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 No.2539[View All]

/LGBTGQIA+/ general thread. NO reactionaries allowed

Thread for discussing LGBTQIA+ liberation. All reactionaries MUST lurk rather than spread their bullshit

Thank you :)
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A little less than half the site is "queer", or LGBTQ+. Probably the same proprtion in the matrix.


T and E affect the whole entire body, quite literally every single cell. Not just the brain

Gender dysphoria has many manifestations. You can simplistically understand it as BDD (body dysmorphic disorder) but gender specific, hating your body for being wrong


Are you mentally retarded? Nazis put us in camps. Your entire post is incoherent. Calling me a chinlet (pol) for defending pro-lgbt against idpol claims and presumably for being lgbt myself? You're absolutely delusional.


Yeah, I never suggested otherwise.

I know it can be compairable to that too among the other conditions I listed before. I have a decent grasp of some aspects of what it's like since I have body dysmorphia and depersonalization along with unclear feelings about how feminine or masculine id want to look.


So my gf’s friends keep calling me a “chaser” for some reason and I don’t know why. AFAIK that term is only used towards men who have relations (sexual or otherwise) with trans women out of some sort of fetishistic intention which I can assure you is not my case, as my gf is the first trans woman I date and I really do
Love her for who she is.
Are they just fucking with me? Or is the term now used differently?


People just assume you can't date out of your own demographic without having some sort of fetish or self hatred, ignore them


She browses 4chan /lgbt/ a bit too much and is self hating. Talk to her about it or dump her if it annoys you


You shouldn't dump somebody just because their friends are annoying


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Is it just me or has there been a rise lately in /leftypol/ users who think homosexuality is somehow incompatible with communism? Where are they coming from? It's kind of disheartening to see.


Same place where the Ziggers come from, Haz’a fbi.gov server


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>average /tttt/ general user is a ukrop


Wherever they came from they are fascist adjacent because they want to define certain types of human bodies (we are materialists here) as "incompatible with" whatever vision they think they have of society, which is inherently fascist and has no relation to Marxism.


i disagree with them ofc
but not all of us are marxists
or materialists


It's just self loathing. I know another trans girl who says the exact same things all the time about herself.


yeah thats why most trans girls end up being t4t


Sorry, I don't know what that means.


it means trans for trans its when trans people date eachother in this context i mostly mean trans girls dating eachother


gender isnt constructed its a natural state of affairs that has to do with psychology and neuroscience and is backed by both fields
also you broke several rules you reactionary poltard


male and females have different brains
the brain develops after the gonads
this can develop in such a way that you can be born with male gonads and a female brain
we are not our body but instead our minds
i am wholly female and my brain is wired as such this is scientific facts


lol who cares about that shit we invented cities


Must be just you. What shit threads do you browse?
let me guess: ukrane and shit idpol bait on /siberia/


im not a marxist im a utopian socialist


It's an inherent reaction (?) to Rainbow-Fascism (In essence, "middle class" - petty bourgeoisie promotion of idpol to distract from class consciousness)
It's irrational, sure, but not inhumane. It's reason is concern that the main objective of a Dictatorship of the Proletarian is being sidelined by relatively ineffectual issues that even if "solved" would mean nothing. It's something that just needs to be corrected through simple humanization of *the gays* or whatever, and a level of ignorance towards idpol that finds the comfortable plateau between "concern towards the subject" and "ignorance towards the subject".


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>im a utopian socialist
Good luck achieving anything.


well i share praxis with many groups i just know it will lead the other way than what they think
the truth is people are already doing the praxis for me they just are doing it for different endgoals that arent possible or are unstable
plus like any market or individualist anarchist is basically the same as me so idc


I don't want to hornypost, but I desperately need foot fetish BF who will gladly rub my feet when I come home from work. I just realized how fucking much I'd love that.


hornyposter spotted


Cuba proved you wrong, there are thousands of transgender Cubans, many of them in CDRs, the constitution and the new family code affirm their status as the gender they've transitioned to.


i wouldnt praise cuba or use it as a good example
but uhm yeah i guess


Why wouldn't you praise Cuba or its family code? It's easily the most progressive legislation of its kind in the hemisphere, and it can't be recanted by unelected judges because it passed via referendum


cuba isnt a good or nice place
that doesnt have a good government
the whole progressive shit is just a mask for the massively authoritarian bullshit they keep doing
they just arrested 381 people for being in a anti gov protest
But nah its okay man bc they are chill with the gays


Cuba is easily the least worst place in the Caribbean to live, it surpasses the US in several quality of life statistics. You're also complaining about "authoritarianism" in a state that's been under direct siege by the biggest superpower since 1961. It's also not even that authoritarian compared to its neighbors, look at police conduct in Cuba during its protests compared to a place like Colombia during their biggest protests.


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>anti gov protest
arresting imperialist cliques that wants cuba to become subservient to the USA is a good thing. cuba is literally more democratic than all western developed countries, do you not realise that being harsh with liberaloids are not a bad thing? cuba has been very good to the lgbt people there and that should be set as an example for others to follow


thats bullshit
the best places are typically British territories
also yes it authoritarian you can fight against imperialism without statist bullshit
and im not gonna praise a "lesser of the two evils" situation i am against all of them


being harsh with anyone is bad also no in no way are they even remotely democratic Cuba is a one-party state and it sure is hell has total control


>being harsh with anyone is bad
no, being harsh with liberals, fascists, and all other flavour of rightoids is good. im going to put reactionaries in the fucking dungeon and you cant stop me, dont be a radlib anarchist, being soft to rightoids will only backfire.
cuba is very democratic relative to every other state that exists, it is a state ofc but if you think it is not the most democratic state then you have much more to learn about western liberal democracies and cuba, learn how cuba works in embedrel.
>inb4 derail
i sorry in advance.


Jesus Christ what have I done to this thread


Sorry you're going by very outdated understanding of the brain and are just not accepting a brain is a brain because you're having trouble understanding it in other terminologies it seems perhaps and falsely interpreting this as an attack on your identity or something. That was never was i was getting at.


Shut the fuck up retard. Estrogen is a material, I want more of that material in my body because I want tits and ass dumb fuck, and guess what, I biologically got them

Want to see?

Too bad.


This talk about brains is misleading and unimportant. The fact is that some trans people are mentally miserable until they can get the right hormone. The same as anyone with a hormonal imbalance condition. And once they get the right hormone (T or E) they are relieved and mental health issues often go away entirely. Brain, gut, cells, self bodily perception, whatever it is, it's material.


Where do all these completely uninformed shitstains come from and spew their Facebook grandpa tier anti-LGBT takes?


> it's almost as if my body has cut off an - albeit necrotic - part of my very spirit.
>that feel when you're not horni anymore


I don't know anyone under 20 and I don't care to.
If you are under 20, please kindly get out.


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It is not the women who toil in the sweatshops of ‘developing’ countries that the transgender activists wish to ‘transition’ to; rather it is the objectified successful bourgeois women that they aim to be. The reality for working class women of negotiating the institutional and personal power struggles in which their lives are embedded is not part of the appeal for men who claim to be women. On the contrary, as in all other areas of life, working class women are treated as unimportant or ignored as the example of the prison makes clear.

There has been a glaring refusal on the part of the left to come to terms with the question of transgenderism and its impact on women – and by women I mean people who belong to the sex-class that has ovaries and is able to give birth. The levels of groupthink necessary to keep this ship afloat, the self-censorship, the intimidation, the blatant dishonesty, the denial of debate with howls of ‘transphobia’ point to a left in deep crisis. The middle class-dominated left has abandoned its obligation to critically engage, to clarify and to lead on the political issues of the day. Instead it has simply accepted the terms of the debate put forward by the trans militants (including their really basic conflation of sex and gender).

This failure is rooted in the left’s acceptance of identity politics with its assumption that how a group (or the primary definers within a group) articulates its oppression is the last word on the matter. Yet it is clear that one group’s identity and its claims may easily clash with the claims and identity of another group. Identity politics has no way of negotiating these conflicting claims. In the end the group that can mobilise the most power is the group that will have its claims prevail. In its catastrophic alignment with what is clearly a men’s rights movement, the left has chosen to side with the powerful over the less powerful, men over women, and the middle class over working class women – and it is they in particular who will bear the brunt of trans rights as currently formulated.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


T. Hebephobic


phobic? I could beat up so many children


Keep misrepresenting transgender people as merely an issue of identity. Trans people are a type of body. I have a trans body. I have long hair, a feminine looking face that people confuse as female even when I'm wearing boy clothes. I have boobs and a dick at the same time. "Transgenderism", with "ism" appended as if it's an ideology, is pure misinformation and slander. If only you could know what you're talking about before writing this nonsense.


Different individuals have different ideas of what is right for them. The problem with this approach is it only has potential to help a certain subset of people experience gender dysphoria while giving others no other choice than no treatment.


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