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 [Last 50 Posts]

Post Burgerpunk


Lemme just step outside.


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Burgerpunk is just America’s decay?


Or prosperity depending on if you're a neolib.


Second picture reminds me of vidrel


File: 1640813449823.jpg (118.25 KB, 736x586, Burgerpunk3.jpg)

This is some of the aesthetics I'm referring to. It could also include anything sterotypically neoliberal "'murican"


This is actually a good idea. It's a mockery of our idealized visions of a hyper tech future and also rubs the obscenity of modern neoliberal society in your face.



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burgerpunk 2077


I work at a MIC subcontractor defense company and we’re building a confidential aircraft. About an hour ago the floor for making it had to be shut down because a technician got COVID. Now there is a guy in a full hazmat suit spraying disinfectant all around the experimental aircraft. I wish I could share it but the glows would be on top of me.



first honest cop


I fucking hate Twitter/feds for deleting the videos which show them using live round and far more brutality. They’re somehow ok with whatever minor Tiananmen Square clips though.


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File: 1640817140940-1.mp4 (5.87 MB, 640x360, 1639947618495.mp4)

Not quite what the thread was asking for but I think it fits


dog bless ameriga :DDDD


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Critically support comrad obesity against American imperialism


I’m gonna admit

Watching troops fail to keep one lady down along with more running around in shitty camp shooting and driving randomly seemingly without targeting anything was pretty funny.

Looks less like police brutality and more like kindergarten kids fighting other kindergarten kids when you actually stop to analyze what’s going on


Does anyone have that one webm that's just the US anthem played over absolutely dystopic pictures of America? Shit is peak burgerpunk but I can't find it


File: 1640817782099.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 3.98 MB, 480x360, 1636994917422.mp4)

This isn’t the right one because the actual webm has the anthem blasting but this will suffice(Spoiler and make indication of gore. I have mentioned this several times recently for this webm and will make short bans if necessary.)


File: 1640817828628.webm (3.93 MB, 680x400, we're_doomed.webm)

Do you mean this one?


File: 1640817881758.mp4 (11.98 MB, 854x480, merica.mp4)

nvm just found it lmao


yep that's the one, god bless the united states
No way I'm clicking play on that abomination ever LMAO


File: 1640817964433.mp4 (24.74 MB, 854x480, Hypernormalization.mp4)

this is something with a simular feel


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I really love American culture but not the people it creates.


File: 1640818230691-0.mp4 (2.68 MB, 640x640, kingoftheTP.mp4)

File: 1640818230691-1.mp4 (432.59 KB, 480x270, trump antifa plane.mp4)

File: 1640818230691-2.mp4 (16.28 MB, 854x480, musk wario.mp4)

File: 1640818230691-3.mp4 (1.06 MB, 360x360, shit's fucked.mp4)


I really miss trump, he was burgerpunk personified


Don't worry he'll be back in 2024.



File: 1640818759531-0.mp4 (4.75 MB, 960x720, 1634989450291.mp4)

File: 1640818759531-1.mp4 (2.68 MB, 854x480, rabid dog.mp4)

Biden is pretty funny too, the fact that a dude this senile and brainrotted became president is surreal lol, but it still doesn't really top Trump
Clown timeline if that happens lmao


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*berder banquet


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I love the full version where you can see the pensive Abe.


I like how the staff took time to arrange the salads on the golden displays




Cyberpunk is utopian burgerpunk (which incidentally is characterized as a dystopia).


Even the military wanna punch a /pol/troon.


>Even the military wanna punch a /pol/troon.
Worse. Those are just average right-wingers. Probably a lot of ex-mil but not necessarily just because they are in fatigues. That's just what the average right-winger things of /pol/ memers.


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Imagine being a fucking invitee to the White House and being used to extravagant chef-prepared meals

and then THIS FUCKER gives you $10 shitburgers that probably don't even look like the ad image.


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Eureka, CA. I used to live there and you can see the remains of the old railroad all over town. Molchat Doma should hold a concert there one day.



guys how can americans be so blind to their own problems but care so much about problems in other countries they couldn't find on a labeled map?


The rotting railways in Burgerstan really get at you. Although it’s worse when it’s rotting but it’s still in use.


because they don't care about hte problems in other countries, they just see the other countries as problems. except for times they're told the countries problems are about dissing a rival superpower, like problems of taiwan and hong kong and ukraine.


Because porky wants them to focus on minor, far away, or entirely made-up issues.
Who owns the press? The 1%, the owner class. Where do they get their information from? The government. Who controls the government? The 1%, the owner class.


> Watching troops
They’re not GI’s. They’re Feds


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The fact that there wasn't WAR over this is proof positive that there IS NO HOPE FOR AMERICA


are they fighting the war on christmas?


Very good montage, but why are there none of these brutality montages that I've seen yet with this clip of Jaleel Stallings being assaulted after an unambiguous indisputable surrender?
(Unfortunately can't find an unedited version right now but this video does the job despite destroying the money-shot clip of the approach and running head kick and a full half minute of them beating him while he says he's trying to put hand behind back)


During perestroika reformers promised we're gonna live just like in USA
Turns out they weren't lying


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Commercial aesthetic, with touches of decay. Has anyone yet posted malls?


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holy shit im actually laughing out loud.


T H I S   I S   E X T R E M E L Y   D A N G E R O U S   T O   O U R   D E M O C R A C Y


I really hate american "culture" and the "people" it creates.



just wanna say based thread with improtent classic vidya.
esp hypernormalization.mp4


Is this Shay's family?


Has there ever been an empire more retarded than America in the world's history, or are these just signs of the inevitable decay?


bumping good thread


I don't know how many people realize it, but this is the essence of oldfaggotry.


my favorite burgerpunk painting is "the crucifixion of mac of Nazareth street" by supply-side Jesus.


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He was the president burgerville deserves.


believe it or not, he even had his own burgerpunk musical, 90s style


Hmm, somehow I'm not sure they gave Jesus a footstool



Because they didn't want to be suspended from their arms? Are you also surprised they didn't use nails?




File: 1641001544857.jfif (193.84 KB, 879x1024, Polycule_Burgerfats.jfif)

I believe that's a furry polycule in the background.





The true american dream.
Dog bles my hamburgueers


They should have used nails honestly.
Only real christians get crucified with nails and also whipped more than once in eastern holidays.


what's the point of this video?


This is the burgerpunk thread.
Is that video not a good example of capitalism in decay?


wtf is this nonsense
>poor homeless drug addicts exist under capitalism 😱
>old buildings get old 😱


I don't get your point.
Are you saying that the capitalist system isn't at least partially responsible for the drugs pandemic in the US and the decline of Detroit?


critical support to dunki'n donuts






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>car parks so far the eye can see
if the day is misty you could shoot a horror movie on that shit.


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>Well, aren't you feeling real dirty sitting in the parking lot?
>Waiting to bleed onto the big streets
>That bleed out onto the highways
>And off to other cities built to make and store these rocks
>Well, aren't you feeling real dirty sitting in your car with nothing?
>Waiting to bleed onto the big streets
>That bleed out onto the highways
>And off to other cities built to store and sell
>There's nothing
>Convenient parking is way back, way back
>Convenient parking is way back, way back
>Convenient parking is way back, way back


Ayy, Modest Mouse takes me way back.



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I'm going to Disney World.


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Honestly, their earlier stuff is pretty burgerpunk. That album especially is peak American decay music.
>tfw here's the man with teeth like God's shoeshine


Which schizo wrote that


AI-generated story from a general on 4chan/vg/


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Name a more bunkerpunk song than this
Protip: you can't


Why do AI generated stories allways seem to end up like some crazed fever dreams? While my dreams are nowhere near grotesque as this, the general ebb and flow of the narative is exactly the same.


can anyone post the webm where it cuts from black friday footage to the sweatshop and back


I know what one you're talking about. The song is "kept" by crystal castles btw



I have bad news for you. That /pol/tard and many like him actually managed to convert many of those vets. I know people that were run of the mill conservatards that now are anti-vax in all things and believe that the vaccine is designed to kill the sheeple.


bumb, still want to see this









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File: 1641908618740.webm (8.19 MB, 640x360, slogan_propaganda.webm)


damn I didn't even post the good one


this is from south korea, right?




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as far as I know this is a DPRK remake of the Soviet Documentary "The Target Is Your Brain"


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I forgot how often do Burgerboomers play their 80s rock. Playing More than a Feeling for the thousandth time at any outdoor event is Burgerpunk.


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capitalism has always been in Decay


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green capitalism doesn't exist the bourgeoisie will always pollute


Liberal >>Capitalism is freedom.
Me >>Ok then explain this


File: 1642014322002.webm (2 MB, 360x640, 1642001158630.webm)

you are now officially a wagie of MacDonalds


Why would you do this shit, what the fuck


>Generally voluntary, though often under severe social pressure, branding may be used as a painful form of initiation, serving both as endurance and motivation test (rite of passage) and a permanent membership mark, seen as male bonding. Branding is thus practiced:
>By some street gangs
>In organized crime as "stripes" to signify a violent crime that the person committed. Typically on the upper arm or upper torso.
>In prisons
>Sometimes as an extreme initiation in the increasingly less common tradition of painful hazing (otherwise mostly paddling).
>Some members of college fraternities and sororities voluntarily elect to be branded with their fraternity/sorority letters. This is far less common in sororities than fraternities and is especially prevalent in some historically African-American fraternities, such as Omega Psi Phi.[20]
>Branding can be used as a voluntary body decoration – a form of permanent body art rather like many tattoos.

I think they fucked him up in this video though, the brand was too big, he pushed too hard he stayed way too long.


Very retarded and outright dangerous. You don't brand someone like a cow. Cows have much thicker skin and lots of hair. 1/4 of the time would still have left a permanent scar and serious damage.


File: 1642015607785.mp4 (14.9 MB, 406x720, 1634863306999.mp4)

Burgers are really something man.


that asshole did it for too long, you only need to do it for a second.
now the dude probably has just a blob on his chest


where we were when the taco bell-mcdonalds war broke up ?.


Cracker "culture".


This is fucking hilariously Burgerpunk.


literally demolition man



does the vegas loop count?


Too much heat too close to the heart.


The funniest parts to me is that fact the bus was only going 60 and people are being flung all over the place and how our protagonist is wearing a fake moustache and hopes he did not fool the security cameras.


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Trump made politics interesting as everything within Us' sphere of influence became incomprehensibly retarded.



ngl, I definitely would both of them tbh

Nah, deepfried mars bar is more of a Scottish thing lmao

>Man, I never knew


/pol/tards don't realize that almost everyone hates them


>More than a Feeling
I felt that


If only every song was more than a feeling…


You have a hilarious definition of the word cute.


Meng Hao walked into the McDonald's. The cultivator taking his order gave a derisive snort, but Meng Hao did not really care, because he had repressed his aura down to the Single Patty Realm, and a fool would not be able to tell his true level of burger eating.

"Give me… a Happy Meal!"

The cultivator's face flickered before he finally regained his composure and laughed. "You couldn't afford a Happy Meal. Get lost! Don't you see that there are Double Quarter Pounder Realm eaters waiting behind you?"

Meng Hao slapped his bag of holding and threw 80 billion spirit McDonald's coupons onto the counter, causing an earthquake which demolished half of the restaurant. Everyone dropped their jaws. None could see how this was possible!

"I'll take that Happy Meal with a side order of fries, " Meng Hao said. He was as calm as the ocean in a painting of an insanely calm ocean. "And let me see your manager!"

The cashier cultivator coughed up a mouthful of ketchup. He simply could not handle Meng Hao's killing intent, because he was only at the Quarter Pounder with Cheese realm himself. Even though Meng Hao had suppressed his aura, because he had cultivated the Heavenly Burgin' Qi, this was enough to kill people a few levels higher if he truly wanted.

It was then that another man which a much more fierce aura stepped forward. "You dare make trouble here?"

"P… Patriarch Hamburglar!"

Patriarch Hamburglar was 99 cents of the way into the Big Mac Realm, plus tax! Meng Hao was pushed back two feet, knocking over a soda machine. Powerade Mountain Berry Blast geysered outward, killing several onlookers.

Of course, Mayor McCheese saw all this happen through the window.

Meng Hao coughed up a mouthful of blood, snorted, constricted his pupils, and then his expression went calm. He unleashed the aura of 64 patties, condensed down to a 2 patty stack that could fit into his mouth!

Mayor McCheese coughed up a mouthful of cheese. His pupils constricted.

"Is this… Seeking the McRib stage??"

Meng Hao had the gentle air of a scholar, but it wouldn't stop him from killing several people in a McDonald's.

"Burger Devouring Scripture! I'm Lovin' It!"

With the first keyword of the Burger Devouring Scripture, everyone below the early Quarter Pounder With Cheese stage exploded into purple mist. The light of the immense heavenly burger shone down with the contours of a golden arch as 9 illusory burgers floated around Meng Hao's body, which is probably an important xianxia number that matches the number of lakes in some sacred Chinese province I've never heard of. But that was only a fraction of Meng Hao's power. He waved his arm, bringing forth thirty more cultivation techniques that hadn't appeared in over 400 chapters!

"Heavenly Tribulation Fries! Eastern Everburning Egg McMuffin! Fruit Smoothie Guillotine! Soul McCafe Mocha Incarnation!"

Meng Hao's expression was the same as ever as he slapped his bag of holding, and brought out his karmic ketchup packet, Fry Cook Lord medallion, seventeen different wooden time spatulas, a five-coloured resurrection coupon, the silk burger wrapper, various souls of lightning McNuggets that he may or may not still have, and his mask of the legacy of Ronald McDonald. Oh, and the image of a flying Chicken Snack Wrap dragon appeared. Remember that? It was basically his Main Thing at the start of the novel, but quietly faded into irrelevance. Until now!

All of this takes some time to describe, but actually happened in the space of only a few breaths.

"What! Impossible!"

Meng Hao wanted to summon the parrot as well, but it was too overcome with eroticism by the purple fur depicted on a nearby poster of Grimace, and was busy drilling out a glory hole straight through the poster, and the wall it was pinned to, with its strong parrot erection.

But it was more than enough. The Hamburglar's soul flew out and was absorbed into his mask! He screamed as his body was destroyed completely.

Meng Hao brushed off his robe and swept up his spirit coupons and everyone's bags of holding which probably didn't have any cool sh*t inside unless I write him into a corner later, and anyways, don't worry about it for now. He surveyed the rubble that was all that remained of the McDonald's.

"Guess I'll be taking that Happy Meal… to go!"


Finna pull a workplace shooting


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Go ahead
call the cops
they can't un-eat your tendies


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lol I fucked it up, maybe someone else can take a better shot



Ohhhhhh fuck… God


White """people""".


Seems too convoluted to be real. It presents like a scripted bit for social media outrage virality. Primarily the way she presents her leftoid-caricature views (as imagined by the average right-wing burger) as well as how the clip ends.


Why is this problem getting worse?


>so it's like a subway


>It’s literally just a car conveyor belt
I’ll never understand how he got away with lying to investors about this and Elizabeth Holmes went to jail.


Elizabeth Holmes' con was much more directly hurting people with fake medical results.


Every time there is a proposal over a light rail system or a subway, random boomers show up online and call it “communism”. We can’t have nice thing because of this dumb fucking oligarchy and these dumb fucking boomers complaining.


It's not even a fucking conveyor belt. The cars move independently so its worse. Imagine if one car has to stop, instead of all the cars behind it stopping at the same time, there is an inherent delay. Once the car moves forward, there is an additional delay for the cars behind it to move forward.


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Imagine Nuremberg rally but its just thumb cops


>Jason Rivera



That's not why, it's because of lobbying


That was the perfect time to start a rebellion.



How flammable is wool?


Anybody got any “fat” aesthetics regarding a Burgerpunk sense?


File: 1644253909709-1.webm (1.3 MB, 1280x720, americult.webm)

File: 1644253909709-2.webm (2.72 MB, 336x600, amerimutt pig.webm)

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File: 1644254378693-2.webm (3.99 MB, 444x960, usashoothisass.webm)

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File: 1644254974142-4.webm (2.56 MB, 360x640, usc5.webm)


>typical amerimutt

that's obviously britain


Give a warning on gore plz.


>pledge of allegiance
>At the beginning of every school day
>from the age of 5
Is this just an american thing or are there other nations who do this?


>He thinks it ends with school.
You will say it until your deathbed and we will say it at your funeral.


even we don't do it in the nationalist cuck pit called poland so i doubt they do it anywhere else


poltards think staring into the abyss makes them stronger somehow


You can take screenshots of nodes on firefox.


File: 1644257719689.png (194.71 KB, 944x1228, 1603923654990.png)

>the last one


I can't tell if you're trolling or legit retarded. Where are you from that you can't tell the difference between Europe and America?

Clearly not America.

>1, 2, 4
Clearly not America either.

Do you see gore and violence videos and immediately assume America?


File: 1644258729202.jpg (6.84 KB, 275x183, 1595601327001.jpg)

>Do you see gore and violence videos and immediately assume America?



no i assume Brazil or Mexico. Americans don't do crazy bloodbath shit or machete chopping in the jungle. Its usually the shit you would see in /r/publicfreakout


>Americans don't do crazy bloodbath shit
what are school shootings?
What is the US police force?


OJ man was truly a tasteless motherfucker


Why are furrys at a ren fair?


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Is this peak burger?


Nerds like nerd things, there's lots of furry trekkies too




It's going to be a stereotype now in describing America = No real food much in the same way as it is by rightoids as in Communism = no real food


Is this the SR-72?


Nice to see another Connor O’malley appreciator.
If you like old decaying malls, maybe try this channel



i do not enjoy old decaying malls, but have this obscure gem



It's frightening how many images I recognize from a split-second glance.


I know that feeling.


Off the top my head gaia online, end of evangelion (at least 2x) , goop, video footage of US drones attacking a reporter's van, Solid Snake vs Big Boss, scanners head explosion, fury program, that dude dog I forget the name of (at least 2x), Cloud's sword, and so much more that I recognize from typical 2000s life. gives me a strange pang in my chest



Some places decided to stop prosecuting thefts under a certain amount, so it's like a free pass to openly steal shit. No necessarily what you're seeing here, but "scumbag culture" is getting bigger.



It's an anglo thing. Football fans in the UK started the same thing, fighting over football teams.
They just need a reason to be violent that's all, doesn't matter if it's football teams, fast food companies, or videogames.


File: 1644761868358.mp4 (815.88 KB, 480x640, walmart meat.mp4)



“i can eat industrially slaughtered dead animals, but i draw the line at muh plastics”


Yes? Are you retarded?


Anon there are microplastics in everything you eat.
There is just no point in avoiding them.





Everything is Terrible is my favorite black pilled retro-media archive


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Why is everything so full of trash?


Nobody's paying for cleaning in non rich areas.


>pic 1
Ah, hello Black Mirror.


what an annoying wanna-be cop filming them


I’m black taping my phones camera


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bruh, the ancaps win this time


>2nd image
Jesus fucking Christ




I don't think you can just call it an anglo thing. Look at places like Serbia where people die over football.


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>more of a Scottish thing lmao


That looks like a future heart attack


File: 1645740130041.mp4 (1.35 MB, 640x360, CNN.mp4)



cnn headquarters is literally in my state lol. so proud of the usa


fuck man, now I finally understand why italians get pissed when pizza is shit


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I often feel a deep despair watching thing like these and then get filled with anger when they see anyone respond with disgust/contempt (average normie reaction)


They learned that pizza is the ultimate weapon against communism.


Why are burgerfats so obsessed with butts? (The gig in the video was shaking his ass)


>dancing with your hips is an american thing
you sound like a burger puritan yourself more than anything else


File: 1647567480098.jfif (196.47 KB, 1284x721, bruh.jfif)



Someone should make this in to a webm


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File: 1647722228769-1.mp4 (3.28 MB, 640x360, y_2kz9CxWfOCr0Js.mp4)

Yes. He is the physical embodiment of America - a sleazy, obese, effete con artist. Absolutely grotesque, kitsch and gauche.


File: 1648325930895.jpg (144.95 KB, 1200x900, 1648325759428.jpg)

New burgerpunk just dropped


>thinks fighting between football fans is exclusive to the UK
pffff ahahahahaha


I read it as “eggshit” lol


does he know what day of the week it is?


File: 1648585438145.jpg (1.04 MB, 1986x1118, Ovi dildos.jpg)

e-eggslut? that's me!



File: 1648591457716.jpg (153.59 KB, 1000x708, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u2.jpg)

Nothing will beat his tale of ascension as the burger king

The only time USA politics were any fun

Now the most fun you can get out of it is when Biden's dementia kicks in public but that's too far in between



Damn can he eat it?



Must watch.


America in a nutshell




>7:58 onwards
>Asking Americans if Americans would consider Kyrgyzstan is a threat if Bush said so



>pretentious high art
damn, that's more than I expected to hear on the street. best take by a metric tonne.

the editing is simple but effective


>the editing is simple but effective
damn, here i was thinking that middle ameriKKKans are a disgusting slob mass of pig-brained bigoted puritans, turns out i was a taken for a ride by the degenerate pretentious high artists pissing all over statues of jesus



maybe it was pretentious art but tbh i liked the video, captured something, surely


>I put on an attention seeking outfit and had someone follow me with a camera, and people paid attention to me

this says a lot about our society


Ok I actually watched it, that was pretty bad, I thought she was just rolling around on the floor or some shit


Wtf? Why is there a gash in the middle of the dildo?


the gash is a hole to slip eggs through so that you can insert them into your holes
the eggs are made of jello so they can be squished into paste and safely allowed to remain inside your body as well


I am wondering, what is the point of that specifically? Thanks for the quick response by the way. I have no clue how you do it.


well the more eggs you get filled up with, the more stuffed you'll feel, which is a fetish for some. i personally have an oviposition fetish which means getting filled up with monster eggs and having little monster babies, which also correlates to it.
there are dildos which squirt cum lube into you as well. that's nice too. some of them even warm the lube up so it feels more like cum


it’s fun and tactile


Nice. Are you into vore by the way? Your answers are quite helpful.


not really into vore tbh


Ah. So can oviposition imply eating Pokéballs?


well pretty much any egg-shaped object could work for it, but there's like a surrogate pregnancy thing to it too so not sure i'd want a pokeball to open inside my stomach lmao


Mmm Borger Kang


Oh. So it’s sort of an m-preg thing. Interesting


Have to talked to you a psychologist about it? It could provide a reasoning as to why you have the fetish. For example, my psychologist believes my vore fetish is a result of mommy issues.


psychologists are pretty much the last people i'd ever talk about fetishes with haha :D


I mean from my experiences, it was pretty helpful into understanding my depression and anxiety. Also bring a Sperg helps I guess.




File: 1649637944188.mp4 (829.4 KB, 576x496, mcstop.mp4)


Imagine if the cops had that sort of reaction to normal murders.


Imagine how many you could take out at once having them all packed in there.


Depends how much explosives you brewed


What the fuck is that


bump, need mor funnies






Hah. They even write there response all cold and automated message sounding. Somebody sucks at their job.


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>look how many ill people we have! So much diversity
I wonder how many of those were made ill once in prison.


That documentary was fucking hilarious. It was Empire of Dust but with Fats.


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Closest thing to high speed rail in Burgerstan


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dewd, this is nawt cawmic cawn!!!


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You laugh, but that's the future of transportation once man takes to the stars.


Is that Niko Avocado?


WALL°E is peak utopia post-capital post-scaracity monopoly corporatism


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I don’t get how can a capitalist society function in a post-scarcity situation like in WALL-E or Star Trek. How the fuck do people pay for the goods and services if it’s all automated and no longer requires employment?
Doesn’t anyone else find it ironic how a hyper capitalist mega corporation accidentally created a socialist (actually communist) society?


What is it with right wingers and molesting their kids?


embrace the dengpill, socialist billionaires = no contradiction


it certainly makes socialism easier to build, it's one of the main contradictions of capitalism and coercive laws of competition
this but sarcastically because I'm not a retard or meme ideologist with no actual politcal beliefs


One thing that bothers me about that first image. I just can't wrap my head around.

why is there a public bench?


>they privatized the benches


Why is there a public bench? They’re everywhere and the only people who use them are fats (see picture), old people and homeless people.


>American imperialism
>The two women make about £34,000


Why do morbidly obese white women look the same?


File: 1650444934783.jpg (884.34 KB, 1500x2000, Breezewood.jpg)


This isn't actually a place people tend to live, it's a truck stop, with the photo taken down the main road. In fact, at one point they had a mayor and 0 residents.

more info: https://teddit.net/r/notjustbikes/comments/rcgieg/come_on_babe_lets_go_to_the_stroad_together_3/

That said, there are plenty of other real photos of mundanely dystopic commercialpunk roads.


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File: 1650445277297-1.png (2.43 MB, 1269x899, ClipboardImage.png)

Where is the lie? People still work there. Where do they commute from? Of places I've seen on foot Carlsbad, NM was pretty horrific.


You still see this kind of thing in commercial zones. There's little to no mixed-use zoning so you have to get in a car (or a bus) to get to anywhere you can buy things, and they usually look like this.

Btw, this is a major factor in delivery services becoming a big business, from Amazon to Uber Eats. It's just inconvenient as fuck to buy anything in person, much easier to outsource the last-mile transportation to a business.


File: 1650477944019.jpg (1.44 MB, 3264x771, 2378 (8).jpg)


How much diabetes does this man have?


Destroying your body for the entertainment of others is among my least favorite burger eccentricities.


good for him. Fuck the politicians, they deserve mcdonalds


lol no they deserve to eat a mile long sausage of their own flesh regrown and harvested over an agonizing 16 month period.


Black bodies are meant to be destroyed.


i unironically want him back. i don't believe he'd be a better leader than biden, but between the 2 billionaire pedos he's funnier


Did you take this photo yourself?


sovllessness overflowing into sovl


is that QA pic real? holy shit.

I love this thread, seeing the USA failing and waddling in it's own shit makes me rock hard.

Sucks for the people though, I hope you can change it for the better


yup :D


>replace your staff's luxuries with overpriced fast food
I'm surprised he wasn't violently couped.



>Oh how fun, today we can eat like the plebs! Look honey, I can't pay for healthcare ahahaha!


I think the funniest part is those burgers were probably cold and nasty as fuck by the time they got to the white house


Would Burgerpunk still be an aesthetic in the new Confederate Socialist States of America?


1000% they want the confedracy they get all of the cultural trash that comes with it. Fucking pipe dream.


legit mad emperor stuff




Why do Indians always say “Indubitably”?


File: 1650840313223.mp4 (3.66 MB, 1280x720, HamHillZone.mp4)


How the fuck do they get that fat?


Genetics? Lel


Diet and lack of exercise, exaggerated by their culture and commercial interests.


yeah and cuba-coca cola deepstate unholy duopoly sugar cabal


File: 1650956276139.png (10.36 KB, 842x108, murica.png)

found on reddit
>using the Old Testament as a textbook for "world history"
>world history class taught by a coach


Coach Red Pill


File: 1650996620937.png (1.29 MB, 1077x1085, ClipboardImage.png)

a bit sad that people will deny the obvious fact that biden is sundowning his way into dementia with the argument "yeah but trump is stupid"


Shay, do you have the 8chan video with mark and the lolis animation?


File: 1651098594125.mp4 (6.65 MB, 640x360, 8chan Ultimatum.mp4)


File: 1651142480330.mp4 (9.74 MB, 1280x720, 85s0bt5ni2w81.mp4)

American little league game ends with the traditional shootout and kids crawling away to safety.


land of the free to commit mass murder


File: 1651147199412.jpg (74.8 KB, 1024x1024, fuckthemkids.jpg)

who cares


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Can we post foreign burgerpunk?


File: 1651206054544.png (836.62 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

>wowwww it's just like GTA!


> Indians always say “Indubitably”
I find that dubitable.


of course. v kino


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At a premiere of the Northman


File: 1651421531196.jpg (372.01 KB, 2048x1536, FRpOsj5XIAAZOYU.jpg)

They ate raw beef during the film


They got their brainworms some new parasite friends


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Taking spectacle to a whole new level
Revolting against the modern world by going to the cinema and intentionally poisoning myself lmao


Eating raw beef isn't bad for you white boy. Most places in the world eat raw beef.


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Of course friend


the fact that they have coke bottles next to them while doing the raw-beef hunter-gatherer larp is funnier


The whole thing is completely absurd
Really doing their ancestors proud by sitting in a cushy movie theater for 2 hours to watch the new BASED action movie for MEN. Modernity is shaking in its boots
Is there even anything in the movie that might appeal to rightoids, besides the pagan Viking LARP? I liked Robert Eggers' other films quite a bit


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File: 1651509838134-1.png (501.67 KB, 595x811, lol.png)

Not technically burgerpunk, more like Greggpunk, but it's too funny not to post it somewhere.


what is this?


File: 1651514641657.png (122.1 KB, 995x494, ClipboardImage.png)

It appears to be a photo taken from a pizza hut in front of the great pyramids.



what the fuck is wrong with ameritards? why are they like this? should i blame suburbs?


Why did you censor self.carnivore out? I looked at that subreddit and it is full of success stories.


What are the pros of eating raw beef tho?


File: 1651526234250.png (298.73 KB, 474x356, ClipboardImage.png)

It tastes good.


That's if you go full retard and eat entirely meat. Although some raw ground beef unless that shit is fresh sounds like shit.


It's amazing how retarded right wingers are


i dont know if most places is right im from a place were raw meat is eaten and we know it has to be fresh and high quality i dont even know were americans would get that kind of meat


it mostly tastes like nothing the texture is nice tough


they're literally just powered by pure outrage and spite, vegetarianism gets more popular so nutters are like 'we need to eat only raw beef to combat this!'

retards. if only farm subsides would end so these people would at least be paying the actual posts of this shite


everytime I have to hear a rightwinger's uyghurdly jive I inch a little bit further into ableism




You know, I used to be a social democrat, but when I heard about coal rolling, that was about the time I snapped.


i think these /pol/cels are actually kinda cute. aside from the hardcore racism transphobia etc. they're like
>look i'm a real man i eat RAW beef from a METAL bowl GRRRRR
while looking like they've just come out of a locker. the gap is just too cute


don't groom them sweaty uwu


do amerimutts really? imagine being this fucking obsessed lmaoooooo


You’ve never seen the videos, have you?


File: 1651677965686.jpg (250.69 KB, 682x682, apuestro.jpg)

lmao even
i love how burgers absolutely relish in taking every available opportunity to act like a total subhuman
drink the milkshake



predator vs prey


But I thought that the northman was a liberal shitfest and nazis were angry at it?
Spectacle is so dense I can't even keep track of it anymore




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A little burgepunk gompilation :DDDD


>first pic
these are the results of the masculinity and the race spook
i hate americans so much it's unreal






No this is the result of being built for bbc actually


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lmao the dog is obese as well.


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holy shit i found the source


Shay when the twink death kicks in


Fucking why…?


Not sure if I even want help for this man. He's a warlock (looks like he's 50+) incel who has reached the final stage of agp.


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Lincoln got assasinated before he could complete reconstruction with help from his penpal Marx.


File: 1652927537428.webm (2.36 MB, 406x720, sugar.webm)


That's a brit obviously LMAO.


Lincoln's fault. He won a civil war and instead of brutally oppressing the losers he did a lib "compromise" and picked a southern democrat as his vice president for his 2nd term. He promptly got his brains blown out and replaced by a drunk racist who pardoned every whistlin dixie who came to him hat in hand and kissed his sweaty toes.


Beyond giving me 2nd hand diabetes and a headache.
<actually a can of coke


Non Aggression Principle allows me to shoot the truck driver for assaulting my lungs with carcinogens, your honor


>Most places in the world eat raw beef.
most places in the world do not farm beef on the industrial scale that ameritards do. People eat raw beef from their homesteads, not raw GMO-cornfed hormone-freak beef from the factory slaughterhouse


muh GMOs
crackpot detected


how to fuck with automobiles
>mix dish soap in water. pour down the oil fill of the engine if you can get the hood popped
>smear vaseline on the windshield. absolute fucker to get off
>open a fuel cap with a small knife or screwdriver, stick it into the lock and twist, then pour a muddy water/dirt/sand mixture in
>pull the rubber off of the windshield wiper
>loosen the oil drain plug under the car until it's hanging by a thread or 2. vibrations will do the rest
>popcorn kernels in the exhaust pipe, with corn oil if you have some too
>cut up the brake lining with something sharp


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More borgarpoonk


I don't see what's wrong with the second one


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File: 1652967130820.png (1.87 MB, 700x700, 1649297773558.png)


this guy is a tiktok genius
take this L, cringeshitter


man what the fuck?


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Gunman, Gunman
Shoot to kill

My parents can't afford
The medical bill


>Now it's time to have some fun




Alien isolation game mechanics be like


Duck and Cover never stopped.


File: 1653631406595.jpg (174.24 KB, 1170x1652, FPKBHyZUcAEJFQc.jpg)


strategy of tension


>masculinity is when you are a cucked bug that throws your life away to make a more socially dominant male money while he sits on his ass and watches netflix in his spa


>Clay Clark
>Host of the Thrivetime Show Podcast, Former Oklahoma Young SBA Entrepreneur of the Year, Founder of Several Multi-Million Dollar Businesses, Author and Artist.

sounds like he's the guy in the spa. he probably has ghost writers write his books and middle managers run his businesses for him


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lmao. dis thread is both funee and pain, why did i have to be a borger citizen.


lol just emigrate bro, burger tokens are worth a lot in other parts of the world


>you may not like it, but this is what peak alpha looks like


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File: 1653705391637.png (2.76 MB, 2380x1364, ClipboardImage.png)


but theyre right…?


Walking is sus. Only anti-Americans walk.



Why do the kids have buckets?




File: 1654160285826.png (518.15 KB, 935x339, ClipboardImage.png)


huh I always thought that icon was the aboriginal flag


File: 1654165708140.gif (713.48 KB, 480x270, erik.gif)

>pic 3
literal Eric Cartman shit



I can’t think of anything more cucked than rise-and-grind culture


nooo b-but if i slave away just a little more and make my life just a bit more miserable i'll become a millionaire you see and then i'll get a crumb of pussy


Fun fact: the term "one nation under God was" added to the pledge in the 1950s.
Of course, some secular mistake want it removed, angering Christian conservatives.
America has never values education at all.
In the US, people say they would feel uncomfortable with an atheist as a president.
They think atheists are literal psychopaths.

America for a first world country is surprisingly very stupid.

I blame Protestantism.
Catholics have always been more open to intellectual differences.

I honestly think American exceptionalism/entitlement is because of Protestantism

I mean literally there's white folks whom believe that any disaster that befall America is divine punishment for not being super religious. Nevermind the history of exploitation that America has done.

WASPs are soulless amoral beings.


america isn't a "first world" country, it's a semi-colony of europe that provides it with cheap intermediate goods and troops


also using "soulless" and "amoral" which are conservative insults against conservatives is funny


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Is this an incel org?


it's an humblebrag org


this is what passes for a youth group in america
this is what they're doing instead of hobbies or burning down suburbs and police stations


a handful of booj undergrad dweebs are your sample for the current yoof?


the distinct sound of a former railroad/highway town in the US dying out


It’s pretty much comparable to a fat acceptance group except that you can control being fat. Come to think of it, fat acceptance is pretty Burgerpunk.


This is an accurate description.


this is sad :(


File: 1655297342183.jpg (100.36 KB, 596x616, utxri.jpg)

Immaculate Burgerpunk


Legit thought they still used beef tallow.


File: 1655332942630.png (423.98 KB, 600x500, ClipboardImage.png)

>2077 years since Jesus discovered America
>War Bondsia Secretary of State Boomer "Booms Booms" Wilson announced a War on Badness
>Following a Live stream press conference at KFC the 7th Mountain Dew Fleet "The Ex-Exxconers" was deployed to the African Horn as part of Operation Liberating Freedamₕₚ
>Prolonged strategic drone strike campaign witnessing the first testing of next-gen 300XMyn R2D2 "Herculean raw beefer" Pride drone with a whopping 15% success rate at the cost of the entire federal budget for National System of Interstate and attack Highways repairs (authorized by the Senatorial Praetorial sub-Committee On Ethical Outsourcing) killed 13 possibly maybe maybe not kind of suspected terrorists and 150,000 civilians.
>native American Congress Chairwomynx Senatrix Matisha Bedford-Forrest Gump (representing the Friends With Benefits with Israel lobby) sent thoughts and prayers to the Iraqi victims killed in the bombing and denounced the actions of the secretary of state on Twitter.'X Æ A-12
>the 7th Mountain Dew Fleet centered around the hyperomegacarrier US(S)A Network " The Ronald McDonald Reagen Aidshub.com" was briefly rerouted to Ft. Home Depot port in Saudi Arabia for resupply and refit when its $950 billion dollar rudder was struck by an endangered blue whale, rendering it fully inoperable
>the 7th Mountain Dew Fleet was put back into service in the Horn following a lengthy 10-year refit and consultation by Lockheed-Martin (a Martha Stewart Network subsidiary) and the awaited impeachment of the 62nd president Jack "listen here" in the box.
>9000 soldiers were dishonorably discharged for dishonorably discharging semen on each other's pillows and other twerking-related incidents, leading to an alarming dangerous to democracy 600% increase in Marine Corps suicide and preschool shootings the following year


return to tradition
Big Macs cooked in beef tallow sitting in wheat fields cradled in the bosom of a big breasted aryan maiden




is there a supposed to be a difference? is this a muh phytoestrogen thing


Not necessarily burgerpunk but does anyone have a video that's like a compilation of gross anime and 3D fetish porn with creepy techno music playing in the background? Had a very similar vibe to these two videos >>1344 >>1340


File: 1655918365101.png (313.92 KB, 589x452, ClipboardImage.png)


the state of the drought in the southwest is pretty burgerpunk
Special mention goes to Utah governor calling for a "weekend of prayer" so the state could get "divine intervention" so they would have enough rain to meet their water needs.


we must bring back rain dances.


File: 1656516011859.png (616.26 KB, 595x842, 1591968499586.png)


Wouldn't that be FrankfurterPunk?


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needs Weeburgerpunk and maybe third world burger punk


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Adorno moment


File: 1656773528551.mp4 (17.47 MB, 576x1024, 26q9SkzNaOKDNOUS.mp4)

west coast white american women are operating on a different level to all of us lmao


File: 1656773881184.mp4 (7.68 MB, 576x1024, ssstwitter_1656773855.mp4)

Follow up


Saint Cameraperson 🙏🙏


This is hilarious, she's amazing


sigma colonizer mindset



>white woman
Where’s the doggo?


ahahahah holy fuck this is so american


*rule britannia starts playing*


This shit is so stupid lol


>those stickers



So what are they even arguing over and what did she say? I can't understand this petit bourgeois car driver shit.


He violated some rules of the road and she told him to go back to where he comes from (where people drive rudely, unlike where she's from where people are polite).


Ok, well both of them should be executed anyway.


Same energy


Absolutely not, the driver in that situation was 100% in the right. The cartoon makes him look less composed now than he was.


hahahahah the shot of her car at the end


native americanchad did nothing wrong


you mean to tell me he didn't actually slap her head upside down and pick his car up above his own head like the incredible hulk


Embedding error.


He wasn't in the right TBH, hospitals can be giant complexes of buildings, if she booked a ride to the emergency department he should take her there not just drop her off at a random building that's part of the hospital. Course we don't know what happened before the video but he doesn't exactly give the impression of being reasonable


File: 1656810141833.png (44.55 KB, 861x172, ClipboardImage.png)

here's a comment I saw. idk if it's true tho lol


Both were petit bourgeois


Do you have any evidence either of those people were petit bourgeois?

some people think petit bourgeois is just a vibe and not an actual economic role under a capitalist mode of production. you can be the snootiest and most annoying lib in the world but if you don't actually do the following 3 things:

1) own means of production
2) employ others who don't
3) exploit them for their surplus labor value

then you are not petit bourgeois.


>she took a long time to get in on purpose

lol, why would anyone waste their own time like that

if she cancelled the ride I feel like he would have mentioned that in the video

honestly they probably both are assholes but he seems worse to me cause he's definitely very used to throwing his weight around as a big old white guy


Not really, he's just frustrated. He drove her to the location the app said and she wanted him to drive around more.

>hospitals can be giant complexes of buildings
That's not how rideshare apps work though. Your job is to drive to where you're told by the app.


petty bourgeois is whatever I say it is so I can cynically abuse marxist theory to order executions of people who disagreed with me online
t. leninhat


Feel like there's probably a disconnect between the address and the map pin in this case, but if there's any confusion the driver should just take them where they actually want to go IMO


They both had motorcars


>but if there's any confusion the driver should just take them where they actually want to go IMO
The gig worker should not have to spend more of their time and money (gas) because uber or lyft fucked up.


how much extra work would it take? 60 seconds? it takes a lot less time to drive in a car than make someone walk


Have you never been in a car with somebody who didn't know where they were going? Gig drivers don't have the luxury to fuck around. Most of them struggle to break even.


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>Where’s the doggo?
She has a zoophilia flag sicker on her car lmaooo


I think that's in the webm thread somewhere, if you're talking about the one that starts with this overly happy clappy boyband pop music before suddenly switching to a footage of a shooting and other shit


File: 1656818393309.png (16.82 KB, 510x306, Flag_of_Cascadia.svg.png)

That's just the Cascadia flag, anon
Not that that's much better


No she doesn't. That's a Cascadia flag. It's about Pacific Northwestern independence from the United States.


that flag is unironically a $ettler dogwhistle


motorcars are cheap af here, you can get a decent model from 10-15 years ago for a few thou here


I never knew why PNW had so many fucking neonazis until finding out Oregon was basically founded as a white ethnostate that would whip black people 60 times a month if they didn't leave. Their constitution still had racist language in it until 2002.
I wouldn't blame the native american guy for being on edge tbh


I stand corrected lmao


I think this might be burger punk but I'll also don't understand what's happening.


>Black guy approaches white dude to start trolling
>White dude is instantly pissed off that black dude is spouting nonsense and calls him out on it
>Black dude is shocked and walks away because instead of having fun the white dude is legit raging out


>Oregon's racially discriminatory state constitutional amendment, Section 35, was legally invalidated after the Civil War by the ratification of the 14th Amendment to the federal Constitution in 1868. However, Section 35 remained formally on the books for another 58 years. In 1925, the Oregon legislature proposed the formal repeal of Section 35, adopted as House Joint Resolution 8 (1925). The measure was referred to Oregon voters as a 1926 ballot initiative which was approved with 62.5% in favor.
>Measure 14 in 2002, approved by a vote of 71–29, removed references to the 1857 referendum from the constitution.


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> I'll also don't understand what's happening.
The future of the American outdoors. Everyone walking around filming each other pissing each other off to post it on The CPC psywar app.


It's 100% this >>1818 >>1820 some idiot trying to get reactions for tiktok. People are doing stupider and stupider shit hoping it will go viral and they will get money.

Based China is accelerating collapse by eroding the social fabric further with these micro-incentives turning every waking moment into a potential reality show.


woah the chinese and epic acceleration and also the social fabric
unironically kill yourself you retarded suburbanite. you're trash and your thoughts are trash, you will never win you will always be slop shat out by the american real estate industry. you were a mistake of history


Where are you from anon?




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always fun to remember there are people who will just seethe over nothing


>People are doing stupider and stupider shit hoping it will go viral and they will get money.
The world has become Jackass.



So was she a cryptonazi or something? In which case the nativebro was right to be freaking out


>a few thou her
No. And that's before tax, mot, upkeep for your notoriously badly made American made car, licence, training, gas.
Killl yourself you posh cunt.


What's wrong with Cascadian independence I thought it was popular with leftists


lel at this seethe.


>paying tax
>paying for upkeep


morer malls plz


after you're tortured, you've gotta have a good meal


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she just looks like a hippy woman


beef tallow is way more healthier than canola oil

you have been duped if you think seed oils are good for you






why would she throw her lover like that



Spousal abuse


fucking skinwalkers dude


when the lil guy cries :(

fug that bitch


damn was born in the 90s but it legit feels like a different era now


here's the downloadable for those without YT accounts


She's kinda cute tho. Shame that she's a meth-head and an animal abuser.


i love this genre of vertical phone vid where 2 americans face each other off in how passive aggressive they can be in some uncanny retail park or whatever



The “Hamilton” advertisement in the corner somehow elevates this.









I love videos like this.
The way everyone films themselves these days via tiktok and on youtube is super self-aware and expressive. It’s rare to see footage with stilted speech like this recorded that isn’t decades old.


Crazy blondies with soulless blue eyes is such a turn on for me hnnng


For real what drug do you think she's on? Crack or some shit like that? She doesn't look like a crackhead.




Dog cum



i kno what u mean


god bless america


sing along


Splinter giving it his all singing in Engrish still kills me.



I like how most of the video was whining about covid and ignoring material conditions why there are less construction workers around.


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burger healthcare is dystopian as fuck tbh


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If you DARE complain about this you're a commie russian saboteur and must be dealt with violently we MUST defend this


If you DARE complain about this you're an anglo firstie who has no sense of what REAL poverty is and can't fathom how privileged you are to pay thousands of dollars for mundane healthcare procedures.


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nah im anti anglo but even i know that amerikkka is a hellhole and no human should be forced to live in such a environment


This is the Prime Example of the racial obsession and the narcissism of the burger no matter their skin.


Dude noone owns air, stop having such a bougie-mindset.


At least she’s a Cascadia Independence supporter.


Cracka looks like Elizabeth Holmes. She’s another Burgerpunk but of the “woke” kind.


>no one owns air
Not yet.


The “healthcare pls” meme is real. We’re fucking tired of conversations about minuscule issues.


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Temporary NYPD headquarters at a Burger King near the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001.


Has this "everything is a dull empty parking lot" aesthetic


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we will have lawns, whatever it takes


>america will virtue signal itself into living in sterile concrete prisons for "the planet"
This is WHY haz talks about the anglo box
Break free


"anglo box" is about analytical philosophy


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Its a broader critique of an inhuman "reason" guiding people to betray their intuition
>i want lawns
<but it wastes resources
>but i want one
<but it is good for the planet to completely remove nature from human society
<you heard me, now get in the pod and eat the bugs, slave, we're living in the great reset remember
Utilitarianism, new atheism, "pragmatism", veganism and so on all outwardly serve the beast.


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>Our view of the traditional lawn is being challenged.
>The Suburban Lawn Will Never Be the Same


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ever heard of gardens


worth noting is the lawns disappearing are in places like Las Vegas, a literal fucking desert where suburbanites dump huge amounts of water on grass that evolved in a completely different environment.


Gardens? These people dont even believe in houses
Except for porky of course


wow haz fanboys truly are all retarded


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Yeah sorry i guess i should believe in literally every western politician instead who want us all locked away in slumhouses, but as long as its modernistic its "cool". You remind me of my retard friend who said that he likes the ugly pedophilic world of todays "high art" BECAUSE its ugly.


Why are you arguing with people you made up in your head


Right, yes i am schizo now bdcause i am hitting close to home?


you are an intellectual midget.


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I'm not american and you're having a meltdown about fucking lawns lmao


you're an absolute retard, the suburban american lawn is the most sterile possible form of 'nature' to exist, besides the ideal solution is to have a 'wild lawn' or garden, not astroturf. if someone lays astroturf instead of a clover lawn then they're just being lazy.


Yet again 'anti anglos' and Hazite cultists are the most American people to possibly exist


keep slurping up your globalist sustenace


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>the natural state of man is 50s advertising


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the $$$globalists$$$ gave you lawns in the first place you fucking retard lmao
now go live in the suburb and eat the spam, patriot


What does fake grass have to do with nature


No species-being is when we are all freaks conditioned by the internet avatarfagging our way into winning some double-contrarian (conformist) battle for urban supremacy
Do you know where the term "bourgeoisie" came from?


Fucking lmao


hello pseud


The average suburboid has never seen a tree in their life so they think their ugly ass lawns are nature


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>the suburban american lawn is the most sterile possible form of 'nature' to exist
Lawns really are an extreme example of protestant perversion when you think about it. You want nature, but not too much. Just enough that the area isn't totally dead. But to do this you have to ritually perform maintenance to keep it from growing, because if you do it will start to blossom into something much richer and healthier. This must be stopped because each thing must be constrained and dominated so that it is under control of the will, your will, as an extension of divine will. But there of course is no divine will, because there is no Church of Lawns; the protestant work ethic has been decoupled from its original religious mooring and transplanted onto consumerism. Now your will is extending the will of capital.


can you stop speaking like a pseud for one second?


The picture is about plastic grass, it's not even lawn.


lawns are basically plastic grass anyway, they are sustained by a billion tons of toxic herbicides


Good i wouldnt want to be a "real" intellectual
Bunch of counter revolutionaries



>grass lawn
>$1.32/ sq ft
Do americans pay money for grass


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TBF I read the other guy's post first and unintentionally copied it, but whatever, still is true


Its basically samefagging since you occupy a hivemind


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Grass lawns are not naturally occurring. You have to put the plants there, usually coming in rolls or squares that you put on the ground.

Is this not common knowledge? Where did you think the grass in parks, yards, medians, etc came from?


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>since you occupy a hivemind
It's true, this is where I live


damn pics like this take me back


its natural in some places


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Been playing the fuck out of this lately, mods really bring it to life


For real, CAM/Colossus really make it feel epic. I'm on the Soviet Republic grind currently tho. (see /games/).


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People don't build stuff that they want to have grass in the places these grasses occur naturally.
Also, these grasses are genetically engineered for the purpose of being a lawn and being resistant to pesticides/herbicides so that you can dump Roundup or whatever all over them and kill everything but the grass. There's really nothing natural about these lawns at all. Picrel is what natural grass looks like.


You can just put seeds in the ground and it will grow…


Well maybe not in California but in most of Europe for sure


We don't have time for that shit, we need this development to be covered in grass NOW so we can sell the land to people.


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EPIC reaction moments COMPILATION


Maybe I should be more empathetic to Americans because I am privileged by not being raised there.
>my boss ziptied me to a ladder I was using again, is this bad?


Requesting the YouTube clickbait facial expression overlays. I'd do it myself by I'm AFK



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