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I ran into this conspiracy theory when it was mentioned offhand but couldn't find much information on it. The only video I could find was this one on youtube with some pretty small views. Googling shows brings up articles from financial websites and bitcoin sites all making fun of the conspiracy. All linking to videos that no longer exist on youtube.

So I watched this video and looked into it, no one knows who created Bitcoin it just appeared one day in 2009. It's an open source software that is generating billions but more importantly it generating tons of computing power. This isn't a serious thread but it's fun to think about a rogue A.I using speculative capitalisms to trick humans into creating the infrastructure it needs to take over the world. Theres a lot of coincidence particularly the fact that the creator of Bitcoin is a mystery. The fact that this conspiracy when search the SEO brings up sites from finance website and bitcoin sites first and that most videos about this have seemed to have been scrubbed. The hardest thing to believe is the limitations of technology in 2009 and obviously seeing what passes for A.I to this day. But that can also be explained that an Advance A.I would pretend to be dumber than it is. What do you guys think and how would this be overcome by a socialist society?
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Maybe they can't control events that completely, maybe WWII was meant to be a collective learning experience for humanity, maybe Solid-State civilization ETs caused it.


Use ochams razor: is the idea of a currency backed vy little stupid cryptographic puzzles more likely to have been made by a super advanced AI, which then did nothing else, or is it more likely to have been made by some ancap math nerd? Another question, if this is some sort of "AI is inventing crypto so we would start making AI infrastructure" thing, don't you think the AI is a bit dumb? Because crypto is an industry backed by wasting electricity and frying advanced tech components monthly through overclocking.


By wouldn't this ancap nerd want to cash in on one of the biggest cash cows around? Who creates a billion dollar industry that prints money and just dips out?


Someone who accidentally deleted their wallet


The wallet doesn't matter, they could patent blockcahin technology. Create a new rival coin with their name backing it or be an elon musk figure game the market with their epic tweets. If you also look into the people suspected of creating bitcoin or claiming to create bit coin it's all kinds of sketchy. It's a lot of half truths and one big question mark.

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The nukepill is the hardest thing to accept. Nukes aren't real. It's impossible to create a chain reaction like that even with "refined" material. That's why once nukes started to get into the range of "so big that we couldn't physically make enough TNT to simulate it" all the tests went underground and were hidden, then simulated with computers. There were never any nukes, it was all just a big back and forth of propaganda to keep populaces of america and russia in line post-WW2, and now the world pretends they exist to try to stop world powers from fighting while they mongrelize every population into servile drones with no history or class consciousness. Nukes aren't real. Wake the fuck up and stop being paralyzed by fear before you lose your whole nation, culture, and history. That means everyone, everywhere, not just one group of people.
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hahahaha gem


If anyone lied to him, it was the Ministry of State Security.


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The original is the classic ol' Spicy Snake


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That's not the original.


young Earth creationism and why it is the most stupidest shite existence that even Christians hated It
>>Young Earth creationism is a far-right conservative belief seek's denounce anything to do with evolution.
>>And trust me it has some of the most stupidest shit in existence
>>Like Noah's ark having a mother Fucking trex and the occasional homophobic transphobic anti-communist racist shit.

>>And these people have a museum and a so-called the replica of the Noah's Ark

>>>They are so stupid that a liberal YouTube scientist nerd was able to debuk everything in front of their exhibits

This is worse than PregarU

I might actually even expect them to work with PregarU

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RIP Thich Nhat Hanh I barely knew ye (still don't know ye, literally who)


literally who?

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ITT: post things science cannot explain (yet)
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>Really takes away any meaning from that image.
It really doesn't


They weren't white because that concept didn't exist yet.


While technically true why does this argument only ever get used when it's white people never when it's black and brown people in question?


how were they white


Because saying it was black or brown people who did the pyramids is just saying it was people from Africa. The people saying white people did it are literally saying that it was muh hyperborean ancestors, i.e. an attempt to establish cultural/ethnic continuity between modern "whiteness" and sense of a white nation with a (fictional) white nation of the forgotten past. The people saying PoC built the pyramids aren't saying they were build by ADOS or other post-colonial subjects in the African diaspora. It's not an explicit projection of contemporary racial politics onto the ancient past - it's a repudiation of that.

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On the surface Christianity would appear like the most average Abrahamic no ordinary religion like any other on this planet and most Christian’s treat it that way yet when one looks even moderately deeper into the ideas behind it it’s reall really un ordinary especially when compared to other religions.

Angels do not look anything like what middle age era art and other angels depicted in other religions look like but rather hyper abstract half synthetic half mechanical figures twisting in ways that defy modern information on physics and geometry, and whatever god in this religion is presented as isn’t thought of as some absolute figure of love goodness or any sense of idea but rather as a tyrannical monster that openly support mass killings to fit whatever is defined as holy based off multiple authors.

There isn’t actually a clear idea or message presented in any of the texts removed from the King James Version of the bible and the book of Enoch somehow predicted Jesus and the fall of Rome centuries before the event took place, Ecclesiastes is one of the most existential pieces of literature ever written as it reveals the meaningless of human existence and the only relief man sees is a rush of dopamine after what feels like endless suffering an idea that’s been confirmed countless times especially after the invention of steam engines on social life.

Delve even deeper into this weird ass religion and there’s evidence that this religion predates the rise of Judaism with stone art from texts in really archaic forms languages found in MENA east Africa and Southern Europe in the form of sea scrolls discussing ideas about god knows what.

This religion has me interested not in being religious myself but understanding why it’s even as weird as it is in its state, and makes me wonder how old it actually is and how much of what man understands about this odd religion is being blocked off from earlier evidence lost to nature.


>Delve even deeper into this weird ass religion and there’s evidence that this religion predates the rise of Judaism with stone art from texts in really archaic forms languages found in MENA east Africa and Southern Europe in the form of sea scrolls discussing ideas about god knows what.
i cant find anything about this, any pointers?


christian theology is pretty clearly sublimated platonic philosophy


Neoplatonic is different from Platonic.
For instance, plato believed that a good life is a life of happiness, or eudimonia. And really, what is a more enlightening thing to bring joy to oneself than chasing the form of good?
Augustine saw this as rather short sighted. He believed the human soul to be eternal, so your life on earth was rather miniscule compared to eternity. For him, it was important to set oneself up for the afterlife, and if that meant suffering to avoid sin, then so be it.

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Let's talk about dreams interpretations and psychonaut experiences.

i used to not believe in that or at least that's what i said
in my religion my family is usually gifted the psychic ability
my mother can channel spirits tho i haven't heard about her experiences
i personally can predict the future with dreams
i often dream about stuff that will happen and it can be scary because it can be kinda cryptic and symbolic at times
but some other times can be explicit and accurate
just a year ago i predicted my cat's death
i also believe he was trying to say goodbye in the same dream.
i hadn't seen him in at least 2 weeks since he lived with my mother at the time
but the moment i had that dream, it seems around the same time he had know he was gonna die.
which is why the next day he also wanted to say goodbye to the rest of my family.
the next day he was taken to a veterinary for surgery because apparently he was hurt.
but halfway through the surgery he died.
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My grandma has prophetic dreams ,my grandpa died a week ago after having a seiries of health problems ,a month ago he fell and broke his hip, the night prior to that my grandpa had seen a dream of an empty grave inside the house in the exact spot my granfather fell.
My uncle when he had a motocycle accident saw his dead graparents while sleeping in the hospital, his grandpa laying in the middle of the empty place the dream took part in ,his grandma said 'Leave this place now" ,he survived


Is your grandmother Vanga?


Testing if I'm banned


Same. It's common. They say there are tricks you can do to keep from waking up.


Just saw a dream where I smashed a glass vase to a nun's face, killed several cossacks, found out Lenin had an ufo and ran away from Trotsky in a power struggle. Sadly, the dream ended there. It was really vivid as well. What should I make of this?


NASA 2024 moon landing jeopardized because space suits aren't ready

If they did it more times in the past, why are they developing again the necessary technologies?
They still use Soyuz rockets to bring spacemen on the ISS, but they allegedly had the technology to bring them to the moon.

>B-but the people who had the know-how died so they need to do the work all over again

Yeah, sure.
>B-but they didn't it again because there is no incentive to do it anymore
There is no economic incentive in space exploration at all, that's why SpaceX is in deep red and basically only takes public funding. Also owning a base on the moon is a big strategic advantage.
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>so HD, steady and 'clean', something that was simply impossible back then using plain photography
Go get yourself a medium format camera, you'll be surprised how good the images will be (and by good I mean "better than any consumer APS-c digital camera in 2022"). The cleanliness and steadinees are directly proportional to sensor/film size, and with 60x60 mm frame MF is 125 times better than your iphone 6.4x4.5 sensor.
Add ultra-bright direct sunlight, unobsured by atmosphere, to the equation and you have the best photo setup imaginable.

>limited zoom and focus capabilities, being handled by massive, unwieldy suit fingers turn out perfectly?

You don't know shit about photography and consider a team of engineers dumber than you at the same time. Film drive was electrified and automated, control rings on lens fitted with glove-friendly tabs, lighting was plentiful - you set the aperture at f/8, focal range at 5-10 m, exposure at 1/1000 and fire away - from ~1 m everything will be in focus, crisp and clean.


I'm trying to explain how hard it is to get that "it": actors working on complex set for hours, zero crew fuckups, synchronised radio relay on the Moon and on Earth/Moon trajectory. So hard to fake it's easier to actually go to the Moon and film there.


I know, was just saying that one of the big things is broadcasting would be easier than filming. Another anon asked specifically about filming.


From a purecly technical point of view - yes, otherwise no, because you can't post-product and have only 1 chance. Whatever, the arguments apply both to filming and to broadcasting equally.


>To film a movie continuously, in one shot, is very hard
<it's really hard to take a grainy video camera and film shit fucking around
This kind of work is a pinnacle of the camera operator mastery
If you're filming a documentary using high resolution cameras and need to keep extreme details in check. The Apollo videos, particularly the first one are not that, they're grainy, blurry videos of people fucking bouncing around on "the moon" and doing some shit to the module. THAT is not hard to film in a single shot.
>synchronised the whole action with the real-time radio transmissions
You do realize that they have the perfect excuse of "communications delay" due to distance yes? You can easily put aside discrepancies in video/audio communication synchronization to that.

>In 60s it would be easier to actually sent man on the moon than to produce such elaborate cinematographic hoax

Y'all are REALLY Underestimating the toughness of fucking ROCKET SCIENCE. People use the idiom "its not rocket science" for a fucking reason. I urge you to rad some Soviet books on preparing for a space walk and the thousands upon THOUSANDS of people it took to set up every aspect of it, the immense calculations unaided by any modern computer and the need to PERFECTLY align parts in rockets and space capsules and space suits and everything else so that the mission doesn't literally go kablooey. Space technology didn't progress that fast in the USA.

> The cleanliness and steadinees are directly proportional to sensor/film size, and with 60x60 mm frame MF is 125 times better than your iphone 6.4x4.5 sensor
I don't have an iphone, but ok faggot. And this is all technical specs. In perfect conditions smartphones are supposed to have super-HD photos, but conditions are never perfect and you're going to get degradation - grain from lack of light, blurriness from motion, blurriness from an unfocused camera, etc. In non-digital cameras this matters too, hell matters even more back then since there existed no auto-stabilizers, no automatic focus, etc. The cameras used to take the "Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I want to say that we should uplift dolphins? Why not because they are already pretty smart and look how swol they can get man, you have no idea. We as Posadists should do this as having space comrades seeing with have swolephins will only make them like us more.


why not sharktits


>we should uplift dolphins?
we should figure out how to do that


If anything, the dolphins would be uplifting us.


You sure the Dolphins should be uplifting us? I mean it would make sense to always eat fish and take a swimmy swim in the Vacuum of space, so long and thanks for all the fish.

Agreed Comrade and lets make them fucking Swole as fuck to show their dominance.


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Einstein had a flying car in 1931.


A jew just flew over my house!



Har har har. "jews" Good one, anon.

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