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Previous thread >>538562


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The first post is about how I want a man older than 30 to force his cock in my mouth. You can't not see this post when you open this thread. I have attached a cute image so now you will be naturally drawn to this post and be reminded that I love older and out of shape men.


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Go ahead try and ignore my posts, but you are reading this with your internal voice, and I am the first and second post. This post is in addendum to that one, stating that older men should be legally mandated to let me play with their cock like a cat toy, oh and I think all of you are too hard on yourselves and you deserve love and compassion like everyone else, I pray to God, that you all find someone that loves you and gives you the compassion you deserve for being a human.
Finally I am inside of your head, and you are reading this with your internal voice, I am inside of your mind. You are thinking of me, and I will be here every time you open the thread, Ily!


So why dont you?


I will drop the snepard posting for a bit. I am, I am talking to an older anon I met on 4chan and he has sent me pictures of his body and face and stomach and other things. I want to do evil things to him, and vice versa. i am paranoid that if i ask to meet up he will be spooked. Its what is stopping me. He is twice my weight and I truly believe he is a gift to me personally from yhvh or allah or a deva or something.


never let the paid actors who are working for the CIA get your orgone energy bros. they are trying to stop you from becoming a full-time revolutionary by making you have SEX. uphold revolutionary schizocel.


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Please stay on topic.




You really need to codify what is meant by "idpol" like /r/socialism has done.


it's pretty obvious.


It really fucking isn't.
Only recently there was a mod banning people critiquing prostitution under the idpol rule. Meanwhile third worldists on the main board are racist towards white people but that gets a free pass most of the time. There's no logic to how the rule is enforced.


>An important part of /leftypol/’s unique character is our opposition to identity politics. We believe that conflicts between genders, races, sexualities, and so on are distractions from the wider class struggle that are intentionally fanned by the ruling class. This does not mean that oppression based on personal characteristics does not exist, but that it should be approached from an egalitarian perspective which is not personally accusatory and does not assign ‘victim’ and ‘oppressor’ groups. The rights of individuals to live according to their own wishes is a fundamental part of leftism

1)should be approached from an egalitarian perspective
2) is not personally accusatory and does not assign ‘victim’ and ‘oppressor’ groups.
3)The rights of individuals to live according to their own wishes is a fundamental part of leftism

Those are the basic rules for "idpol" discussion.


If you don't like it then report it. Sure I agree maybe the rules could be more clear but there has to be some subjectivity. This topic isn't for pro/anti incel back and forth or pro/anti trans shitting, in fact none of the site is for that.


>This topic isn't for pro/anti incel back and forth
That's all it has been for the past 24 threads though.


i want to go back to snow leopard horny posting about older men that was fun


Yeah cause usually I'm too lazy to moderate it but it's supposed to be for genuine discussion/advice/etc.


wdym "leopard horny posting about older men"?


see above


>Yeah cause usually I'm too lazy to moderate it
Why don't the other mods moderate it?


idk i'm not their mom.


first two posts are authentic horny posting trust me i know


I think it would be better if you went back to being too lazy to moderate.


your opinion is noted


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I've been subjecting myself to social scenarios outside of my comfort zone for the last few weeks and I can already feel some progress. Strongly recommend it.


Good for you anon, I need to try get out more myself.


why is the green one loving it?


How the fuck was the guy posting bunch of stats on virginity not on topic?


I asked in /meta/ and apparently it was deleted because it could cause an arguement. We're now not allowed to upset our resident incels apparently.


Yeah, I am the incel getting upset, doesnt mean I want mods to sanitize every corner of this website because it "could cause an argument". So fucking what, we are on a shitposting board, MODS go clean up the news addict board thats pretending to be about serious political discussion and leave us alone.


>MODS go clean up the news addict board thats pretending to be about serious political discussion

Not a mod, but could you be more specific about your complaint, what posts exactly are in the need to be "clean up"?


I dont know, dont go there anymore, but back when I did the generals were a complete shitshow, somehow I doubt there has been a great improvement. Doesnt matter anyway, the point is even there censoring posts to prevent arguments is a control freak behavior, oh noes, people are arguing on an imageboard, the humanity! Especially insane when the argument is on topic, if I wanted to deal with reddit mods, Id just go on reddit.


im not getting any matches on dating sites


Post your profile.


Neck yourself lmao


This lol


Good job anon. I also made massive improvements in my social skills and sanxiety in recent years by putting myself in new situations. Although still as bitchesless and even more friendless, so manage your expectations I guess.


PSA: Youre not gonna end up married to a happy functional wife.
Most of you here dont have the social nor industrial skills to attract a stable mate.


I will happily settle for short-term flings with unstable ones.


Caregul. I was a victim of a psycho bitch in a fling.
She isnt a bad person but shes very egocentric and indiscrete.

I only stayed with her for the sex.




Idpol is whenever gays, blacks and other minorities start thinking they're people, at least according to the crypto fascist hazcels moderating this shithole


Good for you anon. Keep it up. Other users take note.


Lets be honest: socialisation is all about mating potential. People emphasise social skills because its all about finding a partner for sex and romance.

If sexual reproduction became unnecessary, if we had immersive virtual reality porn, social skills wouldnt be emphasised so much.


You need it for all kinds of cooperation, like building a house or whatever.


Well yea but thats not the kind of social skills they teach.
The type thats pro.oted in schools is recycled salutations.
Theres no active social skill training. Its just reciting lines.

Also, most social skills can be learned naturally, but helicopter parenting and draconian urban zoning prevents this.


Schools don't teach socialization for mating potential either, I'm not sure what your point is.


Why do incels have a sexuality if they don't use it? Shouldn't all incels be asexual?


Nah fuck certain cunts here
You will all get a bf or gf, all of you, and you can do it.
You will get one, and you will love him/her or anything else.
go get your pipe or pussy


Giving men this sense of false hope is much crueler than just telling them outright they're undesirable imo.


i am currently dating a fat fuck from warhammer forums becuase I like his personality. You and your defeatest attitudes strip people of hope and with no hope you loose the will to live. I would rather be honest and tell people there is a chance we will all make it and be correct, then show them sociology graphs and have another man's warm blood on my hands.


I meant to respond to you.


You're a man though so it doesn't count.


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What if incels just have a sex denial kink?


why not?


not today CIA, you will not get my orgones


i will tie you to a bed and masturbate you till you are quivering mess and spill your genetic material in my hands and then we will-add you to the database


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my will is as indomitable as the inevitability of communism, you will NEVER make me cum! uwu


Other than Ernst Röhm, gay men are not fascist unlike women.


i want to feel you quiver and throb in my hands as your body gives in and spurts genetic information all over my hand


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That's fine by me, being comfortable around others and not feeling out of place everywhere are plenty. I'm not doing this for dating, I'm in a stage of my life where I can't build a long-term relationship, and I'm not interested in sleeping around atm.

Never reply to my posts again with your garbage conjectures you worthless fucking insect. Begone.


Is it wrong the person who took me into a hidden room in shop and rape me I fall in love?


no, love wins


Why do you feel like women are fascist? Do you think gay guys have it easier when dating?


I know you aren't going to reply but I want to feel you throb in my hands as I herk you off. I want you to feel yourself being pulled over the edge as my warm hand grips your shaft, I want your head to go fuzzy and warm and hot as you feel like a solid block of pleasure, and less like a human as you are dragged into orgasm by me, I want you your body to betray you as your cock spurts your precious genetic material all over my loving hand and floods your brain with enough chemicals to pacify you into a happy stupor, then I want to look at your baby batter on my hand all dripping and warm as I see you on the bed unable to focus as your brain is flooded with enough post-orgasm chemicals to make you feel like a warm, happy person.


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ive had one date in a whole year


i was very horny when i wrote this sorry


They use it to be attracted and to fuel their hatred.


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These are normal and healthy things to think. It's so vanilla and wholesome it's almost non-sexual.


this isn't very revcel schizocel


What the hell is that picture??


Any -cel ideology is inevitably linked to being a rightwinger. Revcel is a contradiction in terms.


sexo gulags real, volcels WILL be forced to have sex


no seek therapy


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>Lets be honest: socialisation is all about mating potential.
that's reductionist, to put it politely.


>Why do incels have a sexuality if they don't use it?
this is a gross misunderstanding of incels. they do exercise and reinforce their sexuality a lot, through lengthy and frequent gooning sessions.


"That's reductionist" = Denial

Social skills that is taught at school is just sycophantic salutations. Vast majority of compulsory schooling is just social shit. Actual intellectual stuff is left in the dustbin.

This. It's amazing that people will believe in conspiracy theories but refuse to believe in sexual realism.


sorry one more thing.
i really need someone to shoot their load on ky hand
i like human biology alot i think it's fascinating and having your testicles produce sperm and shoot you through the vas defrens. This hot sticky white goo is the code that makes you, its all of your genetic lineage it is you and with enough effort you can coat my hands in warm goo. I feel autistic thinking about it, but the fac tits all of your genetic code the literature source code of you and your body has chosen me as worthy to have it. I am very interested in biology


guys i havent washed my hair in weeks, am stuck living with puritan parents in suburban nowhere, dont shave, leave used tissues on my floor for days at a time thanks to executive dysfunction, have a shitty wardrobe full of hand me downs, am a severely dysphoric transbian with autism and adhd, and mostly incapable of feeling joy at this point
how do i get tail
btw this thread had a leakage >>>/leftypol/1886695


she's literally me fr


> Denial
denial about what, for one there's more relationships than just sexual relationships, and the fact that you're reducing it to "mating" does reek of lonely incel talk, do you even have a mom, dad, brother, sister?. and two, being good at socializing does help you get laid, but it's not the only factor. hell, half the people here would've gotten laid if only they had said "hi" to girls in college, 0 conversational skills needed. you wouldn't believe how low the bar is set.


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everyday thankful gay
not deal with demon women
thank eloheim


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I have once again been ignored by the grindr femboy therefore I will be taking my own life


Everyday I wish I was gay, or that society stopped infantilizing women and creating womanchilds.
I envy you gay anons.


i am blond and kind of thin, wanna date for a bit? I make good food and can dresss up as your waifu


nothing like dating in your late 20s and every chick still lives with her parents and just assumes you (or some other loser) will marry her and whisk her away to a life beyond 20 hours a week at the Stop and Shop.


If you don't live in a particularly antagonistic area dating is easier if you are gay. I would consider myself an incel, but I have had homosexual encounters, it never was difficult either once I found someone that I found attractive. However, nothing with females, no sex, one date in my whole life and that was when I was 30, now 38.


Second, can we please help the straight men? I wish to be there for comfort.


There is no helping straggots, but with at least bi-curious ones, show them better world is possible.


We have won, we have won fully and control every level of society. But… at what cost? Must we stoop to their level?


It depresses me how much easier being gay can be. I mean I only like twinks and femboys, which are a small part of an already small population of people and I managed some sex. But cishet females who are a huge population and I find a much greater percentage of them attractive (including women who are much older than me, I pretty much can't find any men over 30 attractive) I still can't find one that likes me too, unless she's a bald obese gargoyle.


>I pretty much can't find any men over 30 attractive
I want you to know that I am…
fuck me my life is on easy mode I love this, for what it is worth anon. I am sorry things are shitty, and this isn't your fault.


I'm gay myself but honestly idk if we have it easier, I try talking with my looksequal or guys a bit uglier than me on grindr and many times I get blocked whenever I show face, it's like fags want perfectly chiseled jawline, nose, predator eyes/eyebrows, 1.90cm height and a ripped body

At least blocking is more direct than what women usually do I suppose


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I need her to know I'm not like all the other guys

I'm worse.


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What emotions does this image evoke in you?


Im annoyed that she didnt order anything linearly, just jumbled it all together


I am assuming its chronological.





She looks appealing, I would probably hit that if the occasion arose. Though I'd advise my brothers just wrap it and tap it, I wouldn't bother to kiss her, incredibly unsanitary.


she is a reactionary and weak woman. she is money hungry, like the bourgeoisie


yes. tap it and run.


apathy and disapproval, mostly because these people assumedly didn't consent to being ranked on a tier list, and that just seems a bit inconsiderate and superficial


im assuming its a tier list. but who knows. either way the list itself, which we do know was posted publicly, seems unconscionable


She's not ugly but not that pretty either. If she has a brother he's probably an incel. Also, makes me feel like giving up.


I am 6'5" and I get the ick so hard from shit like this.

Solidarity forever with my short kings.


Hoeflation levels are off the charts in burgerland lmao


Based fuck women.


How many times have you all been rejected? I think I'm realizing I don't have a GF cause I don't ask girls out very much. I've been rejected a lot but I also don't bother very often. Do I just keep doing thing until it works or what?


You ask out thousands women until you get the ugliest most desperate one that has a mighty yeast infection, get arrested for being ugly or killed for being ugly…depending on how aggressive your local PD is.


Gem, girl is living her life as she Desire.


Atomization. The commodification of séxô on full display. Men reduced to entries on a spreadsheet and women the sexual petit-bourgeoisie.


Seems pretty soulless to view your relationships or bodycount this way. She looks not very happy with herself, which is what I would expect the commodification of relationships to produce. She looks kind of young to have a number like that if it's any kind of serious relationship and idk why you'd care about the careers of your hookups. My feeling is that she has a hard time keeping a boyfriend because of her attitude towards relationships. Like there's no category for their personality or anything about what the relationship was like.

It's just one picture though, so who knows. It would be easy to stage it and it might be a joke or something. Idk the context, it may not even be about relationships (we are assooming because it's posted ITT).


she must be bipolar


cant hold down a fucking relationship. dont stick your Dick in Crazy


just look at her disheveled appearance. screams emotional instability. crazy bitch


truth is its an extensive list of poor guys who dodged a bullet


on top of that shes fucking fat


Yes indeed, the grapes are sour.

Its not a tier list, a woman who makes a tier list like this isnt putting a 5'8'' unemployed man as number 1.


>Its not a tier list, a woman who makes a tier list like this isnt putting a 5'8'' unemployed man as number 1.
if shes fucking dumb enough to make a list and post it to social media, she really just might.


not sure what you mean by sour grapes btw, id never stick my dick in that thing but have plenty of other hu's


even not being a tier list it is unethical unconscionable and not consensual as i covered in my post


Fucking hell, unironically starting to feel bad for straight m*ids lmfao


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To me this seems rather childish.


Do you think women are worth more than men?


On average, yes


Do you really believe that? That someone is worth more or less for characteristics they didn't choose?



Okay… Thank you, I thought you were being serious.


I was, I am but you have to look at the words the right way.


I don't understand can you explain?


Well, I can but am occupied with something right now.
To break it down. I just asked myself what does "worth" mean. And as I am a communist or ex-communist, I just thought why not use the opposite measure as capitalist worth? So I did a quick calculation and it revealed women, on average, produce more use-value (yes, I know, that's not actually quantifiable).


Oh… I am going to be honest I am lucky I caught this in time refreshing firefox. This hurts and is painful to read. I thought lots of people think women are worth more than men and it makes me feel hollow and shit no one chooses their gender


actually… adding on from my post above why do you think this? this hurts, no one chooses the sperm that wins and the idea that such a random event determines your worth as a person i don't feel so great anymore this was very painful to read


Well, I'm sorry.
You aren't really getting my meaning. You'd have to use a marxist framework. That's why we say you can't make your "worth" dependent on others. Also I think what the question is actually asking for is "dignity". But "dignity" doesn't have a "worth".


i am not very smart when it comes to leftist theory, I am new here it… I need people to give me stability or else I crumble. No man or woman is an island and you saying women are worth more just by being lucky enough to have the correct sperm win. Do you bot see how that is like rending someones very being in two? Or hoe utterly psychologically catastrophic that is to the right person?


I suppose I can see that, now that you told me. It's a play on words. I did explain, there is little for me to do about that now, is there?


No never mind. In our western neolib world. I believe that men and women are and should be equal in value, your genetics do not determine your worth and just because you lack ovaries does not mean you are worth less. A lot of leftists are unintentionally very hurtful people that reduce others to "players" in their game of literature, neglecting the fact that they are human begins with souls and feelings. You did not mean to do it but with your joke you did it.
Please remember a human being with thoughts and feelings wrote this to you, I am not chatgpt or an AI, I have/had a mother and father like you!


Oh, I sure will.


I just caught mom having SEX with my bully 😱


uygha stop melting over troll posts, you're ticking me off. Not to mention you wouldn't bat an eye if anon was berating women instead of men. Enough of this "I'm so hurt, do you see how hurt I am" stuff, get your shit together


Back when slavery was a thing, women were much more expensive than men.


Hypothetically could I purchase a slave during racism just to have sex with it?


amazing things happening in the incel thread


Incels exist to reminds us that there are quite a lot of people that actually deserve their misfortune
and so on


It's over for me. I didn't realize how controversial of a statement "women are the gatekeepers of sex" until I looked it up on Reddit. I was just reading about orangutan males fighting for a female's attention and that reminded me of that thought I internalized. I literally cannot relate to humans anymore, when something as basic as that for me is somehow controversial.
Who came up with this fetish and why.


Well would you treat your slave and their offspring as a human beings with the same right as your actual spouse? I don't think so. The very nature of slavery makes for a toxic relationship.


Heck you already refer to slaves as "it". Fuck off here uygha


Because some people end up inverting their suffering and fetishize their inferiority. I almost went down that road a couple of years ago. I forcibly stopped myself, my life is just as shit as ever though. However, I like NTR, I wish there was more suicide endings and the mom even forgetting her dead son's name.


You mean you used to self-insert as the son but now self-insert as the bully?




Yeah pretty much. I know it's kinda a lateral move.


if someone only values you for your gender they are worthless pathetic wastes of flesh
>INB4 "That is everyone"
Why are you a leftist if you belive this? Not very "everything happens = material conditions" of you


I would let my hypothetical slave sleep in the house if the weather was really bad.


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Does capitalism oppress women by forcing them to date substandard men?


Human life is worth so little to others


Wanting to be married was the first mistake in that ragebait. The best guys are married to the cause.


funny how alt/goth/nerdy chicks are major sluts with dyed hair and falsely accuse guys of rape while the stacies that redditors and channers hate so much are usually good people


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Capitalism oppresses everyone by making them all substandard.


it makes me think men will fuck anything with a pussy


posts made by people who got "radicalized" by chomsky or some other flavor of american politician


But we grew up in a "mean girls" culture so see stacy as an enemy rather than the rightful underdog


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If this is still referring to the exchange from before here, I did my best to explain it


"stacies" can be horrible lmao. but theyre secondary to male bullies imo. they only really target other girls cuz it's easier for them and they have horrible internalized misogyny
>muh sluts, dyed hair and horrible rape accusations
ah ok, i understand what you are


>freak has date with blow-up doll in public
>woman shames him and is fired
>comments defend the freak and bash the woman
We live in a misogynistic society


>I want to be married to a amorphous idealized unchanging archetype in my head abstracted from reality


>uses christian flag
>jesus says to even get a boner for a woman is basically rape


>I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I.
>But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.


Well things were simpler back then since you just married a teenage virgin instead of a 30 year old woman looking to settle down


Yes, it's very hard especially in the individualistic west were you have to embody some kind of popular culture archetype to have social capital or compensate by having money or status, anything but being yourself.


It depends.
I think if you want to get married and have kids then you will also settle for whats compatible and you can make it happen
The issue is that people want be kids and whore around all the way into their 40s
Like, people think youre supposed to sleep with hundreds of people in life, but you really dont have to - people today are forced to enjoy themselves, which is another sort of oppression.


>You can have sex if you want and find a conseting partner.




This describes tradwife obsessed incels just as much as it does pick-mes. Marriage is an outmoded spook.

>Yes, it's very hard especially in the individualistic west were you have to embody some kind of popular culture archetype to have social capital
I'm not convinced this is any different outside the "west"


fuck off with this leftist nonsense slop views
would anyone like to come to mcdonald's with me and i will pay for your food? we can just chat about things


Why does courting women have to be so complicated?


Its a lot worse outside the west, because turns out more traditional societies are also more keen on enforcing traditional gender norms, who would have thought.
Especially funny when men whose entire problem is failing to fulfill the man role bitch about western values, feminism and liberalism making women have too high standards.


If you try you're losing but if you don't try you're winning.


i an very sleepy and warm, i keep closing my eyes and a minute lasses before i snap awake. My stomach is full, I am warm and my room is dark and comfy should I just give into sleep and tuck into bed


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>i an very sleepy and warm
Antagonists in my case. I can't sleep if I'm warm. One of the reasons I don't think I'm relationship material. Fuck ever sharing a bed, I'll never get a decent night of sleep again.


because it isnt worth anything


It's funny how I'm an aromantic asexual autist but I'm still insecure as fuck and obsessed with trying to look as good as possible.


Looking good is still important for making friends and maintaining 'face'


going to keep it short
this responce was worth me responding to
perhaps your life is worth more then you think?


True. I also endlessly toss and turn, flip even, as I try to fall asleep which would no doubt annoy the hell out of the other person
We shall sleep in hammocks in separate rooms in the basement


It's why I still work out despite being completely repellant to women. I still feel like I shouldn't let myself totally go. I'd rather be ignored than gawked at.


There kill sex.










lol same I end up completely messing up my bed, snore, fart, and talk loudly in my sleep as well. I woke up once throwing punches.


I’m really depressed how women would be ok with a “dad bod” (some fat lazy guy who doesn’t exercise) over a guy who spends time working out, something you can control, so as long as the dad bod guy has a jawline and a chin.


About to have a hard conversation with my gf. I don't see myself marrying her nor do I want kids, and she's obsessed with the idea.

Interesting windmill to tilt at considering high bodyfat hides jawline…


Dad-bod doesnt mean fat
It means muscle content hidden under thin layer of fat


I literally cant stop jerking off to the thought of fucking my mother
My total fantasy is this becoming a reality, but i know it wont happen
Life is suffering…


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There's a joke i like:
- a man walks into a psychoanalyst's office and the analyst immediately defends himself: "dont worry, this isnt the place where we say you want to have sex with your mother"
- so the guy in a desperate tone responds "well where do i go then if i do want to have sex with her?!"
I feel like that sometimes.



People forget that marriage and childrearing are industrial in origin, not recreational.
The problem in the postmodern world is that adulthood is reduced to consumership license.
As long as youre "old enough" and "rich enough" nobody cares about personal competency.


Not base on what they call it. Also nearly every single dad I knew including my own was fat.


yeah, i've just sort of given up


Bukowski grindset


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i want to eat my mum's delicious ass and suck on her gorgeous feet. i want to kiss her and rub her clit. i want to cummy in her tummy and maybe give her a baby! 👶🏻


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Shes not fucking them . Shes listung her male candidates on them.

No, not everything women do to fellow gender-mates is "internalised" misogyny.
Are male bullies suffering from internalised misandry?

Men do the sae thing with women but minus the profession type.

Most people dont like equality. Especially when it comes to gender.
Most people only talk about equality as a sign of sophisticiation.
Also why women have mpre "worth" is because bobs and vagene.
But a womans worth is her youth. Once she loses that, especially if she becomes a mom, nobody wants her anymore.


Man is not above the animals. We refuse to grow out of our sexual drive.

The real reason why se dont have luxury starships is because humans are still obsessed with mate selesction. Most recreational and aesthetic products are moralises towards finding a mate.

We sent man to the moon in the late 1960s/early 70s. We semt space probes to other planets in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s.

Yet, here we are in the 2020s, still whining about getting no coochie.
Its as if though we are still frontiersmen searching for a brothel in the wilderness.




Is this a synopsis of Origin of the Family? I haven't gotten around to it yet.

>The real reason why se dont have luxury starships is because humans are still obsessed with mate selesction
Classic virgin cope.


You should actually read it.


I am going to say this here, because none of you no who I am.
I feel for a polyamorus man, and then detailed how I was going to tie him to his bed, rape him, rub my foot on his cock, drug him and brainwash him till he was my broken slave/boyfriend.
I enjoyed this thought more then I would like to admit. It was such a rush when he wrote that he would plead and beg for me to stop. He described me as crazy…
In short, I am now madly in love.


Its based on some shoddy anthropology though. Hardly a marxist must-read.


Is there any modern equivalent that's more rigorous?


I swear some of this stuff has to be made by glowies.


Men do not nearly as many willing partners. Going off of what you said, those guys are waiting to be picked. A guy instead would have to ask out 1000 girls and be rejected 999 times. So he's not really choosing anyone.


I think the line of reasoning of the book is more important than the conclusions.


Go make friends. The people in your life are all you have. You’re gonna Dogtooth yourself if the only person you talk to is a computer.


>Go make friends
Go eat shit, the average cunt is an antisocial retard


I think my dog is pansexual, should I make a move?


cheap chinese ozempic and resistant starches will fix this, in exchange for 10 years off the average life expectancy.


>denialism as usual


yet the average person has more friends than you


Tell me again why imageboards are somehow less toxic than TikTok or Reddit or Twitter?


Its why most cishet males have more sexual experience with other men or go dry.

In fact, in the good ol days before stranger danger, a boys first sexual experience was mutual rosy palms from friends.



>yet the average person has more fake friends than you
fixed and does not count, faggot


What the hell is wrong with you


>erm they aren't really happy and those aren't really friends
holy shit the levels of cope at display here


>random guy talking about his weird fetishes is "toxic"


>getting offended at basic historical materialism

>wanting to fuck your mother isnt toxic

Im starting to see why people dont respect leftists now


if he doesnt act on his fantasies then who cares


>imagining things is le toxic
Holy libshittery.

<Im starting to see why people dont respect leftists now

Yeah, because of pearl-clutchers like you. :^)


Fair point but no meed to rant about it so enthusiastically.

Yall talk about morality being spooks yet yall get mad about maledom


Imagining things and rantimg about it enthusiastically are sifferent.
But ok then, why do yall get butthurt about loli or shpta then?
Or aeromorophs?


sorry faggot not sorry you cannot cope with reality


>why substandard women don't want anything with substandard men
That's the real question right there.


I wish you people would be nicer to each other,


It's in the name. No one wants substandard


Probably because most substandard men have fallen into the trap of being right-wing and following reactionaries like Andrew Tate.


What are the demographics of leftist women? I want to find a lefty gf, where should I creep around. Portland maybe? Definitely not anywhere near CA


>creep around
It was over before it even started


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>historical materialism


true. but also modt substandard women have fallen trap to the arthoe/terf/gold-digging scenes.

Again, it proves my point that sexual/romantic desires are always better in 2D.

It turns out that weebs had the right idea all along.


These threads have seen more attempts, using "Marxist" theory, to justify the way things are than to criticize. Or even shit like >>548626.
Really makes one think.




I need to get a real plan going on how I'm going to commit suicide. This situation is not sustainable in the long term.


It's just newgene shitting up the board


save the bullets for the liberals instead


I can actually help you with this, I have a suicide plan and pact with a friend. If you are serious. Though our suicide is becuase we are mentally fucked lol


>Sex and Relationships General


It her relationship with life, who are you to judge?


I don't want anyone else involved but thank you for offering a solution instead of being a faggot about it.

If I had relationships I wouldn't be suicidal.


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Is this how you get a girlfriend?


>If I had relationships I wouldn't be suicidal.
you would be surprised on the opposite


Body dysmorphia fucking sucks. I wish I could love myself.


>Thanks for not being a fag
Lol I am a faggot also, if you want actual tips I can help, I've spent the last year on SS and due to thr nature of what I do I have access to alot of academic materials regarding the body.
I ask one thing, if you are to die like me, please leave a note/video explaining what led you here. Other people did and I've been watching them and it makes me
feel less alone, so I would ask you to the same


hooking up with slmeone who mentioned red scare way back on their profile and i have immense anxiety. we are going hiking first


>>549175 (me)
i'm not worried about saying anything autistic but rather not being able to push out my memories of all the harsh things those people believe about others lmao


good luck nonny.


How long will be the hike? Are you going to climb a tall mountain?


this couldve the album cover of an indie rock band


My wife's lover has earned his place as the man of our house. He is entitled to the same obedient respect that I give to my wife who loves him.

I obey him because he loves my wife. They have established an intimate adult relationship and have become a loving couple and enjoy frequent satisfying sex together.

They have been together for nearly 7 years. My wife describes him as the most wonderful man she has ever known. I have been celibate since 2015 so I was understandably pouty and jealous when I learned that my wife had replaced me with another man.

It has taken time. But I learned to respect him for the man that is. I look up to him as a role model and mentor.

He has been has been very good to my wife and is a much and my life are in love. He is he has been to my wife.


I actually used to spend a lot of time on SS and even tried one of their recipes. It obviously didn't do the trick but it scared me enough that I stopped visiting the place.


Your mom aint your wife timmy


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I'll never know love because even my mother just tolerates me. Women either leave me or want to use as an emotional punching bag or an ATM. I understand why Elliot did it, I just want to be normal. Feel like I'm going to snap soonish.


looks, talent, and wit are also essential.


>men cannot be attractive over thorty
Anon, stop hanging out with white guys.
I am black and I find theres plenty of attractive guys over thirty.

Just stop focusing so much on white people as the default of physiognomy.


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Men=automatic horns, Women=automatic halo.Men can definitely be attractive 30+ but the standards are obviously much higher. Most women just have be thin or at least a normal weight with no major deformities. Cosmetic frauding helps


No, it's not that. I think Men actually have an easier time being attractive over 30 if they are masculine. It's just femboys basically do not exist over 30.


Her mom probably thinks "he's" ugly because "he" isn't white.


>thinks "he's" ugly because "he" isn't white.
That's possible, "he" looks like an average med guy maybe too dark for "his" pheno.


Or that he looks gay because of the eyelashes.


How does that man in pic look bad?
Also the answer your response its because beauty is culturally gynocentric.

Male hood in both aspects, physicl and abstract, are made for comic relief or scorn.
God forbid you should be seen as beautiful as a cishet male.

Unfortunate truth. Men are seen as safe/good looking if theyre lightskinned relative to their national average of skin tone.


Again maybe because you look too much at white people.




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>How does that man in pic look bad?
Normie guy=ugly to most women. If he looked like Burak Ozcivit her opinion would probably be different.


>Normie guy=ugly to most women
This. Most women aren't attracted to average men because they are chadsexual. Asking a woman to be attracted to an average or below average male is like asking a gay man to be attracted to a woman.


>t. brown woman


wasted digits


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White moids are mostly samefaced NPCs tô.


>t. brown woman


My mom just saw an email notification from BLACKED.com pop up on my phone screen 😬


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