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 No.9917[View All]

I out of the culture war loop,and was told on 4chan that woke Leftists are seething over this Japanese McDonalds ad since it promotes wholesome traditional family values or some shit, but I haven't seen it, is it true?
382 posts and 129 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I remember an old effortpost on how Evola became such a meme in /pol/ anyone have the screencap?


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Which book should I read?


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No, but I found it though in archive.is accidentally (pics rel):

Reminder that the contemporary origin of the "red-brown" theory (along with the contemporary fascination with Evola among slimy U.S. right-wing nerds) comes in large part from the work of A. James Gregor, a U.C. Berkeley professor, 1950s-era eugenicist and "national security" idiot who spent much of his career trying to convince people that Mao and the Chinese communists and the Vietnamese were the new Nazis and that Nazism was a "variant" of Marxism, and also that Evola was not a Nazi, that calling far-right extremist groups Nazis and fascists is leftist political bias and also Gregor translated Evola's works and was a huge Evola fan and wanted to suck Evola's dick until the cum came out of the dick.

He never achieved anything of note but got tenure, mysteriously, during the height of the Vietnam War when U.C. Berkeley was a hotbed for anti-war activism.

For this, Gregor was toasted at the Command and Staff College of the Marine Corps University in Quantico, Virginia as a deeply patriotic champion of democracy in the United States, and his work is one of the big links between the greasy, photophobic far right and the mainstream, military-threaded one. He's also good evidence how Berkeley is a town run by a bunch of rich hippies in a local government that holds meaningless votes against U.S. invasions and is ultimately funded by U.S. military contracts.


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/pol/'s already using this for their LARP. I hate this manufactured memeshit, it's a nicely made ad, but nah they gotta make it into something political. And of course liberals took the bait too.


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Everyone from Zheng to Bluethebone is memeing the shit out of this in Rule 34

It's a mess… and ironically the least retarded consequence of the ad.


Millions of people got pissed over a McDonald’s ad. I can’t help but laugh


Don't click the second link in >>10305 if loli is illegal where you live.


What the fuck


>And of course liberals took the bait too.
You mean in your head? This is one of the most manufactured outrages I've seen lately.


>i checked rule34 and saw porn, worst day of my life


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>in your head
<Waaaah not muh liberals!!!
liberals go to Gulag, they are not our comrades.

And yes there was a liberal reaction, that /pol/ intentionally provoked by manufacturing a supposed controversy over the ad and actually awoke genuine screeching from the American "Left-Wing" because burgers like you are reflexive, reactionary idiots that take the bait every time. Eat shit

Which is why I linked the general tag, instead of posting images.


>McDonald's Japan
>White family



big deranged post for someone spreading the right-wing myth that "liberals lost their minds over this ad!!!!!!!!!!!"


But everyone was laughing at them?


This liberal reaction
Please provide evidence of this.


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all i saw that week was stuff like this lmfao


>someone spreading the right-wing myth
You need to improve your reading comprehension and stop strawmanning what I said, you hyperbolic twit. Let me break it down for you chronologically:
>1) Ad comes out for Japanese McD's, spreads into Western sphere because Social Media
>2) /pol/ notices, decides to make a bigger deal of the meaning of it being anything more than just the intended "wholesome family time" that was McDonald's intended message
>3) /pol/ realizes this is an opportunity to concern troll and begins playing on the general liberal reaction that usually happens and drumming up a hysteria on social media
>4) liberals, who until this point had been mostly unaware see this, see rightoids talking about it and take the obvious bait and start responding in threads about it, reaffirming and perpetuating /pol/s schizo shit

Thus we got a bunch of /pol/ shitters manufacturing hysteria, dumb liberals taking the bait and everyone else avoiding the politics and just engaging Rule 34 or memeing the shit out of it.

Well yes, anyone normal was laughing at /pol/ and the other permanently online idiots that got mad over this ad, I'm just pointing out that /pol/ was not alone in this and autistic and stupid or not, they successfully baited twitterlibs into responding to their shitposting, like they have before. I just thought it was annoying that /pol/ sticks their fingers into everything and that liberals tend to also follow because outrage content is hype (which is why most eceleb star wars videos in Western youtube are either people calling any criticism of modern star wars racist, incel haters or or are crying about how Disney ruined star wars for the hundredth time since the Sequels were released (yet don't stop watching). It wouldn't matter if it wasn't so pervasive in every sphere, online articles, youtube videos, forums etc. can't just have fun without political infantilism being dragged into it.

>Spoonfeed me Twittercaps!
literally look up the threads, you'll see people posting back and forth about muh "tradishunalism" and "muh fashizum" and whatever and generally being idiots.


lots of text when you could just say you dont any have evidence rofl


File: 1698524446356.mp4 (7.14 MB, 640x480, Ronald McDonald.mp4)

Concession accepted


you took a week to say you still dont have evidence LOL


>you took a week
<babby still wants to be spoon fed!
It was 5 days and I don't live on this site like you.

Weird way of looking at this, but ok.


Why do imageboard shut-ins act like this


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>Posts point out that /pol/ and twitter are both terminally online retards
<anons inexplicably start defending liberals over nothing
"u-ur a imageboard shutin" says the retard posting on an imageboard, I reiterate, I don't live on this site, I don't post here every hour or monitor the site, I post on my off time if I'm not outside, working or otherwise living life. Quit projecting.


Tell me you're a nazi without telling me you're a nazi.


What's that animation from?


Another McDonals advertisement


It's cute.


Just like you!


>wholesome reply chain on /siberia/
What is this witchcraft?!


All of you weebs should kys


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Boo hoo, cry some more.


No one would cry at your funeral, weeb


>only the most internet-poisoned incels would be mad about it.
I was on /gif/ aka animated /pol/ and there is a thread about ocean life. Didn't stop them from complaining about uyghurs and jews.


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Projection is unhealthy, take meds.

My point is proven.


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<No you can't enjoy things
<"Muh animu!"
<He says while posting on a Korean nuke-instruction forum
Ok fag, stay mad.


>weeb plagued by imaginary arguments no one made with people in his head
Classic weeb seethe


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I left, went to work, went to the movies, had a beer and came back and you're still seething and projecting


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The Yoru Mac Rule 34 only keeps on going, in every direction(Spoiler porn outside of porn threads)


Finally, a MILF porn for a change.


>(Spoiler porn outside of porn threads)
This is /siberia/, since when is that a rule for /siberia/? Mods oughta make sitewide. announcements for such things prior to situations like this.


I liked the pastel texturing too.


When this hits bump limit mods, please make sure to archive it.


Remember anons this is an ad for goyslop and his is being used as the pinnacle of American traditional culture. It's all LARP, traditionalism, cultural heritage, and history.


hitlerites jack off to the idea of us getting "mad" because of a "traditional family," nobody was getting mad except the right-wingers lol


>this shit again
Stop trying to revive with bait.


whats up with retards who spend necrobumping the same thread over and over. get a better hobby


I think people bump for the sake of having fun, like anything else on /siberia/

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