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 No.491424[View All]

Old Threads:
>Protests started for gas prices raise two days ago
>Rapidly became widespread
>Government resigned few hours ago
<Protestors started storming palaces of government and institutions all around the country
>CSTO called in, effect unclear yet
>no response yet from the west
Old thread full, continue discussion here
559 posts and 98 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


New thread Once this one hits 600 posts


>socialist metaphysics

Based. Assuming dogmatic retards need to check themselves and refrain from jumping to conclusions. Materialist analysis must be upheld.

Great post.


Here's hoping. At least they can use the unrest as a lesson in class consciousness for the Kazahkstan working class.


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This is some pretty metal shit, protesters using cops/soldiers as human shields


>pause at the end to slide down the hill a bit
lmao how whimsical


No the point is that this vulgar position that if it's muh workers doing it, it must automatically be good and you don't have to take anything else into account.


China is also imperialist, in fact they will be the new imperialist superpower that needs to be beaten back by the international proletariat unless they return to a socialist line of development and reject national chauvinism


And if you seethe at people simply being anti-US, what does that make you?


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18 cosmonauts dead


(you): *supports Nazi Germany and imperialist Japan*


In current conditions, China is incapable of being imperialist. The United States absorbed the European imperialist apparatus that was left in tatters after the second World War creating a single, super-imperialist entity which basically holds a monopoly on imperialism. All the major imperialist institutions are now under one umbrella and international law basically only allows for US-NATO imperialism. Wannabe imperialist institutions cannot grow because they're muscled out by US-NATO and cannot be enforced because they'd come into conflict with US-NATO and would immediately lose, and lose in such a way that would be several times worse than whatever they were trying to gain by enforcing their imperialism.


Check this out comrade, courtesy of based news anon: Statement by the Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan on the situation in the country
In a statement about the large-scale mobilizations and protests in the country, the Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan calls for international solidarity to the demonstrators and demands the withdrawal of troops from the cities, the resignation of all Nazarbayev officials, the release of all political prisoners and detainees, the legalization of the Communist Party and trade unions, as well as the nationalization of Kazakhstan's entire extractive and large-scale industry.


Communist countries cant be imperialist


Anti imperialist UK stands in solidarity against violent terrorist rioters challenging the Kazakhstan revolutionary government.

We must follow the party line and call for the Russian troops to put down these hooligans and restore LAW AND ORDER!



Imperialism does not require gunboat diplomacy. China can just outbid the west for market share in the comprador regimes, as they are doing now.


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>pre-WWII international politics are exactly the same as post-WWII international politics
There were no competing imperialist powers after WWII, the entirety of the imperialist apparatus was absorbed by the United States. So, before WWII, you could have a nation that opposed the US, but was imperialist itself. Now, that's impossible, opposition to the US is opposition to imperialism because only the US-NATO empire has the capacity for imperialism, it essentially holds a monopoly on empire.


I agree. They are not communist or socialist.


Not true. Example: France in Africa.


Not even the CPC themselves says they are communist, they say they are in the early stages of socialism.




I will say it again:



>comprador regimes
I don't see the Chinese overthrowing governments. Nor do I see their version of the NED.


I haven't see it either but they do utilize and fund comprador regimes like in the Philippines


> they do utilize and fund comprador regimes
The Philippines is funded by China? Really?


France is a part of NATO, the American imperialist bloc.


t. Karl Kautsky



They also sell arms to India. Actually they make deals or outright collaborate with many states that are killing maoists.


Okay sure, fair.


Kautsky lived before WWII. If he said something like that, it was wrong for the time he lived in, but came true after WWII. Things change, you see. It's wrong to read theory like the Bible and assume that imperialism is and will always be like how Lenin described it in 1917.


Just like it's wrong to assume that the conditions which predominates in the immediate postwar conditions apply today.


>give citizenship (and therefore rights) to migrant laborers from Kazakhstan
Yeah, not gonna happen


The only significant thing that changed after the postwar period is the collapse of the USSR, which massively strengthened the position of the US-NATO imperialist bloc. US-NATO is *stronger* and *more hegemonic* than it was in the postwar period.


Lenin had a party, these guys have a book club.
What they're saying in the post is that they don't currently have an organization sufficient to do shit about the protests one way or another.




where is the riot kino


>Why can’t burgers do this?
Something something the poor something something something temporarily embarrassed gorillionaires…
t. Steinbeck maybe


"The US holds a monopoly on imperialism"
>Israel has entered the chat
>Saudi Arabia has entered the chat
>Turkey has entered the chat
>Iran has entered the chat
And that's just MENA. And I'm probably forgetting some country too.


Iran is not on the same level as first three.






Yes, and?


I'm saying it's not good to make that equivalency.


Things are shaky right now so they are playing it safe, at least with their families.
But it shows that this is more than the sunday protest, and more than some gilets jaunes.
what is the current info on the bloc intervention?


>those shields
We're about to see some kino this year.


Meanwhile, which communist party is not supporting it? That's right, CPUSA lmao.


Unlock the fourth thread uyghur jannies


right now the KKE is the only major ML party officialy supporting this i think the other parties are still debating


when I said not supporting I mean supporting the Kazakhstan government, sorry


go go go

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