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 No.1316[View All]

Post Burgerpunk
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The “healthcare pls” meme is real. We’re fucking tired of conversations about minuscule issues.


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Temporary NYPD headquarters at a Burger King near the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001.


Has this "everything is a dull empty parking lot" aesthetic


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we will have lawns, whatever it takes


>america will virtue signal itself into living in sterile concrete prisons for "the planet"
This is WHY haz talks about the anglo box
Break free


"anglo box" is about analytical philosophy


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Its a broader critique of an inhuman "reason" guiding people to betray their intuition
>i want lawns
<but it wastes resources
>but i want one
<but it is good for the planet to completely remove nature from human society
<you heard me, now get in the pod and eat the bugs, slave, we're living in the great reset remember
Utilitarianism, new atheism, "pragmatism", veganism and so on all outwardly serve the beast.


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>Our view of the traditional lawn is being challenged.
>The Suburban Lawn Will Never Be the Same


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ever heard of gardens


worth noting is the lawns disappearing are in places like Las Vegas, a literal fucking desert where suburbanites dump huge amounts of water on grass that evolved in a completely different environment.


Gardens? These people dont even believe in houses
Except for porky of course


wow haz fanboys truly are all retarded


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Yeah sorry i guess i should believe in literally every western politician instead who want us all locked away in slumhouses, but as long as its modernistic its "cool". You remind me of my retard friend who said that he likes the ugly pedophilic world of todays "high art" BECAUSE its ugly.


Why are you arguing with people you made up in your head


Right, yes i am schizo now bdcause i am hitting close to home?


you are an intellectual midget.


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I'm not american and you're having a meltdown about fucking lawns lmao


you're an absolute retard, the suburban american lawn is the most sterile possible form of 'nature' to exist, besides the ideal solution is to have a 'wild lawn' or garden, not astroturf. if someone lays astroturf instead of a clover lawn then they're just being lazy.


Yet again 'anti anglos' and Hazite cultists are the most American people to possibly exist


keep slurping up your globalist sustenace


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>the natural state of man is 50s advertising


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the $$$globalists$$$ gave you lawns in the first place you fucking retard lmao
now go live in the suburb and eat the spam, patriot


What does fake grass have to do with nature


No species-being is when we are all freaks conditioned by the internet avatarfagging our way into winning some double-contrarian (conformist) battle for urban supremacy
Do you know where the term "bourgeoisie" came from?


Fucking lmao


hello pseud


The average suburboid has never seen a tree in their life so they think their ugly ass lawns are nature


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>the suburban american lawn is the most sterile possible form of 'nature' to exist
Lawns really are an extreme example of protestant perversion when you think about it. You want nature, but not too much. Just enough that the area isn't totally dead. But to do this you have to ritually perform maintenance to keep it from growing, because if you do it will start to blossom into something much richer and healthier. This must be stopped because each thing must be constrained and dominated so that it is under control of the will, your will, as an extension of divine will. But there of course is no divine will, because there is no Church of Lawns; the protestant work ethic has been decoupled from its original religious mooring and transplanted onto consumerism. Now your will is extending the will of capital.


can you stop speaking like a pseud for one second?


The picture is about plastic grass, it's not even lawn.


lawns are basically plastic grass anyway, they are sustained by a billion tons of toxic herbicides


Good i wouldnt want to be a "real" intellectual
Bunch of counter revolutionaries



>grass lawn
>$1.32/ sq ft
Do americans pay money for grass


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TBF I read the other guy's post first and unintentionally copied it, but whatever, still is true


Its basically samefagging since you occupy a hivemind


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Grass lawns are not naturally occurring. You have to put the plants there, usually coming in rolls or squares that you put on the ground.

Is this not common knowledge? Where did you think the grass in parks, yards, medians, etc came from?


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>since you occupy a hivemind
It's true, this is where I live


damn pics like this take me back


its natural in some places


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Been playing the fuck out of this lately, mods really bring it to life


For real, CAM/Colossus really make it feel epic. I'm on the Soviet Republic grind currently tho. (see /games/).


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People don't build stuff that they want to have grass in the places these grasses occur naturally.
Also, these grasses are genetically engineered for the purpose of being a lawn and being resistant to pesticides/herbicides so that you can dump Roundup or whatever all over them and kill everything but the grass. There's really nothing natural about these lawns at all. Picrel is what natural grass looks like.


You can just put seeds in the ground and it will grow…


Well maybe not in California but in most of Europe for sure


We don't have time for that shit, we need this development to be covered in grass NOW so we can sell the land to people.


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EPIC reaction moments COMPILATION


Maybe I should be more empathetic to Americans because I am privileged by not being raised there.
>my boss ziptied me to a ladder I was using again, is this bad?


Requesting the YouTube clickbait facial expression overlays. I'd do it myself by I'm AFK



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