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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Nuclear Atomic Science Thread
General thread for discussing, studying, engineering and understanding Nuclear/Atomic/Thermonuclear and other related or comparative energy releases or sources. Both nuclear weapons and nuclear powerplants apply. Post photos, illustrations, text, documents, blueprints, articles and studies related to the topic. Limited memes also permissible.
Posadists… make sure to take meds before posting.

Chernobyl thread >>>/hobby/9068
List of US Nuclear Manuals and regulatory instructions: https://www.nrc.gov/docs/ML1536/
Nuclear Energy in Space https://archive.ph/ei3Jg

List of Soviet scientists and officers responsible for the USSR's nuclear technology in alphabetical order:

Nuclear Fusion vs Fission: https://archive.is/Qlgoy
What is an Atomic Reactor: https://archive.ph/1W1jO
What is a Nuclear Bomb: https://archive.is/H29Hl
Thermonuclear: https://archive.ph/D0Zsc

Feel free to add more to the leftypol wiki on the subject (leftypedia) >>>/edu/3780
Also, see the Hiroshima thread: >>>/edu/15841
Educatory research: https://cyberleninka.ru/search?q=Nuclear&page=1


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LFTR (Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactors). It uses Thorium which is way more abundant than uranium and it operates at atmospheric pressure but very high temperature. This has the advantage of not needing big heavy pressure vessels like traditional nuclear reactors, and the high temperature means you can produce carbon neutral fossil fuel substitutes or do water desalinization just from the waste heat. They also produce significantly less dangerous waste and some of the waste is actually useful in radiomedicine or space exploration. A common name for this sort of reactor is Molten Salt reactors.
Covering the potential of these reactors: Novikov, Vladimir M. (15 September 1995). "The results of the investigations of Russian Research Center—'Kurchatov Institute' on molten salt applications to problems of nuclear energy systems". AIP Conference Proceedings. 346 (1): 138–147.
What is Thorium: https://archive.ph/Z6xSJ

Additionally the related Metal Cooled Fast Neutron Breeder Reactors don't require a lot of rare minerals to function and are also very compact and similarly effective and are efficient in producing a lot of energy quickly, which is why at least one such reactor was used to desalinate water in the USSR.


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>"On 21 May 1946, with seven colleagues watching, Slotin performed an experiment that involved the creation of one of the first steps of a fission reaction by placing two half-spheres of beryllium (a neutron reflector) around a 3.5-inch-diameter (89 mm) plutonium core. The experiment used the same 6.2-kilogram (13.7 lb) plutonium core that had irradiated Harry Daghlian, later called the "demon core" for its role in the two accidents. Slotin grasped the upper 228.6 mm (9-inch) beryllium hemisphere[16] with his left hand through a thumb hole at the top while he maintained the separation of the half-spheres using the blade of a screwdriver with his right hand, having removed the shims normally used. Using a screwdriver was not a normal part of the experimental protocol."
At 3:20 p.m., the screwdriver slipped and the upper beryllium hemisphere fell, causing a "prompt critical" reaction and a burst of hard radiation.



>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. protolore


>the ball isn't sporting a shit-eating grin
so close to a perfect edit


sorry I meant the screwdriver of course


Can a reactor meltdown be reversed?


that's like asking what length is a piece of string, it depends entirely on design, exact fault, conditions, etc


I'm just wondering if a reactor is close to meltdown, can it be stopped safely without making the reactor unusable after? Can the resulting critical mass be reversed? As a general theoretical possibility, not necessarily.


that's what control rods are for anon. and a host of other control mechanisms


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>that's what control rods are for anon. and a host of other control mechanisms
OK thanks, I was just listening to a hypothetical situation and trying to think if it was possible to reverse it.


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>The Japanese government is releasing contaminated water from Fukushima into the open ocean
>Based on predictive models the wastewater will reach Western Seaboard of the USA

>Japan says it's safe for food and water consumption

>The plan has the backing of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which says the release is similar to the disposal of waste water at other plants around the world.
>"Releasing into the ocean is done elsewhere. It's not something new. There is no scandal here," IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said in 2021.
<There is no scandal here, totally safe, believe us!
>Scientists argue that the elements remaining in the water are only harmful to humans in large doses. With dilution the treated water poses no scientifically detectable risk, they say.
>While the tritium is radioactive, it has a half-life of around 12 years, meaning it will disappear from the environment over a period of decades rather than centuries.
<Be happy, instead of your childrens' children also suffering possible radiation poisoning and the planet suffering for centuries, instead it'll just be you and your generation of people and just the remainder of this century that suffers the impacts, What JOY!
As if Earth and we weren't suffering enough. Japanese literally eat dolphins and Bluefin Tuna which have incredibly high levels of heavy metals because of their position in the food web causing magnification through bioaccumulation in trophic transfer. They also consume Fugu and live octopus, so their standard of "safe consumption" seems to have a low bar.

>muh international committees

yes it's totally safe, trust japan and the united states!
<TEPCO literally lying
<russia bans japenis seafood
<south korea bans japenis seafood
<china bans japenis seafood
<Low Radiation Dose Cancer


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Thought this would be relevant

Take this with a pinch of salt.

>It turned out that LK folks were not talking about some stupid shit. Specifically they were one of the last believers of long-forgotten Russian theory of superconductivity, pioneered by Nikolay Bogolyubov. The accepted theory is entirely based on Cooper pairs, but this theory suggests that a sufficient constraint on electrons may allow superconductivity without actual Cooper pairs. This requires carefully positioned point defects in the crystalline structure, which contemporary scientists consider unlikely and such mode of SC was never formally categorized unlike type-I and type-II SC. Professor Tong-seek Chair (최동식) represented a regret about this status quo (in 90s, but still applies today) that this theory was largely forgotten without the proper assessment after the fall of USSR. It was also a very interesting twist that Iris Alexandria, "that Russian catgirl chemist", had an advisor who was a physicist-cum-biochemist studied this theory and as a result were so familiar with the theory that they were able to tell if replications follow the theoretical prediction.


The fall of the Soviet Union maybe set back material science and electronics by another 50 years, holy fuck.

Source: A New Method in the Theory of SuperConductivity
Authors N.N. Bogoluibov, V.V. Tomachev, Shirkov D.V.


>Demon Core Posting
In case Embed dies


yeah nah. this is definitely just pure political maneuvering from the PRC. let's be level headed. just because we recognize that western outlets and the propaganda they output often lie or misrepresent Chinese affairs for their own purposes, does not mean we should become uncritical of the PRCs actions and propaganda.
>While the tritium is radioactive, it has a half-life of around 12 years, meaning it will disappear from the environment over a period of decades rather than centuries.
<Be happy, instead of your childrens' children also suffering possible radiation poisoning and the planet suffering for centuries, instead it'll just be you and your generation of people and just the remainder of this century that suffers the impacts, What JOY!
this is laughable. there are plenty of naturally occurring elements in the environment, certainly tons in the sea, that have such long half lives. in fact it is precisely because their half lives are so long that they are not harmful. watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HOgkzZc4Co
>x country bans japanese seafood
it is far more likely that this is done for political and/or economic reasons. or even out of straight up incompetence. after all we've seen politicians in the west (not just the US but also Europe!) approve/push through some incredibly stupid shit out of sheer ignorance.


naturally occurring radioactive elements*


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>there are plenty of naturally occurring radioactive elements in the environment
1) The ones dangerous to humans are not usually exposed in areas that can comes near human contact and/or are in small amounts
2) There's different kinds of radioactivity, and natural background radiation is not the same as radioactivity from artificially enriched materials used in human nuclear projects
>this is definitely just pure political maneuvering from the PRC
The PRC is not alone in this opinion, political motivation does not mean it is incorrect either.
>it is far more likely that this is done for political and/or economic reasons
>it is precisely because their half lives are so long
False, this is the same bullshit excuse the US military uses to claim Depleted Uranium is "safe" yet that is patently untrue.
>we've seen politicians in the west (not just the US but also Europe!) approve/push through some incredibly stupid shit out of sheer ignorance.
Not against their allies, not without political or real motivation. Japan isn't stepping on any toes politically for the USA or West, so it makes no sense for them to push this without a real risk or reason.

Tritium's risk factor is low on its own due to emitting a weak form of beta radiation (low-energy electrons specifically), however bioaccumulation and biomagnification means that it will impact humans as a more concentrated dose which increases cancer risk.


>Thought this would be relevant
relevant af. I lost my shit reading this at the height of the LK99 hoping. True nuclear patricians will be acolytes of that Italian grifter from a couple of years ago. Some kind of low energy but modular reactor that fooled a lot of scientists and got some media.


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>1) The ones dangerous to humans are not usually exposed in areas that can comes near human contact and/or are in small amounts
The ones dangerous to humans are generally dangerous to pretty much all wildlife. And guess what, before mining operations for uranium started in all of the US started, normal ass wildlife just existed on top of it.
>2) There's different kinds of radioactivity, and natural background radiation is not the same as radioactivity from artificially enriched materials used in human nuclear projects
The radiation coming off of naturally occurring radioactive elements is not background radiation. Background radiation refers to the "measure of the level of ionizing radiation present in the environment at a particular location which is not due to deliberate introduction of radiation sources" (from wikipedia). If you turn up a Gieger counter in your house it won't make a peep. If you put it down next to some uranium containing ore, plenty of which is literally just lying on the surface of the earth, it would start beeping.

What sort of radiation in particular are you worried about in this case? Beta particles presumably, because the worry with the Fukushima water is tritium, yes? Well, from the wikipedia article on tritium: "Beta particles from tritium can penetrate only about 6.0 millimetres (0.24 in) of air, and they are incapable of passing through the dead outermost layer of human skin". But you yourself pointed that out. As for the bio accumulation, read on.

>False, this is the same bullshit excuse the US military uses to claim Depleted Uranium is "safe" yet that is patently untrue.

What are you referring to specifically?

>Not against their allies, not without political or real motivation. Japan isn't stepping on any toes politically for the USA or West, so it makes no sense for them to push this without a real risk or reason.

China and Russia are not allies of Japan. As for South Korea, well that's why I point out the possibility of ignorance. Nuclear scaremongering is effective.

As for the article you posted, brother, read your own stuff please.

>According to TEPCO, the seawater around the plant has tritium levels below 10 becquerels per liter, well below the company's 700-becquerel set limit and the World Health Organization's (WHO) recommended safe drinking water threshold of 10,000 becquerels.

>In America, this standard is an “annual-average maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 740 becquerels per liter.”

So first, whatever levels of tritium there are in the water they've stored, once it gets released into the sea it will be diluted a lot. Indeed it has been diluted to under 10 Bq/L in the sea water around the plant, and the concentration will decrease even more with distance from the plant and with time. Furthermore, in order for that tritium to be bio accumulated in humans through drinking (I mention through drinking specifically because it is what is mentioned in the article you posted) it would have to go through the water cycle (even more dilution) until it reached a fresh water reservoir.

The sputnik article you posted suggests (taking the conclusions of the paper that they cite at face value, I agree) that the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) standard, the "annual-average maximum contaminant level (MCL)" is inadequate by pointing to the paper "Drinking water standard for tritium-what's the risk?" (pdf related). In that article the authors point out that the USEPA's reported lifetime risk of cancer of 0.000056 for consuming water at their MCL (740 Bq/L), is five times larger if you factor in the presence of tritium and include cases of skin cancer, which presumably the USEPA did not. That is a significant find! But it's important to know precisely what this means. It is the discovery (and I can't say if it's definitive without taking a deep dive into the research topic) of poor methodology in risk calculation on the part of the USEPA. Definitely important.

But the authors themselves point out that their results "should greatly exceed actual risks to the public from ingestion of tritium in drinking water" and that "in many drinking water supplies that are impacted by releases from nuclear power plants concentrations of tritium are comparable to or less than the detection limit of 37 Bq/L specified by the USEPA", remember Japans sea water around the plant was below 10 Bq/L, "if long-term average concentrations were maintained at levels less than the detection limit, mean lifetime risks would be less than 0.00002" (pic related).

So anon, I gotta say, you're either not reading what you post or not parsing it correctly.

I'm open to the idea that TEPCO might be lying about their measurements of tritium but if you're going to make that case, please cite a good source for an alternate value of the tritium.

I'm responding in good faith, please return the favor. No monosyllabic rebuttals, please.


I'll have to reply at a later time ATM. busy Rn


Extracting uranium from seawater looks cool, not only as a more sustainable way of getting U but also for remediation


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If the Fukushima Water Dump is so harmless, then why was there such concern across the world when a little more than 5 tons of (radioactive) water leaked out? News outlets from all over the world were alarmed, and Japan has a long history of brushing environmental health concerns under the rug and denying impacts, there's a reason The Four Big Pollution Diseases of Japan is an actual title.


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New German bacterial experiments found a radiation consuming bacteria. Reminds me of the radiation eating black fungus talked about a while back, relative to Chernobyl.



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