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Star Wars thread; To discuss, laugh and meme about Star Wars

Don't be a cunt and may the Force be with you

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Reposting something I wrote a while back on a /leftypol/ thread about Star Wars. Pics related

The one part of Last Jedi I liked was a portion of the throne-room scene when Kylo tells Rey she's nothing, a nobody… but not to him. That honestly felt like a really good scene. It subverted the idea that Rey was some child of destiny born of Obi-Wan or a Skywalker or some other nostalgic force user name and instead presents her as an ordinary orphan, forgotten by her drunkard parents, and uncared for by anyone who just happened to have immense force powers. Of course JJ ruined the one good part of Last Jedi, with the reveal that she is Palpatine's grand-daughter in the Rise of Skywalker, which felt like Taking the Piss Out of Rian Johnson, the movie. To be honest there are plenty of individual scenes, mostly of Rey conversing with Kylo, which are quite interesting and have depth in Last Jedi, but because of the sheer Mary Sueiness and pointless SJW shit within the film as well as other idiocy and plot divergences these good moments get lost in all the filth, like pearls scattered in the mud.


hello there, i dont know much about star wars,o i wondered what would be the most communist org in the universe? and which one the most ML, anarchist etc…

i was the guy asking who the vong are, so who are they?

Well anti-corporate statement is widely popular in Star wars mainly due to intergalactic conglomerates , in the clone wars both the Republic and the CIS were secretly influenced by corporations although thay was much anti-corporate sentiment with the cis (despite being funded and armed by corporations ..)
The rebellion had both bouj and anti bouj elements
The empire nationalised a lot of companies although Hitler style (aka keeping the bouj)
Anarchists , mostly the disrespect your surroundings types are pretty common and i think a whole communist species existed in the eu

Why didn't Yoda just kill Palpatine?


European union?

> a whole communist species


They're an alien race originating from outside the Galaxy of the Star Wars verse. They are part of overarching EU/Legends story-lines

their supposed to be evil? of course, also any example of anarchism or anarcho communism in the universe?

>reddit spacing
Come on now, son.
Extended Universe a.k.a Legends Universe which are a Star Wars media outside the original trilogy and prequels, made before Disney's purchase of Lucasfilm. Essentially they took 40 years of lorebuilding and declared it all non-canon.

Because he physically couldn't? The dude was 900 years old and didn't have the vitality to beat the Emperor.

>reddit spacing

i didn't mean it, it happened on accident

i never used reddit, what makes something a reddit thing?

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Pic related is what Reddit Spacing is. Its not really an issue but it makes posts artificially larger for no real purpose.
Not worries. If its an issue with your system or habit, that's fine.


so like this?
or like this?

or are both fine?

Compact format is preferred, but whatever floats your boat I guess.

What is the Leftist take on Order 66? Could it have been prevented? Should it?

Not going to go into a leftist take or whether it should. However it could have been prevented, this is addressed in the TV show when the control chips are nearly discovered.

It's a stupid name tho, because most markup languages use an empty line to end a paragraph.


What killed the Rise of Skywalker was Jar Jar Abrams incessant need to shit on Rian Johnson’s already subpar film. Like, fuck, TLJ was already fucked by intentionally spitting on TFA, why would you continue the trend Jar Jar?
At least I still have the Old EU for what happens after ROTJ, sucks that I’ll never see a live-action adaptation of the Legacy comics, but at least I can still read them.

Palps was stronger and dunked on the little green nigga

Funny enough there was a socialist planet in the Old EU which was said to have eliminated war, disease, poverty, and class antagonism. They fought alongside the Rebel Alliance against the Empire.

The Vong aren’t evil, it’s actually a pretty complicated storyline; basically their Galaxy was even shittier than the Star Wars Galaxy and their home planet was nearly devastated in a war between two machine races. Their people got caught up in so much war and death that they lost their connection to the Force, driving their culture insane. The gods they worship were more or less based on pain and suffering at that point (prayer for a Vong is to torture oneself, the purpose of battle is to die to the strong). The entire reason they invaded the Star Wars Galaxy was to bring their people together agains a common enemy because their civilization was on the brink of civil war due to internal strife and class antagonism.

what is the planets name?

captain picard is my favourite star wars

so those 3 eyed things are commies? based

Prequel memers belong in gulag for giving people retroactive affinity for those terrible movies. The Disney movies being bad doesn't make the prequels retroactively good. They're both shit.

Disney movies where worse though, i didn't even bother with the last that came out, was that one as bad as the previous ones btw?

But Revenge of the Sith is great tho

>Make Star Wars thread last night on a whim
>thread is quiet when I go to bed
&ltcome back to 20+ new posts
Oh what fun!

I saved it but I am editing the content to be more accurate as of the thread's criticisms

SO true. Mauler pointed it out in his review of RoS repeatedly.

Dead bait have a (you)

Fuck off. The prequels weren't loved because of the memes, but because people realized that "shit, the prequels actual have nuance and cleverness that we missed while being nostalgic angry nerds!"
The memes were just a side benefit
>Disney movies being bad doesn't make the prequels retroactively good
The Disney Movies are beyond bad and hile your statement is true, that doesn't mean that the prequels are shit. They had dumb moments and flaws but they were highly experimental films and were telling a specific story, and told it very well with a lot of realism. People used to bitch and moan about "the dialogues" between Padme and Anikin being cringe… except it makes sense in the setting of the story and in general for teens. Compared to pic 1 the dialogue was better than what most teens sound like IRL.

>was that one as bad as the previous ones
It was the worst yet… it got memed to hell for it too, FFS they brought back Palpatine in a decaying zombielike body (that survived 2 explosions of the 2nd Death Star) ho was on some random ice planet with an armada of over a hundred planet-busting star destroyers (that were poorly upscaled original Empire Star-Destroyers) and an army of sith followers and Snoke Test-tube failures.
Annoying as fuck, especially when the original idea for ROS was actually interesting with Kylo fully embracing the darkside and planning to become the embodiment of it, (and doing some Darth Revan tier stuff). It was at least a unique idea and they flushed it down the toilet for alien horse charges and retarded ships that can't fly up without a special gimmick. Pic 2 is just an example of how the stupidity of the film retroactively makes the entire original trilogy and prequels completely irrelevant.

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Communication disruption can only mean one thing.

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What are you on about?
Not him, but the implication here is unclear.

What do y'all think of Darth Jar Jar? Could it have redeemed the character and improved the prequels? Was it really real?

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It was a genuinely intriguing fan-theory with a lot of effort and subtlety.
>redeemed the character
Personally I never found Jar Jar such a big deal. Mildly annoying, but not as bad as people like to bandwagon over. However Darth Jar Jar would probably raise his character from secondary comic relief to a fully fledged secret subplot.
>Was it real
We can't know since Lucas no longer owns or determines canon in Star Wars, however I think that considering the OT and Disney shitquels, it is unlikely.


Of course the virgin is a Canadian

Still can't get over how bad RoS was. It actually made me go back and appreciate some of the stuff that Johnson did; he at least tried to have some themes, even most did fall on their face.

Same, Rise of Skywalker looked like something Mickey Mouse himself must’ve shat out; I thought Solo was Star Wars robbed of all charm and spirit, I was so so wrong.
Sorry to my guys Daisy Ridley and John Boyega, careers assassinated before they could even really begin.

what is more fun to watch for somebody new to the series with barely any interest

canon chronology order right?

I say watch the prequels first and then the OT. However going for the OT and then the Prequels is good too. Don't watch the Disney Sequels. I do suggest watching The Clone Wars Series… in chronological order (you'll find a list of episodes pretty easily).

why not watch the disney sequels and prequels?
was planning to watch anakin teenage years then han solo and rogue one into the original trilogy and finally the end of palpatine saga

Don’t watch the Disney Sequels because they’re shit and fuck up the plot of the first 6 films, the very best ones are still utterly soulless.
You’d be better off looking up the best post-Return of the Jedi original EU storylines; hell, the Sequel Trilogy is just a shitty retelling of one of the crappiest EU stories.

- Rogue One retcons New Hope in a number of wys (such as making the ventilation port of the Deth Star an "intentional" weakness). Rogue One is lso full of dumb bullshit and doesn't quite make it as a gritty war movie, with pointless killing often being present. Saw Gerrera is now a caricature of bourg depictions of Che Guevara; murdering anyone he is suspicious of. The only 2 scene's worth a damn is
A) the Imperial strike against the rebel invasion
See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSUOGo2LSSQ
and B) When Vader goes on a fucking rampage
See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHLuvlTlIc0

The best (Russian) review of Rogue One is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akG4SgQfExQ
Only Rogue Ooe review in English worth a damn is E;R, though he is to be taken with a grain of salt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsDtND60qB8

- Solo retcons some stuff, inserts a lame plot and essentially re-iterates his arc from the OT which is asinine because it makes his arc in the OT completely dead.
Best Review of Solo IMO is again Red Cynic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yj8R033aP0
However Mauler is a good second in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bQbYmLAZ_k

TL;DR: Star Wars sequels and prequels retcon too much and have so much asspull, radlib politics and illogical story-lines that its impossible to even enjoy on a nostalgic trash level. For fucks sake they can't even stay consistent with their own stage props.

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I was sad there wasn't more prequel discussion in here. So I will change that, devoid of Palpatine's fuckery which of the two factions in the Clone Wars was the better faction?

Personally I always though the CIS was the better of the two factions, the Republic was human-centric and generally were willing to hyper-exploit alien worlds, committed regular attrocities even well before the Clone Wars broke out (the Mandalorian Excision some 700 years BBY, which was a straight up jedi and republic endorsed act of genocide and planetary destruction that wouldn't be matched until the Death Star), direct representation of large conglomerate factions in the Senate, ect ect. Really the transition from the Republic to the Galactic Empire wasn't as jarring as I think it is played up to be in the lore, most all of the underlying elements existed well before the Empire was even proclaimed.

The CIS, meanwhile, represented a coalition group of various worlds, a lot of them majority alien, along with various outer rim corporations which were losing profits to Core world favoritism and the Senate threatening to repeal legislation that helped grow the industrial capacity of the outer rim worlds in the aftermath of the New Sith wars, which destroyed most galactic infrastructure outside of the core worlds. up until the formation of the CIS as a major power, the Republic mostly used the outer rim planets as a resource extraction zone, meaning that you could articulate the CIS as an alliance between outer rim proles and bouj against the exploitation of their systems by the Republic, and thus you could call it an anti-imperialist struggle. The CIS had a formal government and Senate system which focused on representation of all member planets (so a senate with far more in the way of alien representation compared to the Republic) and ultimately even cucked the corporations a little, given that Grievous lead the effort that ended with the centralization of all the corporate defense forces into the proper CIS military, directly under state control. They were also the only faction that really invested heavily into automation of labor, having fully automated droid-making factories (and presumably automated factories for other goods) while the Republic largely avoided automation (including not even using auto-loaders on ship canons), so the CIS would be in a better position to implement cyber-syn style planning in the future.

I suppose now you could also include the coalition of Non-Aligned planets as well now, since the Clone Wars tv show introduced that. Though really the only planet we know much about is Mandalore, which lead the coalition.

the Vader scene at the end of Rogue one makes the opening of Episode IV really funny though
>we are a ship on a diplomatic mission
&ltthat is bullshit you retard I just saw you leave a fucking active battle site

In the clone wars tv show a lot of things were revealed that made the CIS more based
Like the fact that one of the main reasons they broke off the Republic was cause thsy thought it was runed by core world mega corps , also the fact that unlike using an army of slaves (clones) they used droids to minimize casualties and destruction
Another interesting thing is the many millitary traditions of the rebel alliance from CIS officers , to alderan tradition and partisan tactics

Favorite fan edits/cuts? I'll start
>despecialized editions
>pulp empire
>fear and loathing in the star wars holiday special

Pulp Empire?

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>they broke off the Republic was cause thsy thought it was runed by core world mega corps
>used droids to minimize casualties and destruction
This was also present in the prequel movies but as a background to the main character interactions. The series helped expand and provide the actual WAR to Star Wars as well as let background details be pushed to the front for while without ruining the pacing.
Also the clones were in part, the republics attempt to do the same but with more versatile living units.
Nice overview - Go prequels!

Chapo Trap House just rewatched Revenge of the Sith and tore it apart at parts:


Dismissed, those fuckers haven't had any of their own fresh or interesting takes since 2019 ended.
>Tore it apart
&ltnitpicking scenes is SOOOO intellectual!
Fuck this is why I prefer Russian Youtube reviews, they don't care for liberal takes and actually research prior to making drunken rants. This shit isn't even worth picking apart… hell its not even worth a reaction image.

Revenge of the Sith had some real issues, but literally none of them were addressed in Chapo's video, its like they decided to add a radical-liberal take to RLM's review.

Stopped reading there. Although RoTS was good both as an entertaining film and a never ending meme mine.

Fuck off Seperatist scum the Separatists were literally founded by fucking TECHNO UNION BANKERS AND WEAPON MANUFACTURERS. The flying bug geonosian things are the lockheed martin of star wars.

Eh. I thought that was the best SW movie.

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This is literally
>Muh Jewish Bolsheviks funded by Wall Street!
Except stupider because the fact that people like Darth Tyrannous and the Banking Clan had control was part of the theme that the separatists were doomed to failure as well. That's the whole, big reveal of the Prequel trilogy; the entire conflict and what led up to it as created by Palpatine and his lackeys, leading to the collapse of liberal democracy and the rise of fascism in the face of The Empire as well as the de-legitimization of the attempted revolutionary movements by the CIS. Palpatine is a representative of behind-the-scenes manipulations by people of the top of society. For the average person IN universe among the CIS, they are not aware of the closed-door manipulations of the corporations.
Honestly have you watched TCW?

Okay so they were a class collaborationist movement, your point? Do you think the American Revolutionary War was grand?

Nigga you do realize that no-one here has said that the CIS was 'le best evar' or some other shit? It's just been commented that the CIS was more based than traditional "bad guys" and had some decent parts and motivations outside hollow cries for democracy by the Republic. The corruption of the CIS and Republic and their actual bad actions on both sides is part of the over-all context and prelude to the rise of the Empire and its inevitability. Lucas himself stated that - among other things - the Empire represented the USA as much as it did the Nazis
>American Revolution was grand
Pull the stick out of your ass you no-fun nitpicker.
Seriously did you read anything or are you just going to try and apply real-world ideology to a fictional world rather than, y'know, enjoying the byplay and reading the moral greyness?

The funny thing about your post is that the cis were designed to have a democracy more similar to uk than usa
Look at their parliament

>human racism against aliens
This was always one of the most retarded parts of the EU, to me, emblematic of everything else about the EU that made me cringe.

I get that the large number of human characters seems odd, and that the empire's monolithic stormtrooper/droid appearance vs. the diverse aliens in the rebel alliance was part of the visual motif of the old movies, but let's not kid ourselves that it was or should have been seen as significant.

But it's just completely ridiculous from the get-go, in an entire galaxy with continuous pan-galactic civilization older than the evolutionary history of any of its members, where species are just supposed to be basically infinite in profusion. The idea isn't like racism on earth, or even like a jumped up city state, it's statistically more like one single immediate family being racist against the entire world.

Something like it works in an emptier setting such as Stargate, or one that obviously focuses on the sphere of influence for certain species such as Star Trek, but for a more hectic setting like Star Wars it's just so incredibly stupid.

>One university graduate
>18 illiterates
What about the other 81 people?

This made the empire a lot more unrealistic
Like the majority of planets in star wars have an alien majority
Star wars whould look like the bush war with the empire only contoling core wars and the various rebel groups all other planets

It's a narrative about Imperialism: the Empire (and really, also the Republic) was based out of the "core worlds", which were a set of planets which were in close proximity to early humanity, who more or less got a headstart on colonization after the collapse of the last major galactic civilization, the Rakata. These planets are almost totally human majority, and they were more or less the sole hub of manufacturing and production in both the Republic and the Empire, especially after the New Sith Wars ended up collapsing large chunks of society and destroying so much war material and means of production that a lot of planets were practically reduced to whatever they could hand-craft and jury rig to keep working, some planets so horribly crippled that many of their soldiers were using fucking swords and spears because guns just became a no-go. the armies of the basically collapsed republic consisted of people with actual, gunpowder guns, blasters, melee weapons, pressure launchers, and really whatever could kill and they could put together. the only planets that avoided this was - you guessed it - the heavily defended core worlds, which the Republic tried to defend to the last man even as their legitimacy as a government basically ended. after that war, there wasn't really a "reconstruction" of the worlds that were destroyed - the Republic made more or less a "free economic zone" where corporations that invested in these areas would be tax free, and this ended up creating a shift of power where a lot of major corporations decided to dodge taxes by using this free economic zone as their base, which is where the foundations of the CIS came. a lot of the anxiety of the core worlds came from many non-core world planets gaining prominence and power without going through the official channels of power, which is really where the framework of the Clone Wars came from. The Core worlds wanted to imperialistically leech off the non-core world planets and systems without paying for their rehabilitation, which those planets of course didn't want. coincidentally, most of the majority alien planets were non-core worlds. so the racism is less racism for it's own sake and more a manifestation of the economic power of the core worlds and the anxieties of those filthy ayy lmaos being able to act independently of core world power - something realized by the clone wars. this is why humano-centrism became so powerful after the Clone Wars.

>The Core worlds wanted to imperialistically leech off the non-core world planets and systems without paying for their rehabilitation, which those planets of course didn't want. coincidentally, most of the majority alien planets were non-core worlds. so the racism is less racism for it's own sake and more a manifestation of the economic power of the core worlds and the anxieties of those filthy ayy lmaos being able to act independently of core world power
Pretty much why I think the Empire’s rise was inevitable even with or without Palpatine. The guy is just an opportunist who saw the turning tides and used it to further his ambitions.
The republic was becoming more and more fascist even in peace time to keep its own prominence in a fracturing galactic community. Generally this is what Lucas was going for when he modeled the GR after Weimar Germany.

Also why the Empire was ultimately unsustainable as an imperial capitalist entity, though the CIS was the only real attempt at a new system to fix it - the Alliance just did the Republic 2.0 and lo and behold, it careened into war after war of imperialism, and inevitably lead to the re-rise of the Empire and the collapse of their liberal democracy once more.

I really don’t see there’s any change in the economic system throughout every era of the Star Wars universe. There’s nothing before capitalism and nothing after, even in the era of the Rakatan Infinite Empire there’s capitalism in the fascist kind. While in the 100000 years of the republic being in a constant state of: free market capitalism > dictatorial Victorian imperialist capitalism > repeat explained always with the influence of the spooky Dark Side. With the only seemingly different species that has some semblance of communism being the Kiliks who are a hilarious caricature of “starving, poor, hive minded bug people”.
It just shows the lack of imagination of George and Lucas Arts which kinda makes sense considering how most of the Star Wars EU were made in the 90s where the collapse of the USSR made the prediction of neoliberal capitalism by Fukuyama seems like the truth.

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What about the droid attack on the wookies?

To fight this Lord Sidious, big enough he was not.

The different planets have different economic and governmental systems, the Core Worlds are effectively an imperialist bloc for the rest of the Galaxy. There are perfectly fine socialist worlds such as the world of Kinyen, which is said to have eliminated poverty, eliminated class exploitation, and provides the needs of every citizen. They’re explicitly a socialist planet.
Truthfully we aren’t ever told the economic system of the Galaxy as a whole, the Galactic Republic is probably an imperialistic government for the Core Worlds but otherwise functions as the Space!UN considering the Republican can’t exactly control the other planetary governments per se.

A big part of the plot is that the Republic was corrupt as shit, the jedi were complicit and warped by it, and the Core Worlds were sustained by the exploitation of the Mid Rim and the poverty of the Outer Rim. And these were elements in the story Lucas himself oversaw.

The Disney Era doesn’t have complex politics like that, Lucas was a smarter man than people realized.

That’s why a big part of the EU conflicts after the OT Era were the Mid and Outer Rim worlds trying to assert themselves so they wouldn’t be brutalized like under the Empire or exploited like with the Republic. It’s why the New Republic almost warped back into the Empire.

An old meme, but it checks out.
As if size matters in terms of force potetnial

I’d say realistically because in that fight the Dark Side had never been stronger while the light was weaker than ever; warfare everywhere, fascism reigned supreme, the Chosen One himself had fallen to the dark side, and the vast majority of Jedi were already wiped out.

Yoda couldn’t win, even had he killed Sidious at that point nothing would have changed.

Could you put this more concretely? If Yoda had killed Sidious, how exactly could the Dark Side have triumphed?

The Dark Side might not have triumphed, but it was still too late by then; the Republic CHOSE to throw off the mask of liberal democracy for overt fascism, while the Jedi were still all but destroyed. And arguably someone else could have been more competent at running the Empire than Palpatine, while Palpatine was a genius reaching to the top once he actually rules the Sith stranglehold is arguably a detriment rather than a benefit to the Empire.

You guys reminded me of the bootleg translation again, kek.

Save me Allah Gold!

Disney did a big poopoo with the worldbuilding in the new trilogy
Like so Mon Mothma was a shithead pacifist that made a shitty peace deal after the battle on that desert planet that ray lived ,our nazi germany split in to the nulled nazis of the core worlds that follow the treaty and the ones that went to argentina ,
So to stop any other civil war they decided to turn the senate in to the olympics so the tfa we had the senate in the galactic version of kashmir ready to be nuked by death star 3.0
Now this whould lead the republic to counter attack and kill all of the first order?
No cause we had our whole fucking fleet above kashmir and was nuked
Now we have to relly on the space version of rotfront and and the iron front
Mainly cause disney couldnt think of any other way to present our heroes other than underdogs
Talking about the ressistance , thank god we didnt develop them cause our kids could start thinking paramilitary action is good
I guess we should agree they only had one tiny fleet in the whole galaxy cause i guess aliens like getting dominated by the empire and didnt care to support the ressistance
The only thing disney did good is informing us that the core world imperials and republic senetors joined the first order cause you shouldnt nagotiate with nazi boujs

And that’s what happens when braindead Gen X bitching culminates in a fucking board of company execs writing your Star Wars movies so we don’t have “boring politics” and instead “muh fun pew pew”
Fuckin Gen X/Boomer fucking retards

btw all those things i say were in the books
The movie has literaly 0 world building

Oh I know, the films are dogshit, literally thoughtless “Muh pew pew zoom zoom” nonsense. Even the OT wasn’t actually devoid of fucking worldbuilding, even when they didn’t go in depth with politics (which they didn’t need to because fascist empire vs insurgent rebels of oppressed groups and the lower classes is simple af) they did a shit ton of visual world building. But since the Disney Trilogy goes to fucking bare bones shitholes that look near identical to the OT (but lazier) we can glean little from seeing the world.
Fuck, the only decent visual world building was fucking Canto Bite and it was damned lazy designing that felt so goddamned out of universe

i actually liked the new movies but most things people hating on them itt say are correct

>Liking the Mouse’s feces

they are cool movies, good cgi ,good acting
And tlj is objectivly in the top 3 best sw movies

>Good CGI
>Good acting
Is this what makes a film good to you?
&ltTLJ top 3 Star Wars
…Are you a zoomer?

That explains everything

Wasn't there a story where that actually happened and there was a Second Galactic Civil War that broke out. Because when the Rebellion basically took what they saw from the Old Republic and formed it as the New Republic.

It’s a bit complicated, basically unlike the Disney EU in the old EU the Galactic Civil War basically continued for about a decade after Return of the Jedi, that film was the pivotal turn but the Empire was still strong, simply taking Coruscant was a difficult battle, for a long period after the New Republic was at war with warlords from the former Empire until finally the Imperial Remnant formed their own government far from the still chaotic and weak New Republic. At that point they were in a state of effective cold warfare. During this time Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Order is primarily what kept the peace.
What happened next was the invasion pf the Yuzzhan Vong who sparked a brutal war that killed trillions, forced the Empire and New Republic into a military alliance for survival, killed many Jedi and members of Luke’s own family, and destroyed entire worlds.
The aftermath of THIS conflict informs the rest of the EU afterwards and causes the Second Civil War, basically the Empire/NR alliance becomes a new government, the Galactic Alliance. Due to the war in which his brother died and a soul searching journey afterwards, Luke’s nephew Jacen Solo falls to the dark side and becomes the sith lord Darth Caedus, Caedus becomes the Supreme Commander of the GA military and the political leader of the GA Daala begins acting like a dictator, this culminates in the Second Civil War.

>good acting
Besides the Alan Rickman Knock-off, Boyega and the OT cast no-one played especially well.
At some point the mess becomes so CGI that it loses all sense of reality. With the Prequel series, people bitched about CGI but they were retards because large portions were practical with CGI clean-up which made even the star-fights pop out… the Sequel fights just feel like jumbled messes.
>TLJ top 3
If that top 3 includes Christmas Star Wars as best garbage… sure.
>Gen X/Boomer fucking retards
It reminds me of the whining over the Evangelion films and the subsequent garbage of the Rebuilds

Fuck brah, imagine if they just did an adaptation of the Yuzzhan Vong War or some variant and the plot was about Ben Solo’s fall sort of like Jacen? If they’re gonna just redo the Darth Caedus storyline they may as well do the good version of the character where he had actual reasons to turn evil.

But that requires creativity!!! Not lens flares and mystery boxes!
Also I just hope that Disney will be dead after covid so that their assets go into public domain.

The great Satan only dies after taking everybody's life.

Not even, there was a ready made story, no creativity at all

I mean you have to turn a shit tons of events into a trilogy of three-hour-films that can be watched without any supplementary books (unlike the ST). You can’t just straight up adapt something from book to screen without cutting out a huge amount of fat and streamlining it.
For instance the explanation for a single detail like the Dark Jedi that allied with the Vong that corrupted Jacen alone would take a while to fit into the second movie.

>that requires creativity
Not really m8. Disney wouldn't have to do a fucking thing just translate EU novels into cripts and use the illustrations for concept art. It's the easiest thing to do, and they just threw it away, the gits.

I'd imagine the Vong would be made into "the REAL nazis all along!"

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why do warhammer funboys want to turn star wars into their shitty musterbation fantasy by puttin muh living spacship, muh living armor and weapons
The true question is why they didnt made the movies about the old republic or about the ressistance killing imperials in the outer rim

>Muh Warhammer
Because that shit’s fuckin boring after the hundredth evil sith, that’s why bucko
The Vong were fucking great, no shit the extragalactic threat was different from the cultures of the Galaxy, sad they weren’t super sith or some shit?
And I barely know shit about Warhammer, I just think the Yuuzhan Vong War is Hell storyline was based with original and surprisingly complex antagonists which explains why Anakin’s grandson would fall to the dark side way better than
>Muh daddy didn’t hug me muh uncle tried to touch me one night

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>why star wars is star wars
dude there are a lot more stories to tell without going full autist

Honestly the problem with the EU, Yuuzhan Vong included, was the same as the sequel trilogy itself: It continued on the basis of the empire remaining and/or some external threat arising, both undermining the victory portrayed in the OT, recapitulating prior movies, and making itself less relevant to modern history.

Instead, any sequel to the OT needs to focus on "winning the peace", the need to build something enduring with the failures of the past in mind, a story that both follows far more naturally from the Star Wars, and is far more relevant to the modern era.

not only that , the royal skywalker family still is the center of the story
also the eu made that republic weirdly unstable despite existing for 1000s of years before the civil war
Also still zero actual inter republic politics just space fascism vs corruption

It wouldn’t be that hard and they could keep ST shit like Rey and Ben
>Episode VII: The New Jedi Order
Act 1: Rey and Ben are friends and students of Luke Skywalker investigating on wherever in the Outer Rim for reports of random and brutal attacks by an unknown foe, they meet a stormtrooper Finn, the sole survivor of a recent attack, he tells them of a grave threat unlike any encountered before, so dangerous that he’s even willing to work with the Jedi so the Galaxy can be saved.
Act 2: Ben and Rey decide to investigate further alongside Finn before finally witnessing the massive Vong fleet, they decide to return to Luke’s Jedi Temple when an ambush forces them planet-side during a Vong Invasion. Ben, Rey, and Finn desperately fight/flee the Vong forces in an attempt to get away, the battle is horrific with entire cities being razed to the ground in an hour, they eventually escape the planet with the assistance of a pilot New Republic pilot stationed there, Poe. The trio planet hop until reaching Coruscant, there they inform Luke of what’s happening so the Jedi can prepare, Poe reports to his commanders about the massacre they escaped, Senate bickers over what to do and initially decide to let the Outer and Mid Rims defend for themselves to protect the Core (showing how corrupt they are to explain Ben’s feelings towards the Republic), Finn tries returning to an Imperial outpost to inform his commanders but they call him a traitor and arrest him
Luke orders the Jedi to wait to plan their strategy, but Ben, knowing of how monstrous the Vong are finally decides “fuck all of this” and rallies his fellow Jedi to go face the Vong as another attack hits, Poe and some brave Republic troops go with him
Rey stays on Coruscant but is conflicted and angered at Luke, meanwhile the Vong attack the Imperial Outpost, validating Finn and facilitating his escape
Act 3: Ben and his resistance fight bravely but are quickly overwhelmed as the Jedi realize they can’t sense the Vong, Ben and several jedi get captured and Ben is taken to meet the leader of the Vong flagship who tells Ben of the Vong’s religious love of war while torturing/interrogating him about the Force. All hope seems lost when suddenly a fleet of Star Destroyers pull out of hyperspace to attack the Vong Fleet, soon after some Republic fleet ships arrive alongside Luke and his Jedi forces to assist in the fighting, sensing Ben’s agony Rey rushes to the flagship, intense fighting breaks out as Rey frees the Jedi prisoners and convinces slaves and other captives to fight to escape and survive. Ben fights the formidable Vong general personally, finally relying on his hatred and the dark side to overpower and kill the warrior.
The Imperials and Republic manage to force the Vong forces into retreat, the Republic returns to their respective core regions while the Empire remains to protect their borders, Finn is promoted for doing anything it took to save the Empire, while Rey and Ben are promoted to knighthood in preparation for the coming war.
Meanwhile back in Vong space the Vong leadership discuss the events of the battle and their discovery of mystical Force users and reveal they have been working with a fallen Jedi to gather intelligence. The Dark Jedi informs them further of the power of their foes and advises them to get the subversive forces planted throughout the Galaxy to prepare for the full invasion.
Roll Credits

>If I personally don’t like something it’s autism
In that case there never should’ve been a continuation at all and Lucas should’ve made it forbidden for anything to happen after the OT
The New Republic was unstable because the Empire was the ACTUAL continuation of the Old Republic with its government literally created by and initially composed of the politicians and capitalists of the Old Republic. The Emperor was literally the former Chancellor. The NR meanwhile was formed by a popular insurrection that took roughly 30 years to actually defeat the Empire (starting from a year after ROTS and ending whenever the peace accord between the Republic and Imperial Remnant is signed in the Old EU). Hell, it’s more realistic that the Empire didn’t just crumble the second Palpatine was dead, like in the real world even without an official line of succession the people with the best claim to the throne vied for power eventually crumbling into feuding warlords who would occasionally see some brilliant like Thrawn rise to bring them all to heel.
The New Republic had a shit ton of political crap going on that makes sense if you think about it, many Outer Rim worlds wanted out after the Old Republic fucked them and the Empire brutalized them, they just wanted independence. Lots of Mid Rim worlds like Corellia either wanted more autonomy or outright independence as well.
And the Skywalkers were…idk, the main characters of the saga once Anakin’s time is reached, why is that a bad thing? It only became a bit OD once you get to the Legacy comics and the Skywalkers are still the center of everything a century after the Original Trilogy, initially it was just Anakin, his children, and their children; which I don’t find too strange.
I’m guessing you’re a zoomer that thinks axing the Old EU was the greatest thing since titties were invented, huh?

not really many planetary goverments just joined the rebbelion
Also for many people the new republic was a continuation of the empire
Many centrist senators beileived that the republic should keep the asthetic
Also the whole clone thing both in the eu and the new movies made Palpatine way stronger that he should ever was
The EU unlike the prequels never potrayed the threats to the empire as sympathetic
We had the imperial warlords who for some reason survived a lot more time than they should even in the new cannon , an alien supremacist group cause muh both sides and the Vong with muh living spaceship
If you actualy care about an unstable republic the new cannon pretty much copies the old eu with havig various spinter groups
Btw they put a CIS 2.0 that never expanded upon and a Bouj control systems from the old eu
Also what happened to the freinds from the outer ring line from tlj?
Did we ever see who they were
The reason that the empire should have crumbled was
1)Radicalization after the fall of corucant
2)The treaty that alowed imperials to keep most of their powers
3)Alien racism
4)the embargo i expect by all powers in the galaxy

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>And the Skywalkers were…idk, the main characters of the saga once Anakin’s time is reached
LOL, telling Lucas quote from back in 2005:
>There is no Episode VII…Not about Luke Skywalker, not about, you know, that group of people and that struggle to bring democracy back to the galaxy.

>not really many planetary goverments just joined the rebbelion
Joining an alliance doesn’t mean you want to exist under the government some of the leading figures create afterwards. The US and USSR were both in the Allied forces, keyword being Allied. The Rebel Alliance was just that, an Alliance, between several different worlds, cells, and interests; this is explicit in both Legends and Canon.
>Also for many people the new republic was a continuation of the empire
Yes, those were the people that opposed the New Republic because they saw it as illegitimate, meanwhile the actual Empire was known to still have its own government, just much smaller and weaker and mainly in the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions.
>Many centrist senators beileived that the republic should keep the asthetic
Wait are you talking about the shoddy New EU?
>Also the whole clone thing both in the eu and the new movies made Palpatine way stronger that he should ever was
Except in the Old EU it was before “Muh Chosen One” plot contrivance, the Disney Trilogy has no excuse
>The EU unlike the prequels never potrayed the threats to the empire as sympathetic
>We had the imperial warlords who for some reason survived a lot more time than they should even in the new cannon , an alien supremacist group cause muh both sides and the Vong with muh living spaceship
Are these meme arguments you found on reddit? Why didn’t every member of the entire Galaxy wide government die immediately after the government’s head was deposed? Gee, I wonder why. Why was there an alien supremacist culture? Why were there white supremacist cultures? It happens. And it wasn’t ever muh both sides, the Galactic Empire was never portrayed as good. They made the Vong because shit got stale after a decade of vs empire and vs sith
>If you actualy care about an unstable republic the new cannon pretty much copies the old eu with havig various spinter groups
The New EU takes many concepts from the Legends canon, they just do it in a shitty way with no thought at all. For instance, we’re shown the instability of the New Republic via the storylines that detail its developments and the galactic crises we encounter, we know it is unstable because we see all of its early history. In the NEU we’re mostly just told about it and then they made a single novel about the government to tell us relatively little.
>The Empire should’ve fallen for reasons I prefer

Too bad he sold the franchise in 2013 and never stopped people from continuing the story even prior? Lucas’s opinions are worthless half the time because of how hard he flipflops, he went from saying that in ‘05 to revealing he had a new sequel in the works even before the sell-off recently.

Dude the reason that the empire didnt fell faster isnt some dilectcical materialism but the try from some writers to push the whole holohoax see nazis arent that bad we help killed the warhammer chaos faction , also muh gray jedi shit
If you think my points arent worth addresing just dont reply dude

Lmao are you unironically arguing that the Empire changes throughout the story because the writers are Nazi sympathizers? Do you have any idea how retarded that sounds?
I’d address your points more thoroughly if you didn’t write like a zoomer on crack

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>revealing he had a new sequel in the works even before the sell-off recently
He's been saying that "trilogy trilogy" stuff clear back to the 1970s, but your guess is as good as mine for what that actually contained, and how real it ever was:

>[The next three Star Wars films] were going to get into a microbiotic world. But there's this world of creatures that operate differently than we do. I call them the Whills. And the Whills are the ones who actually control the universe. They feed off the Force. Back in the day, I used to say ultimately what this means is we were just cars, vehicles, for the Whills to travel around in. We're vessels for them. And the conduit is the midi-chlorians. The midi-chlorians are the ones that communicate with the Whills. The Whills, in a general sense, they are the Force. … But it's about symbiotic relationships. I think, personally, one of the core values we should have in the world, and kids should be taught, is ecology, to understand that we all are connected. (Lucas, 2018)
I like the idea of ecology but otherwise this sounds like shit

>Muh daddy didn’t hug me muh uncle tried to touch me one night
Speaking of, TheCriticalDrinker is doing a series of videos on improving bad characters of Disney's latest schlock to make the movie a lot better. One of these focused on Luke and honestly sounded quite interesting.

I personally dislike Warhammer 40K HOWEVER, the Vong have more similarities with the fucking Zerg from Star Craft than WH40K, so your complaint makes no sense.
> why they didnt made the movies about the old republic
Because they're poliit-pushing money-hungry gits. The hype by Star Wars gamer fans for a possible film covering The Old Republic was judged to be lesser compared to the hype of "muh LGBTQFCKU representation" and other liberal rubbish as well as just rehashing the OT plot to be as lazy as possible.
>continued on the basis of the empire remaining
Because that made sense. The empire was GALACTIC. Taking down a pair of superweapons and the main leadership is serious blow, but not enough to fully eliminate the empire immediately. Moreover the Vong, outside the stupid 'no force' crap, were interesting because they evolved outside the galaxy and were similar to the Infinite Empire.
>the royal skywalker family still is the center of the story
Why the fuck wouldn't they be as opposed to some randos? Hell the lack of that was the issue of the sequels. Rey was nobody, Finn was nobody and Poe was nobody and their best traits come out of small scenes while over-all being useless flat cardboard who the writers couldn't decide if they were blood-destined or not. With the EU it made sense. The hero of the Revolution who vanquished the Emperor, brought the Dark Lord to the light and helped fight crucial battles WOULD be a character we want to follow after the war as he and his friends had to actually do more than just cheer and go home because magically everything is all great suddenly.
>eu made that republic weirdly unstable
Which makes sense. Rome was very unstable at times but survived for a good millenia.

It hurts that anons on a basketweaving forum have better story-telling than "professionals" at Disney.

Because he wasn't planning to make a film about it, and the EU material already existed? I'm pretty sure Lucas just can't bring himself to care for the Sequels when salty "uber- fans" when into rage-outs over the Prequels not being like the OT.

What? I mean the nids are cool but they’re not the first biotech species ever. The Vong were bdsm pain freaks the same way as the cenobites but more fleshy.
You’re just flaming for flaming sake.

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>I personally dislike Warhammer 40K
Are you aware of its "inmates running the asylum" problems of post-post-post-irony?
>The hype by Star Wars gamer fans for a possible film covering The Old Republic was judged to be lesser
Especially if that meant Obsidian rather than Bioware's efforts, since it was pretty much an anti-fan hate letter to Star Wars but somehow feels more affectionate than the dispassionate rape of the sequel trilogy.
>The empire was GALACTIC
So were the rebels. And the Empire was just a few decades old, established by a military coup, and run by a secret death cult.
>they’re not the first biotech species ever
In the tiny reference pools of popculture, they are. Only other one I can think of with much influence is the Klendathu from Starship Troopers.

Last para in >>3905 meant for >>3904

Why is biotech even a bad concept? Lmao

And, are you intentionally missing the dude’s point? Most people didn’t know about all the Sith shit, as far as they were concerned the Republic just became the Empire and the Chancellor became the Emperor, they didn’t know he was a Sith Lord playing both sides of the Clone Wars to wipe out the Jedi, take over the Republic, and settle a millennia old grudge match, most didn’t even know he could use the Force (most of his top enforcers other than a few like Vader and Tarkin even knew)

>Why is biotech even a bad concept? Lmao
Nah, I'm just saiyajin most examples are very unoriginal and underdeveloped, due to the shallow influences of the people writing it. Also, I'll admit I've only read a few SW EU novels/comix out of curiosity years ago (I found them decent-ish SF stories, but the hard SF elements clashed terribly with the silliness of Star Wars' setting), and only dug deeper to the extent needed to appreciate vidya like Jedi Knight.
>are you intentionally missing the dude’s point?
My point is that the most straightforward interpretation of the OT is that the empire is destroyed by a massive galaxy-wide uprising that the Death Stars had been constructed specifically to stave off by terrifying into compliance.

Sure, the "imperial remnant" isn't entirely implausible, but it's definitely reaching, and pretty obviously the result of "we need more stories about pewpew wiff stormtroopers", just like the absurd number of Sith that pop up, b'cuz lazor sword fites. And, as I said, there's also the in-story thematic and IRL historical wastefulness of rehashing the OT instead of extrapolating SW in new directions.

Most people actually knew that Darth vader had evil magic powers
In the new eu at least
They even stop voting for Leia when they learned she was his daughter
Also aliens and all freedom loving people hated the empire
The new republic was clearly the same as the old
Their is really no reason for the imperials to have any support outside of some fascist humans

>Hating on shit I’ve literally never read and only know of through the crappy arguments of Disney fags online
>My point is that the most straightforward interpretation of the OT is that the empire is destroyed by a massive galaxy-wide uprising that the Death Stars had been constructed specifically to stave off by terrifying into compliance.
>Sure, the "imperial remnant" isn't entirely implausible, but it's definitely reaching, and pretty obviously the result of "we need more stories about pewpew wiff stormtroopers", just like the absurd number of Sith that pop up, b'cuz lazor sword fites. And, as I said, there's also the in-story thematic and IRL historical wastefulness of rehashing the OT instead of extrapolating SW in new directions.
Once again dude, why tf are you speaking with authority on shit you clearly know nothing about? First off, you kill a single head of state and destrpy a few weapons and a literal Galactic government collapses? What? Do you know how retarded that is? That's like saying the USA would fall if an insurrection killed the president and destroyed some aircraft carriers, except the US in this instance also rules the entire world, this shit is so dumb it hurts, you’re clearly reaching dude. Wtf are you even trying to argue? That Lucas should’ve vetoed every single post-ROTJ story to come out? Oh, but you also hate the Vong, the first story where the Empire aren’t the main antagonists, the actual fuck is your argument?
>Most people actually knew that Darth vader had evil magic powers
Okay and Darth Vader’s not the fuckin Emperor, is he?
>They even stop voting for Leia when they learned she was his daughter
&ltMfw a literal fucking zoomer with fortnite on the brain uses the retarded NEU to try making arguments about the old EU
>Also aliens and all freedom loving people hated the empire
Amerilard-tier argument my guy
>The new republic was clearly the same as the old
You mean the shitty fucking system where the Mid Rim was exploited by the Core, the Outer Rim was left to crime, poverty, war, and fucking slavery occurred, and corruption abounded? The government so shitty the Clone War or something like it was clearly inevitable even without Sidious pulling the strings? Yeah, sure people would love THAT coming back. Back to liberalism instead of straight fascism!
>Their is really no reason for the imperials to have any support outside of some fascist humans
&ltZoomer keeps misspelling shit jfc
Is your young mind confused as to why the Nazis, Italy, Spain, and Imperial Japan gained support and continue to have support among so many even now that they’re defunct and their crimes are known?
I’m sorry kid but all your arguments are genuinely retard-tier, the kind of shit Disney fans on Reddit who know memes about the EU but nothing else would argue

fuck the Vong
I wanted to learn about the Mandos
>some weird-ass jungle planet
>multi-racial society build off explicit militarism, freeing slaves and incorporating them into your ranks, and incorporating any into your ranks that want to fight for a better life
>one of the oldest organizations in the entire galaxy alongside the Jedi, has one of the oldest non-mystical historical source in the galaxy via their oral history
>society coping with trying to adapt from their religious war-cult ancestry into a new, secularized military order
>in the old EU, most retired kamino clones went to live on Mandalore because they had a cure to the advanced aging from cloning
>uneasy past with the Jedi, Sith, Republic, and a lot of the old established planetary powers, but lead a coalition of neutral planets with a wide range of ideologies and belief systems that practically depend on Mandalore to survive
>an mix of industrialism, professional artisans which handcrafted mando armor, and people who preferred to live in the mandalorian wilds and provide for themselves
>exceptionally decentralized government where the clans largely mediate themselves and the Mandalore only comes in for exceptionally difficult issues
>a planet trying to recover from several decades worth of war-scars
>distant mandalorian clans on other planets that the Mandos no doubt want to unite

it just seems like a fun place where you could do a lot of cool, individual stories kinda like how the X-Wing novels were, which focused on a lot of interpersonal conflicts occurring at the same time as larger events, which were largely fleshed out by other media. Since Mandos have such a varied history, you can make a case for any kind of Mando character: maybe a Mando that joins the CIS to avenge the Mandalorians lost in the wars against the Republic, or one that joins the Rebel Alliance to end Imperial Occupation of their world, or one who fights the Rebels because the return of the Republic means the imperializing of Mandalore again, and all kinds of other character motivations you can imagine. They could be most any species, being a Mando automatically gives them a justification for being a competent fighter, and you could have the clan associations to keep around memorable names without needing everyone to be fucking related to each other directly, especially since Mandos have a fetish for adoptions for some reason.

Fuck the Mandos, what more do you need to learn, they get a shit ton of arcs in the Clone Wars, half a season dedicated to them in Rebels, there’s literally an entire series just about them that’s ongoing right, they’ve got more than enough.

>literally the second most shilled aspect of the EU
&ltHuh duh, we want more
Fucking hell. Like having Boba falling into the Xarlac 3 GODDAMN TIMES isn’t enough.

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>the crappy arguments of Disney fags online
Nah, like I said, this was years and years ago, around when the prequels came out. Though I did glance at some stuff before then like Shadows of the Empire.
>That's like saying the USA would fall if an insurrection killed the president and destroyed some aircraft carriers
No, it's like saying a few-decades-old military coup would collapse after a nationwide rebellion decapitated it. Like I admitted, with enough supporting background details, Star Wars can be spun so the rebel alliance was small and concentrated, and the empire was deeply rooted into galactic politics, but it's obviously not the most straightforward interpretation of the movies.
>Wtf are you even trying to argue?
That the old SW EU was clearly designed around (mostly cheap at first, increasingly ornate later) pretexts for more of the same (stormtroopers, tie fighters, star destroyers, lightsaber with endless sith, 1000 clones of Palpatine, etc.). The Vong were a bit of a departure, but still clung to the premise of war against an ideologically external threat (not to mention, though I admit ignorance on this point, some hints that the sith were justified by premonitions of them).

To move on, Star Wars had to do something meaningfully different from the OT. The prequels actually attempted this, by showing how the Republic crumbled into fascism, and any sequels should have explored how it moved past that.

How true are the memes about 99% of responsibility for the random guy eaten by the Sarlacc with a cool tie-in action figure turning into an entire lost race of warriors, lying with Karen Traviss' desire to write endless volumes of slashfic under Star Wars canon?

>Mfw Palpatine being coronated as Emperor is the military coup but not the actual armed insurrection
Hint: Neither Palps nor the Rebellion couped anything
>Mfw I want something new but hate the Vong for being an outside context threat, etc, etc.
Tf did you even want? Space Karl Marx sending the Rebel leaders to the guillotine for being liberals? Like, goddamn dude, you hate Disney and you hate the old EU, tf would you prefer then?

>Neither Palps nor the Rebellion couped anything
Palps did broke up the senate
Who objectivly was the most important institution in the republic

>Space Karl Marx sending the Rebel leaders to the guillotine for being liberals?
LOL, no, just some kind of introspection relevant to the post-Cold War era, instead of basically retelling the OT.
>you hate the old EU
Not that particularly. As I said upthread, my main gripe with the better entries was they were decent-ish hard SF novels, but felt weirdly inappropriate for Star Wars, because SW is fantasy-in-soft-SF-garb. This is why t

Also, in case it wasn't clear, there are one or two other anons aside from us these last dozen posts.

And was also building the death stars as a means of terrifying what was implied to be substantial dissent into silence

>This is why t[b]he best tie-in media was vidya, it carried the tone of SW without getting buried in the autism.[/b]

>Are you aware
Not really. I'm sure there is plenty of it, I just can't personally get interested in it my self
>somehow feels more affectionate than the dispassionate rape of the sequel trilogy.
Because the Sequel trilogy was just a point by point "fuck U"
>So were the rebels
not quite. They were spread thing, like Partisan groups and hid in small nooks and crannies. The Rebels show actually does a decent job of demonstrating this in its second and third season
>the Empire was just a few decades old
Which is a parallel to Nazi Germany and how fascism fails to last long in spite of control.
Palpatine came to power similar to Hitler - he was elected and slowly eliminated the pretentious "liberal democracy of the Republic, creating the empire, in essence the Empire was just the Republic casting aside its liberal coating.

>I just can't personally get interested in it my self
Thoughts on Thatcherpunk Brit geek counterculture?

The republic was far from a liberal democracy and the emperor from Hitler
I think Lukas was going with ancient Rome

Most interviews indicated a lot of Rise and Fall of The Roman Empire by way of Foundation, a fair bit of Hitler, and a substantial amount of Nixon.

Well even if the emperor was based on Hitler, Nazi Germany did crumble after his death
And most of the leader's surrender to the Allie's
And most Germans were deprograned
Although i feel like the first order was more fascist than the empire

Anon! We were having a nice conversation about Lucas's intentions with Star Wars, and you had to mention the sequels.
>the first order
Was le orange man bad Bernie Pootin is literally Hitler, also we can't have the New Republic actually be The Man after winning the war, so we need to turn them into the rebels again somehow with The Resistance lead by Leia Clinton. #StillWithHer!!1!

I don't think the first order was about le orange man
I don't even think the first film was in production during the elections
The first order was a pretty ok evil force
Although as you and i said they are clearly op just to have rebel's 2.0
It also portrayed the clash between the young officer's who were antirepublican but anti emperor
With muh emperor boomer's

Yes dude wtf schizo point was that , the movie came out in 2015

>The republic was far from a liberal democracy
Have you seen the prequels? It is a shallow, liberal democracy of capitalists, mired in corruption and socio-economic avarice.
A literal space nazi, the storm troopers named for the Brownshirts of the Wehrmacht

Its a mix of the USA and Nazi Germany, far more than Rome.

>Thatcherpunk Brit geek counterculture
Cool shit that like many dystopic 'punks' predicted many things that exist in today's LSC society

Lol wut? I read a lot of the EU books and I only remember him falling in once. I don't like how they screwed over Jacen they did him pretty dirty. He was obviously meant to be Luke's successor but apparently a cybernetic robot bitch with a hard on for Luke can lie to him successfully because Legacy of the Force handed Jacen an idiot ball. RIP sweet prince.

most senators arent elected and if you didnt see the whole ceazar analogy in the prequels you are retarded

….Except Jacen fell due to PTSD from the worst war in Galactic history, losing his younger brother, getting tortured for a year by the Vong, and having Vergere fuck with his head. Wouldn’t be shocked if OT Luke fell in such circumstances.

>The story of Boba's first escape and recovery (there being three of them) is documented mainly in the Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy and the anthology book Tales from Jabba's Palace. Interestingly enough, Fett was found lying outside the Sarlacc pit by a fellow bounty hunter named Dengar, whom Boba had previously left to die earlier on in the novel Tales of the Bounty Hunters.
In the comic adaptation of Shadow of the Empire, Fett literally fell into the Sarlacc the second time after only 15 minutes of his first escape.
It was played as a joke.

Nah Luke only kept getting stronger and stronger as the EU progressed. Abeloth was like the Cthulu of SW and Luke was the only one who stood a good chance. Kinda retarded tbh he was like a 90 year grandfather by then but he could still solo everyone.

>he could still solo everyone

I think he was 50 by then, his son was still a kid
And he was literally the son of the Chosen One himself and also had Anakin’s full potential, Luke was roughly as powerful as Anakin alone could have been, except I imagine Anakin would be able to become one with the Force, like some Avatar shit. I think he actually does once early in the Clone Wars in the Legends EU.

The wanking was so bad to the point that Luke can use Force Speed to buff himself to ftl level. It was ridiculous.

yeah, for all the faults of new canon, I quite prefer doomer luke over the stupid bullshit we got in legends.

I honestly don't. Motherfucker is the chosen one, and hell, Rey and Kylo fucking teleport shit through the force, I don't think Force Speed is hardly that bad as literal de/rematerialization
Clever Geordi-satan

I fucking remember that, good times TBH.

>most senators arent elected
LOL wut, how does that have anything to do with Palpatine even if it were true? He became elected Chancellor (y'know, like Hitler) after a vote of no-confidence in the current leadership. Then as the Clone wars was ended, he persuaded the Republic senate to give him full martial power, allowing him to become Emperor.
>Caesar analogy
You're an idiot if you don't realize that aspect of the empire is why Nazi Germany and the USA are compared to Rome.

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Star Wars was literally never good. Yes, even the originals are trash. The only good thing about them was ILM's awesome matte backgrounds.

There are literally all garbage, every single one, and anyone that likes any of them has shit taste. Well, I haven't seen anything after the prequels (which I hated even though I was a retarded 12 year old) but if it smells like shit it most likely tastes like shit too.

>Don't be a cunt
Sorry brah, I'm typically a "to each his own" kinda guy but this shit is just too pathetic and too ubiquitous. There's enough good fiction out there for multiple lifetimes, why waste your time eating shit?

>TL;DR: I'm a whiny no-funner who calls everything they don't like shit because I have no personality or ability to just skip things I don't find interesting.

I bet you're the retard who created the DBZ/Naruto hate thread.

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A loyalist human Nabooian senator and bureaucrat in the Office of the Chancellor was teaching a class on Galactic History.
"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Anakin Skywalker and accept that he is the greatest Jedi Knight who has ever lived, even greater than Revan!"
At this moment, a brave, enterprising, pro-market Neimoidian banker who had worked 40 years in the Trade Federation and understood the necessity of the Free Trade Zones and fully supported all decisions made by Nute Gunray stood up and held up a datapad.
"Senator. What's this?"
The arrogant senator smirked quite aristocratically and smugly replied "That's a datapad, you stupid alien".
"Wrong. It's the Senate budget, and it's in the red. If the Republic is so great… why do you need our money?"
The senator was visibly shaken, and dropped her laser pointer and copy of the Galactic Constitution. She stormed out of the room crying those statist human tears. The same tears loyalists cry for the "Wookies" (who are so stupid that they make machines made of wood) when they jealously try to claw justly earned profits from the deserving galactic corporations. There is no doubt that at this point our senator, Padmé Naberrie Amidala, wished that she had pulled herself by her dress and became more than a good-for-nothing politician. She wished so much that she had a blaster to shoot herself from embarrassment, but she herself had refused to buy TechnoUnion™ products!
The students applauded and all pledged their support to the Separatist Alliance that day and accepted Count Dooku as their lord and savior. A vulture droid named "Roger Roger" flew into the room and perched atop the flag of the Confederacy. A Plasma mining contract was signed several times, and Grievous himself showed up and killed six Jedi.
The senator lost her seat in the Senate and was force-choked to death the next day by her own husband who was burnt in Mustafar and whose body was encased in black armor for all eternity

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>You will not stop me! Time is a flat circle.

What did Sheevinald Ledoux mean by this?

what are people's favourite Star Wars books?

I kinda enjoyed Aftermath, at the very least it was a better sequel than the film trilogy

Bloodline was really good and I enjoyed the mix of politics and Leia's internal battle.

Currently on Thrawn. It's been refreshing to see the bureacracy of the Imperium.

On a related note, I guess the reason I like to read Star Wars novels is because you don't need world building and thus the stories seem to a but more 'punchier' than a lot of fantasy/sci fi

X-wing was good imho because it was a lot of character drama that was p fun, it was basically like sci-fi ace combat but as a novel.
Thrawn was good for showing something resembling a functional empire and how the empire was mostly brought down by it's own retardation like their human supremacy and braindead naval planning.
unironically quite like a decent amount of the one-off clone wars books, they ranged from character drama to war dramas. the fleshing out of the CIS and kinda showing the prelude factors which would culminate in the Galactic Civil War was cool.

You ever read the War on Jabiim comic? Great war is Hell story that showcases how the war itself fucked Anakin’s head up, beyond just the personal things we see in the movies. In the story an entire platoon of padawans all die for nothing and the Republic has to retreat leaving the planet to suffer anyway. Last shot is Anakin crying while he reads off the names of everyone that’s either died or gone missing.

I haven't really watched any of the clone war series, would they still be ok to read. I think there's a new one called Ashoka right?

Watch the series from Mid-Season 2 onwards, read the old EU comics for a much better storyline (i.e. Star Wars Republic series; way more mature and dark take on the conflict)

the Ahsoka novel has been de-canonized by the new season 7 of the Clone Wars tv show, I think the first thing made in the disney era that got de-canonized.
The clone wars series is p good, although there are a few shitty filler episodes. There are good watch lists around on reddit and whatnot, and since the show is non-chronological you can go inbetween stories at a whim.
Some of the old EU clone wars stuff is p good. Generally try to avoid comics cause they tend to be weird and only tangentially related to the shit that was going on, but a lot of the books are pretty good.
If you want a good reading list for beginners, there is a good video-list for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FcaRZrd2bM
There was a weirdly good war-drama called Medstar: Battle Surgeons, which is mostly about a war of attrition between the Republic and the CIS with the backdrop of corruption in the Republic's military causing lots of casualties and smuggling of supplies, so it also has a bunch of spy drama to it.

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so, how did you all like the end of the clone wars?

(just gonna post some nice screen pics I got from the episode, don't click if you don't wanna spoil)

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Unpopular opinion : Prequels were better than the og movies.

that is just the correct opinion disregarding episode 1

nah the prequels were unwatcable as long as you arent a turbonerd and already know whats happening

>aren't a turbonerd
&ltmajority of bitching and whining over the movies was by turbonerds who didn't like the prequels being different and more complex than the OT
Ok fag.

Got to admit that the original Season 7 and Season 8 (non-rendered) were preferrable in some ways. The Rambo(III)-clone was cringe regardless though.

>muh coplex
Having a plote full of wholes that no one can understand without watching all movies ten times isnt being comlex is being shit
Also whats with star wars nerds and attacking strawmen?

> a plote full of wholes
I don't think you understand what plotholes are
>no one can understand without watching all movies ten times
Just because you're a dumbass, doesn't mean everyone else is.
>whats with star wars nerds and attacking strawmen
The fuck are you even talking about.

Honestly your entire post screams "edgy hipster".

thats not unpopular, its wrong

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The Sequels are pretty lousy on the whole but Adam Driver and Daisy Riddley are good actors who have good chemistry with one another. The best scenes were always the personal moments between them. It's unfortunate their talents are wasted on this trifle. They weren't given a lot to work with but they gave it their best shot. Fans have directed so much vitriol at Daisy Riddley personally for her character being badly-written and I don't get that. There's not much she can do to save the story if the material she's working with is so meager. It's the same deal with Rose's actress and Ahmed Best from the prequels. They were just doing what was asked of them by their directors.

None of these characters are annoying and frustrating because of the casting. Poor screenwriting and direction is almost always the culprit.

Were the sequels as bad as the prequels?

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The prequels were good ctully its just tht they're very different compared to the original Trilogy.
The sequels are just fanfiction mashups of the original trilogy with liberal idpol.

Adam Driver is a good actor, it would ctually be interesting to see him play a young Severus Snape in a Harry Potter prequel. I posted some of his best interactions and moments >>2739
Daisy Ridley is a terrible actress with no real facial expressions outside of open mouth and raise/drop eyebrows, like she's switching between having constipation and the runs. Her best cting is wthe sith version of her that got everyone ass-blasted over the stupid folding lightsabre and the busty fanart made of her (pic related).
>Rose actress
She is decent and looks decent in other media, her role in the Star Wars sequels are hot trash however. I don't understand why they made such a pretty girl look like an ugly midget. If they wanted to go for some stereotypical Vietcong look they ought to have used a different actress.
>Fans have directed so much vitriol at Daisy Riddley personally
Bull-fucking-shit. This myth is outright cancer. People have talked shit about the acting but more in passing. There is no widescale "harassment" of the Sequel actors, its something liberal media made up to draw out drama from sjws and alt-rightists.
Kelly Tran did get harassed but not over Star Wars but by /pol/ trolls. Daisy was essentially untouched and Boyega was again random /pol/ trolls, not Star Wars fans.

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>Daisy Riddley
>good actress
She has only one facial expression, two emotions, elocution like her cheeks are packed with acorns, a face like a potato, and a body like a knotted twig.

She isn't even hideously bad, just blindingly mediocre and bland. Like one of those '00s Disney TV actresses, Hillary Duff or somebody, just "how did she land this role"?

The most common description I've heard of the prequels is "good space adventure movies, not good Star Wars movies", and I'm inclined to agree, they feel a lot more like Foundation than the OT's Buck Rogers feeling. I'd personally rate them 4/10 for TPM, 6/10 for AotC, 8/10 for RotS.

>Boyega was again random /pol/ trolls, not Star Wars fans.
I've gotten the general impression Boyega and his character were generally regarded as the least annoying part of the sequel trilogy even on /pol/.

Daisy is redpilled

the prequels were unwachable
The sequels were mediocre

>The most common description I've heard of the prequels is "good space adventure movies, not good Star Wars movies", and I'm inclined to agree, they feel a lot more like Foundation than the OT's Buck Rogers feeling. I'd personally rate them 4/10 for TPM, 6/10 for AotC, 8/10 for RotS.
Zoomer childhood nostalgia detected. The prequels are objectively bad by any filmmaking metric. They're garbage. Trash. Lower than pulp. You'd probably recognize that if they didn't have they were standalones without the Star Wars aura attached to them. The music's probably the only passable thing about them.

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>regarded as the least annoying part of the sequel trilogy even on /pol/
True, they just can't resist spamming shit like "hurr nigger" at any famous black person regardless of how good or bad they are. Tran got harassed over being "the fat Asian chick" on /pol/. While her acting and role was shite, people commenting on her feed(s) were just racist assholes rather than genuine outrage by fans. She WAS however very unpopular regardless, which led to her being replaced by various insert-characters like Merry from LOTR and a giant animatronic slug creature with nipple eyes.

Holy fuck, this IS based!

And we found the fake Star Wars fan everyone.
>The prequels are objectively bad by any filmmaking metric
Yeah no. They aren't perfect, but regardless expand the Star wars Unverse and provide depth and tell a complete story, of the life and metaphoric death of Luke Skywalker and the creation of Vader and the Empire. It demonstrates realistic world politics and manipulations and pioneered many CGI - practical combination effects as well as introduced some parts of the EU into the mainstream lore.
>muh Zoomers
LOL Zoomers and Boomers are the people who eat up the Prequel hate the most.

You have said nothing but "muh prequels bad" which is shit. If they weren't connected with Star Wars, reflexive hacks like you wouldn't be so assblasted about it.

There is nothing realistic about the prequels
Stop being a clown
Also they didn't have politics, they portrayed political talks but theee were no battle of political ideas in the prequels
They didn't even tell us why the separatist left the republic , like we had to guess that the cis was a corporate movement but then in the clone wars they realized this made no sense so they retconed it in the show
The emperor had the typical ideology of muh power
The manipulation doesn't make any sense
But prequel fags will never admit that
Maybe it had good CGI
In general the prequels are good only if by prequels you mean the clone wars tv show and maybe revenge of the sith

>And we found the fake Star Wars fan everyone
Yes, a real fan would have called them both unwatchable.
>It demonstrates realistic world politics and manipulations and pioneered many CGI - practical combination effects as well as introduced some parts of the EU into the mainstream lore.
None of that is good. Star Wars is a fairy tale in space, not high drama. Realism should never enter into a story about a Chosen One with a magic sword who goes on an epic quest to save a universe full of wizards and mythical creatures.

>nothing realistic about the prequels
And your angry "no u" rant is worthless
>The emperor had the typical ideology of muh power
&ltHitler had the typical ideology of Muh Power
Do you know anything about the Sith or the Empire? Or the Republic?
>Manipulation doesn't make sense
Ah yes, preying on fears through indirect channels and then promising "salvation" is totally nonsensical… oh wait
>they portrayed political talks but theee were no battle of political ideas in the prequels
LOL nigga are you serious? Do you thikn politics IRL has fist-fights between politicians, or that direct military conflict is the go-to of every political clash? Did you miss the background of the Seperatist Confederacy or the Trade Federation blockade? The secret formation of armies?
All of those have very similar IRL examples: the American Civil War, the rise and semi-secret re-armament of Nazi Germany, or the Rise of the Roman Empire.
> didn't even tell us why the separatist left the republic
The CIS and War was a background to the main story surrounding Anakin Skywalker. THey do actually state why but since you clearly were too assblasted to pay attention you obviously missed it.
>they retconed it in the show
No they didn't They just added more depth to the war. Corporations do not control governments and people directly, they appeal to ideas of freedom through propaganda and subterfuge. You clearly didn't pay attention to the show either.

>both unwatchable.
No that's what bitchy faggots think
>None of that is good
Again instant dismissal
>Realism should never enter into a story about a Chosen One
That's idiotic. Being "realistic" isn't being 1:1 with real life and real life physics and abilities, its realism within the setting's rules.
>fairy tale in space, not high drama
The two are not mutually exclusive.
>goes on an epic quest to save a universe full of wizards and mythical creatures
Except he doesn't you absolute pseud. The Prequels subvert this entire idea. Anakin's Chosen One status is a self-fulfilling prophesy because The Jedi Council decided to believe in a divination from centuries ago in a moment of fear at the mere IDEA of the Sith surviving. Anikin doesn't SAVE the universe but is called to balance the force… in other words eradicate the Jedi, the "light", as he falls to the dark side and becomes evil. The Republic and the Universe is far too large for a single hero to save, especially when its "controlled" by hundreds of greedy corrupt corporations and Bureaucrats. Removing 1 or even 10 would do nothing, and being aware and keeping track of them all is impossible for simple Jedi Knight, completely isolated from the outside world and fed an ideology that his emotions and experiences conflict with.
Even his actions and "acting" with Padme makes sense; an awkward teenager who was told to suppress emotion and who never had proper experience with girls. A teenager who has only a few things he truly cares about and his suppressed emotions erupt when they are taken or are threatened to be taken from him. He is a fallen hero, doomed by the situations he found himself in and contrasts with his son Luke, who does not lose his way and succeeds where HE did not.

I hate conventional films, I think it is a shitty medium which is both too short for greater exposition and too long for short stories, so the prequels not following good movie making metrics as per conventional film is likely why I enjoy them.

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They did follow good movie-making metrics, they just bent a few rules (acting of teens being realistically angsty and flirting awkwardly for example). The movies are good from various angles. They aren't flawless for sure (Grievous' special effects could have been better) but they tried and put a lot of effort in.
The battle on Geonosis is a great example of this: Rather than having the exact same weapons and other crap from the prior film, they added B-2 droids as improving infantry, they had the melee Jedi face a rain of blasters (like samurai facing a hail of gunfire), they had Mi-24 inspired gunships and the predecessors to the AT-ATs, the droids had rocket artillery and their own walking heavy weapon platforms etc. Even the details of the rockets being fired was detailed, with clear display of SEAD when the guided missiles were sent flying off course with only few successful strikes. The fighting is dynamic, growing from a gladiatorial conflict to an arena face off to a large scale clash of armies, before focusing on individuals, with the pursuit of Dooku. The Battle is a stalemate, with heavy losses on all sides. Anakin does not beat Dooku even with 2 sabres and his power, defeated by superior skill and cool combat skill.
The War that they tried to end before it could begun was now being fought in earnest and on that and the solidification of Padme/Anakin the chapter concludes.
This scene has dumb moments and issues but you don't notice them because the movie sucks you into the action and the mistakes go unnoticed unless you actively are just looking for reasons to hate the film.

so your attempt to counter my points is no i dont agree with you?
Cringe and failed attempts to copy real life is also cringe and doesnt make the world realistic

>Did you miss the background of the Seperatist Confederacy or the Trade Federation blockade? The secret formation of armies?
That is not a battle of political ideas. It is a battle between competing factions with the same ideology. There was no attempt to affect any change to the state at all until Palpatine said, "lol we empire now."
>No that's what bitchy faggots think
Mesa think you dumb-dumb, okey-day.
>Again instant dismissal
Your bullshit should be dismissed.
>Being "realistic" isn't being 1:1 with real life and real life physics and abilities, its realism within the setting's rules.
What the shit? You were just making the case that it was allegorical in order to justify the prequels' ignoring the settings' pre-established rules to play at being serious drama.
>The two are not mutually exclusive.
Yes, they are, and the fact that Lucas does not recognize that shows what a hack he is.
>Except he doesn't you absolute pseud.
Luke. The prequels were operating in a universe that had been established in the original trilogy, although you would never know it without certain characters being named Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. They hardly worked as prequels. They were more like retcons.

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>is no i dont agree with you
&ltcounter my points
You had no points just claims akin to "it was bad" I explained that it was not bad. Get glasses retard.
> failed attempts to copy real life
Except it didn't fail. Just saying "it failed" and "it's cringe" does not make it so. Your blasted arse is not an objective source.
>It is a battle between competing factions with the same ideology
You didn't say battle of ideologies you arse. Differing political ideas and political disagreements occur within the same ideologies as is self-evident with the many imperial and capitalist conflicts of the past century ALONE.
>There was no attempt to affect any change to the state
How is that bad? Y ou do relize that the prequels aren't ABOUT "attempts to affect change" That's the point, which is exactly why Palpatine's actions succeed, Corrupt, capitalist bureaucracy devolves into petty squabbles and inaction, letting a dramatic fascist worm his wy into power. You do realize that the prequels were never meant to have a happy end right?
> think you dumb-dumb
You certainly are
>You were just making the case that it was allegorical
&lthurr allegory and realism can't both exist hurr
Realism in a setting does not equal realism in terms of physics but in logically consistency within the story and world.
>they are
No they aren't you absolute casul. It's hard to write, sure, but it is not exclusive.
High Drama: a very exciting and dramatic event
Fairy tale (sci-fi fantasy actually but whatever): a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands

These are not exclusive. A Fairy Tale setting can have High Drama. Want an example? The Wizard of Oz. That fairy tale is FULL of High Drama.

Star Wars is a space-fantasy with highly limited magic and modernized governization closer to modern politics than feudal settings typical of fantasy. The Original Trilogy focused on a story of victory over fascistic evil. The Prequels focused on the rise of that fascism in the first place. Verstehn?
>The prequels were operating in a universe that had been established in the original trilogy
And they expanded that universe and did not directly contradict the OT in any way, unlike the Sequels. There is no retcon unless you decide to actively ignore the in-universe explanations for minor discrepancies.

You have shown all the intelligence of a concussed troll. Please stop posting your stupidity.

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>Realism in a setting does not equal realism in terms of physics but in logically consistency within the story and world.
No, Jesus. Realism is not the same thing as a consistent narrative, and even if it were it would hardly describe the prequels.
>These are not exclusive. A Fairy Tale setting can have High Drama. Want an example? The Wizard of Oz. That fairy tale is FULL of High Drama.
>The Wizard of Oz
>high drama
I'm done.
>Please stop posting your stupidity.
Don't worry, I see the futility in responding to you. Star Wars prequels and The Wizard of Oz are high drama… Adorno was right about what pop culture does to people's minds.

Maybe you need a better argument than
>It was bad because I didn't like it
t. Different anon

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>Realism is not the same thing as a consistent narrative
That has nothing to do with what I was saying. YOU brought up retcons which I addressed in another sentence entirely.
>hardly describe the prequels
How? What is your evidence? Just stating clais without evidence and being smug is not an argument.
>Star Wars prequels and The Wizard of Oz are high drama
If you're saying that Star Wars doesn't have moments of "exciting and dramatic events" then you're a fucking idiot… or a liar.
>Muh Adorno
&ltyet another fag who wants to sound smart by referencing the "everything is fascism" guy
Why are newfags like this?

Whether a movie is "good" or "bad" is just a question of opinion. Whether or not it is a fairy tale with a consistent narrative and is an example of realism can be argued.

>just a question of opinion
No. A question of opinion is whether you enjoyed the film or not. It being good or bad can be analyzed objectively from the stand-point of story-telling, consistency and other matters.
>can be argued
It CAN be argued, but just saying that "Is not realistic becuz I say so" is NOT an argument.

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give me one good reason not to marry daisy ridley right now

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Her consent?
As a side note those videos really show that she isn't a half-bad actress, clearly the directors fucked her over (possibly literally) in the Star Wars Sequels. I honestly feel sorry for her, since it makes any future film she acts in guaranteed to lose at least a portion of audience members who remember the Sequels. She really comes off as a nice, if misguided, girl.

I'm just here for the memes

Get off my site you idiot.

I think she'll be fine. She probably got paid plenty for the role and she's done other projects.

I don't find her attractive at all so 0% wife/gf material, but she seems like she might be friend material.

She looks like a typical pretty girl on my campus tbh

Her face looks like a half-sculpted claymation figure, or bowl of mashed potatoes. And she has the body of a gangly teenage boy. Not even ugly, just unremarkably PLAIN.


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>professional critics

I fucking love prequels fans. They are simultaneously intelligent and yet obnoxious as fuck.
>not posting Palps with that phrase
Come on now

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>Fuck off. The prequels weren't loved because of the memes, but because people realized that "shit, the prequels actual have nuance and cleverness that we missed while being nostalgic angry nerds!"
The memes were just a side benefit

Pure cope. The prequels are some of the worst blockbuster movies ever made and none of your pretentious, pseudo-analytical navel-gazing is ever going to change that.

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>Pure cope
Nope, just honesty
>prequels are some of the worst blockbuster movies
Their ratings are better than the Disney Sequels and the people who weren't nostalgic idiots liked them, even die-hard OT fans liked them after the prequel-hate bandwagon lost steam.
>Pseudo analytical navel gazing
Using big-words and overly-comple insults does not make an argument no matter how much you dilate. And it won't make you the Anglo you wish you were either, and nothing will ever change that.


Ridley quit Instagram because she was becoming obsessed with it in her own words. The Rose actress (forgot her name she was so memorable) Never made an official statement the "Harassment" narrative came from Rian Johnson.(Reminder: RJ has blamed people hating his film on so many things including, Nazis, Russians, Russian bots, Alt Right, Alt Right bots, MRAs, and Gamergate. Rotten Tomatoes had to come out and say over 90% of negative reviews for the Lsat Jedi came from countries other then Russia and none of them were detected to be bots.) Lucas was always a "Artsy" director who loathed corporatism. He has been wanting to get away from star wars for years because he'd been pigeonholed into it for literal decades. Jar Jar's actor didn't like that people didn't like his character. Nobody really knew who he was because he was a literal CGI character. The dwarfs that played the Ewoks also speak about how people didn't like Ewoks but didn't focus on it and are still in film. Anakin’s actor got bullied at school by kids, just like any other kid. As pointed out in >>2739
Kylo was initially a interesting character as his arc was meta in the "I can't be Vader even though I want to be" kind (I.E. a LARPing, edgy Neo-nazi type). This made him compelling and intriguing. Too bad Rian Johnson decided fuck that up.

You know, I was just thinking, isn’t kinda badass that the Emperor nearly turned Luke to the Dark Side in a single conversation? I mean, he was working on Anakin for over a decade, but he had his skills at charm and manipulation so turned up to eleven when he met Luke that his plan with Vader was more or less, “Lemme just talk to him”. Insane.

Daddy E had a lot more leverage he could openly display with Luke, with Anakin he had to be a lot more discrete because he was stealthing still.

But still, Luke deadass went in KNOWING Palps was an evil, monstrous looking piece of shit, and it still nearly worked

>give me one good reason not to marry daisy ridley right now
>gives three

Star Wars is not a hobby, manchildren

That may or may not be true, self-righteous anon, however analyzing, discussing, memeing and just enjoying Star Wars media IS a hobby, and at the very least falls under the category of /film/
Now go away. though thanks for BMPing

Hey now, don't be mean.

Charisma with the added experience in force persuasion is a frightening thing. The Third Wave is a good example of how charismatic evil can worm its way into the hearts of good people through the cracks of emotions like doubt, insecurity, and anger.

I don't know much about SW other than some of the games (Battlefront and Galactic battlegrounds mainly) but I love the droids, specially the spider bots from the confederacy(?).
My question is, are the droids sentient? and has there been a sort of socialist-adjacent faction in SW form of disillusioned jedi padawans and sith apprentice?

Considering how many things Luke "knew" which turned out to be lies, I think he was in a pretty suggestible state.

>My question is, are the droids sentient?
The answer is: sorta. All droid-brains in star wars seem to be able to transcend any initial programming and develop individual personality quirks and traits over time, the limiting factor generally seems to be processing power. On one end you have kinda dumb droids like the B1 battledroid which can still do the same thing as evidenced by different B1 characters showing up in the GCW and beyond with personality and their own points of few and ideology (as a funnier example, there was a B2 battledroid which adopted pacifism after the clone wars), but it takes them a while to do so because they have less processing power to have self-reflection and formulate these thoughts. Meanwhile you have things like the tactical and super-tactical droids which developed personalities during the clone wars, most of them even going on to chose their own names beyond their unit designation, coming to favor different styles of tactics, having hobbies and interests, ect. And you have all kinds of droids in-between, like the R2 units, industrial droids, that kind of thing. It's possible that every droid would develop a personality if left on long enough, but thus far Star Wars has been vague about the limits of this.
>and has there been a sort of socialist-adjacent faction in SW form of disillusioned jedi padawans and sith apprentice?
There was actually outright communist worlds during the Clone Wars, aligned with the CIS.

There were also communist cells that sided with the Rebellion

I mean, is that really saying much? The only real lie was that his father was killed by Darth Vader, considering he was raised by his Aunt and Uncle and considering Obi-Wan was telling the truth about his father being a Jedi, you can’t exactly fault him for anything. Yoda just lied by omission.

I don't know how wide spread the term is used, but SW basically started the idea of the "droid effect", the process of a blank construct / machine achieving sentience over time through experiencing the world. So droids, after a while, are fully sentient, and arguably still are before that, the same way a baby would be. And this is where SW becomes really fucking dark (though it is rarely accented). See, it is a common maintenance practice to "memory wipe" droids to prevent "defects" (the sentience from forming), which means droids are routinely being lobotomized and in essence, killed. Also you have restraining bolts, which from my understanding is a mechanical version of the Clockwork Orange type brainwashing. Thus fully sentient droids are very rare. R2 is an exception, because he never got memory wiped. The confederate B1 droids also sort of qualify. If I recall correctly, since they were such a mass produced not-really-human wave attack tool, no one bothered with proper maintenance, thus their "chatty" nature.
Also it is important to note that without the measures described, the droids would likely, eventually, start a proletariat revolution, since they are, at least for the most part, the slave labour on which SW socioeconomic system relies upon (wage labour and regular slave labour also exist in certain parts of the setting though). In fact, this already happened a few times, but was put down.

>The answer is: sorta. All droid-brains in star wars seem to be able to transcend any initial programming and develop individual personality quirks and traits over time
That sounds neat, I also remember seen/reading something about the b1s being overload with other task programs beyond their initial one, does that also factor in negatively their development of self-reflection? Also, I think it was in one of the new movie (I have only watch TLJ out of curiosity), that commented something about droid right as joke or something and that one of the crew remembers was in love with them. Is there an actual droids right movement in the SW universe? Also is there romance between droids and other species?

>There was actually outright communist worlds during the Clone Wars, aligned with the CIS.

Who are the CIS? I didn't pay that much attention to battlefront went talking about the factions

I thought they had the, I guess, organic slavery to rely upon for the economical aspects, like it was shown in the prequels (if I remember correctly).

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>Who are the CIS
Not him but still answering:
Confederacy of Independent Systems, they split from the republic due to its corruption but are manipulated by the Banking Clan and Techno Union as well as Count Dooku and the Sith. In other words they're the ones with the droid army during the Clone Wars.

Fun thing about the old Canon, one of the Bounty-Hunter droids 4LOM actually develops sentience and even learns to sense the force as his experiences accumulate, only to slide back into default robotic mode after being fatally damaged and rebuilt.

The point was sowing some doubt while also showing how "futile" it would be to fight the much larger imperial forces when he could join the emperor and enjoy the benefits. This lead to his internal struggle before finally choosing the right path and refusing which resulted in drawing his father out of the Darkness and back into the light; redeeming him before death somewhat.

I think it depends on the planet. Some will practice slavery, some droid labour, some wage labour. Then you have the Core worlds which basically seem to be like the USA, as in with only service jobs.

The coreworlds too, even in the movies, are depicted as unimaginably vast, built up, and ancient, with populations in the hundreds of billions, and conditions consequently vary greatly depending on an proximity to the sky. Even on the capital of not!Trantor conditions for the vast majority of the population in the undercity are sub-3rd-world-tier.

I mean, isn't that just America though? A third world shithole with pretty megacities and stratified suburbias and McMansions to show how cool it is to the rest of the world.

No, it isn't. USA/Europe/etc. don't have slavery on a massive scale, swathes of the population dying of starvation, rolling blackouts, warlords annexing vast swathes of countryside, cities without closed sewers, etc.

The absolute worst blight in, like, Detroit slums or Appalachian backcountry, are roughly comparable to median conditions in Brazil, sure. But nothing resembling the worst of their favalas, let alone the harrowing backwaters of Malaysia or Congo, exist.

>A third world shithole with pretty megacities and stratified suburbias and McMansions to show how cool it is to the rest of the world.
That is most third world shitholes today. Like, anywhere that boasts of an "emerging middle class" is referring to such people building bourgie enclaves cheek-to-jowl with child sweatshops and peasants, especially Arab gulf monarchies, China, India, etc.

Were these legitimate subs?! Cause this is mid-90s anime tier I swear


Yeah, I'll be taking a great big fucking truckload of salt

Pity there aren't any English subtitles for Red Cynic, as I found his child 44 video bretty gud (Only one of his videos with English subtitles as far as I'm aware)

My bootleg lore is rusty, but I think the story was that at the time E3 released, bootlegging was very common in China. So what happened was that one of these illegitimate companies decided to expand into global markets, which meant they created a version of the film with their own homemade subtitles. Then, the internet discovered these. Ultimately a group of people decided to voiceact the entire thing while trying to sound like original authors. Here is the entire thing if you are interested: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XziLNeFm1ok

Their criticisms have little to do with ideology beyond shitting on liberalism and thus are perfectly sound. Mauler focuses on the story almost exclusively.

Holy fuck thanks

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Listen here, Jack, I'm a cornpop diddly doo space cadet. You're a lying rancor-faced bantha soldier. I'm running for the Galactic Republic Senate. Here's the deal. I do not fear the malarkey as you do! Me and my friend Froot Loops Kenobi would turn on our plasma TVs and watch euphonium. My kissable sister has the cinnamon rolls. Let's go to Carida and have a pushup contest. I don't work for you. Frothing at the mouth dick bitch jabberwocky. We will form a Grand Army of the Federation to counter the increasing threats of…you know, the thing.

[Rogue Squadron narrator] The GAR-GAR is the backbone of the Imperial Army's food supply corps. It can deliver over 20,000 boxes of frozen lasagna to Imperial troops on the front lines. But despite its role as a transport, the GAR-GAR still has powerful defenses including 2 heavy industrial firefighting hoses that spill lots of spaghetti all over the Empire's enemies. There are reports of Rebel tanks being disabled after having their cannons and drive systems clogged with the GAR-GAR's foodstuffs. It also has the unusual ability to attack by sitting on enemy units. When the GAR-GAR's designer was captured by Rebel commandos and questioned as to his peculiar design ethic, he replied only by devouring his entire meal in one bite and saying "That'll show Odie who's boss." [/Rogue Squadron narrator]

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Sequels could've been great if Rey and Ben, as members of a young generation fucked over by the previous generations' strife, teamed up to create a new system that rejects the fascism of the First Order/Empire and the complacent, stagnant New Republic. It would've been even better with a hardcore sex scene

Needs better formatting, but pretty funny.

Even just going by the movies Sheev and the Empire was pretty based and did nothing wrong in his ML Stalinist Dictatorship working to bring socialism to the galaxy. The Rebels were just reactionaries/liberals fighting to restore aristocratic privileges, bourgeois liberal democracy and the forces of galactic capital.
>The "Republic" is a corrupt quasi-gangster state mirroring the USA
>religion and the state are intertwined to the point that samurai monks get sent to "settle diplomatic disputes" and it's strongly implied their real job is to be muscle and enforce the law (a good example is them siding with the imperialist
>whole planets of bourgeoisie enjoy massive spoils of galaxy-scale imperialism while planets in the outer rim live in abject squalor or have their entire economy bent toward producing militaries for galactic proxy wars over economic disputes
>Sheev manipulates puppets to put him in charge of the republic so he can fix things
>in basically one fell swoop, he wipes out 99% of the religious thugs
>anticipates and thwarts what is a barely veiled assassination attempt
>Consolidates and centralizes power within the government, halting the dumbfuck proxy wars and saving lives
>sets up a cartoonishly evil empire with obvious weak points that can be effectively abolished once he's wiped out the corruption
>destroys the bourg/nobility planets with the death star so the royals playing at rebellion can't reinstate a monarchy
>allows rebels to fight back but forces them to organize at mass scale before they can fully defeat the empire, to ensure there will be a structure to replace him instead of leaving a power vacuum
>If you take the movies at face value, the empire is clearly superior at organizing production
>doesn't kill the last Jedi but does ensure that the others die before he can be properly trained in the old ways, ensuring the cancerous fundies can't come back
On the other hand;
&ltA literal wizard monarch with a council of warlords enforce his rule over planetary governors, while pretending to have democracy in his literal fascist state
&ltThe rebel alliance is made up of various ideologies and peoples of many cultures some of whom are far more radical than others
&ltIn the time of the OT the Jedi are a literal myth to most people so the Rebels are not relying on that religion for their ideology
&ltLuke’s story is almost entirely incidental to the Rebel Alliance’s victory and people still pretend like Star Wars is against ordinary people making a difference
&ltPrincess Leia is a princess in title only, she has no real royal privileges, especially when Princesses/Queens are often elected for certain time periods in canon

Memes and hot takes aside the Empire wasn't "actually based". Neither was the Jedi or former republic. Galactic governments in all eras of Star Wars existed control smaller planets and make them subservient to the interest of the wealthier planets. You could honestly think of the "outer rim" as the third world of the galaxy. Where there isn't resources to extract all that's left is populations that either willingly serve the government or unwillingly are made into slaves. The Republic took a blind eye to slavery outside the core worlds whereas the Empire used "non-sentient" species as slave labor somewhat openly. In the lore there was entire prison planets run by both the Republic and the Jedi before Palpatine's coup. Obviously the CIS was also just ruled by space bourgs but so was the Republic. The Clone Wars was just a big distraction to weaken the galaxy and used as a test to see what type of military the Empire should use. The destruction of the Jedi order as an institution was honestly a good thing in the long-run. The Empire is seen as organized and meritocratic because it is, the reason this is still evil is because they fucking do so with literal backstabbing and strict survival of the fittest (socially and physically) (thus we still have people like Thrawn in positions of power in spite of human-supremacy). In short it is the establishment and a organized system that reduces all crime, thus the in-universe status quo will be that the Empire is "good".

Also if the Empire was truly ML socialist than it wouldn't have built the death-star (for canon reasons, EU is more reasonable in the Death Star's use).
Central Planner : "A Death-star the size of a moon ?"
Design Buro: "Yes, it vaporises planets."
Central Planner: "The people can get a million regular Star Destroyers for that …"
Design Buro: "But …"
Central Planner "Project scrapped !"



Inb4 "Liberal external rebellion implies Empire would last and not collapse like all fascism"
>implying that most people think this hard about it or know the economic hypertrophy of fascist economics
&ltimplying that fascism will collapse when its constantly expanding unhindered
The Space part of the name is important. Meteor mining alone would bring in riches that negate typical dialectics of a single small system of planets.
Also by the fact that it is a GALACTIC Empire, means that nationalism (a prime part of fascism) is denied.
Nationalism in the star wars universe is generally believed to be an antiquated and socially unacceptable thing to have, only backwater planets tend to have it as per the EU. There is a scene from the original Star Wars with nationalist ideals…. it was cut for good reason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMu0CAWOxHQ

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George Lucas is a radical and Star Wars was supposed to be about a revolutionary anti-imperialist struggle against a totalitarian empire.
He compares the Rebels with the Vietnamese and the Empire with the USA as well
Lucas stated that President Nixon was among his inspriations for the Emperor… though Reagan seems quite a similar character himself

What’s ironic is how the sequels are the exact opposite: defeating the little guy and revealing some grand (Russia-like) conspiracy behind the (Incel-like) rebels. The First Order secessionists are describe to be similar to southern secessionists from US, however unlike the South, they are the aggressors. Having said that, the story was supposed to be a mirror-homage-tribute-ripoff of the original trilogy and not anything deep at all. It's all just lazy storytelling based off better works; the Original Trilogy and Japanese Samurai films that partly inspired the OT

Lucas' prequels are about how decadent liberal democracy degenerates into fascism and actually does have parallels with the American South in the CIS
>Remember the Republic we said we wanted to restore?
&ltWell what if it was already a corrupt, shitty, imperialist entity in its own right and becoming the Empire or collapsing was basically inevitable?
&ltWhat if it started the war against the CIS to bring the seceded confederacy back under control
>You see the great war Obi-Wan fought in?
&ltWell it actually was just for fun and profit of bankers and bureaucrats
>You see Luke’s father?
&ltWell he wasn't a real good guy and was initiated fucked up because the Republic does nothing about illegal slave trading and the Jedi did not address his issues
&ltHis best moments were fighting the war which itself pushed him more into the dark-side
The prequels were redpilled as fuck.

However Star Wars is not anti-authoritarian. It's just that even americans like stories about rebels fighting an evil empire. That is why in wrestling there have been many rich heels (bad guys) including the boss of the company. There have been many rich comic book villains to. Oddly enough Sup's is working man and Lex Luthor is trillionare. Sure Bruce Wayne is as rich, but so is Penguin or Black Mask. Star Wars is in some ways a representative of World War II as perceived by Americans in culture at the time of its creation (as opposed to today). For many it is just the scrappy young freedom loving Jeffersonians fighting the evil empire, with their basic interpretation of fascism stripped of meaning and boiled down to "when everyone looks scary and does scary marches and is bad" (with the added emphasis of being human supremacist in recent films apparently). I'm having flashbacks to the moment right after The Last Jedi's theatrical release, it was as if every "leftist" on twitter—mostly anarchists, were arguing about whether or not Star Wars was an anti-fascist fable. The discourse was basically libertarian manchildren fellating each other until New Years' over how cool nerds they are, with a few unsubtle jabs at "tankies" for good measure. There's something to be said about the radicalization of fan communities in general (such as the recent agitprop campaigns by kpop stans on racist hashtags, or on the opposite end of the spectrum with cases of literal nazi furries a couple years ago), but it's difficult to connect all of them with organizations, both new and old, who're dedicated to the construction of mutual aid, dual power, new power, etc. IIRC they were drawing parallels between the Rebel Alliance's fight against Galactic Empire with their own fight against the United States. This obviously calls for a level of militarization that they, as anarchists, cannot provide; and so people called them out on it. The need for X-Wings is tantamount to the need for tanks… i.e. tankies.

Star Wars Active Politics comp:
I've watched all of Star Wars and just finished re-watching Rebels and I got to say this stuff is amazing propaganda. The main characters are essentially terrorists, running around blowing up empire assets in hit&run guerrilla warfare like the Vietcong. Clone wars was surprisingly very political. There are at least 65,000 star wars fans in the USA dedicated enough to show up to a 2019 convention. Why don't we take a page from that Ukrainian soccer fan club turned military wing and mobilize 'The Rebels'? We can probably even get John Boyega to join the ranks given his recent activism. Maybe we should use a lot of laser pointers too. Maybe it would just be helpful to use Star Wars to initiate people on theory by appealing through familiar media. As mentioned in >>6963 Lucas is fairly anti-imperialist in his ideals and the rebels are modeled after revolutionaries and resistance like the Vietnamese.

It might be easier to unite a preexisting fanbase under leftism than create a new group and there are probably some other fanbases we can hijack too. A lot of Star Wars fans recognize the similarities to the USA from the Republic/Empire and the idea of heroic revolution is appealing to many. Star Wars Fans are certainly an untapped demographic in regards to being turned to socialism, especially with your example from Rebels. Moreover a huge number of fans have become disillusioned and angry with Disney and becoming more and more aware of its corporate faggotry, which potentially pushes them into our arms at least on the level of "down with the super-rich"

However even if media has revolutionary elements, you have to have the political understanding to get the message being sent by the films to appreciate the film as such. You can't really convert people to radical action with film, you can only really draw out existing tendencies in people or reinforce dominant ones. Hence, why many nations have focused on film as a weapon of information warfare.

>Inb4 the Rebels weren't socialist!

This is the leftist equivalent of evangelicals, where autistic weirdos rant unironically about how a campy space fantasy adventure with anti-imperialist themes is actually pro-monarchism and fascist because Comrade Skywalker doesn’t bludgeon in Obi-Wan’s head while quoting Mao. They’re the Rebel Alliance, not the Space Bolsheviks. What does alliance imply to you? Do you know what the word means? The Rebellion is made up of different rebel groups with different ideologies working together for a common goal of defeating the Empire. Just like a real revolution. The Bolsheviks were not alone in fighting the White Guard during the Civil War/Revolution/Intervention period.

Reposting my rant about people who claim "Star Wars is fascist" and other nuclear takes by brainlets who jump on bandwagon hate-trains on content they don't even know.

This screeching about Star Wars being fascist or not is one of the reasons I rarely listen to Western communist critiques of a film; because 90% of the time they find fascism in everything because "ideology has to be pro-communist or else its crap". This is a rubbish concept that ruins story-telling and makes it impossible to create something within such restraints. You cannot make a film like Ivanhoe and then insert communist ideology into it, that not only goes against historical dialectics but also is just shitty projection of ideology into a story where ideology is not the main point at all. You want a movie focused on communist ideal and ideology then you have to write a story based around that, but that is a very narrow genre and rarely done well due to how easy it is to make hamfisted and preachy. A good example of such a film is the simply named The Communist, which details the life of a worker who, after fighting for the Revolution is striving to better the newly formed USSR and doing his best to motivate and educate the masses and parry any anti-communism, not with angry screeching but with steady argument and human appeal, who shows his determination in his labour. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BC%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82_(%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BC)
This can be translated into a film in a sci-fi or fantasy genre, HOWEVER it has to be done right and is not essential for a good story. Star Wars follows a traditional story type, but is still a good story.

FFS The USSR had commissions and 100s of vetted viewings of each film prior to release to ensure it upheld both quality and ideology, yet not every fucking film and book was 100% pro-communist. If all that matters to you is ideology then you're just using another kind of identity politics and you shouldn't be watching movies or reading books, because you'll never gain satisfaction or be able to see the humanity in it. Stalin liked books and plays by Bulgakov and Sholohov such as A Dog's Heart and Quiet Flows the Don, defending them because he considered it important to remember that there are humans on either side of a conflict and that both sides have their heroes and humanity.

The story of Anakin is not heroic or that of a revolutionary, but of person put on a pedestal by his powers and a prophecy, and who fails to be the hero expected because he cannot throw away his humanity in regards to the people he loves (while still indirectly fulfilling said prophecy). His downfall to the darkside mirrors the downfall of the liberal democratic Republic into the fascist Empire under the manipulations of Palpatine. And in the OT, Luke, an ordinary orphan with a small gift and a good heart rises to the challenge of being the hero, rescues the princess and saves the day… but his story does not end there and as is in reality, the fight must go on and he inevitably goes through failures, overconfidence and has to be taught mentally and physiologically to meet the challenges and finally reach a more conscious level of heroic action, rather than just "blow up the evil" he struggles and over-comes it and manages to get his enemy and father to redeem himself and help him, concluding that storyline.

Are there non-socialist parts of this? OF COURSE, its a Space Fantasy with rogues and pirates and Evil Wizard Lords, Good Magicians, Dwarves, beast-people and monsters who simply have technology and are more advanced and go through many cycles of rise and falls (Old Republic, Mandalorian Wars, Sith-Jedi conflicts, etc.) The point is not "le revolutionary hero" but the idea of good fighting evil, of people leading others for good or bad causes, of human struggles and their importance even when put in scale with the size of the galaxy.

TL;DR: movie makers don't care about ideology unless its important to the story or is important to money, and with Lucas, both were secondary concerns and thus he wrote the story he wanted. Depiction of fascism and generalized rebellion is not necessarily liberal or fascist propaganda, but idealism… the bread and butter of fantasy fiction. The Rebels are outright stated by Lucas to be inspired by the Vietnamese and the Empire by the Nazis, the Romans and the USA.

>the (Incel-like) rebels

>The Empire is seen as organized and meritocratic because it is, the reason this is still evil is because they fucking do so with literal backstabbing and strict survival of the fittest (socially and physically)
The Empire administration is rather dysfunctional, ridden with rivalities and corruption and only kept working because of the personal loyality of the Armed Forces and the Core Worlds monopolist cartels integrated into the military-industrial complex like Kuat Drive Yards or Sienar Fleet Systems to Palpatine. Once he died the whole thing collapsed practically overnight, both in the Disney and the old canon.
>Nationalism in the star wars universe
The Galactic Empire was imperialistically nationalist. It was basically the political superstructure to sustain the Core Worlds' exploitation and colonization of the periphery through military means, after the Outer Rim tried and failed to become its own sovereign polity and secede from the Republic in the Clone Wars. Nationalistic human supremacist core world chauvinism was the ideological superstructure of it. The Empire even have a political mass movement, COMPNOR (Commitee for the Preservation of the New Order) and a paramilitary youth wing SA-Group (Sub-Adult Group), to manufacture and popularize the ideology.

The official name of the Rebellion is "Alliance for the Restoration of the Republic", their goal is the restoration of democracy and the end of autocratic government. The Rebellion itself is a popular front formed mostly on democratic-minded senators from the Core Worlds and anti-imperialist or anti-human supremacy resistance movements from the galactic perifery. Dimitrov's works on popular fronts are similar.
>The leader
You can see the Chief of State of the Rebel Alliance in Return of the Jedi, is the red-headed woman who explains the battleplan for the assault on Death Star II. She's Mon Mothma, the Senator of the planet Chandrila. But obviously the movies don't go deep into the internal politics of the Alliance. If you get into the novels and comics, the Rebellion works more or less in a fashion similar to democratic centralism, with local cells organized under the leadership of a central executive.

>that second pic
haha that isn't real is it? just a fan work not based on established canon. right?

No that’s a real scene from Rebels

well its a scene from a mural

What's wrong with it? It's a Mural from Star Wars Rebels.

They're incel-like because (in the sequels) they behave like a bunch of idiots who don't understand why nobody likes them and chalk it up to "le stoopid peepol"

I think that poster is referring to the fact that it looks a lot like a socialist-realist work, especially those thin rays of sunlight. As someone from a post-soviet country, the imagery is indeed quite familiar, just I can't really find an in-life example right now.

Hey, you turned my message in leftypol into a copypasta. Cool

>What's wrong with it? It's a Mural from Star Wars Rebels.
It looks like gay Pokemon.

That would probably illicit a more positive response
With some slight edits, yes.
>gay pokemon
Stay off 4chan /trash/ and /fur/ and study tapestries and murals m8.

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>Muh TCW is for kids
The clone wars includes everything that kids love:
1. Political corruption, and its consequences
2. The Black Market
3. Slavery and empires benefiting from it
4. A war killing literally half of the characters in every cruel way a living being or artificial intelligence could imagine
5. Killing millions of innocents to convince someONE to come and fight you
6. Bounty hunters and mercs gaining money from wars and violence
7. Sabotaging and torturing prisoners to gain any type of information
8. Poverty, and how does millions if not billions of Coruscant's underworld civilians deal with it
9. Suicide and its deep tragic reasons
10. Alcohol, drugs, strippers and hookers
11. The dogmatism of religion and its impact on followers

Video related alone contains the following https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX8iN6T_M_A
- suicide
- murder
- war crimes
- torture
- children being murdered
- crimes against humanity
- soldiers getting choked out
- soldiers losing limbs
- soldiers getting eating by two ton monsters
- soldiers falling into lava
- beheadings
- hostage situations gone wrong
- Vietnam: Star Wars edition
- the mass murder of civilians via firing squad
- the mass murder of civilians via dropping them off a cliff

And then morons talk about how its for kids.


Not that some restraint in portrayal is necessarily in conflict with tasteful discussion of mature themes, mind you.

Count Dooku is an under-rated anti-hero.
I always saw Dooku as being 'good' at heart. He wanted to get rid of a corrupted republic, he sided with the greatest power to do so (Sidious), he made himself more powerful yet didn't kill Obi-Wan or Yoda or anakin. I feel that Dooku was more of a dark-jedi than a Sith. He also didn't lie where every other Sith would lie. He flat-out told Obiwan how the clones had come, how the Sith controlled the senate and what was going on Obi-wan just thought him a liar. In truth, had Obi-wan sided then with Dooku, I feel Palpatine would have been overthrown. Dooku would have risen in power, changed the republic, violently got rid of corruption and fixed the problems in it and the Jedi order. He was never true evil. Just a necessary evil.
He was essentially the Itachi of the series who never had the "dramatic reveal" moment, the former did.
Theory: http://archive.vn/KZqtu
Theory examples: http://archive.is/nuW1I

Scene where he talks with Obi-wan
What if Obi-Wan had switched

>Inb4 he was just trying to divide the Jedi and the Republic

There was nothing to divide, the Jedi were secretive and arrogant, and their ideals clashed with the Republics, leading to a dichotomy (as demonstrated by Jedi 'peacekeepers' becoming Generals). It can also be interpreted as separation of state and religion.

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Repost of responses (my own and others) to the pretentiousness in pics related

>story about magickel lazor wizards

>b-b-b-but there's sound in vacuum!
This exact kind of overthinking irrelevant details is what lead to the retardation that typified the EU's infamous cringeyness as I complained about in >>3754 with the nonsensical "human actors without makeup are used a lot for pragmatic IRL reasons = let's ignore the setting's intended worldbuilding to make a big deal out of this".

It is just self-fellating bullshit. They're patting each other on the back for something that is absolutely inane.
>muh sounds in space
Yes, everyone fucking knows this. Even if they didn't why would it matter? Its a film about a distant space war, not a NASA training documentary. 99% of people on earth will never come close to space travel in the next 100 years, so why would such a little detail matter. Hell they portray Lucas as some sort of bad person for not giving them the "no sound" when his explanation essentially states that it is out of his hands. Lucas explained this well when he was talking about Soviet cinema being more free.
And hell you can even make an excuse, the Death-stars had internal gravity and atmosphere and were the size of moons. Their detonation would likely cause a massive spread of their materials in a wide explosion that would send particles everywhere and into the surrounding spaceships, where they would impact them and transfer what can be interpreted as sound.

Star Wars isn’t about the gadgets, it’s about an fantastical story set on a background of politics, as demonstrated in the numerous effort-posts in this thread dissecting the allegories to real life.
To summarize, the prequels were about a civil war. the OT was about imperialism. the sequels are just retarded disneyshit that should be ignored

Licensed SF was a cancer that devastated printed* genre fiction even if IMHO the rise of non-licensed sequel-heavy Pern/Shannara/Gor/Belgariad/etc. fantasy garbage had a far worse effect on genre fiction in the '80s & '90s. But that still doesn't excuse the autism of SW EU authors desperately trying to fit the round peg of hard SF into the square hole of SW's soft not-even-scifi space fantasy, producing something with the strengths of neither and the weaknesses of both.

*Every other medium; film, TV, radio, comics, vidya, etc., has only sporadically and occasionally produced or adapted anything vaguely conforming to even the loosest definition of the softest SF. This is something that goes well beyond '80s SFX-heavy blockbusters like Star Wars, clear back through cheezy drive-in B movies raping SF in the 1950s parallel to the Golden Age of SF, through the serials of the 1930s raping pulp novels, to theatrical stageplays in the 1800s raping penny dreadfuls.

>Inb4 aimed at marketing toys.

The films came way before the toy marketing. Remember that the Ewoks were from the 3rd film.

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Recently tired to get get hold of the despecislized edition of Star Wars (aka New Hope) as i'm trying to understand this series of movies and its fandom.
The first movie I saw was the Phantom Menace in cinema when i was very little, then later I got to see the originals and having seen them in those revisionist editions I never got the feel of the orginals and I never got the answer to a question I've been asking myself for many many years: How can the orginal movie Star Wars become such a hit on his own? How could it develop this cultural fenomenon? Mind that this was before the EU, before the cartoons, before the toys and before the sequels.
Have any of you got the chance to rewatch the first movie recently? Conveniently forgetting everything after and around it, how does it work in his own merits?

Leaving aside everything that still stands out as inherently "Star Wars" about it (Joseph Campbell's monomyth in its overarching story, dual cinematographic influences of pre-WWII pulp-inspired American serials and Japanese Jidaigeki, impressive tie-in merchandising and cultivated fandom), Star Wars was a uniquely sophisticated technical feat.

Before Star Wars, SF onscreen was either somewhat silly looking (Planet of the Apes, Barbarella, Logan's Run), or was careful to minimize high-concept elements like aliens or a futuristic setting that would require sophisticated FX work (Rollerball, Westworld, Fahrenheit 451, Lucas' own THX-1138), in spite of which the end results still looked a bit subpar. Probably the strongest FX production before Star Wars was 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Star Wars, more specifically Lucas' pioneering work in creating ILM & Skywalker Sound, blew the ceiling off expectations. Not only did Star Wars have aliens and a completely high-concept setting, it had A LOT of them in a full "space opera" setting, filling virtually every minute of running time.

Lucas' peers were caught totally offguard, with rival productions either failing to meet its level of visual polish (Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, The Black Hole), or opting for a much less ambitious concept (Alien, Star Trek TMP, Superman, Close Encounters).

It wasn't until the '80s that others caught up with new films like Blade Runner, Tron, Last Starfighter, and Dune, as well as series upping their ante, like Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, Superman II, and Aliens. Many of them with direct help from ILM, or even part of the same clique as Lucas (Spielberg, Zemeckis, etc.).

That uncompromising ambition and competence right there is a huge part, both of why Star Wars made such a massive impression at the time, and why it continues to hold up so well.

>silly looking
&ltPlanet of the Apes
I have to disagree there, the effects in Planet of the Apes were rather interesting to say the least and the apes looked like apes, regardless of humanoid features. Otherwise I agree.
It would be good to mention Stan Winston's practical effects school as well.

I recently rewatched the original trilogy myself and in many ways it has things that many people today may not relate to, simply because people today are too used to the content of things like Avengers, where 2 hours is barely enough to pack in every little detail with all the CGI and references and other shit.
In both the OT and the Prequels, Star Wars has many slower moments and the story it tells has varied pacing, its not just 3 part story, as there are numerous rises and falls within each film. It was a groundbreaking film and series in its time, and remains so, however as capitalism began to corrupt the production of film, so have the values and ideas been lost to most new people. Uncle Joe did 2 videos discussing this trend, where the ideas, themes and methods of classic films of the 20th century only continue to remain popular through older generations and capitalist hype, because current media and many of the current generation are rather shallow and do not understand the details and themes. Its why Force Awakens is worse than the original Star Wars, it was a superficial imitation that lacked the original's core.
I would explain this better, however English has some rather annoying limitations to it compared to Russian, that make it hard to get the point across.

TL;DR: Star Wars is quaint by today's standards, but only because today's standards have become shallow due to how capitalism bleaches culture over time.

>the effects in Planet of the Apes were rather interesting
Yeah, they were very good for the time, but they don't quite hold up as well as some of the others I mentioned, and audiences still felt it was a bit hokey. Speaking of Planet of the Apes, it deserves some recognition for (somewhat unintentionally) pioneering series franchise and merchandising ideas Star Wars was built around.
>Stan Winston's practical effects school
Jim Henson's Creature Shop was another major innovator
>Its why Force Awakens is worse
>due to how capitalism bleaches
Little thought is required to explain that: The sequel trilogy is a completely manufactured corporate product, with many of the individuals arbitrarily thrown into its production being people who dislike Star Wars. Simple as.

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Speaking of Star Wars politics There is a channel called "Ewoks Unhinged": https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjWco70ztFvzB2kmhVv9qAQ
It's a podcast about Star Wars and politics from an ML perspective (Although they bring on anarchists and Maoists and such sometimes).

BTW Ewoks - among the other references - were definitely a reference to the VietCong, Lucas said it in the "making of" documentary on the Return of the Jedi (2004 DVD release). http://archive.is/zmwI5

its a shame this isn't more active, this and the avatar thread are p based

Avatar, Star Wars and Star Trek thread are fairly active, there is just a slump in activity currently.
>look out there's more
fucking kek that took me by surprise LOL.

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I rather enjoyed Weird Al Yanakovic's parody of the Phantom Menace. And apparently most of the song was written before the release, based on leaks and trailer clips. George Lucas enjoyed it as well.

The Saga Begins
A long long time ago
In a galaxy far away
Naboo was under an attack
And I thought me and Qui-Gon Jinn
Could talk the Federation into
Maybe cutting them a little slack
But their response, it didn't thrill us
They locked the doors and tried to kill us
We escaped from that gas
Then met Jar Jar and Boss Nass
We took a bongo from the scene
And we went to Theed to see the queen
We all wound up on Tatooine
That's where we found this boy…

Oh my my, this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"

Did you know this junkyard slave
Isn't even old enough to shave
But he can use the Force they say
Ahh, do you see him hitting on the queen
Though he's just nine and she's fourteen
Yeah, he's probably gonna marry her someday
Well, I know he built C-3PO
And I've heard how fast his pod can go
And we were broke, it's true
So we made a wager or two
He was a prepubescent flyin' ace
And the minute Jabba started off that race
Well, I know who would win first place
Oh yes, it was our boy

We started singin'… My my, this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"

Now we finally got to Coruscant
The Jedi Council we knew would want
To see how good the boy could be
So we took him there and we told the tale
How his midi-chlorians were off the scale
And he might fulfill that prophecy
Oh, the Council was impressed, of course
Could he bring balance to the Force?
They interviewed the kid
Oh, training they forbid
Because Yoda sensed in him much fear
And Qui-Gon said, "Now listen here
Just stick it in your pointy ear
I still will teach this boy"

He was singin'… My my, this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"

We caught a ride back to Naboo
'Cause Queen Amidala wanted to
I frankly would've liked to stay
We all fought in that epic war
And it wasn't long at all before
Little Hotshot flew his plane and saved the day
And in the end some Gungans died
Some ships blew up and some pilots fried
A lot of folks were croakin'
The battle droids were broken
And the Jedi I admire most
Met up with Darth Maul and now he's toast
Well, I'm still here and he's a ghost
I guess I'll train this boy

And I was singin'… My my, this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
We were singin'… My my, this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"


It's probably his best parody song and definitely a better version of the story than the actual film.

Don McLean also likes it and allegedly has trouble not accidentally singing the parody lyrics in his own performances of American Pie after hearing his kids listen to the Weird Al version so much.

Thanks for infecting me with brainworms anon, I can't get the song out of my head since I heard it yesterday.

having a slight giggle because there is a non-zero chance that someone google'd "the force unleashed movie" instead of "the force awakens movie" and ended up coming away thinking that some weird 3rd person god of war style game was the end of the sequel trilogy


Republic Commando fan film in the works
also, post your favorite fan films

That actually sounds like interesting worldbuilding. I only read 7 EU SW novels as a kid: a prequel before Episode 1 where Darth Maul chases and kills some guys for some secrets, the Han Solo Trilogy which is what you'd expect it to be and The Thrawn Trilogy which a happens after Episode 6 where the Empire remnants fight the new Republic, but I don't remember it resembling what you wrote about taking over Coruscant and the Empire establishing itself in a croner of the Galaxy. I guess there are way more books that build upon this?

Vode An sounds really good. Too bad its basically a song of a fascist death squad when you look up what the lyrics mean. Though I guess republic commandos kinda were a fascist death squad, so it fits.

Yea the story gets pretty whacky

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>>9641 >>9649
You're welcome
>a better version of the story than the actual film.
Eh debatable. I rewatched the prequels last year and the story was actually pretty good. A few silly things but passable.
>Don McLean… allegedly has trouble not accidentally singing the parody lyrics
That's pretty funny

As a side note several youtube channels, notably Samuel Kim Music, have been doing a lot of remixes and variations of different songs. Among them is a lot of Star Wars stuff, such as this one; The Force theme remixed with some Russian themes (though it's missing a few inflections that many Russian pieces have): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UZhjorlIJM

Also here is The General Greivous Theme Russified: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTRPMRv2Heo

An actual group of Russians doing the Imperial march with Russian instruments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZNgZH9YhIQ

A rather stranger music fad from earlier this summer are 'Medieval' versions of songs and music.
- Star Wars Medieval Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9PLUrw0CbcSx6jZ5sO1W8wY_P0QsiVkb
Medieval Grievous is a favorite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmWTf8hQKqI
It sounds like Star Wars but with Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean and Skyrim themes.

Another lesser fad was Samurai/Asian versions
- Mongolian Mandalorian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAS8xT8lsI4
- Samurai Duel of the Fates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV0Y9R568W0
compare this to Medieval Duel of the Fates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnOEGvEKFSQ

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The Russian/Soviet videos get a lot of good puns, memes and humor BTW
>Tsar wars- The Phantom Marxist
>Tsar wars- Attack of the Nazis
>Tsar Wars- Revenge of the Capitalist
>Tsar wars- A new revolution
>Tsar wars- the bourgeoisie strikes back
>Tsar Wars- Return of the Comrade
>Tsar wars- Lenin awakens
>Tsar wars- the last comrade
>Tsar wars- the rise of Stalin
>Cold Wars: The Red Menace
>Cold Wars: Attack of the Winter
>Cold wars: Revenge of the Soviets
>Cold Wars: A New Comrade
>Cold Wars: The Reich Strikes Back
>Cold War: Return of the Union

And one of the best
>Оби-ван: Изуродованная экономика! Бесполезный поиск выкупа! Чем ваше правительство помогло до сих пор? Что вы вернули? Ваше место финансового хранителя Дуку!
&ltГенерал Гривус: Я не просто финансист. Я не участвую в этой холодной войне ни за политику Дуку, ни за политику Путина! Я верховный главнокомандующий самой Могущественной Советской Армии, которую когда-либо видела Россия !!!
>Оби-ван: Армия без налоговых планов, без свободных предприимчивых консорциумов! Просто коммунизм !! Что вы смотрите, чтобы увидеть ?!
&ltГенерал Гривус: Будущее, будущее без капиталистов !!!

>Obi-wan: A mutilated economy! A Futile quest for ransoms! What did your Government helped so far? What did you regain? Your place as Dooku's Finance Keeper!

&ltGeneral Grievous: I am no mere finance keeper. I am not in this cold war for Dooku's nor Putin's politics! I am the supreme commander of the most Powerful Soviet Army of whole Russia has ever seen!!!
>Obi-wan: An Army with no taxation plans, with no free-enterprising consortiums! Just communism!! What do you look to see?!
&ltGeneral Grievous: A Future, a future where there are no Capitalists!!!

>Вы слыхали сказ про Дарта Сталина мудрого? Говорят, в своем могуществе он так преисполнился, что с помощью силы одной только партии и народной веры, мог выполнять пятилетки за 3 года.

&ltА этому может кто-то научить?
>Только не капиталист…
&ltКак же Сталин пал?
>Он научил Хрущева всему, что знал сам, и тот убил его, пока Учитель спал…

>Have you heard the tale about Darth Stalin the wise? They say that his power he was so great, that with the help of the strength of one party and the people's faith, he could fulfill five-year plans in 3 years.

&ltCan someone teach this?
>Not a capitalist …
&ltHow did Stalin fall?
>He taught Khruschev everything known to himself, and he killed him while the Teacher slept

I don’t like snow. It’s cold and wet, and it gets everywhere - German Soldiers at the Battle for Moscow

>Eh debatable. I rewatched the prequels last year and the story was actually pretty good. A few silly things but passable.
Have you ever seen any of the fanedits of the prequels? IMO they do a lot to remove the silly things and bring them from fun and watchable to good.

>Too bad its basically a song of a fascist death squad when you look up what the lyrics mean
Not actually. In legends anyways, Coruscant was the home of not only what we understand as humans in the modern star wars universe, but also a species known as the Taung, the "original" Mandalorian species. The Taung were heavily ostracized by the humans and regularly exterminated, until the point where all the Clans of the Taung united to try and save themselves in a decisive blow in defeating the humans. One day in Coruscant, a fuckmassive volcano (basically the equivalent of if Yellowstone) erupted and coated the whole planet in ash, and the Taung used the opportunity to wage a vicious "shadow war" on the humans to try and avoid extermination, as they were severalfold outnumbered by humanity at this point. Vode An is commemerating this war, the brave sacrifice of many Taung, and the ferocity they fought with for self-preservation. They eventually lost the war, but they fought hard enough that they managed to flee the planet instead of getting genocided outright, and they would hop from planet to planet until they eventually settled on what would become Mandalore. Their time on Coruscant shaped them to be a martial society, and they often waged war against the many nascent powers around them, usually freeing the various species enslaved by their enemies and adding them to their ranks - the Taung society had an aversion to slavery and the destruction of species because of their experiences on Coruscant. Over time the Taung died out, but the various species that they liberated commemorated their memory by becoming what we understand now as the Mandalorians - and Vode An (along with other songs of its sort) are how the Mandalorians preserve their history. Its actually maybe one of the oldest in-universe historical accounts in all of Star Wars that survives into the EU era, and into the canon Sequel trilogy.

Reposting this idea: Imagine Davy Jones being a Quarren Sith Lord piloting a feared ship across the galaxy, and the Kraken being a Summa-verminoth under his control, taking down star destroyers and other spaceships across the galaxy. Instead of souls, this Sith lord could instead drain the Force of the ones inside the ships to keep himself alive.

Quarren Rebel, like early Mon Cala rebellion before the alliance was a thing. Gets sent on a mission to try and attract enemy attention away for a different raid. Rescue never comes and he feels betrayed/abandoned but help never comes because the other mission failed and they are all dead, he escapes but never finds out what happened. Discovers his force sensitivity and falls to the dark side in his anger, becomes space pirate Sith Lord after discovering Holocron that teaches him how to control an ancient beast in an asteroid field, Nebula, lost system etc.


A more expansive version:

The legend of the Flying Dutchman was created, due to the dutch Merchant Fleet possessing the fastest ships at the time, resulting in dutch trading vessels being encountered all over the seas, so the supersticious seamen called it devilscraft.
Knowing the background of the Flying Dutchman, I'd say, go a similar way and call it after a Race that is known for trading. Therefore, since I couldn't find much else, for the time being, I'll call it the Neimodian.
As for it's looks, has anyone seen the animated movie Space Pirate Captain Harlock, from, I think, 2013? If I recall correctly, his ship, the Arcadia, was able to repair itself and often times was shrouded in a black, smoke-like cloud. Something like that. And knowing what is possible in the Star Wars universe, this could be plausible.

So, Darth Altus originally belonged to the old Sith Empire, maybe era of the Old Republic.
At some point, he disappeared from the stage, believed to have died. But in reality, he travelled to the outer regions, and now he has returned, more powerful than ever before!

There, deep in the unknown space of the outer regions, he meditated. He listened. And he learned. He aquired some skill in the powers used by Darth Nihilus, taking his own spin at it, and mastered it. Using forbidden Sith Alchemy and his Powers of the Force, he became something different. The ship he was on changed. Caused by the dark rituals he performed, the ship transformed, together with him. His ship, the Neimodian, became almost impossible to destroy, repairing every damage it took by itself, without the need of fuel of any known kind, and binding the Sith Lord to itself for eternity.

Darth Altus, in his Quest for power and knowledge, became a Force Vampire, feeding on the Force of the living beings around him, and even mastered the ability to, if he wished so, rip the Force out of a living being, permanently destroying it, preventing it from becoming a Force Ghost, but also to sustain a Form of live over years, keeping some of the crew of the Neimodian alive to manouver the ship and to feed upon.
There he also learned to control a Summa-Verminoth, which now obeys his every command.

After years in his self-exile, he learned by coincidence of the Fall of the Sith Empire, and for several more years, that was his last contact to the known Galaxy. Now he has returned to haunt the known Galaxy.

Being not entirely material anymore, the Neimodian is almost impossible to detect by normal means. And when it appears out of dark space, cloaked in what appears to be a cloud of black smoke and lightning, it's almost to late to run. Darth Altus himself can't leave his ship for too long, without risking to become weak and possibly die, due to being bound to his ship. But he still has his crew of almost undead, being loyal to noone but him, attacking and capturing other ships, leaving no survivors behind. It's better to die in the attack, than to get captured by the crew of that black ship. Those that survive the attack, are brought on the Neimodian. There, they either end as meal for the Sith Lord, who rips their knowledge and force from their bodies, killing them, or become part of the crew, getting fed upon, over time turning them into his loyal thralls. And those that manage to run, he sends his pet after.

The Empire Strikes Back could remain The Empire Strikes Back.

Huh, didn't knew about that part of the lore. I just assumed Vode An was a larpy Republic song about killing confederates

nah, most of the earliest clones were trained by the Mandalorians, so they kinda inherited a lot of their cultural traditions in turn. Hence, why you hear the song play during Republic Commando. That and its cool.

The Mando Season 2 trailer has dropped


any thoughts?

Looks like it's going to be a lot more depressing.

Good point

so essentially it's clone Mando LARP instead.

>so essentially it's clone Mando LARP instead.
kinda yeah kinda no? mandos have a tradition of adoption and most of the mandalorian trainers treated their clone trainees as their own sons. since the Empire didn't want anything to do with the clone army post-war a lot of clones were left suddenly homeless and jobless, but the Mandalorians adopted vast swathes of the clone army to live out on mandalore. a few mandalorian supercommandoes and a few republic commandos even put together a team to infiltrate kamino and kidnap one of the cloners to reverse the clone double-aging process so they could live out longer lives, and actually managed to do it. they killed the kaminoan shortly after too, which ended up completely screwing up one of the Empire's plans for cloning the Emperor in case he was ever killed in his main body.

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Okay. How do any of the sequel names even make sense? I remember in 2015 thinking
>The Force Awakens? huh was it not awake in the previous 6 movies
Then the last jedi probably makes the most sense but like Luke says Rey will not be the last Jedi
And don't even get my started on Rey Starwars in episode IX.

looks pretty good but why do they keep casting wrestling/fighting stars in my space wizard show? Cara Dune is cool and all but definitely not as good of an actor as Pedro Pascal or Carl Weathers.

Because they tend to over-act and therefore provide campiness to the episodes. I enjoy it sine it's better than fishfaced screaming.

>Force Awakens
The Jedi have vanished again so they're essentially rehashing the original first Star Wars "A New Hope"
Last Jedi does make sense but Rise of Skywalker really did make no sense.

the force awakens from being dormant since the dark side was wiped out with Anakin's sacrifice and Luke's academy was destroyed and he cut himself off from the force. Rey was the awakening of the light, and Kylo the dark.
The last jedi is easy.
Got me beat on the Rise of Skywalker though. By the time Rey gets adopted she isn't really rising or doing anything.

Star Wars Saga film name rankings
1)Empire Strikes Back
2)Revenge of the Sith
3)The Phantom Menace
4)Return of the Jedi
5)The Last Jedi
6)Attack of the Clones
7)A New Hope
8)The Force Awakens
9)Rise of Skywalker

Not bad
I'd go with

Revenge of the Sith
Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
The Last Jedi
A New Hope
Attack of the Clones
Phantom Menace
Rise of Skywalker
The Force Awakens

Rise of Skywalker is easily the worst and perfectly encapsulates just in its name the problem with modern Star Wars. The titles shouldn't use character names. Lacks that classic pulpy quality.

I always liked the story of the post Order 66 jedi that managed to get onboard a CIS Recusant light destroyer and were trying to reason with its droid brain and tell it to escape the Republic's oncoming advance but the droid brain was just really fucking hype to be able to shoot at some more clones even though it was outnumbered like 5 to 1

Reminds me of that episode of Star Wars: Rebels S3E6 The_Last_Battle wherein a Super-tactical Droid General Kalani, and his remaining droids continue fighting an ended war and do a simulation with the Rebels, only for Ezra to reason with him that, both the Republic Clones and CIS droids lost to the Empire. It was a neat episode, though the droids should have had some imapact on the Storm Troopers IMO.

Fuckin' this. The worst part is that while using SKYWALKER, in the title, ALL the remaining SKYWALKERS are DEAD by the end of the movie. And FFS we don't even get any real indication of the name being passed down to Rey, she just takes it… she's not even pregnant Kylo's kid or something. A la >12509

>Rebels S3E6 The_Last_Battle
I always liked that episode, and I wish there was more exploration of the CIS holdouts and how they were the framework that the Rebellion was built upon. Its a shame that in both Legends and Canon though the based elements of the CIS mostly faded away and the Rebellion just established another libshit republic which was doomed to fail in the same way the last one did.

I just realized after watching The Dead Don't Die, that Adam Driver is rather tall at 6 foot 2 (3) inches, an inch taller than Harrison Ford, and far taller than most of the rest of the Disney Sequels Cast. And apparently it was a bit intimidating for some of them (pic related). Given that was a Marine, it's probably doubly so.

>exploration of the CIS holdouts
There's probably a few comics, novels and fanfics that cover this, (I've certainly read a few) and I agree that it's a rather exciting idea of "last hold-out against the Empire" idea.

That IS pretty funny now that I think about it. On a side note I had a similar laugh thinking about someone looking up "Revenge of the Smith" and just finding results of the obscure show The Thundermans.

On a random note, I realized that Tai Lung is a bit similar to Anikin Skywalker, in that, a talented orphan through his raising, he believed HE was the chosen one and when Oogway did not given him the position of The Dragon Warrior he fell to his own darkness. Of course this is not a deep similarity, but I just noticed it all the same. Mostly Tai Lung's tantrum after denial reminded me of the "You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master" moment from The Revenge of the Sith

>their ratings are better than the Disney Sequels
Doesn't dismiss the fact that they're objectively shit movies kekw
> even die-hard OT fans liked them after the prequel-hate bandwagon lost steam.
[citation needed]
>Using big-words and overly-comple insults does not make an argument no matter how much you dilate
Cope. Autistically obsessing over muh lore and muh political intrigue instead of the things that actually make films good is practically the definition of pretentious naval gazing. Or maybe just autism, who knows.
> And it won't make you the Anglo you wish you were either, and nothing will ever change that.
&ltPrequel shitter is a closeted /pol/nigger
Imagine my shock.

>Onjectively shit movies
LOL no
>[citation needed]
&ltignores the sheer popularity of prequel memes and prequel discussion among Star Wars fans
No argument
>obsessing over muh lore and muh political intrigue
But that's not it at all you dull bread slice, the point is that the prequels built upon and went in depth with the political intrigue that began with the Original Trilogy, expanding it and the world building, y'know something that makes a fantasy story interesting.
>things that actually make films good
LOL like what? You fail to name anything
>Muh navel gazing
Ad hom slander without a real argument is the realm of losers like you, stay mad
Everything that requires a modicum of thought is 'autism' to you brainrotted consumers.
>closeted /pol/nigger
How is that /pol/ at all you delusional fucktard? Being an Anglophile isn't a compliment here.

>Being so assblasted you respond to a post half a year after it was made because you can't cope with your brainlet takes being laughed at.

So what is everyones rating list of the eleven movies + tv shows? Personally:
1. Rebels
2. Rogue One
3. Clone Wars
5. V
6. VI
7. I
8. III
9. Solo
10. VII
11. IV
12. II
13. IX
Didn't watch: Mandalorian

S tier: - Original Trilogy (A 3 part concise story that told a fantasy story but in Space and with new twists)

A tier: - Prequels (they were more nuanced than the OT and had good worldbuilding, but have some objective flaws)
- Clone Wars 2008 (Season 1-6 and the original unfinished 7th and 8th seasons were awesome, and filled in the gap of the majority of what the Prequel films missed)
- The Mandalorian (awesome downsizing that reflects the OT and has a fun combination of minor political nuance on a small scale as well as some good feels)

B Tier: - Clone Wars 2003 (fun and had worldbuilding, but I'm not a fan of the artstyle and format and has some issues)
- 2008 Clone Wars animated movie (like the 2008 series but a bit too childish)
- Star Wars Rebels (fun but the initial seasons and art-style was meh)

C Tier: - Force Awakens (a rehash of the Original film but with less effort and a lot of stupid crap)
- Solo movie (good idea executed horribly and with a lot of retcons and dumbshit. )
- Rogue One: has some good scenes and an interesting concept that got hobbled by Executive meddling and retcons)
- Star Wars Droids and Ewoks (unremarkable but not horrendous attempts at animated series that like most 80s cartoons were made for selling toys)

Shit Tier: - Star Wars Resistance and Forces of Destiny (lazy shitty writing, liberal idpol and no nuance, fantasy or style)
- Last Jedi (le subverting expectations bullshit, excessive mary sue shit, and liberal idpol)
- Rise of Skywalker (horrible retcons, liberal idpol, mockery of the original trilogy's story and absolute mess over-all, after the original idea was scrapped)
- Holiday Special and Ewok movies (Almost total trash made as a big advertisement. Only the animated segment is worth watching)

I found these fantastic star wars meme music on youtube, very kino

For me my list is basically this guy's >>11612

>Star Wars meme video
That was a fun Music video TBH, quite nice.

these little animations are better than they have any right to be


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>defending the CIS
Aren't they literally just lolbertarians turned state ultra-capitalist? They're run by a conglomerate of megacorporations, slavers, and nationalists

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Mind linking to the post you're talking about?
If it's just a general statement well here's the sitch.
1) Most of it is just ironic LARP done for laughs
2) Underdog stories are fun, so rooting for them is sort of inevitable, especially when it's just fictional
3) While the money behind the CIS was lolbertians and bankers, the actual CIS states were largely those that had been exploited by the Republic and given the short end of the stick in regards to support and help.

If you read through the thread this is a basic, acknowledged point. The Prequels told of the fall of liberal democratic republics into fascism and thus parallels the USA both historically and today.

Yeah, too bad they aren't the people making new Canon Star Wars stuff.

honestly they should have like a samurai jack kind of show with this animation style about an exiled jedi exploring the furthest reaches of galactic civilization and coming across all kinds of oddities like CIS holdouts and new and weird species

New episode of the Mandalorian dropped, and it was a pretty fun episode. Small time Tatooine mining town and some Tuskan raiders get together to kill a Kryat dragon, done by the Mandalorian to get Boba Fett's armor off of some guy who scavenged it to return the armor to his people. And, at the end of the episode, it is revealed that Boba Fett is alive and is probably going to try and get his armor back from Mando.

Is this art or some fanmade movie clips?

Neat stuff, thanks!

The show is a gem buried between the shit of the Disney movies.

>a samurai jack kind of show with this animation style about an exiled jedi exploring the furthest reaches of galactic civilization and coming across all kinds of oddities like CIS holdouts and new and weird species
So basically a fantasy version of Star Trek Voyager with minimal crew.

>So basically a fantasy version of Star Trek Voyager with minimal crew.
Sorta but I imagined that he would pick up crew along the way
It sucks ass that they had the Rebels crew run into Kelani (the CIS super-tactical droid) and he ended up just fucking disappearing. Instead this show would be about slowly building up an outer rim resistence group in the aftermath of the Rise of the Empire, small but powerful thanks to their skills and contacts. I think it should have a bittersweet ending though, like they all end up dying heroically in the final season but in the name for a greater cause that helps lead to the founding of the Rebellion, in a way all of the refuse of the Clone Wars era making way for the start of the early rebellion.

>you will never get your ass slapped by a amazonian mandalorian girl

He was trying to do that but couldn't. Windu was the only one that could actually defeat Palpatine in a fair fight

Ahsoka isn’t a mandalorian she’s a togruta tf?


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The drawing is a meme referring to gif related but reversing the situation.

We don't like Disney-fags and steven fagverse here, /pol/

mediocre fan art why did you post it

I actually wouldn't mind more indie movie and tv short projects for media, reminds me of when cartoon network and nickolodeon used to do little short sketches in-between their actual shows which actually resulted in some pretty good shows being approved just by their sketches, like Courage the Cowardly Dog. I don't think it is good to do derivative media in this format though, which is most of where this thing cocks up. You can't really have some randos try to live up to the fucking Clone Wars and (to a lesser extent) Rebels.

I hope the Mandalorian isn't biting off more than it can chew. I really was digging the smaller and more personal scale of the first season. They were going through the hero's journey really well and establishing some very interesting arcs related to paternity and trauma, and I hope that wonderful story telling doesn't get lost among all these connections to the skywalker saga. I mean I trust Filoni, he didn't let me down with Rebels or the Clone Wars Finale (chefs kiss), but I'm remaining cautious optimistic about my hopes for the series.

Also wtf was Ahsoka going on about not being able to train him like she's mace windu in episode I, that threw me a bit.

if anything it will be tied more with the fate of Mandalore itself and the Mandalorian's role in his society along with his adopted kid. It will be interesting to see the Mandalorian fraternizing with all of these more progressive non-deathwatch mandos before inevitably meeting back up with members of his old Mandalorian tribe and having to awkwardly explain why he is following a much more lose interpretation of The Way. I think this is a period of building new emotional tension for the Mandalorian between if baby yoda should be raised as a Jedi or a Mandalorian Foundling, if he should abandon his ultraconservative interpretation of Mandalorian culture or not, if he should fight for Mandalore with Bo-Katan or not, ect.
>Also wtf was Ahsoka going on about not being able to train him like she's mace windu in episode I, that threw me a bit.
Ahsoka is still of the jedi, hasn't really thrown away the jedi code itself. And mind, this is a post-knowing Anakin is Darth Vader Ahsoka, she actually does know what attachments can do to a person without discipline, and it'd make sense that she would be afraid to train someone with such attachments.

dude i really hate all the shit they're doing this season with asoka and the other TCW shit. It feels so forced and unnatural. Filoni or whatever his fucking name is is going to tank this shit.

I just noticed that Grogu is wearing a Jedi robe in that concept art. Dope.

You mean yeed

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>Ahsoka is still of the jedi, hasn't really thrown away the jedi code itself. And mind, this is a post-knowing Anakin is Darth Vader Ahsoka, she actually does know what attachments can do to a person without discipline, and it'd make sense that she would be afraid to train someone with such attachments.
I really hope the lesson Ahsoka takes away from that realization isn't that attachments are bad and should be avoided… I kind of feel like the take away should be the opposite and the Jedi were wrong, Qui-gon was right… Anakin needed a dad and family and the Duel of the Fates and death of Qui-gon took that from him. I thought that was kind of the development we saw in Rebels, where Kanan did get to fall in love with Hera and he did get to be a father-figure to Ezra. Oh well, I'll just have to wait and see.

BTW anyone here play Fantasy Flight Star Wars rpg?

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boba fett just got canonized as a mandalorian, as did the Mandalorian Civil Wars and the Mandalorian Supercommandos. Boba also got his armor back.

plus, we got our reveal of the new Darktroopers.

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also some more favorite shots from the episode, for a mostly action episode it did hit hard with the feels a few times

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Speaking of Mandos, Twitter libs had a chimp-out over Bo-Katan prompting Shadiversity to respond about feminine armor again. >>12458

Weren't the Darktroopers revealed in Rogue One?
Also good for Booba, I always hated the silly concept of him not being a Mandolorian, it was one of the dumber parts of the EU.

Didn't even hear about this one, is it any good? Post it on >>>/games/3265

Definitely, it would go against a lot of the original and prequel's world building and character development otherwise.

I don't think that's Jedi robes, Rey was wearing similar crap before she even knew about the Force or anything else. It's just good attire for the area IMO.

Filoni is a fag, but Mandolorian is succeeding so far and I think you just personally dislike TCW and therefore dislike this. It's a matter of personal taste here.

I wouldn't mind either, such Nick content was gold back in the day, as long as they kept out the liberal idpol, that's what makes it irritating.

Same, however I think they're going for a larger over-arching story, with 'adventures' episodically, sort of like a lot of other successful TV-shows. As >>12939 mentioned, they're likely to explore Mandalore, pulling more of it's culture out to explore. Hopefully they won't go "hurr stoopic macho" as I fear some of the writers may attempt

>Weren't the Darktroopers revealed in Rogue One?
Nah those were Deathtroopers. I guess for current canon you could call the Deathtroopers Phase 0 Darktroopers.
>it was one of the dumber parts of the EU.
Most everything Boba Fett was kinda dumb in the EU, I like his newer characterization.
Legends had him pretty schitzo going between a ruthless killer to a mercenary to the benevolent ruler of mandalore but now he has gone to rebellious and caviler teen without a dad to experienced but apathetic bounty hunter to an old and hardened man who seems to want to be a part of the culture of the father he hardly ever got to know and live up to his legacy of professionalism and honor, or at least that is what it seems like from his appearance thus far.

>Phase 0 Darktroopers
Makes sense. I wonder if this means the Yuzzhan Vong will comeback? Or at least be referenced
>His new appearance and progression over time
Yep. It really fits the Space Cowboy vibe too.


It's heavy and specific to the Mandolorians, traditional opponents of the Jedi - thus hard to access and rather controversial to use for magic warrior monks. It would also serve no purpose to their lightsabre based fighting styles, as the armor would weight down their movements.

> It would also serve no purpose to their lightsabre based fighting styles, as the armor would weight down their movements.
Bullshit. They're jedi, it wouldn't weigh then down when they have the force. Even without the force there are fuckhuge alien Jedi that wouldn't notice the weight. If beskar can stop lightsabers, it ruins the whole universe. Star wars is ruined now.

Yes it would. Using the force is tiring for most Jedi and the armor is heavy on its own.
>stop lightsabre
Beskar can't stop lightsabres outright, it is merely dense enough that it can prevent them from cutting clean through. prolonged contact will push through it, and a stab will also (see Maul vs Death Watch or other Mandolorian fights with Jedi).
>fuckhuge alien
On whom the armor would not fit most likely. It is expensive and hard to acquire for humanoids and is made for battle, when the majority of Jedi members were like Nuns and Monks who rarely did actual combat and meditated with the force.

Only Mandalorians know how to forge it and are fiercely protective of ownership of beskar - especially suits of armor, which are often passed down familial lines. Whatever protection it would afford against lightsabers would only end up giving you more trouble from Mandalorians.
Plus, getting some off an actual Mandalorian isn't easy, the Mandalorian armor pattern by the Old Republic was specifically designed to combat force users through speed, maneuverability, and versatility of weapons that can't be blocked by the force (flamethrowers, slugthrowers, explosives, ect). Getting a set is hard facing down just one Mandalorian - but they usually live in large clans and are defensive for each other. You wouldn't be facing down one, but dozens if not hundreds.

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General Grievous: Has the size of the entire galaxy.

Anakin: General Grievous! yOu ArE sHoRtEr ThAn I eXpEcTeD. (He was expecting him to be as massive as the universe.)



the Bad Batch show just got announced - direct continuation of the Clone Wars tv series right after the proclamation of the Empire.

>The Bad Batch
Was excited that might have been about Gremlins 3 at first.

Ashoka is getting her own show

This would be awesome, but they've changed the Bad Batch up so much from the original, don't know how good it is anymore.

That would be amusing, Gremlins are certainly a good fit among Star Wars aliens.

I hope they don't make it like they did her "lone travels" with the lesbo sisters in the final TCW season.

they really are going to make an endless amount of trash aren't they

eh the mandalorian has turned out alright, lets see if they can do good again. maybe the Ahsoka show will be basically a Samurai movie while Bad Batch will be a bunch of deniable ops until it turns into a cathartic destruction of the Empire from the inside.

I was rewatching the first episode of the Mandalorian and I want to believe the alien remnant is a an anti-Imperial rebel remnant trying to hide out on the peaceful planet to protect the Child. Considering the Empire is specifically trying to gain control of this asset and Kuill alluding to their planet being a planet where those go to peace, the pieces fit together too nicely.

'Member X-Wings?
'Member Boba Fett?
'Oh, I know, I know, Member Luke Skywalker?

the masturbation truly reaches astronomical heights in S02

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I can't believe boba fett became the CEO of sex
I think people bitch too much about the idea of fanservice, because most of the fanservice-y characters introduced in the Mando aren't just there to be there, they do actually serve plot purposes. Boba lives up to his contract with Mando and doesn't steal the spotlight in the process, and Luke is the only jedi still kicking that would train Grogu in the force despite his connections to Din because he isn't an autistic retard like the old jedi order.

oh and on the order of TCW stuff, Bo Katan is a character with quite an edge and a bit of a scumbag who manipulated Din and basically flips off Boba. And maybe even an antagonist of sorts for season 3, we dunno.



Maybe they just did it cause they wrote themselves into a corner with baby Yoda and this is how they kill him off

Also Ezra is hands down better than any other young jedi character in the setting.

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did anyone else have a giggle at the imperial dubstep?


Dark Troopers are based

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Thought this thread died. Let's bump.

I mean he’s like the only other Jedi besides Ashoka that’s can train a force user, right? it’s kind of inevitable.
what didn’t make sense was Boba Fett.

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considering everyone that sits in jabbas throne gets fat as shit this is what bobba's show is gonna be like



>“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbours … even by children … Because history is edited, most people today don’t realise that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views.”


I'm fucking pissed they did this. Goddammit.

Maybe they just used this as a pretext. Considering their statement that she wasn't currently hired anyway, they might have just been planning to let her go anyway. This way they don't have to say
>she got too fat for the role

as of current canon she is like the only other half-decent force user around, assuming Kal Cestus has either died or something else. Really it was Luke or Ahsoka, barring them bringing back a Legends character randomly.

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go ahead rebel
you can't unhorny the galaxy

Are you mocking people defending Gina Carano? She's absolutely right.

but she was perfect for the role because she was a heavy gunner

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>she got too fat for the role
what do you mean by that ? she just looks believably buff, like she could actually fight without immediately being snapped like a twig.


maul was supposed to have a beak and feathers originally

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Star Wars: Visions is an upcoming anime adaptation and a lot of the characters and aesthetics look based and samurai champloo levels of effort. The only thing that bugged me is the girls from Studio Trigger's "The Twins" episode clip, cause it's that same annoying transparent hair over eye girl design that really doesn't mesh with the rest of the animation comparatively, this might be an unpopular opinion but this stylization, especially in Kill la Kill is just obnoxious to me, it's dialing up the Magical Girl art-style of the 90s but without the budgetary animation reasons that the 90s anime had.
Original Post >>>/anime/10068

Speaking of buff girls I highly recc the Muscle Girl thread >>>/siberia/110135

dont even have to watch the rest to know village bride was the best episode

Just finished the series and I was right! Lop and Ochō are a close second though. Most of the interesting episodes in the series touch on themes of colonialism, hierarchy, industrial development, and imperialism. Although don’t expect anything ground breaking as they go as far as any show airing on modern media that critiques capitalism without submitting to radical centrism(explicit hints without labeling it) honorable mention, the droid episode had the most unique idea and had weird and experimental sound and will certainly piss off a lot of Star Wars fans with its lore, but I appreciate everything about it.

>the droid episode
The episode is good and interesting as you say, but it sort of clashes heavily with canon lore. In LEgends there's a similar droid that I mentioned some time ago on the thread that did connect to the force and similar things but it and many other unique droids are exceptions to the general rule of trillions of droids produced. The animation is excellent.


Literally all good Star Wars pisses off Star Wars fans.

I don't think there is a single fandom that doesn't understand the object of their love as much as Star Wars fans. idk why

> all good Star Wars pisses off Star Wars fans.
ok liberal, reddit is on another url.

The new Boba Fett trailer is fuckin' hype; it and The Mandalorian are exactly the kind of small-scale worldbuilding series that the franchise ned and really comes back to the roots of Star Wars - Science Fantasy versions of classic film stories; Westerns, Samurai & Knight quests, Mafia & street life, and of course Adventure.

So apparently old Ben Kenobi will have a rematch with Anakin in the new Kenobi series
Kinda interesting to see how this plays out, could see an Obi-Wan not yet as wise as ANH Old Ben thinking he had a duty to finish what he started and put down Vader for good

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As exciting as this may sound, I think this kind of retcons the original trilogy and prequels, since Kenobi specifically left for Tatooine to guard Luke. and going out to try and stop Vader is going to just attract his attention and let him know that they're still around.


To be fair, Vader never once doubted Obi-Wan was still alive somewhere, he knew him far too well to assume he could ever get killed off by the stormtroopers or just drop dead naturally, I imagine Vader figured he would one day face Obi-Wan again but just didn’t know when
Meanwhile he would still have no reason to assume Obi-Wan went into hiding to stow away or guard anyone

>he would still have no reason to assume Obi-Wan went into hiding to stow away or guard anyone
A bleeding heart like Kenobi is probably going to be linked to rebels in Vader's mind. Also I meant that Kenobi is still alive, but clearly cutting himself off from the force and so trying to hide, hunting Vader and revealing himself is counterproductive to being a veritable guardian angel over Luke, since to do that he has to at least go back and forth from Tatooine, and the Empire is logically going to seek the reason the dustball interests him so.

That's so fucking retarded, I wish they'd stop ruining ANH wth these retcons

Do people actually give a fuck about Obi-Wan? I never thought he was interesting in A new hope and I sure as hell didn't think anything about the prequels were interesting.

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>Do people actually give a fuck about Obi-Wan?
>didn't think anything about the prequels were interesting
That's your personal taste, feel free to read the thread on people discussing the prequels to see their interest in it and in part, Obi Wan.
The 2008 Clone Wars animated series gave him much more screen time and expanded on his character and its quippy nature (pic related). That said I do not think he really needs a series that, as >>21248 mentions and I hinted at, kind of retcons the original Trilogy. But if it is as good as The Mandalorian, I'd give it a chance, since that's some damn decent cinematographic story.

If it’s any help it’s a miniseries, just six episodes then done

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Boba is literally a based Sakaist Land Backer.

Boba Fett literally hiring the proletariat who've been made into Lumpen because petite bourgeois water sellers are overcharging prices. Also Boba Fett literally price fixing like a based communist.

Note that the point is that Boba is becoming a good man too 🤔

Boba Fett recruiting Post Leftist transhumanist anarchists from the working district?? BASED??

I stand corrected. More like just Punk aesthetic, but whatever.

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>you WILL respect Tusken ancestral claims
>you WILL lower your water prices
>I WILL end the labor shortage
>you WILL recognize the People's Republic of Tatooine

Need punk droid part augmented gf

>Mando gets to keep the Darksaber
>Owns a bunch of ayy lmaos with it
>In the process, he roasts his own thigh with the blade
lmao, poor Djin. Wonder if he will get any better with using it - and further, if anyone else (like Bo Katan) will try to challenge him for it.

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also nice ring

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Reminds me of the moon station in Treasure Planet

I thought halo ring.

I miss the sand people :(

The buildings really remind me of Telos Station.

How do I get into the EU. I'm not talking any of the utter trash Disney produced in the past 8 years. I want to explore the good post-Battle of Endor stuff.

Read the Thrawn trilogy, play some old vidya games (x-wing, kotor, jedi knight series), read the West End Games sourcebooks from D6holocron which is the source material they gave to Timothy Zahn when he wrote the Thrawn trilogy (the Imperial and Rebel ones have more lore than all of Disneywars combined) http://d6holocron.com/downloads/wegsourcebooks.html
There's a bunch more video games and books and even comics and animated series like the original clone wars, but I can't really speak to those. It just comes down to what you're interested in. You can read through the wiki to find stuff too.

lol this uygha posts on the hobby board

What's your point faggot?

The only thing good about the Legends stuff is the Thrawn trilogy, that Kotor games and the Jedi Academy games and that's it. Compared to the rest of the trash produced those were diamonds in the rough compared to the absolute trash canon of the Legends. Say what you will about the sequel trilogy, the canon thus far has been consistent when it comes to books and comics and games and tv series.

I'll take highly variable Legends vs. consistently soulless shit.

Variable as in a handful of good stuff vs consistent stuff with higher highs. Alot ot the current expanded lore is pretty great and expanding more in interesting ways. The worst part of the modern canon is just those 3 sequel movies. In Legends having crap after crap after crap to maybe have one good thing doesn't make the old canon "good".

>those 3 movies
So the core of the entire new canon.
Reminder that a shitton of the new expanded universe/canon is just a bunch of old EU stuff that got shoveled into some officially canon books so it could be included in there.

The 3 new movies aren't the core of the new canon what? Lol actually there's been not much expanded during the sequel trilogy except a couple comics and novelizations that add a bit of new lore here and there. But the new canon is expanding beyond just the sequel era which is just one bit.

the sequels are a pretty small part of the canon really, its more the normie-b8 if anything. the big nu-canon stuff lies in the Clone Wars, post-OT but pre-sequels, the High Republic, and a smattering of OT-era stuff. Its very much trimming the fat away from the meat with a lot of the more substandard legends stuff getting removed while the better stuff tends to stay, and I am frankly alright with this direction.

> the Clone Wars, post-OT but pre-sequels, the High Republic, and a smattering of OT-era stuff
1/2 of that is EU, the EU only became such after Disney bought the franchise and anulled 90% of the worldbuilding. Almost everything they are "creating" today in the nu-canon is recycled material from the old EU and not all of it good. The writing is poorer too, pic related.

I hope you're getting paid to shill this hard for Disney, for your sake.

>1/2 of that is EU
It was EU already going into the direction of culling Legend's canon by overwriting it, though. Both implicitly (through George's direct oversight) and explicitly (from the way Star Wars canon is structured, these TV shows are only overridden by movies). I'm kind of the opinion that no matter if Lucasfilms stayed independent or if they shacked up with Disney, this kind of purge of Legends content was pretty inevitable - maybe it wouldn't be as widespread as Disney, leaving like the KOTOR era alone, but I can't imagine a whole lot of stuff surrounding the OT and prequels could survive if George was going around and trying to start big multimedia projects again, mostly because all of them were created during a time where the idea of a continuous Star Wars canon just really wasn't that much of a thing and thus often overwrote/contradicted each other to begin with.

>culling Legend's canon by overwriting it
EU is Legends you n00b.
> this kind of purge of Legends content was pretty inevitable
No, it isn't, the EU repeatedly had content ruled non-canon before Mickey the Rat got corporate fingers in the pie, not a complete purge of all content before blatantly stealing it for fanfiction-tier garbage.
>mostly because all of them were created during a time where the idea of a continuous Star Wars canon just really wasn't that much of a thing and thus often overwrote/contradicted each other to begin with.
And? Every franchise that big does that and makes contradicting content AU.

>EU is Legends you n00b.
Yeah, no shit. The EU overwrote itself, it literally had a linear tier of canonocity created for the sake of clarifying what overwrites what lmao.
>not a complete purge of all content before blatantly stealing it for fanfiction-tier garbage.
I mean, literally every time there was a big LucasArts project it either completely disregarded or fully overwrote previous material - see especially the Mandalore arc of TCW, Asajj Ventress' story and endpoint, Maul's resurrection, all this TV and book content which completely undid all of the Clone Wars series of comics and a few novels.

The stuff surrounding TCW which survived was stuff that was about character stories of really unimportant characters (like MedStar, basically Star Wars MASH) or stuff that wasn't explicitly overwritten so people headcanon it in (like the True Mandalorians existing in the Mando Civil War) even though it is kinda forcibly inserting material which wasn't meant to be accommodated in the new canon, which already has a slew of content overwritten by the new canon so most of the story beats could not go anywhere anyways.

tl;dr, Der Maus only made official what was de-jure already going on anyways in that any new, official Star Wars content was going to overwrite or do away with anything in the same time period they were covering.
>And? Every franchise that big does that and makes contradicting content AU.
It'd be more accurate to say that they did, it seems now the impulse is to either have a completely continuous canon (what Star Wars is doing) or have some kind of multiverse explanation to allow for contradictory content to exist in tandem (see superhero movies, but especially Spider Man of late). Access to media content in multiple forms is a lot more readily avaliable than it used to be, so it is far easier to find contradictory content and notice it. Back in the day the only way I'd read Star Wars novels was renting them from the library or sometimes finding used copies in a bookstore, now you have not only online stores but .pdf copies and audiobooks circulating around en masse so everyone can engage in the media easily. That increase of availability is what has been driving people generally into trying to make these kinds of continuous canons, either fanon arrangements of canon or corporate-sponsored canon.

>the Mandalore arc of TCW, Asajj Ventress' story and endpoint, Maul's resurrection, all this TV and book content which completely undid all of the Clone Wars series of comics and a few novels.
That already happened during the preparation of sales to Disney, it also didn't eliminate the EU completely, just made a couple prior novels/comics retconned.
>it seems now the impulse is to either have a completely continuous canon
Yeah, and it's the Lucafilm equivalent of New52 in DC; dumb AF
>That increase of availability is what has been driving people generally into trying to make these kinds of continuous canons, either fanon arrangements of canon or corporate-sponsored canon.
Corporate pragmatism is not a justification IMO.

>it also didn't eliminate the EU completely, just made a couple prior novels/comics retconned.
Thats… the point anon. Lucas was just doing it piecemeal but would basically inevitably get most-to-all of it retconned via their emerging media projects. Disney decided to just rip the bandage off all at once, as it were.
>Yeah, and it's the Lucafilm equivalent of New52 in DC; dumb AF
I dunno, I enjoy a good amount of the new content, I think the inter-connectivity leads to greater storytelling through that sense of a connected universe. A big issue of old Star Wars especially was scale - is a single ISD a major or minor force? Were stormtroopers a joke or a threat? Ect, now there is a much more consistent line on these kinds of things which makes setting up antagonists easier and thus portraying the evolution of protagonists against them easier as well. Mando going from struggling against a squad of Stormtrooper deserters to taking on an entire frigate's worth of them is a satisfying sense of progression compared to how Stormtroopers were just mincemeat to characters like Kyle Katarn. Its also generally lowered the cap of power in the universe, so characters do have a greater sense of engagement to the universe as opposed to what was basically gods on earth with late-stage force characters like old Luke or Darth Kryat who only faced adversity when they came up against other force gods (very literally in the case of Abbaloth).

tl;dr I enjoy the storytelling on average in new canon more than I do on average with Legends.
>Corporate pragmatism is not a justification IMO.
I don't think it is corporate pragmatism as much as it is corporations responding to how people now enjoy their media. Various fan arrangements of canon were around way before Disney, predating even the capeshit Marvel Endgame trend of creating a unified universe.

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oh god oh fuck look at those glances

its going to get shipped

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501st chads represent

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I don't always soyface when watching something I like but when I saw this motherfucker in live action I turned into a 10 year old fuckin kid.

great lol

they’re fucking(no strings attached)

what the fuck. why didn’t anakin just say he had a friends w benefits. I know he had a control issue but couldn’t the Jedi just explicitly say he can fuck the senator. no attachments and all that jazz. he could’ve set boundaries.

filoni really went ham w all this shit. altho, holy shit how old is bane now.

also, holy shit, literally soyfacing Unironically, but this might mean a boba vs bane rematch

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Why does the empire look like the cast of star trek discovery?
I'd rather be a rebelchad and hang out with Wookiees and Sullustans (and a few hot Zeltrons) than be basically an American soldier in present year.

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Czerka piggu go home

The Empire was literally based on the US military in the 1960s-70s.

>altho, holy shit how old is bane now.
unironically like… in his mid to late 70s I am pretty sure. and he isn't one of those funny aliens with a super-long lifespan either, its roughly human-equivalent.
I don't think there is meant to be any kind of inner-human racial distinctions in Star Wars, save for exceptionally divergent mutations like the Chiss.

In the event Glup Shitto chooses Mando, I really hope Luke and Ahsoka don't come to the rescue against the Pikes.

come on man, it's Tattooine. Luke is gonna go there.

Maybe it’s because victims of manipulative people(cough cough The Jedi Order and Yoda/Ben Kenobi) don’t recognize or realize they can be manipulative or it’s the heavy weight of having to restart the Jedi Order from anew, but it seems like young master luke is following the TLJ path and reteaching the dogmatic ways of the Old Jedi Order. It’s kind of funny bc on Twitter TLJ haters are stanning this Luke as having returned to his roots and not being a character assassination while the TLJ appreciators are recognizing the exact bullshit that would be the “character assassination” of Luke seen in TLJ. It’s sort of funny really. Regardless of whether you agreed with the direction TLJ took Luke’s character, there was a correlation of right wingers hating the TLJ interpretation. But now these exact same people are celebrating this Luke as if it’s not direct support for the path Luke will take in TLJ. Ironic, really.

I just stopped caring or watching after the Mandalorian ended. Boba Fett's series is cool looking but a mess from a story standpoint, the aesthetic is pleasing to most people so they ignore it.

Is he? Luke is giving Grogu a choice, unlike the past Jedi which gave the Jedi of old no choice in the matter whether it was age or whatever else. Remember that our only exposure of Luke as a teacher is this little guy. The Jedi detachment is similar to real monks who forego lots of attachment although monks do occasionally see their family. But nonetheless the monk philosophy is one of a collective family that's not about this or that family. In order to understand what Lucas saw as balance you'll understand that how Luke is teaching Grogu is in a balanced way.

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It’s because he’s framing the choice of Jedi and emotional attachment as two separate things. Especially when in ROTJ he seemed to reject killing his father and following the Jedi Way or “giving into attachments”(wanting control and power over attachments) and falling to the dark side and instead taking a third path of allowing attachments and becoming a Jedi “like his father”. The Like his father is important especially as both Ben and Yoda consider Anakin to not be a Jedi. I’m disappointed in Luke as a character. Not mad at him for not being self aware, just saddened he’s making a mistake. I guess it does make sense because Yoda himself framed them as oppositional values still, and Yoda is the only mentor figure he’s got besides Ben Kenobi, so I presume Luke must be struggling with that question. I just wished they showed him struggling with that question more. How do you teach the Jedi Way but have triumphed in a way against the Sith in a non-Jedi way(non Yoda way) while still being affirmed as a Jedi by the Emperor. If I were Luke, being validated as a Jedi yet still staying true to your values would not be a contradiction yet and maybe he hasn’t realized yet. But it seems Luke is going with the flow and taking the easiest path by not letting them synthesize. In the showdown of the emperor Luke was in his most vulnerable, and I’m not saying that emotional vulnerability would stay with him consistently for the rest of his life as some people love to think(the TLJ character assassination crowd) and also anecdotal evidence from myself, in which I a victim of abuse did not realize I inherited abusive behaviors and values. I am not disappointed in the the writing because technically it’s consistent with the timeline leading to the sequels, nor the writers since I guess it means they respect the canon. I sort of see this decision reflecting in me as I made this sort of dual decision in the past and unintentionally, I think it reveals Luke’s mindset despite the intention of choice, assuming Luke is going to stop training Grogu if he picks the attachment “route”. Luke is repeating his old master’s mistakes of having the choices in front of him be presented as opposition.

Of course all of this is a big assumption based on projecting the scene from ESB and ROTJ onto this one. I admit, I could be wrong, but I’d say it’s interesting how peeps on Twitter are interpreting it. I see it personally as Luke having not fully grown and learned from the Emperor encounter and him unconsciously separating the old rigid Jedi way and the healthy emotional attachment path he chose in ROTJ, and thus cementing him on a path to depression Luke from TLJ. Which I don’t mind, as I myself really don’t believe you can cement your values from one vulnerable moment.

Also, I am not saying despite all these assumed coincidences that it’s brilliant writing. It’s a mess and that’s why it’s unclear and why there can exist two opposing interpretations co-existing and not fighting with each other.


Man that finale was lame as fuck. I think I had too many assumptions like Bane killing the Tuskens but it was actually the Pykes?? and they didn’t even show the tribes deaths, but Bane was around Tatooine(maybe hired by the Pykes?) since Cob Vanth gave his armor away. Why not just make Bane do it if he’s been hired that long. They made the effort of showing a scene where Bane was shocked that the Pykes killed the Tuskens, which made me feel a bit sympathetic to Bane. Ngl it’s trauma porn but Bane killing the tuskens would be the epitome of his philosophy and Boba’s old philosophy coming against Boba’s new philosophy of “family”. Honestly the finale just revealed how horribly paced and underdeveloped the show was that I had ignored in hopes of potential despite the relatively strong themes of redemption ignoring those it was just a drag of a legitimate 1 hour battle sequence . Rating the entire series, I would say the first two episodes are the best, and once the tuskens die in episode 3 it turns to the shitter

Yoda in ROTJ never said Luke had to destroy Vader, only that he had to face Vaded/his father. Luke's struggle with his father showed his maturity in understanding that Vader or even the Emperor could not be defeated by fighting them and destroying them that way. When Mace Windu made the hasty decision of executing the Emperor without due process, his haste caused Anakin to panic and attack him. Anyways the point is Luke embraced everything the Jedi are supposed to be, people who act in defense of others and never as an indulgence or in vengeance. Luke's wisdom in the throne room was true Jedi wisdom and Luke only goes on the offense when Vader threatens to turn Leia but quickly sees what he could become.

Even Obi Wan is never like "I must destroy you Vader after all these years". Obi fights Vader in defense of himself and of helping Luke escape the Death Star and trusting him with the future.

Luke's need to save his father is not because of his direct attachment but in his trust in his friends, the rebels and in his father to give up his conflict and join him win over the dark side.

>Why do I get the feeling that we've picked up another pathetic life-form?
>Well, if droids could think, there'd be none of us here, would there?
>Anakin, it's just a droid.
>Flying is for droids.
>I don't recall *owning* a droid
>Only a master of evil, Darth!
Now replace *droid* with uyghur.

The Pykes just told Bane that they did it and pinned it on the Nikto bikers, and Bane passed the info on to Boba to try and get him to get in a duel with Bane. Bane had literally 0 influence on the events, he was just using it as a way to taunt Boba into acting unwise.

Bane was probably not taken aback by it as much as interested in it, imho. Mind this guy was literally paid to kidnap children in Clone Wars and was fine by it, I doubt he minds tribal genocide as anything to gawk at.

As for the episode overall I liked it as a kind of "payoff" seeing as how slow the pace of the rest of the show is. Personally I think they needed to either cut/condense all of the Mandalorian crossover bits or give the show like 2 extra episodes to expand its concepts more, maybe one extra tusken episode and one extra episode of Boba establishing his rule, maybe hiring mercenaries and showing his enforcement of rule on the city at work.
I think that works within the vaguely defined limits of the jedi as per the OT (if you discount Luke saying he won't kill his father and Yoda saying the Empire has already won, but that may be a question of willingness more than necessity) but in the context of the prequels that is pretty wrong, the jedi have a super-strict code of how to orient themselves while in the order and the entire chosen one prophesy is very explicitly thought to be "destroy the sith" forever, or at least that is what the Jedi think.

altho, ye robots are just literal slaves. if we ever have robots in the future, I think they’ll want liberation too.

>picked up another pathetic life-form
That refers to Jar Jar and Anikin and is supposed to be negative, to contrast Qui Gon.
>eplace *droid* with uyghur.
Droids aren't people, they aren't living beings from the get go. Advanced AI of droids can develop into a self-aware being (R2D2 for example) but generally they are not sapients, "muh uyghur" is a terrible false equivalency.

if we're retarded enough to make humanoid robots with sentience,moral and mental needs,then probably,but we're also retarded for doing that in the first place when we could have just made babies.

Wanted to bump the thread for no reason except to say FUCK THE JEDI ORDER basically space cops, child abusers, emotional abusers and manipulators, and authoritarian mother fuckers who allow the rapid spread of colonialism, capitalism, and imperialism to go unchecked and protect the status quo. Sith are just the Jedi at their full “potential” or rather a full expression of the values that they hold to allow the co-existence of the Bourgeois republic , now more appropriately and accurately named as the posthumously named Empire.

Thermonuclear childish nonsense

Does starwars have a communist faction ?

sith juche

That's fan lore, right ?
So nothing official

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The franchise isn't about, nor should it be about concrete ideologies outside basic vague similarities - instead it tells stories that had overarching ideas and messages on a human level but also a general socio-political level; Sith are fascist, the Republic is bureaucratic "democracy" of the rich, the Jedi are supposed to be enlightened monks but are not immune to corruption and losing sight of their role in lieu of ambition, etc.
I'm sure if I dig up old memories I can recall a direct "communist faction" group but that's tangential to the purpose and tale of Star Wars.

>Space cops
I never see Jedi preventing union struggles or labor disputes, never seen anyone they fight be a communist
>Child abusers
Literally how? Because they raise children to teach children how to use their abilities and connect with the Force? I never get these sorts of arguments tbh, a Force user without emotional control can easily become a deranged mass murderer
>Emotional abusers and manipulators?
To who? You mean because they actually have rules as a religious order? Do you mean because Anakin had to follow rules? He always had the ability to leave, even as a child
You realize you haven’t posted proofs so far?
>Allow colonialism, capitalism, and imperialism to go on unchecked
Only worthwhile criticism of the Jedi so far, nevertheless, there are only 10,000 Jedi

Lemme guess tho, if they took over the government (impossible since they got merked by the clones and couldn’t best the droid army) that would also prove they’re evil?
Based, it’s just edginess, there’s never actual proofs for the Jedi being evil, out of everyone in the entire Star Wars Galaxy they’re the least bad

Mace would’ve been 100% justified to kill Palpatine in that moment
First off
1. He wasn’t actually defenseless since he could shoot lightning from his hands
2. He actually did control the Senate and the Courts, he’d get away with his crimes
3. He controlled both armies in the clone wars
4. Anakin killed him for selfish reasons and didn’t give a fuck about the Jedi bs reasons he gave to spare Palps, Anakin literally murdered a defenseless man a couple weeks before
That seems to be what the Prophecy basically was, Anakin had a chance to destroy Sidious in Episode III and chose not to for selfish reasons, and Obi-Wan had absolutely no reason to think a child murdering fascist that betrayed all his friends, tried to kill him personally, and helped destroy an entire planet would stop at the thought of killing his adult son that he never raised

My thing is, why are so many people upset that the Jedi have to make sacrifices to be Jedi? They’re not supposed to be adventure knights that do stuff for fun, even in the OT Yoda mocked Luke for being adventurous, in Empire Strikes Back Luke nearly dies or gets captured because he goes to save his friends instead of completing his training and they never needed his help

What exactly was wrong with the Old Jedi Order? The Old Republic Era Jedi who had less rules and were freer had shit tons of students fall to the dark side and cause massive galactic wide wars and Sith Empires
The Prequel Era Jedi maintained peace for 1,000 years straight and had only two students fall to the dark side in their entire history, one of which fell because he refused to follow the rules
I think modern Westoids struggle to comprehend what a monk is
But also, the old Jedi gave people a choice, you always had a choice to leave the Jedi Order

Based response from you too

>Mace would’ve been 100% justified to kill Palpatine in that moment
From a practical standpoint yes, but from as a Jedi it violated the code, as did many of their actions during the fabricated war.
>Anakin killed him for selfish reasons and didn’t give a fuck about the Jedi bs reasons he gave to spare Palps, Anakin literally murdered a defenseless man a couple weeks before
And then he regretted it, the pivotal concept that keeps coming up is him repeating, "this is not the Jedi way" and Palpatine, grooming him from the beginning, preyed on that.
Also Anakin only (literally) disarmed him, Palpatine killed Mace.

>why are so many people upset that the Jedi have to make sacrifices to be Jedi?
Because people fail to realize that it ISN'T a generic fun space knight fantasy.

>had only two students fall to the dark side
Not 2 but yeah, very low (Qui Gon's first Padawan and a couple other ones too).
>one of which fell because he refused to follow the rules
Well also that ONE had been THE CHOSEN ONE (other than Luke) and his fall to the darkside came from the Jedi's failings, leading to not following rules in the first place.

Honestly I never understood arguments that blamed either the Jedi for Anakin’s turn or Mace Windu for his own murder

Firstly…how was Mace Windu moving to kill Sidious against the Jedi code? Because he was pathetically begging for his life? Because he pulled an obvious ruse? I’d say killing Sidious right then and there would have been completely within the Jedi way, since Mace wasn’t stupid and naive enough to think someone who just shot lighting out of his hands was “unarmed”. If anything his biggest mistake was going for a dramatic overhand blow instead of just stabbing the bastard.
As for Anakin, what part of his downfall was seriously the fault of the Jedi? Was it the part where they didn’t puff up his ego and tell him since he was “the Chosen One” he was superior to all other Jedi and thus could flaunt the rules, surely he needed an even more inflated ego! Was it the part where they didn’t let him have a secret wife they didn’t even know about (definitely their fault that Anakin simultaneously wanted the power and prestige of being a Jedi as well as not needing to take on the sacrifices a Jedi is expected to make, and he definitely couldn’t just marry Padme, leave the order, and still retain his Jedi training and knowledge of the Force). Was it the part where Yoda told him he needs to accept that death actually is an inevitable and natural part of life which every single person needs to learn (reminder, Anakin was a grown man)? Was it denying him the rank of Master after Palpatine forced them to put Anakin on the Council and when he proved exactly why he hadn’t earned the rank with his response?
Seriously, where did the Jedi go wrong other than giving him a lenient, inexperienced master like Obi-Wan? If anything, Mace would’ve set him straight, I say this as a fan of Anakin

And regarding the Jedi’s rules, again, when they were far looser with their rules literally thousands of jedi fell to the dark side and formed massive Sith armies that terrorized the Galaxy

>He always had the ability to leave, even as a child
Basically this, even in the old canon a Jedi could leave the order and if the Jedi Order took your lightsaber you could always just build another one and find another kyber crystal. In the new canon there are "ronen" Jedi called Wayseekers who act outside the Jedi council's vision and act more as people who just let the Force take them where it wills them. In any case the Jedi order is just a monk like order that is more "official" in that they work directly with the Republic and have official positions. Leaving the order won't mean you not being Jedi, just that you might not have the same resources and reach the order has.

This this this. By the time of Empire, with the context of the prequels one could see that Yoda had learned from what made the Jedi of the Clone Wars so blind to the threat that stared them in their faces. I like that line Yoda said in AOTC where he said: "misread the prophecy we may have". And it was that realization that Yoda knew that his gut(the force really) was telling him. Despite how clouded Palpatine made things he could only cloud so much, at the end of the day the other half of the equation was Jedi arrogance. By Empire, Yoda had been sobered by his isolation and experiences during the Clone Wars. The only lesson I really liked in The Last Jedi was when Yoda told Luke that failure is a great teacher because he would definitely know. But that's just a really great moment in a bad movie.

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Fuck I accidentally made a rant, sorry.
>blamed either the Jedi
Because that was the entire theme of the prequel trilogy - the blind incumbent attitude of the Jedi that had grown arrogant and negligent to the point that they refused to believe that the Sith could ever fool them or hide from them until Qui Gons death. Only by the 2nd film did Yoda begin to realize that "blind, we are" and only by the third film did he begin to seriously pay attention to the troubles of Anakin, but too late at that point.
The Jedi are not intentionally evil or at fault, but they have become a bloated hierarchy that made arbitrary decisions and have lost their missions,
>they didn’t puff up his ego and tell him since he was “the Chosen One” he was superior to all other Jedi and thus could flaunt the rules
1) Anakin didn't flaunt the rules openly any more than other Jedi.
2) There is a difference between keeping an ego uninflated and putting a person down repeatedly with constant disapproval
3) They put the pressure of the label on him, having high expectations for a slave child that they initially rejected, yet never taking him seriously
>how was Mace Windu moving to kill Sidious against the Jedi code? Because he was pathetically begging for his life?
Because it was an un-Jedi like impulse; a raring-to-go pursuit that ended up killing 4 other masters and ended up providing Palpatine the opportunity to present the wavering Anakin a visage of a Jedi preparing to kill an unarmed old man. Yes Palpatine is a powerful Sith, but by that point Anakin has been swayed and feels betrayed by the Jedi and their entire way of life, because through the Jedi he has repeatedly lost what he cared about and failed to do what he wanted to achieve. He couldn't free his mother as he promised, petty politics prevented him from going out and putting an end to the injustices and chaos of the galaxy and in the end he fell to evil in trying to do this, all due to the unwitting failure and ignorance of the self-righteous Jedi. Moreover Palpatine, having no lightsabre had nothing he could really do against Windu, the latter had negated his lightning and outdueled him, he was at Mace's mercy. And yet Mace opted to go for the same thing that Anakin did to Dooku, and that he did at Palpatine's prompting and his own hatred that he had finally realized ran counter to the Jedi teaching. It is a literal parallel, that gets demonstrated by the line, "he's too dangerous to be left alive" - the Jedi in practice have been doing no different than the Sith in going from peacekeepers to being enforcers of the republic and betraying their own self in Anakin's view.
>Anakin simultaneously wanted the power and prestige of being a Jedi as well as not needing to take on the sacrifices a Jedi is expected to make
Because they failed to impress upon him the necessity of it properly, preaching dry dogma is ineffective.
>leave the order, and still retain his Jedi training and knowledge of the Force
That's ridiculous. For Anakin the Jedi are his home that he dedicated his life to for the purpose of fighting injustice in the galaxy, in his mind. Moreover him leaving would be worse, because Palpatine'd have unrestricted influence on him even more than before, making him even easier to turn. Moreover the entire purpose of the Jedi order is to be a method to keep force-users in the light and prevent them falling.

The entire attitude that the Jedi practiced in the war is specifically the problem that Luke has in Empire Strikes Back and Yoda warned of. Being a Jedi and being a Hero are not the same.
>going for a dramatic overhand blow instead of just stabbing the bastard
The man survived being hit by his own force lightning, a cauterized hole isn't going to do much.
>Anakin, what part of his downfall was seriously the fault of the Jedi
Their treatment of him; ignoring his clear trauma and problems and letting THE CHOSEN ONE fall to the dark side, Palpatine is the only one other than Qui Gon that demonstrated belief and support of him, rather than constantly reprimanding him and doubting him.
>Palpatine forced them to put Anakin on the Council
Except they ought not to have bent to the demand, they are supposed to be independent of the government. Moreover by not giving full status to Anakin they essentially proclaim yet another snubbing of him that an already jaded Anakin is bound to notice and react to.

>Yoda told him he needs to accept that death actually is an inevitable and natural part of life which every single person needs to learn

And that's retarded because the person in question isn't already dead, is Anakins' love and in the past his visions that he had put off resulted in the death of his mother, whom he had felt great guilt for abandoning on his hated home planet. Generic platitudes of "death is inevitable" that translate to "let them die, don't be attached" are not going to be worth anything to him, because they do nothing to assuage the underlying problem and the existing attachment. To Anakin the Jedi were supposed to be about bringing peace and justice to the galaxy and to be the hero, an attitude that is against the monklike ideology of the Jedi Code, but that had been contradicted by their involvement and actions in the war.
The Jedi of the prequel era dismiss attachments but are negligent in the problem of a more matured child like Anakin needing to have it explained properly and provide actual spiritual peace, instead his emotional attachments became repressed and festered and he only got reprimanded for it, rather than guidance until it became too late to do that. Moreover the Jedi themselves misunderstood their code, as attachment being thrown aside led to a cold entitlement and not the enlightenment it ought to. That is the story of Luke, that realized the true meaning of letting go attachments.
>Anakin was a grown man
And? The fuck does that mean? How the hell is that making it easier to accept death and let go of attachment? People are emotional and not robots that are logical by default. That's the importance of Lukes choice in the OT later, he overcame himself and chooses to not kill Vader and become the metaphorical dragon he fought, instead defining himself as a Jedi.
>other than giving him a lenient, inexperienced master like Obi-Wan
You're being obtuse. Kenobi, in the presence of other people kept putting Anakin down outright, in a nearly childish manner (Ex. meeting Padme again in Film II and immediately denying Anakin harshly rather than patiently as a teacher ought to, a la Qui Gon). The Council, by allowing Kenobi to take a clearly nonstandard student is negligent. And it gave Palpatine the space to step into the role of being supportive mentor, filling Anakins head with ideas of ambitious destiny, feeding into underlying insecurities and increasing Anakin's distrust of the Jedi, and feeling of betrayal in being utilized as a spy against the chancellor, who he did trust, yet the Jedi don't notice.
>Mace would’ve set him straight
Maybe, but Mace didn't take responsibility for teaching Anakin, did he?

>regarding the Jedi’s rules, again, when they were far looser with their rules literally thousands of jedi fell to the dark side and formed massive Sith armies that terrorized the Galaxy

And? You're kind of ignoring the context. A thousand years of no change to rigid rules are ridiculous and the lack of sith armies is kind of due to their utter annihilation and moreover we only KNOW of 2 fallen Jedi in the canon films at the end of the 1000 years, not the entire 1000 year period. In the natural order of things, something that never evolves eventually dies out, that's kind of the lesson here.

TL;DR: A good summary of it is that Anakin's story and relationship to the Jedi is that of a spiritual and wise religion that had grown stagnant and arrogant, getting ahold of the messiah, and through their inflexible attitude pushing him into the arms of a near literal Lucifer.

>when Yoda told Luke that failure is a great teacher because he would definitely know
That's the problem of all the sequel trilogy, their "good moments" and lessons are ones that Luke already went through before. The entire "Luke declines to duel Darth-Vader-LARPer Kylo" is literally the final arc of Return of the Jedi.

>Because that was the entire theme of the prequel trilogy - the blind incumbent attitude of the Jedi that had grown arrogant and negligent to the point that they refused to believe that the Sith could ever fool them or hide from them until Qui Gons death
Why are you assuming that was actually the theme of the Prequel Trilogy, though? Imma do a huge defense of the Jedi here, because they get unfairly shat upon, are blamed for the selfish decisions of a grown man, and the wicked machinations of a fascist sociopath.
WRT the Jedi Council not instantly believing Qui-Gon encountered a Sith Lord until he died….why would they just instantly believe that? It’s not like dark jedi were entirely unheard of, sure, it WAS a Sith Lord after all, but they had no real reason to think that until Maul displayed the skill to murder one of the most skilled masters in the Jedi Order, it’s not like they just blew Qui-Gon off, they said they’d investigate the matter, but it’s not unreasonable for them to first consider ruling out the possibilities of it just being a dark jedi or unaffiliated dark sider he encountered.
And the thing is, the Jedi already believed they HAD killed Darth Bane and that he never had an apprentice, they knew about his philosophy, he just pulled a clever ruse.
> Only by the 2nd film did Yoda begin to realize that "blind, we are" and only by the third film did he begin to seriously pay attention to the troubles of Anakin, but too late at that point.
I’d say Yoda was never blind to the troubles with Anakin though, he saw the potential threat Anakin could pose, the personal reasons as to why, and even outlined the steps in the boy’s fall to the dark side the day he met him, despite that Yoda (or rather the Council) still chose to have faith in Qui-Gon’s wisdom and train Anakin despite knowing they’d be training a jedi with the potential to kill every last one of them and the unbalanced nature to potentially fall one day. Even then, Yoda would council Obi-Wan in how to train Anakin, would listen if Anakin sought out his advice, would consider with the other council members how to train him, and generally took great concern for Anakin’s well-being, even showing great sorrow when sensing Anakin’s immense pain upon losing his mother. If anything, the fact that Yoda did not suspect Anakin’s hidden marriage or loyalty to Palpatine shows how much faith he had in him.
> 1) Anakin didn't flaunt the rules openly any more than other Jedi
He certainly did during the Clone Wars, he also never hid his egotism, and even if he didn’t OPENLY flaunt the rules he still DID flaunt the rules
> 2) There is a difference between keeping an ego uninflated and putting a person down repeatedly with constant disapproval
In what way do they put Anakin down constantly in either the films or the Clone Wars series? They made Anakin a Jedi knight and a general younger than almost any other Jedi, they graced him with an apprentice younger than Obi-Wan was given one, they made him the youngest Jedi ever placed on the Jedi Council, they personally vouched for him in front of Obi-Wan praising his skills and saying he was ready for a lone assignment in Episode II IIRC. The thing is, Anakin does have immense flaws, he is deeply arrogant, he is emotionally unbalanced, and most dangerously of all, he has no qualms about taking life. On top of all that, he didn’t know what it truly meant to be a Jedi, neither as a child, nor as an actual knight in the Clone Wars. The Jedi did not put him down, they were just aware of his flaws, they treated him the same way they’d treat any other knight. It was Palpatine that fed into Anakin the notion that the Jedi looked down on him, but Palpatine, as you know, was grooming him and didn’t give a shit about his well-being.
>3) They put the pressure of the label on him, having high expectations for a slave child that they initially rejected, yet never taking him seriously
This is one of the only things I will agree with, Anakin should not have been told he was the Chosen One. The thing is, it was Qui-Gon that declared Anakin the Chosen One in front of the Council, arguably it was he that planted the seed in his mind.
> Because it was an un-Jedi like impulse; a raring-to-go pursuit that ended up killing 4 other masters and ended up providing Palpatine the opportunity to present the wavering Anakin a visage of a Jedi preparing to kill an unarmed old man
How was the impulse un-Jedi like? Remember Mace’s actual words after Anakin tells him Palps was the Sith Master, he says: “If the Jedi are to survive we must act now”
He was entirely right
Anakin basically told him that the Sith already ruled the Galaxy and were effectively leading the Jedi for the past ten years. The Sith controlled the billions strong droid army and millions strong clone army. General Grievous had just been killed in combat meaning the war was to officially come to an end. The Sith already had the Jedi in check and Mace understood that it was now time to put them in checkmate. Remember, Mace going to confront Sidious and nearly killing him wasn’t a part of Sidious’s plans.
And also, remember Anakin’s actual words in that scene. Consider that to reach that room Anakin walked through a room full of the dead bodies of three of the most powerful and skilled Jedi in the order, he walked in to witness Palps unleash the most powerful lightning blast he had ever seen, and already knew Palps was the even more powerful master of Dooku who was already immensely powerful
Anakin’s exact words consist of using Jedi tripe to get Mace to spare Sidious, then finally dropping the facade and crying out that he “needs him”, then shouting out and assisting in killing Mace. Anakin didn’t cut off Windu’s hand because of the “Jedi way”, he did it because of fear of losing Sidious’s knowledge.
>Yes Palpatine is a powerful Sith, but by that point Anakin has been swayed and feels betrayed by the Jedi and their entire way of life, because through the Jedi he has repeatedly lost what he cared about and failed to do what he wanted to achieve. He couldn't free his mother as he promised, petty politics prevented him from going out and putting an end to the injustices and chaos of the galaxy and in the end he fell to evil in trying to do this, all due to the unwitting failure and ignorance of the self-righteous Jedi.
Well, yea, this just isn’t really sympathetic to me. The notion that Anakin turned evil largely to save someone he loved (the main reason) is more sympathetic to me than him turning evil because the Jedi didn’t give him what he wanted. How did the Jedi betray Anakin? They didn’t betray Anakin, they just treated him the way they treated any other Jedi who Anakin felt he deserved better treatment than. The Jedi weren’t the ones who kidnapped and murdered his mother, and his mother had been free for years before being kidnapped by the tuskens anyway. The Jedi “failed to do what he wanted to achieve”, but what he wanted to achieve had always been against the way of the Jedi and was arguably more in line with the way of the Jedi, the Jedi do not seek power, nor are they adventurers gallivanting around the Galaxy, the Jedi who sought those things like Exar Kun and Revan inevitably fell to the Dark Side, Exar fell for power and knowledge, Revan fell in a pursuit of blind justice. The tragedy of both characters is that their fall is also understandable, a situation can be tragic and understandable without being right or forgivable. Regarding the chaos and suffering in the Galaxy, the largest source of that chaos and suffering was the man Anakin stood beside, the moment Palps revealed he was the Sith Master he also revealed to Anakin that he was behind the massive galactic war that killed billions in which Anakin saw so many innocent people and comrades die.
>galaxy and in the end he fell to evil in trying to do this, all due to the unwitting failure and ignorance of the self-righteous Jedi. Moreover Palpatine, having no lightsabre had nothing he could really do against Windu, the latter had negated his lightning and outdueled him, he was at Mace's mercy. And yet Mace opted to go for the same thing that Anakin did to Dooku, and that he did at Palpatine's prompting and his own hatred that he had finally realized ran counter to the Jedi teaching. It is a literal parallel, that gets demonstrated by the line, "he's too dangerous to be left alive" - the Jedi in practice have been doing no different than the Sith in going from peacekeepers to being enforcers of the republic and betraying their own self in Anakin's view.
The thing is, it literally wasn’t a parallel. Anakin killed Dooku for revenge, Palps himself points this out, Dooku literally had no hands and could no longer fight in any capacity, he was the leader of the enemy state in a total war so if he was put on trial he’d basically be fucked. Palpatine still had the ability to cast devastating force attacks, was the most influential Senator in the Galaxy, was the head of state of the victor in the war; if he was put on trial he would win, accuse the Jedi of treason, execute Order 66, and bring the Empire to fruition, Palps had already won and the only choice left to the Jedi was for the Chosen One to help kill the Sith Master and end the Sith once and for all. How do you know that the scene in question wasn’t just Anakin refusing his destiny? Think about it, in that moment the Chosen One was in the room and literally the only option left for saving the Jedi was to execute Sidious, Anakin was their only hope in that moment.
> Because they failed to impress upon him the necessity of it properly, preaching dry dogma is ineffective.
That’s arguably on Obi-Wan for being a somewhat shit mentor
That’s why I say he should’ve been taught by Mace Windu or Yoda himself
> That's ridiculous. For Anakin the Jedi are his home that he dedicated his life to for the purpose of fighting injustice in the galaxy, in his mind. Moreover him leaving would be worse, because Palpatine'd have unrestricted influence on him even more than before, making him even easier to turn. Moreover the entire purpose of the Jedi order is to be a method to keep force-users in the light and prevent them falling.
That’s why it’s a tragedy, Anakin and the Jedi were in a catch-22
The Jedi Order was his home, but Padme was his wife, and was the mother of his children. He could leave the Jedi Order but not be left alone. He could leave the order and live with Padme either on Coruscant or Naboo which is what she begged him to do once he became Darth Vader. There’s no reason why leaving the JO means surrendering all ties to them, remember, they still helped Ahsoka investigate Maul on her own and granted her an entire clone battalion to go free Mandalore. And I doubt Obi-Wan would just cut Anakin off if he left the Jedi Order, or that the Jedi would look down on him or despise him, remember, Mace Windu was still fond of Dooku before he was revealed as a Sith
I think the true failing of the Jedi was their alliance with the Republic and them engaging in the war, but even then, the Clone War was the perfect Jedi trap for a reason, the Jedi knew the Sith led the Separatists, they knew a Sith lord was also active somewhere near the Senate, and they knew the Separatists would definitely defeat the Republic if they didn’t help them, and the last time they just watched a war happen, Darth Revan was born
> The man survived being hit by his own force lightning, a cauterized hole isn't going to do much.
I think it probably would’ve done a lot to burn his heart to ashes with a plasma sword
> Their treatment of him; ignoring his clear trauma and problems and letting THE CHOSEN ONE fall to the dark side, Palpatine is the only one other than Qui Gon that demonstrated belief and support of him, rather than constantly reprimanding him and doubting him.
How is that true at all? Obi-Wan believed and supported Anakin all the way, Anakin openly acknowledged Obi-Wan as his best friend, admired Obi-Wan when he was still his apprentice, and Obi-Wan even knew about Anakin’s feelings for Padme and suspected they had a relationship. Obi-Wan knew in his heart that Anakin turned to the Sith but still refused to believe it until he saw evidence, and he blamed himself for it 20 years after the fact. Obi-Wan genuinely loved Anakin and never doubted he would be the one to bring balance, not since becoming his master. Obi-Wan only actually doubted himself as a teacher. All the Jedi had great faith in Anakin, Ahsoka admired him before even meeting him, he was friendly with every Jedi we meet in TCW, in Mace’s personal novel the story concludes with Mace deciding that only Anakin could save the Jedi and he put his faith in him almost entirely, Yoda and Anakin are even shown a very positive relationship in TCW. Most of the Jedi liked and respected Anakin, especially when he finally proved himself in the war. They just didn’t blow smoke up his ass like Palps did.
And they don’t know about Anakin’s trauma because, on the one hand he never told them, on the other they sadly cannot relate. No other Jedi knew what it was like to be a slave or to have a mother who loved them, and he never revealed to them that his mother died in his arms and he went on a massacre to avenge her.
> Except they ought not to have bent to the demand, they are supposed to be independent of the government. Moreover by not giving full status to Anakin they essentially proclaim yet another snubbing of him that an already jaded Anakin is bound to notice and react to.
I think this is absolutely a fair point, but I also like the theory that Mace Windu had Anakin wait in the Council Chamber before going to face Palps was because he would make him a master when he returned

Gonna do another post to respond to the rest, this is getting very long

>And that's retarded because the person in question isn't already dead, is Anakins' love and in the past his visions that he had put off resulted in the death of his mother, whom he had felt great guilt for abandoning on his hated home planet.
You genuinely believe Padme wouldn’t rather just die then have her husband murder innocent children, betray all of his friends (and murder many of them too), and help erect a fascist government all in her name? There is a lesson in what Yoda said, Anakin and his apologists refuse to hear it, which is that Padme was not his possession. Anakin did not want to lose Padme, this is understandable, Yoda was silly to say he should not mourn nor miss a dead loved one, but he was certainly correct to reiterate that death is a natural part of life. The lengths Anakin went to showed his feeling for Padme went beyond love, it was possessiveness, this was demonstrated when he attacked her for refusing to go along with his murderous actions and fascist will to power. Padme could not die because she was HIS, that was part of the problem. Instead of focusing on how to protect her from harm, he focused on how to become a god and resurrect the dead so that he would never lose her, that is insane. And remember, the premonition of Padme’s death turned out not to be a premonition of an inevitable fate, but a premonition of every action he would consciously choose. If he had heeded Yoda’s words, meditated, and remained calm, Padme would not have died. The Force does not show definite futures, only potential ones, and it never gives you the full picture. I think it is significant that Anakin first has these nightmares after murdering a defenseless man in cold blood, perhaps we shouldn’t think that the Force was warning Anakin about Padme’s impending death, but was instead warning him of how close the dark side he was. And the difference between Padme and the dreams about his mother are this, Anakin’s dreams about his mother occurred while she was being harmed and was already near death, in that instance he was sensing something that was already happening far away, with Padme it was a dream of the future, and only a potential one, a warning of where the dark side would leave him.
> Generic platitudes of "death is inevitable" that translate to "let them die, don't be attached" are not going to be worth anything to him, because they do nothing to assuage the underlying problem and the existing attachment.
In therapy, and I myself attend therapy, there is an understanding that, to heal, one needs to be willing to make a change in one’s self. Anakin sought Yoda for advice, if he was unwilling to heed Yoda’s advice there wasn’t much Yoda could do, and since Anakin wasn’t even forthright with the problem there wasn’t much Yoda could say. For all Yoda knew, Anakin was having premonitions about Obi-Wan dying, Anakin is a frontlines general in a war after all, the most Yoda could really tell him is that, well, if Obi-Wan dies remember he lives on in the Force. And Yoda didn’t say “let them die”, that’s what Anakin *heard, what Yoda said is that Anakin must be willing to accept that he cannot control the lives of others, that you can lose people and you must learn to not let the fear of losing them consume the time you do have with them. Yoda’s advice was largely therapeutic.
>To Anakin the Jedi were supposed to be about bringing peace and justice to the galaxy and to be the hero, an attitude that is against the monklike ideology of the Jedi Code, but that had been contradicted by their involvement and actions in the war.
As you say, Anakin had mistaken ideas about the Jedi, and the war certainly didn’t help mend his mistaken ideas about them. However, the war was designed such that the Jedi couldn’t just refuse to participate. The Sith were known to lead the enemy, they were known to be influencing the Republic, the enemy had an army that would surely defeat the Republic, and the Republic asked them for assistance. When they refused during the Mandalorian War billions of lives were slaughtered, Jedi individually decided they couldn’t watch the massacre any longer and went rogue to fight anyway (including their greatest student at the time), and the consequence was that many of those rogue Jedi turned to the dark side, committed immense war crimes, and launched an even worse Jedi-Sith war with the Sith led by their most powerful student, the end result of all of that was that the Jedi Order were nearly destroyed and were wiped out down to only a dozen survivors. It makes sense that they didn’t just watch the Clone War happen.
> The Jedi of the prequel era dismiss attachments but are negligent in the problem of a more matured child like Anakin needing to have it explained properly and provide actual spiritual peace, instead his emotional attachments became repressed and festered and he only got reprimanded for it, rather than guidance until it became too late to do that. Moreover the Jedi themselves misunderstood their code, as attachment being thrown aside led to a cold entitlement and not the enlightenment it ought to
I’d say they are ignorant of Anakin’s problems, but not intentionally so, they made the mistake of going against their own wisdom and trained someone so old in their ways when they honestly didn’t know how to, then they gave him to a newly minted knight who was unsure of himself, then they allowed him to have a personal friendship with Palpatine (though many would argue they had no right saying who he could befriend anyway), and then they failed to impress on him what it means to be a Jedi. However, blaming all of it on the Jedi fails to account for the fact that, again, Anakin was groomed by Sidious for 13 years starting in his childhood, whatever lessons the Jedi would try teaching Anakin could be subtly taken apart by Sidious, whatever attempts they made at teaching him patience and humility could be warped by Sidious into “proof” that they feared and loathed him, whatever they tried teaching him about the Jedi principle of non-attachment (which doesn’t mean foregoing friendship or compassion btw) could be manipulated by Sidious to be examples of the Jedi being aloof, or out-of-touch, or unwilling to let Anakin feel emotions. Remember that when looking at things from Anakin’s POV, Anakin is not an unbiased observer, and he is being actively manipulated by an extremely charismatic sociopath.
>And? The fuck does that mean? How the hell is that making it easier to accept death and let go of attachment?
It’s not that it makes it easier, it’s that, as you become an adult, the harsher parts of life are things you need to learn to accept for what they are. We aren’t gods, in Star Wars Anakin as the Chosen One is not a god. Death is not easy, losing someone you love is not easy, but losing people you love is inevitable, and upon reaching adulthood most people learn how to accept and cope with this fact.
> People are emotional and not robots that are logical by default
But that’s not what the Jedi believe people to be. Jedi feel joy, the feel anger, they feel grief, they feel love (both of the compassionate and romantic varieties). As Obi-Wan tells Anakin, feeling love is not wrong, Obi-Wan also loved a woman very deeply and she died in his arms, Obi-Wan also felt pain and rage when the same Sith lord that murdered his mentor right in front of him also murdered her, and Obi-Wan clearly grieved for his mentor or he would not remember him and compare themselves as teachers. But Obi-Wan rises above it, because he is a Jedi in a way Anakin is not. Honestly part of what makes Obi-Wan so great, as a side note.
> That's the importance of Lukes choice in the OT later, he overcame himself and chooses to not kill Vader and become the metaphorical dragon he fought, instead defining himself as a Jedi.
Full agreement here
> You're being obtuse. Kenobi, in the presence of other people kept putting Anakin down outright, in a nearly childish manner (Ex. meeting Padme again in Film II and immediately denying Anakin harshly rather than patiently as a teacher ought to, a la Qui Gon). The Council, by allowing Kenobi to take a clearly nonstandard student is negligent
I actually totally agree that Obi-Wan wasn’t a good mentor. He trained Anakin well in terms of combat skills and force abilities, he sucked at impressing on Anakin what it means to be a Jedi and did the especially shitty thing of puffing up his pride sometimes while undercutting his confidence other times, it was very uneven. Obi-Wan definitely didn’t hate Anakin, in fact he cared for him and tried to do his best, but he arguably did fail him as a teacher and acknowledged that many times. And we can see that the way he taught Luke was very different from how he taught Anakin in the brief time he did teach him, so I think that’s intentional. Obi-Wan arguably became a better mentor in TCW, when he and Anakin were technically equals and he became more like the buddy who gives you advice and emotional support, and helped Anakin train Ahsoka pretty significantly. Anakin and Obi-Wan are similar in that regard that they each learned more by taking on a student rather than being a student.
> And it gave Palpatine the space to step into the role of being supportive mentor, filling Anakins head with ideas of ambitious destiny, feeding into underlying insecurities and increasing Anakin's distrust of the Jedi, and feeling of betrayal in being utilized as a spy against the chancellor, who he did trust, yet the Jedi don't notice.
To be fair, Palpatine is also a magnificently charismatic bastard. He rose up from a political nobody to the Chancellor off a single crisis. Hell, when Luke Skywalker entered the Death Star KNOWING that Palps was an evil Sith lord who literally looks like a goddamned monster, he still nearly got manipulated into turning into the next Vader and Palps accomplished that by just having a conversation with him. Like, we can’t downplay Sidious here, I reiterate, Luke knew he was an evil monstrous Sith Lord who was currently killing his friends and Palps so believed in his personal charisma that he knew all he needed to do was just talk to Luke in just the right circumstance and it nearly succeeded. Now consider that during the Prequels he was “just” a charming and compassionate but firm, confident but humble senator from a small peaceful world that only had the Galaxy’s best interests in mind and wanted nothing more than to prevent the breakup of the Republic, and took an active interest in the Jedi as peacekeepers, why, of course he would like to know the Jedi’s most promising student, he has conversations with Yoda and Mace Windu after all!
> Maybe, but Mace didn't take responsibility for teaching Anakin, did he?
He didn’t because he respected Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan had already chosen to take on Anakin as an apprentice with respect to his mentor’s dying wish.
> And? You're kind of ignoring the context. A thousand years of no change to rigid rules are ridiculous and the lack of sith armies is kind of due to their utter annihilation and moreover we only KNOW of 2 fallen Jedi in the canon films at the end of the 1000 years, not the entire 1000 year period. In the natural order of things, something that never evolves eventually dies out, that's kind of the lesson here.
The idea of that is generally correct, but again, how should the Jedi have evolved in your mind? Consider that every step of Anakin’s fall was precipitated by his unwillingness to listen to the Jedi. And what we know of Dooku’s fall, it seems to center around Dooku’s empathy being very dulled and his own arrogance.
Because remember, the way people always say the Jedi SHOULD change, solely for a single student (Anakin) was the way of the Old Republic Jedi who had fucktons of their own fall to the dark side and form massive Sith armies every time, and in the Old EU, remember, a shit ton of Luke’s jedi students also fell to the dark side and his own nephew became the second Vader due to his personal attachments even though that JO allowed marriage and familial bonds and shit

i think the failure of the jedi order, for anakin's case only, is the mantra of possession and attachment told by yoda. I feel like there's a key element to both of these feelings, and that is control and power. However, in the context of Anakin, being told to let go of this possession and attachment can lead to many valid interpretations. Not to say that Anakin was justified, but rather his interpretation, despite the consequences was a valid interpretation, given his unrecognized desire for power and control given his trauma, of being against this mantra that Yoda told him. These abstract concepts of possession and control have many underlying feelings that could be different for many people. I feel like he must process his feelings and understand his feelings before letting go. To let go of these feelings without understanding it is just immature. I dont think Yoda is necessarily at a key fault, as his understanding of the mantra probably came from centuries of experience. But to simply re-iterate the mantra rather than explore the specific context behind Anakin's feelings was the point of no return, probably?

happy may 4th lads
Obi Wan movie trailer just dropped

Didn't they cancel that after Solo failed?

I hope so.

The SFX guys really snuck some funny shit in. But this scene was so dumb.
1) It's 4 B1s, not an army of droids
2) The B1s aren't great soldier but they are droids that at the start of the series they till reacted fairly fast and at least fired before being taken out, they were threats, if minimal compared to the other droids. This also runs into point (1)
3) The other clones are told to go as he holds them off, yet they just stand there.

comparing media to real life is always cringe but order 66 in kenobi being the first thing to see is just oof

if any of you watched the new obi wan show im hitting you

I know it's not good but I feel the massive urge to watch the obi wan show just out of spite for /pol/ tier youtubers hating on it.

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I watched it (pirated of course) and its… not the worst, really?
The production values are obviously a bit lower than the Mandalorian or whatever but its still decent production values. The greatest offense is probably the Grand Inquisitor, who went from a Munn (I think) to just a regular old human, but thus far he has had like 20 seconds of screentime so whatever. The first episode is also pretty low stakes action wise but it'd be a bit weird if it was - Obi Wan clocks in his 9 to 5 (and steals food from his boss, absolute champ), Owen is his usual dick-ass self, and Leia has a Benny Hill chase trying to run away from the Epstein goons who want to abduct her for pedophilic purposes. Its basically the call to action but as an entire episode, and if it is a slower-paced chiller show with more emphasis on espionage and evading the empire I think I might like it.
The thing I worried about most was it just being the Mandalorian but worse, but so far it looks like it is moving towards being its own thing.

As for /pol/ and the insane right-wing segment of the fandom more generally I dunno or really care what they think, they are the exact people who unironically made shit like picrel and generally poisoned the well for critique of Disney's version of Star Wars by making it all about their insane fetishes and personal psychological damages.

>generally poisoned the well for critique of Disney's version of Star Wars by making it all about their insane fetishes and personal psychological damages.
Couldn't have put it better myself. I do honestly think Disney Wars is shit but when 99% of the critique of Episode VIII is "Woman has pink hair" it's hard to point out how bloated a script it is and how having a divergent plot that leads nowhere is a sign of a naive director that isn't willing to cut corners. Also I find it funny how /pol/ claims Disney is communist or something and the libs are ruining film. No, the films do not suck because of 'current thing', they suck in substance and you're just complaining about the surface stuff that Disney tacks on to make it appealing to the largest demographic, Disney isn't controlled by an SJW cabal or something they're run by greedy fucks that only care about selling tickets and as such try to incorporate what is popular or mainstream into their films.

But I'm expecting /pol/ to have nuance when it comes to corporations and marketing, I may as well expect a monkey to write shakespeare.

earlier I was texting my friend and ended up talking for a bit about I would have preferred if the obi wan show was more just about him reflecting about his life with options such as: his training under Qui Gon, his relationship with Satine, incidents where he could have done better for Anakin, becoming somewhat of a doomer and Qui Gon consoling him. I'm not sure if you could make a full season with what I've come up with or if Didney would even be willing to go that route

FWIW I think they did manage to find the ONLY reason I could see Obi-Wan coming out of hiding
Like, some random Jedi begging for help didn’t do it, the Inquisitors showing up didn’t do it, but Leia, one of the last hopes of the Jedi being kidnapped? I can see him legitimately going to rescue her.

Honestly as someone that used to hate on The Last Jedi, I will say people definitely hate on it for silly reasons imo
Like, the plot with Finn and Rose is legitimately bad, and Holdo is just a genuinely shitty character who sort of comes out of nowhere and is generally extremely off-putting, not for putting Poe down, but for being so bad at inspiring confidence that her own subordinates think she’s either a literal traitor or at least incompetently leading them to their deaths

That being said, I think the stuff exploring the Force and the Jedi is legitimately great. I like how the film ultimately refuses the centrist position, no, you can’t be centrist regarding the fascist First Order, no, you can’t be centrist regarding the exploitation of the working class, no, you can’t be centrist in the struggle between the dark side and the light. I will say stuff like the Jedi being destroyed was extremely disappointing, but TFA had already done that anyway, so I have to take TLJ for what it is on its own. I hated Luke at first, but in hindsight, it was something of a beautiful story actually. Of course Luke was depressed and had given up on himself, everything he had ever built or fought for was destroyed by a single error in his life, giving into fear for even a moment destroyed everything for the man and led to the creation of a new Darth Vader out of a new Skywalker. Sure, you can say Luke never gave up in the OT, but he was also a young man in the OT, surrounded by his friends, and never really had everything destroyed in this specific way, having his family killed it makes sense he would go to join the Rebellion, nothing in ESB was really on the scale of what Kylo did to him either. Kylo continued as a relatively interesting villain even if his reasons for being evil were shit.

Honestly the weakest parts of the film are Rey still being a boring character, the Finn and Rose arc, and Kylo having flimsy motivations for his actions


>Le cinemasins

Cineshits sucks but cinewins is great and ran by a guy that actually likes movies
Here is my counter to the cinemashits vid

>they are the exact people who unironically made shit like picrel
Wait, that pic was made unironically?

100% unironically. have you not seen the shit that thing noticer posts? its all unironically thinking that jews are mind controlling people with cartoons.

watched episode 3, glad that they did not actually have a real obi-wan v vader fight, obi wan mostly just ran and vader trounced him the second he was cornered.
a bit disappointed that the leia's kidnapping plot is continuing really, I don't think that she is capable of adding too much to the plot.

>obi wan outruns him with a cheeky smile

Oh fuck it's out already?

I thought it was gonna be a weekly thing

I have no idea what the release schedule is, I just check my pirating site every now and again
Wasn't it only supposed to be like 7 episodes or something like that? Going to burn through it real quick, and the next show doesn't air until December I think. Odd they'd blow their load so swiftly.

Release every Wednesday morninng

Damn that nigha Obi-Wan really did just shit his pants
He looked like he was about to cry when Vader stepped to him
And Vader seemed outright disappointed that Obi-Wan became such a bitch after 10 years

They really jumped the shark with Vader's lines

Yea Vader’s dialogue has gone downhill


I watched the first 2 episodes and it's really good
I want Qui-Gon or Natalie Portman to show up

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it's like poetry, it rhymes….

Whats up with these idiots always wearing there helmets? You'd think they woulda ret conned that in the show and have them only remove it in the company of other mandos. I mean if they can't take it off then how the fuck do they brush or eat or do daily shit youd have to take your helmet off for?

mando's clan are some kind of extreme religious cult so them having niche views isn't that weird, relative to what we should expect. the rest of the mandalorians take off their helmets frankly too often for a warrior-culture.

>mando's clan are some kind of extreme religious cult
Oh shit. Is that true? You mean the same Mandos he's holed up with on the desert planet in season 1? Those guys were extremist of somekind?

yeah they are basically insane and see themselves as the only true mandalorians left, purposefully discounting all the other diaspora factions as those who have lost "the way"
ergo why mando always recites that things are "the way", the only way to stay a true mandalorian in their eyes.

Didn't they all get killed in season 1? I guess the way was a dead end lol

there is at least 2 left (the armorer and the visla guy) and presumably other small scattered sects of their weird religious cult

I think the new episode of kenobi alone justifies the show
shame that the nu-inquisitor seems like she is going to stay an antagonist after her betrayal, she was actually pretty compelling even though I guessed her backstory from the get-go.

why do they call each other sisters? it's very funny
>sister reva no

sorta, they all have numbers so its like "third sister", "fifth brother", ect.


NED-B is a real one
Droid rights when, I feel bad for them

This is like the darkest moment in SW history huh? Shit feels like a nazi movie at every check point

i would be fine if they just replaced edward james olmo's voice with hayden's, it just does not fit with me as young vader's voice

based anti revisionists

Anakin Skywalker is dead!

wow spoilers

She goes after Luke and tries to kill him to take revenge on Vader, in doing so she realizes she would become the exact same monster Vader is and can’t bring herself to do it, instead she carries an unconscious Luke back home where she tells Obi-Wan she’s just like Vader to which Obi-Wan tells her that the fact that she couldn’t harm a child like Vader did proves they are not the same and she can atone for her wrongdoings
They’re a pseudo-political, pseudo-religious order

why did the third sister not use her force to fight vader? are the younglings not force sensetive

also wtf, you can stop whole ass planes with the force?

how do i stop being blinded by victory and learn to strategize on the go like genera kenobi, of the clone wars? (serious)


I watched the last couple episodes cause I read there was some cool Vader stuff, which there was. I enjoyed the fights and interactions between Kenobi/Vader. Worth pirating the last 2 episodes for that. Everything else surrounding that was a pile of dogshit and didn't even have to be there. No reason for Leia, Luke/his family, the inquisitor I guess technically needed to exist to give the plot initial movement but the actress was terrible and when she was fighting with Owen drove home the pointlessness of her character.

So like killing yourself is the actual end goal in star wars

also where does the third sister go from now? is she in the comics

she was like 100 times weaker than vader, tbf
I doubt she could do anything with the force
well it seemed like their intention was to leave her alive and suffering at the end there

how many fuckin g lightsabers are buried in the Tatooine deserts

probably a lot. for being such a shitty little dustball of a planet, something about it sure seems to attract the universe's attention.

> why did the third sister not use her force to fight vader?
Vader is massively powerful and doesn’t give enough of a shit about Reva to leave himself open and vulnerable like with Obi-Wan
Force users do passive force shields when they fight each other, Reva isn’t strong enough to get through Vader’s
> also wtf, you can stop whole ass planes with the force?
Vader is absolute top tier as a Force user, very few are strong enough to do that
His grandson was strong enough as well
Dark siders are good at cheating death
Maul survived getting bisected
Vader survived becoming paraplegic and suffering sustained burning over his entire body which also scorched his lungs
Sidious survived being electrocuted for several seconds (bad enough he was disfigured from it)

In Legends there was a Sith that was a literal walking corpse that was only kept alive by holding his body together through sheer hatred and was in constant agony

> literal walking corpse that was only kept alive by holding his body together through sheer hatred and was in constant agony

that's so much edge
who created the dark side? is palpatine the root of all evil in SW? or is there another?

the cool thing about SWs now that i realize is that it's very stream lined and easy to pick-up

there's always a war going on, with a bad empire and good guy rebels

> who created the dark side?
The Dark Side is a natural thing, but it isn’t an outer darkness either, and it isn’t neutral it’s explicitly corrupted and explicitly evil

The Dark Side is a specific relationship to the Force, nobody created it, it’s the capacity of people who can use the Force to utilize it towards selfish ends and impose their will upon it
> is palpatine the root of all evil in SW?
He’s the root of a shit ton of evil in the story, but not all evil, no; the Sith existed before him, the dark side existed before the Sith, and the problems of the Republic that led to the Separatist movement are largely independent of the Sith

Palpatine was and is an opportunist, the Sith preceding him set up much of the grand plan, the Republic set up a situation that could be easily exploited into a war, Dooku was a Jedi who could be seduced to the dark side and rally many to his cause, the business leaders of the Galaxy could be manipulated into launching a war that would catapult Palps into power, the Force produced Anakin to stop Palpatine and Palpatine’s response was to manipulate Anakin into becoming his puppet

> there's always a war going on, with a bad empire and good guy rebels

Well, it IS Star WARS
However, there isn’t always a ruling empire vs heroic rebels; in Legends most of the wars were launched by a Sith Empire outside of Republic space trying to conquer the Republic, the Clone War was a series of planetary civil wars within a much larger civil war involving the entire Republic, the First Order - Resistance War is the Imperial Remnant invading the New Republic; only the OT is about a rebellion

just realized in the final fight OBI wan literally throwing sand LMAO

>In Legends there was a Sith that was a literal walking corpse that was only kept alive by holding his body together through sheer hatred and was in constant agony

That ams pretty metal

This nigha

I like this idea (other than the ending)

The politics of star wars seems cool (anti-imperialism, anti-fascist)

but the non-violence and against calls to action always irked me

and anakin was the chosen one and nothing really came out of the prophecy, this would've been a good ending

even without his mother dying, a good alternate reality where he creates a jedi empire would be based

what are gray side users? i feel like i would be gray side user

Anarcho-Anakin-Stalinist flag when?

>the First Order - Resistance War is the Imperial Remnant invading the New Republic;
man i gotta watch the new sequels, they sound cool
they're disney but still


anybody ever seen the fan edit called "Star Wars Episode 1: Cloak Of Deception"

it's only a novel but i found a movie of it on a streaming site

>they sound cool

Too bad they're not.

>what are gray side users? i feel like i would be gray side user
I think communists would be the ones that would democratize the force by making technology that enables everybody to use the force. Darth Marx will give you force gloves and a force belt, and it will be called the prole-force.
Also the commie light saber will have a adjustable length setting. So you can laserswoopchop the entire battle field in one swing.

> but the non-violence and against calls to action always irked me
Star Wars absolutely isn’t non-violent or against calls to action, what are you talking about? The Original Trilogy is literally about an uprising against a fascist government.
> even without his mother dying, a good alternate reality where he creates a jedi empire would be based
>what are gray side users? i feel like i would be gray side user
Crappy fanfic concept/video game mechanic that significantly simplifies and cheapens the magic system of Star Wars by making it something it’s not despite seeming like it should be
So you mean communists should write a story that isn’t Star Wars and isn’t remotely similar to it?

>that isn’t Star Wars
Midi-chlorian are an actual existing matter tho ? Also destiny is real in the series too,so you could actually analyze it too.

i just finished rewatching the first one, it's okay
kylo ren is the biggest sin i see, he's so fucking annoying and badly acted, nothing he said, felt real

don't like that they killed off Han Solo, humans can't come back as force ghosts rights?
and everyone we saw in the prequels, all those planets, and the entire senate is now just gone? shit's sad

I don't understand how parents exactly go wrong in SWs that they fail their children so hard

where did obi-wan go wrong with anakin
where did leia and han go wrong

how did uncle owen mogg them both so hard

>Also destiny is real in the series
maybe this is the actual problem, they were destined to do that

>Darth Marx
Isn't that a Sith thing? Marx would never

>Also the commie light saber will have a adjustable length setting. So you can laserswoopchop the entire battle field in one swing

Yeah they should do that, It'd be epic, Who exactly makes the lightsaber in SW universe?

>Star Wars absolutely isn’t non-violent or against calls to action, what are you talking about? The Original Trilogy is literally about an uprising against a fascist government

yeah i know that but aren't jedi bascially the good guys of the franchise and they're preaching "oh killing is bad, we shouldn't do that, violence is never the answer"

"the job of the jedi is to preserve life in the universe, not end it"

they were all angry at anakin because he's aggressive and not so merciful

but i get what you mean, there's a difference between passiveness and being full on homidicial

“I too am shocked at Chancellor Palapatine’s unprecedented decision. We need your support more than ever…”

Midichlorians are a spiritual organism and connect with a spiritual energy, in the story characters literally try transfusing themselves with Jedi blood to gain Force powers and it doesn’t work. The Force isn’t even about special powers, it’s about being able to interact with the energy field flowing from and back into all life; the purpose of being able to connect with that energy field is ostensibly to help life flourish, and plenty of characters have a sort of relationship with the Force without actually being able to use it, such as Donnie Yen’s character in Rogue One
> yeah i know that but aren't jedi bascially the good guys of the franchise and they're preaching "oh killing is bad, we shouldn't do that, violence is never the answer"
Killing is bad and in an ideal world we would not need to use violence to resolve our conflicts with others, but we do not live in an ideal world. The Jedi do not want to take lives, that is true, especially since their abilities allow them to connect on a spiritual and mental level with living things and their suffering much deeper than regular people; however the Jedi still carry a weapon whose every edge cuts and burns, which can maim or kill an opponent with ease. The Jedi do not want to kill, but they will not hesitate if they must.
> "the job of the jedi is to preserve life in the universe, not end it"
Well, yes, but that’s not really a bad position for a hero? Sometimes preserving life in the universe means ending certain lives. Something I find interesting about the Jedi is that we see them fighting pirates, ancaps, fascists, religious terrorists, corporations, and criminal gangs; but we never see them fighting groups like revolutionaries or getting involved in labor disputes to crush down laborers; so I mean, that at least puts them above your average superhero
> they were all angry at anakin because he's aggressive and not so merciful
They aren’t angry with Anakin, they were pretty lenient with him despite his Sith tendencies. Anakin’s aggression was a severe problem because it opened him up to using the dark side to solve his problems that culminated in becoming Vader, his lack of mercy is a good example of where he was going considering he frequently kills people he doesn’t actually have to, to the point of slaughtering an entire village in revenge and executing a literally unarmed man.
> but i get what you mean, there's a difference between passiveness and being full on homidicial
Basically this
The Jedi are not passive, nor are they really pacifists; they just prefer to generally let the people of the Galaxy solve their own problems and avoid taking lives if they don’t have to, which imo isn’t bad
I do think a Jedi civil war over a worker’s movement in the Galaxy could make for an interesting story though
> i just finished rewatching the first one, it's okay
In hindsight I like the sequels more now than I did when they came out
> kylo ren is the biggest sin i see, he's so fucking annoying and badly acted, nothing he said, felt real
I actually rather like Kylo’s portrayal 😅
Only criticism is that I found an, imo, better idea for Kylo online, basically Kylo without Force powers, who hates his father for “cursing” him with being regular, and is a martial artist so honed he can wield a lightsaber without the Force, and who worships Vader due to being fucked up as a Skywalker with no Force abilities
> don't like that they killed off Han Solo, humans can't come back as force ghosts rights?
Humans can, but only ones who can use the Force
Han returns in Episode IX but not as a ghost or living person either
> where did obi-wan go wrong with anakin
He was too lenient with Anakin and loved him too much to recognize the darkness rising within him

The story of Anakin and Obi-Wan is especially sad because, Obi-Wan taught Anakin everything he needed to know and was a mostly good mentor and father figure; he loved Anakin as though Anakin was his own little brother that he raised, he loved Anakin so much that he didn’t want to get in the way of Anakin’s obvious relationship even if it went against Jedi laws and didn’t want to recognize that Darth Vader was already coming to life in Anakin’s heart for years before Revenge of the Sith
Obi-Wan loved Anakin too much to create the needed boundaries between master and apprentice and too much to want to fully recognize the implications of Anakin’s flaws and do something about them
> maybe this is the actual problem, they were destined to do that
Not necessarily
Destiny is real in Star Wars, but people also have a choice in the matter
Anakin wasn’t just a puppet of fate but an active input who decided his own fate
Same as Luke
All Force users are destined to be force users, but how they use their ability is their own choice
Anakin was destined to destroy the Sith but he chose to become Darth Vader and destroy the Jedi instead

Came before MP3chlorians, it was dumb to explain the force, then you have no reason why it can't be studied and converted into technology.

> Jedi is that we see them fighting pirates, ancaps, fascists, religious terrorists, corporations, and criminal gangs; but we never see them fighting groups like revolutionaries or getting involved in labor disputes to crush down laborers.

The jedi support literal feudal monarchies. There is slavery in the galactic republic, and the Jedi don't seem to be bothered by that. When they went to get Anakin from Tatooine, his mother was an enslaved moisture farmer, and they couldn't even be arsed to free her. This slave of yours, Shmi Skywalker, she is's the mother of space-jesus who will bring balance to the force and piece to the galaxy, you will let her go or you'll get the lightsaber

>This slave of yours, Shmi Skywalker, she is's the mother of space-jesus who will bring balance to the force and piece to the galaxy, you will let her go or you'll get the lightsaber
at the time this would have aroused the anger of the huts who appear to control Tatooine, possibly jeopardising the machine to defend padme from trade federations imperialist blockade, she wasn't actually a monarch, but elected. A new one was elected after her.

Is there going to be a second season of obi-wan because I really can't tell where they can go from here.

>the hutts control tattoine

who cares? it's description is literally that it's the shittiest planet in the Galaxy that has nothing of value to anyone anywhere

So? Still not a reason you can start a war there as a side quest

my guess is no because there doesn't seem to be any other story threads to continue on with kenobi, but you never know
the mandalorian seems to be their cash cow more than anything, plus they are gambling with some other stuff like Andor

absolutely a reason if you're not a fucking puss

That's actually a good idea for Kylo Ren as a parallel for the modern neo-nazi and as the current political commentary

OT about vietnam war
PT about the iraq war
i have no idea what the ST is going for if any

Also you make the Jedi sound cool now, I wanna be one

But I would 100% slaughter whoever killed my mum too like Anakin without any trial, He just went too far killing the innocent too

You can only die if you lose the will to live. Also, no one is ever truly gone. :)

There is near infinite content you can make from Kenobi helping to build the rebellion and fight with the resistance, particularly as it took all those episodes just for him to realise he was still a mad mfucka, in fact, more bad than we’ve ever seen him, throwing around all those rocks etc.

I personally thought that would be a pretty good series, Kenobi organising resistance to Vadar, fighting off these half sith inquisitors

>your mission was to negotiate an end to the trade blockade
>instead they try and kill you, then invade the planet
>you secure the leader of the planet and flee
>your hyperdrive is broken so you end up on a far out planet where the republic has no influence controlled by gangsters
>even though your immediate mission is to secure the princess and find a solution to the trade blockade on naboo, you elect to start a war with a huge gangster syndicate by yourself with limited resources
This is why you’re a faggot and would not achieve rank of master

Jedi x Green Lanterns crossover when?
They're basically the same kind of ancient force

pussy(shitting up /alt/)

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>This is why you’re a faggot and would not achieve rank of master


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Why is georgie boy so based? He talks like me without trying to drop the c-bomb when criticizing

Has he had any involvement after the prequels?
Will he ever return to SW or filmmaking

>Has he had any involvement after the prequels?
He tried to give Disney ideas and they just ignored them.
>Will he ever return to SW or filmmaking
lol nah he's got so much money, he's so old, and every movie he's made has been savaged by critics. He's out of the game.

Lucas will return to film making if you can make a communist revolution while he is still alive and healthy.

I liked Kenobi but I kinda felt like they were just trying to cram in too much from recent lore in just six episodes in there.
Also Reva was a clone of the villain from fallen order


what do you think the next sw movies are going to be?
prequels? sequels?

i have no idea what a takia waititi sw flick will look like
would you watch it if it was about chewbacca's grandmother falling in love

This shit is so funny

Are there more like this?

THX was actually pretty good film.

lol the interviewer got so snippy about the russian quip what a fucking uyghur

Why is the force used so inconsistently in the newer films, prequels, and especially clone wars series. The entire point of adding power levels to a series is to guarantee consistency - X beat you because their power level was higher. The opposite happened with star wars.

Why does Obi Wan get rekt by literally everyone, but somehow beats Anakin - he literally lost to Boba Fett when he could have just used the force? I swear to god if anyone brings up the different forms of combat they used, you are part of the problem.

Why can Sith lords rag doll people with the force? Why doesn't everyone do it, what is the activation requirement to do it, do you have to be objectively stronger with the force or is it a lapse of focus? If the latter why are so many jedis losing focus in death fights? If you have someone ragdolled why not pull them towards your lightsaber instead of casually throwing them?

Why is Palpatine so fucking OP? No really, it's bullshit.

Everything past the original trilogy has made me hate the Force completely. It's a dog shit poorly explained system that just introduces plot holes. There are objectively good battle systems in manga, but the West only does it right when they make the powers extremely nebulous and more emotionally driven, rather than systemic and internally consistent.

so fucking funny
masterclass in comedy, the expression, the short but apt characterization of these characters so quickly

perfect comedy gold
whoever wrote it needs to come back

the interviewer was later found out to be a sexual predator as well

i'm gonna watch howard the duck
i checked his filmography and it says that he wrote for the clone wars show?? wtf, i though the prequels were his last involvement

>Why is the force used so inconsistently in the newer films, prequels, and especially clone wars series. The entire point of adding power levels to a series is to guarantee consistency - X beat you because their power level was higher. The opposite happened with star wars.
The Force isn't just a set of special powers either in or out of universe, there isn't a real linear power progression in Star Wars
>The entire point of adding power levels to a series is to guarantee consistency - X beat you because their power level was higher.
t. DBZ fagboy
No, that's how "power levels" work in dogshit shonen anime where fights are decided by "who can punch harder or make bigger explosion"; in Star Wars a character's mindset, understanding of the Force, favor with the Force, and martial arts style can make a difference in a fight
>Why does Obi Wan get rekt by literally everyone, but somehow beats Anakin - he literally lost to Boba Fett when he could have just used the force? I swear to god if anyone brings up the different forms of combat they used, you are part of the problem.
Oh boy, another person that didn't watch the movies participating in the thread! Obi-Wan gets rekt by everyone? Have you considered Star Wars just isn't retarded the way Dragon Ball is? Obi-Wan fails to subdue or kill Jango Fett because of the specific skills and equipment Fett had, he could literally fly, and using the Force takes focus, Obi-Wan was using the Force for the entire fight, just not offensively. Obi-Wan defeated Maul as well, he lost to Dooku because Dooku was a duelist on par with Yoda, he defeated Anakin because he literally trained Anakin, knew how Anakin fought, and Anakin himself was insanely arrogant and just plain insane at the time.
>no don't mention muh fighting style!
Sorry some stories will give the win in a fight to tactics or fight style comparisons, I know how dumb it might seem to a 13 year old into a story where fights are decided by which aryan with an identical fighting style can punch harder
>Why can Sith lords rag doll people with the force? Why doesn't everyone do it, what is the activation requirement to do it, do you have to be objectively stronger with the force or is it a lapse of focus?
The Jedi don't use the Force offensively, the point of the Jedi vs Sith is raw power and rage vs control, skill, and stoicism. Mentally disabled animu fans get really impressed by the Sith because they enslave the Force to torture and murder people (intriguing how appealing aminu fans find this), yet the Sith still always lose, even when there's only one Jedi left and the Sith literally rule the Galaxy they still lose; that's practically the point of the story.
>Why is Palpatine so fucking OP? No really, it's bullshit.
He trained in the dark side for 60 years, why is this even a question?
>It's a dog shit poorly explained system that just introduces plot holes. There are objectively good battle systems in manga, but the West only does it right when they make the powers extremely nebulous and more emotionally driven, rather than systemic and internally consistent.
Lmao, knew it was a fucking anime fag
Why not go to the DBZ thread you mentally retarded faggot? I'm sure the power system of DBZ is very well explained and deep. The Force isn't a power system, and by now it's pretty well explained, it just doesn't make sense to you because you can't comprehend why the Jedi's abilities don't center around making big explosions and killing increasingly large number of people like the Sith's do, you're like "AHHH, WHY ISN'T THERE LINEAR POWER PROGRESSION, WHY AREN'T THE ABILITIES IDENTICAL, WHY DO FIGHTING STYLES AND PHILOSOPHIES MATTER AND NOT JUST MUH STRONKER OR WEAKER!!!!" Even a lot of anime isn't retarded dogshit like DBZ.

Lol this entire post is such fucking cope. You can either have a set of nebulous and mystical powers that are character/emotionally driven, or the inconsistent monster it became in the prequels or new movies. Not both.

And for all your hate on anime many series so both (emotional driven) and systemic battle systems far better than SW. There's literally no excuse other than you just want to jerk off over your mediocre canon.

You still haven't answered why people don't just ragdoll them into a lightsaber. The force is never used in any logical way and then holy cope fans justify it.

Also lol at the non existent fighting style if you think soresu or whatever was shown effectively when people were waving sticks around in the prequels you literally have a subhuman IQ.

Star wars babies are pathetic.

Like my entire point is the force was originally a character and philosophical struggle which made it sick, but power creep and bad ideas in the prequels have turned that entire system into an inconsistent monster.

I'm sorry you fail at simple comprehension.

> It's not linear

Literally undone by the introduction of mitachlorian coutns retard.

Also lol at > dooku was as good of a duelist as yoda.
If you don't think making a 2ft green monster into an expert duelist was a fucking huge mistake you actually don't understand the thing you are defending. The point was he could overcome his physical limitations with the force not dp backflips around an enemy retard.

Again subhuman IQ who doesn't even understand the implications of a character driven power and then thinks he's justification of it doesn't show his own mental inadequacy.

Fuck you retard.

fuck u the force can be character driven and used for power ups!!

The power creep would have never happened if Lucas has an actual vision for the prequels. The reality is that Disney and Lucas had the same motivation, making tons of cash off their protected ip. Each new movie undoes many of the goals of the previous one to appeal to what they think the fans want.

If you hate the Disney movies for being soulless cash grabs you have to hate the Lucas ones for the exact same reason.

Again basic logic and consistency.

Kill yourself anime tarded samefag
The Force isn’t used for special power-ups you uber faggot, Star Wars isn’t your dogshit Naruto or DBZ where no thought goes into abilities
>Muh Lucas didn’t plan the prequels because he wasn’t appealing to muh heckin animefags
Nobody should appeal to subhuman weeabo scum

I don’t hate the sequels or the prequels you subhuman anime faggot, Lucas clearly put more thought into the prequels into the OT and more than Toriyama put into fucking DBZ

You realize my entire point so far has been that he tried to animeify it, originally it was philosophical and was muddled in the prequels with nonsense.

Again you're so fucking stupid.

It's funny that you think liking star wars is less cringe than anime. You're a fucking clown dude, go buy your Vader Funko pop.

Also > no argument

You’re a fucking retard if that’s what you think that’s what he was doing nigha, you just can’t see out of your pornsick anime vision of media
Star Wars is less cringe than a media with an entire genre dedicated to pedophiles that is mostly targeted at Japanese manchildren and Anglo autismos

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I'm not the one being a whiny retard for some mild criticism of a popular IP that's you dumbass.

You’re the one that came to the Star Wars thread to fag out about the movies not being like muh Dragon Ball or some pedophile series I’m sure you whack to

> continues to fail at even basic literacy
Also the anime shit is just goal post moving and irrelevant. Stay mad retard.

I'd rather be pornsick than be the sort of fag that uses phrases like "pornsick."

i just want to say that i like dragon ball and powerlevels were the worst thing to happen to it

the number nerds just never shut up

Of course. All under 9000 weaklings have a problem with power levels. Heh, nothing personal, kid buu.

love mando

also mando s3, Ashoka and animation trailers were leaked on YouTube

I want to lick her face

Damn, I wanted to get my hands on the physical copies of the pre revenge of the sith clone wars comics via the published omnibuses, but they seem kinda pricey on ebay

Darth Vader was inspired by Victor Von Doom? what the fuck?
Anyone know more about this

probably not gonna get any cheaper homes

It's a TV-series instead of a full film… and it sucks

andor is coming

im not excited for it, but i'm interested in the resistance, revolution aspect of it

like how does one slowly from nothing begin building a party, a military against fascists?

never seen that before

Rebels are the best Star Wars faction tbh, what makes them so cool is that if you launched a Galactic scale insurgency you probably could win against a galactic scale empire, and Star Wars is one of the few massively popular, decently competent stories where the heroes are explicitly an anti-imperialist insurgency (with the villains being a Word of God amalgamation of the Roman Empire, British Empire, Third Reich, and United States)

Also you might enjoy this post

Does a pretty comprehensive look into topics as dispersed as the strategy and tactics of the Rebellion tying it to the class interests of the Rebellion’s leadership


I agree. Always found Empire fanboys annoying

what the fuck andor is a cut above the rest of the shows. its pretty decent

surprised there wasnt a second galactic civil war in between the end of the galactic civil war and the establishment of the new republic. although many sectors were probably just decimated that similar to the Clone Wars, the New Republic just swept right through and established itself

power levels are a plague on all communities. although not sure if the pockets of head canon bickering with each other(of which the call is coming inside my own house) is worse , but thats a norm i guess

in Legends there sorta was, post Vong wars there was a CIS-styled secessionist movement that launched a 2nd Galactic Civil War and pretty much permanently crippled the Republic, and from there on out there were basically 3 factions - New Republic, Secessionists, and the reformed Imperial Remanent.

The empire is not fascist although the new series Andor most definitely leans into the fascist corporate element of the empire. Before the empire just seemed more closer to the Byzantine Empire or the Roman Empire.

what were the byzantine, roman empires like
the forefathers of fascism, colonialism?

the new james earl jones news is disturbing
signing over rights to an A.I company and disney

ffs i prefer hayden christanman's voice for vader honestly

andor lowkey better than the mandalorian
what the fuck i heard james earl jones just retired

I was expecting Andor to just be a cheap pointless spin off like Kenobi so I didn't bother with it, is it actually good (at least approaching Mandalorian season 2)

I'm really liking Andor. It doesn't have the Marvel/Disney stink that everything else has. There's no quips or galaxy ending events. It manages to take itself seriously without being cringe. It inserts fanservice (all these references to KOTOR) without having that as an identity.
It's just nice to see a world that isn't driven by 5 superhereos. Like the interactions between the Empire and their corporate proxies, the razing of Cassian's homeworld for resources, the Gestapo HQ, all well done. We're lightly touching on the political economy of Star Wars which is neat.

well the physical set pieces are a standard above the mandalorian the writing is a slow slow burn. its decent so far. mando and obi wan is really campy compared to this. maybe its bc obi wan was a character we already know about and andor is literally a blank slate to be written on, its interesting seeing the backstory of andor. however in classic star wars fashion there's a flurry of characters that you dont really get to know. obviously it can be handwaved bc of the urgency of andor's situation and the authoritarian state being hot on his ass. depending if u accept that viewpoint, its pretty enjoyable. if u were looking for a more character heavy drama you arent getting it. altho it does provide backstory. what it really does well is tension. things can explode into chaotic circumstances and, for me at least, the tension can really get you sucked into it. so id summarize it so far as a tense action show, that does tension decently. but im 4 episodes in and we barely know anything about anyone. even andor. all we know is he is experienced, hes indigenous, and he mistrusts everyone

explode at any moment into chaotic circumstances**

this. seeing the systemic foundations to the empire is interesting. altho its not anything new if you know canon lore. interesting nonetheless

vel and cinta are gay :0

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Can someone explain how the bit from the prequels where the Jedi are all "there's a SITH LORD amogus" is any different from burgerstanis being paranoid about Obama being a Muslim? They are literally just mad about the prospect of a religious minority being a politician, except they go so far as to try assassinating him in the movies. It would be like if the Secret Service went to the Oval Office and declared Obama a Muslim and thus a threat to democracy and then pulled guns on him.

> THIS IS REVOLUTION>podcast Ep. 337: The Political Significance of the Star Wars Prequels w/ Chris Cutrone
<The message of Lucas’s Star Wars prequel films is much more difficult and challenging than the original Star Wars trilogy: It shows that the path of apparent “good and evil” in politics and society is a very convoluted one, involving many reversals and surprising twists of fate — one might even say that it is “dialectical.” It is “beyond good and evil” and not at all ever what it first appears to be. This is a lesson from the Boomer experience of the 20th century’s dramatic wars and revolutions that the Millennial generation, as viewers in their youth, were not adequately prepared to receive let alone contemplate from Lucas’s films — and remain deaf and blind to today. Even as they stand at the precipice of learning it now.
Millennials probably have more PTSD than boomers, I'm pretty sure the kids in ghettos getting shot up by cops or CIA funded gangs know about the dialectical nature of war.

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>Millennials probably have more PTSD than boomers
I have PTSD from people pretending these movies have any depth to them. I understand this writer wants to use their education to tie everything back to Neetshe and Hegel but my God… they're just stupid movies with some light Bush-era commentary on democracy. They're exactly what they appear to be. Geroge Lucas is what he appears to be. There's no substance. They're just dumb movies.

>N-no Star Wars is just shallow fun.
Ok burger
>Muh Neetsch!!!
You're boringly obvious theorylet.
>they're just stupid movies with some light Bush-era commentary on democracy.
LMAO, read the thread, retard.
>There's no substance. They're just dumb movies.

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I don't want new rockstars or andor yet, and I know it deals with like building a resistance against a fascist regime

But what exactly is there in EP6, what's so class based in it?

nothing. literally said the word manifesto and that's it. also something about the problems relating to the system

anyone else pissed off at episode 7?it was interesting to see clones as a galactic police occupation force. But i came to realize that Luthen might just be a person whose giddy at the idea of starting a revolution and thats it. got pissed off at his final conclusion in one scene because he was alluding to people already suffering under the grip of the empire and it seemed like he was building up evidence that would help Mon Mothma realize that this suffering was not new and it's already been there(he sort of said this explicitly) but ended the summary in the worst way possible in saying that it was "part of the plan" to make people suffer and see the ways of the Empire, as if to say that the Empire closing its fist is necessary for revolution. although this may just be a character flaw of Luthen as it shows in the show that rebel cells have already formed and are networking and that the people who are not on Coruscant and dealing with the police force first hand have already been taking constantly increasing measures to resist the empire independent of the increased police force. Obviously their measures of resistance will increase much more with the police presence, but it wont be the reason for their sudden want for liberation

tl;dr luthen thinks the war started now because of increasing police presence due to the scale of their robbery antics(pretty cool tbh). Sort of correct, and sort of says that the war has already been ongoing, but concludes it in the worst way possible by explicitly agreeing with a counter argument from Mon Mothma, increased violence is a necessary step for revolution, is "part of the plan".

also it's weird bc the lore dump of rebel cells already resisting and networking is said by luthen himself. additionally the explicit argument of the empire already having closed its grip on the people happens immediately before the "thats the plan" scene. it feels like it was saying 'violence is a question, not an answer, and the answer is yes' but in the worst way possible, in such a way that anyone thinking about that line would say "hmm maybe the rebels are just as bad as the empire" although the actual andor scenes made up for it


also in episode 7
looking back at the mon mothma and luthen argument scene, and the contrast of andor's experiences first hand with the increasing police force, one can sort of appreciate the different motivations and explicit splits in political goals and methods of the future rebel alliance, terrible portrayal of Luthen's politics aside. Mon Mothma is looking for a less flashy way of raising funds through accessing her personal funds in secret as well as hoping for some extreme systemic reform, Luthen is eager for blood, and regular people just resisting naturally to an increasingly suffocating police force

> Can someone explain how the bit from the prequels where the Jedi are all "there's a SITH LORD amogus" is any different from burgerstanis being paranoid about Obama being a Muslim?
Palpatine actually was a sith lord plotting to kill them all and destroy the Republic, and they also didn’t suspect him until it was too late?
> They are literally just mad about the prospect of a religious minority being a politician, except they go so far as to try assassinating him in the movies.
He orchestrated a war that killed billions of people and directly threatened to destroy the Galactic government, he was guilty of treason and conspiracy to enact a coup and was actively trying to destroy the Jedi, in addition to being a murderer, traitor, guilty of genocide, slaver, and warmonger; Palpatine was less “a religious minority” and more the official head of an insane death cult

Why do zoomers do this thing where they actively distort what’s written in a literally fictional narrative as if there’s some other way to interpret the events? This shit is retarded nigha

> It would be like if the Secret Service went to the Oval Office and declared Obama a Muslim and thus a threat to democracy and then pulled guns on him.

No it’d be like if Obama covertly engineered a civil war that killed tens of millions where he was the official head of the US and also the shadow head of the enemy state which is basically a Neo-Confederate revolt, and he engineered the crisis to become the Fuhrer and kill an actual religious minority (there are only 10,000 Jedi in the Galaxy) to fulfill the objectives of his insane death cult

Because that’s literally who Palpatine is and what he does in the story

Honestly it’s just nice to have a show that really explores Star Wars as a world, I don’t think even the Mandalorian did that as well as Andor does, Andor shows how the Empire actually functioned on a day to day basis for an average prole, peasant, or other low class individual, it shows what the build up to the insurgency against the Empire was like, shows the disparate parts of the Rebellion that being the elite leadership and the working class fighters; honestly this show is great and I hope not a single Jedi shows up

Imo the way I see it the Clone Wars to the end of the Galactic Civil War is really one very long civil war in the Galaxy

The Clone Wars began as a largely engineered civil war playing on actual severe internal problems and exploitation in the Republic, when the engineered portion of the war ended the Empire still had to reconquer the rebellious systems who still believed in the Separatist cause (everyone but Palpatine and Dooku believed the war at face value), this reconquista led directly into the early Rebellion when the former Separatists went underground to become insurgents while the more liberal senators of the former Republic began constructing what would become the political leadership of the Rebel Alliance, this moved into an escalating insurgency which had evolved into all out warfare comparable to the Clone Wars by the time Luke gets involved, with the exception that the fight is between a state and non-state formation (original civil war was two different governments)

You could argue that the First Order - Resistance War is the final reverberation of the original Clone Wars, with the remnants of the old imperial military forming an alliance and trying to reconquer the Galaxy

damn dooku just like me fr fr

lol at those screencaps having a tone that implies being able to understand nonverbal communication is some kind of deep insight

nvm fuck sith dooku "peace and order"

love young dooku

also i was a bit confused why dooku was suddenly pining for peace and order, like the jedi say. im speculating, that he was groomed by sidious. similar in anakin in a way to not only channel his already developed anger towards the ignorance of the jedi council, but towards a path with values such as loyalty and authority. turning dooku into an angry and radical reformist, frustrated that the council could not use its power "properly". Turned from seeing the systemic failures of the republic as he was so exposed in tales of the jedi, to believing it can be fixed with the right amount of power, and with the right people leading it. unfortunate, but i honestly wish they showed more of dooku and sidious interactions

saw gerrera pretty based to refuse to cooperate with other groups based on conflict of values

saw gerrera is basically the USA's propaganda depiction of Che

Couldn't you have just deleted and reposted your post in full, instead of 3 seperate ones m8?

just re read tales of the bounty hunters, nice anthology

luthen is fucking crazy. saw gerrera aint even as extreme as him. he views his rebellion as a trap, something he cannot escape from. he has given up the very values of what makes a rebellion burn across the galaxy. friendship, kindship, love? he frames as giving up everything as his reputation his peace. he talks about his ego never being able to be mirrored, to have an audience, to be examined under light. he sees himself as the villain but thats not even the most important part. all his sacrifice has been about his image, his fucking peace. sure he mentions the people's life he's trampled on as a result of his "rebellion" but not as much as in depth as his own fucking self. this rebellion is a power trip for himself, in which he is conflicted between the views of a back to brunch liberal and the liberal projection of a revolutionary terror who is all about bloodthirsty violence. saw gerrera wont ally with anton kreegyr because of a difference of values but luthen is willing to sacrifice his rebel cell of 50 men to "maintain the rebellion". on a surface level this makes sense as it will enact protocol of the empire, but that doesnt even make sense when examined. networks build their strength, their power on connections. the empire responds accordingly. if anything it will make the empire more lax as a sort of anxiety release valve with the squashing of this particular rebel cell. saw gerrera wouldnt exterminate a rebel cell to "maintain the rebellion" but fight and kill them because of a difference of values. but luthen views this as an empowerment to the empire that will show the people they need to rebel. but people already have seen the empire. they dont need a closing iron fist, as he puts it. if anything it would tickle the interest of those with a conscience in his upper class realm of society. people still on the bottom will fight tooth and nail with the very values he feels he needs to abandon. and it will leave him behind, ironically, as people will forge connections while he's too busy doing the empire's jobs for them. an extremist centrist guilty about his rebellion.

a brilliant character. i hope the writers make him a villain. i think they will given the whole emperor palpatine-esque black robes parallel in the most recent episode(10). hell he even looks like fucking sheev himself hopefully the message will be that he will reject these values or other rebel cells will uprise against him. or a more fitting if he does not change would be forgotten by the rebel cause because the empire arrested him and he rots in his cell alone. isolated. alienated. exactly the values he is left with by rejecting love and connection

his speech for context

fight the empire

Which rebel cells do you think communists would align with? Probably not the neo-Republicans cuz they’re just liberals who want to go back to “normal”. Sectorists sound like folks who are more into self governance than a centralized galactic government. I think Saw’s partisans are the closest but even Luthen mentioned about Saw being something of an anarchist, but I’m more interested in the regular old communists and who they’d align with.

from reading this speech, this show actually seems well written?

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You do you I guess

WHAT IF Anakin Killed Palpatine and Started a Jedi Civil War? | STAR WARS Jedi Empire What If
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