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This is the capeshit film thread
Discuss capeshit
I'll admit I hate Marvel films, first off they're some of the glowies films out there, every single one fellates the Pentagon. The plots are almost all identical, filled with general pro-porky propaganda. The jokes are overdone and stale, literally Adam Sandler humor. The CIA is shit for such expensive productions. The characters are getting stale. Fuck these movies, death of cinema shit piles.


I don't think I've seen a marvel film since the first avengers, I don't get how people can watch the same film over and over and over and over and over and over and over


I would probably enjoy a marvel movie but there are so many of them and you have to watch all of them to understand the underlying plot


Just FYI there is a superman, batman and joker thread


This is for Capeshit movies and mostly shitting on Marvel


I find it really impressive how they manage to portray the governments as corrupt but at the end ultimately good and a force for peace and goodness.

The recent DC movies are utter trash. I think the worst big budget movie I have ever seen in my entire life was a DC movie, probably Batman vs Superman.

The marvel movies, while definitely not kino, are fun to watch. I like the X-Men ones particularly. I like the new spiderman, Tom Holland, as well, hot af.

It's not wrong to enjoy the movies, but simping over them, being a fan, or thinking they are somehow "good", just seems morally wrong for some reason. I personally know people who went to the theaters dressed up because they are "hard core geeks", but haven't even seen all of the movies. I find the superficiality of fandom pretty gross, tbh.


DC fags get out. Just because Marvel is more popular and New 52 fucked you, doesn't mean shit.
Also they ARE capeshit threads dummy.

Fucking this. The only DC film I liked was Aquaman simply because they stopped trying to mirror Marvel and let it be its own thing.


I don’t think DC is good either lmao, no shit they’re worse but there’s already three DC threads


>already three DC threads
Which is why I posted them here, so people would be aware of them.


Thats the other problem, I'm sure they're not that deep but I don't want to sit through 30 hours of movie so I can watch one good one.


Watching Marlel movies in theaters must be one of the worst experiences I’ve gone through in consuming a corporate product (I got dragged into watching Endgame). The entire time it is constantly interrupted by weird laughter and retarded noises from boomer Marvel fans who unironically having the expression of that one guy reacting to the 3rd Disney Star Wars trailer. I was half asleep when the audience erupted into insane cries from retards at the snap. Fucking Christ it was awful, and not the “so bad it’s good” awfulness of Suicide Squad either. What a waste of 2 bucks.


I don't know what you expected from a discount theatre.


That pic keeps reminding me about tide-pods for some reason.



So many of their bad guys are military dudes and shit. Like it's always government people bad and want to use power to destroy.

you could say it is pro capitalist with how much iron man a private sector mogul turned super hero is though.


I identify with commodity R340FHO3412


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Because its contradictory as fuck, the government is evil… except when its not and that it's just a certain "rogue group"


>what will I do to fight against this?!??
&ltI know! I’ll continue working with SHIELD, an apparatus of the US government!
Cap is a limp dick weakling.


i for the life of me can barely remember any government being good guys moments.
in the most popular movie the secret shadow governments are okay with nuking nyc and were using alien tech to build weapons for no reason.

only time somebody from the government is shown being good is when they are going against official orders
it is perfect american "small government good libertarian" propaganda

wtf based. how did the writers get away with it?

didn't he drop the monkier once and go by nomad for a while or something


Apparently NuNewwarriors are not cancelled… they're really going through with Safespace, Snowflake, internet-gas boy and other shit.


At least /co/ will have something new for the storytime of pain threads. Those are always a good laugh.


>Americans watching movies
Have you seen them clap when a mediocre movie ends? Or have you ever been forced to stay for 10 minutes more for the post-credit advertising of the next movie? Painful.
I went to a "really nice cinema" to watch some capeshit movie. A lot of the people, mostly boomers but also younger people, were forcing themselves to laugh at even the most meh jokes or even funny expressions the characters made.

My cousin and her husband wore onesie pajamas to see one of the avengers movies. They haven't watched most of them.


>Americans watching movies
This is something interesting. When I went visited america last summer visiting cinema was the most interesting experience i had in your country. It's incredible how much of an anonymous and collective experience is. Explains a lot about the aurora shootings too.


Sadly not the case. It’s a Vietnamese theatre. I got forced to watch the god awful post-credit scenes with the millennial boomers shouting over it. Peak consoomer retardation.


Am I the only one who just cannot give a fuck just how much the comic-book industry bends over backwards to be shit-eating liberals? Like female Thor and fat Wonderwoman are retarded, but I couldn't give a fuck, its all childish nonsense that 90% of the time hasn't been good in over 2 decades anyway.


The only MCU movie I've watched is Ragnarock and I must say it was bad. The jokes were so predictable and immature, I would respect Marvel a lot more if their movies were just a bunch of guys and gals throwing shit at each other and grunting, with a few cheesy one-liners at the end, instead of that cringy memefest. Their posters are also so bad man, I would say that movie posters are the one aspect of cinema that has definitely devolved over the years


>Putting Sam Reimi's Spiderman in the same group as BP and Homecoming.
The Reimi series is the best Spiderman movies we have gotten, their effects might be a little dated and the action is so colorful, but that just makes it so much better. Homecoming was alright but every other spiderman movie without Tobey Maguire was retarded for a number of ways, with Amazing Spiderman being 'meh' and Amazing Spiderman 2 having Electro's theme the only thing I liked about it.

I liked Ragnarok because it was exactly what I like about Guardians of the Galaxy, some serious stakes but a very lighthearted approach to it without being super DEEEEEEEP. It was good clean, silly fun for me, and that's all I wanted from it.


> is so colorful
I meant to say less colorful… fucking autocorrect seems to be ass-backwards today.


That’s the point. The director’s whole career is is same one note overrated trash.


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Jesus Christ. Every time I see that fucking poster of Spiderman Homecoming I go into an epileptic fit. Who the fuck though cutting and pasting Jon Favreau's fat ass head onto that body was a good idea?


Probably Favreau himself. Guy’s an egotistical twat.


I could not stop laughing throughout ragnarok. Usually the other movies has hit or miss jokes.


>The one


>Putting Sam Reimi's Spiderman in the same group as BP and Homecoming.
I didn't intend to group them, I put Spiderman 2 as an example of a movie having a great poster. I agree that they were great movies, I grew up on that shit
Which other aspects have [b]definitely[/b] deteriorated?


Storytelling, character-writing, originality


The only time I get to watch those are when I'm on a transcontinental flight, they always have them 100% in their list. It's one of those weird things where they are apparently really popular although I personally know almost nobody who watches them, and I do know some consoomer types who faint over Star Wars and stuff like that.

I honestly don't get appeal. The world is ridiculously oversaturated with magic, aliens, sci-fi tech, etc. while the only concept of a good superhero movie would be one where you learn about the origin story of the hero and the villain and where they got their powers from - you know, some sort of build-up. I know Marvel has this stuff too but in those all-star movies like The Avengers it's just bloated and doesn't matter anyway because it is dogmatically stratified into "power levels" instead of a stone-scissor-rock principle where one superpower trumps the other, which would be more interesting to watch. I just think anybody who gets invested in this and is over 18 has problems. Like, this is kids stuff. At least for Chrisopher Nolan's Batman trilogy I can at least activate my suspension of disbelief during the more serious moments, for Marvel movies I can't.


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Are "the boys" considered capeshit ?
started the new season, it pretty good.


It's just capeshit taken realistically and being satirical. It's still capeshit though


The comics is more about shitting on the corporate structure that propped up the military industrial complex although it’s too reliant on that point and fucked up the plot royally. It’s too focus on portraying the corporation as incompetent and superheroes as idiots that it forgot to talk about how such abject failures gained the large support they had in the first place.


Aquaman has such terrible pacing and storytelling though.


The TV show seems to be a huge improvement over the comics in regards to, well, everything.


EH the pacing wasn't grea, but far better than prior DC films and the story telling wasn't supposed to be great, it 's a fucking superhero movie. When they take themselves too seriously we get dumb edgy shit like BP or Endgame. Just let it be the escapist fantasy it was supposed to be.


Ennis is an unironic military fag who look at the shitshow of the industrial complex and say that it's a good thing. His recent punisher is another mindless Soviet bashing tirade.


>another mindless Soviet bashing tirade.
Well that's what Punisher has always been.
Also how long until he attacks and beats Colossus with hax and plot?


>Also how long until he attacks and beats Colossus with hax and plot?
He already did it. This is the same wanktastic tard that wrote Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe.
Literally the only good run he ever did is some minor war stories and Hitman. That was fun for actually having his “not punisher” face DC superheroes.


>Muh spirituality
Fuck off faggot


Some people argue a libertarian line:
&ltWhat makes Steve Rogers different from Tony Stark, though, what makes him a true anarchist, is that he's not going against the government for his own selfish gains. He's not screaming "You can't have my property!" and then convincing himself it's for a good reason. He's not, like Stark, ceding responsibility for his actions to a higher power after a string of screw-ups, desperate to free himself from blame. Rogers knows that the government will, inevitably, do what is best for the government, and not the people. And that's just not how Captain America rolls.
This isn't really wrong, however it ignores the fact that the films themselves are contradictive to this theme overall. The films promote imperialism as films of popular genre in the USA have for decades since talkies began.
Cowboy Movies reflected how America viewed itself as the new major empire of the depicted time in the 1930s - 60s
Action movies reflected the ideology of US Imperialism in the 60s-80s- 2000s.
Superhero movies are the ideology of US Imperialism in the present day (2010-2020s~)

It all makes sense when you consider the Avengers are figuratively and also often literally a part of the US military:
- Captain Marvel was an Air Force pilot
- Tony Stark made weaponry for the US
- Captain America was an American GI
- Same with Falcon
- Black Widow was an American special operative
- Same with Hawkeye
And of course the Avengers work with Shield so frequently they’re basically the superpowered branch of the US military. They don’t really even interact with other real world governments besides America’s. At the end of the day, the idea is:


>some people
&ltcracked using Amerilard liberal logic where “anarchism mean no rulez”
Fuck off.


Did you read what was written or did you just have a typical reflex response?
>Some people argue a LIBERTARIAN line
&ltThis isn't really wrong, however it IGNORES the fact that the films themselves are CONTRADICTIVE TO THIS THEME l


In my opinion Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes is probably the best version of Avengers in animated or film media. I prefer it heavily over Avengers Assemble, which is quite babyish in comparison.


>He already did it
>Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe
I find it amusing how many capeshit fans seem to love that comic and the one where Deadpool does the same thing. Punisher as a character was always a street-level vigilante-type combatant - making him into some uber powerful dude with supertech is moronic… that's literally Cable.


It's not Cap, it's the editors and their CIA handlers, who caught this shit and changed it like always to make sure that the narrative is only just subersive enough that people believe that free speech is real in the country.


>Punisher as a character was always a street-level vigilante-type combatant - making him into some uber powerful dude with supertech is moronic…
Yeah, that’s why I love his work on Hitman much more. Tommy is a much better character who wasn’t plagued with constant brooding ptsd like Punisher while at the same time being in a somewhat self-contained book with a beginning and end restricts how much Ennis can wank him. The final issue where Tommy and pals end it all in blaze of glory against all the gangs they pissed off over the run is just the ending I want for Punisher. Showing that vigilantism finally got its deserved karma.


Exactly. It's a bit like Bronson's Death Wish and Death Wish 2.


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Recently DC AMU let out their Apokalips War movie which conceptually was cool, but the fights and story were so fucking stupid it makes Buu-arc DBZ look good.

Black Manta, Bane and any DC characters killed, die like utter retards killing fodder and then suddenly dying to them for no fucking reason except shitty writing. At least with shonen anime they have these characters fight for a really long time and getting sloppy from fatigue, but noooo we gotta play stoopid! Lex Luthor doesn't even bust out his anti-Superman power suit for no reason, despite it letting him clash with supes and despite him having body modifications that make him above superhuman on his own.
>Inb4 being part Doomsday
They're not that fast, and their strength is comparable to high-tier superhumans. Given their weakness to kryptonite (and it's copious use) as well as the fact that they aren't nearly as berserkers (or strong) as actual Doomsday, it's irrellevant. They're fodder and shouldn't be able to even scratch higher-tier characters (who seem to forget their most powerful attacks).

Even when it's not against fodder people die like morons, FFS The Green Lanterns get killed as they CHARGE at Darkseid as if their power rings don't let them use attacks from any range. Not one of these morons puts up a shield, one of the super-man tier characters gets fucking killed by a bullet to the forehead. And Cheeetah a character who fights one-one with Wonder woman (who in turn matches Superman at times) gets killed by bullets.

Swampthing gets turned into a joke despite being a living embodiment of The Green, a force comparable to the Omega and the Speed Force, existing long before Darkseid, and will exist long after Darkseid. As we’ve seen what someone can do just by tapping into a significant portion of the Speed Force, the power of it is immense. Over time, Swamp Thing has learnt to control The Green more and more, eventfully mastering it, as it represents all green life in the universe, not just plant life on earth. Poison Ivy is also aware of The Green's existence, due to being intrinsically linked to her plants. And while different representations of different Forces vary in strength, Swampthing is essentially limitless in terms of regeneration, as you would have to torch every single habitable planet on the universe to kill him.

Other gripes;
- Who the hell thought it was a good idea to bring the Martian and the Atlanteans to a world where there’s only fire?
- Why the fuck doesn't Cyborg regenerate his parts? He's literally implanted into a wall of the same technology that his own cybernetics are made of!
- Why are they attacking the tower when Luthor, Genius at 4D chess, would just as likely help them if they just talked to him convincingly. Hell he just up and switches around 5 minutes later. He may be a self-serving sociopath, but he isn't stupid enough to engage in infighting during a matter of life or death of humanity.
- Do you expect me to believe that the Tamaranians would just let their princess be turned into a cyborg automaton without some kind of retaliation? They are powerful and technologically advanced, while no match for Darkseid, they would likely be useful allies to taking down his forces. They aren't shown to be beaten and we don't see them join in so WTH?
- While Etrigan's nihilistic boredom is great, he gets killed really randomly, he's an immortal demon with insane healing - a sword through the chest is par for the course.

The 3D models of the Paradooms are also unsettling as fuck, they're borderline Berserk3D tier.

TL;DR: Bane & Black Manta - both feared & intelligent adversaries of Batman & Aquaman - Ripped apart after both non-characteristically pulling a Leeroy Jenkins into a horde of Doomsdays… just like the majority of the cast. Etrigan was the only good character. A real disappointment over-all, especially compared to movies like the ones involving Flash or Doomsday and even more so in contrast to Batman TAS and Superman TAS.


Anyone have this clip in better resolution?


Most of the new DC films are like that. The only good ones recently is gods and monsters and maybe hell to pay.


>is an unironic military fag who look at the shitshow of the industrial complex and say that it's a good thing
i got the complete opposite vibe reading the boys


I hate this terrible trend… but the comic-book industry hasn't been good for years now.


There are good comics out there, Marvel and DC are shit tho


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Reposting my rant about Wonder Woman:
It paints the most revisionist picture of WW1 I've ever seen with the typical "it was all duh GeRMaNs fault, BrITaIN GOOD DUH" which isn't true. Everyone involved in WW1 was equally an imperialist pig and believing that the Central Powers were the worse somehow despite the "good" guys starving something close to 2 million German civilians is baffling and just modern western media/history trying to paint their winning side as the good guys. Not saying that Germany WEREN'T the bad guys, just that if you're gonna criticize one imperialist power in a pointless war you gotta call the rest out for it as well.

I always see modern media streamline WW1 and make imperial Germans into basically 'nazies' even though those are two different time periods and screenwriters should actually read a book 'cause history is better at writing interesting and engaging tales than they are. Oh and also the whole "wonder woman" thing being shoved down the audiences throat with one of the most pointless and horrifying wars in human history into a consumerized, comedic, shallow-fem rights film that manages to make the superhero female lead somehow less important than the actual women who took part in the conflict.

2 Based takes about how Wonder-Woman is pro-imperialist trash
- https://mondoweiss.net/2017/07/military-industrial-complex/
- https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2017/06/imperial-feminism-woman-170613101125222.html

Also an interesting part is how in the posters (pic related) the tank Wonder Woman lifts is a T-28, a Soviet medium tank that was created 17 years after WW-1. Feels like some-kind of anti-soviet shit, though more likely its just inattentive graphic designers.

Good review by ralphthemoviemaker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIsNoHF-cMA[Embed][Embed]

Meanwhile liberals only have 1 criticism: IDENTITY POLITICS
>wHy iSn'T sHe fAt/Trans/BlacK
- https://msmagazine.com/2017/06/05/will-wonder-woman-fat-femme-woman-color/
>wHy iSn'T tHe MoViE sAyInG hOw GoOd nOn-Hwite pEoPlE aRe.
- https://afropunk.com/2017/06/the-success-of-wonder-woman-proves-liberals-are-ok-with-imperialism-as-long-as-its-led-by-a-white-woman/

Also Reminder the star of Wonder Woman is a literal rape enabler and served in the IDF.


As society has moved forward from the 20th century, a proliferation of postmodern skepticism made a lot of old propaganda techniques harder to pull off, and so propaganda often has to be a good deal more subtle and sub-textual to be taken seriously. Interestingly, this seems to disappear entirely if and when the creators start promoting the supposed diversity in their casting, setting etc. Rather flagrant, chauvinistic propaganda can be fed to liberals directly, and they munch it all down, eagerly, if they've been convinced it's a "progressive" work because of diverse casting.

Captain Marvel, which gender flipped an eponymous super hero and couldn't shut up about it, was a straight up ad for the US Air Force and didn't even try to hide it.

Now consider the following plot for a movie:
>A man is chosen by God to destroy Satan, so God whisks him away as a child to a special hidden island where he is trained by none other than the Spartans themselves in the ways of becoming a warrior, but his training is suddenly interrupted by landing soldiers from the outside. Turns out, these are soldiers that accidentally found themselves in the island due to a conflict in WWI, and after the Spartans kill the soldiers except for the American guy who they can tell is good, the American explains the situation of the war to our hero. Realizing this must be Satan's doing, our hero follows the American out and into the broader world, which he is originally repulsed by. The weakness, the decadence… and how do they even fight in these civvy clothes? But, as they get into battle, the normal humans prove their worth as our hero's American buddy sacrifices himself in the fighting to stop the damned krauts. When the hero finally breaks through and confronts the German general, it turns out he's not Satan at all, but a proud soldier who loves his country. So who was Satan? None other than the traitorous, peacenik politician who was trying to put a stop to the war. Our hero kills him and saves the world from his vile machinations.
Pretty ridiculous premise, yeah? Maybe an occasional chud or Kyle would like it, but the average lib would roll their eyes so far back into their heads that they would be looking at their own frontal lobes.


&ltA woman is chosen by Zeus to destroy Aries, so Zeus whisks her away as a child to a special hidden island where she is trained by none other than the Amazons themselves in the ways of becoming a warrior, but training is suddenly interrupted by landing soldiers from the outside. Turns out, these are soldiers that accidentally found themselves in the island due to a conflict in WWI, and after the Amazons kill the soldiers except for the American guy who they can tell is good, the American explains the situation of the war to our heroine. Realizing this must be Ares' doing, our heroine follows the American out and into the broader world, which she is originally repulsed by. The weakness, the decadence… and how do they even fight in these civvy clothes? But, as they get into battle, the normal humans prove their worth as our heroine's American buddy sacrifices himself in the fighting to stop the damned krauts. When the heroine finally breaks through and confronts the German general, it turns out he's not Ares at all, but a proud soldier who loves his country. So who was Ares? None other than the traitorous, peacenik politician who was trying to put a stop to the war. Our heroine kills him and saves the world from his vile machinations.
And you basically have the plot to the Wonder Woman movie.

>Hidden away on the lost isle of Atlantis, a utopian society has been cultivated. A prince of Atlantis ascends to to the throne, but his reign is short lived. The son of another Atlantean prince who had been exiled has returned home, challenging him for the throne in ritual combat. The challenger wins and makes his ultimatum: for too long Atlantis has hidden itself away from the world, strive and oppression abound on the outside, and the people suffer under the boots of cruel tyrants. He'll send the wondrous technology of Atlantis to the oppressed of the world, so they might overthrow their oppressors and win their freedom. The Atlantean lords are horrified by this, but are largely powerless to do anything against their rightful king. That's when the deposed prince teams up with the CIA to plot a coup against the new king. The coup plotters manage to unite most of the Atlantean nobles against the new king and depose him, putting the former king back into power. But, the king has learned a valuable lesson to not ignore the world, so he sets up some charities in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Heinous, right?

&ltHidden away in the African kingdom of Wakanda, a utopian society has been cultivated. A prince of Wakanda ascends to to the throne, but his reign is short lived. The son of another Wakandan prince who had been exiled has returned home, challenging him for the throne in ritual combat. The challenger wins and makes his ultimatum: for too long Wakanda has hidden itself away from the world, strive and oppression abound on the outside, and the people suffer under the boots of cruel tyrants. He'll send the wondrous technology of Wakanda to the oppressed of the world, so they might overthrow their oppressors and win their freedom. The Wakandan lords are horrified by this, but are largely powerless to do anything against their rightful king. That's when the deposed prince teams up with the CIA to plot a coup against the new king. The coup plotters manage to unite most of the Wakandan nobles against the new king and depose him, putting the former king back into power. But, the king has learned a valuable lesson to not ignore the world, so he sets up some charities in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
And, you know, since it's an African kingdom, most of the cast is black.

The examples go on. The original Avatar: The Last Airbender lacking for diversity, but I distinctly remember the advertising for its sequel series, The Legend of Korra, being way more up it's own ass about making its main protagonist female and dark skinned. Naturally, the first group of baddies Korra goes up against are "The Equalists" /commie stereotype. >>2562

I think it's going to become more common in the future, and why we must pursue an relentless critique of MORE👏WOMEN👏OF👏COLOR👏PRISON👏GUARDS👏 libshit, as this holds the potential of being THE fascist propaganda of the future.

Liberal idpol is the mission to turn people previously placed in poverty or on the fringes of classical bourgeois society as a matter of course into a bourgeois-fied subject. It is the mission to induce in blacks and gays and women the same brainwashing white males received where they deludedly saw the wealth and power of bourgeois whites as their own thus validating their position in society. But this is even worse since “egalitarianism” means only coastal college-educated lib blacks can enjoy this, but your average nigga from Newark will still be despised. So insidious, it’s worse than preventing communist solutions, the only solution presented is a total submission to woke capitalism; best exemplified in shows like “Dear White People” where the utter sociopathic mindset of liberal idpol is on full display, with no awareness.

>bourgeois fake diversity
&ltyasss finally we can get female drone strikes and queer cops that still kill black people!!! Truly western civilization at its peak!
>actually existing support for less fortunate minorities and gender equality in places like Cuba and the Soviet Union
&lthow dare you force black and gay people to become doctors and scientists? Authoritarian!
We are living in an age of mass psychosis and cognitive dissonance brought about by neoliberal capitalism.


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Just finished Suicide Squad (2021) and I can definitely say that it is a pretty fun movie, if a bit weird, but the effects are great, the characters are cheesy and fun and the black humor can really work. It also isn't afraid to have some unsubtle satire about US interventions, human experimentation and US ideas of "enforcing peace". Idris Elba is a great actor as always, Harley Quinn can be a proper character and fighter and not a poorly choreographed feminist shove in, John Cena is pretty funny too and his role as Peacemaker is an interesting shattered mirror of Captain America. Ratcatcher II is also cute and fun, and her steampunk get-up is metal as fuck.
Even if you may not like it after, I do recommend seeing the film, Russian torrents have 1080p HD versions, so if you're not a cinema fan don't worry. However, it's the kind of movie that does deserve a theatre watch, if simply because it really leaps out.

As a side note I think Hollywood has found a new formula for making money - release a flop movie that still makes significant money, then release a better soft-reboot (Justice League already did this and now so has Suicide Squad this will probably repeat - heck the upcoming Ghostbusters movie is a softcore reboot of that god-awful 2016 one. I also predict they might try that with Men In Black, given the most recent film's failure.


I fucking love how fitting John Cena is as playing the ultra-autistic world policing monster version of Peacemaker that Ditko originally created. Most of Ditko’s objectivist “heroes” are just outright psychopaths to people. Spider-Man under Ditko was basically a school shooter in the making. While the Question and Mr. A are just his wank fantasies manifest.
The best part is that Cena is too much of a porkie shill in real life to ever notice the satire and played it straight the whole time.


>Spider-Man under Ditko was basically a school shooter in the making.
you like what did spider man become


Ditko was just weird. Like an ultra cucked wageslave who thought that all successful people deserved it and he himself was just cog that should follow everything. Every dialogue he scripted exuded a sense of anger and frustration at people for falling out of line.
Served him right for ending his life being penniless, fucked over by a figure straight out of any Randian villains - Stan Lee.


idk, maybe I’m just too critical, but it has the tropes of propaganda movies funded by the military just more subtle. military guy who does the right thing, government officials doing the right thing to stop the bad egg. hell, they even have military vehicles which is often a sign that their script has been approved by the yank military. Sounds schizo, but The credits in the end reveal the funding, and although it’s not directly the us military, they work in close cooperation with the military and imperialist factions. even in the post credit scene, the bad egg is still there, the rebelling good egg feds put the nationalist in charge. Honestly, it seems like a more subtle fuck you propaganda, the state will get away with everything.


damn never heard something like that about Ditko
everybody paints him out to be a mistreated guy who created many characters on DC and Marvel

I haven't watched the movie yet but I also have a suspicion about something like that
The trailers showed off a cuba like south american country setting where the fights take place. And since you saw the movie, is there anything like that?


Yeah, bay of pigs invasion basically except w the suicide squad


yes not very subtle
i watched and i enjoyed it

the visuals was the highlight of the movie but the ending was sad
i was feeling this movie was both siding it and it kinda did that but when peter cappaldi's character started talking it didn't feel like that
the hypest moment was actually when the workers beat the shit out of their boss amanda walKKKer
basically i'm trying to say is that The Suicide Squad (2021) is actually a socdem pro workplace democracy worker co-op movie.

I feel bad for starro :(

Shark man was good but his voice acting was boring as fuck, stop hiring people like stallone just for their big name man
James Gunn really felt formulaic with his GoTG tropes in this

Rats were the heart and the soul of this movie. I got so mad at seeing Taika Waitti when he cameo'd but the last line he spoke really was the sweetest.


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Also what the fuck was weasel? He lived but what he's going to do now? Fuck them keeping peacemaker alive in the end credits. He was boring

I clapped when he said this in the theatres. Peacemaker? more like Comrademaker! Ha


Embedding error.
Interesting analysis of Invincible and it's mold breaking


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I didn't much like this version of Spiderman's art style but as aa show it was good. Tombstone is a pretty good Mafia boss villain and frankly, like batman, Spiderman thrives as a street vigilante facing off thugs, mafioso and self-made villains rather than some retardedly overpowered conflict on the tier of the avengers. .


>John Cena Taiwan apology video
Yeah he definitely chose his character intentionally to be a bad guy American Exceptionalist, this is hilarious.


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I was browsing the 'net and momentarily read some stuff about a rather obscure DC character - Plastic Man - and their sheer OPness. https://archive.md/oWlSZ (an overview of his insanity).
One of the interesting aspects is that they didn't start off that OP at all. Someone really pointed out this problem.
>This is another example of making the weakest and most useless characters “heroes”. Plastic Man was made as a joke. Now, he is the most powerful being in the universe with unlimited power, somehow, which they wont explain. They did the same to Flash, Aquaman, Hawkeye, Green Arrow, etc. People with no real power have been given so much power and importance, but no reasonable explanation as to why. Why isn’t Reed Richards just as “powerful” as Plastic Man? They have the exact same ability, yet one is god-like while the other has normal limits to a stretching and morphing power. How is Plastic Man immune to fire? How does he have massive super-strength? How does he have massive invulnerability? How is he immortal? How is he, basically, now a god? The Flash…his power being that he can run fast.. now, a god.

Indeed characters are so overpowered that no thought is put into how another (god-like) character can actually hurt or beat them, they just can just because. So IMO, for capeshit to stop being so completely dumb and world-breaking you have start over and us nerfed characters. An example of this done right is Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - NONE of the superheroes is OP and this forces them to be clever, to have stakes and limitations. This is the reason the past decade of Marvel live-action movies (like Iron Man) had strong beginnings - they had limitations. This is the reason Spiderman and Batman comics had been so cool bac in the day too.


Best post I've seen on this board in a long time I salute you!


Thanks m8, I try.


It's really fucked up that the bad guy in Black Panther is the closest thing to a black panther party member there is. It's propaganda on a really vicious level when you realize the movie was marketed essentially to afro americans.


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Yes it's still capeshit even if it's "deconstructing" the genre.

The real question: is picrel capeshit?
>plays up superpowers
>downplays politics and character


>Also Reminder the star of Wonder Woman is a literal rape enabler and served in the IDF.
Didn't hear about the rape part, but in addition to this Gal Gadot is also a Zionist. During the recent events between Israel/Palestine she tweeted some pretty fucked up shit about muh poor Israelis trying to be a centrist but betraying her real loyalties.

>wonder woman plot summary
Ironically it could have been actually subversive and decent if all along it turned out Ares wasn't involved and Steve was right when he told Diana that wars happen for more complicated reasons than "god did it" and she really was just a sheltered kid. The fact that it takes a hard U-turn away from this in the finale adds another layer of fucked up propaganda to it, because it's also indulging childish fantasies that the world is simple black and white. The fact that the existence of nuance and material forces is brought up only to be discarded sends the message that you shouldn't question the simplistic, childish narratives.

> The original Avatar: The Last Airbender lacking for diversity

White people literally do not exist in the setting except that they retroactively made Aang look kind of white as an old man and made Tenzin look kind of white in the sequel series. Everyone is variations of Asian, middle eastern, indigenous American, etc.

>It is the mission to induce in blacks and gays and women the same brainwashing white males received where they deludedly saw the wealth and power of bourgeois whites as their own thus validating their position in society.

Very astute.

>“Dear White People”

The whole premise of this one requires a fundamental misunderstanding of racism. "Racism? In an Ivy League school? But these were supposed to be the Best Whites!" As if it's not the elites who push racism on people.
And then the actual story is house uyghas bitching that the house isn't as comfy as they'd like it to be.


>White people literally do not exist in the setting except that they retroactively made Aang look kind of white as an old man and made Tenzin look kind of white in the sequel series. Everyone is variations of Asian, middle eastern, indigenous American, etc.
IMO the character designs are ambiguously pale-skinned (mostly) so they are easily placed as any Asian, or European or Native American ethnicity. Moreover my point had been that Korra specifically emphasized this, as if it's version is better.
>Ironically it could have been actually subversive and decent if all along it turned out Ares wasn't involved and Steve was right when he told Diana that wars happen for more complicated reasons
YES, literally my first thought. Ares being the reason for the war and Man's constant repetition of it, is a plothole too, since the conflicts coming after… also had been from men, and not Ares.
>Didn't hear about the rape part
Yeah it's not a popular subject in media for obvious reasons. And yeah her being a Zionist makes sense given the IDF allegiance.

>“Dear White People”

Yeah, honestly most people I meet that go or did go to Harvard, MIT, Stanford, etc. are extremely shallow and pretentious in their conception of things. They memorized some things told to them as "facts" and refused to think for themselves or analyze (thus the 100 gorillion myth staying alive).


I don't think it's capeshit, but it does have clear capeshit influence.


I think that the Dune Miniseries was better than this new movie. Besides the books are always better than any adaptation.


>IMO the character designs are ambiguously pale-skinned (mostly) so they are easily placed as any Asian, or European or Native American ethnicity
To be fair most cartoons portray the "native" ethnicity as the most generic and cartoony with "foreign" phenotypes being emphasized. Western animation is more likely to give Asians squinty eyes and Asian animation is more likely to give westerners pointy noses and shit. Avatar does a decent job of not emphasizing any particular phenotypic traits, making nobody look particularly "foreign." IDK if this is deliberate, but it works. It's a lot better than making any particular group look more generic and "native."
> Moreover my point had been that Korra specifically emphasized this, as if it's version is better.
Yeah about that I was just adding the wrinkle that Avatar was always diverse so this was dumb and obnoxious for them to do. They already did a much better job with Katara's characterization in comparison to Korra so it's even more cringe how they made a big deal about this.


> The whole premise of this one requires a fundamental misunderstanding of racism. "Racism? In an Ivy League school? But these were supposed to be the Best Whites!" As if it's not the elites who push racism on people.
And then the actual story is house uyghas bitching that the house isn't as comfy as they'd like it to be.
Dear White People has to be one of the most unlikable shows I’ve ever seen
If it was about how upper class woketards are actually monstrous scum it’d be one thing, and this worldview is so unsympathetic that the main characters actually do come off as reprehensible assholes, but I think we’re actually supposed to get where they’re coming from?
All I could ever think is how these faggots whine about oppression but couldn’t even relate to the average middle class person, let alone someone that’s actually poor


Black Panther was good until the villain died.


I already hate Spiderman No Way Home

I don't give a fuck about companies, I just like my spiderman being and interacting with other supes

And the title of this movie, The plot about making people forget about spider-man, along with the multiverse shit, The fact that this was the last movie that Tom Holland is contractually obligated to be spiderman in is all pointing towards them removing our spider lad from the MCU and I DON'T FUCKING LIKE IT

He's the only hero I care about in the MCU, I grew up with Toby and I watched the Andrew one too but I'M FUCKING SICK OF, one shot comic superhero movies
It's just desolate and boring, I want my boy learning and playing off other supes character's

I will destroy Disney and Sony if they take out spider-man by being twats and using this third spider-man movie as an in-universe explanation why spider-man is not in the MCU anymore

I will curse all the execs using my witch gf's magic
Fuck your copyrights and profits.


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It's just an excuse to do a Live Action Into the Spiderverse TBH


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I watched the black widow movie when it came out with a few of my friends and it dawned on me while viewing this film on how much propaganda gets snuck by in these movies. I haven't watched a capeshit movie since the original iron man so it came as a surprise to me on how a modern film is still pushing cold war propaganda.
The main villain of the film is an evil gommie that somehow is behind every war crime that governments around the world have committed. This is fucking egregious and as I looked around the theater while this scene played out, I saw my fellow audience not even absorb what's being said. They just took this shit at face value without a second thought. All the rape and murder perpetuated by the US was actually by the evil gommie.
I tried asking my friends what they thought about it after we left the theater and they said they saw nothing wrong with the movie. Nobody really cared. It was just more schlock to them. To think films like this get shown to millions if not a billion people makes me feel something horrible inside. Why did things have to turn out like this.


>The main villain of the film is an evil gommie that somehow is behind every war crime that governments around the world have committed.
I was gonna say that this is dumb even for capeshit but the Thanos movie is about a purple scrotum with a malthusian plan to kill half of all life in the universe - all life not all people, so half the crops too……


>If it was about how upper class woketards are actually monstrous scum it’d be one thing, and this worldview is so unsympathetic that the main characters actually do come off as reprehensible assholes, but I think we’re actually supposed to get where they’re coming from?
I watched a couple episodes of the TV series but I haven't seen the movie it's based on. I've heard the movie is what you're describing where the characters are the butt of the joke and the audience is supposed to be in on it. The show plays it 100% straight though. But then again Netflix makes shit like this.


embed vanished


Netflix not even once. Seriously how did shit like this and their slew of badly written dramas even get pass test screening? Do they even have test screenings at all?


you ever think how funny these legal discussions and proceedings for this movies are?

like hwo do they decide what chaaracter is a spider man property lol?

some lawyer goes to a judge and says "my honor punisher may have appeared in the spider man issues #69 but he also appeared in archie comics but that don't make him their property"


i agree about the capitalist propaganda in the movie but i'm absolutely sure that the bad guy in black widow is not a commie, more of an anti-russian 2016 lib brain villain here

the only commie is potrayed as a fool for laughs, the fat guy from stranger things


Probably because of one or both of these (haven't seen the movie and won't):
<they don't understand communism enough to portray communist ideology other than to just label someone a commie
<they don't want to actually portray communist ideology because it scares them


definitely the latter
they always portray any actual change as the bad guy's agenda

black panther, the winter soldier show
it's by far the most annoying thing about it

even in the what if episodes they prop in some anti-soviet rhetoric



fuck tobey, worst spiderman
tom holland was going to be the most based one for killing goblin for killing aunt may and his pussy ass stops him



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these rules they have to follow is depressing tbh fam

i get why some actors don't want to work in these superhereo movies

Capital will expunge you dry


I watched deadpool recently, after seeing how all the reviews are positive and I didn't watch a marvel movie since iron man 1 or whatever.

It was garbage, utter garbage and i hate it. People have shit taste


watch super


this is that edgy rain wilson movie right
god it was depressing and happy and sad from what i heard about it


what the fuck was this fight scene

it's just so stupid that i still can't forget it

why does wilson fisk fight like an overgrown toddler


Most of the MCU has terrible fight scenes. Fuck their most “complex” fight scene was the elevator scene and that was something billions of other martial art movies did better.
The rest are lazy as fuck. Disney just really can’t give a shit about fights without CGI.


I literally can't think of any fight scene of the top of my head
Like cap throws his shield on ultron, weird Fisk baby, brutal punisher Russian, iron man vs Thor vs cap in 2012 avengers


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Besides flailing his arms like an idiot, which might just be part of the character (?), these punches are so obviously and inelegantly pulled it's almost like watching children put on a pretend fight for a home video. Sometimes the camera framing is such that you can actually clearly see the punch get whiffed for yourself without even an attempt at hiding it which, how the fuck did that happen and how did it not get edited out, but even outside of that half the punches feels like the gentlest of tickles, slow and careful and delicate.

How is every comment talking about how badass and hardcore and brutal this fight scene is?


Know what has good fight scenes?
Stat Wars


It's so funny
I don't think that was their intention lol

Big fat baby bullying Sigma Punisher


How do you not show the pulled punches on camera btw?
Like is there an editing trick or camera trick to do


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>Stat Wars


other than actually hitting people a common one is to cut on the hit or slightly before it so that the change in angle makes it look like it connected
most common thing is to use forced perspective to make them look like they're closer than they are


using dolls


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I was wondering if proliferation of MCU is a symptom of post-2008 world? I recall Zizek 's take on disaster movies being the trend in the 90s. Can similar analysis be made for current phase of Capeshit? Martin Scorsese and other film directors find it bad, especially the business side of things Martin later elaborated after his controversial statement of them being theme park ride (which is still being used to elicit reaction as evident with latest remark by Tom Holland)?

Cape crusader movies have been there since the 70s (40s, in the live action scene, if one counts the Superman tv serial). Baring the many failed ones, we had Superman series in 70s-80s, Batman in 80s-90s, Spider-man trilogy and Nolan's Batman trilogy in 2000s. But none of them managed to built up this planned and phased cinematic universe thing with an ensemble cast over more than 20 movies of individual characters and crossovers. Phase 1's culmination with the first Avengers movie in 2012, IIRC, was the biggest draw of mainstream (aka normie) crowd toward these movies besides Iron Man in 2008 (I never see many remembering the first Thor movie or Hulk movie starring Edward Norton, for instance). I recall memes saying how till that point comic book movies were considered too nerdy and after the Avengers many started to pretend to be fans of such movies. It had competed with the most anticipated The Dark Knight Rises and had managed to beat it at the box office. On a related note, Nolan's trilogy was draped in Neocon ideology. I think it kinda set the tone of DC vs Marvel movies for a decade to come, though one can argue WB's poor planning on their part and lackluster movies that failed to take its DCEU to MCU's level. 6 years later after the first Avengers, we had Avengers Infinity War-Endgame which went on to become big pop-cultural phenomenon, and the Malthusian themes of those movies at a time when overpopulation is the talking point, doesn't seem like t a coincidence. Had it been released in an era this is not this, would it been that big? Can success of MCU be considered a symptom of a society that is post-2008 feeling hopeless and edging on full-blown fascism circa 2012?

I would like to know your views.


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The first Deadpool movie is ok entertainment. The 2nd one sucked, like a combination of one of the shittier X-man films and Tarantino's Kill Bill.


Probably the best fight scene is the daredevil s2 one and i don't think he's technically MCU anymore so…yeah


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IMO the older, pre-MCU marvel media had more intriguing aspects than the current one.




Some marvel movies about standalone heros (no multi verse involved) are good. They lose me when they got a guy shooting bows and arrows alongside a woman who can split planets with her fists.


So basically every comic book that tries to mesh different characters of different power levels into a single verse.


The Slow Crash of Cape Films - Razör Rants


>his voice acting was boring as fuck
what voice acting? The sounds he makes are definitely fine for the character lines.


Epic Gets and an interesting take but 0 replies, kek


Knowing the actual context of the scene makes this darker than it ought to be.


propaganda aside, Its sad how badly the movie studios had to butcher these films. I was actually kinda looking forward to the future of capeshit after seeing Iron man 1 in theatres. What a gyp that turned out to be.
The only memorable capeshit film that I watched was the Watchman and that was mostly a faithful rendition with some extremely good cinematography


I watched Love & Thunder and there was no propaganda thankfully


yeah, it's deconstructionist, like watchmen


>taika films
<no liberal propaganda
Fuck off retard


what liberal propaganda was there in a movie about self growth and journey?

sure, god the butcher hates the gods (who don't help people and is the villain) but like that's pretty much most movies, i'm talking military propaganda

are you the same guy who thought jojo rabbit was anti-ussr?
the red army dudes were not shown as the bad guy at all. only the nazis were.


do you think propaganda is just when someone looks at the screen and says "commies… bad"


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>the worst movies ever made. (On par with LOTR


>Leaving out The Passion




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yes, it's the only kind of bad propaganda that matters to me and sane people,

but i assume you reactionaries are aesthetic mongers that aren't even communists

not my problem if you piss yourself over, women and gay people


i genuinely have no idea why you're talking about deadpool 2

the only thing i know remember that movie for is that a stunt worker died

and i can't remember if her family was even taken care of not


People getting the powers of Thor when they pick up the hammer due to being worthy was always a thing.

Isn't Favreau a producer on the MCU movies? It probably was him lol.


Yeah, Beta Ray Bill comes to mind, There are so many
Even in the MCU, it's already been lifted by Vision, Cap and the legendary coat rack

Wasn't Fear Itself a storyline where everyone gets hammers, like even Deadpool


Picrel isn’t capeshit, it’s a Space Opera/Fantasy


whatever, fascist


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>yes, it's the only kind of bad propaganda that matters to me and sane people
<U-ur reactionaries
<reddit spacing
Go back you idpol spouting faggot, radical liberals are fascist LARPers pretending to be leftist
>piss yourself over, women and gay people
1) Strawman; tokenized and retarded insertion is disliked for being forced inclusivity.
2) Learn better grammar.

SPOILER WARNING: Reactionary faggotry


>People getting the powers of Thor when they pick up the hammer due to being worthy was always a thing
Getting the powers of Thor, not becoming/replacing him. Not to mention that's not an excuse for blatant liberal idpol


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>calling someone a fascist for liking a movie you don't like
>muh reddit spacing
>using fallacies and then calling out fallacies

Very clear you're a pseud and only interested in wokescolding, and shitflinging.

enjoy your aesthetic politics phase

reminder to the readlets

FASCISM is when the ruling class, industries unites with right-wingers to go mask off in their exploitation of people, and use violence against leftists because of a threat of popular communist/leftist movement

It is not in fact when a comic book movie shows two gay rocks holding hands over lava to make a baby.

I can't wait for Thor 5 to be a roadtrip movie, with Hercules


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>muh reddit spacing
Yes, it's shit formatting and a waste of space.
>using fallacies
>calling someone a fascist for liking a movie you don't like
No, you got called fascist for skirting around and trying to defend blatant liberalism and its propaganda. Just because its "gay" or some other color of idpol doesn't make it excluded from being propaganda.
>Very clear you're a pseud and only interested in wokescolding, and shitflinging.
Nice liberal buzzphrases to try and deflect from the point. Just one problem, you're replying to at least 2 different people.
>enjoy your aesthetic politics phase
Yeah go back or lurk more, liberalism is cancer and you're blatantly obvious. Either that or you're a massive theorylet.
>fascism is [proceeds to cut out important parts of fascism and insert 'le repression of leftists']
<ignores the key part about class collaborationism
<ignores the part that it is about reactionaries, not necessarily right-wingers
<ignores that liberals are not leftist
No, read Lenin for starters and then move on to some other literature about fascism.
>It is not in fact when a comic book movie shows two gay rocks holding hands over lava to make a baby
Idpol is cancer, take it back to your shithole.
>I can't wait for Thor 5 to be a roadtrip movie, with Hercules
Random as fuck but Ok. I'd be fine with that, and I liked Thor Ragnarok and the original Thor, even though its capeshit, because it's enjoyably fun for the most part.


you're a fascist because you like and defend fascist propaganda


>Your political beliefs determine what pop culture trash you’re allowed to like
One of the most cancerous developments of the post-20th Century, specifically the mid-2010s onwards


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No fucktard, I can still enjoy Lethal Weapon and understand the police are not those kinds of heroes IRL for the majority. I can still enjoy a fantasy fiction and understand that the concept of monarchism is not really as noble as the tales. These are all things for the sake of art and fun. I've berated people on leftypol for trying to claim that politics are all there is to culture and media consumption.
This does not exclude the concept of pushing ideology be it openly reactionary (nazi-type shit) or the hidden reactionary (liberalism) being pushed as propaganda in Hollywood, if you don't believe that, then read more, read The CIA in Hollywood, read up about the Red Scare films and read about the fascistic ideology pushed by liberal films like Captain Marvel and Black Panther.
Pop-culture trash enjoyment is one thing, uncritically denying blatant liberalism is another.
See >>13010


IMO Capeshit today has gotten so bad it has worse writing than Dragon Ball Z, GT and Super


Are there any superhero movies that ultimately don't boil down to "cops and feds are le good and we must protect the status quo?"


Mystery Men


Yeah it was pretty good. Why tho the parole board memebers had medals from USSR?


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There's a portrait of Karl Marx in the X-Men mansion? (Deadpool 2)


Just watched Wakanda Forever. I mean, it's alright. The highlight of the movie of course is Namor, whose played by a fantastic hispanic actor. I know comic movies are bad and corporate id pol is too of course. But the actor was so good and they were so respectful to indigenous latin culture that I'm sitting here as a non-hispanic person trying to understand now how people cant just be happy for others when they have good representation in an otherwise dominated field?


Are they based?


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The actor who played Namor was great, indeed, but
>they were so respectful to indigenous latin culture
They literally made a war between an african country and an indigenous tribe and painted them as savages who had to be dealt with kid's gloves for 90% of the film until they finally engage in battle (because the indigenous are too savage for reason) and make the indigenous surrender and retreat back into their cave to proceed planning their malicious deeds. Not based imo.


Literally the first thing Namor does is try to reason. He even tries to talk it out again later. He also just so happens to be a blood thirsty god king thus his people would do whatever he says.

I don't care if the water Mexicans win or loose. I was just pointing out they looked and acted cool


Fuck Razorfist. He's a complete retard and a poser. And a typical reactionary burger retard.

I swear what the hell is it about Arizona that somehow creates people like him?


Watched Black Adam, dropped about 2/3 of the way in
These shits don't even have a plot anymore


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>People dislike homogenous, toothless, utterly corporate, literal children’s films that frequently try to be “deeper” and “more complex” than they possibly can be (being essentially children’s media)
<Clearly they are just being contrarian
The actual problem was that kid’s movies dominated the box office for over a decade and had an intense adult fanbase


>Pointing out your own schizophrenia as an argument


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>Replying a year later to just cry "S-schizo"
Concession accepted, ideologue.


Interesting take. Digits don't lie, after all. I believe superhero movies portray the mythology of Neoliberalism (if you could call it that) on the big screen with all the glitz and glamour possible. The most egregious example of this that I can think of is Iron man. Tony Stark is the mythologized ideal of an intelligent, wealthy and charismatic techno-optimist who solves all of humanity's problems. Funny how he embodies every bit of cope that porkies throw at working class people in order to provide them "solutions" for their problems and also makes them look good while doing that. That too to the point where people have started drawing parallels between him and the apartheid leech Elon Musk. It's no coincidence that he's considered the coolest Marvel hero.


Is the age of capeshit coming to an end? It seems like lately the studios have been taking a lot of Ls. Joker was the last one that made any waves, but it's pretty much only technically capeshit.


It's over, the satire has already been recuperated


I think it's more telling that he creates a machine that basically creates unlimited energy and instead of using that to free the world of fossil fuels he uses it to power his toys instead.


>another American teen High School drama
Just what we all wanted. I'd rather have another series of The Boys, tbh
>Is the age of capeshit coming to an end?
Capeshit as we know it, yes. Sony shit the bed years ago with Xmen Dark Phoenix, Marvel has kind of just been treading water since Endgame, and DC couldn't pull off a hit if their lives depended on it.
In a broader sense though, I think that films have got as big as they're going to get now. I very much doubt any film will make more than Endgame or Avatar 2, and even if Avatar 3 squeaks past the old record, they're not going to be able to sustain that level of growth for all 6 sequels. The last 20 or so years will probably be remembered as the most extravagant in the history of the medium in terms of budgets and scope (thinking about the MCU), and I believe it's only downhill from here, at least in terms of scale.
Oh also, remember the Dark universe? fucking lol


>The last 20 or so years will probably be remembered as the most extravagant in the history of the medium in terms of budgets and scope (thinking about the MCU), and I believe it's only downhill from here, at least in terms of scale.

If so then thank god, not a one of these films was any good, maybe we can get back to slightly interesting films


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Marvel is doomed


um because all bodies are beautiful and deserve representation you hateful bigot


Personally I think the whole "fat acceptance" movement is a food conglomerate psyop to sell more food. And to legitimize a unhealthy lifestyle. Seriously, don't those people know how much strain they are putting on their body and heart by having that much fat? They are leading themselves into a early grave.


stop replying to yourself


I will bite the bait. That isn't fat. Not everyone has the body of a supermodel.


>Fatties detected. Opinion discarded
This sites fucking trash now. Some light fat shaming and my post gets deleted. Fucking bullshit site should be renamed to sjwpol


Why is MCU so absolute boring shit now? I remember being excited to watch Marvel films up to the first Avengers and then after that the fatigue quickly set in. The only MCU films I've had any interest in were the Spiderman ones. Why is everything so same and boring and shit?

Actually no I actually watched the Raimi Dr Strange film and enjoyed it because it was so batshit which is what I expected from Raimi.


I was being sarcastic you fat fuck


Super is weirdly apocryphal the main character is literally a chinletjak. Its the most realisitic super hero movie imho since its just a schizo christofascist who doles out unnecessary violence on lumpenproles until the end where they face off with actual organized criminals and sidekick literally gets there head blowed off. I didn't like the ending at all and thought it was a forced happy ending. Its a weird ass movie but viewing as a satire on /pol/yp LARPers is pretty funny


RIP Rogue's Ass


the wokerati strike again


Funniest part is that most of the men are still muscular.

Also inb4 "Muh mutants and Rogue were meant to represent the gay struggle"
Stan Lee literally created the idea of Mutants because he was tired of creating hundreds of backstories for the superpowers his characters had, so it was just "the X-Gene" and it let him create characters more freely… that's it, that was the entire motivation behind the X-Men. And the idea of alienation and wanting to be accepted by society is a universal concept among all people. The flamboyant designs are also just because it was cool, and literally applies to most superheroes in DC and Marvel that have no relation to the X-Men. If gay people identified with it, then good for them, but it wasn't intended to be specific to any one person or group, and people trying to say that are projecting their own political views onto illustrated power-fantasies for children and teens.


IMO Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes is probably the best version of the Avengers. Venxous has a good video series on the individual characters and generally its pretty well made for a capeshit cartoon series.

Also the intro theme slaps.

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