impacts their social sensibilities, intuition and inclinations. Both have equal troubles understanding the other, but because allistics are in the majority they determine the greater social dynamic that naturally unfolds from their psychological inclinations. Allistics have a social advantage where they don‘t need to adapt to autistic people (and many people are ignorant of the concept of differing cognitive types so they aren’t even aware of this conundrum to begin with) so all burden to adapt and accommodate the other side is placed on autistic people. If autistic people behave in a manner that is authentic to them then by virtue of being different they will be bullied, excluded and ostracized. They don‘t have to do anything immoral or actually harmful, merely for behaving in a manner that allistic people perceive as odd will be met with social punishment. But this puts the autistic person in a difficult spot because their being is naturally different from allistics, so they will be odd to allistics by default. This perpetual pain of bullying and exclusion for being perceived as odd by allistics forces autistic people to adapt but they are put to a task that would be difficult for anybody. They must understand allistic psychology to then predict how allistics would interpret or feel about doing X to avoid doing it, which which is very difficult because as an autistic person you don’t feel the same way about the same behavior. You are left to guess something that is alien to your psychology. Autistics then have to change their behavior to not come off as odd, which goes against their own social intuition which is quite confusing to deal with. This is a mentally laborious task that is very exhausting. When autistic people fail at that, which many perpetually will in childhood and teenhood until they have properly learned how to mask in adulthood, the bullying and exclusion also strips them of other psychological needs such as acceptance, companionship and intimacy, which leaves them psychologically ill developed. Many autists suffer from PTSD because such social miss steps in the past often times resulted in social punishment. This is the real source of the autistic melt down. It doesn‘t come about because autism produces the inclination of autistic people to randomly experiencing a melt down, rather it‘s a combination of how exhausting it is to adapt to social dynamics that are alien to your social intuitions, being depraved of psychological needs all human beings have and PTSD from perpetual social punishment.

None of those consequences are traits inherent to autism itself, as if regardless of social context they would arise in a vacuum, but instead they are specifically brought about by being a cognitive type that is in the minority while the majority does not compromise with your natural differences whatsoever. If the roles were reversed and allistic people were in this situation you would experience the exact same problem. But by ignoring the factor of social context and by assuming autistic people are the only right way of being human one would conclude allistics are simply defect and all arising problems are innate to being allistic in itself.

>While probably not intentional, it feels like many of them shove autistics who express their pains with autism out of the way to tell people how great it is to be autistic

The pains autistic people express are never shoved away by autistic people and real allies, quite the contrary, they try to communicate and educate the rest of society about them to create a more understanding and tolerant relationship between autistic and allistic people. The reason why they speak of autism positively is because to frame autism solely as a defect is wrong and also puts a toll on the self-esteem of autistic people. There is no shortage of negative claims about autism, and autistic people are most aware of it. So don‘t worry, we won‘t live in a SJW dystopia any time soon where no autistic person is aware of the disadvantages that arise out of their conditions.

>they go on about how even the idea of giving the former autistics the option to be cured is eugenics

Autism can not be „cured“ just like being a black person can not be „cured“. That you even believe that would be an appropriate response stems from the fallacies I just explained above and is undoubtedly a eugenicist standpoint, regardless if you have no ill intent.

>based on very little actual benefits of autism that could apply to all autistics

This is yet again a part of this eugenicist reasoning where autistic people have to prove their right to existence by having traits you deem positive. They don‘t. You merely have to accept that people exist that are not like yourself.

>And many of their takes also border on outright autistic supremacism seeing themselves as not equal, but SUPERIOR to non-autistics.

Well, they probably think that because the allistic psychology is quite clearly geared towards maximizing one‘s social status and being a part of a group at all costs. That’s why allistics engage in harmful behavior to maintain or increase what they have in those regards, even at the cost of truth and justice. Meanwhile, the autistic psychology is devoid of a desire to attain higher social status, and the rather object oriented mind of autistic people makes them also socially self-less in a way. Autistic people don’t (intuitively) understand many of the behaviors of allistic people, not out of stupidity, but because it‘s foreign to their psychology. I don‘t go out of my way to feel superior to others, I never wanted things to signify higher social status, I never utilized exclusivity to fabricate an image of higher social worth, I never made fun of anyone for being different, I despise social manipulation to get a leg above others, I wondered since childhood why people aren‘t all unconditionally loving towards everyone. There simply is no need for this kind of social competition allistics always engage in. All of that looks blatantly irrational when you are devoid of any desire to engage in this behavior. I often heard the same opinion and experiences by other autistic people, so I am not surprised that autistic people would then conclude that they must be morally superior.


On a side note, I find it pretty crazy how good ChatGPT is at summarizing rather complex statements. Here is a summary by ChatGPT

<Person A expresses skepticism and discomfort with the neurodiversity movement, particularly regarding its portrayal of autism.
<They perceive that the movement tends to overlook the struggles and pains of individuals with autism, instead emphasizing the positives of being autistic without substantial evidence.
<They criticize the movement for dismissing the idea of curing autism as eugenics and for exhibiting traits of autistic supremacism, where autistic individuals may see themselves as superior to non-autistic individuals.
<Person A believes that some aspects of the movement resemble the rhetoric of superiority found in certain online communities.

<They advocate for understanding the diversity within the neurodiversity movement, acknowledging that each individual's experience with autism is unique.
<They reject the idea that autistic individuals believe they are superior or special, emphasizing instead their desire for acceptance and understanding from society.
<They argue against the concept of curing autism, explaining that autism is an inherent aspect of an individual's neurology and should be accepted rather than treated as a defect.
<They highlight the societal challenges faced by autistic individuals, such as ostracization and bullying, attributing these issues to a lack of understanding and accommodation for neurodivergent needs.
<They refute the notion of autistic supremacy as primarily an online phenomenon, dismissing it as a fringe aspect of the broader neurodiversity movement and emphasizing the importance of acceptance and inclusion for autistic individuals in society.

<Person B argues against the perception of social deficits in autistic individuals, asserting that differences in cognitive types lead to misunderstandings and conflicts in social interactions.
<They highlight the social advantage held by allistic individuals due to their majority status, which places the burden of adaptation on autistic individuals.
<Person B explains that the struggles faced by autistic individuals, such as bullying and exclusion, stem from societal norms favoring allistic behavior, not inherent traits of autism itself.
<They emphasize the importance of understanding and accepting neurodiversity, rejecting the idea of "curing" autism as eugenicist and advocating for a more inclusive society.
<Person B counters the notion of autistic supremacism by suggesting that differences in social behavior are rooted in neurological variances, rather than moral superiority. They argue that autistic individuals often exhibit less interest in social competition and manipulation, which may be perceived as moral superiority by some.


What the fuck is the difference between being neurodivergent and being an autist? I've seen non-autists label themselves as neurodivergent because they stim or something. It just seems like neurotypicals trying to get attention with yet another label, like those moronic DSM divas who self-diagnose themselves as having everything. I would argue people with a personality disorder, especially ASPD, are more qualified to call themselves neurodivergent, but these cretins insist otherwise.


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>What the fuck is the difference between being neurodivergent and being an autist?
Neurodivergent just means you're not neurotypical, aka. a normie, a person that's part of the majority in terms of cognitive function. Being autistic means that you have a specific form of neurodivergence called "autism spectrum disorder", or ASD for short. All autists are classified as neurodivergents since they're not neurotypical, but not all neurodivergents are autists since the term also encompasses people with other disorders like schizophrenia, OCD, ADD, ADHD, BPD etc. As I understand it, there's some debate within the community about whether people who self-diagnose conditions like ASD are actually valid since getting a professional diagnosis is not an option for everyone, either because getting appointments takes forever or because it costs so much that its unaffordable for plenty of people who have little money to begin with. My personal view on the matter as someone who was officially diagnosed later in life when I was already an adult is that there's no real harm in self-diagnosis as long as the individuals in question don't use their platform to talk over others or act like they represent the whole community. I had suspicions long before my own diagnosis but got gaslit about not having ASD by my ignorant parents since I wasn't diagnosed as a kid, so I didn't seek a diagnosis on my own until I was in my 20s.
I hope this helped.


"Neurodivergent" is just a general term encompassing all that are not right in the head: autists, cretins, the mentally ill. They are all considered to be neurodivergent, while normal people are considered to be neurotypical.


Mentally ill people don't by themselves count as neurodivergent and to say "normal people are considered to be neurotypical" is about as useful of an explanation as saying a car is a car. Fuck off when you don't know what you are talking about.


Mentally ill people's brain work differently from the typical therefore they are divergent, deal with it.


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Some people online just want to feel unique and good about themselves. As usual, it gets exxagerrated by some. While barely any autistic people actually think they're better, there is an issue here. It's represented by
Namely, it's that people do get very defensive over it.

Severe autism is still very much a terrible fate, it's just that mild forms are much more common. It's not a value-neutral difference when one of the possibilities is a continous spectre from a regular person to barely functioning at all. Black people aren't more likely to be unable to ever hold a job because of their own condition.

Saying that autism is value-neutral is just not founded in reality. The fact that you aren't functioning as well in many situations is a problem and a condition that has to be dealt with. While support structures are nice, there are many problems that they will never resolve. The sun will shine brightly and roads will be loud, and this will always be your problem. If anything, autism is one of the worst conditions to support people with just because of how many symptoms it has.

Having problems is uncomfortable, the fact that you are in the same group as non-functioning vegetables is uncomfortable, but all people have their own struggles in life. It's just the one you have to deal with. In the time you read this message, someone will have lost a limb in all the wars going on right now.

I saw people discounting experiences of autistic children's parents because they think it's a value-neutral thing, that parents should just shut up and do more. This is completely unfair and cruel, and you will understand this if you have even a little self-awareness and humility.

Of course, better therapy, accessibility, yada yada are necessary, but you're not gonna get it by lying to yourself or moralizing. Moralizing is not a call to action, it's an excuse to whine.

Also, the people who responded to the post missed the fact that curing autism here is a purely hypothetical choice. It's alright.


>Saying that autism is value-neutral
But no one is saying that. Surely it is bad to be autistic in a majority allistic society that doesn‘t compromise for differences. My point rather was that the issues for autists are taken as innate when almost all of them are a consequence of social context. The only innate problem I can think of is sensory sensitivity. When it comes to autistic people who are „vegetables“ the problem is that they are mentally retarded and not that they are autistic.

>Also, the people who responded to the post missed the fact that curing autism here is a purely hypothetical choice. It's alright.

You just said complete nonsense. There is no cure for autism.


When the oppressed are told constantly by society almost from birth that they are inferior and fit to live only for slave labor or the sick entertainment of the Internet slime that comprises the Lolcow subculture, you shouldn't be surprised that resentment against this sometimes manifests in unhealthy beliefs like Black Supremacism or WrongPlanet idpol.


Do you even tell people that you have autism? I couldn't get a diagnosis yet but if I got one and it turned out I was on the spectrum I would probably keep it a secret. I fear people will use it against me.


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Yes? I just tend to tell it to people off-handedly if I find it relevant to mention it. I mostly do it so people don't think I'm being purposefully rude or assholish when I talk. Then again, I guess my environment does have something to do with it because I trust the people around me to not immediately treat me any worse when my autism is mentioned, even if they don't really know what that entails. I've already had to educate at least one of my friends on the fact that my condition's not something that needs to be medicated.


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i feel like a completely different person when im outside around people


Buddhism is trivially true
Om nam Shivaya


the heck does that mean


Trivially true = true without need for proof
The axiom of Buddhism "there is no self" can be observed empirically.



I did shrooms 3 times in the span of 6 weeks and I find it much easier to feel empathy and recognize emotions nowadays. Very interesting.


So if an autistic person is frustrated about their condition because they feel the bad outweighs the good, have been unable to have form human relationships and connections because of it and go on to express a desire for some sort of scientific fix in the future that will make them mentally wired more like a neurotypical person… they're just wrong and they should basically go fuck themselves?

What do you see in being autistic that makes you not wish you could have been born neurotypical instead? I know it sounds like a loaded troll question but i genuinely want to know what other autistics see in it, as someone who just wishes to have been born without this shit.
I don't really buy any of the "it's society's fault" stuff because even if society wasn't more accepting of autistics (when it really has become more accepting of them, with the view of curing autism becoming the minority and with the condition being often portrayed as a good thing). Life is still far easier for autistics than it must have been 40-50 years ago. I cannot imagine having been born autistic at a time before the internet existed, with likely no way whatsoever to learn how to socialize with people. Hell, autistics would probably fare much worse in a society where widespread alienation was less of a thing and inter-personal connections and cooperation were more important in everyday life.


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How did they cure him? I want to be cured too.


I would like to experiment on you with MDMA, LSD, psilocybin, and semi-synthetic opioids like oxycodone with complete wanton abandon as to pesky medical ethics. I believe this to be unfair if not outright cruel with Aspergers and autism, however I do believe my experimentation to be fully in line with a spirit of cleanliness if I'm doing it with antisocials, who themselves are mostly just gonna be like "so I get to get high for free? ok"
My suspicion is sociopath brains are way too neurotypical, I think I need real psychopaths.

There simply has to be a way to rewire somebody's brain hard enough they experience real empathy and true love. We don't have drugs triggering hardcore oxytocin excitation do we?

The alienation and isolation is intense and severe and total.

The thing that bugs me is now allll the assholes we was getting away from be coming on to the fucking internet so now I need to leave my precious internets and go dwell back in meatspace because the absolute worst of the bydlo masses be on here and only turbo accelerating that very mundane mass conformiing herd mentality of idiocy into the most psychotic stupid shit like trumptards, the gender shit I mean it's really bizarre seeing the way 80% of humanity is so fundamentally a follower that you can quite literally have a hive of us online, just doing our own thing, and it gets normalized and then the masses enforces it. Like verything from charismatic personality cults to Qboomers to the "there's no such thing as biological sex" to evolution denialism and climate change denial to the coofers burning masks in public to fat acceptance moverments.
It's fucking bizarre to me how malleable and spineless the idiot masses tend to be. All the moreso given that they are so freely willing to ostracize certain targeted others.

You do realize what this means, don't you? That given the preponderance of cat ladies and incels, with the stupidity of the way Western dating went, hookup culture, tinder, hoe culture, mass thottery, retarded chinlet incel culture. Basically I see a large ripe mass just ready for the plucking, throw your word like a burning match into the vast ocean of humanity and set it alight like a pool of gasoline. This is far easier to manipulate tens of millions of people at a time than you may think, and with the mass alienation and disillusionment that is literally an inescapable consequence of late stage Capital the day draws nearer that we can fling the great alienated masses at the corrupt demonic global elites and bring their whole despicable degenerative order come crashing down to build a new society upon its ashes.
We only need to give it one more gentle push in just the right way at the right time,
and sadly I discovered we are needing of actual officers. I want to accelerate that stateless and classless society as fast and hard as possible, we are going to somehow need a non-retarded version of chans in doing this, chantards are sadly the closest thing to a truly classless and stateless anarchist society we ever had achieved. Thankfully in a roundabout way it helps that chans got infiltrated and coopted by rightards, in the sense that it irreversibly altered their thinking by putting them in this new environment where they can actually experience leftism for a change and be literally forced from hierarchy.

The problem is I don;t know how to address that central default and imo defect of humankind to blithely assume a need for leadership roles and give up their own free agency while acting like cattle. This leaves, sadly, a whole lot of autists, schizotypals, and sociopaths in really sensitive higher echelon positions particularly during a transitional state. So we need that transitional state being as ephemeral as possible.


We must exteriorize the spiritual hierarchy and get as many people consuming psilocybin mushrooms as possible for the ten year plan

I am actually not trying to be funny, I'm being blunt. How do we make sure there's enough psilocybin to permeate all strate of society for the 2025-2035 A.D. period of this timeline? I know we can convince leftists to do it. How do we open that third eye of the tradcons? [spoiler]it was literally put there by God and my actual hidden objective is ultimately a spiritual one[/spoiler]


>So if an autistic person is frustrated about their condition because they feel the bad outweighs the good, have been unable to have form human relationships and connections because of it and go on to express a desire for some sort of scientific fix in the future that will make them mentally wired more like a neurotypical person… they're just wrong and they should basically go fuck themselves?
Well, they can't be wrong about how they feel and what they desire. My point was that I think it's wrong to frame autism's problem as innate when it's actually socially contextual.

>What do you see in being autistic that makes you not wish you could have been born neurotypical instead?

I addressed that in my last paragraph. I do think the allistic cognitive type has various biases and heuristics aimed at maximizing social status and prioritizing one's position in social relations that are short sighted and harmful, and it seems allistics are not even aware of the irrationality of their behavior from the perspective of their own psychology. It seems to be only apparent as an outsider who is devoid of that.

Don't get me wrong though, I am well aware of the mountain of problems that also come with autism. I have plenty of painful experiences as well that relate to my ineptness to integrate in allistic society and have worked very, very hard to do so. That doesn't lead me to shun my autism because I genuinely don't believe autism itself is the problem, for the reasons I have stated.

>Life is still far easier for autistics than it must have been 40-50 years ago.

Life would become much easier for autistics if what I explained would become mainstream opinion. Your problem isn't an inability to connect with people, your problem is an inability to connect with allistics, but that's a problem that goes both ways. You would have been much more able to connect with them in a world that thoroughly understands autism and compromises for differences, which today is still insufficiently the case.

What's necessary is that autistic people have the power to assert their own self-conception and for their experiences and opinions to influence our understanding of what autism is, not merely out of some sort of identity politics, but because that insight is necessary to have a full grasp of autism and neurodiversity. If autism continues to only be seen as a disorder based on the premise that being allistic is the only right way of being human then you will continue to suffer.




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> transformation sequence is puzzle themed
Is she /ourgirl/?

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