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Forget 420chan visit https://stonerchan.org/


Altchan shilling goes in >>>/hobby/36917


Ahh sorry


shit board. fuck off


What if I do drugs but I'm not a stoner?




Fuck you pip sqweek


fucking stop drawing these 2 characters doing out of character things. fuck you. i hate you


Who is the first character?


goku from boku no pico


its rei from neon genesis evangelion


best girl


NO MORE STRAIGHT EDGE SHIT, FINALLY, YES, FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


we oughta colonize that mf before it gets filled with halfchan rightoids


File: 1718574841816.png (29.75 KB, 125x125, logo.png)

Buy the adspace for leftypol.org but make it like a friendship thing between the mascots (Alunya and Stoner-tan or something idk what her name was picrel tho)


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It was weed chan


Mods could do like a fundraiser thread in meta or something shit with a limit for a monthly quota to how much the stonerchan adspace costs and users could donate to have leftypol.org always be up on there

but like shit never gets done here so lmao probably not gonna happen


finally a good drugs board my homies!


Try advertising it on weed and shrooms subreddits, you might be able to get some of the old posters from 420chan back on it


Actually revive /wooo/ first by advertising it on the wrestling subs that will get the site some traffic


what is even taking hotwheels this long dude?


Isn't he some devout Christian now? I don't think he's bringing that drug den back.


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Wow I missed this episode of the anime


Never forget that 420chan was a wrestling imageboard with some drug subboards



Eeew fucking trash


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when everyone masturbated and left but youre still shitposting lol.

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