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Maximizing joint slay edition
Prev: >>506441
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If it doesn't make you feel like a homosexual it's not real house music.



wait how did you embeded shit


Scroll to the top of the page and click embed and then paste it in the embed box.


youre entitled to your dumb opinions. i guess its not real jazz if it isnt made by black people too


At a certain point it's another genre. You might as well just call House music Disco if you're going to call Electro shit and etc. House.


Do y'all like Mykkie Blanco? She's a trans(I guess? Wikipedia says they go by she/her) rapper that came out in 2012 way before Lil Nas X.


Another from when she first came out. Ahead of her time.


Content =/= context. There's nothing inherently queer about an offshoot of EDM, as what makes a house song a house song is its musical structure and not the message it tries to convey, if there's any.

<Some house lyrics contained messages calling for equality, unity, and freedom of expression beyond racial or sexual differences (e.g. "Can You Feel It" by Fingers Inc., 1987, or "Follow Me" by Aly-Us, 1992).


At least this discourse is less retarded than the "you're trans if you enjoy [pop culture everyone enjoys]", I guess.



>offshoot of EDM
House is the first EDM genre. You could say EDM is an offshoot of House music.




I didn't mean it derogatorily and EDM is just the macro category that encompasses all these genres. All of them including house came from multiple earlier influences - just like all culture - so this argument feels silly to me, especially on a communist board of all places. It's not dissimilar from people from neighboring countries fighting over which version of some food or whatever is the "real" one.


uh what. "edm" isnt a real genre, lol, it's just a vague descriptor. at best, house music is a spin-off of disco and general electronic music coming out at that time. and the fact that it had influences doesnt change what it as a distinct category originated from. anyways this argument is kind of dumb and pointless


ive seen this person on twitter before
nice cute synthy rock tunes


Saw a beautiful girl today, couldnt stop starring. Elongated face with sharp features, pointy chin, mid length hair. Could have confused her for a boy if her haircut was different. Wore a baggy jeans and a tank top, showed off her athletic build, plus some metal chains and jewelry, giving the whole outfit edgy vibe. I got really sad while looking at her.


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Fuck all of you, hand your gay cards back you can't be trusted with them. Hand them back now.


already done, I retired from being gay and became a volcel


any one have experiance with facial hair removal with just tweezers? i started plucking my face because i fucking hate shaving and you can still see the shadow right after anyway, and i was surprised how easy and painless it was, but its not gonna kill my face skin or something right?


I cant imagine that being practical. Too many follicles that grow back too easily, and in order to catch them with tweezers they need to be sufficiently grown.


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Just fucking wax it then you idgit.


there is nowhere i could get any proper waxing stuff where i live, and i probably couldn't afford it, i've tried sugar waxing but it was difficult to make and probably too expensive for me to do regularly


are you not able to get electrolysis/laser?


He just said sugar was put of his price range.


that doesn't necessarily mean they can't get hair removal paid for but it depends on a few factors


tweezers cause ingrown hairs, no?
i guess invest in a double edged razor (the lord brand is affordable, l6 or l5 are good) plus some blades plus shaving soap plus bowl and brush
or a facial epilator


An update, he called his "totally obsessed and insane BPdemon tiger boyfriend" and I have never felt more wanted and better about myself. I have a burning feeling in my chest and am currently hugging my hoodie.


im not gay, i just wanna circlejerk with the fellas like in the old days
Anyone else?


the more rural parts of the US where good ol' boys will get away from their wives for the weekend to have a get together and give each other a beej. I have no idea how to get involved, sounds like a lot of hard work tbh


the more rural parts of the US where good ol' boys will get away from their wives for the weekend to have a get together and give each other a beej. I have no idea how to get involved, sounds like a lot of hard work tbh


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try craigslist


good job


Thank you, I have felt good all day!


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>average lib marriage:
<"welcome home dear, i brought you your BUD LITE…"


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That's a lot of milk


how is this so gay yet so straight


make this pure white and it looks like half the greco-roman fountains you see in european cities


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Also make the penis tiny.


it's the muscle car



I've found myself regularly fantasizing about cuddling, snuggling, holding hands, general intimate stuff, etc. lately and I genuinely feel beyond fucked for it…


>not fantasizing about a stressful daily life tolerated only for the promise of violent uncaring sex
homos are fucked in the head


holy fuck do I hate my pharmacy for keep giving me fucking weird ass syringes/needles that I can't use. Already past a day since I normally do my e injection and this shit sucks.


are you doing a "le handholding fetish" joke or do you genuinely think like this


rly says something about SOCIETY that its easier to find someone to fulfill our fetishes with no matter how weird than to have a fulfilling relationship, and this goes for any sexuality tbh


it's unsurprising tbh, it takes so much compatibility and goodwill and effort to actually make a relationship work whereas all you need for fetish sex is someone whose mind is about as poisoned as yours


>original incel was a lesbian
wasn't the original incel that guy who made experimental country music and it was actually pretty good?


why is there so much transphobia on this site?


Guys please come to 4chan LGBT, we are being raided by zionists there on occasions and we need more left wing queers, and besides, this board is homophobic af

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