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"No chin, no right to speak."
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startin with a classic

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Is this burgerpunk? This guy changed his name to Literally Anybody Else to run for president in protest of Trump and Biden.

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Barbie announces that she endorses TRUMP for President in 2024.

>he will go down in history as the best president ever - and the last president ever

what did she mean by this

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Suffered a lot so wants to make eveyone suffer too.
Many such cases.


I’m uncomfortable with the fact I’ve had this same thought before.
The U.S. is basically an open air mental asylum.

>The U.S. is basically an open air mental asylum.
I almost said these exact words to my wife the other week because I had a mental breakdown after two days of 12 hour shifts and sleep deprivation when I needed sleep the most. I started spiraling and thinking about how fucked this place is, in all the different ways at once, from the genocides that our government commits in our name, without our consent, to the insane mass shootings, to the privatization, deregulation, austerity, labor crackdowns, bigotry, superstition, etc. It's all too much for me to take sometimes.

Eat the burger…

Well they definitely learned from MKULTRA. Just because it turns out you can't literally do Manchurian Candidate shit doesn't mean you can't manipulate people, especially in aggregate, where you can take advantage of the fact that even if only 20% of your targets are affected how you want, that could still be millions of people. And of course since the intelligence agencies are so tight with the mainstream media, they are able to put any techniques they understand to use against the general populace.

>an American must imagine prison as a burger

>state dept of corrections ain't my boss
Love private prisions

It's not because it's private, just a jurisdictional thing. If it was a private prison it would be directly contracted by the state dept of corrections.

Sheriffs are a separate system from state and local police. The burgertown police situations is as byzantine as it is retarded.

It’s funny the guy who invented it looks like colon cancer waiting to happen

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>You wanna know how I got these scars?

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>The Ivy League nude posture photos were taken in the 1940s through the 1970s of all incoming freshmen at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, UPenn (which are members of the Ivy League) and Seven Sisters colleges (as well as Swarthmore), ostensibly to gauge the rate and severity of rickets, scoliosis, and lordosis in the population. The photos are simple black-and-white images of each individual standing upright from front, back and side perspectives.[1][2] Harvard previously had its own such program from the 1880s to the 1940s.[2] The larger project was run by William Herbert Sheldon and Earnest Albert Hooton, who may have been using the data to support their theory on body types and social hierarchy.[1][3]

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>quantum healing

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Why the Q phones got Chinese text?

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Party in the CIA…

anon these are shitty boomer conservative photoshops from like 2009.

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now THIS is burger punk, Azov battalion freedom fighter put in a cascket with a happymeal box and an oreo

needs lube, mayo, and fresh dildos

some retro burgerpunk from 2012

the ukrainian far right nationalists have to be the most gigacucked "nationalists" I've ever seen. Everything they do is against their national interests, and for burger imperialism. They are some of the most brainwashed glowtards I've ever seen. They must have radioactive green jizz where their brains used to be from all the CIA agents ejaculating into their ears. These fuckers literally want to ban the 2nd most spoken language in Ukraine while making it mandatory to learn English in their schools.

>Archaeologists find an old gravesite
>It dates to the Maidan Ukraine era
>They open the coffin and find a skeleton and the offerings left with it
>The Oreos and Happy Meal are look like they could have left yesterday

that's a right-nationalist classic, they're famous for being retards

gem, saved

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the vkrainian king tvt

Are YOU going to the dance performances at the Twin Towers? I'm looking forward to the Israeli dancers…

cant u get surgery to fix the worst of the effects?

I like how the Jesus icon is literally next to the hapy meal box.
Also just noticed the Coca Cola.

Self-aware villains…

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operation burgerclip

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getting these vibes

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I hate these people so much, it feels unreal.

>i'm just tryina do my job
shut up bootlicker, go on strike

If she knew better she could have just done any number of things to disable the vehicle and then left to go do other things. Physically occupying the vehicle is a good way to get yourself hurt and a poor use of resources.

if he knew better he would've showed solidarity and taken a break from his shitty job for 5 minutes. He doesn't need to yeet her from the cab on behalf of his employer. He can literally call them up and say "sorry my hands are tied, someone's in the cab" and for insurance purposes they probably would've told him to wait for police to arrive. instead he filmed himself assaulting her and expressing zero care about genocide over making his boss money.

Because there's no "genocide" and she's bothering a prole for no reason. People don't care about terrorist organizations and want to feed themselves and their families, wild I know.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

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> Because there's no "genocide"

Well he's just an enemy. A lot of these trucker types are petit bourgeois and not going to "know better." I'm not gonna give the enemy tips on how not to be the enemy, but comrades might benefit from pointers on situations like this.

It's a war, calling it a genocide doesn't make it so.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

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> It's a war, calling it a genocide doesn't make it so.

>He's just an enemy
See this is the entitled First-World radlib attitude that pushes away the proletariat from even entertaining leftist ideas, let alone socialism. When you scream insults at people from a moral high-horse for being supposedly less class conscious than you, you're not being a revolutionary, you're being a faggot. Hell this girl isn't even doing that, she's just screaming shit in this guys face while high as a kite after stealing his truck, why the fuck would anyone listen to this?

She is in no way preventing genocide or helping the Palestinian people, because individual protests most important impact is optics, and the optics of her behavior are that of an entitled first-world brat band-wagoning on the current trending "protest" that she doesn't actually care about. And I assert the latter because you don't say "stop the genocide" with a giggling grin on your face, you don't talk about that shit while vaping and lying around like a sorority girl on a bender. You're not convincing people on the fence with this, you're not hurting the Israeli lobby with this, and you're certainly not helping the Palestinians or their supporters with this action, all you're doing is making pro-palestinian protestors look immature, and bothering ordinary people that have nothing to do with Israel. Her behavior is that of a child, screaming and repeating the same phrase over and over in the face of a random worker, literal preschool immaturity.

>he knew better he would've showed solidarity and taken a break from his shitty job for 5 minutes.
<J-just strike bro!
You lot are actually psychopathic. That's not how striking works, that's not how life works. There's a reason strikes are usually organized with Unions and groups, because most people do, in fact, have something to lose. How does losing his job, his wages and so his way of paying rent, debt and other necessities in any way help the Palestinians? There's a reason people like this chick are laughing stock, and why only the ORGANIZED protestors in College Campuses have garnered real reaction, with police arrests, because they DID make an impact. Random people walking out individually isn't going to do shit.
>He doesn't need to yeet her from the cab on behalf of his employer.
He did it on behalf of himself, for her being an annoying cunt. You can be as pro-palestinian as you want, it doesn't mean you bray in some random person's face and refuse to leave their vehicle. That's the exact opposite of based, it's cringeworthy and lame. If she REALLY was pro-palestinian and wanted to do some attention-grabbing shit, she should have taken a cop-care. But she didn't because that would actually involve some risk!
>He can literally call them up and say "sorry my hands are tied, someone's in the cab" and for insurance purposes they probably would've told him to wait for police to arrive.
Yeah no, have you ever worked a job like this before? Truck Drivers are replaceable as fuck, you either deal with your problems yourself, or take a pay cut. You wanna strike or protest? Here's your severance package, because they've got a dozen other people lining up ready to take the job. Read fucking Marx, because "reserve army of labour" doesn't seem to ring a bell with you.
>instead he filmed himself assaulting her and expressing zero care about genocide
He threw her out of his truck because he was sick of her shit, if that's assault then you can just as easily call her out for Grand Theft Auto, because that is the context of the video. As I stated before; nobody is going to take any talk about genocide seriously from some bitch screaming the same words in their face and being utterly obnoxious. When has that EVER helped convince someone to give a fuck? She's not even calling for him to unionize or support her protest, she's just screaming in his face.
>over making his boss money
Correction, over keeping his job and not dealing with a crackhead. Shit reminds me of Shia and his screaming 'He will not divide us' years back, how did that go? Whom did he convince? What did he achieve other than making a laughingstock of himself?

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> See this is the entitled First-World radlib attitude that pushes away the proletariat from even entertaining leftist ideas
Sir, this is a burgerpunk thread.

All these words. The guy didn't need to film himself yeeting her to keep his job.

> because individual protests most important impact is optics
Well the optics tell me one is a cute stoner chick and the other blurry middle aged guy who physically assaults women.

True, I forget how retarded burger posters are.

All this no-argument. He didn't need to, and neither did she need to be a cunt, but here we are.

>the optics tell me one is a cute stoner chick
Ok simp. She's a 7/10 at best and her clearly asshole personality makes her a 5/10, nobody but a partisan wanker is going to find her compelling. At BEST both of them suck ass.
>physically assaults women
This is yet another reason you and her and radlib LARPers, if it had been a guy in the truck you wouldn't be crying about it, and if it had been a women tossing some privileged, middle-class stoner out of their car, you wouldn't be complaining. Funny double-standards.

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This entire debate is boring and the mods shouldn't have stickied it. Have pic rel instead.

>He didn't need to
concession accepted.

Sorry Palestine bros…i'm gonna go with bidenette

gyaru trump is doing something to me

sorry mate, she only accepts sex for a million dollar, you got a million dollar?

>doing the "I get knocked down but I get up again" bit during the crucifixion
>not doing it when he's carrying the cross and literally falls multiple times

I'm not sure what she means by the jubilee but there are actual apocalyptic christians that think that the end of the world is imminent and they are voting for Trump to bring about the end.

>"I own massive amounts of a basic necessity that people cannot live without. Wow Im such a good investor cause I overcharge for those basic necessities"
14,999 less houses for young home buyers. Look at the bright side though, you can rent from him and pay his mortgage for him! Isn't that great!?

Same guy says people who work for a living are stupid and that being debt-free is bad. Him and fuckers like him all forget that their lifestyle cannot exist without people doing the work that holds the world together. Being in debt makes more millionaires than anything else bc of how disgusting taxes are. The tax benefit is better than what you pay in interest on a loan; As long as you know how to manage debt, this is exactly how you're supposed to do it in the current system.

This should be illegal and I'm surprised legislation doesn't cap the number of rental homes an individual can own to like 100 or ban corporations from permanently owning single family homes.

This guy is something else

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President TRUMP's Memorial Day address to the nation.

oh that's why "human scum" was trending on the twitter

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i love this kind of conservative politics, just bougies listing their personal grievances and calling the fall of amerikkka

>they ran out of jalapeno peperoni at the deli, the west has fallen
>I was escorted out of the grocery store after calling the woman behind the deli counter a bulldyke cunt, billions must die

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Holy fucking shit, it's like a parody.

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The boogs don't even have to do anything about the Department of Education, burgers are voluntarily retarding their own kids.

Reported for astroturf

And people are deathly afraid of AI?

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Its a shame there isn't more of this, and if there is - it probably won't be in the same style. Female Biden looks fucking hot with that nervous look and those massive boobs. She can barely even keep them in the shirt, middle is open and ready for a dick to be slid between them for a titfuck. Her nipples are probably outlined by the shirt but the news headline is covering it.

Honestly the artist is a cunt for teasing us like this and not giving more. We could've had female Trump kissing female Biden while they're both getting railed. And sucking on those huge tits while giving dialogue in character.
Or them taking turns screwing voters at campaign rallies to see who can take more dicks and get swing(er) voters.
Instead all we got in this timeline is skibidi Biden and some shitty memes.

IRS should go after his ass. I don't get how people admit to not paying taxes and not get investigated. They literally admitted to committing a crime.

He's probably saying he doesn't have to pay taxes due to having a negative net worth or other accounting bullshit. Intellectuals don't 'evade' taxes they 'avoid' taxes which is perfectly legal.

Contested audits are expensive and investigative resources are limited. It's easier and more effective to go after dashers with too expensive cars.

Any IRS auditer worth his salt will soon be out of there and become one of the ones defending the tax dodgers. The ironing is that the same people who dodge taxes, also avoid paying everyone they owe money to, including people who defend them from audits. :^)

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trump lost?? americans will suffer less at least, guess the US is still visitable and still only 50% fascist

You should know by now that most things that make the headlines in the US are just for theater. It won't affect his elegibility to run.

how disappointing…

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>only 50% fascist

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Our burger, who art in Donald, hallowed be thy Trump, thy cheese shall come, thy meat grilled done, on bun, as it is with ketchup.

not yet, only if trump or someone alike gets in power

god is dead, the artery clog killed him

he's losing some independents though, so maybe joe'll be able to pull out the win

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Well I'm glad it didn't get cut off, I guess someone had to actually do it for clout

unironically good song

>sees stick get crushed easily
>"that won't happen to me!"

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>It's a war, calling it a genocide doesn't make it so.

What's telling is that every single one of these porky landlords in this video dress like "regular ass dudes" and the weird people (not gonna name names) who decide who "the workers" are based on aesthetics alone will say these guys are workers if they saw them walking down the sidewalk, but that pinkhair baristas aren't

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imagine going to jail over this, among other things

As much as I dont care for Trump even back then I thought arresting him over sex with prostotutes is dumb.
Like come on. It was consensual and she was an adult.
Theres plenty of other crimes he committed thats not being mentioned by the liberal media.

Also, she has a nice forehead.

i'm more of a chinlet person, she got that habsburgo chin

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Oh yea youre right.
Chins are overlooked for female beauty. She does have a nice hefty chin.

Lettuce not be led into relish

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why is the video liked

That’s satire

Alright then have the real deal.

im at work, otherwise I'd check how many lewd drawings there are of vermin surpeme

>burgertown police situations is byzantine
Unfinished bourgeois revolution?…there's still time!
>kids organically learn
yeah they do. But she lives in a sterile zoo enclosure, her kids are not organic working class humans they are plastic neoliberal consumers
accumulation by dispossession

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One of the funniest things about Trump is how utterly boring and pedestrian his taste is, despite his attempts to appear elite and refined. This woman is literally wearing a "Wicked" necklace in the pic. No disrespect to her she's an 11… on the pH scale.

Born as a rich man, destined to be maga communist king

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I bet that they're both fine upstanding conservative Christians.

The right to rape and brainwash children is bestowed only by the LORD

Donald Trump's Secret Service bringing him his McDonald's.

Did he eat all of those?



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General Trump of the Continental Army rallies his troops and their Tartarian allies as they man the air, ram the ramparts and sieze the airports from the British. He is remembered for his stirring quote: "Never fight uphill me boys, never fight uphill."

I'm going to create a twitter account called MAGA PATRIOT and see how easy it is to get big .

>get big
>switch to Marxist-Humanist programming

I wish I had that much faith in anything.
That makes too much fucking sense.
It’s true. All of it.

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yeah we all know about operation cyclone and other adventures

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>39-year-old man starts shooting at random cars in San Jacinto, California, killing a father of four.

>Julio Rodarte was arrested on suspicion of murder and 10 counts of attempted murder after firing off 30 shots & taking his clothes off.

>The despicable act was triggered after Rodarte reportedly tried buying a shot of liquor at a nearby market but didn’t have enough money.

>He then left and started firing at cars before taking his clothes off.

>Multiple cars were damaged, one man was injured and 42-year-old Victor Hugo Leon was killed.

>Leon was on his way home after his night shift at work.

That's in Britannia so it's Fish and Chips punk.

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>Father of four
>On way home from work

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That looks like significantly more than 10 attempted murders.

These mofos should be executed instead of guys who do premeditated murder. There may be a good reason why someone commits premeditated murder. These fuckers however are just dangerous.

wtf is the point in selling copper if it’s such a pain in the ass to get it? By the time you drive somewhere, pick it out, go to the recycle plant and sell it, you may as well be working minimum wage.

Because you don't have to show up anywhere on a schedule or pass an interview unlike jobs

I would imagine this is how every intersection in mcusa will be in 20 years

>i'm your aunt, i'm your grandpa, i'm the one who makes sure it gets done
no you ain't, doug dimmadome, you're the bourgeois pig who sits around while other people do it for you

ding ding ding. It all comes back to reserve army of labor

What did he mean by this?

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>Lime has now implemented a “no-go zone” over the crosswalk, meaning scooters driven over the mural will be remotely shut down. According to the company’s website, entering a “no-go zone” will cause a Lime vehicle to “gradually come to a stop,” forcing a rider to walk their scooter until it is outside the zone.


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Lol that multiple people caught this incident. Damn that's some explosive power on the shit. That's like 3-4ft.

Too bad they didn't video the ejection, would have been a classic
Look at the distance on that badboy

more like pooland


Imagine being in such a bad position that you are like that and people just humiliate you and take videos to laugh online.

Instead this we need to normalise taking bourgeois and beating them up, humiliating them, hanging them and showing that on video instead for comedy.

fucking sad, man

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>Imagine being in such a bad position that you are like that and people just humiliate you and take videos to laugh online.
I don't think the people filming think it's funny, I think they're more revolted and are questioning their choice of residence.

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game of drones

Imagine being that rich and dressing/behaving like a teenager. In a way, I have more contempt for these nouveau rich parasites than old money. It's true - you have to learn to be rich.

Nothing will EVER top this classic.

Dressing casual ≠ dressing immature

Also, noveau rich dont flash their money in form of fancy spectacle.
Theyre more focused on stocks.
They keep their ruches by not wasting it on a fancy wardrobe.

Did spiderman really go through all this for some banker's money? The bank robbers didn't even hurt anyone

Maybe every store and business building in America should do like schools

you are drunk on superstructure

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>banned teaser
idgi why was it banne—-oooohhh… ooh nooo

this is why superhero culture is fascist

every time i see shit like this I remind myself I could be rich if I just start grifting conservatoids, but I'm not quite that shameless

uphold anti-kkkapeshit-aktion

Well they ate it up when Stephen Colbert was openly satirizing them, and are continuing to eat it up when The Boys openly satirizes them, so it's not even like you have to sell out to get the rightoid bucks.

This is why we need alcohol free at the point of access like healthcare

the IRS was gutted over the last few decades. it doesn't have the resources to go after "big fish" (or so they say) and instead only have the time to annoying small people who tax dodge

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been thinking about how it's impossible to make a meaningful satire of amerikkka because amerikkka is beyond satire

Hey the Ukrainian kid isn't burgerpunk

>burgerization of ukkkraine isn't burgerpunk
it was posted earlier in this thread

>"cartel member"
a coyote and a cartel member aren't the same thing. also CBP lets cartel guys through all the time

>burger proxy war isn't burgerpunk

That's like saying all of Europe is 'burgerpunk' because of NATO

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>i own the water though
So she promotes socialism

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Demons are real.

I don't judge people based on looking evil and creepy, many psychopaths have angelic faces

She's pretty, I would fall for this grift.

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I think they're talking about the weird face she's making, like doing the whole Kubrick Stare thing.

Atheists be like:
while actual honest-to-God demons in skin-suits are walking around like this with crazy eyes

ok, go buy the freedom water then

Nah, most psychopaths look normal.
Also psychopathy is overused as a label.

you post this once every 3 months comrade and yet not once have you brought up the skibidemons

>Demons are real.
yes and

lmao we have been saying caca for the same thing for thousands of years.

I think there is a chapter in “A Confederacy of Dunces” where Ignatius Riley praises Fortuna while on the toilet. I wonder if the author was alluding to this.

Ignatius reminds of the grace poster who's obsessed with monarchy

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Meeting your heroes…

One is a goblin, one is an orc.

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She looks like she's about to take the wrong hobbit to Sauron, Merry's evil twin Gloomy.

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I mean it's crazy that there are aliens that look so similar to us.

Nah I have it on tap


damn, I wish cute homeless girls would occupy my truck and kick their feet up

She works for Hungry Howie's

Uruk-hai are real.

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>GOP Michigan rep and gun-rights supporter Neil Friske accused of chasing a stripper while firing a gun
>LANSING, Mich. — Neil Friske apparently lives up to his name: The Michigan state representative was arrested early Thursday after Lansing police responded to a report of gunshots — and allegedly found him chasing a stripper and firing a weapon.
>Friske, a first-term Republican who represents the northern 107th House District and is facing an August primary challenge, remains jailed.
>His arrest “stems from allegations that he sexually assaulted an exotic dancer and then chased her with a firearm, a source familiar with the allegations” told news service Gongwer Michigan.
>Friske was cuffed around 2:45 a.m. Thursday on the 2000 block of Windbreak Lane, the street where public records show he owns a home, “for a felony-level offense,” the Detroit Free Press reported.
>If charges are authorized, Friske is expected to be arraigned Friday or Saturday, when more details of the arrest will be released.
>Friske, who is single, is a fierce gun-rights proponent and a member of Michigan’s House
>Forty minutes after his arrest, two posts appeared on Friske’s Twitter account on Michigan legislation that would ban using artificial intelligence to create porn deepfakes, which Friske voted against last week, The Detroit News noted.
>“I’m not going to cave to the pressure of special interest. I’m not afraid of the false accusations, like ‘Friske is for AI Porn’ when a bill denies THE PEOPLE their rights to properly defend themselves,” read the 3:25 a.m tweet.
>The House district is no stranger to scandal.
>Former statehouse Speaker Lee Chatfield, a Republican who represented it from 2015 to 2021, had his own guns-and-strippers controversy.

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I actually had a dream about Trump last night. I should really stop looking up the bizarre schizo QAnon stuff.


Do we have a Burgerpunk reading list? And if so can someone post it.


I know that this is probably the least important thing to notice about these videos, but why is there trash and broken items being left anywhere? It’s not even just in these places, but even in the “good parts” of the USA, trash is seemingly everywhere, and no one is doing anything to get rid of it. I can understand poverty and dogshit parenting, but nothing excuses filth.

Because the nearest dumpster is a mile away, already full, and everyone is strung out on drugs and depressed. They actually send armies of people doing "community service" for some misdemeanor to clean places like these up and they just end up talking to the locals all day

(also in some places the trash literally is blown around by the wind out of the dumpsters)

Wait so you guys don’t have proper infrastructure or equipment to dispose of all the waste you guys produce each year, and you guys also just let that shit pile up? Nah I’m calling bs, even the poorest cities I’ve seen in or near the Sahel and Central Asia still manage to keep their roads and buildings generally clean.

>Wait so you guys don’t have proper infrastructure or equipment to dispose of all the waste you guys produce each year, and you guys also just let that shit pile up?
yes, this is the absolute state of amerikkka

>you guys don’t have proper infrastructure or equipment to dispose of all the waste you guys produce each year, and you guys also just let that shit pile up
it's simple. slums are doomed to be underfunded in terms of education, waste management, and overfunded in terms of militarized police presence. Meanwhile petit bourgeois suburbs are adequately funded in terms of education and waste management, and do not suffer from nearly as much militarized police presence. The presence of drugs and alcohol from a young age, foisted onto otherized slums by corporations and gangs, usually with the implicit or explicit support of the police and intelligence apparatus, leads to a depressing and demoralizing and violent environment that reproduces itself through a vicious feedback loop. Onlookers from the outside do not see the feedback loop, and only see the failures of the individuals living in these slums, and reproduce the otherization of them through the external judgement of them. If you go to the youtube videos these clips are taken from the comments are full of Americans saying things like "this is ape language" and "this is fatherless behavior" and "they complain about police and yet they kill each other" etc. etc. etc., reproducing the ideological superstructure that depresses, demoralizes, and otherizes the subject. Meanwhile, the prison system reinforces racism, since there is a caste system where the prison guards (mostly white) and the white gangs (the majority of inmates in most situations) conspire force new inmates to join racial "sets" and to not fraternize with people outside of their ethnic group, also reproducing otherization.

"Fatherlessness" is an overused diagnosis for delinquent behavior. Alot of broken homes have dads that are shitheads, yet conservatives gloss over this.
Also a lot of slums are due to redlining or failed blue collar sectors.

And people still think secondary schooling should be compulsory

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>whoa this unripe/spoiled fruit doesn't have the normal texture
>it must be a conspiracy

absolutely agreed, I was just pointing out what rightoids say

The Chicago part is crazy


Damn, guess I gotta start drinking soylent

Did fox news actually said those words, or is irony posting?

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I love biden's look of "not mad, just disappointed" at the end. Le adults back in the room.

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God damn, what the fuck is wrong with the people that run that country 0_0

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The founding fathers probably wanted vagabonds in pillory so they're judgement is probably constitutionally correct.

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What a political system, you have to have serious discussion about what Mr. uyghur teeth and sister child slave wife fucker had in mind when they said X all the time.

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Join the #TRUMPTRAIN for #TRUMP2024 y'all

trump in the traintracks.
fuck off with your bourgeous demented canditate


The problem is that I dont support liberals.

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shadilay my freaking epic pepe posting pedes, we're gonna save western civilization from reddit liberals by vooooting for trumperino again. glory to kekistan!!!

Japan is popular for shonen anime. The loli thing is just moral obsession by occidents.
Also Japan has had a strong auto industry in the 1980s.
Most of America drives a Toyota or Mitsubishi, etc.

>Trump is the antiliberal

Yea, no thanks.

trump is like schizo fuck buddy I had to deal with.


Pretty bleak that this is what boomers spend their free time in their twilight years doing instead of visiting their grandkids.

their grandkids disowned them and vice versa for being chinlet/woke respectively


Idk though. Boomers seem to have an appreciation for grandchildren.
Boomers have this amazing ability to juggle family affairs, radical politics, and personal free time.
Trust me as the obnoxious Newgene in Australia lite (aka Florida)

>Cops stop you
<Sir, do you know how fast you were driving? Papers!
>Give this card
<So, you want me to make a ticket to Literally Anybody Else, eh?
<Get out of the car, I am going to enjoy this one.

>See homeless people
>Send them in jail
>Rebrand the jail as
<reinsertion housing center
Nobody said state sponsored housing was going to be great.

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I suppose any apocalyptic book written 30 years ago or more will do.

Send them to jail, you say?

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literally 1984

Never been to Starbucks, someone explain.

LOL! She had no reason to even do that. She just showed up randomly to fuck around. So based.

>second pic
Reality looks even worse but imma chalk that up to budget limitations

Is there anything more burger punk than getting arrested for eating a burger? Dystopian!

I guess it's better than the guy they shot for being deaf and not listening to their instructions as they yelled at him from behind.

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>Married Kentucky pastor arrested on child sex charges for relationship with minor that he claims was 'consensual'
>Zachary King, 47, the former pastor at LexCity Church in Lexington, was arrested on Monday on charges of rape, sodomy and sexual abuse, according to an arrest citation, according to Fox56 News.
King told the podcast Off the Record hosted by Pastor Brian Classen about his relationship with his wife back in February 2022.

>He revealed: 'At times, where I am frustrated and my needs are not being met - and annoyed by things I shouldn't be annoyed by - is when my wife and I are disconnected and we haven't talked about it and we just kind of let it sit.

>'We become really good co-parents and roommates in those seasons - where it's like we just got to get the kids to the next place and get through the next day, almost like surviving until you can go to bed.

>'So things that wouldn't never really bother me normally you are treating the symptoms, but you are not treating the root of the problem and I just have to sit there and pray and ask the Lord to reveal the root - typically it's me - my frustration is actually something I'm not doing - so it is really not you it's me in this scenario.'

>He also said of his marriage: 'I actually find I am guilty of not just comparing your partner to someone else, but comparing them to the former them.'

>Last week, megachurch Pastor Robert Morris, 62, the founder and senior pastor of Gateway Church in Southlake - one of the largest megachurches in the country - was accused of sexually abusing former family friend Cindy Clemishire in the 1980s, when she was just 12 years old.

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>Married Kentucky pastor arrested on child sex charges for relationship with minor that he claims was 'consensual'
Another day, another Good Straight Christian conservative man gets gets caught being a groomer. I could hardly contain my surprise. He's automatically forgiven because he accepted Jesus into his heart and said the magic words and will go to Heaven alongside George W Bush and Ronald Reagan.

this is why i have no respect for family men as a social class.
Especially if theure religious and conservative.

Society needs to stop defining marriage and familyhood as the marker of masculinity.

>Society needs to stop defining marriage and familyhood as the marker of masculinity.
I don't think that's gonna stop. Maybe marriage but not "familyhood".

>Reality looks even worse but imma chalk that up to budget limitations
No, it's them being too optimistic. They thought there would be "sanctuary districts" where poor people would be sent to live but the reality is there are no measures and no designated zones and instead homeless people get harassed, beaten, firehosed, and shot just for existing in public.

Real social credit score

Is he satirising Carl Sagan?

in the photo? yes. in the tweet he is just speaking

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Obviously fake come on


Kosovo: The most burgerpunk "country" in the world…

it amazes me people still believe the NATO justifications about what happened there in the 90s

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>Wild fight breaks out on a Carnival cruise ship to Central America at 3am after "a bunch of drunk girls from Tampa" had a disagreement.

>43-year-old passenger Nick Richardson said he was going to get some pizza when he walked into a war zone.

>"Those girls were already set on what they were gonna do. It just got out of hand very, very quickly. And that’s how it happens. You’re just drinking too much," Richardson said.

>Carnival released a statement about the incident, saying the guests involved were fined and are banned from sailing again.

>"As is our policy, we will not tolerate such behavior and the guests involved were fined and will not sail on Carnival Cruise Line again," they said.

I wonder what they fought about

>I wonder what they fought about
Who got the last chicken wing.

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you have made yakub proud

tan bodysuit has a fat ass

Why are cops such terrible people

a fewm had gyatts

Based yakub poster

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This is just the beginning. Hillary will replace Biden because of Hunter Biden and his senility. JFK will return to Dallas to endorse Trump and announce that JFK Jr. will be Trump's running mate. Hillary will be "allowed" to "win" the election the same way Trump "allowed" Joe Biden to "win" the rigged 2020 election. First Sleepy, then Crooked, then Trump. The "inaugration" will be a trap for the Deep State set by the Military. Hillary and Biden will be arrested for treason and pedophilia on live TV by the Space Force SEALs and they will be informed that they have no rights. They will be sent to GTMO for trial and execution alongside Antohny Fauci, Letitia James, Gavin Newson, Kamala Harris, Fani Willis, Justin Castro-Trudoe, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Gates, E. Jean Caroll, Mike Milley, Alison Greenfield, Jack Smith, Arthur Engoron, Alvin Bragg, Mike Pence and Barack and Michael Obama. The trials and executions and documentaries like Sound of Freedom, 2000 Mules, will be broadcasted during the Ten Days of Darkness and all other programming will be preempted by the EBS. The J6ers will be released from the DC Gulag and the fake "guards", who are all actors from Central Casting will all be executed. RFK Jr. will be in charge of putting Trump Tesla MedBeds in all hospitals in America and punishing the medical dictators behind the COVID psyop and "vaccine", and they will all be executed. Ron Watkins and Dinesh D'Souza will be put in charge of election security so that the widespread fraud in 2020 never happens again. The USD will be replaced with Trump Bucks and the Quantum Financial System will be the new global financial standard. New York will compensate Trump for persecuting him, putting fake gag orders on him and stealing his assets at the behest of the Beijing Biden regime. All of the "virdicts" from the Biden Trials will be reversed and Trump will be found innocent. In March, Trump will be inaugurated as the 19th President alongiside JFK Jr. Elvis, Tupac and JonBenet Ransay will return from their exile to announce that Earth will be joining the Galactic Alliance.

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idk you tell me

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>Pastor 'assaults wife' in plane meltdown because she got a first class upgrade and he didn't

An elderly evangelical pastor has allegedly assaulted his wife on an airplane - all because she got upgraded to first class and he didn't.
The couple, married for just 18 months following the death of Holmberg's previous wife, were traveling to Alaska from their home in Virginia for a meeting 'related to their ministry'.

First, Holmberg stormed up to first class, demanding: 'How the hell did you get the upgrade?'
'I'm [a] gold point member,' Holmberg's wife replied. 'Don't speak to me like that.'
He returned and told Patti to read something on his phone before 'giving her the finger'
Then in the final incident, Holmberg allegedly 'struck the top of victim's head with his hand.'The off-duty police officer intervened, threatening to put Holmberg in handcuffs if he caused any further disturbances.

The pastor's wife later revealed to authorities that this wasn't the first time she had suffered abuse at his hands.
Patti claimed Holmberg had previously broken her finger during a confrontation last September.
When questioned by the FBI, Holmberg attempted to downplay the incident, insisting he merely 'tapped his wife on the head in passing to get her attention'.
He also claimed his wife was 'disrespectful' and had 'anger issues', even accusing her of grabbing his genitals 'with such force that he was in pain' in the past.
Holmberg was arrested upon landing in Anchorage and is set to appear in court on Monday. If convicted, he faces up to a year behind bars.


Lukewarm take: They both deserve it.

I'm killing myself tonight because I can't work and am going to be evicted unless I can come up with 500 dollars by the end of the week.

Been a good run, it is what is.

Fuck, that sucks.
Hope you decide not to do it and things get better.

Honestly I know how mad my friends who loaned me money to survive are gonna be when I can't pay em back.

Bro it ain't that serious. Go to a shelter or something. It can easily get better.

If you have friends that'll loan you I'm sure they will let you couch surf as well.

Problem is I'm trapped in a city where I don't know anyone and I have my dog so I can't just get a bus ticket somewhere. I don't have a car, I don't even have valid ID.

If I get served an eviction notice I'd have no one to call in that moment. My family has essentially disowned me because I'm a complete failure

>Problem is I'm trapped in a city where I don't know anyone and I have my dog so I can't just get a bus ticket somewhere. I don't have a car, I don't even have valid ID.
Hitchike. If you get murdered it just saves you the trouble. Bro I hate to say this is the dumbest kind of shit to kill yourself over. Maybe your friends can help you out somehow. Do they drive? Who is going to take care of your dog after you kys?

Why kill yourself? If it's really just about money then go rob a liquor store, you have a better than zero chance of getting away with it.

go here
ask for 500 bucks

do NOT say you are going to kill yourself

do NOT kill yourself over 500 bucks

cocacola, sometimes war :DD

i dunno man i've just been so isolated over the last couple of years, I don't have any IRL friends, the city i live in is an alienating concrete mass (I even wrote a poem about it.)

I've fallen back into my old habits, drinking. It's $4 for two bottles of mad dog 20/20 at my local corner store. I just want to drink until I die, and that's not a good feeling man. I used to sit in my room when I was like 14 and just do this, just take shots and hope i'd die.

my mother, she told me straight up that I'm a shame, I'm a failure, I'm a burden and always have been. She's right. How can I sit here and beg for money online and her not be right? I already wasn't welcome at Thanksgiving, at Christmas, at the family events, but now I'm completely cut out.

It's like over the last 2 years the real me as been revealed, the bum, the drunk, the failure.

No amount of art I create can undo my fundamental failures as a human being.

The people here are asking for $10 - $30, not $500. And I've never used this site, so how is that going to look if I make a post? I'll give it a shot I guess.

>my mother, she told me straight up that I'm a shame, I'm a failure, I'm a burden and always have been. She's right.
No she's not and you should stop caring what she thinks.

>The people here are asking for $10 - $30, not $500.
just be honest about your situation and say someone sent you here from somewhere else.

easier said than done man

I signed up

What would the country’s politics be like if most of the people there weren’t fat or addicted to drugs?

Why are these people so ressentful? Everything they've ever done is about blaming their problems and getting revenge on their enemies. It's such qn immature mindset.

>I signed up
make the post

Soon, President TRUMP will be choosing his new running mate that will replace traitor Mike Pence. The front-runners are JFK Jr. and Barron Trump.

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I sincerely hope this doesn't improve his polling like it did for Reagan

he was already winning anyways
like, his opponent is joe biden

they got a bunch of hard photos out of it, this is going to give him a landslide. also biden's campaign pulled all ads.

it was sus

Is feudalism or monarchy back?

It's reddit probably shouldn't care.

I'm waiting on my own paycheck but I'll send you some of it when I get it next

I love how they marked Trump as orange

Why I admire Joe Biden
by anonymous

Let me be clear:
Only Biden knows how to brmpf a babshn.
Only Biden can shmen the pframsl in the glawrm.
Only Biden will tafeten wihlsh pruly hoorsht.

I ask you:
Has Trump ever brmpfed a babshn? Of course not. Trump has not even promised to smhen any pframsl in the glawrm. Trump will never ever tafeten wihlsh pruly hoorsht. Get real.

That's why I'm on Team Biden. Join us!

>>555147 really makes you think

appreciate you anon, someone sent me $20 last night, got me a big bag of dog food today, had been buying the $2.99 little bags just to get buy

I do graphic design/web dev, I'd rather work than beg, so if you need that kind of thing, i'd rather take a commission than get a donation


video of me trying to post something to leftypol but I keep getting "flood detected"

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So fuckin' cooked, landlord basically said he needs to see more money real soon or he's gonna have no choice but to evict

>no choice but to evict
We legitimately need to hang landlords from hooks

yeah im not even more than 1 month behind, I've paid my back rent from last month, I just sent him another $100 that my friend sent me to buy groceries

fuck me man

Get legal representation if you can
Hopefully there is free legal services from some org near you? Ask around.

Contact socialist, communist or anarchist orgs active near you, and also any churches, temples etc.

Set up a gofundme and explain your circumstances.

Hell link it here even.

I did email 3 different Mutual Aid orgs in my city and none of them responded, I didn't expect them to though, Texas is a No Man's Land.
Here's my gofundme, I don't expect any more donations to come in tbh, it's been 10 days.


Of they have physical addresses go say hi, if they have phone numbers call, for all cases here.

These people will have links with local resources I simply don't.

You will understand a great truth when you get to realize that what you do to others, you are doing to yourself.

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You saved my life. Your kindness will not be forgotten, I hope one day I can pay this kindness forward. Thank you anon, deeply and truly.

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Fuck it, I'll break character for this. All I have to say is that I never expected that this would end up leading to Biden being ratfucked by his own party from the presidency.

This is why I never take any word from older white suburban Christians seriously.
Theyre all spoiled brats from day one.

Who is this cute girl?

>Who is this cute girl?
Nahida, the archon of wisdom.

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Money well spent…

Good. Better than him getting his slip of paper from whatever degree mill he was going to.

Wasnt Trump's shtick that he's a billionaire and finds his own campaign?

Hipster Mayor, Hipster Mayor

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One face sitting from her and I'd vote dem for life

Rare /USAPol/ gem.

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<Luke Skyvoooter

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Baptist preacher Jonathan Elwing, 43, has a slew of horrific child sex charges against him, including two capital felony raps for sexual battery of a minor.

His arrest has rocked the congregation and deacons at vibrant Palm View Baptist Church in Palmetto, Florida, where he had been senior pastor for five years.

The father of four was initially charged with four counts of possessing sickening child porn photos after cops were tipped off by a crypto-currency company that he had purchased them off the dark web.

Elwing describes himself on the profile on X, formerly Twitter, as: ‘Husband, Father, Child of God. Serving Christ as a Minister of His Gospel.’

at a second interview, he was confronted by four purchased images on his Google Pixel 7 Pro phone showing different children aged between four and seven being seriously sexually abused.

Four days later detectives uncovered six child sex images involving Elwing, according to the report. The first ‘showed Jonathan’s face’ and the child was wearing ‘a distinct shirt that had a picture of a cartoon giraffe and writing on the side of the giraffe’.

The church is affiliated to the Southern Baptist Convention, which has come under fire for allegedly covering up child sex abuse in Texas.

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I feel like shit about this but I increased the goal from $700 to $1000.

I'm not worried about being evicted as much now, (atleast until next month) but I do need to get things like basic hygiene supplies, dog food, actual groceries, etc.

I feel so so gross for having a gofundme, there's so many more people in this world who need help more than me.

I just want to be someone who is worth being loved. Someone who has value, who has accomplishments.

its all right we all make mistakes. we dont have to spend every waking moment making money and being productive.

if it was anyone else in my situation they'd be doing a lot better than me

being hard on yourself isn't useful, especially if it just makes you spiral more

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Certified reddit 'em

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Ngl kinda wish Trump wins and establishes a dictatorship so americans stop trying to kill me with an overdose of cringe every four years

One step forward, two steps back. You may silence the woketards but you leave out the MAGAtards and the /pol/tards. Aim higher: we need a diarchy of Trump and Biden, with Trump attacking wokeness and Biden attacking reactionaries. Heck, you can even go with Trump/Harris for competitive balance, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Trump+Harris.

America owns your "country." Your women were built for BAC (big american cock)


Our women hate mutilated cocks

I think I'm gonna start doing fent

really aint got shit left to live for, everyday is another nightmare with no hope of improvement

at least let me waste away

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>ARLINGTON, Texas - The founding pastor of an Arlington church turned himself into the Tarrant County jail on Thursday after being charged with sex crimes.

>Ronnie Goines, 51, is the lead pastor at Koinonia Christian Church in Arlington, according to online information.

>He had two warrants for his arrest.

>Goines faces one count of sexual assault and one count of indecent assault after a woman made an outcry last month.

>He previously served on Arlington’s Unity Council and is a former member of the Arlington Police Department’s clergy and police partnership program.

>Early Friday, there was no visible activity at the church campus. Its phone lines indicate the church officers are regularly closed on Friday,


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A knight in shining armor and a friend to the animals…

I had to look it up to be sure that it was real, and it is. I didn't know tim pool was this much of a schizo.

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How much should I give to Kamala so she can breed rabbits as huge as trump ones

>>560963 how much should i give to mamala so she can spank me

do normies actually donate to political candidates in the US ?

Its part of their tipping culture.

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bro thinks he's Suharto

Christmas in September…

Unique IPs: 213

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