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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Leftypedia lived - Leftypedia lives - Leftypedia will live!

Greetings, comrades. Leftypedia, the radical encyclopedia, should be back in a usable state. We have more moderators, which will help with spam from now on, and images are slowly being repopulated for your viewing pleasure. The new domain has been up and running for a while at https://wiki.leftypol.org, and we've imported the vast majority of content that was on the old site while adding a lot of new stuff. I hope that Anons can come back and fill in any content that was lost.

For those unaware, Leftypedia is an original /leftypol/ project dedicated to combating the disinformation of mainstream media and academic sources, as well as discussing leftist history, theory, and practice from a multi-sectarian viewpoint. We welcome additions from different leftist perspectives provided that they are properly sourced and well argued. In addition, we maintain a separate space, tentatively titled "Essays", for more subjective or polemic work.

The original thread is here: >>>/edu/3780
You can find Leftypedia at: https://wiki.leftypol.org
Help for new editors: https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/Leftypedia:Community_portal
139 posts and 18 image replies omitted.

This is a weird post but anyway I made some starter pages for you:

"A member of the notorious Kagan family, Nuland has played a role in neoconservative imperialist US foreign policy since at least the 1990s."

"Members of the family have had a tremendous influence on neoconservative thought and US foreign policy since the turn of the century, including through the Project for the New American Century, an instrumental group influencing the imperialist program of the George W. Bush administration; advocating for the Iraq War troop surge of 2007; sustaining US involvement in Afghanistan; supporting US intervention in Syria and Ukraine under Obama, as well as the successful government overthrow of the latter; and continued weapons shipments to Ukraine."

good luck getting a GPT to write anything but glowie shit

What happened to the reading general?

>I made some starter pages for you:
You're a gem anon, appreciate the reply.
>This is a weird post
I was kind of talking about the idea of having several different discrete GPT/AI/LLM/Algorithms/whatever checking each others work when completing a task like writing wiki entries. Instead of having one entity like chatGPT in the cloud doing all the work, separate and discrete local and cloud programs would search, sort, assign weight, check veracity, and then a separate language model would write the wiki article. It seems safer than allowing one glowing cloud black box to do all the tasks. Someone in the other thread mentioned the leftypedia so I posted here, kind of realizing later that its off topic for you.
>good luck getting a GPT to write anything but glowie shit
For sure. It seems like the only trustworthy AI is something local that you've trained yourself.

Why not contribute to ProleWiki?

So if the only source I can find for a data point is audio, like a 45 min lecture, is it possible to upload it to a specific page after converting to ogg or whatever?

Yep, should work! OGG, MP3, probably others too. See if it works for ya:
I will add that YouTube embeds are also a newly restored feature that, I'm told, should be easy to use.

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RedParabola is a new user who's been making great contributions to the site's general look, including the front page and the Vector skin itself, as well as finally implementing a Featured Page functionality. We hope to keep customizing the way the site works and looks and are open to feedback. Thanks also to the Devs for their help in making this possible

Thanks mate, we appreciate the work

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Hello folks, I was hoping someone could give me some decent literature on the Babiy Yar massacre in English, I wish to send it to a friend for them to study. It's hard to find anything non-Russian on the subject that doesn't insert anti-communist drivel into it and unfortunately, unlike myself, she cannot read Russian. Help a comrade out.

The fbi.gov server is voting now on our Principles and Aims. These are intended to clarify and overwrite the old Principles and Aims of Leftypedia. The final results will be posted in this thread, where you can read about the issues yourself, and please feel free to comment here or there:


The old pages on the goals of Leftypedia were found wanting and some users in the fbi.gov supported changing some – namely, the points dealing with the ideas "politically correct" and "politically incorrect".
These are the principles which were submitted for review in May of this year:

- Leftist and Marxist: Ultimate objective is to further these studies, and add science and philosophy in accordance with Marxist and anarchist objectives.
- Non-sectarian: Strive to balance different tendencies or leftist "sects", and allow their positions as long as they are fairly stated. Strive to treat their citations and sources by an equal and fair standard.
- Anti-capitalist: This includes anti-imperialism.
- Skeptical: Combine a healthy doubt of hegemonic sources with support from verifiable, credible alternatives.
- Ease of access and editing: Make site easy to edit, discuss, and also easy to understand and apply the rules and procedures. Easy to approach the mods. Also include accessible pages with links to tools for editing.
- Not politically correct: Oppose superficial liberal analyses of social problems and aim to document all leftist viewpoints. To exclude these positions is to erase them, and thereby to fail to scrutinize and improve our own views.
- Not politically incorrect: Uphold basic etiquette and respect for others while allowing criticism. Contributors who take issue with "politically correct" content are allowed to voice their objections, and those who have objections to politically incorrect content must always voice theirs respectfully. Personal accusations of bigotry should be avoided.

These principles do not define what each article must lean towards, or a bias every page must hold. Leftism is a real movement and not a set of doctrines to uphold. Leftypedia is intended for critical debate and discussion of historical facts for the improvement of the science of revolution, and input from even our enemies is allowed to some extent.

Our aims can be summarized in seven main points. We want Leftypedia to be:
1. An easily accessible resource for socialists of all stripes to locate well-researched arguments and information on politics, history, and modern issues.
2. A platform for interested leftists to collaborate and develop original discourse on issues relevant to fellow proletarians and socialists alike.
3. A reliable and balanced source of news and information to help leftists better comprehend and refute the propaganda and fabrications of bourgeois media, including about working class struggles or foreign "enemies" of imperialist states.
4. A platform for leftists to synthesize, exposit, and critique the writings of notable socialists, using detailed sources and quotations, to innovate on past experience and to advance the science of socialism.
5. A space for leftists to elaborate on their contentions with other socialist tendencies in order to better inform and expand the worldview of others.
6. A space for socialists to take advantage of the collaborative nature of the MediaWiki format to compile detailed, informative articles on praxis and other topics relevant to leftist activism, all in one place and continuously expanding.
7. A space for leftists to easily create and share detailed polemics and essays for others to engage with their views.

As I just mentioned, discussion in the server took issue with Principles 6 and 7, and unanimously voted to replace them with:
- Anti-discrimination: A space where leftists from various identities can contribute and discuss topics without fear of bigotry which plagues many parts of the left.

The most active editors are generally in the server. However, interested editors and Anons can still voice their opinion or take issue, including by posting in the Suggestions thread linked above.

Update on the recent vandalism:

Yesterday, RedParabola was instated as an administrator and, within 24 hours, began to tear apart the site and attempt to turn it into a sectarian forum without input from the editors. This was possible because he had made several quality contributions to the site and, unbeknownst to me and Capuch1n, MediaWiki allows new Bureaucrats to change the rights of other, older Bureaucrats. Although I always knew that the /leftypol/ developers and admins would be easily able to revert any vandalism by the new admin – which they have promptly and efficiently done with no issue – I still take responsibility for the latter error. RedParabola is almost certainly an alternate account of the unhinged user "Wisconcom" who has plagued this site and ProleWiki with his strange habit of contributing useful changes which further the project, and then attempting to use this goodwill to enforce his "Hoxhaist" views on others. It has been incorrectly reported that this is due to a split in the community; it is better described as a "moderator coup", carried out against the wishes of the entire editor base, which continues to support our policies. We will continue our project with its previous goal of left dialogue and its Six Principles and Seven Aims as was agreed upon by editor discussion.

lol thanks for keeping me updated on this comedy

Also feels like an amusing blend of Maoism and Trotskyism

Took me like two seconds to fix the style issues on the Main Page with a temporary fix and it looks worlds better. I'll be looking into CSS when I have time in the near future.


Deeply unserious, uninteresting people. Has nothing to do with the left. Take it as what it is, don't see it as more than it is.

New Matrix link: https://matrix.to/#/#Leftypedia:matrix.org
Hope it works properly.

The dude you are talking about is literally autistic and he spends all his time shitposting instead of actually doing anything with his life. He's a perfect example of the type of people who think that posting makes them some kind of Lenin. (See e.g. the Leftychan BS from a few years ago)

What the actual fuck drives this autistic behavior

>The dude you are talking about is
Literally irrelevant to the issue. This is only relevant to shame him, which I don't have a problem with.
See it as a penetration test.
The actual problem will always be one of coordination and processes. Opsec is not just another theory to read and forget.

autism, obviously.

FYI the mods of this wiki, including Harry, have said this is not a leftypol wiki and therefore not a leftypol project, so they are lying in the OP

go ahead and be the 5th editor for this garbagecan wiki before they ban you for no reason, the last 3 ragequit

also leftypol should publicize the identities of the editorial board of leftypol wiki because every single edit goes through moderation and no one even knows who is deciding who posts what

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“The Court effectively creates a law-free zone around the President, upsetting the status quo that has existed since the Founding,” Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor wrote. “When the president uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."


I mean, this is pretty much the definitional opposite of "left wing". This is a mostly right-wing country by law now.

Who cares? Literally, who cares? This SODOMayor "justice" is so frightened about coups and political assassination now being basically legal domestically? Well, for fuck's sake, they have been effectively legal if carried out abroad since time immemorial… And btw, plenty of political assassination have been ordered and carried out by presidential order domestically anyway… Just another veil of fiction being ripped off, and that's all fine and dandy.


I would have expected something interesting happening, but no. Disappointed.

at least now they admit the president is above the law

They're getting rid of the country.
This isn't for Trump. It's for now.

Sovereign immunity exists for a reason, but it would in a sane country expire the moment the President is out of office, and it would be checked by impeachment and all of the things that a functional republic would allow to remove obviously malicious executives.
Retard-Man wasn't sovereign, and neither is Biden, but that's beside the point.
I don't expect Biden is long for this political world, and if they must, he just won't be long for this world.

Where is reading gen? Where can I read about how economic planning has been implemented in socialist countries?

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New look for the Main Page, partially designed to improve future mobile functionality. (Stay tuned!) Also including a new Featured article, some links to major News topics, and a couple "Did you know?" facts, all of which will be rotating in the future. Suggest topics for all three at our Suggestions page!

I like it! Looks fine on my phone, and doesn't waste any space up the top.

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need this on hd

could you make this the size of an iphone wall paper?

A functional mobile view has finally been added! The Main Page has also been modified to play nicer with the mobile skin. You can still use the classic view of the site by going to the bottom and clicking "Desktop".

Is the wiki completely gone or was the moderator keeping a backup?
I think for the wiki we should have open access to download database which are uploaded monthly or bimonthly.

Tell me the Wiki isn't gone. Please…

it is.

We are still hoping to get access to the backups once the old admin sees that we need him to give us access.

The Iraq page is filled with neolib/islamist horseshit

Not so revolutionary

Is this a server snapshot, or was the wiki itself being included in regular backups?

AFAIK everything was on the same server

Sure. That doesn't answer my question.

This could have been completely avoided. All that had to be done was to take backups of the wiki database. /leftypol/ Jannies/Mods/Whatever shouldn't even be needed for this.
Stopped being involved in the wiki partly because of an assumption like something like this would happen.
This is why you should not waste your time on such projects.

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>i stopped being involved because a disaster i could have completely avoided was inevitable
Nice self-own, nerd.

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