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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1686087312982-0.png (391.98 KB, 867x971, 1634042723852.png)

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We anons humbly request Alunya artwork from drawfriends
As Alunya art would be for all leftyanons' sake & .org
Especially from new drawfriends|
This time a 2nd time.
147 posts and 176 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.






love me some fpugs


File: 1715202595307.jpg (Spoiler Image, 6.58 KB, 261x193, spongebob sniff.jpg)

>smoke coming out of her left shoulder
>right leg somehow bends behind her left boob
>that left heel
>chvddie's legs not being the same length
>8 fingers on her right hand
come to think of it, >>4426 also has some weirdness
>chinlet has no right foot (or it's hidden behind his ass)
>alunya is sitting at kind of a weird angle, a bit like she's lifting her right cheek to let one rip



File: 1715256278486.gif (2.2 MB, 316x213, 1427427570765.gif)

>$16/month to gain access to the image upload feature
>can't even get the right number of fingers
Now I kinda feel bad for techbros getting scammed by this bullshit (but not really lol)


Its 15€/month and not a big loss for me. I provided the link because drawfags can use the free image AI editor options to make more memes. The censorship in this AI is not political you can produce Stalin killing kulaks personally but anything too sexual is censored.


File: 1715265500508.png (785.94 KB, 2100x2100, ClipboardImage.png)

Requesting a Rodina sketch for Victory Day


File: 1715266266611.png (1.16 MB, 1024x1024, q6RDRXlvRFq1esdkbvVWdQ.png)


Another version.


File: 1715266549099.png (282.11 KB, 570x608, ClipboardImage.png)

wrong hat. It's called a pilotka.


And you got the haircut wrong.



Original requester, thanks anon.

Pilotka's are also not red, yet a lot of Rodina's art has a red one and hair-styles can change, there are long-haired Alunya variants, it's a moot point.


File: 1715292024939.png (1.92 MB, 1200x1600, ClipboardImage.png)

>Pilotka's are also not red,
They can be any color.
>and hair-styles can change, there are long-haired Alunya variants, it's a moot point.
Anime is like South Park, it's all about the superficial characteristics because all of the facial characteristics are just the same stencil. If you change the superficial characteristics, it's a whole new character.


That's a Pioneers pilotka and doesn't look the same as a normal one, in the military they're green. Berets are usually the ones with different colors (Green, red, blue, black, etc.).
>If you change the superficial characteristics, it's a whole new character.
Eh, not true, so long as the changes are not significant enough to drastically change the character.


>That's a Pioneers pilotka and doesn't look the same as a normal one, in the military they're green.
It's still called a pilotka. I said it's a red pilotka. Now you're saying it's a red pilotka. Lol, I don't see where the disagreement is.

>Eh, not true, so long as the changes are not significant enough to drastically change the character.

Once again I disagree. The pilotka is also the most distinguishing characteristic about her.


File: 1715303279496.png (181.89 KB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.png)

Well I tried everything but that hat is impossible for bing to make.


File: 1715305366681.png (2.64 MB, 1280x937, ClipboardImage.png)

>The pilotka is also the most distinguishing characteristic about her.
Uh no. Her most distinguishing characteristic is the general PIONEER getup. A peaked cap is not that big a deal, and a hair-cut especially.


Probably just not a lot of those hats in the input training.


gonna start the alunya model finally finished my work yay


File: 1715349852239.png (11.57 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)



speaking of models, what about a certified alunya AI model? was that been ever in the works?


File: 1715450966895.png (16.2 KB, 500x461, Oekaki.png)

happy caturday




File: 1715483694790.jpg (1.7 MB, 2480x3508, Alunya Ass.jpg)


ew furries gross


File: 1715549840699-0.jpg (65.37 KB, 875x479, anime eye tutorial.jpg)

It could really use anime eyes & form, ngl.
I'll help draw anons with anime tutorials.


File: 1715549912165-0.jpg (90.46 KB, 768x569, 3214124512.jpg)

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File: 1715549994789-2.jpg (51.98 KB, 402x511, body.jpg)

File: 1715549994789-3.jpg (71.29 KB, 843x505, body 2.jpg)



For anime style:
>anime eyes
>no realistic fleshy lips
>no realistic nose, but a simple nose
>less texture on hair, subtle shading


If anyone wants to /draw/ Grace, this is the new up-to-date official design with her black pants.


reminds me of picrel


Reposting so they don't get deleted



Make sure it is on the leftybooru.


The second picture is adorable.


File: 1717302207880.png (59.5 KB, 513x571, 1716975423906-0.png)

my friend drew grace blushing


omg so cute!


Why is Grace blushing?


I thought this was a draw board, not an ai board


File: 1718547667886.jpg (280.73 KB, 1412x900, drawing.jpg)

Thanks for the tutorials. I will try and keep practicing.


File: 1718798007719-0.png (15.56 KB, 590x590, 1717996321651d.png)

File: 1718798007719-1.png (2.14 MB, 2048x1600, 74044 - SoyBooru.png)

requesting a pic of Grace in a white bridal dress like this pic.
with Alunya's hand


File: 1718829905688.jpg (151.5 KB, 1600x1448, 1718822562455.jpg)

Spotted at >>>/leftypol/1889522


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File: 1719566576920-2.jpg (412.58 KB, 2022x2048, GPmgTUQbcAAA8kM.jpg)


What did he mean by this


File: 1719751532740.gif (1.25 MB, 640x360, 2024-06-30 sketch.gif)

Alunya + poljak OC
crossposting from >>4566


Where can I get 20 liters of that

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