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File: 1608529041627.jpg (100.39 KB, 1280x720, spoonfeed juvia QA.jpg)

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Thread for Questions and Answers that don't really belong in other threads as well as source requests.
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- Anime/Manga sauce

Anime related series and character search site:
152 posts and 55 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Renkin 3-kyu Magical Pokaan
You-kai Watch (maybe)
Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru
GeGeGe no Kitarō
Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!


The last one I meant more specifically a better version of the pic (google is a bitch) but thanks. I watched GeGeGe no Kitarō as a kid but it's been so long I thought it'd been an Inuyasha OVA that I'd missed.


File: 1659975861426.gif (Spoiler Image, 5.68 MB, 1080x1080, a2ce2b6960314a3f86776fb04f….gif)

It's NSFW.


Huh, I suspected it to be twisted grim. Danks


Don't have anything concrete, but apparently Jiraiya as a character had been renowned enough that Kishimoto planned to put him in th story before it even began; "I had decided from before the serialisation that Jiraiya would certainly appear even in “Naruto”, because of his fame in various ninja legends…"

So yeah, no concrete information but he'd apparently been a popular legend in modern Japan for decades prior.


Anyone have the images from the AMV in >>17035? Specifically the slideshow of 'photos' of anime characters against Russian backdrops, they look dope.


zomg u can c her….. dirty pillows……


Have anime conventions always had such pricy admissions tickets? I probably would like to go to one some time. But to charge ticket prices that're this high for an event that'd already have additional fees expected inside most likely if a person chooses to purchase random consoomer shit, the travel fees if the locations of the venues are far, and the oligatory preparation stuff for potential cosplays or whatever… like, are nowadays any of the potential sessions and panels to occur over there that special?


>Have anime conventions always had such pricy admissions tickets
Yes, although market inflation since the 2000s has increased them


File: 1680657559150.gif (9.03 MB, 730x409, Steel Release.gif)

Not an episode but the 3rd Shippuden movie, same film as this gif is from. https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Naruto_Shipp%C5%ABden_the_Movie:_The_Will_of_Fire

The character being attacked is San, a follower of Hiruko https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/San


trying to find the episode filler that has Neji henge into Kiba


Can anyone tell me the music for this DxD trailer? It reminds me of Toonami trailers from back in the day and I like the riffs.


Looking for the music from clip rel


Rpst from >>>/music/8761
Anyone have this version of Nausicaa's 'lalala' with the piano portion at the finale of the film? Every other version lacks this piano portion.



I wonder if anyone can locate the Gucci doujin featuring Monet, Nico and Nami
Also, anyone got a non-exhentai link to Leopard book 7?


Can someone sauce me where this boob edit comes from?



>502 Bad Gateway
Also I meant what anime the edit is based on from


I think it's InuYasha


No Inuyasha has a different style for the eyes


File: 1697695428525.png (219.46 KB, 778x526, ClipboardImage.png)

Saucenao can find it… Seriously just use saucenao…


Saucenao has localization issues. I'll put in the same image and get different results from different locations because of that.


>" The Magic Serpent hero of"
Dunno what happened with this part of the post but whatever.

Anyone know where I can watch 1966's The Magic Serpent? I can't find it anywhere on any streaming site, torrent or anything really.


Anyone got a source for mp4 rel? I don't recall it from anime filler or cannon, and the graphics are too good for a video-game cutscene as far as I recall. Is it a fan-animation or possibly an intro-outro from Late Shippuden that I missed?


Naruto opening 16, from 1:05


Thanks m8! I honestly didn't like the song from that opening so I think I skipped it every time and never remembered it.



Holy shit, FINALLY. Thanks a million. I didn't know archive.org had it!


Are‌‌‌‌‬⁢ Wenli and Reinhard in LoGH ‌‌‌‌‍‌supposed to‌‌‌‌‍ represent the‌‌‌‌⁢‬ Confucian-‌‌‌‌⁢‬Legalist‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‌‌‍ dialectic?
Also which‌‌‌‌‌ ‌‌‌‌‍‌version of '‌‌‌‌‍‍‬'Yamato Nadeshiko‌‌‌‌⁢‍ ‌‌‌‌‌7-Henge‌‌‌‌‌‍ (ヤマトナデシコ七変化‌‌‌‌‬)‌‌‌‌‌‍'‌‌‌‌‍‍⁢' is more recommended to‌‌‌‌‍‍⁢ start first, LOL, ‌‌‌‌‌‬‌the anime‌‌‌‌‌‬‌‌‌‌‌‌‬‌ or manga ‌‌‌‌‌‬‌or live-action‌‌‌‌‌‬‌ adaptation?


Trying to find a gender-bender doujin, where a sorceress trapped in a tower summons a boy and ends up making him a girl and now I can't find it. Help?


Someone sauce me the blue-hair girl in clip rel


Monogatari? Kanbaru Suruga?


Looks to be that way, I recognize those lines and colors. Thanks m8!


File: 1710172806607.mp4 (1.56 MB, 640x480, Socialist Train.mp4)

Sauce on this?


All I could find is that it seems to be from this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_Hare_Affair


Anyone know which episodes of Naruto this is from? It's been a LONG time since I've watched it and I'm pretty sure its from one of the fillers.


File: 1710882438281.png (23.2 KB, 634x209, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks for the sauce.

Thanks to you as well, I don't look at comment sections since they're full of cancer 90% of the time.


Uploading this as a file and uploading the sections with the music in it.


File: 1713129138849-0.jpg (601.21 KB, 2835x2039, Soviet Samurai.jpg)

File: 1713129138849-1.png (442.83 KB, 1080x1229, 1694701437777-0.png)

Can someone hit me with sauce for the Zigger version of the Soviet Samurai pic? (pic 2 rel)


That's more of a question for the LoTGH thread my man >>3863


Actually, on the subject of Confucianism and Legalism, I'd suggest seeing the Ancient China thread I wrote up a while back >>>/edu/8045


File: 1717016126244.jpg (85.61 KB, 512x376, 白虎隊.jpg)

Reposting for an anon in the >>>/edu/ samurai thread:
>Any anime in this art style? (pic rel)


The Tale of the Princess Kaguya?


File: 1717052790729.png (431.25 KB, 1000x970, kobayashi question.png)

I remember reading some years ago that there's no point in downloading anime with resolutions higher than 720p because the source material does not get higher than that and they are just upscales, is this true?


I don't know the exact details but it doesn't sound true? At least for traditional animation (so anything pre-00s roughly) where you draw on paper and capture it on film, you don't have "resolution" in the conventional sense, so it doesn't make sense to say that it caps out at 720p.




I mean if it airs as 720p on Japanese live TV are they really going to render it at 1080p or just upscale it for the losers streaming?


Even if that was true, they'd upscale it with a better algorithm then whatever your video player is doing.


I was thinking more of BD releases, streaming is a crapshoot yeah. It really depends on where the download is sourcing from, I'd guess it probably is upscales of a broadcast version in most cases. I just don't think it's *always* gonna be the case.

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