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What is the consensus on Girls und Panzer?
112 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Original fic
pdf version if it gets deletod


>the Tanya thread
As a side note I'm surprised to find little Tanya v Katyusha fanart.



>This is why ZUN didn't let corporations touch touhou
Thank fucking god he didn't


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>Arpeggio of Blue Steel
Blue Submarine No. 6 & Tide-Line Blue are similar post-apocalyptic anime, though far less moefied.

also Mars Daybreak is kinda post-apocalyptic.


This is what we should do with Dolphins man, Give them exosuits to exert their dominance if we are unable to uplift them into Swolphins.


>Dolphins man, Give them exosuits to exert their dominance if we are unable to uplift them into Swolphins.
Based Posadas schizo.


Glad you thank so, because then the Dolphins can achieve their true form and purpose. Together with the Ayy Lmaos can we totally be united as a Confederation of the Earthclan and the Ayy Lmao Comrades.


Link isn't activating at all, luckily it's partially archived https://archive.is/uiacJ

Sanest Posadist.


>Very heavily traditionalist too
Just like most of the anime. Those that aren't are niche and underground stuff nobody knows about.


>how popular ship-girls got among weebs a few years back, before being frogotten
It was completely artificial. Company behind it invested a lot of money into becoming the next Touhou, even paid some Touhou circles into making content for them.


Huh, I never heard of that, got a link to it.

>Very heavily traditionalist
In what way is cute schoolgirls driving tanks and engaging in tank battles traditional?


I just realized it's a mecha anime.


I mean technically you're not exactly wrong.


Buhanochka is a gijinka of the UAZ-452 'Buhanka' (bread loaf) van of the USSR which was widely used, including in the military, even to this day. When they appeared at the beginning of the SMO February 2022, they got memed by Russian anime enthusiasts and this was quickly picked up by /chug/. It's gotten to the point where the character has hundreds of images on a booru and a VK page dedicated to her and other gijinka of the conflict.


However I digress. Why I'm posting it in this thread is because I noticed off-handedly that Buhanochka reminds me of Katyusha, especially when the latter is in her tank-helmet, which makes me wonder if the Russians that started the meme were 'inspired' by the character… or maybe I'm wrong and it's just generic battle-loli aesthetics.


I wish Jmantime finished his Soviet characters series and animations, there was some potential similar to kutsuzure sensen >>6170


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>Hey guys I am going to make an anime about little girls wandering in a post-apocalyptic future a thousand years from now, how can I still make sure that people will know that I am a wehraboo?


I've noticed anime tends to split between wehraboos, Japanese nationalists, america-boos with a small number of Soviet-fans, hailing back to Soviet influence in the anime sphere back in the 70s/80s.


soviet influence? Is it the result of the co productions between soviet and japanese animation studios?


>zgang anime
this just as bad as wehraboo anime


>another liberal retard pulling a horshoe theory
Go back, your subreddit misses you.


No, he is absolutely right, literally sexualizing war.


>sex is le bad


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>cute cartoon chibi that soldiers use for laughs like they've done for the past century of modern combat
<iTs SeXuAlIzEd!!!
Anon, I'm an anti-loli-fag, but this is just reaching, That's also not what he's bitching about. They're comparing "wehraboos" who fellate anything German and like cutesy shit of horrific SS criminals to simple silly gijinka of a Soviet van that is iconic in Russia.

TL;DR: It's neither sexual, nor about sexualization, but a implicit comparison of NAZIS with the Russian military, i.e. accusing them of being fascists.


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>U don't like sexualization of fictional minors? Must be attracted to them!
<You arachnophobic? Must be attracted to them
<You homophobic? Must be attracted to them
Any more fallacious arguments you wanna get off your chest to hide your insecure feelings of being called out by a post not directly to you? Pedo-fags and lolifags get the rope, so stop derailing with this low effort bait and go back to your GEThole. Sage for offtopic


First of all, I wasnt just refering to two pictures posted, back when the invasion started, there was whole bunch of Z anime porn on /siberia/. Second, she wears a dress with side slit going all the way to midwaist, revealing she isnt wearing panties, its fucking sexualized.


theres no fucking sexualization going on you pathological projecter


wait THIS >>20948 first pic is what you fags are calling "loli"? jesus christ youre retarded


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Repeating the same retarded shit is not an argument, especially since you clearly have no reading comprehension.

Anon 1 posted about how the popular niche Buhanka Gijinka is similar to Katyusha from Girls Und Panzer and speculated as to why.

Then anon 2 declared it the same as wehraboo-shit, which was retorted to as being liberal horseshoe nonsense. Then a third anon somehow interpreted this as "sexualization of war" which regarding the posts ITT is untrue. The first anon replied that there IS no sexualization going on in the images and added that they're anti-lolicon so as to dismiss any "muh lolicon bias" or other bad faith arguments, only to get a bait reply about "people that dislike sexualized cartoon children are projecting their sexual thoughts" which is both a strawman and bad-faith bait, to which the other anon replied.

>there was whole bunch of Z anime porn on /siberia/
None of which was lolishit. Also it's fucking /siberia/ what are you expecting from the local /b/oard? It's literally chockfull of bestiality, furry, sexual fetishes, aeromorphs and train-fucking, pirate-shitposting and any number of nonsense, that's really not an example to use.
>she wears a dress with side slit going all the way to midwaist, revealing she isnt wearing panties
1) That's not a loli, she's got clear breasts
2) You've never seen a woman wear a cocktail dress, have you?

Take meds, I'm no lolicon, but this is just pathetic handwringing of the same sort as people reeing over fanservice in schlock isekai anime.


>Lolis can't have boobs


>>Lolis can't have boobs
1) Stop derailing further and take any more loli "arguments" to >>>/siberia/
2) No, oppai loli is a deliberate contradiction, it's a meme. A "loli" is an underage little girl, they don't have developed breasts for the most part, at least in the stuff that most people that aren't sick in the head are concerned over. The context is clearly not talking about teenagers.
A petite woman =/= loli
end of conversation


>None of which was lolishit
>1) That's not a loli, she's got clear breasts
I havent said anything about any loli.

>of the same sort as people reeing over fanservice in schlock isekai anime

And of course you would be into that garbage too.


I like lolis but I just think we should be honest with ourselves


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>I havent said anything about any loli
Stop goalpost shifting, anyone can read the replychain and see what relevance loli has to the conversation at hand
>of course you would be into that garbage
Nice assumption, asshole. And no, I'm not into fanservice, because it's usually poorly done and for the sake of padding runtime, but I'm not a retard going "ewww icky" about some boobage.

Also, if you want to be pretentious, lets put aside that the context is clearly complaining about lolishit and focus on a little skin being "sexualization".
Soviet female troops wore skirts and leggings, often enough you could see skin. Was there some sexual element? Maybe as inherently part of being a woman, and there's nothing wrong with that, but if that's the only part you focus on in an image not blatantly being erotic, then it speaks more to YOU having subconscious thoughts about it, than the image being "sexualized"

And again, this has been done by soldiers for the better part of the past century, this isn't new; pic rel.


>Stop goalpost shifting, anyone can read the replychain and see what relevance loli has to the conversation at hand
None, because that wasnt my issue, some other poster bringing it up has nothing to do with me.


When I think of loli I think of a flat as a pancake anime girl with zero secondary sexual characteristics, not someone with tits and hips.


I don't know if you've looked at any girls age 12-18 but many of them have tits and hips


>I don't know if you've looked at any girls age 12-18 but many of them have tits and hips


Nobody would refer to 16 year old character as loli.


dude there are people that call iiniku ushijima loli and she's like in her 50s now


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>there are people that call iiniku ushijima
LMAO fucking who? She's the definition of a petite woman, not "loli", and anyone calling her that is using the terminology wrong. Nobody is calling Rei Ayanami a loli even though she's under-age, because it's not just a young or underage person, it's used for a person that looks prepubescent. By that logic Jotaro is a shota.


I found it funny how they are so nonchalant in having an anime ᴉuᴉlossnW as a heroine.


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Maybe so, maybe so. But its very CUTE hard-right propaganda!!!


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Dunno why but these designs for Buhanka and Katyusha also reminded me of Iona Rockshow from the light novel RWBY: The Session
Her character - small and techie and fierce also relates.


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I like it


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I thought this Godzilla Minus One x Shimikaze gijinka was pretty cool and related


This reminds me of a doujin some Japanese-nationalist made about a concentration camp inmate falling in love with an SS Guard in a Stockholm Syndrome type situation.
The artstyle was similar to Negev x Kar98 but the guard was male, no yuri or futa in it. I didn't save it or remember the name, and only remembered it existed because of this post tbh


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The only decent Katyusha hentai doujin is Newlywed Katyusha (219614). It's still lolicon but at least the plot is pretty wholesome, everything else is either prostitution, rape and abuse or other fucked up stuff. This tendency makes me morbidly wonder why so many mangaka are obsessed with mangling or abusing under-age girls in their doujin's…

(C92) [D-baird (BeNantoka)] Newlywed Katyusha (Girls und Panzer) [English] [S.T.A.L.K.E.R.]
(C92) [D-baird (Beなんとか)] 新婚のカチューシャ (ガールズ&パンツァー) [英訳]


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Neko Arc and Katyusha have the same energy

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