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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Remember!!: I don't care who you are, I'm not voting for NATO!

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol/1867900


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



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📺 Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

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• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the MULTIPOLARISM general thread: >>>/leftypol/1590991
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• Remember to take your meds! It helps mediate schizoposting and foot fetishism
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games
450 posts and 114 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Live footage of Jungle invading Garden


>wasn't it like 1tn a year ago?
trillions of dollars of minerals are at stake for the united states. you don't want that going to authoritarian tankies like china and russia do you????


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you guys even make this thing dynamic


people just don't appreciate handicraft anymore


The balkanization of Russia will also mean NATO can surround China from continental Asia.


yea that too


So how is it looking, Happeningbros? Is this week the time we're not just fizzling?


Me playing FPV Kamikazee Drone on easy


The altitude of Moscow's street level is actually 5kms higher than it was in 1917 because of all the corpses of the Bolshevik's victims buried in secret basements.


Lol, It was Russia's own shitty AA missiles \. Multiple ATACMS with cluster warheads landing on a crowded beach would result in a mass casualty event. Plus if the Ukrainians wanted to bomb a soft civilian target they wouldn't waste ATACMS; they would use droned or old Soviet missiles.


>shills have arrived

It was one ATACM with cluster munitions that got through. and it was a mass casualty event. Last reported count was 6 killed and over 100 wounded.

Great job Ukraine. It should be no wonder why the vast majority of Crimeans hate your guts and are glad they are now and forever Russian, as if they needed another reason.


Oh, Russian tg channels are now talking about how there totally was an airfield there, and Ukrops are quoting them and are blaming Crimeans for swimming near an airfield. It was there, totally, ATACAMS is a sacred weapon from the West, afterall, and it would NEVER be wasted on civilian targets. Or maybe it was a radar. Or Anti-Air installation. Well, anything remotely military. Crimeans should be hating on Russians for putting Crimeans in danger!


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>6 killed
Not a mass casualty event in the context of a ballistic missile with a cluster warhead. there'd be hundred head. And like I said before, ATACMS are too valuable to waste in terror bombing attacks. They're mor useful for taking the best Russian AA like the s400. If Ukraine wanted to blow up a bunch of beachgoers, then they'd load up another remote controlled cessna with dynamite. Use your brain for once in your life.


ATACAMS was intercepted, and it detonated off-course. It killed 6 and injured 100 because the shot went wide, either wrong altitude or angle or something like that

>ATACMS are too valuable to waste in terror bombing attacks

Ukraine can't hit anything protected by Russian AA, as simple as. Either you waste in a terror attack, or don't use it at all. Ukraine's gamechangers all get countered pretty heavily after 1-2 good hits


Sevastopol is no where near the front lines or any Russian AA that would be preventing Ukraine from conducting frontline operations.


Also it's letting Ukraine off lightly to present this use of terrorism as a desperate act in the face of losing the war, they've been bombing civilians they claim are "theirs" or at the very least on "their" land since 2014 and this has or had such support in Ukraine that an elected leader could rally the population with such threats against the separatists.


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I had to see it, so have you


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I love these things tbh


<The US bastards are supplying banderovtsy with cluster munitions and help them to take aim at targets. The Kiev bastards are choosing a beach filled with civilians as their target and press the button.
Both will burn in hell; hopefully, not just in the sacral flames, but even before that, in the earthly fire.

<What happened is not military actions but a sneaky and vile terrorist attack against our people; moreover, it occurred on an Orthodox holiday, just like the massacre that extremists had carried out in Dagestan. Which is why now we do not differentiate between any of them, whether it is the American authorities, bandera regime or insane fanatics.

<My deepest condolences go to the families of the deceased. I wish the wounded the soonest recovery.



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So did they do the peace deal yet?
I want to know what happens when Zelensky tries his 'I am 40 years old and grown up! and not a looser, i'm a president! Please stop!' shtick on the Russians.


>All Russian Media reports it
>All International Media reports it
<nuh uh it didn't happen! reason: idk it's a waste of missile or some shit
Not even trying anon. Come on.




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Got two posts worth, gonna dump them quick


It doesn't matter what the US-backed Ukkkrainian compradors do to Russians, or even to their own civilians. All burgers see in this war is "vladolf putler invalded for no reason out of nowhere in 2022". US-backed Ukkkrainain compradors could sieg heil and bomb every child in Donetsk, and the only reaction burgers would give is "well the people in that region were puppets of Voldemort Palputine" Every single time you show them an Azovite or a Banderite or a C14 freak shaking hands with Joe Biden or Victoria Nuland in a picture back in 2014, the first reaction they have to that information is "Well isn't Russia also a bunch of nazis?" Forgetting that the entire region, both Russia and Ukraine, are essentially degenerated post-soviet states that America is pitting against each other so they can loot the mineral wealth in the neoliberalized ruins. How many people need to die so CIA Burgers can have shiny rocks to fight China with?


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If I could have eked out three posts I would have made a /siberia/ thread for them


>zuck phases through the window to be on our side



If Russians are a bunch of Nazis, why is communist China helping them? Come on, use your brains


I was saying what burgers think. Also I posted that in a completely different thread that got merged into this one so the context was lost.


please go post in the AI slop thread instead of killing posts at the top of this cycled thread


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>the posts in question


Hey, i am in that image! That is so cool.
Stopped playing war thunder though, the game became too much boring. Grinding to get that SUV-52 or something was taking too much of my time.


> Regular footage of the Houthis using an unmanned boat against the bulk carrier Transworld Navigator under the flag of Liberia in the Red Sea


what happened after?


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finally someone willing to take a stand against trans ideology


No pity for ideological westoids, they're my enemy, hope they all would be dead asap.


top lel


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It took 6 months and tens of thousands of casualties to move the front roughly 27km.


Why aren't Americans patrolling the Red Sea like Russians patrol Black Sea?


Slow and steady wins the race


too many ships each day/too much area to cover


>tens of thousands
conscription status?


<Jun 22, 2024 - ISW Press
>Russian forces appear to be intensifying the tempo of their offensive operations in Donetsk Oblast while decreasing the rate of attacks in northern Kharkiv Oblast — consistent with ISW's assessment that Russian offensive operations in Kharkiv Oblast are primarily intended to fix and distract Ukrainian forces in order to allow Russian forces to intensify elsewhere in theater. Russian forces increased the intensity of assaults in the Toretsk-Horlivka direction (southwest of Chasiv Yar and northeast of Avdiivka) on the night of June 18 and maintained a relatively high rate of attacks in this area between June 19 to June 22, reportedly making several tactical gains in the area.[1] Russian forces have been generally inactive on this sector of the front throughout the course of 2024, so their activation and intensification are noteworthy. By contrast, the tempo of Russian offensive operations in northern Kharkiv Oblast has drastically decreased in recent days, particularly in comparison with the start of Russian offensive operations north and northeast of Kharkiv City in mid-May 2024.[2] ISW has long assessed that the Russian command intended its offensive operation in Kharkiv Oblast to fix Ukrainian manpower and scarce materiel along the northern border to grant Russian forces opportunities to re-intensify offensive operations in other more critical areas of the theater, particularly in Donetsk Oblast.[3] Ukrainian sources have confirmed that some Ukrainian forces have redeployed units to the Kharkiv direction from Donetsk Oblast, so Russian forces may be exploiting this perceived weakness of Ukrainian lines to intensify attacks, particularly in the Toretsk-Horlivka direction.[4] Russian forces have additionally maintained a high rate of attacks in the Chasiv Yar direction and around Avdiivka since decreasing the tempo in Kharkiv Oblast, and may soon intensify attacks in this area if the Russian command identifies the coming weeks as an advantageous time to push in these areas before Ukrainian forces re-allocate reserves back to Donetsk Oblast. Ukrainian sources have warned that Russia will conduct a summer offensive that will likely focus on Ukraine's east after pursuing offensive operations in the north intended to stretch Ukraine's scarce resources, and recent intensifications in Donetsk Oblast may indicate preparations for such a summer offensive, assuming it has not already begun.[5]


You can’t be serious m8


That’s pretty good when the enemy is taking three months and 100,000 casualties to move the frontline 1 km


watch a WW2 time lapse map and stop in Jan 1943 if you want to know how over it is for Russia


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gee lemme think


It's so over.
Ruzzia will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever win.
Multipolarity…has fallen…..


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