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Imagine being that rich and dressing/behaving like a teenager. In a way, I have more contempt for these nouveau rich parasites than old money. It's true - you have to learn to be rich.


Nothing will EVER top this classic.


Dressing casual ≠ dressing immature

Also, noveau rich dont flash their money in form of fancy spectacle.
Theyre more focused on stocks.
They keep their ruches by not wasting it on a fancy wardrobe.


Did spiderman really go through all this for some banker's money? The bank robbers didn't even hurt anyone


Maybe every store and business building in America should do like schools


you are drunk on superstructure


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>banned teaser
idgi why was it banne—-oooohhh… ooh nooo


this is why superhero culture is fascist


every time i see shit like this I remind myself I could be rich if I just start grifting conservatoids, but I'm not quite that shameless


uphold anti-kkkapeshit-aktion


Well they ate it up when Stephen Colbert was openly satirizing them, and are continuing to eat it up when The Boys openly satirizes them, so it's not even like you have to sell out to get the rightoid bucks.


This is why we need alcohol free at the point of access like healthcare


the IRS was gutted over the last few decades. it doesn't have the resources to go after "big fish" (or so they say) and instead only have the time to annoying small people who tax dodge


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been thinking about how it's impossible to make a meaningful satire of amerikkka because amerikkka is beyond satire


Hey the Ukrainian kid isn't burgerpunk


>burgerization of ukkkraine isn't burgerpunk
it was posted earlier in this thread


>"cartel member"
a coyote and a cartel member aren't the same thing. also CBP lets cartel guys through all the time


>burger proxy war isn't burgerpunk


That's like saying all of Europe is 'burgerpunk' because of NATO


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>i own the water though
So she promotes socialism


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Demons are real.


I don't judge people based on looking evil and creepy, many psychopaths have angelic faces


She's pretty, I would fall for this grift.


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I think they're talking about the weird face she's making, like doing the whole Kubrick Stare thing.


Atheists be like:
while actual honest-to-God demons in skin-suits are walking around like this with crazy eyes


ok, go buy the freedom water then


Nah, most psychopaths look normal.
Also psychopathy is overused as a label.


you post this once every 3 months comrade and yet not once have you brought up the skibidemons


>Demons are real.
yes and


lmao we have been saying caca for the same thing for thousands of years.


I think there is a chapter in “A Confederacy of Dunces” where Ignatius Riley praises Fortuna while on the toilet. I wonder if the author was alluding to this.


Ignatius reminds of the grace poster who's obsessed with monarchy


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Meeting your heroes…


One is a goblin, one is an orc.


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She looks like she's about to take the wrong hobbit to Sauron, Merry's evil twin Gloomy.


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I mean it's crazy that there are aliens that look so similar to us.


Nah I have it on tap




damn, I wish cute homeless girls would occupy my truck and kick their feet up


She works for Hungry Howie's


Uruk-hai are real.


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>GOP Michigan rep and gun-rights supporter Neil Friske accused of chasing a stripper while firing a gun
>LANSING, Mich. — Neil Friske apparently lives up to his name: The Michigan state representative was arrested early Thursday after Lansing police responded to a report of gunshots — and allegedly found him chasing a stripper and firing a weapon.
>Friske, a first-term Republican who represents the northern 107th House District and is facing an August primary challenge, remains jailed.
>His arrest “stems from allegations that he sexually assaulted an exotic dancer and then chased her with a firearm, a source familiar with the allegations” told news service Gongwer Michigan.
>Friske was cuffed around 2:45 a.m. Thursday on the 2000 block of Windbreak Lane, the street where public records show he owns a home, “for a felony-level offense,” the Detroit Free Press reported.
>If charges are authorized, Friske is expected to be arraigned Friday or Saturday, when more details of the arrest will be released.
>Friske, who is single, is a fierce gun-rights proponent and a member of Michigan’s House
>Forty minutes after his arrest, two posts appeared on Friske’s Twitter account on Michigan legislation that would ban using artificial intelligence to create porn deepfakes, which Friske voted against last week, The Detroit News noted.
>“I’m not going to cave to the pressure of special interest. I’m not afraid of the false accusations, like ‘Friske is for AI Porn’ when a bill denies THE PEOPLE their rights to properly defend themselves,” read the 3:25 a.m tweet.
>The House district is no stranger to scandal.
>Former statehouse Speaker Lee Chatfield, a Republican who represented it from 2015 to 2021, had his own guns-and-strippers controversy.


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I actually had a dream about Trump last night. I should really stop looking up the bizarre schizo QAnon stuff.




Do we have a Burgerpunk reading list? And if so can someone post it.



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