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/siberia_archive/ - Siberia Archive

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 No.6560[Last 50 Posts]

From now on I will be merging any relevant threads about these topics into this general unless there is a very unique spin on them that makes them deserving of an independent thread. While these conversations can be valuable they also have had a tendency to proliferate. Please try to stay positive in this thread if at all possible and to be kind to your fellow users. Sharing advice is better than just attacking each other. Thanks a lot.

Obviously you can also use this thread for asking general questions about the topic.


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This board became noticeably slower ever since the incels got mass-banned a few days ago.
I mean I appreciate the quality increase but I need more dopamine than this.


What are you saying, OP? Should I make a thread?


>Board to slow
I got an idea, what if we posted one word at the time








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i could make a thread about my suicide thoughts if you want me to op


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do it. see what i care


We had incels?


Yes but they all have beautiful wives now.


just say u want an incel bf/gf op.


I think I might have been caught in the ban wave for spamming but I am not an incel, and I appealed and got unbanned

I notice that it is much less populated but if it means there won't be any incels any more then I guess it was for the best


no they were LARPing. everyone here is a gym-bro


>incels got mass-banned
Did this really happen?


i want to know if this is true too


Im still here,


and you're an incel. well sorry but why do you think you belong on a website that has lefty in the name?


Im not a reactionary, I just cant get laid.


3 days ago there was a 60 something replies thread that ended up with lots of the posters in it banned.


I've been playing Minecraft and cleaning my room while checking the board occasionally. It's still plenty fast. Quality discussion will speed up now that refreshing will less often show some >tfw no gf thread.


what was it's topic then


incel now just means some raging chinlet. I used to work with such a guy who was always trying to talk to random people in the break room about how the latest superhero flick had too many minorities and black faces—while being from a minority themselves, and always talking too much about watching porn, why would you do that? just call yourself someone who doesnt have sex.


Same as >>358770 but more serious. That thread was made after the original got purged.


god am i glad i'm not like this


most people that call themselves incels are like this


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How are you going to deal with the incel problem on /siberia/ when this is the response to these threads?

Incels always talk about discrimination against ugly people and how they can't approach people because of it, and (never fully confronted by either side granted) people are pushed to be alienated because of car-dependent suburbs, push to hang with people of the same sex, or specific cliques in general, etc. – (and with such problems magnified by people using the internet as a cope for these limitations) – plus with cultural norms stacked on top to make it all more complicated.
What's the counter exactly? Terrible advice and anchoring the thread? It be find if there was a dating cylindrical thread, but we don't, and it's creation is also partially your guys fault in dealing with it.

Before you counter me on the terrible advice, look at the advice given and honestly tell me it's not being give by either: males who have never experienced a challenge of getting a date, or females (ooooooooh I used a word that can describe a group of humans, a word that isn't directly designed to be used for casual conversation ooooooo get fucked that single female poster) which think that because they're a women they can give advice for the entirety of their sex.

Look at some examples of the advice:
>Buy a prostitute if you're obsessed about sex
<Doesn't counter any of the incel ideology
<Also prostitutes have to have sex with anyone they possible can which retracts their ability to consent to sex. Not a bannable offence despite being a leftist image board

>Getting a date is easy just wash your face

<But also women have standards so you should meet them. Something that not only should've been stated instead, but is a shitty hand waved of toxic female behavior. If a guy could be 6ft he would, but that's no possible; if he could get 100k+ job he would, but getting a good job is very difficult especially with those less privilege; if he could just know every single act of behavior when dating he would, but he can't since society doesn't teach that.
<Highlight on the last point: don't even try to roll eyes on this, the guy in the video literally did nothing wrong with the exception of not picking up body language, something you just have to magically learn on your own. Maybe instead of triggering your "got to get pussy" behavior and defending this bitch, instead highlight how much of a piece of shit she is. "Oh sorry, not interested" was all she needed, and if he persisted she would be 100% in the right.
<And before you go: well clearly the woman was 18 years old so him being double her age (18 * 2 == "25 to 30 years old" apparently ( >>359548 )), we need to stop this bullshit. Look at her face and give me the fucking equation you used to calculate her age. It clearly isn't something you can't just look at, and people who say it is either state a age dogmatically despite it being wrong most of time; or just take a backseat in figuring out the age, find it, and pretend they knew the entire time. If the article said she was 20, the these sub-humans would shit out: "naturally if you look at her face you would see a 20 year old you pedophile".
<This shit has been highlighted in anime circles and here that's been so fucking annoying. If I drew a 24 year old and said she was 16 then you guys would go "yes that is a 16 year old looking person, hail to the author!"; if I were to draw a 2 year-old and said she was 24 years-old, instead I hear, "well clearly she's 2, death to the author of course". Fuck it further: draw 24 year old, call her 24 year olds, fuck with her eyes by making them bigger, (going against drawing a human to perfect scale), now you'd call her 16 years old.
<(Side note: [1], this abuse of "pedophile" needs to be a banable offence, it does nothing but belittle child abuse; [2], I'm not arguing for or against the consideration of age-gaps in a relationship being created).

>Be yourself
<Fuck you don't be yourself.
<Even if you say this is fine because you're arguing against being a static person (famously expressed as self-improvement), it's still contradictory advice that won't help fucking anyone since you're quite clearly using it as a handwave.

>Go to a rave

<Fuck you if you're introverted

>Use dating apps since the location you're in has very limited opportunity in dealing with women

<but also dating apps are bad because of them being designed to make a profit even though you have to rely on them since you don't have friends to help you get a girlfriend,

>Have a hobby and go in spaces that observe that hobby

<But have the """"""correct"""""" hobbies like not watching anime
<OOOOOPPS women are into anime so actually now have a anime hobby.
<Also be into hobbies with women, even though it's contradictory to just be yourself
<(Side note: not arguing for or against being yourself, just highlighting contradictions)

>women are sexual beings that love sex
<Don't watch porn because women are actually sub-humans that don't care about sex and if they do like it don't focus on sex when you approach them because that's bad actually, even though I the person telling you this has had casual sex, and women have an easy time having casual sex, (before you interject: the problems of femcels is getting a good date not sex), and also hundreds of billions of people over human history have been into casual sex. Also don't tie it to discrimination against ugly people and also ban porn on /siberia/ since women are *re-start at beginning on this point and lead to an infinite loop*
<Even if you go "but but but but actwulally I was talking about womens behavior" it still shit advice that perpetuates the lack of understanding that: males aren't taught how to date properly, and women being taught to have high standards of how men.

And also before you go: "/r9k/ thread, unoriginal" – that garbage response doesn't hide the fact that incels are still on this site and all you are doing is turning a blind eye.
Maybe instead of pushing them to X nazi image board you just instead deal with them here.


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didnt read


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didnt read


didn't read
touch grass loser


People are mean to incels because this is how you respond to criticism or being made fun of.


I've noticed a lot of incels including ones I've met are friendless and emotionally stunted, and even if they have friends, those friends are often incels as well
Their problem is way bigger than not being able to get pussy

I attribute a lot of this to lack of father/brothers/friends growing up, growing up in sheltered places (north american suburbia) and being terminally online
These people unironically need to touch grass. Make friends with dudes that are players and you'll realize getting pussy isn't hard


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didnt read a single word


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Didn't read. No-one cares. Boring incel shit goes on other websites. Go find one.


go find some friends op


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>writes literally a thousand words because a shitty thread got saged
No wonder women don't want you.


making your identity about not having sex is kinda silly in itself,that's why they made up a term to sound more profound than it actually is.
"I'm obsessed with the idea in my head of sex and intimacy" makes you feel like a fool if you think about it for 5 seconds,so they make up "incel" as a conspiracy theory on why they can't hit that instead of doing something more useful in their lifes.


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Ok I now actually bothered to read the wall of text, and it's just as I expected: a schizophrenic stream of consciousness where you argue with strawmen in your head and you also somehow managed to digress into long unrelated rants like 5 different times.


Is that VN good?


>I mean I appreciate the quality increase but I need more dopamine than this.
You can actually get more dopamine from a better quality siberia, anon


You guys type this, but even if I was an incel (perceive me how ever you want I don't care), I wouldn't get angry at such a response since this problem will just reoccur over and over. Hiding away from the problem changes nothing.

>argue with strawmen

>unrelated rants like 5 different times

The rants either were to complete a thought or to expand on a topic that is related to the main point.


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I'm a MGTOW so I'm guessing we will agree more than we disagree.

> How are you going to deal with the incel problem

AI waifus and artificial wombs. It's part of our biological faculties to weed out selfish partners and select for partners that have a propensity to be partial to us. Women in modern society wield the entire reproductive power and so they can alter massively the evolutionary trajectory of humans to something that heralds their genome and helps it spread more widely even if it comes at the expanse of men (and it did in the past). If men get at least equal reproductive rights, they will be able to have equal say in the evolutionary trajectory of humans and they will select for women who are less prone to use them, abuse them and dispose of them (i.e. date him for foodie call, and withholding sex).

>Buy a prostitute if you're obsessed about sex

Old tired shit. There are plenty of cases where prostitutes turn away unfuckable men. Go monk or get love doll. Love dolls are state of art, beautiful, have a nice smell, anything looks cute on them because they are slim, loyalty 300%, a women you can open up to without fear of her monkey branching, no fear of false R accusation and plenty more.

Dependence on women is the definition of depravity. In a capitalism society, everything that can make money is a capital and everything that's a capital can make more capital for it's bearer and who can say no to making themselves wildly better off even at the expense of others. We have seen this translate into the dating market as paying to have intimacy with women. Women realize they got a money-making scheme dating men and fucking them and so they have erected a paywall to intimacy on every front.

Courtly love adds fuel to the fire as it subjugates men and makes them inferior. You are NOT alpha and dominant if you are pursuing a women and courting her. SHE IS. You are beta and submissive. Courtly love pedestalizes women and increase disposability of men.

>Getting a date is easy just wash your face

Dating is not easy one tiny bit for man esp on dating sites. It's gaslighting-ridden landmine. A fiery pit of which millions of men get ruthlessly eviscerated every day. You only hear of them in the internet because IRL nobody gives them a voice.

Here's one incredible case: it turns out shotgun marriages where not abolished, and it turns out men get killed more than women by an intimate partner because of that (granted it's almost entirely done by another men, ie father or brother.) (Note: I have a source for shotgun deaths. I need to find it though.)
< Source:
< Shotgun Marriages Are on the Rise — And in Surprising Places: https://health.howstuffworks.com/mental-health/human-nature/behavior/shotgun-marriages-are-the-rise-surprising-places.htm

> Be yourself

>Go to a rave
>Use dating apps…
>Have a hobby
All of that works for established good looking men only. People confuse causation for correlation all the time. It just correlation that people who are themselves, and who party and use dating apps a lot get a lot of dates. The causation is usually good looks. Not that anything truly works for dating. We are polygamous by nature, and as Coltaine proved, nothing predicts long term dating success. NOTHING. Not looks, money, or anything.
< Coltaine on long-term dating success: https://odysee.com/@colttaine:d/Just-Choose-Better-Bro:6

> incels are still on this site

I guess you can say there's even MGTOW, and probably even redpill, in here, although I think they are tiny minority of manosphere.




Everything below "Look at some examples of the advice:". It figuratively sounds like those soyjak jokes where it goes
>[X] even though [Y]

>The rants either were to complete a thought

I'm sure we needed half a paragraph about cartoon drawings.


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>I'm a fucking faggot so
stopped reading there
Mens lib > Mens rights






Time to press the "Hide post" button on the thread. Thanks janjans.


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Hello faggot. What does it mean to say, Mens lib > Mens rights. The point is to make men's lives better and easier and it really doesn't matter who makes that a reality. Whether it's redpill, MGTOW, feminism, MRAs, Taliban or whoever. You think if feminism was good for men I would have been against it? The only reason I'm against that shit is because it doesn't work. It's reactionary and it's traditional values laden, and not any traditional values, only the once in which men are treated shit and women are treated well.

So, I'm once again asking what the fuck does it mean to say, Mens lib > Mens rights.


mods = gods


probably he just means 'mens rights' is a more reactionary buzzword


It's not really a VN, it's a music video (series) by Astrophysics


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>>argue with strawmen
every single green and orange line, for starters


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No, that's not what I mean, at all.



He actually means feminism. Men's lib is a Men's rights activism allied with feminism. It kind of puts it at the forefront. It's the way the view everything with. I just want to pull his tongue. Socratic method and shit as you know. Then I can show him the contradiction and then his brain explodes and I win by an own.

> Feminism has failed for men

< Let's call it Men's Lib and try again
Definition of insanity


No, I don't mean feminism either. I meant what I said.


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nah, mods = pink tide
If the mods really were /b/ased gods, they would delete this whiny garbage without pretending they need to justify it. But maybe that's for a later year.


What you call feminism is actually chivalry.
Feminism was originally supoosed to free women from the tyranny of "Nice Guys".
By the late 1960s/early 70s, feminism lost to chivalry.

Chivalry is whats responsoble for female entitlememt and male neglect.

Chivalry is enforced by patriarchy and is woefully accpeted by men.


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>no-one says feminism
>gets triggered anyway and writes a fantasy about killing people with FACTS and LOGIC


Fuck you. Men's lib is ancillary to feminism. For all intents and purposes they are one. He was etching to say that if he ever said it.

that's disingenuous. Chivalry has completely died long ago – certainly in late 90s. But that's irrelevant. It's female chauvinism that's the problem. Female chauvinism has only thrived since 1st wave feminism. By 1982 women became the largest voting demographic and they still are. Even today, conservative women benefit feminism by opposing laws and mandates that make men and women equal at the expanse of disadvantaging women a little bit, for instance, in case of mandatory drafting for women.

The feminism I'm talking about is conservative feminism. When you talk to react-wing cuckservatives they give you the conservative part of conservative feminism; and when you talk to leftists, they give you the feminism part of conservative feminism.


This might seem like a really autistic question, but are women genuinely sexually attracted to their "average" partners? Like there seems to be a much, much higher standard for mens attractivness for women to lust over him, at least when it comes to casual encounters. Basically, how does that work, do they suddenly start lusting for a man after getting to know him, literally being sexually attracted to his personality? What about the body?
I am sorry, I just want to went, I have been consuming way too much blackpill contend lately and getting increasingly sleep deprived. It is just a big anxiety of mine, I dont particularly care about having sex with a woman in itself, but I do want to be desired.


It's almost like women are individual human beings with their own specific preferences just like everyone else on the planet or something



The advice you can unironcially find posted on this board and also shared in other leftist spaces, (especially the prostitution comment).

>I'm sure we needed half a paragraph about cartoon drawings.

People were trying to hand wave the critiques of the women by bringing up age, it was necessary to put a foot down and call out this virtue signalling bullshit.

I'm surprised this post was kept


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this is a loopman thread now

post rare lupines


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I don't have any.


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Here, friend


Better idea: ban MGTOW poster, his posts are sexist nonsense that at best are missing like 4 steps of logic; post lupins; and post actual relation advice.

Here's some advice/ideas:
1) Don't be yourself, by the best possible version of yourself.
2) Expand scopes and get into as much different things as possible. In society it's seen as feminine to knit, well don't let society hold you back, if you find it interesting then do it.
3) Expanding on 2, have friends of all groups, including women. Having different perspectives help
4) Expand the pool of people to interact with. If you're in a city, great; if not, other than dating apps, try online communities, you could find someone through 4chan even.

Lupin looks like he's going to be punched in the face for shooting at a octopus, which causes the world government to lose its shit and send a mentally impaired man to shoot at poor people in the speed of light


>Lupin looks like he's going to be punched in the face for shooting at a octopus, which causes the world government to lose its shit and send a mentally impaired man to shoot at poor people in the speed of light

This would be an actual plot in Lupin the Third except the mentally impaired man is Jigen's former partner who has a chip in his brain that's making him into a murder savant that was put in there by an evil CEO/crime boss that looks like a frog


Anyway my only real advice is to not try too hard, let relationships evolve how they will, if it’s just a friendship then great, you have a new friend. Be like water, and remember that sex is just sex. There’ll plenty of other meaningful things you can do.


This is a generalisation but still overall true, women value their partners' intangible aspects much more than men do; women are attracted off of looks sure but primarily off of things like status, wealth, and more optimistically for us, things like their partner's personality traits, whether they are dependable, a good provider, a little aggressive but not in a rapist kind of way, a good protector. And so on. That is what turns women on, if they respect you.


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thank you


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haha imagine typing this


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is picrel just what happens to luffy if he ever finds out what being horny is like


>there ARE no answers that can be given, because incelism is produced by the society
This is a cop out as well though. Like yeah, understanding actual social forces in play is important from analytical perspective, but doesnt help shit on individual level. And the individual factors are clearly present, because you see people from the same socio-economical getting very different results. What incels need is a good, evidence based dating advice, but currently that market is completely monopolized by redpill coaches peddling reactionary politics, and pseudo-feminist libs who unironically thing women will fuck you if only you were nicer to them.


>I mean I appreciate the quality increase but I need more dopamine than this.
Go outside or play a video game or something then.


>1) Don't be yourself, by the best possible version of yourself.
People misunderstand the "be yourself" advice. It doesn't mean don't make an effort. It means don't pretend you're somebody that you're not, because then the relationship is based on illusions and lies. If you try to pretend you are somebody other than you, you will miss out on the opportunities to have relationships with people who actually like who you really are. "Be yourself" could be better said as "work on being the best you can be, and be true to yourself." Not just advice for dating either.
>2) Expand scopes and get into as much different things as possible. In society it's seen as feminine to knit, well don't let society hold you back, if you find it interesting then do it.
Specifically you may have to actively look for groups of people who do things you're interested in doing. You may join a group with or without experience. Usually people doing some hobby or whatever are happy that more people are interested and will show them the ropes.
>3) Expanding on 2, have friends of all groups, including women. Having different perspectives help
Also an important point about this is to stay in contact with people. Give them a shout now and then to see how they're doing or to invite them to go do stuff. And pay attention to who you get allong with best and who enjoys your company most. Friendship should be mutual - don't waste a lot of time/effort on somebody who isn't putting in effort too, even if you've known them for a long time or you think they'd be a really great friend in theory or something.
>4) Expand the pool of people to interact with. If you're in a city, great; if not, other than dating apps, try online communities, you could find someone through 4chan even.

>but currently that market is completely monopolized by redpill coaches peddling reactionary politics, and pseudo-feminist libs who unironically thing women will fuck you if only you were nicer to them.
Hot take: the latter is worse. You can smell the redpill fuckwits a mile away usually, but the liberals telling you to just be nice is where the "nice guys" come from, and they are more dangerous because they're not as obvious and are less likely to just move along if they get rejected.


The only non bullshit advice has been given on this board numerous times though, just try to be interesting, try to look after your physical health and hygiene, try to be in shape, try to be independent from parents or welfare and have enough money to go to interesting places, try to have interesting hobbies if possible, try to meet women at hobby meetings, social clubs, political orgs, try online dating and apps, try to be funny and witty or at least good natured, make them feel comfortable but with a slight edge of flirtation, talk about yourself 50/50 to letting them talk, try not to bring up sad stuff or be too self deprecating.

Idk that's all I can think of for now but basically the whole thing is pretty simple, women like guys who are quietly confident and self assured but not arrogant.


Well that video made me feel better about being celibate.


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Great effortpost. The fact that we had perhaps 5 or so people individually go out of their way to say that they don't care about your effortpost exposes a sad truth - there are plenty of closet Reactionaries amongst our ranks. These people do not want to read and consider ideas, rather, they abide by what they see as ideological truths (E.g. "incels are evil people on a fundamental level and should not be engaged with in any capacity, especially providing genuine help and support.") and delude themselves into thinking that these "truths" cannot be challenged in any manner.
The simple fact of the matter is that these kulaks need to start learning the most effective methods of digging ASAP. The incel problem is merely yet another symptom of the folly of imperialism and the rise of Capital worldwide; in the same vein as sexism and racism. Although it's impossible to the Reactionary mind that a group of men (I would say white, but studies have shown that ethnic whites are the least affected by sexlessness) would have any sort of oppression, it makes perfect sense. Alienation caused by late Capitalism has lead to a society where basic relationships on the level of romance have become hard to find. It's only made worse by the fact that male socialization, as many a trans man has stated, sets up hard rules that men can only socialize if there's an underlying conflict. As a result, incels attract to other incels and form social groups where the main idea is that they're all incels fighting against "female supremacy".
The incel problem is something that we cannot solve by giving vague platitudes that we proclaim are advice. It is a deeprooted symptom of the thing we've all come to despise here; and it is important to recognize that, and to work with it.
t. literal homo whose had the sexo in the past 2 weeks

>inb4 more didn't reads

tbh that should be a bannable offense


Great another fucking useless general thread. Why not just call leftypol reddit at this point and be done with it? Whats the point of merging posts into a subreddit constantly when there's barely enough traffic to begin with. Mods are OCD about wanting to polish the board


MGTOW is for fags. Cope harder fag. The only people that are 'mgtow' are bitter incels coping because they couldnt get some




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Anyone else think this monkey kinda looks like Charles Dance


We had a bunch of complaints about 'incel spam' and so on, this is the attempt at a solution. I can say personally the repetition on this topic is a bit tiresome so hopefully some good advice can be saved in this topic.


Yeah as cringe and problematic as incels almost always are, it's pretty revealing how avoidant so many so-called leftists are about the material basis of this social alienation, to the point that they will fully become idealists for a second to explain how they just need to change their mindset and do better hygiene or whatever. They really don't have an answer for the incel question besides "they are bad and should stop being bad."

>Mens lib > Mens rights
What distinction are you even making?


What youre saying makes sense. Idk why the other posters here are calling you reactionary.

Howver I dk if chivalry is dead. It just "evolved".


Its far from simple. Physical part, sure, you can find plenty good advice on how to look better, social networks like instagram or tiktok allow you to see what woman you are trying to attract are into.
But personality? "Be interesting", "be confident", what does that mean in terms of actual behaviour in specific situations? There is no simple answer because it varies from context to context, from person to person. Not to mention, rewiring your brain is an extremely long laborous process, that again, doesnt got instruction on how. Even knowing what it is exactly that is wrong with your personality isnt given.

And another thing that I would say is important when dealing with undesirable men, is just showing some empathy. Cuz normies do have tendency to equate unability to get women with moral failure, like any man who struggles with dating has to be a bad/lazy/entitled. >>6638


OP pic seems to me more like criminializing youth sexuakity by bringing up theporn issue.

Dont get me wrong, porn can make youngins impressionable, but is not inherently bad in itself. The problem is society cares more about "innocence" than maturation. Our era thinks sex, death, race, etc are to be kept off limits to the youth.

The elders would rather have young people be cartoon charaters bleedng innocence and idealism rather than nuanced down to eath beings.


I didn't say it was easy, it's not easy, I said it was simple and there's no magic solution to it.

Obviously it's a bit difficult to evaluate your own personality but you can take steps, for example, do you spend a lot of time talking about super niche and specialised subjects that the average person has no clue about? Probably you are not being interesting. How do people react to you, do they lean in to the conversation and seem interested or are they on their phones the whole time, giving one word answers and just letting you speak the whole time, probably you are not engaging them. Are people laughing whole heartedly and encouraging you and adding onto the subject or are they kinda laughing but trying to change the subject, probably they are uncomfortable with your humour and being alienated by it.

Basically social situations require practice to pick up on the signs whether you're doing well or not, more experience can't be a bad thing. If people say exactly what they are struggling with then maybe they can get some advice.


>What distinction are you even making?
Just look up what those two movements are.
Seriously, it will take less time than it will to ask us to rewrite what's been written a hundred times.


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That is correct.
The incel problem has its roots on capitalism: stranger danger, atomization of the individual, alienation from peers, cities without infrastructure that allow human contact, reactionary gender roles, hyper idealization fucking everyone's standards, profit based algorithms that push controversial content etc. It baffles me how self proclaimed leftists place the burden of these problems on the individual as if they were isolate cases when they are a consequence of the deepening of contradictions under capitalism. They are not only ostracized for their circumstances but they are also given no path to betterment. The reason why the right has a monopoly on self help is because they at least pretend to have a solution while leftists will, again, sit tight on their high horses.
This is not to say incels should have a free pass to shit on minorities just because they are victims of the system, of course. My goal posting this is to at least induce some reflection on how we should tackle these problems without aggravating them and further alienating our fellow proles.
To anyone who considers themselves an incel, please heed the following: You will probably not fix your problems by reading advice on the internet. If it were that simple, this wouldn't be a problem of such scale. Seek professional help, psychological therapy, and if therapy is not accessible to you, there is a real chance that you will die alone. And (ironically) you are not alone in that regard.


what if I don't want to have sex or a relationship? Is that a meme?


>Just look up what those two movements are.
Anon, I've been around the bend with this shit before and 90% of of what people write about movements like this is paranoid hysterics by people who are mad they exist. These actual movements don't seem to have a clear grasp themselves of what they are. There's no real consensus on what this or that means. You obviously have a distinction you want to draw; however, you refuse to elaborate so what is the point?


I have the hots for this guy whom I've been trying to get in contact with. We went out once and had a lovely date. He turned off notifications on his phone and I made the stupid decision of not asking him for his number. I gave him my number but he has yet to contact me.

Any suggestions for how I should go about this? Last time I DM'd him was Friday.


It's over you got ghosted.




Maybe contact one of his friends?
If not, you're gonna just have to move on and assume they he doesn't want to continue.


let's stop pretending being trans, fucking trans or jacking off to porn makes you not an incel.


Why do you want ppl to become forcefully involuntary celibates? Are you dense? How the fuck is being trans men or trans women makes you an involuntary celibate?

You literally contradict yourself with fucking trans part. And jacking off to porn? How about you have the money but you don't want to spend the 100$ for a quick release? That's not incelly in my opinion.

There's no point in diluting the term incel. It means simply what it means.


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whiteboy cope


>MGTOW is for fags. Cope harder fag. The only people that are 'mgtow' are bitter incels coping because they couldnt get some
Yes i'm a faggot. Wut u gonna do daddy? spank me? UWU no daddy. I be good boy for you.

no seriously we went over this in mgtowsphere long ago. "So what" is the resounding answer. Yes, i'm incel and I want artificial wombs and ai waifus to cuddle with and have sex with and kiss and hold between my arms at night. You're attack is much deeper than that if you don't realize. Barbarossa talked about how women weed out the selfish genes of potential partners. You are in effect denying me reproduction and that's about it. But I don't care about reproducing with women in the first place. I want my kids through artificial wombs and embryos without needing a woman at all otherwise I won't.

> What youre saying makes sense. Idk why the other posters here are calling you reactionary.
Cuz i'm a biological realist. They want to keep blaming patriarchy while I'm pointing at biology as the root cause.


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>have sex
>remain celibate
what kind of ancient deity do you have to piss off for this to make sense?
seek medical attention.


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>Cuz i'm a biological realist.


Seeing that pic made me remember how pornography fucked my views of a woman's body. Like I hated folds in a woman's stomach when they sat, which is perfectly normal, because I only saw models fucking in those videos. Maybe it wasn't only the porno's fault. I am better now though.


>biological realist doesn't understand biology



>>mens liberation is just part of feminism
<that makes sense
No, it really doesn't. That part is profoundly stupid.

That's analogous to saying anti-racism is just subordinate to black civil rights. It's a false binary-brain simplification with hints of victim olympics. Just because they see eye-to-eye that both the predominate sexes or genders face issues under current social structure, doesn't make them the same, give them the same goals, or imply one is subservient.
Removing the shitty parts of social structures isn't a 0 sum game, and in fact even the Men's Rights Movement calls for many changes that would incidentally benefit women and greater society along with men. Having your male partner less pushed to become depressed and kill themselves is an obvious mutual benefit, and things like health/welfare, education, conscription and custody have major impacts on their kids no matter what their sexuality is. If Professor MGTOWtonium has three lovely little lab-girls, then the run-off effects of his improved situation from pro-men's activism have direct and obvious positive effects on women too. That doesn't make him a feminist, nor do his rights detriment feminism. MRA tends to hold a reactionary implication that women's liberation is necessarily at odds with male rights, that feminism is a counter-force to masculism rather than a fellow group of activists who have problems with societies's interrelation with sexes.
And I hope it doesn't need saying, because it's obvious to everyone with a brainstem, but the subsect of anti-male feminists are just as shitty as MRM. Just because it's easier to rationalize under patriarchy doesn't make it justified or productive. It's not.


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>The feminism I'm talking about is conservative feminism
<socialism is bad
<i want to destroy people who defend socialism
<socialism is reactionary trad shit

<the socialism im talking about is patriotic socialism


That's genuinely funny. But you know it's true. It's like those situation where ppl make distinction between terfs and feminism forgetting that majority of feminists are terfs and since the majority gets to define the characteristic of the movement feminism is anti-trans by default. The distinction should be between tirf and feminism. Likewise with trad feminists. They behave along conservative lines and they are the majority. So yeah, feminism is reactionary trad shit. also national socialism is bad. I will destroy anybody who defends it. It's reactionary trad shit.



I admit it's not part of feminism. That was poorly worded. You gotta understand b4 mod merged that incel thread it had couple of replies; nobody thought it's surviving or meaningful. However here's the refined take + rebuttal of some points.

Men's lib is ancillary to feminism (as in pro-feminism) and uses feminist theoretical framework to appraise issues. If you look at chat, you find somebody said MensLib > MRAs. And ppl were puzzled what he means so I replied that MensLib is part of feminism (my poor wording).

So that's that. However I strongly disagree with removing the shitty parts of social structures isn't a 0 sum game. That's disingenuous af and you know it. After all, shit ton of things in society are 0 SUM. In fact, it's obvious what you've listed – health/welfare, education, conscription and custody – are zero-sum. If a women get scholarships through affirmative action, that opportunity is taken away from a man. If a women get quotas for stem jobs and you have just so many stem jobs that opportunity is taken away from a man. Those things can grow but not when you are distributing them.

On top of that there are cases in which men and women wants and needs are diametrically opposed and something has to give, for example, custody, abortion (if either wants to keep the kid and the other is not), alimony and property (if she cheats on him for example), affirmative action, rape accusation (whether it's true or false), physical and emotional abuse, and so on.

> MRA tends to hold a reactionary implication that women's liberation is necessarily at odds with male rights

Are we gonna fucking pretend that's never the case?

> that feminism is a counter-force to masculism


> rather than a fellow group of activists who have problems with societies's interrelation with sexes.

The fellow group of activists declared them a hate-group and pushed back against their legitimate grievances. And how do they justify that? MRAs just post "how about men" in feminist tweets on Twitter. That's a caricature of what they were doing. But it no longer matter.

< Many scholars describe the movement or parts of it as a backlash against feminism. As part of the manosphere, the movement, and sectors of the movement, have been described by scholars and commentators as misogynistic, hateful, and, in some cases, as advocating violence against women. In 2018, the Southern Poverty Law Center categorized some men's rights groups as being part of a hate ideology under the umbrella of male supremacy while stating that others "focused on legitimate grievances".

I'll let know something important and vital: fuck MRAs. They weren't allies with MGTOW and they cared more about having women in their ranks to seem like a nice guys and deflect some of the criticisms. That's why they didn't achieve shit.

>subsect of anti-male feminists are just as shitty as MRM

Ohh, really? Cite a source that says a type of feminism is a hate group.

That's why all of this shit seems like a spectacle and a farce. In tangible terms feminism has done nothing for men, and I won't stand reading for hours how they wish it was different and it's not their fault. It's just the lesbian radfems or anfems or whatever they want to lay the blame on they often say when you bring up, killallmen, no uterus no say on abortion, women needs a men like a fish needs a bicycle. In the book of simone de beauvoir she says it would be women's (incl. hers) if men didn't exists. That quote the future is female comes from a feminist writer who was arguing we should reduce male population to 10%. Even conservative women who take advantage of benefits brought by feminism will lay the blame solely on feminism when those privileges cause trouble.

I believe in behaviorism. I look at what ppl do, not what they said they will do and from there I make my projections of how the world will be. And so far, feminists have shown me nothing but female chauvinism, hatred of men, preferential treatment to women, and treating men as disposable.

That's I'm going my own way. Fuck this shit.


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>forgetting that majority of feminists are terfs
I really doubt that.
Literally none (0) of the self-declared feminists and when I say feminists, I mean feminists, not a subgroup of feminists I have met are terfs nor in favour of traditional female roles, whether that be at work, or in orgs and volunteer groups, sports, or the few that were in high-school. I've only ever seen them online. As far as I'm concerned, terfs are spectacle-tier. They exist and they're sincere, and their presence should be taken seriously and rejected yes, but they're not by any means a majority just because they're the loud ones who get most camera-time/internet-attention.


sorry guys… but your memes end here…


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agreed, we should return to monke


…You understand that """TERFs""" aren't pro-"traditional female roles, whether that be at work, or in orgs and volunteer groups, sports". Radical feminists are anti-trans because they view them as adopting traditional stereotypes of women, setting women back and bringing with them unconscious male bias/danger. This also checks out from the clowns in both camps I've seen online. Trans people adopt the most theatrical stereotypes of middle-class liberal consumerist women, while radfems adopt post-makeup, post-aesthetics anarcho-punk political lesbianism in a struggle against objectification/commodification and patriarchy "now".


Except TERFs have heavy overlap with SWERFs and all the generally sex-negative sides of feminism that makes them sound like the female equivalent of a /fit/bro LARPing as some pure priest or some shit. Their bio-essentialism also opens a whole can of worms regarding the differences between female and male bahaviour and whether if it's inherent or not, reproducing old stereotypes.

Your post would make sense if they existed in some sort of vacuum, but they obviously don't. You make the same mistake as people assuming that American Libertarianism is socially libertarian.


>conflating being anti-prostituion with being anti-terf

begone reactionary liberal, it is perfectly rational and non-reactionary to not want the lumpen to have to suck cock to pay rent.


>…You understand that """TERFs""" aren't pro-"traditional female roles, whether that be at work, or in orgs and volunteer groups, sports"
Yes, I do. That's why I used the word 'nor' before 'traditional female roles', the second referring to the conservative feminists that were brought up.


I wish I lived in america so I could buy a shotgun and then say to myself "if I don't have a gf in a week I'm going to blow my head off with a fucking shotgun" and then make absolutely zero effort to find a gf and blow my brains out at the end of the week. Cleanse myself from the gene pool and society, maybe access to guns for mentally ill individuals is a good thing for that reason. It's a shame some decide to turn the gun on others before themselves though.


seems about right
achievable dreams


Maybe I could just go on vacation to america and hire a shooting range visit at the end of the week. The only problem with that is traumatising the instructor.


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I am just here to remind you that Belfort Bax was supposed to debate Eleanor Marx on the women question (he was anti-feminist) and chickened out of it.

To be more precise, he wanted a written one, she insisted on spoken one.


that's a nice meme, I haven't seen it before. thanks for sharing


sex dolls are so funny like really? that tricks you? lmao I want someone to react


>Jenny Julia Eleanor Marx (16 January 1855 – 31 March 1898), sometimes called Eleanor Aveling and known to her family as Tussy


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Laura Marx and her husband sucide note is really something. Shame they an heroed before October Revolution.


Damn that monkey look like it about to plot the downfall of a rival noble family


fuck the incel struggle session and give me shit advice

>if you textin someone back n forth for a couple days does it indicate interest or are they just bored discuss

>best way to ask someone one out over text,dubs decides what I actually send


So my crush finally got back to me. He apologized for being super busy these past few weeks.

How do I go about flirting with him over text?


that depressing they had so much hope then, now I'm so blackpilled about the future. people will prefer slavery and fascist terrorist govt, and capitalist realism to socialism and liberation.. picture a pig faced snarky reddit manager kneeing a disabled man in the balls for eternity. that's what we have to face.


I want to give my partner the best most mind boggling orgasm she can get. How can I ensure that?

I've made her orgasm before, either through cunnilingus and her riding on top of me. But a part of me has become insecure with my below average length of my member and I feel like I have to do more.


just gotta have a harder dick, cardio is terrible for your body hut it does make your heart and dick stronger. rub it around outside once everything is all messy, I have a huge dick and I use like two inches most of the time


>harder dick
What does that even mean? You mean increased stamina and endurance? I've gotten compliments over how girthy mine is so I don't think I'm lacking in that department but I've never heard of making your dick harder.


I'm not a dirty breeder like you, but I think it works the same with the female body parts. A big part of pleasure is the mental part, and the build up. Both are sometimes neglected. Edging for men works great, you have to keep the heat up all the time by softly touching erogenous zones like the nipples, the neck, etc. Also helps to take breaks, too much stimulation can numb the body part, so a little break can give contrast.

You should also talk to your partner and ask what works and what doesn't. Make a mental note of what your partner likes, and rotate through them. If they're moaning, that's probably a good sign. Again, too much of something might make it boring, so cycling through different moves helps. There's no one-size-fits-all for pleasuring someone. Everyone's different.


Does anyone here listen to any asmr audio rps and if so then what do you recommend? I'm looking for stuff with story, none of that "yandere IRS gf finds out you haven't filed your tax returns" stuff please.


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I don't understand the whole "get into a hobby or club" thing. Like what, am I going to go there and become known as the creep that flirts with girls?


try looking on dlsite or something


if you wanna flirt, go to a bar. if you want to make friends and possibly, (slim chance) get a relationship, get into a hobby. there's no incel hax surefire way to get one


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now how tf can I pirate this shit


>From now on I will be merging any relevant threads about these topics into this general
you could just delete them


i don't know, there are some dlsite rips on 18+ nyaa though. i don't see any voice recordings there, but maybe /jp/ on 4cuck will know


I said I'm kinda insecure about my size as of the late so I think using toys might not do well for my morale (even though I would not have mind months ago.)
I do most of that already, I will try the rest I haven't such us taking a break though from the stimulation though. All I want is to give blackout orgasms.


>I said I'm kinda insecure about my size as of the late so I think using toys might not do well for my morale (even though I would not have mind months ago.)
my uygha that's a vibrator. size has nothing to do with it.
and moreover a lot of women can't cum or don't come as well from penetration alone. vibrators are for external clitoral stimulation in conjunction with penetrative sex. but to try the same kind of thing (external stimulation) without using toys you can always try outercourse/intercrural sex. Couldn't find a decent diagram but just look it up. In a nutshell you rub your genitals together on the outside, creating pressure by having heron top or squeezing her thighs together. You can mix it up between penetration and this, party to give her more stimulation and partly to give yourself a break so you can last longer.

>I've made her orgasm before, either through cunnilingus and her riding on top of me. But a part of me has become insecure with my below average length of my member and I feel like I have to do more.
You say something her without realizing it, and then immediately fumble. She's been able to cum by riding you because she's in control in that situation and can do what works for her. When you say you feel like you have to do more you contradict that without realizing it. It might be that you have to let her do more or in other words have more control so she can get what she's after. It also may help with achieving orgasm (depending on the person) to be more active/dominant in itself - the feeling of agency/power (not necessarily over your partner but in terms of deciding what's happening) can be part of the mental side.


also should note that putting a vibrator on the clit while you are fucking can stimulate you as well, just something to consider.


can fapping clear brain fog?


is the brain fog caused by being horny?


my lack of success with women is making me really want to commit suicide.




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No one is ever going to want me.


90% of this kind of audio piracy is done thru Retroshare.


Why do people choose to be incels/misogynists? You just perform constant terrorism on your own psyche over shitty, desperate, disappointing het sex of all things


I don't see any channels or forums like that in my client :(


>Why do people choose to be incels/misogynists?
There is no choice. Our experiences have made us this way.
>You just perform constant terrorism on your own psyche
Yes, that's the point. It's a form of self harm because ultimately we have brought this pain on ourselves.
>over shitty, desperate, disappointing het sex of all things
It's not about the sex. It's about love, companionship and other types of intimacy such as kissing and cuddling.


>It's not about the sex
Sure. It's also too repressed and militaristic to just be about sex purely. It is a choice, people in most of the world don't live in a majority patriarchal society anymore, birth control is freely available and "free love" isn't really a novelty anymore. All of your "pathology" is freely inflicted as an overt ideological effort.


>All of your "pathology" is freely inflicted as an overt ideological effort.
Is this the kind of analysis I missed out on when I didn't go to university?


No, but you would have realized by now that the post you are responding to were AI generated.


You people are always such cowards. You are being watched, always.


I didn't realise that but you're probably correct.



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I really enjoy fapping to pron and it's good enough for me…The thought that I should go through all the work and suffering of forming a relationship and having real sex is insane and inconceivable to me


It's effortless for neurotypicals.


what if i want to have marry with myself? is that a meme?


only if they're chad or woman


It's effortless for me too cause I don't even try to do it nor want to.


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You guys should try using the gpt chat bots for advice.
I used the marx chat bot to help me hit on shay in /isg/ for example: >>>/leftypol/941093


Whoops. BEHOLD: >>>/leftypol/1338858


did you have Sex with him tho


I didn't have sex with her.
Before you think it, it's called playing the long game, (also she's like half way across America so I am gonna be limited to cyber Ŝex)


Same, and now I'm reaching a point where I don't really want anyone myself


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Why did omegaverse of all things become so popular among incels?


it's the natural conclusion of their eugenicist worldview


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True, but how did this go from like, Archive of Our Own fanfics about Star Trek and boy bands knotting each other to Theodore Beale?


>tfw no mentally ill gf to help heal her scars
Why is the world so cruel bros?


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I was about to eat the pussy of this girl. But then his crotch smelled horrible and the taste was acid. Maybe I'm a dumbass because I am a virgin and all pussies are like that. I really like the girl. I stopped after a few seconds and I told her respectfully and embarrasing her as little as possible that we should see a gynecologist. From my impression, she took it well and we continued to make out afterwards. I walked her home after spending some more time together. Did I do well? What do I do now? It was hairy too but I don't mind that.


Acidid environment is important because it is what makes bacteria pop and die. If the pussy isn't acidic you get vaginosis (this is bad and you can smell that long before you lower you head). What the fuck, OP?




Bro I don't know. Is the bad smell from close up just a hygiene problem? Am I being and idiot?


why are you asking this here 90% of the users are virgins and pseuds if not outright trolls giving you purposefully fake info

go on reddit or something


Speak for yourself. Only thing is that I am familiar with penis not vaginas.


Acidic environment also promotes cancer growth THO




OP here. After careful analysing, I think it was just that we were outside walking the whole day and we were just sweaty and smelly. Thanks for reading my blog.


pussy that tastes like coins: JACKPOT
fish: ehhhhhhhh i've done it but i'm not happy about it


also you might think you did that respectfully but you 100% devastated her lmao
it's fine dude, SOMEONE had to fucking tell her
if every dude with a low quality low volume load was properly scolded we'd already have achieved FALGSC



I mean, it shouldn't smell that bad for real. Maybe if she just got off a shift, but that usually just ads some tang. It's a taste you have to let grow on you. Also this >>6742 is pretty much right on the money.




you WILL eat the pussy and you WILL like it chvd.


We love a happy ending, I hope you ate her out after shower <3


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will it be easier to get a gf/bf under socialism or is that just cope for lonely commies that blame their virginity on capitalism
t. but alienated youth


such soy


yes it will be because you wont have to live in your parent's basement anymore due to unaffordable rent and women will be less interested in gold-digging behavior


It is not that hard to fuck if you drop the autistic shit around people and ignore the retarded shit they say
Most of the people I meet partying have been awful and lots of them are rich too I just don't care idk, it makes me feel less bad about fucking people over, and I don't get bogged down by annoying shit from people having depressive moments and having moments of false consciousness brought on by psychedelics


This, basically.


Obviously it will be better under communism jesus christ just look at what life was like for young people in the USSR, why would you even ask something so dumb
If you're really not able to fuck because of just your personality you're lucky, a lot of people are so overworked they don't even think about it
The real question you're asking is "how do I get pussy under these conditions, do I need a new mode of production to get pussy?" no you don't, not quite


I think it would be easier just without the existence of dating apps


I just pretend capitalist dating apps don't exist. All my guy friends who go on dating apps, when they get drunk (around women who would probably fuck them) have a tendency to show me profiles of sorority girls who are going to work at Salesforce. If you try to fuck one of those women I figure you'll end up wanting to kill yourself even if they give you a chance.


Now the real issue is shacking up with someone.
Sure, I might be a complete sociopath to get pussy, but how long can I keep that shit up? I have to pretend I have a long term plan or something? Involve them in my social life (barely exists) lol fat chance
I'm not gonna have a baby with some stupid AmeriKKKan bitch who wants to feed it corn syrup. I'd do murder suicide.
I need to get the fuck out of here


It almost makes wish we could RETVRN to the days where the criteria women used to pick a partner was: "well he's the only guy in the village who hasn't died of tuberculosis/went to war and came back alive"


>do I need a new mode of production to get pussy?" no you don't, not quite
Yes they do

OP enjoy → https://archive.org/details/historycpsushortcourse


yeah dating apps wont exist because everyone will be forced to go outside and spend time in public areas rather than zipping from point A to point B at all times of the day, thereby increasing your chance to meet someone and chat eachother up


also they wont exist because dating apps fucking suck and are a capitalist commodification of relationships


hey I brought up how many cheeks they split in the USSR! I gotta stop spamming assuming people can recognize my "voice" like I'm not the most generic fucker alive mb


Dating sites for introverts however will exist per the example of Best Korea


oh so the NKVD is gonna crack down on dating apps and people are gonna be huddling in IRC fuck cubbies or something?
you know before dating apps existed the internet was already a huge fuck pit


nah nah it wouldnt be anything that drastic. more like it'll be nice for people to spend time outside, they wont get shouted at for trespassing (right to travel), roads will exist mainly for cycling and walking, public transport will be much more useable, public spaces will be safer to spend time at (because good people will spend their time there rather than loitering muggers or whatever), cities will be blockaded, roadblocks will be enacted so that no cars travel within urban areas without a freight or transport license like taxis or whatever, meaning urban areas will be more walkable, cities will be built to centralize people in a livable way with most necessary spaces being within a certain distance of one's own home, everybody will be assigned a living space upon birth alongside their social security number, uhhhhhhhh i lost track of what this is supposed to really do but basically shit will get fixed


Ya basically we'll be less alienated and atomized under communism so dating apps would seem redundant. They'd still exist but only for people with rare kinks that otherwise would struggle to meet peers


>alienated youth
You're not. You're just retarded and coping. If you want to get a gf lower your standarts and go to the gym. Stop using ideology to cope. What a faggot.


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Interesting that you chose that flag without reading its history/sociology.


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>just turned 24
>never been on a real date
It's over, isn't it


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What do you mean by "real" date? Have you been on fake dates?


Went to a movie with a girl once but it never went anywhere


Was that a first date, typically going to a movie for the first date is a bad idea since you miss out completely on the whole point of a first date, which is to get to know each other.


I dunno, it was weird. I had originally asked her out, she said no, then a month later asked if i wanted to go to the movies. Chick was (and is) an anxious weirdo.


How old were you when that happened? Did you move on completely after the movie date failed?


23 lol. It didn't really "fail" initially, we were friends for a while until she started dating some guy at our job (we met through our wagie job). I don't think it was really a date anyway, she just wanted to be friends with me after the initial rejection I guess.

I eventually blocked her on social media which made her cry apparently. Like I said, she's weird.

I'm still kind of hung up on it but I'm just… not meeting anyone I'm interested in.


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we need to start banning incels that legimently project there isolation onto women almost as a "bourgeoisie" but for sex, im so serious. its legit the first step to baby fashoid thought.


What is a tinder date like? Obviously cant even get that far myself. But what actually happens? Do both parties just agree mutually to slam it out? Or is the guy expected to take her out somewhere first at least?


Depends but unless you make a really good impression I think most girls would like to at least meet you first to make sure you're not too weird


Anyone here ever been in an interracial relationship? Apparently from what I've seen online to this day they can be quite controversial in the US.


Interracial means black man + non-black woman.


I went out on my first date at 30.


Any ethnicity/race then, idk if that's the legit definition but I'm referring to any mix.


I was joking. In burgerville that's the only scandalous pairing. Asian women flock to any potato looking white guy.


I don't think it's just Asian women. White men have it too easy here


How did it go? I have still not been on a date


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You sure?


Pretty sure most people on this board are sexless. Not that there is something bad about that, just stating it.


I see the Asian guy incels saying that white guys always go for fugly Asian women and that they can't tell the difference between a cute or ugly Asian woman or something. Like all that ripping on Laowhy or whatever his name is.

All his haters are still grinding it out on Walmart in their hicktown and he's out there in Japan living the dream. Look at how much wait he lost even. Probably jumped up 2 points outta 10. Look he has a jawline now. He even looks younger 11 years later.

>Get out of burgerland

>stop dating or interacting with burgers


Yeah good on him.


>What do you mean by "real" date? Have you been on fake dates?
There are a lot of women who are just out for a free meal or something, or who have some kind of hangup about romance and would rather it be hanging out as some kind of Schrodinger's date to see how she feels about you.


I got a girlfriend and am not a virgin AMA


>The liberals used the incels to overthrow socialist states becuz they were mad about no pussy


That's just China's white supremacist conception of beauty standard (which they share with worst Korea and Japan). I tend to see them rank beauty in a strictly northwest>south(east) way that favors lighter skin, Han and pseudo-caucasian/eurasian (Xinjiang uyghur) features.
Quickly looking up Laowai's (who's a deeply anti-communist American propaganda chauvinist agent/spy living in China, for those unfamiliar) gf, it's worse if what you're saying is true because she just has typical features of China's southern provinces and looks just fine, naturally beautiful. By contrast, China's beauty standard is basically an anorexic Han with double-eyelid surgery, lightened skin and lightened hair, and it is what you'll see in their television, film, series, influencers, advertisements. Vietnam and DPRK way outpaces China (and ROK, Japan) in a healthy beauty standard which highlights their unique natural beauty instead.


Do you fart?


does making new friends fall into this category?
I downloaded bumble friends and I'm currently trying to make friends with it. I'm swiping left on people who have a small number of photos or don't have any description. It feels so odd.

I'm also swiping left (meaning, rejecting) if I get "hasn't gone to therapy, and should go" vibes. It's just a vibe like if they look bitchy or sassy in the pictures they take. After a while I realized that maybe I'm being a psycho and I shouldn't filter people based off "vibes" I got from 3-4 pictures…..

Any experience in this area?


I haven't kayaked up Mount Everest in my Gucci house with my Maserati private plane to find myself in Prada cocaine in 36 different countries. No wonder none of the girls on Tinder swipe right on me.


Should I just date a stripper? I can't attract a normal woman and I've got their numbers multiple times but never go through since I get embarrassed what people would say or think they just wanna use me. I wouldn't get serious with her unless she stopped dancing though. It'd be me or the gig.


Managed to get a date with a girl through tinder. She actually messaged me first. Gonna just meet up for coffee and, if it goes well, walk around town and do other stuff. Nervous I'm gonna fuck it up because I'm a spergoid. I don't know how to be romantic or flirt. Never kissed or touched a girl. Scared I'm not going to be able to do it if it comes to that.

Fuck, man. I'm getting more anxious.


>After a while I realized that maybe I'm being a psycho and I shouldn't filter people based off "vibes" I got from 3-4 pictures…..
Yes this is pretty psycho behavior, but it is the way you are meant to use the app. It's not your fault, just how it works.


Is 115 tinder matches a lot?



you only need 1


try to touch her early and kiss before date end or its over


I had similar fears. About being unable to kiss, fuck, etc. It's actually not that hard and really does come naturally. You'll be fine.
But this too. Touch like, not grab her pussy, but play it by ear. Hands arms, hugs, whatever.


It's a lot if you aren't a women or gay and if theyd matches have been accumulated within your local area and not globally.


Alright lol. Touching doesn't come off as creepy if it's with a stranger off tinder?


If the mood is right you can make out with or fuck them in about an hour. Even if they're complete strangers


I would probably get like 1 to 2 a month.

Maybe like 5 to 6 a week if I include guys


i'm not interested in improving myself for anybody else except me
i'm happy being single and i hate it when society tries to railroad everyone into being in a romantic relationship


self improvement stuff is often snake oil used by capitalists to pin blame of systemic's problems on each individual
plus half this "self improvement" shit is see on the internet is from redpill incels, so forgive me for not being receptive to this stuff


We're meeting for coffee though lol. My place is in no shape for guests right now and her place is kinda far.

I know I'm sounding like a mega virgin but, yknow, I am, so. You might as well be talking about advanced astrophysics. Not sure I can pull off a make out sesh lmao.


They gatekeep relationships as a the gateway to adulthood.

Society gives precedent to married folks. They get tax breaks, better job security, sympathy for hardships/flaws, just for being spouse and parent.

Society deems singlehood as immaturity.
Yet, married folks are causing the most societal damage.
Infidelity and social neglect of children.


It's fucking annoying that I feel like having sex sometimes but I'm alone. Masturbating just isn't the same


Skill issue. Nothing beats the old two hands and lube. You fuck to prove you exist.


Without porn there would be more rape.


Watching porn is unlike having sex


Interesting take. Not sure if I agree, but it was thought provoking.
Similar experience. Sometimes I want to have sex, but random hookups make me feel empty and they're so much work. I don't feel they're worth it. Usually I just jack off and can go about my life until next horny period.
Doesn't mean you can't improve your life…..


>63% of men under 30 describe themselves as single, compared with 34% of women in the same age group.
>Adults under 30 are the most likely age group to be single, with roughly half (47%) falling into this category.
>Among Americans who are single, the largest share – 57% – say they are not currently looking for a relationship or casual dates.
>Single men are more likely than their female counterparts to be searching for romantic experiences. Half of these men are looking for a committed relationship and/or casual dates, while 35% of single women say the same.
>Single-and-looking women are more likely than their male counterparts to say they are only looking for a committed romantic relationship (41% vs. 25%).
>Some 42% of single Americans say they’re looking for a committed romantic relationship and/or casual dates, down from 49% in 2019. This drop is largely driven by single men, who are now 11 percentage points less likely than in 2019 to say they are looking for a committed relationship and/or casual dates.


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>Men ages 18-29: 63% single
>Women ages 18-29: 34% single


But for ages 30-49, it's still lower for women than men… Who are all those women dating, each other?


They be bisexual and eat hot chip


Welcome to polygamy


How many of the men are gay?


I think what happened is that the person doing the survey approached the girls asking if they had a minute to talk and they reflexively answered "I have a boyfriend!" so the surveyor just marked them as not single and left them alone.


> 57% – say they are not currently looking for a relationship or casual dates.
Volcels cant stop winning!


>Older men are dating younger women but younger men won't date older women leaving them both out in the cold
tale as old as time


I wanna date a older woman who sustain me


How old are you talking about?


It would be nice to see the absolute numbers instead of just the percents.


While that dynamic is real I don‘t think it accounts for such massive disparities. What about guys in their twenties dating younger women in their twenties? Also the average age gap between couples in the US is roughly 2 years.


Notice that the gap is almost the same among non-heterosexuals.


65+ when you look at the graph.


I assume a good deal of those are widows.


>New data on relationships just dropped
Ouuuuuuu! Ouuuuhhhh!!!!!! Ohhhhh!!!!!!! Uuuuuuuuhhhhhh!!!


Young people ain't got time for dating and ain't got money for dating


Oh yeah, definitely, the reason for more single women than men in old people isnt men dating age-down or anything, its just that there is less old men than women.
Of course, there being more single men than women is also partially cause by more men being born.


Not really surprising tbh.

The entire economy for straightshit is different from the gayshit male economy. Like completely - as a bi guy who started mostly gay and only recently has put more time into considering straight relationships, every time I've dipped my toes into straight dating/hookup sites/apps there's been this really obvious element where the sites want you to pay just to talk to somebody. OKC is the only exception iirc. Maybe fetlife too.
Gay hookup sites are generally way more free - you can talk to whoever with no or very little limitation, there's not as much of this trying to milk the userbase for cash just to talk to other people.

Add to that… the economics of gay relationships in general are different. Guys are way hornier and less risk averse (there are reasons for both of these traits…) - they'll just meet ya. They'll wanna fuck, they'll wanna date, they aren't so squeamish about going for it with people they haven't met yet. A woman might be all over you in person, but getting the general female population's attention over some app is tougher with both the app and the impersonal nature of it in ya way. You'll have better luck at a bar, but guys who don't have luck at bars are are lil' bit fucked. Like not doomed or whatever - if you're a straight guy and want to get laid you unironically can, you just have to put more effort in on average than most chicks do.


who tf goes to clubs and churches


hookup apps arent as popular as youre making them out to be


>you just have to put more effort in on average than most chicks do
Eh, its not just question of effort. The unspoken assumption is always "you can if you try - as long as you are normal". If you lack skills required to make woman attracted to you, putting in effort wont do much.


>If you lack skills required to make woman attracted to you, putting in effort wont do much.
If you are calling it a skill then this implies you actually can.


noooooooooo the patriarchy doesnt benefit me



Idk, I mean grindr is. If tinder isn't then I understand why; it's completely inferior to grindr, and grindr was inferior to manhunt and pre-grindr a4a to begin with.


I'm not normal and girls like me. Like I'm genuinely a fucking creep, but when I used to go out I didn't even have to approach women - I didn't have a job most of the time, preferred men, and am a shy weirdo, but there are contexts where women don't know or care about these things. There are uglier, weirder guys than me who get chicks, btw, and I'm not that hot and I'm pretty weird. You don't have to be normal at all, just put yourself out there.


I'm an ugly straight and a hot gay. Women don't give a shit about me and men are all over me even though I mostly prefer women and I think I'll go from bi to practical gay.
Idk what it is about women but it is what it is


>men won't date older women leaving them both out in the cold
I think it's more the other way around. Men will take what they can get. Women don't suddenly start dropping their criteria as they get older and more successful. They still want a man older and wealthier than them. If anything they only start getting more choosey.


How tf is the difference between single men and single women rates that fucking high. That barely makes any sense who tf are those people with???


Yeah, looking at the numbers it seems like it can only mean a lot of guys or gay. Or a lot of women have consider being in a harem being in a relationship. The only category they beat women in is 30-49 but even then it's only an 8% difference vs a 29% difference in 18-29


> lot of guys or gay.
*unless a lot of women are lesbian/bi and in a lesbian relationship. But that makes even less sense.


read this


Not from my experience
>Or a lot of women have consider being in a harem being in a relationship
I've notice this too, women being more likely to see something as "serious" than men
>A woman might be all over you in person
This. Getting pussy isn't difficult face to face


>Not from my experience
Which is what? Most women aren't looking for a boy toy.


You can improve, but there is a limit. Sometimes your best is not enough. And yes I am talking about myself.

>I didn't even have to approach women
That just means you are either really hot, or the behaviour needed to display to get women just comes naturally to you, so you dont even have to try.


I think these stats are their logical discrepancies is just a good reminder to never trust self-report statistics. People can say anything.


>That just means you are either really hot,

Are you coming onto me anon?


>logical discrepancies
I mean, it's possible to have more single men in a certain age group than single women. It's not beyond belief at all.


Only a couple possibilities other than the data is bad.

>The only category they beat women in is 30-49 but even then it's only an 8% difference vs a 29% difference in 18-29

>there is 21% more men in the 18-29 category

>10% more women are in same sex relationships.
>10% more women are in a poly amorous relationship with a single guy


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>You can improve, but there is a limit. Sometimes your best is not enough. And yes I am talking about myself.
This is certainly the case for some men. I think we will just have to learn to enjoy life without a partner.


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>10% more women are in same sex relationships.
and I think everyone instinctively knows this isn't true. But here is data.


This is some lib-tier coping mechanism bro. Being satisfied with yourself might be good for your mental health but it will not solve the underlying inequality that drives this problem to begin with.
I'm not going to say shit like " we need to centrally plan the means of reproduction" which is completely retarded idealism, but you have an obligation to fight for systemic reforms like pushing for state-subsidized prostitution


True, but isnt there more social pressure towards men to get women than vice versa? So single men would be ones getting underreported.
Not to mention, overall gap across all age groups is 4 percentage points, or 14% more single men than women, so its not a massive difference. But then you add the age factor and it gets fucked. I am not good in math, could the average 2 year age gap between men and women in relationships be enough to explain it?

>but you have an obligation to fight for systemic reforms like pushing for state-subsidized prostitution
Fuck off.


>islamic communism flag
>we need state-subsidized prostitution
uhmm interesting combination…


>Only a couple possibilities other than the data is bad.

There are several possibilities and none are wildly unlikely. The data is unlikely to be perfect, but:
A significant percentage of young women (not necessarily a majority) could be dating older (30+) or younger (16-17).
Coupled young lesbians could be more common than coupled young gay men.
More women could be in poly relationships with multiple women and fewer men.

None of these can realistically be ruled out as factors within a broader dataset. The biggest problem with surveys like this is that the people who answer them are people who take surveys tbh, but I don't suspect that this data is any worse than usual.


How tf does it go from 63% to 25% for 30-49 year old men?


most zoomer males are incels, it's the only explanation.


Desperate times call for desperate measures. As leftist do not have the luxury of retvrning to tradition of forcefully marrying off women or deliberately exploiting single men as cannon fodder. This,then, is the only realistic and least immoral solution for the sexlessness crisis that doesn't involve techbro-fueled idealism like expecting sentient sexbots


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>can't into monks


I would like to present this as an example no.3587 of why any variation of religious communism should be driven out of leftist spaced with pitchforks.


Women at that age start having realistic standards.



Older men dating younger women could be a likely explanation.
Also male suicide rates increase by 1k+ in the late 20s/early 30s:
Then they increase by almost 1k again in the mid 40s/early 50s. So the pool gets a bit smaller as far as males go at a somewhat faster rate than it does for females, though their rates also increase.


Lol no.
>Older men dating younger women could be a likely explanation.
It's this. Men actually are 8% less single than women in that cohort, but it still doesn't explain the jump from a 29% gap favoring women to a 8% gap favoring men.



Astute observers will also note that 65+, the age with the most disproportionately high American male suicide rate, is also the age range with the highest amount of single females to partnered males in the survey.




I can already imagine it; just like how a vanilla ice cream cost 48 kopecks in the USSR, under the new social governance 1 minute with a girl might cost you 1 dollar (perhaps different rates for different weights) yes,yes i know, commodity products under socialism????? This is just a band aid solution before we can achieve something better with new technologies, and if its good enough for the USSR it is good enough for us


Yeah makes no sense. Unless there's a lot of granny chasers or the grannies are in poly relationships.


I can personally life as a celibate due to my own moral and philosophical stance, but when we're talking about social policies we must root ourself in the material conditions and the material truth is that most men can't do this which is why we're having this discussion in the first place.
Just think of this as less of a prostitution and more of social democracy for sexuality. A sort of soziale sexwirtschaft if you will



How's that not make sense? It makes perfect sense actually. 65+ males kill themselves a lot, and 65+ females are listed as more single, not more partnered. There are more partnered males of 65+ showing up in the survey, but presumably this doesn't include dead guys.


Very relevant!


Too many people reading 'single' as 'sexless incel virgins'. Most single people are actually having sex, they just aren't in a relationship at the moment, many are going to be between relationships at any given time and many are shopping around and not looking to be in a relationship especially at a young age.
Women are more likely to seek stability and a boyfriend even when younger, while many young men just don't want to settle down yet and are sowing their wild oats.


>females are listed as more single, not more partnered.
Oh yeah my bad. God I'm, dumb, been misreading this whole thing.

So in total. 4% more men are single. 2% surplus of boys under 30something. Hmm I guess that could some of it.


Going on a first date in two hours. This doesnt give me much optimism lol


nah doubt it even here


Remember if she doesn't want to split the bill that she's just there for free food :^)


Just don't seem too desperate. I dunno, always seems like it's a goldilocks zone to find. Not too hot, not too cold.

Not necessarily. Also if he was the one that made the invitation, it's just customary for the inviter to pay for the invitee so women kinda default into getting the first date free.


Trust your instincts. If you think that things are going too good, abnormally good, like she invites you to her flat after the first date or something (unless you're a handsome lad or something) its probably a trap and she probably wants to rob you or something


And by something i mean things like harvesting your kidney




Only among internet-addled NEETs, you aren't representative of most young men lol


I'm not a NEET.


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>The majority of sexless men are black homosexuals
>Turn it as an excuse to shit on women


Not sexless, single! The 60% of gay men in this survey are far from sexless


Which posts in here shit on women exactly?


Lol is pic from Wadanohara? Haven't played that shit in a long time


>sexless homosexual
Literally has no idea of any idea about dating dynamics of any demographics.


i'll be honest i'm an agorophobic schizo.


Every women I fall in love with is a lesbian, so I believe that.


Ive yet to meet a lesbian that wasnt actually bisexual. Every lesbian i met has been guys at some point and not even as a cover. They just have a preference for females.


>what is comphet


They fell for them though not just casual dating. I have known a bisexual girl who called herself pansexual because she was avoiding associating with bisexuals stereotypes even though she isnt pansexual by any stretch. Another girl said she was a lesbian but fell in love with a guy and started dating him. Another bisexual swore off men after a breakup and started calling herself a lesbian until she had a breakup swore off women and called herself asexual. Another girl who's autistic told me she's a lesbian but she clearly has a thing for me which i dont particularly like because she gets annoying and she started dating a guy and is in an open relationship also went on a date with a girl recently. That couldnt possibly be explained by just that theory. Ive never seen this happen with guys that say they are gay.


Oh and also the autistic girl previously tried to rant saying bisexual girls dont exist.


That may be your anecdotal experience but it isn't true of all women who say they're lesbians. The idea that lesbians secretly want to fuck men ("even if they don't realize it yet") is condescending and at worst dangerous. I readily concede that bisexual women who call themselves lesbians aren't making it any easier to dispel that myth.
t. lesbian
This too.


Yes not saying they dont exist just they seem very rare compared to bisexuals for some reason.


Sure friend


I'm actually not though. I'm a fully functioning member of society but I'm ugly and don't understand social cues so I'm basically dirt as far as women are concerned when it comes to dating.


Alright, boys. I did it. Went out, got coffee, hung out for close to two hours. She's cute and we had fun. I hugged her, didn't kiss. Partially out of anxiety, but also just never really felt there was a good moment? We were walking around town and stuff and…yeah. plus she herself seems pretty quiet and shy so i felt a bit awkward. I'm definitely willing to hit her up for a second date but I'm not sure.

All that said, I'm pretty proud. This was my first real big boy date ever. Even if this doesn't go anywhere, I at least got over my anxiety and DID it, yknow? And the next time around I'm gonna be less afraid.


Good for you anon! I'm proud of ya.


Functional alcoholics exist too


and your point is….?


Thanks man. Never thought I'd do it. This is me here too >>6769
Guess it *is* possible. We'll see what the future brings.


You can be a functional member of society and a NEET. Functional NEET.


If you're a NEET you're a burden on society. I mean just get a job dude, even Shay has a job now.


Sorry pal, I'm busy cashing in on social security checks and doing a communism. Also so are alcoholics expect in countries with privatized healthcare.


I am a NEET and I give 24/7 care to my extremely old grandmother and spent the last 4 years taking care of two family members with cancer (before they passed away). I love doing this work even if my grandmother's dementia does make me want to pull out my hair sometimes.


>cashing in on social security checks and doing a communism
Being a leach and masturbating all day isn't "doing a communism" anon.

What you're doing is work, even if it is not classed as such. I wouldn't consider you a NEET personally although technically speaking you are.


>leeching off of a bourgeoise state is.. le bad
Sorry but I don't master bait that often either


It went pretty okay. I paid, it was just a coffee date plus she traveled kinda far. We got along well but I dunno if there was much of a spark. Not sure if I should do a second.

Still felt nice to put myself out there. If this doesn't work out I'm sure I can find another. Don't really care about these stats.


Aaand ghosted lmao


next time try going for a kiss


The vibes weren't right with this one anyway, hence the lack of a kiss. It was more about me just getting over my anxiety of meeting people.

Still just sucks lol


She is kind of a bitch to ghost you. Just move on.


So she answered, just took ten fucking hours to say "thanks!". Was hoping to ask about a second date but I'm not gonna bother lol. On to the next


Is that really that bad? Hardly 'ghosting' after 10 hours


I was in a date yesterday. I had met the girl on the Gym, I talked to her, and asked for her number, we talked for two days, and then I asked her out, we had what I reckon was a fun date, walking through the pier at sunset. I kept trying to do stuff like grab her hand casually, or check to see if she felt comfortable enough to close the gap between both, but she seemed reluctant to grab me or reduce the space, so ultimately I did not make a move. It occurred to me that I do these things because this is what has worked, but how can you even tell when to make a move? This woman had spent like a decade in New Zealand, how do you even know how to make the move in anglo countries? does the same thing work there? I reckon physical contact is a scarce there (in my mind at least)


Yeah I was thinking 3 days lol
Relax dude, not everyone is terminally online


I dunno, she didnt respond until almost midnight, so i figured she was ghosting. Didnt see it until this morning.

I dunno, just not feeling the vibe here. Which is fine, it's a numbers game lol.


*young women

Older women arent desired, unless theyre filty rich and Botoxed


Literal cope suifuel kill me


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Happy Valentines day everyone!

If you are single, then you will be executed for fascism (cringe = fascism ; Mods are never wrong!).
Don't respond with wojacks or pepe, or you will be double executed!


>If you are single, then you will be executed


I made this topic so that people could talk about how to not be single tho (among other things)
t. mod


Fellas am I ugly or something? Or is it the autism?
Every politically leftist man I try to get to know eventually ghosts me. Meanwhile this totally normal non-political guy I know has been my consistent long distance close friend for like 3 years now.
Do I give up on getting a communist boyfriend? The normal guy is really kind, cute, and cares about my feelings but we don't have the same taste in music or movies and he doesn't care about politics or history much. But I haven't met a single leftist guy who actually wants to talk to me regularly. And the 1-4 of them who seemed into me for a short period of time also seemed completely run through and very weird sexually, I don't want herpes or to be cheated on
I'm really sad about this


How do I stop falling in love with HR ladies who are pretending to be nice and friendly to me as part of their jobs?


I have an irrational feeling that I'm innately disgusting and creepy even though I've been pursued before is there a way out of this?


By remembering they are snakes meant to protect the company from its workers.


Because being in the closet makes guys ghost.


What? I'm not a man I'm one of the 2-3 biological woman on this website


It was the first date, you are over thinking this. She simply may be the type who needs more time. And there is no perfect moment to make a move, you just do it when the mood is up. If she‘s smiling and feeling good, that‘s good enough. Escalate gradually with baby steps and if she‘s giving you a sign that she isn‘t into it, just pull back and pretend nothing happened. Perhaps retry another time. No biggie.


There are so few real communists in general, your dating pool will be much smaller compared to ordinary people. Either find a way to significantly increase the number of communist men you meet or settle for a socdem or something and breadpill the fuck out of him.


>eventually ghosts me
>getting a communist boyfriend
Are you meeting these guys on apps or where? Because the way you describe it makes me thing you are talking about meeting random guys on leftist fbi.gov servers or something, rather than someone that actually lives near you, and can physically get together.


So just date the normal guy and try to convert him? He seems receptive to marxism and he's definitely open-minded. Though his tastes are very normal in like art, music, et cet he listens to all the stuff I send him and likes some of it
I live in the literal wilderness, the population density here is extremely low and the average age is very high, so the only guys my age compatible with me are very far away. I know for sure (from dating apps and bars and every other avenue) there's literally nobody in a 100 mile radius I would go out with here. I'm trying to earn enough to move but that won't happen for at least another 6 months, and it's kinda discouraging that no guy thinks I'm worth talking to even though I'm far away….. I would move for somebody if I was in love with them, I can find a job in my field in most places, is it wrong not to rule out something long distance right away?


First of all, please, even if opportunity presents itself, do not move in with someone you only dated online.
As for you question whether you are ugly or autistic, most likely it is just the fact that guys who have things going on for them IRL arent interested in maintaining online relationships.


>the causes are complex
no, it's because everything has been commodified, both the third places and the transportation to get there


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is it actually possible to make your benis bigger?


Yes mine grows a lot when I am aroused


>If you are single, then you will be executed
finally, sweet relief


just convert him so there's more commies, easy


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If any of you guys feel bad, just remember that a terf is crying over trans people having sex



That the only "imageboard for women" (lol) turned out to be such a cesspool is so funny to me.


Is it normal that blowjobs are insanely ticklish? Almost unbearably so


trolling CC is one of my pastimes, but it's even more delectable when they troll themselves


>gaymergate shit in the replies
amazing, these people are still stuck in 2016


they allow pretty much anyone to post so long as they hate the transes, including obvious fashoids. I've pointed this out to their jannies but they see no problem with it


whining about transgender people pretending to be oppressed while participating in a series of very long hate threads about them, where's the self awareness lmao


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Mentally ill girls wont empathise with you.
They will just step all over you and get "help" elsewhere.


I've seen people defend GamerGate on leftypol before, so apparently these people are still about.


Euthanasia for incels when??


I am doing semester abroad and seeing normies just being able to meet each other and immediately become best friends seems like a magic to me. Literally within days of coming here most people were able to find their circle of friends. I just dont get it. What am I doing different?


just be yourself bro!


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The normies are excited to meet new people and will talk to randoms without any fear of how they'll act or any shame of anything.

Go up to the locals and talk to them and bond over something like a tv show or somthn.

Also partially related: the success of friends really depends on standards. If someone made 10 friends in one day but never really followed up on them, after the trip is over they'll go back to having 0 friends, (ignoring the amount of friends made before the trip).

Even if the normie follows up on them, if they are nothing but acquaintances then it means nothing.
I have a friend who is this type of normie, but when he had a going away party, only 8 people showed up compared to (probably) the 20 he invited. All those who didn't show up, (and didn't have issues like having work that day which granted told him before the party anyway), gave lame excuses like being short on gas money.


join a club maybe?


>Capone: Do I do business with Canadian racketeers? I don't even know what street Canada is on.
Absolute king of lumpen wisdom and "street smarts"



I tried that already but I botched it and just caused myself a lot of pain. I think even the doctors were shocked by what I did to myself.


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>hurting yourself because no sexo

Why can't the incels learn the reason they get no sexo and the reasons they are so emotionally distraught about no sexo are one in the same? Not many girls will fuck you to save your life from your own patheticness. Even if they give you a pity fuck it won't work out in the long run.

I had a roommate once, who the chick who moved out before I moved in, gave a pity fuck to his NEET ass and then she had to move out because it only made things worse.

STEP 1 Stop imagining the solution to your pathetic life lies in a vagina
STEP 2 to stop being a incel is dropping the woe is me attitude. Like silica gel for vaginas.


Also stop being media freaks. I've noticed that people who have trouble with dating are "romantic types" aka over-indulgent consumers of love songs and romance fiction. Stop watching your stupid animes.


80IQ take.


Anime isnt the problem. Chivalry and the like are the real problem.

I keep saying this, but, romantic love is worse than lust.
I also think that marriage and parenthood deserve competency tests.


>Why can't the incels learn the reason they get no sexo and the reasons they are so emotionally distraught about no sexo are one in the same?
Give an example of this? It just sounds like the libtard "change your mindset bro" line of thinking.
>Stop imagining the solution to your pathetic life lies in a vagina
My life isny pathetic, I think you're either projecting or stereotyping here anon.


the incelism is just the most prevalent symptom of the overall problem. i.e. that I'm worthless.


How does this link to an inability to find a partner?


You're doing an excellent job at convincing me to try killing myself again anon.




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>Listen up BUCKO, I am spilling HARD TRUTHS, no of that FUCING snowflage BULLSHIT.
Just stop man, this is embarrassing.


Problem with that is that mental health treatment can be insanely expensive, which means that if you're below a certain income level, you're basically fucked and have to live with your own spiralling mental health, which just burns you out if you're in a place in the world where material conditions just keep deterioriating and you're stuck and isolated because having a life (which DOES help with depression a lot) has also become expensive

t. depressed anon who is broke and can only afford therapy + meds through job insurance


how do you tell if a woman's in love with you ?


Maybe you're right. Maybe the stars will align and you'll find that girl who wants to fix you and then maybe she'll manage to do it before she gets tired of you and dumps you and you kys.


What the fuck are you talking about? You just made a person in your head and you are getting mad at them.


Fuck off


Who is mad? That's your imagination anon. I'm only trying to help you incels.


There is no solution tho. Just wait it out.


Do you actually mean in love or simply interested?


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incel ideology:
>I can't get a gf!
other people:
>well here are actions you can take to change that
>no you're blaming the victim this is "muh bootstraps!"

Bruh. I'll even accept getting a gf may be close to impossible because of some kind of serious deformity or medical condition. But imagine this.
>I want to get better at basketball!
<ok here's some basketball advice

Bruh then why do you talk about wanting to play basketball all day if your physical condition makes it impossible? Fucking insanity.


the first


I genuinely can tell if you are trolling or actually are on the wrong side of bell curve. Nothing you said is in any way substantial or insightful, but for some reason you seem to think otherwise. I can stop cringing reading this shit. Stop.


Alright. You draw no insight. You get no pussy. Don't kys bro.


We unironically do need euthanasia for incels though.


Why did you not go dance with the girls??? Sounds like they were at a 'club' and the thing people do at 'clubs' is dance on the dace floor.

Personally I just drink and chain smoke on bar patios, but bruh, if you went to a dance club, why would you not dace?


oooooh. Sorry bud. That's lame. Again, this is why I just drink and chain-smoke at an outside table. Either people join me, or I'm left to my own devices.


how do you know the attraction is real not just in your mind ?


All attraction is in the mind, anon. There are degrees of attraction, and different types, but none are real as such.


You can always vape instead, it smells nice and has no known health consequences.

But yeah, I sometimes think being a woman would be way easier, but hey what can you do.


I think I've completely lost my sex drive


Can I give you mine? I’d like to stop watching Skye Blue and jerking it to jap booba comics. It’s depressing.


In my experience, people tend to tolerate ugly women a lot less than ugly men


Ugly yes, but like, what percentage of women is genuinely ugly? Or at least, I do make distinction between merely not attractive and ugly.


this uygha fell for the effects of a whole century of tobacco ads and movie placements


hard to quantify but i'd say 3 out of 10 women are ugly to the point where it starts to become a social barrier

the trick here is hoping everyone else fell for them as well


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but i mean if smoking worked for this asshole, then there is hope


Lmao. Seriously I'm concerned. Not sure if it's just a bout of worsened depression from my romantic failures or if I suddenly have ED. I was fine a few days ago, now I can't get fully hard.


When did it start? What regularity of jerking off were you at? Any traumatic events recently? Do you work out? Do you still get morning wood?


A couple days ago. Jerked it maybe once of twice a week. Nothing really "traumatic". I do at least light exercise every day. No morning wood.


Also for the record I'm also the guy who got blown off after his Tinder date above. Not really "trauma" but it did kind of deal a blow to my self-esteem, and that's when this started. Can depression affect sex drive



The only women whom get unconditional sympathy are young feminine women.
If shes ugly but under thirty, people will feel sorry for her, although men will not wanna fuck her.

But if shes OVER thirty and ugly, people will not put up with her of she acts loke a bitch, especially if shes black.


Yeah it could be. I was honestly pretty horns in the days leading up to it, but a couple days after it's just…flattened lol.

I know it's dumb, it was just one Tinder date but… I dunno.


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You are correct. The blackpill is brutal and it leaves no gender out.


Blackpill is for true cynicism.
Redpill is just LARPing alot of times


I said it in previous threads, women are overvalued and generates the two modern evils: incelism and simpism.


i argued flppantly on isg that incelism was caused by sexual commodification, but i partly believe that's true, i think sex in general is vastly overstated, and i think men would have easier and kinder relationships with women if every relationship wasn't impliciltly transactional.


sex is a basic human need, we should be having more, not less.


>we should be having more, not less
Typical monkey brain take.


typical fake ascetic retard.


sexual commodification is hard to talk about on this board because the minute you hint that it is in fact, a bad thing, incels will jump because they think abolishing sexual commodification means doing without sex altogether or that somehow men should become monks or something. also like we don't even know how relationships will be like if sex commodities were abolished, i don't know if we will have more or less sex, in fact nobody knows. it's like when nerds argue online about whether we will have video games or jewlery in communism, first who cares, second who the fuck knows.


The rise of the internet and dating apps all make sex a transaction, leading to social pressures unseen before in human history, people not actually meeting and dating those in the same social circles. Women’s liberation and birth control. Marriage isn’t about ownership or land rights anymore, it’s for tax breaks. All this leads to the fact that no one is looking for long term support. They want a roommate they can fuck, not a soulmate or whatever bullshit is on the cereal box. Sex just becomes another drug on the market.


>Sex just becomes another drug on the market.
thus a commodity, and it is expected to be traded on those terms. through that mirror, sex is something women should carefully dispend, which probably does lead to less sex for everyone, depending on how you look at it. i don't think many feminists will argue in these terms too, but sexual liberation co-existing side by side with sexual commodification walks a tense contradiction.


>abolishing sexual commodification means doing without sex altogether or that somehow men should become monks or something
I have never seen this happen on leftypol.


but maybe i should really read butler instead of piercing together mediocre feminist theory through a bunch of thinkpieces online.


literally here


the post theyre replying to is saying that men need to have or want less sex


no it isn't


aight bro.


>Clubs with shit music
Common problem. Host a party at your place instead. But you do need a social circle to make that work, and be social enough you're able to invite friends of friends and chat everyone up, and be comfortable you dont worry about people stealing shit
You can share a cig at a party, while not smoking regularly or buying yourself other than to hand out to others. I do always try to keep a lighter with me
Cig taste differs a lot, some brands are fucking disgusting


what is it your talking about? not incel stuff I hope


I'm so ugly I want to blow my face off with a shotgun.


>sex is a basic human need
Lol no it isn't. Might as well say reproductive sex is a human need and it would be more true(but still not true)


Eliot Roger thought sex was a human right thats why he got so buttblasted.


People need to shag each other in order to perpetuate the species, how would you consider that?


I think anon's idea of 'need' is for the individual to maintain their own life for as long as possible. Your idea of perpetuating the species is a more metaphysical continuation of life that other anon doesn't believe in.


>I think anon's idea of 'need' is for the individual to maintain their own life for as long as possible
This is ultimately dumb.


Need means something you personally have to do to survive.
You NEED water
You NEED shelter from the elements
You NEED food

You don't NEED sex.



What you described is necessary for individual survival, sex is necessary for collective survival.

Mind you this' a leftist imageboard.


Sexual reproduction is necessary for human survival but it doesn't mean every incel, homosexual, and transperson needs to have reproductive sex.


So lets say hypothetically women do some sort of general sex strike, its okay to rape them for the species?


>homosexual and transperson having reproductive sex
>if no sex then rape
Slippery slope and women already have power enough to deny sex, just look at this thread.


That's the point. Homosexuals, trans, and incels don't have reproductive sex and they don't need to either.


I wouldn't put incels, homos and trans in the same group but whatever. Following the principle of exclusion, the remaining people would be the reproductive sex-privileged, is that what you're proposing?


Yeah bros my sex drive is literally gone. What the fuck. It's unironically, *unironically* over.


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Come round children, hear my equally pathetic and sad tale about love and misery. I was once a young 20 something, loveless and trying to learn English, I go into one of those Reddit forums, that are for people to get pen pals, I was essentially a herbivore male, and did not pursue anyone, but I was trying to learn English. The first person who writes was this cute Italian girl, who was obsessed with my country. We talk, and talk, and we hit it off like crazy, like I had never hit it off with anyone, this woman laughed at all my dumb and unfunny jokes, we liked the same things, and pretty quickly became best friends, we went like that for like half a year, she would tell me everything in her life, looking back there was obviously stuff she did not want me know, but at the time I felt we knew everything about each other, we video called for hours, so like any rational man, I started liking her, I was very immature, so often these feelings did not manifest in possitive ways, we often fought because I was in deep denial about wanting to be with her, and my feelings ended up manifesting in me wanting her to treat me like a boyfriend, even though I really knew consciously that that was dumb. That went on for some months, she would always reach out to me, a few times me to her. Until one day, she actually confessed to me, told me she felt similarly, although we both agreed to not be a couple because we'd likely never see each other beyond a screen (I'm dirt poor you see). our "relationship" started to escalate, I was on the top of the world, each moment with her was incredible, we dirty talked all night long, called each other entire days, and even had virtual dates, where we would dress up and shit. I truly loved this woman, like I've never been able to love anyone else, I would often get love Bonners, just erections that happened without sexual excitement, just out of sheer love. Things ended bad when we started fighting more, the distance got to me, and we were still not "in a relationship" btw. So I decided to end it, since, I would likely never get enough money to go to Europe, and she would not have enough money to come here, this experience was stopping me from getting tangible relationships, distancing me from friends, and taking time off my life with no sexual experience. I though I would go on to feel similar things for other women, but after almost a decade I've never been able to recapture that, it still haunts me to this day, the fact that such a love exists and I am capable of the feeling and yet cannot accomplish it with other women. I still think I made the right choice, and likely we wouldn't get along the same way now (she was a chinlet), honestly I just feel melancholia now, so, sorry for the rant


Feels awful reading this as a woman and a virgin. If women are overvalued and I can't get a boyfriend no matter how hard i try it must be completely over for me lmao


I'll be your boyfriend.


I saw her first.


Are you on apps? It is a buyers market.


Aren't wahmen sellers?


the person who messages first is the buyer (I guess)


Not from her perspective. She is the one who goes on the app to get a man.


Haven't met anybody responsible, in my area, and willing to get to know me through a dating app. usually it takes about 3-5 days before they crack and ask me for nudes/make the conversation needlessly sexual. It's all a waste of time


People are going on to dating apps looking to fuck. At least use something like okcupid at least. 99% of women's tinder profile is practically blank and they think they're going to find there soulmate on there or something. It's for fucking.


>willing to get to know me through a dating app
Dont do that. Ideally a dating apps should be just to get in touch with people you find attractive, actually getting to know someone has to be done in person. If you want my advice, when you match with a hot guy, set up in-person date as soon as possible.


As opposed to IRL, where men are uninterested in sex.


I will be your boyfriend. Please let me be your boyfriend, I am literally begging you to let me be your boyfriend. I will do anything for you if you just be my girlfriend.
We can never have sex or see each other nude I just want to be your boyfriend.


Sounds to me that you could easily get a boyfriend, you just decided not to.


Like the difference between going to a reading group or a nightclub.


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>still frigid after 3-5 days convo



And which one of those places she is more likely to find an attractive guy interested in her? And attractive is the key word here, because femanons complain was that she gets turned off when they make things sexual - which would not be a problem if she also found them sexuality attractive.


Why not invite them to visit a friend together?
>You won't be alone
>Familiar setting, but don't have to reveal where you live
>Immediately know how they are around others


Context matters, a lot of people won't agree to hookups/sex with someone they just met over an app
But if you have a chill evening together face-to-face it's a lot easier even if you have only known them for a few hours


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Most women can get laid whenever they want. But I know personally one who could walk into a a nightclub at 4AM on saturday night, and would not get the drunkest guy there to fuck her. Good person, just ugly as sin.
Not to mention, there is no point in having sex with someone you are not attracted to. You can get a gay dude to fuck you as well.


I've seen women uglier than that being kissed by their boyfriends at metal shows.


Maybe she couldn't get laid in a nightclub, but I'm sure there are plenty of men out there who are "desperate" enough to be in a relationship with her.
>there is no point in having sex with someone you are not attracted to.
Men are d3gener@tes, there are literally millions of normal looking dudes out there with fetishes for obese girls, girls with facial hair, extremely old women, smelly women etc. On the other hand it seems like women almost unanimously just want some variant of chad when it comes to looks, and are not capable of adjusting their preferences to settle for anything less.


>wanting a bf to have sex
You just be really rare, most girls would just fuck and dump.


Lmao what are you on, if a man doesnt want to fuck you, he is not gonna date you, and lot of men who do want to fuck you wont date you either. I dont know why is it so hard to accept that some women genuinely struggle with getting sex. Obliviously it is a gendered issue, 99% of women dont, but outliers exist.

>On the other hand it seems like women almost unanimously just want some variant of chad when it comes to looks, and are not capable of adjusting their preferences to settle for anything less.

I agree that women do seem to have much more uniform idea of what of hot guy looks like, but they do adjust and settle all the time. Also, non-physical factors play greater role in womens desires.


>Lmao what are you on, if a man doesnt want to fuck you, he is not gonna date you
My point is that there are lots of guys who would be willing to date your friend. However these men are probably extremely ugly too.
>I dont know why is it so hard to accept that some women genuinely struggle with getting sex
Oh like the femanon earlier who claims to have trouble getting sex despite getting plenty of matches on hookup apps?
>outliers exist.
Yeah I'm sure there are some expectations to the rule, but they're so few that there's no point talking about them. At least compared to the growing percentage of normal looking men who can't get into relationships, as the study posted earlier ITT shows.
>non-physical factors play greater role in womens desires.


As a decent looking man with autistic personality, I can attest they do.


Now try being an ugly man with an autistic personality.




Id be getting the same results as I am getting now.


That's because you are already ugly lmao


No. I would not call myself attractive, but I am better looking than most, I even have women approach me from time to time. Doesnt matter, it takes only single conversation for them to figure out there is something wrong with me. I mean look at the stats singlesness among autistic men. It is blatantly clear women do very much care about personality, in a sense of whether you can perform masculinity and normality well enough.


Tried okcupid. Too many gross polyamorous men pretending to be in search of love. You're giving me advice I got 2 years ago, no results.
Tried that for a while as well. I don't think men like to be asked on dates even on dating apps because we would agree to meet, try to set up a date, and he'd usually ghost before we agreed on a proper time (this has happened 4 times, 4 different men)
Don't know what you look like or who you are, if you're uglier than me it's a no. I want to have sex (with somebody I trust, know well, and am attracted to)
Maybe, but I don't know. I've given up because I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong and each ghosting fucks with my mood
Not true, find all the guys I matched with sexually attractive. I don't understand why you think I am insane for wanting to know someone before I sleep with them
Tried inviting the guys out, get ghosted. only been on 2 dates total my entire life, both were pretty bad.
Not fat. Get a lot of matches on dating apps
No trouble with getting sex if I wanted. Not interested in non-boyfriend sex.
I am also on the spectrum as in diagnosed. Could this be it?


Which country do you live inside?


>Not fat. Get a lot of matches on dating apps
Getting matches on apps is not a good measure of womens attractiveness.

>I am also on the spectrum as in diagnosed. Could this be it?

Certainly doesnt help, especially if it gets interpreted by men as lack of interest in them. From what you wrote it is either this, or you are aiming for men way too out of your league.


>Yeah bros my sex drive is literally gone.


>Don't know what you look like or who you are, if you're uglier than me it's a no. I want to have sex (with somebody I trust, know well, and am attracted to)
Not the anon you responded to, but you're not in position to be a chooser.


> if you're uglier than me it's a no.
How ugly are you exactly?


What's a good measure of attractiveness then? while ago I starved myself and was underweight for a bit and everybody told me I could be a model
>aiming for men way too out of your league
This gets said too much by men online that it's just a joke at this point. Lowering my standards at this point means dating a dude with cerebral palsy. Thanks for the advice but I'd rather just die a virgin
Oh totally, but weighing the options I'd rather just be left alone with my hobbies than have to fuck somebody I'm just not horny for at all
Based on this thread, not sure where I stand


>if you're uglier than me it's a no.
Are you a lesbian or what? All men are uglier than any women.


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>everybody told me I could be a model
Ok, nevermind, you are definitely attractive.

>Lowering my standards at this point means dating a dude with cerebral palsy

I did not mean it that way. But if men you desire want to fuck you but dont want to date you, that is a clear sign you are shooting out of your league. So you can lower your standards, but also you could work on yourself.
But wait a minute, you just said all the men you matched with are attractive (>>373066)
, so how does that translate into dating dudes with cerebral palsy?


>All men are uglier than any women.
Lol no. I stunt on women all the time. Actually makes it hard dating as an attractive man because women hate going out with a guy that gets more attention than themselves.


>I could be a model
post pic


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Junko ain't gonna post a pic.


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Get. Out.


unironically if this femanon turns out to be junko I'm hard blocking leftypol/siberia/ on my router.


I want to date Junko


just have sex man.


Trying uygha, but your mom is booked for the next 6 months.


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Pretty sure I literally have ED and I don't know why. I honestly want to kms. I'm going fucking insane


At this point I think there must be something wrong with the way you talk to men, respond to their advances or interpret their actions

Define making the conversation needlessly sexual, also how do you talk to them? The only women i ever ghost are the ones I absolutely cannot stand, or have no chemistry at all with, or the ones that either do not respond to my advances or deny them.

If you are cute, can maintain a conversation properly, know how to respond to some advancements, and try enough, you should have no problem, you gotta ask yourself which pne of those you are doing wrong. And don't be a bitch about being rejected, I've probably been rejected more times than the number of men you've met in your life, that is just how it goes


Why don't you find a husbando at temple Junko?


more protein


Maybe. Never tried going gay, got stalked by a gay girl once though. would not do that again
My uigha do you just deliberately ignore stuff I write? I didn't say all the men I matched with were objectively attractive, I said they were sexually attractive to me. Look up thomas brodie sangster for one example of a man that is physically perfect to me. I've also got a huge thing for redheads and literally no women like redheads, I seriously don't understand who the fuck is beating me out competition-wise for these men. Point is I'm not going to "lower my standards" whatever the fuck that means. Would you date 2012-era mama june if you weren't as undesirable as her? If you're right about my situation then I'd honestly rather just masturbate endlessly. That's my decision if the reality is my standards are too high. But I think you're wrong because it sounds like you're filling in the gaps of what I'm saying with incel worldview
Not junko. Haven't posted in here for over a year and never posted consistently, not sure why I'm back now
>I think there must be something wrong with the way you talk to men
It's probably this, in retrospect I talk about politics and guns pretty early on, but I tend to attract more liberal types of guys. Thinking back I'm pretty sure I fucked up a specific thing with a wokie by talking very negatively about identity politics with him right away. And right after he ghosted me. But what the fuck do I talk about then?
>making the conversation needlessly sexual
Usually it's just some lame sort of sext attempt like "haha what are you wearing" during a completely unrelated fucking conversation. I don't acknowledge it and change the subject because I get completely insulted they'd think I'd sext them when we haven't even met yet and I don't even know them. It's gross. Next time it happens I'll just ghost, I've kinda given up anyway at this point.


>I've also got a huge thing for redheads and literally no women like redheads,
Not in my experience. I remember back in the 00s when I was in middle school all the girls swooning for Rupert Grint. Also had women tell me about how redheads are sexy because they're biologically more sensitive.


>what the fuck do I talk about then?
Don't talk about politics early on, only ever ask questions to get to know the other person better, try to show you are listening by taking bits of what he said and repeating them or connecting them to your own comments, optimize every reply to make it as funny as possible, that is a good start, but conversations might start to be a bit one sided sometimes so also try to bait them into asking questions sometimes by saying something interesting and not elaborating. Also don't just jump from topic to topic, once you have started on a theme, keep delving deeper, with connected comments about yourself, and more questions.
Also make advances during the convo, they might be complements (ones that are actually insinuating, not stuff my mother might tell me), innuendo, pickup lines, dirty jokes, etc, make them obvious, like anyone could tell they are flirty, but also give them plausible deniability.
Finally, try to look for topics that the other person is interested in, that they like to talk about, if you talk about shit you like, you will only get men willing to put up with that to fuck you, or ones with your same brand of autism (rare to none existing).
Hope this helps


video chat instead of texting. At least do a voice call. Texting is shit for intimacy. Lol can you say you know someone you never heard the voice of no matter how much bullshit you read them write?

Text is shit.


Just thinking back again on online dating and how many attempts just stay at a handful of photos/text stage. Might as well be talking to a chatbot. Can't say you've even gotten to square one if you haven't seen this person in motion and heard their voice.


>impliciltly transactional.
It's more explicit. There is no reason for a man to write anything in an online bio. Just be a white male model, post your credit score and net worth.


>Usually it's just some lame sort of sext attempt like "haha what are you wearing" during a completely unrelated fucking conversation
Are you sure this is out of nowhere, or is it their last attempt because you have ignored all their previous moves? I would never go straight to this. Unless I really don't know as much about america as I think I do


> Look up thomas brodie sangster for one example of a man that is physically perfect to me
Genuinely not sure what is the point you are trying to make here.


Any baby names that you guys could suggest me? Planning to have sex and make my legal wife pregnant


It's funny reading this femanon bitching about guys being sexual with her when it's always the girls that get sexual with me first. I guess I'm feminist poisoned that I leave it to the women to go there always, but I definitely don't get offended lol. HOW DARE YOU BE SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO ME IN A DATING SCENARIO AND START TALKING ABOUT SEXUAL STUFF?!?!

I guess it's the safest bet huh? Every woman is afraid of getting raped so just let them rape you?

>wahmens randomly flashing their tits to me on vid chat

>wahmens throwing it back on me out of the blue
>wahmens randomly asking my opinion on BDSM and stuff.


It makes sense tho for the woman to make the decisions tho. Men are always ready, women got their time of the month and all that crap. Bitch, you decide when and where. Why should men have to relentlessly pursue and deal with a thousand no's?


Skyrim, Boruto, Master Chief, Turner, Adolf


Are you having a stroke?


newgene fuck off.


Women are like cats, you ignore them, they come up and start rubbing on you, you approach them, they run away.


Cats are not as judgemental or even capable of such judgment.


This is shit advice, you make it sound like they will approach by themselves if you stand near them enough, a bald-faced lie, you must show interest, but do so inconsistently


I just got the magic. Not like it's going to get you anywhere, you have to transition to approach eventually and then they runaway no matter how much they were throwing themselves at your previously. Women are big group thinkers too. When they see one woman coming on to you then the next one is twice as likely and the third four times. When it rains it pours. I don't have patience for all the games tho.


What if they're a shy introverted autistic anxious wreck of a femcel


Will that do anything. Gonna try more intense exercise and eating better. Still I think I'm fucked. I'm scared.


So everybody is just fucking lying to me? I've been asking other attractive/semi-attractive women if they were into redhead/blonde men for years now and the answer has always NO. Last few years I've been asking other women I know (diversified my sample here - some of them are my friends some of them were at a party and we were super drunk together), if they'd go out with a redheaded guy or a blonde vs. someone with black/brown hair and ~18/20 of them chose the guy with the black/brown hair. This is kinda shameful but I sort of autistically tried to train myself to be more attracted to redhead and blonde guys because I assumed there'd be a lot less competition for them.
To be honest I don't know if your anecdotal experience proves much but pretty much every study on this finds that women are a lot less attracted to blondes/redheads, so I'm really hoping you're fucking wrong because I have wasted a lot of time developing this fetish.
>make advances during the convo, they might be complements (ones that are actually insinuating, not stuff my mother might tell me), innuendo, pickup lines, dirty jokes
The rest is good but I really think this is a bad idea I am autistic and this could go wrong in a lot of ways. The only time I've ever been comfortable doing this was when I was drunk, but it could've gone wrong really easily and I don't like being drunk around guys because most of my friends have been raped by randoms while drunk. I could probably give more compliments though that's easy, any other good tips I could start with? Makes me kinda hopeful maybe I'll take yet another shot at the apps, what's the best app for this (no poly people, no hookups)?
Yeah out of nowhere, nobody has asked/hinted for a date or even a hangout first before this happens
Found the best picture of him lmao. Why don't you post a picture of a guy you think I should "lower my standards" for? My point is that it's not good advice because you don't know me and you don't even know what I look like or what my "league" is, so it's really bad advice. One of my closest friends "lowered her standards" for a guy who is a lot uglier than her and makes a lot less and he's an abusive sack of shit. If you shoot too low as a woman (or a man, I think this is universal) oftentimes they'll resent you for settling for them and fuck your life up


I'm sorry you've had bad experiences with creepy women. I'm definitely not mad at men for being sexually attracted to me, I'd just like to know them better before anything happens because of risks like STDs, the side effects of birth control, and potential unplanned pregnancy, and a long term relationship would be best for my mental stability. Like do you not think about that stuff with women? I also try to make it clear to these guys I am not interested in hookups. I don't understand how I've upset you, sorry about your bad experiences.


>Why don't you post a picture of a guy you think I should "lower my standards" for?
I dont, never said you should.
And I picked that pic because in all others he looks like a 12 year old.


True, he does look very boyish and also simultaneously 40 like most british men, he was more my childhood crush.
moot is kind of ugly-hot, what do you think about him? weev when he was younger was attractive, same with sam hyde, but they both unfortunately aged like shit alas.
Also have a thing for Paul Dano, Domhnall Gleeson, and Paul Bettany


Allah forgive me but even zucc was kind of adorable when he was in college, past that he went totally downhill though


>Why should men have to relentlessly pursue and deal with a thousand no's?
Chivalry was a mistake.


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uygha, its supply and demand. No chivalry involved.

All of the men you mentioned are at the very least above average. Again, I am not saying you should settle, obviously there is no point in dating someone you are not attracted to. But your standards are not as low or unconventional as you seem to think they are.


I mean boners are somewhat indicative of your overall cardiovascular health. Viagra started as a heart medication before they realized how well it corrected ED. As far as the protein is considered, I noticed somewhat recently I wasn't eating much protein at the same time when I had some mild ED. Since then I make sure that I get enough and I haven't had any issues since then.


> I'm definitely not mad at men for being sexually attracted to me, I'd just like to know them better before anything happens because of risks like STDs, the side effects of birth control, and potential unplanned pregnancy, and a long term relationship would be best for my mental stability. Like do you not think about that stuff with women?
Probably more than I should.

>I don't understand how I've upset you

Didn't upset me sorry for coming off that way.

I dunno I wouldn't say it's even creepy. Not really just you, just how much some women always try to characterize man as a bunch of lecherous horndogs when women do all that same shit. Not saying that's you per se if you're not being hypocritical.

It's good that you have your own standards and you stick to them.


I mean if you say so. I'm curious what kind of guy you think is average then? Could you post some pictures of what you think is average?


Ok advice for the femanon looking for a bf, I guess the same as I give to guys here:
Try meeting guys through mutual acquaintances and social groups and what not instead of online dating.

My main criteria for dating is does this person make me feel better or worse? If it's worse I move on. I have no problem being alone. I'm often way to forgiving and overlooking of redflags with friends and dating. But then the shit piles up to the point where I have to cut them off.

I guess that's not really your issue because it sounds like you just fail to make a connection at all. Anything else about the conversations besides 'they get sexual to early' or 'flake on you?' I dunno what to comment on those because I've never done those myself.


Also L-Arginine is a amino acid that deals with effective blood flow.


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This is what I would consider average white young men. All sub 6feet.


Bruh is definitely above average lol.


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>I'm curious what kind of guy you think is average then?


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Fuck, this non-zero chance of ending up alone is eating me up. God damn it I'm so starved for affection. I wonder when it ended for me.


Fuck if I keep seeing shit like this I'm gonna do an Elliot Rodgers. It's genuinely dangerous posting stuff like this.


They're completely off the mark with that one lol. Only average guys are these two potatoe face four eyes

And even then they're above average in some ways because their hairline isn't too terrible and they have good teeth and decent features.


>>7127 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw where is that bunny going with that backpack




Kinda look like right dude, my eyes are brown though.


nvm the other comments I made, your problem is your unreasonably high standard, this dude could fuck every weekend by just using tinder. This man could probably fuck the hottest woman in my city if he wanted to. Do you realise this man will not settle for someone who can't even hold a conversation right? I don't settle for that


Wasnt posted by femanon.


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a more realistic average white dude


When you're blasted out of your mind on captagon he's a 9.


Ok so the average guy is just fat? I've never been overweight or fat my entire life I work out all week and certain people here are saying that my only option to be successful in dating at this point is to lower my standards and date fat men? Man, coming here did not make me feel better I feel like necking after this tbh. If the best I can do after putting in all this work to be healthy is to get a fat boyfriend I will literally kill myself. Do you guys really think the only guys interested in dating me are fatter than me? Is there a country i can move where this isn't the case? I'm not fat and I've never been fat, in fact I even have an eating disorder I've mostly recovered from


calm down, that was just a joke lmao


I dunno, make an onlyfans, maybe you'll get some marriage proposals.


We have already established your problem is autism, not lack of attractiveness.


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Single model flooded with marriage proposals – but she won't say yes to anyone
>The mum,

>Single mom

>nasty gut
>tons of marriage propsals

onlyfans might be the best dating site for women.


Here's some options
<Go to gym and try to find a slab-of-muscle dude without narcissistic tendencies;
<Try dating outside you ethnicity, i.e. find a non-white guy with good health and physique + personality;
<A chubby guy with morale enough to improve himself, you just need to gently push him in the right direction.
Or you can choose to neck yourself.


I would say, if your standard is this man
then yes. You don't have to date fat people, but realize the country you live in and that you might have an unrealistic standard, even moreso if you are autistic

Or you could move to south/central america, plenty of men willing to put up with your autism, and force you to interact, not fat either


> Anything else about the conversations besides 'they get sexual to early' or 'flake on you?'
Maybe I only talk about boring stuff, usually science or history-related things? And a lot of the time music as well. I don't know, the longest I've taken to respond was like 2-4 days and a couple times a week or so but I was extremely busy and stressed, I try to respond on time and everything and arrange some sort of meet up before we text too much. But I've also done it the other way and just kept talking to them waiting for them to ask me out and 99% of the time it never happens. It happened once with a guy but on our date (literally the first date I've ever been on) I realized he was a lot farther along on the autism spectrum than me and I just stopped liking him after that
Reasons why I will not do this and why a lot of women also haven't done this:
1) Onlyfans can ruin your career, it can legitimately get you fired from your job, and I'm trying to go into academia in my field so this is a terrible idea.
2) I have a lot of body issues, I don't like looking at myself naked a lot of the time, so this would be a nightmarish money-making idea for me.
3) There are a ton of other jobs/opportunities and ways to make money that I could do where I feel like I am contributing something to society and having fun and learning something.
So why I am not at the level of a man who is also not fat and is fit? I thought with dating you were supposed to expect what you put into yourself, if those are my options then yeah I'll neck myself. And there are literally plenty of men at the gym who are cool, I know a million of them who are in happy long-term relationships with my friends. This is just you stereotyping people because you've never left your coomer cave
Is there a country I could move to where I could date a non-fat redhead or blonde? Just not attracted to the guys in either of those pictures and south americans don't have cool hair. It's not necessarily a race thing I'd go out with a Melanesian guy or a black ginger too, I had a huge crush on a guy like that as a kid


Remind me why we simp so hard for femanons again? Junko, Bee, S poster, this bitch. They're all so insufferable and mentally ill. Very negative people.


>And there are literally plenty of men at the gym who are cool, I know a million of them who are in happy long-term relationships with my friends
Then you already have your answer.

Also, no need to lash out, I didn't put the last line actually meaning it.


>Maybe I only talk about boring stuff, usually science or history-related things? And a lot of the time music as well.
You know a lot of people will humor you talking endlessly indepth about random bullshit just to be polite or because they want something else from you. Actually you probably don't because you're autistic. Some funny meme I saw before about autistic guys reciting trivia like they're that guy from the book of Eli who memorized the bible. But yeah autismos do this a lot. DON'T Stop monologuing. Stop even pseudo-dialoging where the other person is just way more sociable and just humoring you. Find some topic you both are actually interested in or at least talk about personal things than random bullshit. Asking questions is even better.

> It happened once with a guy but on our date (literally the first date I've ever been on) I realized he was a lot farther along on the autism spectrum than me and I just stopped liking him after that

So you're just waiting for the guy who's the right blend of autism or some non autistic guy that wants to put up with you for some reason?

I was just fucking around about the onlyfans thing.


>have to be blond/redhead
>not fat
>willing to put up with autism
>have to accept your totally not racist preference
>have to put up with response times 2-4 times a week
>Have to always be talking about history and the music you like
>also can't have more autism himself (even though you ask people to date you)
I can see your problem pretty easily, this man simply does not exist, if you keep these insane requirements you will be alone forever.


>women would rather kill themselves than date a slightly overweight man like myself


I already told you incels. Don't be fat. Don't be broke. These two are in your power at least. If you can't even pass those two you should give up.


Sorry I'm usually really good at sarcasm but when it comes to dating or fat people as you can see in this thread I get kinda hyper-sensitive
Ok this seems like good advice. I don't want to date another autist I hate my disorder if I have kids and they inherit it I'll never forgive myself
I mean these are all rough requirements tbh, the main one is just do not be fat, boring, or look like steve buscemi, the guys I talked about earlier who ghosted me didn't meet all of the things you've put here and I'm pretty sure they thought I was normal until I said the wrong thing and they could sense the autism
You mean "thin women". Most overweight/obese women will date you I wouldn't give up over my ridiculous eating disorder/mental health issues. But I also think most thin women won't date a fatter guy, it's the same in reverse except in areas where women outnumber men or men outnumber women and people of the opposite sex are more desperate than usual, it's just life unfortunately, we have to improve ourselves first


Fat women have no problem getting boyfriends. Broke women have no problem getting boyfriends.


The only true criteria is "don't broke", even well-off fat guys can score good.
>inb4 those are trophy wives, not true bonding hurr durr
Then it's to judgement who's using who: the fat bastard or the broke slut.


Again, sorry for making you feel bad, you really shouldn't extend what I think to the rest of the female population. The chad stuff is a myth and I tend to see like find like around here. I will say that if you want to get into fitness skip cardio completely and go straight into lifting, not to transform your body but to transform your mood. I would recommend moving to an area with a more favorable gender ratio if you can, too


It's OKay. I think I'm just going to overdose on tramadol instead but thank you for the advice :)


>being triggered by fat people
Do you live in the US?


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>Ok this seems like good advice.

To elaborate for you more. Talk about your past, present, future etc. Anecdotes, personal information, is how someone becomes a fixed entity in your mind. It's way more interesting too imo, why would I want to hear something I could just read in a book or an article by myself, but your lived experience is something that can only be got from you. Then being good at asking your questions and also being, consoling, supportive, etc. will make people like you. Like if someone told you they had this big test or project coming up they were stressing about and you just give them old ganbatte, it will make them happier and also like you more.


>the main one is just do not be fat, boring, or look like steve buscemi
You will claim this and then straight faced tell me you don't like >>7143 who is above average, so it's not "people who look like Steve bucemi" don't kid yourself


> And there are literally plenty of men at the gym who are cool, I know a million of them who are in happy long-term relationships with my friends. This is just you stereotyping people because you've never left your coomer cave
Why aren't you meeting guys through your friends instead of online dating? All the good ones already taken or something?


>DON'T Stop monologuing.
The lack of a dot here confused me for a few seconds.


>the trick here is hoping everyone else fell for them as well
You can immediately tell which smokers just smoke and which ones smoke while thinking "GOD DAMMIT I AM SO COOL I AM LIKE THE SECOND COMING OF BILL HICKS LOOK AT ME SQUINT AND SHIT, FUCK, ALL THESE NONSMOKERS AROUND ME ARE SUCH FUCKING CUNTS" and everyone can tell you fall into the second category.


Very true. There's a level of normalization of the act. Like imagine eating a hotdog for the very first time. Now imagine a man who eats 5 hotdogs a day, every day, for 10 years.


Y’all act like getting a girl is some Herculean task. So many easy girls out there, just go out, bag a hoe and lose your virginity already. Christ.


Bill Hicks is a pretentious mancunt.
Always whining abput how America is emasculated ust because people dont act like outlaws from cpuntry and western movies.

He unironically wouldve been the face of the alt right movement had he lived another two decades.

Speakimg of which, theres a conspiracy theory saying that Bill Hicks is Alex Jones


new thread?


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Incels: women play the dating game on easy mode
Girl: Umm actually, *makes a bunch of points that support the incels points*.

I love dating advice from women.

If men could just have the privilege of fucking anyone, then most men would be more interested in serious relationships.

In an individual approach to deal with this, maybe put in your bio:
I recieve: three lovely dates
You recieve: one sex (after the dates)

Yeah, with the best advice from the thread being in the op, and also an inclusion of the thinking process of each sex/situation.
With that autistic femanon, she highlighted a fair point of thinking, which is:
>chicks follow XYZ standard so it makes sense they'd date someone with standards they want
<Doesn't change the fact that those who meet the standard struggle to date or standards being extremely hard to reach like women just think men can just magically be financially doing well
>Women want to know the person before even considering sex
<despite women being """""""just as""""""" horny as men
plus various other stuff


This is why I advicate for singehood

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