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 [Last 50 Posts]

Remember!!: Stay comfy, my ziggas!

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol/1881776


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



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📺 Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

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Thread guidelines:
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• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
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• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games


Why do Slavic nazis exist? Of all people, shouldn’t they be the last type of people to associate themselves with nazis given historical context?



Why is putin part of the "Z gang" now OP?


Why a new thread? Not like anything new happened.


Mods please fix the SouthFront link, that link has been broken for a long time and this is the working one:


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tis not working for me :(



Ukraine just fired ATACMS missiles that ended up killing 5 people and wounding over 150 on a beach in Sevastopol, and Russia is claiming the US is necessarily complicit in the attack. I'd say that's something.


Also there was another "ISIS" shoot out


well that isn't in the OP so…


Man, seeing a captured burger spy cry about his administration not doing enough to save his sorry ass makes my day.

>Speaking on Friday in a telephone interview with CNN, Whelan suggested that the administration of US President Joe Biden hasn’t worked aggressively enough to free both him and Wall Street Journal correspondent Evan Gershkovich, who has been brought to trial on similar charges. Whelan was convicted of espionage and sentenced in 2020 to 16 years in prison.

>“There should be decisive action taken,” the 54-year-old Whelan said. “The US needs to go out and do something – fill up Guantanamo Bay with Russian officials, arrest Russian spies. Do something that makes the Kremlin sit up and take notice and say, ‘Okay, yeah, right, now it’s time that we’re gonna get Evan and Paul back, and then we want back what you’ve got of ours, and we’ll call it a day.’”

"just capture random Russians until I'm freed"

>a State Department official told CNN that “our hearts go out to Paul and his family, who feel the pain of separation in a way that very few people have experienced.”

>Whelan, who was reportedly discharged from the Marine Corps in 2008 after being court-martialed for larceny and other misconduct, is incarcerated at a penal colony in Mordovia, where he works in a garment factory. “It’s the worst environment you can imagine,” he said, complaining of “horrible food” and a lack of medical and dental care.

<tfw no hamburgers


>American former imperial stormtrooper, current spy or journalist
<captured and forced to work like a real job in a factory
WTF this fred is really selling me on putler recently.


And nothing will happen.


<Houthis acquire Russian anti-ship missiles
>Russia claims they do not know how Houthis got hold of those missiles


Yeah, I don't know how Russia could respond to it without directly attacking the US.
Unless they actually pull this off >>1893811
They could also give some gear to Hezbollah for the upcoming Israeli Unprovoked Full-Scale Invasion™. Or to Hamas, though I don't know how they could do this. Now THAT would be based. But Russia turning against the US military outpost in the Middle East is probably just a pipe dream.


Technically with the ISIS attacks on dagestan, Mossad bombed a synagogue on Russian territory. We can only assume that Putin will give full support to the enemies of ISIS/Mossad if he's smart.


I wish he did, but, as far as I know, Russia has good relations with Israel. If Russia wanted to support some party in the Middle East against Israel, just like the US is using Ukraine to wage war against Russia, then I think it would've already done it. But I hope I'm proven wrong.


that's it

im convinced

this putin died and we are dealing with a clone


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>he doesn't know


there is another 'peasant' faced putin variant


It's not a clone, there are multiple bodydoubles who usurped control. Russia is being ruled by the council of bodydoubles >>1893834


not that i would doubt putin has a set of body doubles, but it's funny that these "putin has been replaced by a clone" theories can be easily explained by the fact that putin has aged horribly


Horribly? He looks amazing for how old he is


oh yeah i forget he's 70 years old


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It's not that he aged horribly, he just got Botox in 2010 (see the "Bruises" one), and now he has those unnatural puffy cheeks. People just shouldn't get Botox, it invariably makes your face weirdly swollen and unnatural. It's better to just wear sunscreen if you want your skin to look younger.


Putin looked better with the skinny KGB Bond villain face


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Putin is basically all organs replaced by now. Not a single cell in his body is original. Pig's heart, the cheeks of siberian orphan boy, lungs grown in a lab. He is basically invincible


>The Six Trillion Ruble Man


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Putin in 20 years:


Dark science, cloning, secrets only the Soviets knew…


Russia's relations with Israel are on the lowest point since the fall of USSR.



Fella travels to Ukraine, confused at all these weird flags that always seem to come up.




Israeli politicians basically threatened Russia with war because of the fake "Russia funds Hamas" story and said that they are maybe sending Merkavas to Ukriane. Also growing alignment of Iran with Russia.


The flag literally stands for blood and soil.


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What is the new cope? Which last one village is the one which the moment it falls Russians will streamroll to Kiev because there is only empty fields between them? Is it that random bridge/crossroad which supposedly is so key to the whole war?

And how many weeks until Ukrainian collapse?

Pic Unrelated but hopefully someone will start making similar without the funny mustache guy.


The idea we are coping at this point is itself cope. Interesting twist


If you repeat the same tantruns a hundred times more, it surely make your strawman come to life


Kanye's lost brother


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god i hope its real


Fighterbomber is pretty much always right from what I remember


Yeah I'm pretty sure its real, I'm just hoping it becomes a sustained campaign and not a 1 off impotent rage from cucktin



what happened? twitter is saying that rus mod says all missiles are shot down but the video sounds like a lot of cluster mines going off


Julian Assange is reportedly being freed.
They made him plead guilty to one of their bogus charges and will apparently consider it time served.


seeing as how american intelligence was used in the ATACM strikes on that crimean beach yesterday this seems like a timely response to me


>S400 gets blown up by ATACAMS is a proof that S400 is inferior

Ah, so Patriot batteries getting blown up by whatever the Russians hit them with make Patriots worthless?

Like, what the fuck is this brainrot. You don't compare two weapons on the battlefield, you compare whole fucking tactics. Ukrainians for example keep on insisting that Russians use S300 to murderize kindergartens, and Ukraine NEVER reports intercepting S300 missiles. Does this mean Russia has an invincible sure to hit missile S300 when used as anti-ground missile, lmao?


>can clap the best Russian air defense systems without fail.
go back to k, shill


Greta be looking like she has too many chromosomes.


>Russia can't even stop drones 1000km within their own border so hitting a beach would be no problem for Ukrainian long range drone operators,

Can Ukraine stop it's energy infrastructure from getting destroyed by Russian drones and missiles? Why are you treating one drone hitting random-ass civilian target in Russia the same as meticulously planned and effective Russian deelectrification of Ukraine campaign? Like what, just because Ukraine can snap back on occasion it means that Ukraine isn't getting obliterated?


Why are open fascists posting here? Where are the mods


Ok but why are Greta's thighs so deliciously thicc


>uh doy how is defending fascist terror bombing fascist
Kill yourself fascist faggot


there's nothing inherently fascist about running cover for child murderers.


I honestly don’t even believe even you believe this haha


>terror bombing
The neo fascists really did cuck out for the American Empire lmao


Why not just admit to being a fascist. You clearly think there’s nothing wrong with it. Why not just be brave enough to say your actual thoughts. It’s not like you’re going to convince anyone by being bad at pretending to be a socialist


>/chug/ image and thread title
So is this thread officially partnered with /chug/ or something now or is OP just trying to astroturf?


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Z-gang is Z-gang


man has been working a doghouse of a job for 20+ years and supporting local plastic surgeons



Wow, didn't think all of the three places I check online for Ukraine realist posting would get referenced.


Realism will beat idealism every time. It's nothing personal.


>or is OP just trying to astroturf?
Wondering the same


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Meanwhile Ukrainian military vehicles are running on diesel produced in Hungarian refineries, thanks to Hungary refusing to sanction Russian oil.

Btw Hungary is also clearly desperate to act as a neo-colonial enforcer in every other theatre to make up for its lack of engagement in Ukraine by being one of the staunchest diplomatic supporters of Israel, taking a considerable role in the Kosovo NATO mission and reinforcing a French neocolony (Chad) with Hungarian troops.


If it is against NATO and ukraine, i dont care. They can elect anything or anyone as long as they dont support ukraine.


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Cucktin refusing to drone strike this group is a war crime in and of itself.


>Implying russia isn't a country full of fascist morons


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The KPRF needs to seize power and shoot everyone wearing blue jeans.


just concentrate and *think* the war away


DIY power plant


Well, what does it mean to be Ukrainian


no its not official, OP just tried to slip that in there.


According to Rybar, Odessa naval invasion was supposed to happen on the 6th day of the war (so at the same time Kherson falled) and now we have to suffer thanks to Cucktin


Russia banned the following EU media as a response to the EU banning Russian media:

1. State TV and Radio Company ORF (orf.at);
2. Media Holding Osterreich (oe24.at);

3. Magazine Le Vif (levif.be);
4. Magazine Knack (knack.be);

5. News information portal Mediapool (Mediapool.bg);
6. Newspaper 24 Chasa (24chasa.bg);

7. Information Internet portal 444.hu;

8. Magazine Der Spiegel (spiegel.de);
9. Newspaper Die Zeit (zeit.de);
10. Newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (faz.net);

11. Hellenic Radio and Television EPT (ert.gr, ertnews.gr);
12. Media holding Skai (skai.gr);
13. TV channel Mega (Megatv.com);
14. Newspaper Proto Thema (protothema.gr);

15. Daily newspaper Berlingske (berlingske.dk);
16. Publication Information (information.dk);

17. National broadcaster RTE (rte.ie);
18. Newspaper The Irish Times (irishtimes.com);
19. Newspaper The Irish Independent (independent.ie);

20. Newspaper El Mundo (elmundo.es);
21. El Pais Newspaper (elpais.com);
22. EFE News Agency (efe.com);
23. Televisión Española (rtve.es);

24. LA7 National Broadcasting Channel (la7.it);
25. La Stampa Newspaper (lastampa.it);
26. La Repubblica Newspaper (repubblica.it);
27. RAI Television Company (rai.it, rainews.it);

28. Politis Newspaper (politis.com.cy);
29. Cyprus Times Electronic Information Portal (cyprustimes.com);
30. Cyprus Mail Newspaper (cyprus-mail.com);

31. TV channel «Latvian Television» and Latvian Radio 4 (lsm.lv);
32. Internet portal apollo.lv;
33. Internet TV channel tvnet.lv;
34. Edition «Diena» (diena.lv);

35. Internet portal «LRT» (lrt.lt);
36. Internet portal «15min.lt» (15min.lt);
37. Internet portal «lrytas.lt» (lrytas.lt);

38. Central state television channel «Television Malta» TVM (tvmnews.mt);
39. Newspaper «Times of Malta» (timesofmalta.com);
40. Newspaper «The Malta Independent» (independent.com.mt);
41. Malta Today Newspaper (maltatoday.com.mt);

42. Nos Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (nos.nl);
43. Nrc Newspaper (nrc.nl);
44. Algemeen Dagblad Newspaper (ad.nl);


45. Belsat TV Channel (belsat.eu, belsat.pl);
46. Novaya Polsha Magazine (novayapolsha.eu, novayapolsha.com, novayapolsha.pl);

47. RTP Internacional TV Channel (rtp.pt);
48. Publico Newspaper (publico.pt);
49. Expresso Newspaper (expresso.pt);
50. Information and analytical project "Observador" (observador.pt);

51. TV channel "Pro TV International" (stirileprotv.ro, protv.ro);
52. TV channel "Digi24" (digi24.ro);
53. TV channel "B1TV" (b1tv.ro);

54. Newspaper "SME" (sme.sk);
55. Online publication "Dennik N" (dennikn.sk);

56. Online publication "Nova24" (Nova24.si, Nova24tv.si);
57. Online publication "Demokracija" (Demokracija.si, Demokracija.eu);

58. Newspaper "Ilta-Sanomat" (is.fi);
59. Iltalehti Newspaper (iltalehti.fi);
60. Helsingin Sanomat Newspaper (hs.fi);
61. Yleisradio Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (yle.fi);

62. LCI Television Channel (tf1info.fr);
63. Le Monde Newspaper (lemonde.fr);
64. La Croix Newspaper (la-croix.com);
65. Liberation Newspaper (liberation.fr);
66. Lexpress Magazine (lexpress.fr);
67. Radio France (radiofrance.fr);
68. Agence France-Presse News Agency (afp.com, afpforum.com);
69. TV channel «CNews» (cnews.fr);
70. TV company «Arte» (arte.tv);

Czech Republic
71. TV channel «Ceska Televize» (ceskatelevize.cz);
72. Internet portal «Seznam Zpravy» (seznamzpravy.cz);

73. TV and radio company «SVT» (svt.se);
74. Radio company «Sveriges Radio» (sverigesradio.se);

75. Information web portal propastop.org;
76. National Broadcasting Corporation «ERR» (err.ee);
77. Media resource «Delfi» (delfi.ee);

Pan-European media
78. Agence Europe (agenceurope.eu);
79. Politico (www.politico.eu, www.politico.com);
80. Satellite package «Svoboda Satellite Package» (rsf.org);
81. Internet publication «Euobserver» (Euobserver.com).



>what does it mean to be Ukrainian
* Western style democracy
* freedom of the press, free elections
* LGBT rights
* anti-corruption, European values


Literally none of those are true, they are not a democracy, don't have freedom of press, don't have free elections, everyone there is a racist homophobe nazi mf, and they are corrupt as fuck


sounds like they're doing ok on 'European values' tho


they can have those European values, i don't give a fuck


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>Western style democracy
What does that mean exactly because I've seen men be forced into vans by the Ukrainian military and state
>free elections
They banned the socialist and leftist parties.
>LGBT rights
Like? Age of consent being 16 is not a LBGT right by the way.
Don't they have a corrupt leader like every two weeks or so


Getting blown to bits on the wrong side of the Dnepr?


Anti-IMF protests in Kenya ongoing


Wasn't it the Kenyan government that the US asked to intervene in Haiti on its behalf?


Why are they rioting right now against the IMF? Weren't they always bad to the country


Zelensky's already overstayed his term


The government introduced tax hikes… to pay of IMF debts…


Nothing ever happens guys lets keep gooning…


yes and over the last year kenya has been increasingly western aligned


That would be a correct implication


Red riot gear kinda drippy


fucking love whichever retarded mods gave in to all the pestering by the feds so now the feds don't even have to try to post their shit here and can just use TOR


And they still haven’t changed it back to /ukraine/ we need to just make our own thread


chill the fuck out, it's an obvious joke


The real redpill is the fact that Hezbollah is doing better in its war and is more of an independent state than Ukraine at this point


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They've been here for years, the mods just did a funny and forced torposters to be called Glownonymous because they too thought their posts were abysmal and wanted the world to know


>you WILL eat the double crunch burger
>you WILL get hit by tear gas grenades
>you WILL sell your country to pay interest to the IMF
>and you WILL be happy


2 crunchs represent that yes, a crunch can be together with another crunch, the progressive burger, just 10% more expensive than the cis burguer.
Not even a joke that existed already


crunch rights are human rights


>2 crunchs represent
New PRC policy just dropped


How is it looking on Kenya's socialist side by the way?


Not good. They moved from socdem to ML just for the leadership to betrayed them.







Statement by the Communist Party of Kenya, Unmasking Ruto’s Betrayal and Mobilizing for Kenya’s Sovereignty and Justice

The Communist Party of Kenya vehemently condemns President Ruto's recent actions, which expose his true allegiance as a subservient agent of Western imperialism. His visit to Washington and address at the G7 summit confirm beyond doubt that he is held captive by the foreign forces that facilitated his ascent to power. This is no longer speculation but a glaring fact: President Ruto is a puppet of the Western ruling class, betraying the Kenyan people at every turn.

Domestically, Ruto’s policies are skewed towards US imperialism, perpetuating economic and social inequalities. His overt camaraderie with the genocidal Zionist Israel regime further implicates him in international atrocities. Ruto’s support for the NATO proxy war with Russia in Ukraine underscores his role as a mouthpiece for CIA-scripted propaganda. This betrayal extends to the economic front, where the dictates of IMF and World Bank economists drive our fiscal policies, pushing unpopular financial laws that benefit foreign interests over Kenyan sovereignty.

Moreover, Kenya's recent designation as a non-NATO ally puts our country in the crossfire of global military conflicts. Under Ruto’s rule, the establishment of an illegal US military base in Wajir and the expansion of the British military base in Nanyuki demonstrate a total surrender of our sovereignty. The complete handover of Manda Island in Lamu for US military operations further highlights Ruto's role as a tool of US military escapades, as compromising our national security and sovereignty for foreign interests.

President Ruto has committed the ultimate act of treason. Once believed to be a patriot and defender of the people's rights, he has turned his back on those who trusted him. His rhetoric of change was hollow; instead of uplifting the poor, he has enriched the wealthy, sowed division, and perpetuated corruption. This is not merely a political misstep; it is a profound moral failing, a stain on his legacy that history will not easily forget.

The Kenyan people deserve leaders who prioritize their well-being, who recognize that their power comes from the people and must answer to the people. Ruto’s betrayal will be remembered as a choice of power over principle, personal ambition over public service. History will judge him harshly for this.

There is no redemption for Ruto until he falls from power. The Communist Party of Kenya, alongside progressive organizations, hereby announces the intensification of our protests. We will exert maximum pressure to lead all processes necessary to remove Ruto from office and hold him accountable for his ongoing crimes. Our struggle is for a new phase in Kenyan history—one where true sovereignty, justice, and integrity prevail.

The path forward for President Ruto, if he dares to take it, is clear: he must listen to the people, address their needs, and act with honesty and integrity. Yet, we recognize that such a course correction is unlikely. Thus, our movement remains resolute. We will not rest until Ruto is removed from power and prosecuted, ensuring that Kenya can begin a new chapter free from the yoke of foreign domination.

For the people, for justice, for a truly sovereign Kenya.

The Central Organizing Committee of the Communist Party of Kenya, June 18th, 2024 , 11:30AM


QRD? I don't want to spend an hour learning the minutiae of Kenyan communist politics lol


Ray McGovern in a wide ranging interview
>Sevastopol beach attacks
>Israeli intel owns the US system
>Futility of latest Ukrainian micro offensiv
I hate lolbert ideology yet I'm watching interviews with a flapping gadsen flag at the beginning


>I hate lolbert ideology yet I'm watching interviews with a flapping gadsen flag at the beginning
You've been McGoverned.


Sachs live now


>You've been McGoverned.
He's the man. Immense respect for his historical analysis and his history. He's been staunch on Assange.


The gigantic burger ad just complements the video


*sham democracy since the first color revolution in 2004
*entirely controlled press and media
*lip service to social rights in the most bigoted society in europe
*literal oligarch political system
and they're willing to march a generation into a meatgrinder to act as the tip of the spear as part of the declining anglosphere's great game. It's hard to be sympathetic.



Why did they target a beach with civilians?


his thoughts in the Iraq war are interesting - back then he believed the invasion happened for three reasons. Israel, military bases and oil. nowadays he thinks it was mostly the first one


Lmao, keep saying this to yourself. But if you made it this far off the mainstream, so I recommend not doing so.
Because they're terrorists, they fucking blew up a dam to not let Crimeans get water because they're vile fuckers


Lysenko is still alive, making many putins like les enfents terribles





>56. Online publication "Nova24" (Nova24.si, Nova24tv.si);
>57. Online publication "Demokracija" (Demokracija.si, Demokracija.eu);

Both of these are reactionary mouthpieces for SDS (Slovenian Democratic Party) whose helmsman is Janez Janša. They consistently push an anticommunist line in their work and reproduce American identity politics in a Slovene context. Worse yet, they really pro-(anything not progressive). They've endorsed Millei and presented his reforms as successful. Maybe Russian intelligence services know what they are doing.


And a pinned, sponsored "news" article recommends opening a business in Bosnia because of 10% fixed tax lol. They're defenders of Slovene sub-imperialism.



Trump’s Advisers Draw Up Plan to Give Ukraine Twisted Ultimatum

>It’s anyone’s guess at this point how Donald Trump intends to actually deliver on his claim that he’ll quickly end Russia’s war in Ukraine if he wins the presidential election in November. But his advisers are starting to share details of one potential course of action which could force Kyiv into deciding to negotiate with Vladimir Putin or face the prospect of being deprived of vital American weapons.

>Two of the former president’s advisers, retired Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg and Fred Fleitz, have presented Trump with the plan to present Ukraine with the ultimatum if he returns to the White House, according to Reuters. Fleitz told the news agency that Trump responded favorably to the plans, saying: “I’m not claiming he agreed with it or agreed with every word of it, but we were pleased to get the feedback we did.”



>* Western style democracy
>* freedom of the press, free elections
>* LGBT rights
>* anti-corruption, European values
I wish. If this were true, there would be no Ukraine crisis. I say this as a European optimist in the 2000s. With the end of the cold war, was I open to how much liberalism could overcome divisions like east and west. Since we were wrong about capitalism collapsing into inter-imperialist war and instead had a liberal conclusion, I was hopeful it could stitch together international classes like capital and labor.

But it failed to do so, and insofar it failed Instead what happened is there is a growing absence of liberal democracy and it's closely related to the progression of wars since Yugoslavia and 9/11. The liberal democratic order is quite illiberal (it's based on nationality, race, etc), plutocratic, and a constant source of war. Everything since 2014 whether with Ukraine and Syria or the rise of left and rise populism to now the rise of the emergent periphery, all of it is driven by liberalism failing to deliver on democratic promises it entered the post-cold war period with. It had a mandate to form a global democratic system and instead at home and abroad it's turning into a dictatorship.

I have no idea why, but amidst the decay of the 2010s liberals chose to see the problem as rising tides of liberalism provoking authoritarian reaction. It was always hubris


Are you 50 years old or something


vuvuzela chads


>Ukraine will still be a thing by the time Trump is in office
pretty optimistic imo


My brain is so rotten from the insane anti-Venezuela propaganda back in 2017 that I didn't realize you were talking about the actual instrument for a second


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Gunther’s autism is honestly hilarious


One guy one jar got mobilized and died for Ukraine.

RIP (pun intended)


iirc years earlier there was a world cup(?) where everyone was going fucking mental with vuvuzelas which basically made it a meme
Is he actually the guy


Podolyak called people in Crimea 'civilian occupiers'

>"Crimea is also a large military camp and warehouse, with hundreds of direct military targets, which the Russians are cynically trying to hide and cover up with their own civilians. Which in turn are considered to be… civilian occupiers," Podolyak said.



They're also apologists of the Slovene Homeguard (ww2 nazi collaborators in Slovenia), with many most likely having dads or grandpas that served in it.


>I hate lolbert ideology yet I'm watching interviews with a flapping gadsen flag at the beginning
To be fair judge nap has a very unusual channel for a lolbert. Lolberts long intersected with antiwar and anti natsec state movements of the left, judge nap is unusually in lockstep with it though. He's very much alternative media and his libertarianism is just the way he got there


trump becoming a cog in the machine reset his brain


>trump becoming a cog in the machine reset his brain
Same with progressive libs and Palestine I imagine. The convergence of the uniparty helps us, the division of it and their reaching out to the left or right hurts us


>Biden administration moves toward allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine


>Privatising WW3 before it even begins
Okay that's it, I'm building a nuclear shelter.


The exact same fucking attitude they've always had, who the fuck is even listening now? Some people used to listen but now they pretend that anything Ukraine says is reasonable to protect their salaries.

Touching grass didn't work, IT DIDN'T WORK, because now I remember what these pricks are risking


hell yeah ww3 let's fucking goooooo
let the nukes fly. end it all finally


There has to be easy money made out of these idiot americans,


Won't these be the same sort of American Afghanistan vets that have been operating in Ukraine already, the same ones that bail asap because sitting in trenches is nothing like occasionally lobbing a shell at someone from the Green Zone?


There's a movie idea there. A couple of hucksters invent a fictitious country with made up factions and it's all about them having to make up evidence of this wholly made up civil war to grift larger and larger cash payments from the ignorant yankees.


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>can't escalate
>can't cut losses
>just spin your wheels like a retard

Yes. The entire suggestion that Ukraine's problem is that US equipment is hard to maintain is laughable.


>Won't these be the same sort of American Afghanistan vets that have been operating in Ukraine already, the same ones that bail asap because sitting in trenches is nothing like occasionally lobbing a shell at someone from the Green Zone?
Didn't they pivot to hiring more latam mercs?
Anyway, it probably will make the whole thing more streamlined and open.


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judge nap is great, one of the islands of sanity in the ocean of brainwashing neocon propaganda that is the media landscape.
a downside though is he has the same people on over and over again, gets repetitive sometimes, but it's generally good, and it also helps that he's been built a brand almost exclusively focused on war and foreign policy, so we don't have to hear too much about 'flat taxes' and other lolbert economic/domestic cringe.


As we relax today, I feel now that we are at the precipice of the great victory of the multipolaristas. The Great War will start soon. Perhaps even in the coming weeks.


>the Great War
>in a few weeks
You can't be that serious, right? Really zigga?


no the NATO equipment is actually unreliable dogshit, but having american mechanics wont help. NATO thinks its soldiers are all ubermensch because they spent 20 years murdering kids from airplanes and didn't suffer a lot of causalities doing it.

in a real war, there will always be attrition, and NATO gear is too expensive to withstand attrition.


Ukrainians need artillery parity at minimum, and NATO has dick to give. I honestly don't care about Ukraine getting jets, they wouldn't help, anyway.


yeah NATO has dick to give because NATO systematically replaced its artillery fires with much more profitable airstrikes for the benefit of arms dealers.


>The Armed Forces of Ukraine sounded the alarm: it is impossible to stop the advance of Russian forces without the participation of the West

>Major of the Ukrainian troops Ivan Skuratovsky stated this in an article by The Sunday Times. "Russia is very strong. It initially had a colossal advantage and in many ways retains it… I think defeat awaits us," he stated.


This really illustrates the stalemate


What do they mean by this, Zisters? I thought we were friends with Xisters? Realpolitik or fake and gay?


Who cares lmao, the only ppl who has any unironical empathy for ukkkrainians were the russian ones, and its almost gone, slow and stready from 2014 and fast forward from 2022. Rest in piss.


Don't post low effort Western directed propaganda here, please.


AI voice


i'm not paying for this shit


>Wasn't it the Kenyan government that the US asked to intervene in Haiti on its behalf?
Yes, against the Kenyan peoples wishes though.



>The attrition rate was not so relevant when most operations were about stabilising faraway locations, says Christian Mölling, head of the centre for security and defence at the German Council on Foreign Relations. “Now we are talking about being ready for combat situations where problems of a different quality come back: like, after several weeks of fighting, units in your professional army might be 50 per cent dead or wounded. We have unlearnt how to be ready for that.”

I wonder what this tell about Ukrainian losses (plus really difficult to understand why people would not won't to enlist)

>“The difference between us and Putin is that for us it’s not just about headcount,” he says. “We are not just giving people a uniform and sending them to their death. We care about our soldiers. We have to communicate that better, but ultimately I think we have time on our side.”


Nevers stops being funny to me seeing nafoturds shilling China fearmongering towards Russia, like oh no China's gonna economically dominate you unlike how we're already trying to militarily and geopolitically do to you, just submit to us and let Ukraine join NATO and have us balkanize you to avoid this!


>>“The difference between us and Putin is that for us it’s not just about headcount,”
This narrative about Asiatic orcs/insects blindly following their khan/termite queen and having no empathy/sorrow for their own is perhaps one of those most insane and racist things I've seen being parroted in the mainstream Russia Ukraine conflict narrative. Like literally /pol/ tier stuff, you keep seeing this again and again about Russian people and soldiers under every English comment section in every social media, I'm honestly resigned to the idea that nuclear war between NATO and Russia/China is inevitable due to how this online population is quick to consent to hating any enemy presented to them.


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umm excuse me it's freaking RUZZIANS, maybe they shouldn't have INVADED? You ever consider that you fucking fuck?


war of the gems


ukrops can't be normal and just take down the soviet statues like all the other anti-communists in post-soviet states
no, they have to be ultra cringe about it and replace lenin with darth vader, spyro the dragon, mickey mouse, sponge bob


It's like how that Ukrainian soldier was buried with McDonalds or how Christmas was cha get to December 25 despite this going against Orthodox belief which Ukraine is supposed to officially believe in. Ukraine is a complete sellout to everything the West/America believes and markets, even if it goes against their own supposed traditions.


>There's a movie idea there. A couple of hucksters invent a fictitious country with made up factions and it's all about them having to make up evidence of this wholly made up civil war to grift larger and larger cash payments from the ignorant yankees.
The Mouse That Roared


>The Russian soldier is one of the bravest men in Europe. His tenacity almost equals that of the English and of certain Austrian battalions. As John Bull boasts of himself, he does not know when he is beaten. Russian squares of infantry have resisted, and fought hand to hand, a long while after the cavalry had broken them; and it has always been found easier to shoot them down than to drive them back. Sir George Cathcart, who saw them in 1813 and '14, as allies, and in 1854 in the Crimea, as enemies, gives them the honorable testimonial that they are "incapable of panic." Beside this, the Russian soldier is well made, healthy, a good marcher, a man of few wants, who can eat and drink almost anything, and more obedient to his officers than any other soldier in the world. And yet the Russian army is not much to boast of. Never, since Russia was Russia, have the Russians won a single battle against either Germans, French, Poles, or English, without being vastly superior in numbers. At even odds, they have always been beaten by any army, except Turks or Prussians; and at Citate and Silistria, the Turks, though inferior in numbers, defeated them.

>The Russians are, above all things, the clumsiest soldiers in the world. They are not fit either for light infantry or for light cavalry duty. The Cossacks, capital light cavalry as they are in some respects, are so unreliable generally, that before the enemy a second line of out-posts is always placed in the rear of the line of Cossack out-posts. Beside, the Cossacks are totally unfit for a charge. As to the regular troops, infantry and cavalry, they are not fit to act in skirmishing order. The Russian, imitator as he is in everything, will do anything if ordered or compelled, but will do nothing if he has to act upon his own responsibility; in fact, this term can hardly be applied to a being who never knew what responsibility was, and who will go to be shot at with the same passive obedience as if he were ordered to pump water, or to whip a comrade. To expect from the Russian soldier, when acting on out-post duty or in skirmishing order, the rapid glance of the Frenchman, or the plain common sense of the German, would be an insult to him. What he requires is command — clear, distinct command — and if he does not get it, he will perhaps not go backwards, but he will certainly not go forwards, nor use his own senses.



don't have to. it's just some ukrop saying they're getting smashed and are gonna lose if the west doesn't ride in to save them.
i thought it was funny given the recent bouts of shills coming in here to accuse us of coping for not embracing the "stalemate" narrative.


Engels' comments about Russians and slavs in general are often not very useful to be honest


I know you're taking the piss but it's genuinely baffling "strategy". All it does is fire Russian people in Crimea and the mainland up to kill more of Ukkkraine


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That's the point. They're terrorists, they want the enemy to lash out in rage and create more support for themselves. Even if the Russian government doesn't, the hatred created on the internet is still good for keeping their own in line. The Nazi connection was dug up, played up massively and glorified for the same reason.


Yeah, this is what institutionalized (as in, in institutions, such as science) racism is, when any source you read, it's going to spew nonsense like this, and then any researcher "by the books and sources" will be repeating racism anyway


> All it does is fire Russian people in Crimea and the mainland up to kill more of Ukkkraine
scheming arms dealer .jpg


Wait, what? What'd I miss?


>lash out in rage and create more support for themselves
Is that a thing? Has that ever worked? Sounds idealist.


>a newspaper article
famously pumped these out for quick cash. phoning it in tbh


<Engel's invents Stalinism



Good luck with that when all eyes are on Palestine


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China could've cut massively into Russia in the 1990s when the free market brought the Russian nation to the lowest it's ever been. With women with 2 masters degrees prosstituting themselves to feed their families or becoming "brides" for fat Americans

The Chinese, strategically, chose not to take advantage of Russia at that point but instead to do business deals, maintain friendly relations for what they perceive to be the fight of the 21st century - dethroning USA

The fact this video has an effete American whiny reddit voice confirms that its pure Western hopium


>after several weeks of fighting, units in your professional army might be 50 per cent dead or wounded
Optimism, lol. 50 percent casualties would be expected after one serious battle. Several weeks would be hiding in trenches.


And remember American army units have never out fought their opponents without artillery and air superiority. Not in WWII, not in Korea, not in Iraq. During the Cold War American professional soldiers were considered one step above conscripts.


>NATO gear is too expensive to withstand attrition
Too expensive compared to what? Russia has a dogshit productive capacity compared to the entire west and they notoriously rely heavily on dwindling soviet stockpiles while plugging the holes with North Korea and Iranian imports. The only important thing Russia apparently produces more is artillery shells which is why ziggers hyper focus on artillery as a mean of coping, meanwhile the US has already multiplied by 4 their own production since the beginning of the war. So the more this war lasts the more Ukraine has a chance to actually achieve parity with Russia on that field.


cope harder, nafo retard.


I may be a retard but I'm not supporting any imperialist unlike you kautskyites


Little eichmann spreading Nazi "Freedom of Russia Legion" propaganda sent to do productive work for the first time in his life. Liberals freak, because arresting students for being neo-nazis is too far whereas arresting students for being anti-zionist is perfectly acceptable.
>Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) claimed he ‘became carried away by politics’ and ‘the ideology of liberalism’.
The cure for liberalism: rehabilitation through labor.


If Russia was imperialist, it's soldiers would be trying to fraternize with Ukrainians and vice versa.


>meanwhile the US has already multiplied by 4 their own production since the beginning of the war
way to instantly discredit yourself


Imagine calling us kautskyites when it was Kautsky who was encouraging sabotage against Russia and the discrediting of the effort led by Russia, claiming it all to be more dangerous than the western imperialists. You are the equivalent of Kautsky here. You follow his footsteps without realizing it.


>Liberals freak, because arresting students for being neo-nazis is too far whereas arresting students for being anti-zionist is perfectly acceptable.
Even liberals are not advocating to send kids to jail for 5 years on political crimes….
I think Russia is like USA where children don't become grown until they're 18+ so it's pretty fucked.


>Russia has a dogshit productive capacity compared to the entire west
Not according to Western analysts.

>meanwhile the US has already multiplied by 4 their own production since the beginning of the war.

And can't even keep pace with the tiny amounts they are sending to Ukraine presently. They can't even make explosives without Chinese precursor chemicals.


Cucktin I kneel.


>Russia has a dogshit productive capacity compared to the entire west
This isn't /k/.


>Even liberals are not advocating to send kids to jail for 5 years on political crimes….
What are you smoking? Plenty of kids have been in prison for five years or more because their dad was in ISIS. Even in Western countries if a kid joined a terrorist group like that they'd be in prison like detention for years.


Lol no thry wouldn't.
They'd be ignored or at *best* sent to social services for counciling and deradicalisation.


Anon the Feds are regularly setting up stings for mentally retarded brown kids.


Anon if you have to compare to the worse excesses of North American law enforcement to make the argument then you don't have a good argument.


The argument was that Western liberals did do it as well. Thank you for your concession.


Ah yes i remember when Kautsky famously denounced the conflict as an inter imperialist war and called for a proletarian revolution instead of supporting one camp of the imperialists.


Russia is liberal though



>Russia is liberal though

> inter imperialist war
The thing is, you are playing victoria 3, we are playing stelaris. We are not the same.


I should play USSR in one of those HOI4 mods made by liberals and trots, reading all those events whining about how Stalin was literraly Hitler must be very fun


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i got tired of that, stopped playing black ice/TNO/Road to 56/ Old world blues/ Pax britannica/ and other mods, a long time ago. It has been like what, 2 months since i last played hoi4? That is a new record. I think i am slowly healing from my vices.


hoi4 is so boring. not enough political and economic sim


vanilla hoi4 is boring. You need like, 100 mods to make it entertaining. Mods made by the community have more data size than the game itself. The game might have 10/15 GB, mods can be just as big, if not more. Have you ever played something like, TNO guangdong, as the best example of very high content in both text, philosophy and choices.


do we have remotely the same kind of position as the guy who had multiple mass uprisings within his lifetime?


I only like Millennium Dawn and Cold War Iron Curtain mods because they add world system simulation aspects to the game, which is what I like about Victoria 2. Basically I like to see economic and political development, but I dislike Victoria's army stack war system. I won't even play V3 it's so undercooked




play dwarf fortress


man i love EAW but the kiria update was very disapointing.


Eh I mean Kiria isn't the most perfect nation I guess but still decent.


We have let ziggas rampant here for too long


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Ukrainian border guard made a game about crossing the river


The mods make the threads you dumb faggot lol


It’s hilarious how even in GAYTOuyghurs delusions, North Korea has more industrial output than all of GAYTO combined. Should have packed better friends GAYTO lmao
>b-b-b-but we increased our production 60 gorillion times because the GAYTOuyghur-in-chief signed a bill saying we will increase our production
60 gorillion x 0 = 0


So just for the record, Marx was a kautskyite when he supported the north over the south in the American civil war?


Can't wait to hear whatever cope Ruzzians come up with when within the next 2 years NATO starts entering the conflict and begins pushing the Russians out. Ukraine alone has taken back more than half of the territory Ruzzia initially secured. A bit more pressure and Ruzzia's entire effort collapses. America is slowly boiling the frog but soon it'll be time to eat.


The North wasn't imperialist at this point, and obviously neither was the South.


I muck like about the game in which AFU tried to cross the Dniepre to reach Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.


Slowly boiling the frog is exactly what Russia does. Even if NATO ramps up industrial production, there only so many Ukrainian men of military age in the entire country.


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Classic Gunther


Yes it was imperialist retard


Isn't this dude part of some serious lobby/org think tank? What's going on, why is she shitposting on Twitter saying the quite part out loud?


It's more like they try to bore the western audience to death, make them lose hope and interest. Then let the turn of wheels of election get rid of those who are personally invested in the war to get voted out and then finally finish the job when nobody is looking.


The South (Ukraine) was serving the interests of European imperialists (NATO). They were using a false nationalism (Dixie -> Galician) to cover for reactionary forces (slavery -> fascism). The North (Russia) was accidentally a progressive force because of this struggle regardless of intentions of their own imperialism (whether realized or not)


>Ukraine alone has taken back more than half of the territory Ruzzia initially secured.


Northern US vs Southern US was like two entirely different (but intertwined) modes of production going at it. Ukraine is essentially Russia but stuck in the 90s and Russia is just Ukraine with nukes. There is no meaningful difference between the two beyond holy multipolarity guys establishing Russia as the crown jewel of anti-Atlanticist slayers of Satanism and all that bad in the world and bringing back the light of the Orthodox Church


qanon tier


>there is no difference between a western puppet state run by nazi compradors and a (re)emerging major power run by a bonapartist figure defending the national porkie interest against nato aggression and local compradors
>working for or against the global western empire is not a meaningful difference


Why are materialist critiques of multipolarism so bad


>North Korea's Central Military Commission announced that North Korea would join forces with the Russian military. And as part of the North Korea and Russia military alliance, the North Korean Army engineer unit would be dispatched to Donetsk, Ukraine, which remains occupied by Russia. It will be dispatched as early as next month.


That was fast. Will Ukraine dare to attack DPRK?


>slayers of Satanism and all that bad in the world and bringing back the light of the Orthodox Church
>implying Russia is seriously theologically motivated at all
Lol lmao. Russia is hardly more serious about Cheistianity than any Western country.




North Korean troops would legitimately be a game changer


>DRPK troops come to Ukraine
<"damn bitch, you live like this?"


It will fizzle like always


De Villepin (the French PM that refused to join Irak War) said that Macron wanting to send troops in Ukraine was dangerous precisely because of that : if France sends troops, then Russia can ask any of it's allies to send some as well


russia is capitalist??????? wtf i HATE russia now and support ukronazism


please i need north koreans firing at frenchmen please please please


Funny I was thinking about this just yday.
An anarchist in heart but fuck I love best Korea.


I don't think so. DPRK soldiers haven't seen active combat in many decades at this point. They'll need a lot of training by the Russians first to not be deadweight. That's why I always laugh about Ukronazis being trained inside NATO countries. They don't know how war is actually like anymore, hence the NATO-trained Supersoldaten got utterly fucked in the Counteroffensiyv last year.


Yeah, this is most likely to get them some military experience. If they even see combat.


I think those will be "instructors" who will operate DPRK tech


Both are plausible.


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Discipline is the most important charecteristic for a soldier and I am sure they have it in spades. Advising and training the commanders is trivial. As the Ujraine war has shown, war really hasn't changed as much as they have lead us to believe after decades of nothing but highly asymmetrical warfare between super powers and minor powers with no backers. The most important tool in tge war has been artillery which NK are big fans of.


>They'll need a lot of training by the Russians first to not be deadweight
They're engineers sent which have experienced at home and possibly abroad, anon. DPRK military is often used for civil construction.


>The most important tool in tge war has been artillery which NK are big fans of.
Basically everything the Koreans spec's into looks increasingly like the future of war. Very cool.


So “muh inter-imperialist war” uyghurs are completely btfo now right?




In defense of the administration, the liberals came out in support of the war, with The Nation and The New Republic leading the charge: the antiwar Republicans were "isolationists" and their alliance with "legalists," sniffed TNR, revealed a natural affinity, while progressives were burdened with no such sentimental attachments to the Constitution. The editor of The Nation red-baited Col. Robert McCormick‘s fiercely conservative Chicago Tribune for being on the same side as the American Communist Party. What’s interesting is that the CP’s former fellow-travelers, such as Henry Wallace, Corliss Lamont, and the principals of the Progressive Party – which had run Wallace for President with fulsome Communist support – rallied behind Truman, reveling in the idea of a UN-sponsored war on behalf of "collective security." Obama, it seems, commands a similar ability to inspire the left to throw its vaunted antiwar credentials overboard.

>What’s interesting is that the CP’s former fellow-travelers, such as Henry Wallace, Corliss Lamont, and the principals of the Progressive Party – which had run Wallace for President with fulsome Communist support – rallied behind Truman, reveling in the idea of a UN-sponsored war on behalf of "collective security."


Artillery has been a thing for at least half a millennia, I think you’re confused. DPRK isn’t a genius for continuing to produce shells and guns, it’s common sense that only Westoids don’t follow.


Dugin is saying that Russia will give nukes to anti-Western countries like Yemen, Iran, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, etc.


Asiatic jungle horde activated


oh dugin. i wish


Doubt it but it would be nice.


>Dugin is saying


Thank you Biden!
More dead ameriKKKans please!


A coup d'etat just started in Bolivia


>de facto ban
>Companies bidding for the contracts would be required to develop robust risk mitigation plans to mitigate threats to their employees, an official said.
I think they meant facillitate not allow. Nothing was restricting these companies from doing shit. The US lets Americans do hits for gulf sheikhs. Americans are allowed to be mercs for any country not fighting Americans or American allies.


Seems that the article is talking about servicing patented boeing equipment which the US army mechanics aren't even allowed to do.


I remember when the national mercenary mag was right there at the checkout at the rich cracker supermarket.


>meanwhile the US has already multiplied by 4 their own production since the beginning of the war



>And lastly, this dovetails into something else. The Western commentariat continues to center their entire future victory hopes on the fact that the West is allegedly “increasing production”, which they desperately tie into the narrative that a year or so in the future the combined manufacturing powers of Europe and the U.S. will match or overtake Russia and it will be game over for Putin.

>The problem this, as the below Korean excerpt shows, Russia is not only increasing production itself in line with the West, and arguably even faster, but Russia’s allies have massive manufacturing capacities for key munitions that dwarf anything the West will be capable of in the next decade or more.

>Not only is North Korea’s current peacetime production capable of a massive 2 million 152mm shells per year, the South Korean expert source believes they can ramp this by 2x or 3x to a whopping 4-6m. To put that in perspective, the entire combined West could not deliver even 1 million shells to Ukraine, and that’s after trying to desperately source them all over the world. The U.S. has just ‘proudly’ announced their ramp up to 36k shell per month production, a measly ~430,000 a year, with the slated schedule to ramp to 80,000 a month—or 960k a year—by the year 2028.

>Meanwhile, not only is Russia already said to be hitting 4-5M a year soon, but North Korea does 2M and can quickly ramp to 6M. In short, Russia’s strategic defensive initiative with North Korea promises to keep Russia’s artillery-thirsty army more than quenched indefinitely.

>And for those who may balk at the numbers, South Korea just officially reported last week that they now calculate North Korea has already sent 10,000 train containers with 5 million shells to Russia:


In the US it's totally legal for the president of the United States to order your murder just because you're a family member of one of the state's current enemies, even if that enemy is a us citizen.


The US will be offering the contracts. Ukraine has no reason put up contracts for them, because American mercs probably want to get actually paid.


How can the DPRK outproduce all of NATO, don't they see that we invested of FIAT money into our financialized arms industry economy?


That's the power of Juche, baby!


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>as a veteran of Hearts of Iron, allow me to weigh in


This is hilarious whole shit


>Russia has a dogshit productive capacity compared to the entire west
how does someone even arrive at this idea? even western mainstream media like wapo, wsj, cnn, ft, etc has been saying for months that russia is outproducing the west in war material
are you the type of guy who literally only reads news from NAFO accounts on twitter? what the fuck is wrong with your brain my man


/k/opers main point of view is that West is hiding it's real potential and/or is stopped by an easily solvable formality. It's basically what Nazis believed into - Germany was great and powerful but a handful of Jews were sabotaging Germany, remove them, and the Aryan spirit will burn brightly! It all makes sense if you replace "Aryan spirit" with "vibrant democracy", or what do they call it today, lol


Holy shit… With these numbers, how can Russia hope to win?


>western mainstream media like wapo, wsj, cnn, ft, etc has been saying for months that russia is outproducing the west in war material
why would you believe CIA disinfo you ruzzian retard
if the west was out of ammo ukraine would have already stopped fighting. but they haven't. so why the fuck are you paying attention to CNN headlines instead of looking at what's going on at the front lines you idiot?


Losurdo was really right about liberal democracy being colonial herrenvolk democracy. Ukraine laid it bare, same with Israel



>mad that somebody else reads
Now that's leftypol.


>russia: we're outproducing the west
>the west: russia is outproducing us


>>1896563 (me)
also i love the fact that this shit has always been and will always be unfalsifiable orthodoxy
i can post soviet and nato documents all day detailing how it was true that the soviets were ahead of the west militarily but the "we're hiding our true potential" /k/ope always kicks in, but if i don't show the documents then you faggots can roll in the mud all day and scream about the degenerate communist slav ideology not being able to outproduce the vvest
the soviets had better tanks? well that's fake, the US actually had secret tanks and were hiding it to get more funding passed
the soviet had worse tanks? well that's because communism doesn't work, yadda yadda yadda


Now the north koreans are coming surely the war will be over in two weeks


Ah yes Russia is outproducing the US in aircraft carriers and fifth gen fighters but they hide them in Dugin's basement because they want to fight honorably against the ukkkronazi hohols


Ukrainian barrier troops

>On June 16, an interview was released with the commander of the second battalion With the Odshbr Dmitry Kukharchuk, where he talks about motivational troops.

>"We were 'motivational troops' back then. At that time we were helping the 110th Territorial Defense Brigade.

>I can't say anything bad about them, because they fought well for territorial defense, but again, they had to be motivated as territorial defense.

>And then my squad – I was then the commander of a 500–man squad - was evenly distributed along a 25-kilometer line…"


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decades of pent-up korean fury at the west about to be unleashed on the krops. they r fukd


>um ackshully nato is good because it wastes money on trillion dollar floating coffins and planes that can't fly
multipolaristas = owned
fascism = restored


It'll be interesting to see you fascists try to pretend to be socialist while cheering the deaths of communist soldiers


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it's so fucking funny to me that the russian flag has become a symbol of freedom for the oppressed people of the world


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Praise the great antifascist putin


>it's so fucking funny to me that the russian flag has become a symbol of freedom for the oppressed people of the world


you mean the same aircraft carriers too scared to take on the houthis and the 5th gen fighters that can't fly?
how many tanks per year is the US producing? what about russia?
how many shells? how many for russia?
where is amerca's industry? it's in fucking china


How many weeks it took for the US to conquer Irak? How many for Russia to conquer Ukraine?


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seems like it failed already. the CIA's puppet general got arrested by his own troops after thousands of people descended on the capital to defend the government.


>back to memes
i accept your concession


>How many weeks it took for the US to conquer Irak?

How many weeks did it take for US to invade a country devastated by a war with Iran, sanctioned by the whole world, with generals betraying the country, and so on and so forth?

Then we have a better example of actual American military prowess in Vietnam, where America suffered so little losses that 20% of it's military personnel became Macnamara's retards


How many weeks it takes to invade a country that has no shells? Russia also basically lost its entire professional army in the opening of this war, they had to throw tens of thousands prisoners in the meat grinder using private military companies just to take Bakhmut




The losses for Russia remain astonishingly high. Since the beginning of their offensive, Russia has lost 539,320 soldiers. This figure is an estimate by Ukraine’s General Staff, as Russia does not publish its own casualty numbers.

According to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, 1,260 Russian soldiers were killed in the last 24 hours. The preceding day's death toll was about 1,220 Russian soldiers. On June 25th, approximately 1,180 Russian soldiers died. On Monday, June 24th, as many as 1,300 Russian soldiers were killed.

For comparison, the United States lost about 58,000 soldiers in the Vietnam War from 1964 to 1975.

Russian losses in Ukraine began to accelerate in May, with the numbers rising to their highest levels since the full-scale Russian offensive began in late February 2022. In May, Russia lost around 1,200 soldiers per day according to estimates by the UK Ministry of Defence, and this rate has not abated.

The UK suggests that it is likely that most Russian troops receive only limited training and therefore cannot carry out very complex offensive operations. Nevertheless, they are forced to use small-scale assault waves, which are costly. Frontline troops constantly need reinforcements, which in turn limits Russia’s ability to produce better-trained and higher-quality units for the front in Ukraine.

Ukraine reported on Thursday that it had intercepted 23 Russian drones and five missiles overnight. These were intercepted in the Khmelnytskyi region in the west of the country, the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions in the south, and the Dnipropetrovsk region in central Ukraine.


Wow. At this rate and still Ukraine will have to lose.


>According to the Ukrainian Armed Forces


Red Sea is still closed LOL


and also:
>according to estimates by the UK Ministry of Defence




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endless supply of Ukrainians
endless potential
endless war

forever glory to slava zucchini
forever war potential supply ukraini zelenski


This trolling is all butthurt. Usually there's a decent point nestled somewhere, citing AFU is just embarrassing


Nah it's just the ultimate anti-american flag


This is very good, it will allow them to use everything they learn to develop their military doctrines.


when is this


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Big if true


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the most important mediating liberal institution, the media, is in tatters


>two butthurt posts back to back
Wow you are so mad at a literal observation of objective reality lmfao


There's also cp spam in some threads on schedule.


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>Bloo vooters


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Prigozhin was right, but instead of shells it's shotguns that ruzzians need. Also why it take so long to developp anti-drone guns


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Small drones that you're able to shoot down with birdshot are memes, they only are able to kill stragglers or destroy already abandoned vehicles.
Artillery is the king of the battlefield, making up 90% of casualties.

Big drones on the other hand are more dangerous and actually a non-meme. Yeah, a small drone dropping some rigged 40mm shell on your head would suck, but so does shrapnel from a 152mm round suck way more, including the other 20 hitting your position at the same time.

And just guess what is cheaper, takes less preparation and is faster to kill, the hunk of metal flying at you no matter what or the drone carrying explosives waiting for you to stay still.



Let’s first spell out exactly what he says:

Ukraine loses 50,000 men per month, both irrecoverable and sanitary losses, i.e. total casualties included wounded, KIA, etc.

The ratio of their wounded to irrecoverable/KIA is 50/50, which means out of 50k, 25k of them are actually irrecoverable losses. (note: this is a high proportion to wounded because of Ukraine’s comparative lack of battlefield medicine which causes far more wounded to die, not to mention Russia’s usage of powerful airstrikes/bombs which proportionally simply kills far more soldiers outright)

Ukraine mobilizes 30,000 new men per month from the street.

The ratio between Russian and Ukrainian losses is 1:5 in favor of Russia.

The ratio of POWs is 1,348 to 6,465 in favor of Russia.

>The Russian MOD’s official tally of total Ukrainian losses is about 500,000 as of the last reporting a bit over a month ago:

>Thus, given that the 500k figure is an official Russian MOD figure which Putin presumably would not contradict, we can only assume that Russian losses are therefore 1/5 of that, which would be ~100k.

>Recall that MediaZona/BBC have the supposedly confirmed Russian names of what is now ~54,000 KIA. They claim this is only Russian troops and does not count DPR/LPR, which they claim is a further ~23k or so dead. They further extrapolate their confirmed name count of 54k to be about 84k total dead based on their assumption that they cannot confirm every actual death.

>Thus, using the above, we can assume that the KIA on Russia’s side could be something like: 54k (Russia) + 23k (LDNR) = 77k; or their extrapolated estimate of 84k + 23k = ~107k.

>However, that is just KIA alone. That doesn’t count Russia’s “irrecoverable losses”, which are people maimed or too injured to fight again. Russia’s irrecoverable are far smaller than that of Ukraine due to the far superior Russian battlefield medicine and ability to evacuate injured troops in time to save their limbs, etc. This is due to having helicopters and other transports far more readily available. Even so, we can estimate there’s got to be at least another 20-40k irrecoverable if not more—and I’ve seen some credible related figures that obliquely lead me to believe it’s not much more than that.

>Then, if you figure that KIA/irrecoverable are typically about 25-35% of all wounded, we can assume total wounded may be another 150-250k which obviously refers to people not only so lightly wounded that they return to war, but that they even count twice, three times or more on the tally because they get re-wounded several times over the course of the war. Thus 300k “wounded” may actually only represent 100-200k real people, for instance; there are many people that can get multiple ‘purple hearts’.

>The point I’m trying to make is that the official U.S. “casualty” number for Russia is something like 350k, and counting lightly wounded this may very well actually be relatively accurate. However, if you count wounded for Ukraine as well, the total “casualties” of every kind could be far north of 1 million. Ukraine may have 500k total “irrecoverable” losses as per the official Russian MOD figure, and then an additional hundreds of thousands of regular wounded who are forced to return to combat. Recall Putin said the ratio is 50/50, which would entail 500k additional wounded for a total casualty list of 1 million.


singular. why are you americans always fucking up latin loanwords?


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Lukashenko stays winning


>EU higher than Russia


It has to be unemployment, and maybe poverty is adjusted locally.
I'm more surprised there's an improvement between 2020 and 2024


well the poor disproportionately died in COVID


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Latin is dead so we don't have to give the loan words back


Damn US people don't feel despair over their shithole country?


Most American's would be completely fine with it if the country turned into Somalia overnight and everyone died.


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Would love to see that source tho


Retard doesnt he know the ak47 can easily wall-bang 64 units big brick walls?
The m4 cant even 1 shot in the head


My favorite soviet weapon is the rpk-12 because of my fun experiences with it in battlefield 4 :D


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yes logging camps are big money machines plus it's always in demand. tho im more of a tooling workshops man meself


Don't forget the EU has some shithole countries inside too.


in Majesty - The Fantasy Kingdom Sim I prefer having gnomes over elves and dwarves because they build fast and cute. Elves are lumpen bourgeois and dwarves are slow as fuck. This relates to Ukraine on an ontological level.


What the fuck is going on in Kazakhstan


I won't play a game where a province is called "Kyiv"


But ukraine doesnt even exist in those games though.


>What the fuck is going on in Kazakhstan
I haven't played it, is it on ps4?


>But ukraine doesnt even exist in those games though.
Oh, so it's pro-Putin propaganda? smh


Majesty fucking ruled


They long for the return of the ussr


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<Russia is gearing up to eradicate childlessness from the country, as reported by The Moscow Times.

Russian Deputy Minister of Justice Vsevolod Vukolov stated that Russian authorities intend to ban the "ideology of childlessness," categorizing it as extremist.
"We are actively preparing legislative initiatives to prevent the spread of this ideology. Today, some argue that especially young girls do not need to give birth, claiming they can lead fulfilling lives without children. Such ideologies can be labeled extremist movements, and there are many of them nowadays," Vukolov said at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.

He emphasized that abandoning such ideologies is necessary to protect Russian societal values. Vukolov also proposed establishing a legislative framework to combat similar ideologies within Russia and in countries that share Russian values.

Father Fyodor Lukyanov, Chairman of the Patriarchal Commission on Family, Motherhood, and Childhood Issues, stated at the same event that childlessness is an ideology "rooted in our youth, advocating that having a child is not necessary in life."

Lukyanov also suggested that ideologies opposed to children and humanity should be banned and equated with extremist movements.

In February 2023, a legislative initiative was introduced in the State Duma to prohibit the propagation of childlessness ideology among children.

The initiators argued that deliberate promotion of childlessness by activists leads to the decay of societal institutions, the disappearance of traditional values, and creates conditions for population decline.

The document has not yet passed its first reading.

With birth rates at their lowest since 2000, President Vladimir Putin has urged Russians to have more children. According to Putin, large families are particularly important for the state.

"In them, basic values are nurtured on which both family and state are based: respect for elders, love and care for the young, diligence, and everything related to the family organism. These are exactly the traditional values that we constantly talk about and support," Putin stated, according to The Moscow Times.



Soviets had a tax for being childless lol


>Father Fyodor Lukyanov
I thought "Be Fruitful and Multiply" bonus from a happy religious interest group was a Victoria 3 meme.


Look! The imperialist bourgeois forces the proletariat to produce children in order to fill uniforms! Crazy how that works


I feel as though you should sit this one out seeing as having children will never be an option for you


>goes to Ukraine
>meets nazis
<acts surprised
why do they do this?


No one that uses this site will ever be in that position, anonymous forum user.
>Inb4 anticommunist, bourgeois RF is not imperialist coping


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>anticommunist country
>signed an alliance with China
>signed an allinace with North Korea
>gave hypersonic missiles to Cuba
whoa russia is really incompetent at this


>treaties with capitalist countries means supporting communism


how do you know its the same guy?


socialism understander has logged on


It's quite an interesting tale. The gist is that there was always a strain of Ukrainians that believed they were the master race, that ancient mythical figures were actually of Ukrainian decent, the usual esoteric stuff. And after WWII the CIA expanded this Ukrainian lore and broadcast it throughout the region, after smuggling Nazi collaborators out of the country to work in the US. Mykola Lebed was a major collaborator with the Germans and was brought to the US under the auspices of Dulles himself. He was a leader of project Aerodynamic which facilitated the movement of CIA-trained agents in and out of Ukraine during the cold war. He remained an advisor to the CIA until his death in the 90s.


>anticommunist country
>exported weapons to China
>supported the Khmer rouge
>helped the YPG militarily
whoa united states is really incompetent at this


I found it it's by bne IntelliNews. Liberal site so it's an interesting data point since they hate Belarus and also hate Russia.


Belarus media reporting GDP growth of 5.4% in the first five months of this year. They're on track to hitting or surpassing their annual growth target. Lukashenko is still yelling at officials on state media threatening to shoot them if they fail to comply with orders or are corrupt, even though they're probably going to surpass his expectations and over-fulfill the plan lol. Belarus is amazing.


This is so bullshit, porkies know why people aren't having children. Denouncing openly childfree people won't do shit. Capital cannot start exploiting people less or move past bourgeois superstructure, but they will try all kinds of terrible measures - from this to banning abortion to state-sponsored rape of 20 different formats. This will not only fail, but make the situation worse because now women will feel like they're forced into having children by an outside force. This is a global phenomenon btw, it's just that retards itt don't want to acknowledge that Russia is a bourgeois state as much as they should.


The US is exporting a political system, Russia is not.
It's not and Marxist theory evidences this


Unironically yes, historical development forced the government into this position. They openly say that they wanted to be of the west, Russia was in fucking G8. The Russian state fucking hates communists and communism, this is apparent once you take a look at what they say on the state level and in propaganda. The current situation is a failure of the course of action they pursued for decades.


Good. Intentions don't matter, results do. What's issue?


Russia imported its political system from the US and it's not working nearly as well. They're not exporting it because there's nothing to export.
The result is a capitalist state that is still trying to cope and be nice to the west even fucking now, known itt and in many other places as cucking. This results in many thousands of unnecessary deaths of their own soldiers and some civilians, a slower western decline than what should happen based on the conditions, and the fact is, Russia still voted for sanctioning DPRK and caused immense suffering there and in many other countries that used to rely on it. It enforces capitalism daily against 150 million people domestically and sometimes helps other bourgeois out, like they did in Kazakhstan.


even ukraine still has soviet tanks left. that is how reliable and easily repaired soviet armor is.



Sanctions against N Korea didn't do shit. China was circumventing them from the very beginning by turning a blind eye to smugglers operating at the border. I don't know why everyone keeps bringing up sanctions against N. Korea as some major hindrance. Even testimony from pro-NK people stranded in the South acknowledges that NK sees China as a pressure release valve and when things get bad they just send people to work over there. Cuba is affected by sanctions way worse Cuba does not share a border with an ally willing to help them out.


China also sanctioned North Korea.


Yes, in the interest of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. It's probably best to put things in context and remember the DPRK only exists because of China. But we've decided that only certain countries get to have nukes.
DPRK is breaking the rules so that's no good. There must be consequences to breaking da law.
That being said, I think we are all happy the DPRK is capable of hitting the US with nukes. Standing up to bullies is important.



China was literally from day one allowing their smugglers to export steel and industrial chemicals for whatever the fuck Kim is doing lol.


If Russia nuked Washington D.C you would be the first person on this site whining about civilian casualties and the horrific effects of inter imperialist war. At least the Cucktin posters are consistent in wanting to unleash death against NATO. You on the other hand will play socialist pacifist one day and attack dog the next.


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>like they did in Kazakhstan
>like they did in Kazakhstan

How nice of you to take up "Cucktin posting", instead of just being a regular piece of dog shit. It really upgrades the turd that is you with some vomit.

Don't fucking think I forgot how you said you were okay with Ukrainian Nazis shelling Donbas, but not with Russia intervening to stop it.

You stupid sack of Western cum sucking feces.


Western chauvinism aside, I've figured out the problem of the anti-anti-imperialist faux-left.
They think they can engage with the world on their terms. It's a very silly variation of "main character syndrome".


Isn't that inherent in Western chauvinism?


In a strange way it feels nice to see him back. Last time I heard from him was when he was making weird hornyposts. His presence was annoying but it has become kind of nostalgic to me because I associate him and King Lear as the best times of this thread


I think it's more that the anti-anti imps are really just anti-nationalists aggrieved or incited by neolibs/neocons connecting nationalism in core and periphery.


To attribute any belief as basis for their behaviour is giving them too much credit. It's all just rationalization about why Western proletariat, like themselves, should suffer no consequences for sitting on their ass and doing sweet fuck all.


Western chauvinism is a symptom of their material position. Yes, we can see how they are the same as open chauvinists. The trick lies somewhere else. How are they different? I have met so many chauvinists, having lived in the west for some time now. It would be easy to count up the people who do not fall into the typical pattern and are exempt from bigotry. As for the rest "they do not know this but they do it".
It's like the liberal (substitute for avg or median westoid) "doth protest too much": We liberals are anti-racist, anti-sexist etc. pp.
You know the script.


No, I wouldn't sweep this under the rug. It's very instructive that terms like 'campist' migrated from the ultraleft to the demsoc left. It suggests a pivot to seeing liberal internationalism as a lesser evil.

This is clearly part of a wider trend where something like the German greens become the war party while AfD loses all interest in fighting for the EU.


>King Lear
Daily reminder that constantly truthnvking King Lear finally made him support multipolarity but Grillpilled still supports Ukraine lol.


I apologize that my writing isn't very clean, it's just something to pass the time.
The AfD sees the writing on the wall (as does every professional politician). Anti-war sentiment is more popular than exterminism. I'll break a lance for the western population here. They generally do not wish to kill people. They do have to be "tricked into it". And yes, it's a cheap trick and they are culpable in my eyes but nonetheless. It's not so much that they are lying through their teeth every time you talk to them. They really believe this (western supremacy), can you imagine. Right up to journalists and other opinion leaders.
How to summarize the position? We kill for a reason. Not for fatherland and so on but for the ideal (of western supremacy).


>Anti-war sentiment is more popular than exterminism
Yeah that's why Americans immediately rose up to overthrow their government to stop Iraq…I mean Libya…I mean Syria….I mean Palestine…I mean Ukraine…from being destroyed.


Your reading is very undialectical. They have to be "tricked into it".
>Yes, we are bringing massive amounts of death and destruction but see, good citizen, there is a good reason for it…
In the end it comes down to "everyone thinks they are the good guy, even Hitler". Which is to say the main problem, let's say in the world, is delusion not "moral wrong".


Max Schachtman got expelled from 4th Int. by Trotsky himself. Then proceeded to slide into Social Democracy. Third camp was just rebranded first camp, responsible for every single stereotype of Trotskyists in the West, trying to "push the Democrats to the Left", the pipeline to neocons, etc. etc. They are literally anti-communists. Not demsocs, or ultraleft.

And this shit is constant, over and over. At some point you just have to admit you're just witnessing the mask peel from the face of the Western pseudo-leftists. The speed is determined by how much rubber touches the asphalt.


You just haven't lived long enough to figure it out yet. I remember when the Democrats were the anti war party screaming about how Bush was going to impose martial law and that the Republicans were setting the Middle East on fire. Now it's the Republicans and Trump playing Good Cop and saying how the Dems are going to lead to Russia nuking everyone. Truth is the Americans are unsalvageable and just love war no matter what. They are never consistent in fighting imperialism and 10 years from now it will be the Democrats playing Good Cop screaming about how Trump is going to lead to full out war against China while Republicans screech about how necessary it is to liberate Taiwan.


>Americans are unsalvageable
I have met two americans (online) that I can guarantee fall outside the pattern I mentioned.
>"they do not know this but they do it". It's like the liberal (substitute for avg or median westoid) "doth protest too much": We liberals are anti-racist, anti-sexist etc. pp.
Yes, only two but I don't know many americans well. It's an open question whether I know any well but I digress. You can also substitute american in your post for "EU-citizen" and it'd change nothing.


Also in the US there is an ecosystem of anti-imperialist media (see Breakthrough News). In the german language you have to read the translated Le Monde Diplomatique for that, mein Gott.


europeans don't really like fightan that much but yanks do because their hometowns dont' get destroyed thanks to the massive fucking ocean that makes it hard for any navy to directly attack the us, europe gets bombs, american soldiers get bombed but america itself does not. That makes a world of difference.


>europeans don't really like fightan that much
Thanks Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka


Damn this really is a containment thread


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It's not about liking or not liking fighting. Neither europe nor the US can be attacked because of the nuclear umbrella.
I can't really figure out this post. Explain Israel, they are right in the middle of the hot zone and they love fighting. They look like Azovite vampires to a large extent.

flood; stupid site, why are you like this


If ziggers could read they certainly would not like Le Monde Diplomatique as they are critical of Russia's invasion


bah there are different ways to be critical. Certain ways are ok, others are not.


The problem with "anti-imperialists" is that they deepthroat capital, going as far as to say that porky is "kept in check" by Putin. It's one thing to see that capital is forced to do positive things sometimes, whatever you do here is another thing entirely. Capital does a lot of good: it demilitarized the west, it built up China and many other countries, it revolutionizes all areas of life constantly.

The problem with me is that I know what Russian capital and "intellectuals" are. The current situation goes against everything they did for more than 30 years, it goes against their entire lives. It was forced on them from the outside. They had the choice to trade with North Korea and they didn't take it because they fucking love the west, only now that western capital demands complete surrender do they do something. The "cucking" is far more fundamental to Russian capital than blowing up NATO commanders. The west thought they could keep going with this shit for a reason: Russian capital let them get this far despite being weaker. It will continue and it can seriously sour the situation after victory.

>Don't fucking think I forgot how you said you were okay with Ukrainian Nazis shelling Donbas, but not with Russia intervening to stop it.
I am the person calling Ukraine a terrorist state the most often in this thread, shut the fuck up.


I'll post what Serge Halimi wrote at the beginning of the war then to see if it's an ok way to criticize, I personally agree with everything

>The Russian army’s attack on Ukraine is a flagrant violation of international law and the UN charter. The pretext cited by President Putin — pre-empting genocide — is spurious, and the presence of neo-Nazis in Ukraine, though real, deliberately exaggerated. For years, though, Russia has highlighted its fear that NATO will set up camp on its borders, breaching non-expansion commitments the US made when the Soviet Union split apart (1). This broken promise was a major mistake on the West’s part, even a provocation. Having lost its raison d’être, NATO should have disbanded long ago instead of continuing to be what it has always been, an instrument of Europe’s strategic subordination to US aims. And yet the paradoxical result of the invasion of Ukraine is that it will lead to a strengthening of the Western military alliance on Russia’s own doorstep (see With Russia at war in Ukraine, America is back, and never left, in this issue). It is moreover morally unacceptable, as well as counterproductive, to make the Ukrainian people, who are vulnerable and within Russia’s reach, pay the price for the US superpower’s dangerous schemes.

>Like the US’s illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003, which also occurred against a backdrop of misleading propaganda widely disseminated by the media, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has opened a particularly dangerous chapter in international relations. It will have negative impacts on politics and on the global economy. The sanctions announced by the US and the EU — which tended to care less about international law and peoples’ right to self-determination when they were the aggressors (in Libya and Iraq) or supported and armed them (in Gaza and Yemen) — are unlikely to intimidate the Kremlin. They will have financial, and energy consequences in countries beyond Russia (see Russia and the West: between sanctions and war, in this issue).

>The climate and social emergencies are also likely to be put on the back burner while this war in Europe causes a further ramping up of military budgets that have already been rising for several years. In the face of the UN’s paralysis, the world order is now more than ever characterised by threats, blackmail and armed aggression.


You're overcomplicating it. For the part of anti imperialists (and socialists in general, including those sympathetic to liberal imperialism), it's not deep throating capital but being wrong that globalization would simply extend imperialism. It did and it didn't, suggesting the process was more complicated and full of contradiction than believed.

For the Russians, as semi periphery their antagonistic cooperation with imperialism broke down as globalization did due to liberal democracy entering crisis and needing some sort of battle to regenerate itself with, using the new fault lines created by globalization to do so.

The main issue for anti imperialists, Russians, and liberal imperialists is that there is some sort of fundamental flaw in using the fault lines created by globalization and unipolarity underpinning it to regenerate democracy. There's a strong possibility those lines were created by the failure to expand democracy. The West mobilized around the opposite belief and sees the present crisis as a capstone to reinforce what we learned from the 20th century and its rising tides of liberalism


I do not know these people you are speaking of and I don't care to.
>porky is "kept in check"
Porky is very much kept in check. Think back to the 1850s to early 1900s
>It was forced on them from the outside.
This is again a very trivial point but we are all acting under forces outside our control. I just don't see a basis for discussion here.
Mr Bréville is the editorial director of LMD

>For years, though

You can see the exact point where it gets good. Yes, the first two sentences are statements of facts.
There is nothing wrong with them. The point is to put it in context.
>moreover morally unacceptable, as well as counterproductive, to make the Ukrainian people, who are vulnerable and within Russia’s reach, pay the price for the US superpower’s dangerous schemes.
This is very weak. Moralizing is of course no good.
A bad article but not catastrophic. It's ok to let "the other side have a say".


The point being? Halimi has been working for that paper for more than three decades, has been writing about geopolitics for a while and really is its emblematic journalist


The man is anti-NATO and anti-war.
What exactly are you trying to say. I won't denounce LMD (like I won't condemn Hamas, if you didn't catch the joke).


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The whole reason porky "globalization" was allowed to continue east of Germany at all is the existence of Russian porky. You people are putting yourself in opposition to the symptom, not the source of the problem. The west never had the power to do shit against Russia, as it turns out. The reason it's "semi-periphery" is Russian porky, None of this ever had to happen.


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>None of this ever had to happen.
Personally I think leaving the trees was a misstep.


chimps are fucked up bro, gibbons on the other hand are chill


>helps North Korea against capitalists
>helps China against capitalists
>helps Cuba against capitalists
>helps China against communists (barely)
>helps Khmer Rouge against communists (barely)
>supports fascist ethno-nationalist Israel 2
Pretty similar indeed


Sooooooooo……………… when will this war actually end? Seriously, like a year? ten years?


They tested out the idea of conscripting people in the west to fight for this, but no one bit, so they will prpbably start cancelling it soon.


Two more weeks.


Putins life depends on this war so I doubt he will back down.


>Putins life depends on this war so he will dither around for another 10 years failing at everything before singing a peace deal


>The whole reason porky "globalization" was allowed to continue east of Germany at all is the existence of Russian porky


Now that I have a moment

The reason you're wrong is simple. Russia did not drive globalization but acquiesced to it. Neoliberalism was supposed to revive the capitalist world after the 70s and for a time it appeared like it did. The lack of crisis and revolution in the West led to an inevitable Soviet collapse because its rapid expansion insofar as the chains of imperialism collapse created contradictions within the polynational union and its very immature satellite states, which were all defined by weak class power including of the bourgeoisie in the preceding period. The controlled demolition to restore an interwar state from before this expansion, which was then joined by former SSRs themselves, was part of acquiescing to this revival.

With the true failure of revival becoming evident by the post 2008 period, globalization had begun to ironically leave behind the imperialist countries. What was forced on Russia and China could be used against its proponents, which is the gist of multipolarity.

What you and others are arguing is that this is opportunist. For my part, in the 2000s I'd see support for the CPRF and Putin or modern China as opportunist. However, things have changed dramatically since then. These positions back then basically meant supporting a national bourgeoisie when across the world the class gave up anti colonial struggle and collaborated with imperialism. With the decline of the capitalist world however, the next step in revival is not dismantling the systems in the West that made the 1940s-70s keynesian golden era but the half reformed states which clearly had acceded to globalization but did not complete bourgeois revolutions (Russian oligarchy and bonapartism as well as SWCC are mixed formulations based on interfacing with the capitalist world as nations so far away from the extent of the bourgeois revolution and its roots in northwest Europe).

So the failed revival and ongoing decline was still, as it was in the 1970s, not blamed on capitalism reaching a monopoly stage and losing dynamism without socialist revolution. Without local targets for neoliberalism, these mixed formulations served as a proxy for where the state holds back capitalism. This means insofar as bourgeois democracy stagnates due to the decline of the capitalist world, so does it intensify class warfare on dependent nations which create 'authoritarian' barriers to deal with their lack of sovereignty.

I think the stake of the international proletariat is clear in this. This degeneration of democracy driven by capitalism being in a monopoly stage for a long time and running out of things to smash to temporarily revive itself (keynesianism, AES, etc) is driving the world to the point where you either support completing a 50 year neoliberal counter revolution or you stand with the national bourgeoisie so the world can weather the crisis of the capitalist world until nations outside of the monopoly stage can retool globalization in a multipolar direction.



>A new statement by the Russian Defense Ministry says:

< The Russian Defence Ministry noted the increased intensity of U.S. strategic unmanned aerial vehicles over the Black Sea waters, which are conducting reconnaissance and targeting high-precision weapons supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine by Western states to launch strikes at Russian facilities.

< This demonstrates the increasing involvement of the United States and NATO countries in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the Kiev regime.

< Such flights increase the possibility of air incidents involving the Russian Aerospace Forces' aircraft, increasing the risk of a direct confrontation between the alliance and the Russian Federation.

< The NATO countries will be responsible for this.

< The Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov has instructed the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces to make proposals on measures for rapid response to provocations.

>NATO reconnaissance and radio relay drones were regularly patrolling over the Black Sea before and during recent 'Ukrainian' attacks with long reaching, western delivered weapons on Crimea. This was also case during the recent release of cluster ammunition over a popular beach near Sevastopol which has caused several civilian death and wounded some 100+ people.

>While the drones are nominally flying in neural airspace they are obviously used for attacks on Russia assets in Crimea. That makes them, arguably, legitimate targets for Russian air defenses. Russia had so far held back at destroying them. This will now change.

>NATO or the U.S. may well regard such attacks on their 'neutral' forces as hostile. Some will press for retribution. But I am convinced that mere attacks on drones will not be seen as sufficient reason to launch World War III.


>"We don't have much time. We have a lot of injured, killed, both military and civilians. So we do not want this war to last for years. Therefore, we have to prepare this plan and put it on the table at the second peace summit," Zelensky said.



seems like the rumors of a global hawk over the black sea getting buzzed past by a russian jet were true. hopefully next time its shot down


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>Please gib more trillion
>Of course, Zelensky, my dear friend and lover. Anything but no Nato expansion for the United States of Ukkkraine


volte face



What do they gain from this?


Friendship and love


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Energy and transportation links that bypass Pakistan and improve Indian access to central Asia


Iran is in BRICS I thought


I have no idea what that image is supposed to convey? Were we supposed to judge his head slowly balding


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Her hairline isn't that bad for her age. But why is she going for the GI Jane look all of a sudden?


just last week india received a train shipment of russian coal for the first time through the INSTC (completely evades sanctions btw) and last month india signed a 10 year lease for irans Chabahar port.


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>Putin grants Hero of Labor award to leader of Russia's Communist Party
>Zyuganov: "Our party is a party of patriots, a party that in history defeated the Nazis.. Your policy of strengthening our sovereignty and self-sufficiency is the main purpose of the work of any state."



I'll eat my hand if Russia returns to becoming an actual socialist nation in my lifetime


To think that I would, in front of generals and others, say suckers and losers – we have 19 people that said it was never said by me. It was made up by him, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was made up, just like the 51 intelligence agents are made
up, just like the new thing with the 16 economists are talking.

It’s the same thing. Fifty-one intelligence agents said that the laptop was Russia disinformation. It wasn’t. That came from his son Hunter. It wasn’t Russia disinformation. He made up the suckers and losers, so he should apologize to me right now.


BASH: … I’m going to come back to you for one minute. I just want to go back to my original question, which is, are Putin’s terms acceptable to you, keeping the territory in Ukraine?

TRUMP: No, they’re not acceptable. No, they’re not acceptable.


Tbf every American soldier that died in war the last 50 years has been a sucker


>Tbf every American soldier that died in war the last 50 years has been a sucker
The ones who died in WW2 were also suckers.


they were drafted at least


suckers (volunteers) and losers (draftees)


he doesnt know…


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>You know why we haven't won yet?
>Because Russians are stupid and Ukrainians are Russians

It does make me laugh the fucking Pollacks and Ukrainians and their "100% Aryan phenotype, not like those Mongol Russians!" rhetoric when Westerners see them all as the same slavshits.

>Russian Russians

>White Russians
>Little Russians
>Light-bulb challenged Russians


We know she's just boymoding to survive the oppressive Keith regime 😔


The dialectic in motion


makes sense, putin must be really afraid of the communist party (still main opposition party i believe) going all peace land and bread, he must be pretty happy they support the war cause it could cause big problems if they didnt


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>he must be pretty happy they support the war
The Communist Party were the main ones pushing for intervention in Ukraine during the previous years before the SMO.


this is obviously an ai voice


the war is the only based thing Putin has done in the last 12 years and he still tried to cuck out as much as possible


defending Syria and helping Cuba and Venezuela survive through sanctions was pretty based.
opposing the war would just make them completely irrelevant (as opposed to mostly irrelevant).


Putin cannot find someone to take his role. Medvedev fucked up. Therefore what will happen is the communist party will get in command when Putin is dead. We will end up with socialism with Russian characteristics. Screencap this!


After Putler our turn!


>ukraine sources say…
And the Ghost of Khabib personally killed 500k russians overnight in an outdated gyrocopter.


always found it funny people make fun of this, like uygha it worked


this AI is good enough to fool someone who's never heard any english ever


despite their best efforts and lib instincts, material conditions will inevitably lead them to embrace socialism again. it has already begun.


Actually Existing Social Democracy




There was biography of Thalmann or something like that where the journo attributed to Thalmann words "after Hitler our turn!", and to this day socdem idiots keep on trying to own commies with that


APOCRYPHAL, fuck. Why does a list of synonyms for "misattributed" does not contain "apocryphal", lol


>At least one evil nazi has died in an attack carried out by Russia on Friday in the city of Dnipro in Ukraine. According to officials, at least 12 nazis were also injured in the attack, with three of them seriously.

>The attack targeted a nine-story nazi apartment building. Ukraine's Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko warned that the number of nazi casualties could rise, as the top four floors of the nazi building collapsed in the attack.


The entire russian propaganda narrative is built with communists in mind as they are the main opposition.


>The entire russian propaganda narrative is built with communists in mind as they are the main opposition

It's more than that.
The communists gain whenever the transition after 1991 yields a crisis. Ukraine is the greatest crisis by far because it revealed Western dependency on accelerating Soviet breakup and expanding NATO, the hardline opposite of its position in the Gorbachev years.

This meant the communists look good not because liberalization of the economy and American interference in Russian elections was a humiliating disaster, as in the past, but because now Russians are clashing with the European nation-state. Not due to Tsarism or Stalinism, but because they're Russian. This means the communists do not hold Russia back from joining the modern world due to rigid ideological baggage and historical crimes, it's because they turned out to be right all along. European imperialism is an essential enemy and repudiating rigidity or crime only disarmed Russia, leaving people in Donbass and Crimea vulnerable as the West intervened to save a failing transition in Ukraine.

Where Putinist Bonapartism fails to navigate the balance between communist hardliners (yes even if they are revisionists on communism, like the KPU they are hardliners on decommunization) and liberal comprador reformers, the former gains.

Ukraine is by far the biggest possible boon for the communists because it represents how Russians, due to communism, were labeled an antidemocratic, non-European brake on liberal and national development in postcommunist countries. This has created a sort of continuity between Hitler's enduring victory, dividing the USSR by nationality, and what European expansion depends on after Soviet collapse. Putin cannot betray the former struggle and thus has a red line it must acknowledge the CPRF was always correct on.


This is plain wrong. Putin just can't help himself but shit on communists every time he can. The actual propaganda is opportunistically pro-Soviet (because the people don't share the government's vision), but it's mostly just centered around all the terrorist bullshit Ukraine has been doing for 10 years. It's important not to put too much stock into historical comparison, this is a new conflict.


That's not how it is at all

Russia state hates communism, and communists are actual socdems - they agree with ALL and EVERY accusation against communism, they just pivot towards "…but it was good, actually!" Voter base for CPRF doesn't exist, people vote "not for United Russia" and have "communist" candidates as the preferred ones. Even then they know that Putin will win, and during the last elections they didn't even want the person they've voted for to win for stability reasons.

Russian propaganda pivoted from "USSR was hell on earth" in the 1990s towards "USSR was hellish but reasonable, not worse than Hitler" in 2000s and now "USSR was right to be hellish because Hitler was at the gates. Also, liberals and traitors totally deserved it, we see those same people right now with our own very eyes". There are also moves towards undoing Katyn and other mythology, they've got themselves a genocide against Russians now (siege of Leningrad was declared a genocide), and, in general, Nazis became an obvious enemy. MEANWHILE, retards still continue to jerk off to Ilyin and try to pretend that he wasn't a Nazi or a Fascist, just a misunderstood patroit who didn't like USSR but loved Russia


The state that "hates communism" has more Communist Party legislators in it than basically any Western state or even Ukraine itself. Nice try NAFO.


I explained it. Although maybe I needed to add more about how Russian state has increasingly found itself more and more isolated from nationalists because every one last of them turned out to be a sellout or a traitor, and only the legacy of USSR turned out to be patriotic without controversies


Let me preface the next part of the discussion by saying that no argument with any anti-anti-imperialist has ever been fruitful


>The actual propaganda is opportunistically pro-Soviet (because the people don't share the government's vision)
Damn. It's like people actually have agency and consuming bourgeois propaganda isn't mandatory.


>>You know why we haven't won yet?
>>Because Russians are stupid and Ukrainians are Russians
this is literally a perfect joke, I'm gonna steal it


Like Japan?


Thalmann was right though the Nazis got BTFO and then Marxists finally took Germany (half of it).


Yes, but the reason libs bring up that phrase is because they claim the KPD's actions helped bring about Nazi rule and hence the Holocaust. If the commies had just believed in heckin democratic institutions then everything would have been fine.


>"after Hitler our turn!"
Did he ever actually say that?


>it has already begun
No it hasn't


Dunno if I'd say it worked if you factor in the holocaust and 30 million dead soviets


No, it's apocryphal


really? what percentage of russia's economy is centrally planned now as opposed to three years ago? They're heading into mixed economy territory already, more like Belarus. Just keep the progress going.


It was the strategy of the communist party at the time. You can say whatever about how the sociodemocrats were an enemy too, but that doesn't excuse being a retard. People get caught up in destroying the status quo instead of thinking about what to build after that and how. That's how you have retards now saying "afetr Biden our turn", "after Trump our turn", "after AfD our turn", "after Putin our turn", "after wahhabism our turn",…


No, another state through power projection implemented a soviet-style government (not saying the GDR was independent). There wasn't a socialist revolution in Germany after 1940.


>what percentage of russia's economy is centrally planned now as opposed to three years ago?
You tell me


None is centrally planned. There is majority state ownership, but none of those companies are actually state owned and state run. You get a pretty close to mutual interpenetration with the state deals like Rosneft or Gazprom, but that's about it


the soviet experience in the rest of the 1930s proved forming a bloc with bourgeois democracy was pointless, ww2 happened anyway. the spanish civil war also provided evidence that local collaboration between revolutionaries and democrats creates international suspicion that deters an alliance to stabilize an international system, which is what would've been needed.

the kpd's attempt to oppose all enemies in the radical third period is right in principle. fascism couldn't be opposed on the basis of bourgeois democracy because it's the product of the decay of a wider international system, which is why the bourgeois democracy hemorrhaged power to fascism and why revolution was necessary. the path forward was communist leadership of a broad movement against the forces a decaying international system produced, the conditions that mean revolution is necessary can't be turned around into a reason to reproduce a decaying system. it puts revolutionaries in a contradictory position and creates suspicion among democrats elsewhere in the international system that deters from assisting their counterparts


Soviets' mistake was in not blitzkrieging Europe like Nazis did. But then Soviets had a much more sensible doctrine of attrition the enemy to death because Soviets didn't believe in god being on their side


yeah its state capitalism, duh. all those companies still take direct orders from the government and are treated more like SoE's than anything else. The United Car company or the United Plane company is literally just all the soviet car/plane factories that survived the 90s but couldn't keep afloat on their own, so they got combined. It's also not really mandatory for these companies to make a profit as their main purpose, or they wouldve been shuttered over a decade ago.
While the form factor is similar, Russian Rail acts nothing like Deutsche Bahn for example. DB is mostly rent-seeking and lets their track rot so the german goobermand has to pay for it(google german rail reform of 1997) while Russian Rail lays miles upon miles of new track each year as directed by Moscow.

Thing is that up to 70% of the economy is directly or indirectly in state hands, simply because its not possible to organize industrial society in russia any other way. harsh climate, long and hazardous transport ways for anything from commerce to travel, short vegetative period, etc etc. normal bourgie market economy can't successfully form and stay alive, because russia is a country that rationally shouldnt be able to exist but it continues to do so anyway, partially because of western pressure which has not really let up for the last 5 centuries.


soviet doctrine in ww2 was deep operations(armoured spearheads break thru, go deep, encircle, infantrty catches up and seals the deal), not attrition. defense in depth was used when needed because it works, not because its doctrinal.


No, you describe Germans' blitzkrieg. Soviet doctrine wasn't about armored spearheads and infantry holding the neck, this kind of doctrinal impotency is what has killed Germans

Soviet doctrine was about massing troops and forcing breakthroughs. Even the spearhead was infantry based, with armoured troops advancing into the breakthrough after. Because tanks are fucking horrible against infantry and burn easily when met with resistance. After tanks get into the breach, they attack to all sides, catching the retreating enemy

Add to that the artillery being the hammer to infantry and tanks anvil. Artillery created a wall of fire for infantry to advance behind closely, and then also sniping enemy artillery


Capitalist governments across the world have repeatedly nationalized businesses in wartime for the sake of maintaining their hegemony as a whole class for over a hundred years. Not once has it lead towards "more" socialism.


And outside wartime too.


Tried to google something in this regard, found this clown http://militera.lib.ru/research/gorkov2/15.html

>Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov wrote in his unpublished work "Soviet Military Strategy. 1941-1945", which I found in the former archive of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, now the archive of the President of the Russian Federation. [178]

<unpublished work

God I hate those people

Oh, here's Frunze's war doctrine https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/edinaya-voennaya-doktrina-i-krasnaya-armiya

>The main feature of the German military doctrine in its technical part (i.e., purely military) is an extremely pronounced offensive spirit. The idea of activity, of seeking solutions to combat tasks through an energetic, bold and relentless predictable offensive, permeates all German regulations and instructions for senior commanders. The same idea determined the structure of the entire German military apparatus, bringing to the fore the development of operational problems and creating, in the person of a large staff, a powerful and highly authoritative body that led all activities for the development of military plans and combat training of troops. The education and training of all went in the spirit of the same offensive tactics, and eventually prepared such a military force perfect in its structure and training, which, after the gigantic battles of the imperialist war, fully revealed its outstanding fighting qualities.

T>he question is: to what or to whom did Germany owe the availability of such an excellent armed force at its disposal? The first answer to the question has already been given by the fact that she raised her army on the basis of a unified military doctrine, built in accordance with the conclusions of the art of war. But this is only the first answer. We must ask further: why did the German army receive such a doctrine, why was it soaked from top to bottom with it, while, for example, there was nothing like it in Russia, although theoretically there was undoubtedly knowledge of the art of war here?

>The answer to this can be an indication of the exceptional military talents of German military figures, who allegedly discovered the secrets of victories through the slope of their genius and put their army on an unattainable height by creating the German military doctrine. This explanation is childishly naive, but it has to be noted, because in the articles of some of our military specialists, there is often a desire to reduce the essence of the issue of creating a military doctrine to the actions and talents of individual prominent individuals (see, for example, this definition: "military doctrine is the prophetic eye of a military genius," etc. nonsense).

>The main features of the German doctrine are by no means an accidental phenomenon; they are entirely and fully derived from the general structure of German life and life of the era before the imperialist war.


>This opportunistic, insecure, self-confident, and alien to activity spirit of the French bourgeoisie, who stood at the helm of government, determined the general character of French military policy. Despite the presence in the French army of the richest military traditions, starting with the great Turenne and ending with Napoleon, despite the brilliant examples of military art given by them in the spirit of bold, offensive strategy and tactics, the military doctrine of the army of the Third Republic was far inferior to the German one. It was distinguished by a sense of self-doubt, the lack of broad offensive plans, the inability to boldly seek solutions in battle, seeking to impose its will on the enemy and disregarding the will of the latter, In its positive content, the essence of the doctrine on which the French army of the last era was brought up, was the desire to unravel the enemy's plan, to take a wait-and-see position before that, and only after clarifying the situation, look for solutions in a general offensive. These were the essential features of the French military doctrine, which left its mark on the entire course of action of the French army in the last war, especially in its first maneuverable period. It should be emphasized here that in terms of their individual talents, the French commanders were hardly inferior to the German ones. In addition, many of them theoretically stood on the point of view not of their own, but of the German doctrine with its spirit of the greatest activity. And for all that, they could not change the general spirit of the French army, its entire internal structure and the nature of the views that prevailed in it on methods of solving combat problems, since this was a reflection of more powerful factors than the efforts of individuals.


>As for England, its example is curious in that, due to the geographical and historical features of its position, the attention of the ruling class was directed not to the land army, but to the navy. England was and is primarily a colonial power. Exploitation was the main source of enrichment for the British bourgeoisie and the maintenance of colonial rule was its main military task. In this regard, ensuring dominance over the sea has become a matter of life and death for English capital. This idea became the main and guiding principle of British military doctrine. Specifically, this resulted in a tactile formula for all British governments of the past era: to have a fleet equal to the combined fleets of the two strongest maritime powers. Until recently, this program has been steadily implemented, but now with the appearance of such a rival as the United States in the competitive arena.,

>The situation has changed, and the energy of the English bourgeoisie will have to look for some new formula to ensure its aggressive policy.

Czarist Russia:

>The political side of this doctrine was reduced to the triune idea of Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality, which was hammered into the heads of young soldiers in the lessons of famous literature. As for the military-technical part of it, in our guidelines it was a simple borrowing from foreign originals, for the most part only in a degraded edition; but even in this form, the doctrine was the stillborn brainchild of our few military theorists, remaining alien not only to the entire mass of the ordinary command staff of the army, but also to its top leaders. All the unprecedented squalor, all the internal rottenness and flabbiness of tsarist Russia of recent times were vividly reflected here. Indeed, the army has always been the subject of special care of the tsars, and yet this very army in their hands turned out to be a useless force.


>There can be only one state between our proletarian state and the rest of the bourgeois world — a long, persistent, desperate war that requires colossal endurance, discipline, firmness, inflexibility and unity of will. The external form of these relationships, depending on changing conditions and the course of the struggle, may change; the state of open war may give way to some form of contractual relations, allowing to a certain extent peaceful cohabitation of the warring parties. But these contractual forms cannot change the basic nature of the relationship. And we must fully realize and openly admit that the joint parallel existence of our proletarian Soviet state with the states of the bourgeois-capitalist world is impossible for a long time. The bourgeoisie, with energy increased tenfold by the fact of its overthrow in at least one of our countries, in anticipation of impending doom, cannot rest until it destroys the hearth, which is a hotbed and a source of danger to its worldwide power. At the first opportunity, the waves of the bourgeois-capitalist sea surrounding our proletarian island will rush at it again, seeking to wash away all the gains of the proletarian revolution. And at the same time, the flames of the revolutionary conflagration are flaring up more and more brightly from different countries of the bourgeois world, and the menacing trampling of proletarian columns preparing to storm it speaks of such attempts from the other side. This contradiction can be resolved and eliminated only by force of arms in a bloody battle of class enemies. There is no other way out and there cannot be.

>Another feature that distinguishes the doctrine of the armies of the workers' state should be noted here: since the bourgeoisie of all countries have to impose military goals essentially alien to the working masses, this is achieved with the help of all sorts of tricks based either on arousing the low instincts of the crowd (thirst for revenge, the wildest national chauvinism, etc.), or on mass deception. One has only to recall, for example, the story of the "keys to the holy places", "the Byzantine legacy" (Russia), "the idea of revenge" (France), etc.

>For the workers' state, such as Soviet Russia, there is no need for these means of deception. The class interest of the working people in the victory of the revolution and the idea of their international solidarity as a means of ensuring victory are quite sufficient to create the strongest bond for the purposes of a common struggle.

USSR does agressive, offensive manuevre warfare:

>The class character of the upcoming clashes, which ensures assistance to us in the interests of the common cause of all proletarian elements, largely destroys the negative significance of the above indication of the difficult economic situation of our country. Consequently, the proletariat can and will advance, and with it, as its main weapon, the Red Army will also advance.

>Hence the need to educate our army in the spirit of the greatest activity, to prepare it for the completion of the tasks of the Revolution through energetic, resolutely and boldly conducted offensive operations.

>If we turn to the combat experience already available in the Red Army, we will see that, in fact, it has been operating in this spirit for a long time. Almost all significant operations during the Civil War bear traces of the manifestation of the spirit of activity and initiative on our part. We can even say that, at times, this activity overflowed with us, bordering on the inability to take into account the data of the specific situation of the present day and not be exposed to the danger of excessive risk.

While the underdog material position requires to trade territory for enemy corpses:

>Some tools are available for this. The first and most important of them is the training and education of our army in the spirit of large-scale maneuver operations.

>The size of our territories, the ability to retreat a considerable distance without losing the ability to continue the fight, etc., represent a favorable ground for the use of strategic maneuvers, i.e. off the battlefield. Our command staff should be educated mainly on the ideas of maneuvering, and the entire mass of the Red Army should be trained in the art of quickly and systematically performing marching maneuvers. The experience of the last imperialist war in its initial stage, as well as the entire experience of our civil war, which was primarily of a maneuverable nature, will provide the richest material for study in this regard.

Engineering and fortresses are secondary to maneuvre:

>In this regard, in the overall economy of our military resources, engineering defense and attack, which played such a colossal role in the imperialist war, must take a back seat in our army. The supporting role that should be assigned to this type of weapon is to serve as an auxiliary tool for field operations. The use of the terrain, the widespread use of its artificial fortification, the creation of artificial temporary boundaries that ensure the performance of a general march maneuver - this is the area of application of forces and means of this order.

>In particular, the role and importance of fortresses in the conditions of our future operations will be completely insignificant. Due to the fortresses, it will be much more expedient to strengthen the field troops. We see the second means of combating the technical advantages of the enemy's army in the preparation of guerrilla warfare in the territories of possible theaters of military operations. If the state pays serious enough attention to this, if the preparation of this "small war" is carried out systematically and systematically, then in this way it is possible to create an environment for the enemy's armies in which, with all their technical advantages, they will be powerless before a relatively poorly armed, but full of initiative, brave and determined opponent.


Btw, such analysis of the military according to the ruling class interests, shows quite clearly why Russia fights the way it fights: minimizing losses and capturing one village per week in order to maintain internal stability


>they agree with ALL and EVERY accusation against communism, they just pivot towards "…but it was good, actually!"
Sir, this is /leftypol/.


>always found it funny people make fun of this, like uygha it worked
>uygha it worked
Did you forget the holocaust and the subsequent complete American domination, retard?


Thank SPD for that. In their quest for power they've let Hitler win


I hope you're autistic.


>Therefore what will happen is the communist party will get in command when Putin is dead. We will end up with socialism with Russian characteristics.
<when a person has completely lost everything - but yet he sings of how he won, and wins


The American domination had nothing to do with German politics. If nothing had happened in Germany between 1933 and 1945 the Americans would still have become the dominant world power after something like fighting the Brits over the Suez.


Are they stupid? They won't get far on those.


Lib ass flag of a flawed republic that should have been abandoned in favour of revolution having a lib ass opinion


>analysis and criticism of the russian ideological contradictions in regard to the war and relation to the west
<lib opinion

also, because you offer the stick to beat you with
>lib ass flag of over a dozen US military bases in syria making purity accusations


>putting such little effort in to trying to start an argument
Why are you like this? go get some sun.


I'm really not sure that's true.
WWII was pretty much what left the US to a lesser extent the USSR the only major developed industrial countries capable of rapidly rebuilding productive capital.


A single Russian soldier in the Donbass is doing more against NATO and the West than the whole of Rojava, how do you cope with that?


>If nothing had happened in Germany between 1933 and 1945 the Americans would still have become the dominant world power after something like fighting the Brits over the Suez.
I simply don't believe this without things like the complete devestation of europe, the Marshall plan, the massive military-industrial complex built which allowed them to do what they did, for example in SEA. And if it did come out on top it would still be by much smaller degree.


America was already industrially ascendant and pushing back against the European powers in order to complete the bourgeois revolution. Another conflict was inevitable as America needed to expand its markets to European colonies. They were already the second strongest naval power before the war. The only thing holding America back was isolationism leading to them having only a rump army.


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>half a year of 18hour long operation:


America didn't pull its industry out of its ass in 1939. All the European powers were dependent on colonies for raw materials and even if America hadn't been trying to break into those colonial markets the big empires would have crumbled as a result of Soviet aid to liberation movements. All WWII did was speed up American ascendency by maybe a decade or two.


> The state that "hates communism" has more Communist Party legislators in it than basically any Western state or even Ukraine itself. Nice try NAFO.

by this logic, Chile is already socialist because a bunch of ministers and deputees are from PCCh


early 90s


Is liberalism in itself revisionism of enlightenment values/ideas?


one could even say… negation


>Is liberalism in itself revisionism of enlightenment values/ideas?
no but it's gone through a form of degeneration. if socialism degenerated with isolation to a backwards state, liberalism degenerated with capitalism in its state monopoly stage


I didn't say America needed colonies. I said the economic conditions in America at that time required the expansion into new markets (European colonies).

All the outcome of WWII was that the Americans could tell the Europeans to fuck off home without having to fight over it.


It's the inability of the enlightenment to realize its own programme under its own contradictions.


Any guesses how badly did USS Eisenhower get hit?



So since both liberalism and socialism have their roots in enlightenment, is the one big difference between them that socialism managed to get rid of those contradictions while liberalism did not?


Cope and seethe, we got the DDR, but yeah I'm sure 100 years of "pushing the SPD left" would have really accomplished something lmao


Probably nothing but a pinprick, which was enough to puncture the illusion of invulnerability. Gunboat diplomacy is dead until they can reliably shoot down missiles with lasers or something.


>why do slavic nazis exist

No idea, Ideologies dont make sense anymore, everyone chose a new team

welcome to the 2020s, where chinese marxists are the best capitalists worldwide outcapitalisting burgerstan by the balls

Concervatives try to stall and say its actually okay to be gay and mexican this time, as long as you vote for le me candidate and let me use you as a tool to show on my podcast that im morally better than them demo kkk rats or this gay hating country i want to invade next because i have you as a model sapporter

Liberals send death threats to other liberals because they spoke russian or arabic or chinese online, cheer for a cluster bombing of a refugee camp because muh hostages or withold covid jabs to bengladesh during an outbreak because they said something nice about the evil axis.

Self described retvrn to tradition anti consumerist tradcath clean living kings buy and invest in shitcoins they know is famously used to buy droogs and degen online because its "based" or something

"Eat the rich kill the 1% class war now" Anarchist antifascists seeth at vietnam because it sentenced a millionare to death for corruption and death penalty is bad or show support in marches to zionistas

All while self described "kill tha jooish ruzzians" slavic ww2 reenactors and "buddhist tatoos" artists with experience in the IDF and a low position on shitler's aryan racial criterea, are fighting against people who fly the flag of the russian federation, the ussr and the romanov dynasty on the same tank


That's bullshit and it originated the way fake news about DPRK often do. One of the South Korean broadcasters (TV Chosun) said that it has this info from an anonymous ROK gov official and then these US retards from your transcript took it at face value. Neither DPRK nor Russia said that they're doing it. Something like it may happen, but for now we're clueless.


>Gunboat diplomacy is dead until they can reliably shoot down missiles with lasers or something.
Lasers and directed energy weapons are a meme and a the average US empire stan's cope. it's like a commercially available fusion energy of weapon technology, always ten years away but when it comes it will solve every possible problem that they have.


socialism claims to resolve contradictions in democracy, yes. what divides liberals and conservatives today is pretty much these contradictions.
accurate. incoherent ideologies of the post soviet east have become mirrored in the west


Liquid chemical lasers work for all of it but have different problems


When people bring up lasers they mean a system without consumables beyond energy so there are minimal costs to an intercept. Chemical lasers have the same problem interceptor missiles do.


They "work", but they really don't work as a reliable and practical weapons platform.


yea im "coping and seething" over the holocaust lol


>Is liberalism in itself revisionism of enlightenment values/ideas
This almost reminds me of something Trotsky said in 1931:
<The Great French Revolution was indeed a national revolution. And what is more, within the national framework, the world struggle of the bourgeoisie for domination, for power, and for undivided triumph found its classical expression. Jacobinism is now a term of reproach on the lips of all liberal wiseacres. Bourgeois hatred of revolution, its hatred towards the masses, hatred of the force and grandeur of the history that is made in the streets, is concentrated in one cry of indignation and fear – Jacobinism! We, the world army of Communism, have long ago made our historical reckoning with Jacobinism. The whole of the present international proletarian movement was formed and grew strong in the struggle against the traditions of Jacobinism. We subjected its theories to criticism, we exposed its historical limitations, its social contradictoriness, its utopianism, we exposed its phraseology, and broke with its traditions, which for decades had been regarded as the sacred heritage of the revolution. But we defend Jacobinism against the attacks, the calumny, and the stupid vituperations of anaemic, phlegmatic liberalism. The bourgeoisie has shamefully betrayed all the traditions of its historical youth, and its present hirelings dishonour the graves of its ancestors and scoff at the ashes of their ideals. The proletariat has taken the honour of the revolutionary past of the bourgeoisie under its protection. The proletariat, however radically it may have, in practice, broken with the revolutionary traditions of the bourgeoisie, nevertheless preserves them, as a sacred heritage of great passions, heroism and initiative, and its heart beats in sympathy with the speeches and acts of the Jacobin Convention.



>The reason you're wrong is simple. Russia did not drive globalization but acquiesced to it. Neoliberalism was supposed to revive the capitalist world after the 70s and for a time it appeared like it did. The lack of crisis and revolution in the West led to an inevitable Soviet collapse because its rapid expansion insofar as the chains of imperialism collapse created contradictions within the polynational union and its very immature satellite states
This is a big point of contention that probably results in many other disagreements. We know from practice that western states didn't have the military or any other power to expand their sphere of influence. The opposite happened in 1940s-1990s: western states were being kicked out of their colonies and even places like Iran. America was no exception: they were punished hard in the Indochina war.

The first exception we see is China in their "reform and opening up". Westerners didn't have nearly enough power to take China, CPC gave it over to their capital on its own with some conditions. This was entirely voluntary, a conscious action on behalf of the party that had many other options. For a given value of "voluntary", of course: if you believe that CPC is a bourgeois party, there can only be blind bourgeois interests and random factors. China is far more important than Eastern Europe (including Russia) because it has a billion more people. It's also more impactful on a per-person basis because Eastern European states didn't have nearly as much of a need to import capital.
This second exception was clearly less voluntary: the party was in a dysfunctional state since at least 1953, unable to understand and guide practice at all with the new lands campaign, corn, constant and relentless introduction of market elements that have been shown to be failures dozens of times. In reality, the recognition of Israel already shows that the party was well into its grave before Stalin died. While the west was involved, I don't know how they would be able to influence Khruschev and the new cadre into becoming liberals. It seems to be mostly an internal matter, self-movement. And even when the party was dead and rotting, the military was still ready to blow the west the fuck out (literally) and drive tanks over the burning ruins of Paris. The economy was growing quickly for decades with next to no western involvement, too. There seems to be no reason other than party incompetence (which itself has many causes, of course) for the change that happened. Porky didn't have power to get into USSR without being allowed in, they just tried in 1940s and it didn't go well.

SMO seems to just be return to the trend of westerners being blown the fuck out, as is natural, and not a good one at that. It seems that you think of the political climate we spent the last few decades in as if not legitimate, then revealing of some strength within the west. I disagree. I believe it is a symptom of decay of communist parties. You can only see the utter incompetence and weakness for so long before you understand that they had no hand in getting into this advantageous situation.


No, you're mixing up Deep Operations(That's the name, google it idiot) with Blitzkrieg. Both Germany and the USSR came up with doctrines which in similar ways use armour, mobility and strategic level depth breakthroughs in offensive operations. Now shut the fuck up and go back to reddit you retarded burger. Literal grade school level "but its fast so its blitzkrieg duuurrr!!!! russian no use armour, russian use meatwave!!!11!" level "knowledge" of history and youre trying to correct people too. pathetic. kill yourself.


Putin is chilling in Cuba with Gucci Mane while there respective clones do all the work for them.


Blitzkrieg and Soviet breakthrough were different in application. Blitzkrieg saw tanks thrown at enemy positions, which led to massive tank casuaties, then German infantry was sent to guard the neck of the breach. Soviets did the sensible thing of probing attacks with infantry, infantry pushing and breaking the "thin place", and then fresh tanks rolling into the breach.

Soviet tactic was not meatwave, Blitzkried is - both in initial tanks and later in the "neck" guards


Well, i probably sound like a schizo because I keep changing definitions. I meant this >>1899379 and in case of >>1899358 i meant "blitzkrieged" in the "rushed them down" sense


>Blitzkrieg and Soviet breakthrough were different in application. Blitzkrieg saw tanks thrown at enemy positions, which led to massive tank casuaties, then German infantry was sent to guard the neck of the breach. Soviets did the sensible thing of probing attacks with infantry, infantry pushing and breaking the "thin place", and then fresh tanks rolling into the breach.

jesus christ this is gonna be a lot of half truths to unpack. okay.
1. German tank wedges were not dumb, but actually very successful early in the war because the defensive strategy of the day had all the anti-tank guns spread out along the line of defense and so a wedge of like 50 tanks would be crashing through 1-3 AT guns on average. This changed only when the Soviets shifted from spreading out the guns to concentrating them in strongpoints, combined with extra firing positions, AT rifles and surrounded by mines and tank trap. the area inbetween strongpoints was mined also and THIS is what led to high tank casualties for the nazis at Kursk.
2. Doctrinally both Germans and Soviets used large, concentrated, armoured sprearheads made of tanks tanks(with mechanized/motorized infantry support) plus artillery and air strikes to break through. Parcelling out your tanks is what the Brits and Americans did, because their tanks were there for infantry support and not high stakes, large volume tank on tank battles. Late war the western allies never had to face large numbers of nazi tanks except at the battle of the bulge anyway, so it wasnt a huge problem.
3. Deep operations are NOT about pushing everywhere and then finding the weak spot, like you say. That's retarded. nobody does that. Look at Operation Bagration. Concentration of forces, tanks, supplies etc at the two main prongs of the attack. Artillery, Air Strikes, coordinated armoured assault with motorized infantry backup, encirclement. Now please at least watch a goddamn documentary(i know asking you to read a book would be too much anyway) and stop talking nonsense.



i have no choice because westerners rarely learn themselves so i have to keep correcting them. sounds annoying but having to hear completely nonsense pseudohistory for years and years and then watch people draw conclusion from it is more annoying


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>feels>reals ideology
>attracts feels>reals, incoherent people
First time?


You're an idiot, who doesn't know history. The biggest reason everybody initially agreed to to the Washington Naval Treaty was because nobody wanted a naval arms race with the United States.

>huge market share in cotton

>abundance of food that created price crises when exported
>70% of the world's oil production


I dont know about a lot of enlightenment era philosophy but our "liberal" government certainly betrayed the concept of the social contract for certain. Our government should provide something in return for taxation but they dont. They should offer a program of hope and human development but they dont. They lost the mandate of heaven pretty much as soon as the whiskey rebellion happened.


>chinese marxists are the best capitalists worldwide outcapitalisting burgerstan by the balls
Stop gifting our successes to the enemy you retard. China is winning because Socialism is a superior system, not because 'they are le better at capitalism'.


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Leg status?


The comments in that video are proof we live in the shit timeline.
Stalin didnt kill enough nazis.


Im so happy you guys used my Jackson edit. Im truly happy.


They used my Jackson edit. You can see the others here:



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>I wish you could post images on youtube for all those retards who quote patton.


Why are you being wrong? >>1899379 Read the fucking Frunze already

<While the underdog material position requires to trade territory for enemy corpses:

>Some tools are available for this. The first and most important of them is the training and education of our army in the spirit of large-scale maneuver operations.

>The size of our territories, the ability to retreat a considerable distance without losing the ability to continue the fight, etc., represent a favorable ground for the use of strategic maneuvers, i.e. off the battlefield. Our command staff should be educated mainly on the ideas of maneuvering, and the entire mass of the Red Army should be trained in the art of quickly and systematically performing marching maneuvers. The experience of the last imperialist war in its initial stage, as well as the entire experience of our civil war, which was primarily of a maneuverable nature, will provide the richest material for study in this regard.


I guess they learned that from the mutts in iraq with that abraps and bmw.
Is it normal that I feel like supporting russia more and more with every cringe cargo-cult shitshow zeliboba's goons and handlers put out?


It's totally normal to want to see humans behave dignified


Any of you faggots play WARNO? I hate that fucking game but I dont feel man enough if I dont beat it but its so fuckin hard. Micromanagement is killing me. My brain doesnt work like that.
>Enemy sees my recon
>Bradley spam is OP
>Tanks drive like retards
Optics are dogshit
>Bradley OP
>Bradley OP
>Cant reuse units (no reinforcements)
World in conflict was so much more fun.
<This war is basically WARNO. Fuck this war and fuck WARNO
>Major Müller, GIBT MIR MORPHIUM!!!1!
<Also fuck Cold Waters, my torpedos are too slow and have traah homing and the enemy hears everything. But enemy torps lock on to me like a feisty hooker from suriname.
<Fuck submarines, I hate you


Can I offer you a nice map game?


If you say Hoi4 (starfullah spit on that game) I will launch a kinzhal at you. I built an AI to play it for me since i was too stupid to micromanage it.
>Now I have to figure out how to do it in WARNO
<Teach me your ways senpai oppai


Fuck patton. His death was one of the few things the US gov did right. Muh wrong enemy. What a loser kek


You could attribute his words to a Nazi, and nobody would notice.


Just look at how he and MacArthur crushed the American veterans of the "Bonus Army". Both were crypto-fascist goons.


China did a working NEP. High level capitalism is socialism on production/logistical level, its marxism 101, you just cull the private appropriation of profit and imit ownership of the means of production. Next step is just get rid of the "owner" through state (quasi)ownership, the system stays the same basically.


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But wait there is more:
>The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European, but an Asiatic, and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other Asiatic characteristics, the Russian have no regard for human life and is an all out son of bitch, barbarian, and chronic drunk
Indistinguishable from NAFOids


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>amerikkka is an imperialistic fascist regime at the core, elites are reproduced according to ideology
surprise to fucking nobody


Stupendous analysis and understanding of things. Bravo.


Which war are we discussing?


TIL Zyuganov has received medal of Stolypin from Putin https://www.vedomosti.ru/politics/articles/2024/04/24/1033746-zyuganova-nagradili-medalyu-stolipina

Stolypin was a guy who ordered mass hangings of revolutionaries in the aftermath of 1905 failed revolution


>The Stolypin Medal is an encouragement for merits in solving strategic tasks of the country's socio-economic development, including the implementation of long-term projects of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of industry, agriculture, construction, transport, science, education, healthcare, culture and other areas of activity.

>The Stolypin agrarian reforms were a series of changes to Imperial Russia's agricultural sector instituted during the tenure of Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin. Most, if not all, of these reforms were based on recommendations from a committee known as the "Needs of Agricultural Industry Special Conference," which was held in Russia between 1901 and 1903 during the tenure of Minister of Finance Sergei Witte.

Most likely this is the connection giving the medal its namesake significance.


What philosophy do you know?


why do trump have patton's eyes


they're practically twins in all respects, from appearance to reactionism to prancing queen behaviour


I'm not wrong. What do you think Soviet pre-war Mech Corps were for? Memes? Let's put all these tanks and motor infantry into one big unit to then disperse along the front again? Oh and before you return with first google search result headlines for "Red Army Mechanized Corps" as arguments: They were not dissolved/destroyed cuz of concept, but cuz of unit structure. Too many tanks and not enough trucks to supply them all led to a logistical nightmare that caused losses in itself and made existing losses worse. Mech Corps were built wrong, but for the right purpose. This is why when it came time to stack large amounts of tanks late in the war, they made type of Mech Corp that worked and called it a Tank Army.


Mech Corps were just understrength, lmao. They were reformed into smaller but full-strength units


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Oh, and by the way, check out Soviet CAVALRY corps. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B9%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BF%D1%83%D1%81_%D0%A0%D0%9A%D0%9A%D0%90

Soviet cavalry corps had more tanks (128) than German tank divisions (126), lmao. Disregard retarded anti-Soviet propaganda about Soviet losses, they just assign to Soviets as much losses from any sources as possible, while German losses are an unholy excercise in necromancy and half-tanks

Look at the situation from a materialist point of view. If you want Soviet units that did similar-ish maoeuvres to Germans in 1941, it was Cavalry corps, they did breakthroughs and rear operations, a lot like those were used during the Civil war. As for Soviet "proper" tank divisions, those had a different purpose, as you can see from the unit composition


Putin said US will pay for the recent Dagestan terror attack. Did he actually do anything yet ?


>Actually doing something against westoids
That's a good one

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