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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1686087312982-0.png (391.98 KB, 867x971, 1634042723852.png)

File: 1686087312982-1.png (413.02 KB, 966x1179, 1633990012003.png)

File: 1686087312982-2.png (755.47 KB, 1087x1238, 1634095279871-0.png)

 [Last 50 Posts]

We anons humbly request Alunya artwork from drawfriends
As Alunya art would be for all leftyanons' sake & .org
Especially from new drawfriends|
This time a 2nd time.



>the last thread filled up
good job all


File: 1686088132546-0.png (43.82 KB, 500x524, Oekaki.png)

File: 1686088132546-1.png (16.51 KB, 500x250, Oekaki(1).png)

File: 1686088132546-2.png (42.38 KB, 558x482, Oekaki(2).png)

File: 1686088132546-3.png (27.25 KB, 582x517, Oekaki(3).png)

/draw/s from the last thread


File: 1686088165407-0.png (19.99 KB, 474x462, Oekaki(4).png)

File: 1686088165407-1.png (12.06 MB, 1967x3000, slicey.png)

File: 1686088165407-2.png (27.76 KB, 648x678, motion lines tests.png)


File: 1686088208405-0.png (220.7 KB, 815x1021, alunyapain.png)

File: 1686088208405-1.png (272.19 KB, 860x1400, alunyahb2.png)

File: 1686088208405-2.png (278.81 KB, 1122x1280, alunyahb1.png)

File: 1686088208405-3.png (169.94 KB, 757x875, alunyafeels.png)

more /draw/s


File: 1686088470475-0.png (51.84 KB, 1010x1010, alunya srs.png)

File: 1686088470475-1.png (41.6 KB, 622x482, 1677693431523-1.png)

File: 1686088470475-2.png (286.37 KB, 1500x1500, read_a_book_nigga.png)

File: 1686088470475-3.png (15.82 KB, 500x453, Oekaki 6.png)

another /draw/ pile ~




File: 1686088544390-0.png (277.79 KB, 682x555, Oekaki 7.png)

File: 1686088544390-1.png (44.04 KB, 500x484, Oekaki 8.png)

File: 1686088544390-2.png (694.62 KB, 1305x1256, Alunya img.png)

File: 1686088544390-3.png (109.07 KB, 1351x1208, alunya tired.png)

/draw/ alunya


File: 1686089065820-0.jpg (290.59 KB, 3024x4032, alunya maoist.jpg)

File: 1686089065820-1.png (1.29 MB, 1400x1400, alunya.png)

File: 1686089065820-2.png (568.06 KB, 1374x944, export.png)

File: 1686089065820-3.png (200.96 KB, 1300x1500, fix'd.png)


File: 1686089173141-0.png (15.67 MB, 9921x7016, alunya-pro-choice copy.png)

File: 1686089173141-2.png (249.09 KB, 703x1412, pout.png)

File: 1686089173141-3.png (325.56 KB, 1332x1580, alunya_graceball.png)


File: 1686089226959-0.png (640.19 KB, 941x974, alunya.png)

File: 1686089226959-1.png (112.26 KB, 846x855, alunya-hey copy.png)

File: 1686089226959-3.png (164.45 KB, 1724x2067, constructivist_alunga.png)


File: 1686089328079-0.png (1.11 MB, 1801x2299, alunya(1).png)

File: 1686089328079-1.png (1.15 MB, 1866x2078, alunya2.png)

File: 1686089328079-2.png (1.89 MB, 1199x2128, alunya3.png)

File: 1686089328079-3.png (11.83 KB, 331x348, Oekaki hats off.png)


File: 1686089423293-0.png (56.53 KB, 765x1080, image.png)

File: 1686089423293-1.png (11.89 KB, 500x250, Oekaki(1).png)

File: 1686089423293-2.png (8.93 KB, 500x250, Oekaki2.png)


File: 1686089552899-1.png (259.12 KB, 692x830, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1686089552899-2.png (1.93 MB, 2508x3576, spookyalunya.png)

File: 1686089552899-3.png (1.61 MB, 2298x4092, mistletoe.png)


File: 1686089612992-0.png (Spoiler Image, 2.24 MB, 2105x2976, alunyahalloween1.png)

File: 1686089612992-1.png (Spoiler Image, 2.05 MB, 2105x2976, alunyahalloween2.png)

File: 1686089612992-2.png (Spoiler Image, 1.86 MB, 2105x2976, alunyahalloween3.png)

File: 1686089612992-3.png (Spoiler Image, 2.26 MB, 2105x2976, alunyahalloween4.png)


File: 1686089865031-0.png (893 KB, 2031x2480, calunyard0.png)

File: 1686089865031-2.png (40.31 KB, 500x250, Oekaki(1).png)

File: 1686089865031-3.png (13.58 KB, 363x351, Oekaki.png)


File: 1686090001769-0.png (110.52 KB, 680x1026, alunya1noBGnoEffect.png)

File: 1686090001769-1.png (33.08 KB, 456x325, oopsie.png)



a few more




File: 1686090646622-0.png (379.35 KB, 2182x2182, lunya_drawing_drawpile.png)

File: 1686090646622-1.png (3.77 MB, 5000x4000, nyaa.png)

File: 1686090646622-2.png (19.59 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


>someone saved my shitty alunya
I guess I should be proud?


File: 1686090918239-0.jpg (642.64 KB, 864x1536, WIP.jpg)

File: 1686090918239-1.jpg (245.36 KB, 756x1600, 2.jpg)

File: 1686090918239-2.jpg (262.62 KB, 756x945, alunya color.jpg)


File: 1686090945157.webm (2.18 MB, 1920x1080, 1637292241320.webm)



File: 1686091003087-0.png (86.92 KB, 1380x1235, Screenshot_33.png)

File: 1686091003087-1.png (188.14 KB, 1095x1164, Screenshot_34.png)

File: 1686091003087-2.png (217 KB, 1595x1058, Screenshot_35.png)

File: 1686091003087-3.png (84.88 KB, 1578x1151, Screenshot_36.png)


File: 1686091050418-0.png (148.57 KB, 846x922, Screenshot_31.png)

File: 1686091050418-1.png (103.85 KB, 697x691, Screenshot_30.png)

File: 1686091050418-2.png (169.94 KB, 928x1169, Screenshot_29.png)

File: 1686091050418-3.png (158.16 KB, 1334x1069, Screenshot_32.png)



File: 1686091136840-0.png (113.37 KB, 1709x1181, Screenshot_21.png)

File: 1686091136840-1.png (109.92 KB, 1716x1110, Screenshot_24.png)

File: 1686091136840-2.png (166.14 KB, 770x1183, Screenshot_25.png)

File: 1686091136840-3.png (72.83 KB, 985x1219, Screenshot_26.png)

political catgirls


File: 1686091387739-0.png (238.33 KB, 1645x1164, Screenshot_27.png)

File: 1686091387739-1.png (125.53 KB, 1200x677, 1637854433416.png)

File: 1686091387739-2.png (107.43 KB, 973x573, 1637853763272.png)

File: 1686091387739-3.png (121.56 KB, 675x844, 1636862759739.png)


File: 1686091423970-0.png (140.49 KB, 716x854, 1636950641705.png)

File: 1686091423970-1.png (173.17 KB, 1031x1013, 1636950274120.png)

File: 1686091423970-2.png (139.44 KB, 538x870, 1636910450843.png)

File: 1686091423970-3.png (101.02 KB, 541x501, 1636876066609.png)


File: 1686091463588-0.png (203.69 KB, 1015x890, 1636876015860.png)

File: 1686091463588-1.png (137.08 KB, 651x831, 1636872891584.png)

File: 1686091463588-2.png (222.48 KB, 1222x887, 1636872868982.png)

last posts from the previous thread

this should encourage anons to /draw/ alunya.


g8 pics m8


File: 1686106259084.png (17.38 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

inaugural oekaki oc for newthread



catgirls and guns is a good combo


holding hands with Alunya


File: 1686131565328-1.png (37.67 KB, 536x600, 1659493761899-0.png)

File: 1686131565328-2.png (325.1 KB, 1332x1580, alunya_graceball.png)

File: 1686131565328-3.png (224.58 KB, 902x1034, 1660200731244.png)

requesting more Alunya /icup/ art.
for the small chance for /icup/ coming up in 2 months.


File: 1686134445621.jpg (60.28 KB, 560x429, cat tail.jpg)

Alunya noticing Anon and her tail doing the top right thing


File: 1686136796480-0.png (224.2 KB, 625x353, our gnulag.png)

File: 1686136796480-1.png (104.21 KB, 2048x2048, p1.png)

icup /leftypol/ uniform to reference for any drawfriends to use.


File: 1686149558381.png (52.27 KB, 500x520, Oekaki.png)

Eyes bulge cartoonishly out of her face.
Tail stands erect where it quivers in place.
Her ears rotate forward; her pupils dilate.
What puts the catgirl into such a state?

She must be impressed by the object beheld,
Reacting intensely, as under a spell.
Why this expression, at maximum too?
Could communist catgirl be noticing you?

But what happens next? What is to be done?
For this fleeting moment, her thoughts are but one.
Delighted but passive, her gaze so entrapped,
She's simply enjoying the liminal gap.



kek that expression is horrifying


File: 1686671685617.png (31 KB, 593x675, Oekaki.png)


seat the means of decapitation


File: 1687510637583-0.jpg (68.92 KB, 1283x1235, FtM3sMlX0AEa9qe.jpg)

File: 1687510637583-1.jpg (92.19 KB, 858x1221, FwmTK9gXoAIbUmg.jpg)

File: 1687510637583-2.png (20.02 KB, 488x277, FtCUUWXakAc_8z8.png)


2hu alunya


did you draw those? the styles are very different




File: 1687582302572.jpeg (591.38 KB, 1975x2327, alunyaowo.jpeg)

First time poster, how yall doin :3


I'm doing well, surprisingly not hung over from midsummer celebrations
nice alunya btw!


Very cute!


Coool. I'm good, I'm hungover and need to go bouldering right now. Then I might meet a cute guy if I have time, then I go to a concert, and if there's still time and energy, go to a sunrise watching picnic.
I'm too old for this lmao.

Nice alunya :)


Your style works REALLY WELL with Alunya.

Requesting moar!


File: 1687643083268.png (366.52 KB, 733x1140, Alunya new draw pic.png)


the square tail end makes it look like a scabbard lol


ooh love how ya rendered the leather on the shoe, and the shading all around is great!


it's another from paps


File: 1687660671750.png (17.21 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


Very cool!


Nice job.


File: 1690671815912.png (2.48 MB, 1515x990, Image-0007.png)

Trying something, probably drew too small to get the pencil in there.



File: 1693531551101.png (137.68 KB, 599x715, ClipboardImage.png)




I like the colors on this, rich but not overwhelming.


File: 1693751330469.png (537.84 KB, 999x999, drawing.png)




File: 1694965875592.png (Spoiler Image, 448.55 KB, 1293x886, Dengists get the alunya.png)

Courtesy of /siberia/


File: 1694970054511.png (105.12 KB, 257x296, ClipboardImage.png)

>tries to make anarchist look cringe
>gives them the distinct Jason Unruhe haircut


File: 1694970629879.png (1.11 MB, 1050x700, ClipboardImage.png)

Dyed mohawks are typically an anarcho-punk hairstyle, Unhre having it has always been a meme.


File: 1694971946562.jpg (74.25 KB, 632x810, cowboy deng.jpg)

>cowboy deng in the background


File: 1697837684354.jpg (3.66 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20231020_233024041.jpg)

Was listening to this and could help but imagine it




File: 1697842163622.jpg (4.11 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20231021_004701081.jpg)


File: 1697848806252.png (48.94 KB, 695x456, READ.png)

from >>>/siberia/461371


Fukken saved, will come in handy.


File: 1698169199595.png (654.76 KB, 617x593, ClipboardImage.png)

makes me think of picrel


yeah that's the idea


File: 1699291725162.png (93.8 KB, 395x632, Alunya_SEGA_genesis.png)



what is she playing?
>guillotine simulator


File: 1702578394390.png (5.34 MB, 2066x2729, ClipboardImage.png)

alunya doodle while staying in rehab


Very cool!

Get well soon…


shes cute i invoke rule 34



Best of luck! <3


File: 1702834692110-0.jpg (130.07 KB, 1775x2048, GBfz9KVaoAAVTkq.jpg)

File: 1702834692110-1.jpg (308.85 KB, 2048x1961, F_WwHZtWYAAUEm1.jpg)

File: 1702834692110-2.jpg (52.02 KB, 914x676, F_U94a6WcAAu5hz.jpg)

File: 1702834692110-3.mp4 (3.77 MB, 1280x696, 06er2F-Eb2PckFLW.mp4)


File: 1702834758624-0.jpg (153.74 KB, 1816x2048, GBWx705aUAAyrOD.jpg)

File: 1702834758624-1.jpg (161.23 KB, 1800x2048, F603T8pWEAAN50-.jpg)

File: 1702834758624-2.jpg (64.03 KB, 828x666, F5zMHQoWAAA8EKd.jpg)

File: 1702834758624-3.jpg (246.44 KB, 2048x2043, GAyk40MaoAAYmt2.jpg)


File: 1702834836916-0.jpg (216.78 KB, 1848x2048, GBMgvNKboAAyWqU.jpg)

File: 1702834836916-1.jpg (285.26 KB, 2048x1537, F5OGCu0WwAAFqvQ.jpg)

File: 1702834836916-2.jpg (64.55 KB, 1080x902, F5D6lcUW8AAh1HV.jpg)


>ear scritches
>belly rubs
danger zone
>poljak alunya


File: 1702934303380-0.jpg (205.8 KB, 2048x1767, 20231014_003731.jpg)

File: 1702934303380-2.jpg (183.87 KB, 1633x2048, 20230920_135143.jpg)

File: 1702934303380-3.jpg (208.22 KB, 2048x1397, 20231111_133237.jpg)

This guy is a friend of mine his art is great and he even does his research about the community and politics for his Alunya art


Second ones not his I mistyped since I'm on phone lol


I feel like Alunya wouldn't be one to judge someone for what they find fun if it doesn't hurt anyone


Yes and if she did, she would call it bourgeois or decadent, not fun.


This one was more of representing the leftist community as a whole I think, same with Christchan being the rightist community


requesting Alunya with a Santa hat


File: 1703031061065.png (46.2 KB, 444x401, Oekaki.png)


yay! 😸


File: 1703075149472.png (1.01 MB, 2000x2000, drawing.png)


she's just like me


reminds me of picrel


File: 1703164150892.png (Spoiler Image, 842.14 KB, 1600x1896, IMG_1809.png)




File: 1703731473397.png (638.91 KB, 1794x1852, Untitled30_20231227204254.png)

alunya eating a watermelon


File: 1703731531618.png (639.57 KB, 1794x1852, Untitled30_20231227204423.png)

now with fangs


File: 1704797238325.png (891.14 KB, 2480x3508, 1704795285694-1.png)


imagine if they were bigger haha


imagine if she handled anon's testicles in a similar fashion haha


File: 1705451172339.png (21.44 KB, 611x430, Oekaki.png)

kill me



draw more :3


File: 1705455545205.png (232.39 KB, 724x675, Untitled.png)

cut my teeth on this one and still dont like it
i havent drawn in like a month and dont have a proper set up but i wanna draw more alunya eventually


love <33


also i made them pretty off model, i need to practice drawing hats more


nice and cute distinctive style


> you like torching cop cars, don't you?



Imagine if they were smaller


File: 1707504346495.png (38.56 KB, 500x250, weed alunya.png)

Found in /siberia/.


File: 1708762621145.png (121.79 KB, 787x960, ClipboardImage.png)



coffee brewed from porky tears?


File: 1709675110534.png (1.73 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.png)


this looks generated


File: 1710032052812.png (647.09 KB, 1140x806, 1608529063394-1.png)

Posting some stuff so it doesn't go missing


File: 1712645479035-0.jpeg (211.5 KB, 1783x1855, IMG_5648.jpeg)

File: 1712645479035-1.jpeg (225.87 KB, 1878x1761, IMG_5649.jpeg)


very cool


>redraw of oekaki in higher res
very cool


gunna do an alunya 3d model wish me luck


good luck.
there are 2 models to take inspiration from.


File: 1714330473424.png (Spoiler Image, 5.25 KB, 243x250, 1714305990292.png)

Burqalunya from >>>/meta/32766


File: 1714593936559.png (260.69 KB, 4774x3852, Alunya Labour Day.png)

Happy Labour Day

Have an Alunya with Disco-Mazov characteristics




hello miss Alunya I want to have fuck with you
>eyes and tail still visible
the religious police will hear about this


File: 1714617401907.png (11.92 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)





File: 1714971294010-0.jpg (179.73 KB, 1907x2048, GM3b2LqXAAAfr25.jpg)

File: 1714971294011-1.jpg (179.73 KB, 1907x2048, GM3b2LqXAAAfr25.jpg)

File: 1714971294011-2.png (1.05 MB, 3979x3000, 1714250700419.png)


>black alunya
this might be a first lol

Someone did design an African catgirl but like most of the alts they were never really used.


There needs to be a version without the nazi so I can write "me on the under" without having to associate with nazis


File: 1715025510995.png (1.2 MB, 1907x2048, ClipboardImage.png)

quick edit 4u




Can you do the other one?


File: 1715035267473-0.png (1.29 MB, 1907x2048, 1715034962234.png)

File: 1715035267473-1.jpg (191.83 KB, 1907x2048, GM3I1WRXgAA1T0i.jpg)

Requesting edit of this one with the other chinletjak face edit too.


File: 1715035575058.jpg (37.68 KB, 473x417, brazilian nazis.jpg)

make the chvddie brown


File: 1715036112231.png (1.31 MB, 1907x2048, ClipboardImage.png)

what other one? I only see two of the same picture.

protip: you can open gimp or any other editor and paste both images as separate layers and use the mask feature to remove the part of the image on top you want to look like the image on the bottom. so for this one take the chvddie pic on bottom and the other on top, and use the mask to erase the parts you want to be the chvddie


Can a pale version of this like >>4432
Be done?


File: 1715127316643.png (1.31 MB, 1907x2048, ClipboardImage.png)



Based and many thanks anon!


Can you do a version where she's not sm*king?






love me some fpugs


File: 1715202595307.jpg (Spoiler Image, 6.58 KB, 261x193, spongebob sniff.jpg)

>smoke coming out of her left shoulder
>right leg somehow bends behind her left boob
>that left heel
>chvddie's legs not being the same length
>8 fingers on her right hand
come to think of it, >>4426 also has some weirdness
>chinlet has no right foot (or it's hidden behind his ass)
>alunya is sitting at kind of a weird angle, a bit like she's lifting her right cheek to let one rip



File: 1715256278486.gif (2.2 MB, 316x213, 1427427570765.gif)

>$16/month to gain access to the image upload feature
>can't even get the right number of fingers
Now I kinda feel bad for techbros getting scammed by this bullshit (but not really lol)


Its 15€/month and not a big loss for me. I provided the link because drawfags can use the free image AI editor options to make more memes. The censorship in this AI is not political you can produce Stalin killing kulaks personally but anything too sexual is censored.


File: 1715265500508.png (785.94 KB, 2100x2100, ClipboardImage.png)

Requesting a Rodina sketch for Victory Day


File: 1715266266611.png (1.16 MB, 1024x1024, q6RDRXlvRFq1esdkbvVWdQ.png)


Another version.


File: 1715266549099.png (282.11 KB, 570x608, ClipboardImage.png)

wrong hat. It's called a pilotka.


And you got the haircut wrong.



Original requester, thanks anon.

Pilotka's are also not red, yet a lot of Rodina's art has a red one and hair-styles can change, there are long-haired Alunya variants, it's a moot point.


File: 1715292024939.png (1.92 MB, 1200x1600, ClipboardImage.png)

>Pilotka's are also not red,
They can be any color.
>and hair-styles can change, there are long-haired Alunya variants, it's a moot point.
Anime is like South Park, it's all about the superficial characteristics because all of the facial characteristics are just the same stencil. If you change the superficial characteristics, it's a whole new character.


That's a Pioneers pilotka and doesn't look the same as a normal one, in the military they're green. Berets are usually the ones with different colors (Green, red, blue, black, etc.).
>If you change the superficial characteristics, it's a whole new character.
Eh, not true, so long as the changes are not significant enough to drastically change the character.


>That's a Pioneers pilotka and doesn't look the same as a normal one, in the military they're green.
It's still called a pilotka. I said it's a red pilotka. Now you're saying it's a red pilotka. Lol, I don't see where the disagreement is.

>Eh, not true, so long as the changes are not significant enough to drastically change the character.

Once again I disagree. The pilotka is also the most distinguishing characteristic about her.


File: 1715303279496.png (181.89 KB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.png)

Well I tried everything but that hat is impossible for bing to make.


File: 1715305366681.png (2.64 MB, 1280x937, ClipboardImage.png)

>The pilotka is also the most distinguishing characteristic about her.
Uh no. Her most distinguishing characteristic is the general PIONEER getup. A peaked cap is not that big a deal, and a hair-cut especially.


Probably just not a lot of those hats in the input training.


gonna start the alunya model finally finished my work yay


File: 1715349852239.png (11.57 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)



speaking of models, what about a certified alunya AI model? was that been ever in the works?


File: 1715450966895.png (16.2 KB, 500x461, Oekaki.png)

happy caturday




File: 1715483694790.jpg (1.7 MB, 2480x3508, Alunya Ass.jpg)


ew furries gross


File: 1715549840699-0.jpg (65.37 KB, 875x479, anime eye tutorial.jpg)

It could really use anime eyes & form, ngl.
I'll help draw anons with anime tutorials.


File: 1715549912165-0.jpg (90.46 KB, 768x569, 3214124512.jpg)

File: 1715549912165-1.jpg (69.69 KB, 822x498, face 1.jpg)

File: 1715549912165-2.jpg (47.06 KB, 869x488, face 2.jpg)

File: 1715549912165-3.jpg (63.27 KB, 846x491, face 3.jpg)


File: 1715549994789-0.jpg (66.63 KB, 857x490, face 4.jpg)

File: 1715549994789-1.jpg (33.75 KB, 409x523, face 5.jpg)

File: 1715549994789-2.jpg (51.98 KB, 402x511, body.jpg)

File: 1715549994789-3.jpg (71.29 KB, 843x505, body 2.jpg)



For anime style:
>anime eyes
>no realistic fleshy lips
>no realistic nose, but a simple nose
>less texture on hair, subtle shading


If anyone wants to /draw/ Grace, this is the new up-to-date official design with her black pants.


reminds me of picrel


Reposting so they don't get deleted



Make sure it is on the leftybooru.


The second picture is adorable.


File: 1717302207880.png (59.5 KB, 513x571, 1716975423906-0.png)

my friend drew grace blushing


omg so cute!


Why is Grace blushing?


I thought this was a draw board, not an ai board


File: 1718547667886.jpg (280.73 KB, 1412x900, drawing.jpg)

Thanks for the tutorials. I will try and keep practicing.


File: 1718798007719-0.png (15.56 KB, 590x590, 1717996321651d.png)

File: 1718798007719-1.png (2.14 MB, 2048x1600, 74044 - SoyBooru.png)

requesting a pic of Grace in a white bridal dress like this pic.
with Alunya's hand


File: 1718829905688.jpg (151.5 KB, 1600x1448, 1718822562455.jpg)

Spotted at >>>/leftypol/1889522


File: 1719566576920-0.jpg (316.9 KB, 2048x1786, GQ3VdkDWwAAj6lr.jpg)

File: 1719566576920-1.jpg (300.88 KB, 1756x2048, GRHlxh_W0AAX0ll.jpg)

File: 1719566576920-2.jpg (412.58 KB, 2022x2048, GPmgTUQbcAAA8kM.jpg)


What did he mean by this


File: 1719751532740.gif (1.25 MB, 640x360, 2024-06-30 sketch.gif)

Alunya + poljak OC
crossposting from >>4566


Where can I get 20 liters of that

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