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Does anyone find it weird how the day after the media has said China is preparing to attack Taiwan, we see a terror attack by a Chinese against Taiwanese?
>Authorities: Gunman in deadly attack at California church was Chinese immigrant motivated by hate for Taiwanese.


the gunman was literally from taiwan

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9/11 happens every year


so true sis


Moved to >>>/siberia/242012.

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What's your favorite conspiracy theory and to what degree de you believe in it?
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cough up the spreadsheet


Don't have it, that's the only screenshot I could find of it after I heard it circulating.


I believe in a secret conspiracy against me, bitch, because I was told there was a secret conspiracy against me, bitch


Cool it Jessie

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What is the real story of September 11, 2001? Was it an op? Did they let it happen? Was it actually just gross incompetence? What do you think and why?
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You don't need evidence to condemn an institution if you can show how its mechanisms of operation necessarily establish a pattern of behavior. Glowies have committed so many crimes of the same nature that they are guilty until proven innocent.


> show how its mechanisms of operation necessarily establish a pattern of behavior.
especially a pattern of obfuscating past behavior


man, this video with the fed just "standing by" is really funny, they really don't know how to be inconspicuous


My only hope for this one life is that the truth gets out one day and the US establishment gets lynched over it.


They won't be lynched because the actual people involved will be dead and Americans are deeply servile people despite their LARPing surrounding their revolutionary origins.


This thread is for investigating occult and magical methods for bringing about a leftist cause.

This is certainly not anything new, as something that promises as much power as magic will always be linked with politics. In fact there are a few interesting stories surrounding this that goes beyond tick-tock ‘witches’ trying to hex trump or something. Rosicrucianism itself had many ties with revolutionary politics, because it’s ideology was based around bringing an esoteric revolution upon the world itself, but one manifestation of this ideology was the Order of the Elus Coen. Now make no mistake, this order was full of aristocrats and slave owners, hardly revolutionaries - but strange coincides were abound concerning this order. The order, unlike orders such as the Golden Dawn, was not only focused on bringing about a change within the members themselves but also bringing about a change in the outside world in order to reintegrate it back from it’s fallen state. They would exorcise demons, bringing them back into the light with power of angels. All in all, they wanted to hurry up the process in which Christ would return and the will of God be fulfilled. That in itself is simple, but there is a strange timing to all of this. The order was located all around France, and was founded in 1767 and officially lasted until 1781 (though it still unofficially existed for some time) - 7 years before the French Revolution. One important member, and close apprentice of the founder (Martines Pasqually) was enthusiastic about the French Revolution despite being an aristocrat, calling it ‘a miniature of the Final Judgment’ and God’s will being made manifest. May I ask, could it be?

Occultist and member of the OTO Grady McMurty wrote a thesis linking Marxism and magic, which you can read here
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Tl;dr: it’s never incompatible with leftism, just your version of it. Which is fine concerning you and you only, but don’t go around claiming your specific internal philosophy is the only leftism there is.


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The occult is in no way, shape, or form incompatible with Leftism. Esoterica has usually been the force in mainstream religious movements pulling the rank and file away from reactionary lurches.

>"But anon, isn't the occult the purview of feudalist cultures?"

Sometimes. But just because something was associated with them doesn't mean there's an inextricable link. The esoteric system of the Egyptians and their palace economy was the closest thing to a socialized system in the ancient world (provided we ignore that palace economy implies a hereditary monarchy with totalized ownership of product). While some may point to Tibet as an example of this, your common monk has no more political power than anyone else, and the Lamastic government in Tibet need not be the only system, and it certainly wasn't when Padmasambhava went there, and even for a few hundred years afterward - it was the egalitarian force disrupting society and thus was subject to suppression by Bon proponents. China even seems fine with Vajrayana so long as it's not actually propagating nationalism, actively supporting the Dorje Shugden factionalists - whether or not you view this as simply a wedge to divide and conquer, they are doing it. In Germany, though the Winter King, Frederick the Elector Palatine, was CERTAINLY a ruling aristocrat, his interest in alchemy was a liberalizing force given his belief in an esoteric utopia. In England, tradesman cults like Horseman's Word, Miller's Word, and the Bonesmen were essentially primitive trade unions, gating membership by passing through occult rites, securing wages against exploitative bosses, and they would eventually contribute to Traditional Witchcraft movements that have now become quite popular.

>but what about the idiots

Buddhist logicians moved away from binary logic thousands of years before we would. Their theorists of mind have a stronger grasp on cognitive psychology than our clinicians. Abhinavagupta was a polymath whose insights to aesthetics are largely responsible for codifying India's methods of dance and music giving rise, many steps removed, to Bollywood Newton was interested in alchemy. Dee was one of England's foremost mathematicians and intellectuals and held discourse with angels. Hegel may have had some interest in the HePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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National socialism is occult politics looks like


NatSoc bullshit is all about aesthetics. None of them know what the Sonnenrad actually is beyond maybe a sun symbol because one they don't actually know semiotics and two the archaeological record has the object as a decorative item of really vague provenance.

NatSocs are appropriative. They will take anything and everything and try to forge an imagined legitimacy. Hitler's own statements on religion appear to have been tailored to his audience in that very moment, pro religion in one speech, anti in another, generally with a negative view of the occult itself, but appropriating some symbols for his public shows of power. Some chucklefuck's might have gone to Tibet in search of the True Aryan Race but none of these people gave a single watery shit about what those people believed, practiced, or thought, they just took some skull measurements and fucked off. Hitler wasn't out here promulgating the Dharma for the benefit of All Sentient Beings he just slapped a symbol on his flag that he thought looked kinda cool.

In a roundabout way this is the same problem we see with like Andrew Chumbley (a trad witchcraft dude) in the occult community - he put out some texts that, if you squinted, maybe seem dark and sinister but really legit are not. These materials were then appropriated by edgelord Klipot "theistic satanist" assholes so now when people see Chumbley's work they point at him and say SEE he's a Darque Edgelord when it's extremely not the case. And we're letting the NatSocs do the exact same thing by staking out ownership over a symbol set and field of study that probably covers close to two billion people if we count all the systems that have a swastika in their iconography plus "Western" esoterica in the broadest general sense.

If we let the Nazis, historical or extremely online, own everything they brush their grubby little fingers against we're going to be living in a rapidly shrinking world until not even praxis remains and all we're doing is shitposting on a niche webs— Oh. Wait. That's already happening. While I would debate the merits of individual folks trying to talk the Esoteric Hitlerists off the cliff (it certainly isn't worthwhile for everyone to be doing - one nerd should not be your praxis), it cannot be denied that having folks well versed in some of this shit placed in esoteric communitiePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Petntagon releases 1500 page report about how the Ayys have been knocking up our sloots and then flying off and not paying child support. What can earthcucks do to stop the Ayylmao chad menace?

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>the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) honored the request by releasing more 1,574 pages of material to The Sun
They couldn't have picked a worse newspaper?


meanwhile, at CIA headquarters


I'm becoming increasingly convinced the US military is actually prepping the public for disclosure probably in the next few decades.


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presumably it's them who made the FOI request in the first place

all this UFO shit in the past few years is just an excuse to spread more disinfo though, like celebrity news, just distract the public into oblivion

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I'm not sure why psychics, tarot readers, clairvoyants, empaths and the like get "debunked" as cold-readers, as if that's a common skill.

Being a cold reader is very impressive on its own. It means you can pick up someone's thoughts or feelings from their body movements and how they answer (more than what they say) alone. Even if psychics are fake they can sometimes tell people exactly what they needed to hear. It's a bit like an untrained therapy.


Remake thread
Original thread (only part of it): https://archive.fo/QdkVE

I wanted to collect a list of numerous ww2 events and deep lore that I could find, ranging from known to unknown to full schizophrenic, if you know any obscure events that aren't on the list, feel free to add them here, bonus for non-german lore.
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Strategic Bombing by the allies was mostly ineffectual until 1943 and the Norden Bombsight was an ineffectual Gimmick

The Solomon Island Campaign could have been a catastrophe

A French Pilot went Commando on Gestapo HQ

The Preparation for D-Day resulted in a disaster… yet the Germans never realized that it had been a preparation for Normandy.



Sauce on pic rel?


>The gay swastika has become real LMAO


Ok, WTF happened with the MY370 airplane?
Was it really hijacked electronically because of corporate interests?


Don't worry they have been liberated and taken to the trotskyist Space Commune

the civilians will be treated very well don't you worry because you will be liberated soon



I think the theory is that NATO glowies at Diego Garcia are responsible, with the target being some people on the plane that were either taken to the black site or killed in a crash.

Mahathir Mohamad thinks it was remotely hijacked and the media are fairly reticent to talk about Boeing or the CIA's possible involvement.


Were any of the passengers people of interest?


this actually makes a lot of sense. trans-oceanic flights are especially advantageous because you don’t have to worry about specific territorial laws about extradition or whatever

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Harvard professor Avi Loeb has long been outspoken about taking the search for extraterrestrial life more seriously. In an eyebrow-raising quest, he’s often even exhorted his colleagues to take UFO research more seriously.

Now, Loeb says he hopes to collect a “high resolution image” of a UFO within the next couple years, according to a new interview with the Guardian.

“I really want the next generation to be free to discuss it, and for it to become part of the mainstream,” Loeb told the paper. “My hope is that by getting a high resolution image of something unusual, or finding evidence for it, which is quite possible in the coming year or two, we will change it.”

Last year, Futurism talked to Loeb about his book “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth,” which purported that an interstellar object that drifted through our solar system in 2017 may have been an alien probe rather than a boring space rock. At the time, Loeb said many of his colleagues held UFO research at arm’s length and generally dismissed findings as natural events or the stuff of conspiracy theory.

“The scientific community can address a topic even if other people address it in a way that is not scientific and doesn’t make much sense,” he said.

Loeb heads the Galileo Project, in which a team of more than 100 scientists are establishing a network of sophisticated telescopes to scan the skies for extraterrestrials. According to the Guardian, Loeb’s first telescope will begin operation from the roof of the Harvard college observatory this summer, equipped with infrared cameras rolling 24/7, a radio sensor, an audio sensor and a magnetometer to detect non-visual objects.

“We’re taking a road not taken so there may be low hanging fruit, that nobody else picked because it was not taken,” Loeb told the Guardian.
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How would these probes(?) even make their way to Earth? Interstellar travel seems pretty impossible


tachyon drives, duh.


>zero responses
shame, go read Jack Vallee to cut through the nonsense and psyops


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I read his book a while ago but I was really stoned tbh. His theory is that these things are basically dreams manifested physically right? Like that's why their appearance changes so drastically to conform with the times.


Yeah, something of that nature. My take-away from his work was that the cosmos is actually a simulation or panpsychic-mental matrix in nature and that whatever the phenomenon is, its rooted in this fundamental nature of reality which human consciousness is also rooted in. It's like an alien arm coming out of the metaphysical and epistemological shadows to prime our beliefs and culture.

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