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Have any anons had spooky, apparently supernatural, or otherwise strange experiences?
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you should have staked them if you know what i mean


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Was followed for a bit by what I half believe was a phantom car on a stretch of rural road. It literally vanished into thin air in the few seconds it took me to look down at my dash then back up at my rear view. This was in an open field with no turnoffs and where I would have seen it quite clearly if it had pulled off onto the shoulder or done a u-turn.

I'm normally a skeptic but that drive's always weirded me out.


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I think you saw a road mirage, probably reflecting your car, or a car farther down the road… although it could be a literal phantom car.


>deja vu happens
deja vu happens because there is a slight delay between your two eyes at some point,so instead of just thinking that,your brain start doing mental gymnastics where it wasn't an actual problem,it just was something I already saw before ! and retroactively change your memory to correspond to that.
so you can never know if you really were precogniscient or if you're just on brain juice wild ride unless you somehow wrote your dreams somewhere before and then it happens and it correspond to what you have written.


This thread is dedicated in talking about the UFOs, how Area 51 has alien technology that was stolen from crashed UFOs, and the Space Comrades as we know them.

I will begin with my beliefs on the subject, first the Space Comrades are indeed real. Why do I think this, because one fuck the feremi Paradox, instead we have been looking for our Comrades in the wrong ways. If an Advance Civilization existed it most likely either too far away make reasonable contact. Second, using radio as a means of finding aliens is outdated, if you are so advanced you would not be still sending out radio waves through out the galaxy. Thirdly they have visited us in the distant past way before modern humans were a thing and just went on their ways. Final point is that if they are indeed out there they are actively studying us like the Grey Aliens do due to an treaty by Eisenhower to allow them study humans for exchange for weapons.

Now to get to the point of the Cosmic Horrors, space is so strange. That we don't even understand the universe as we like it and thus, because of this extreme unknown it causes one's mind to break. As there are the Great Old Ones out there slumbering Alien Civilizations waiting for their time to return to the forefront. These are the beings that we can't make sense. As we try to rationalize these beings, it only sends us into madness.
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>what is the ayys' endgame.
fulfilling the plot of X-files


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So Jamie Peck recently joked that aliens are watching us and they were going to give us space communism, but then they decided we weren't ready. Because we can't even overcome racism within our own species.

Do you think aliens are among us?


Yes, but I would be wary of assuming they're benevolent and have a conception of politics and economics that resembles human ideas.


>Aliens existed… but annihilated themelves


Ayy Lmao Boys space is fucking crazy and we will lose our minds thinking about it. But lets just say that what if the ayy lmaos have already sheded their fleshy bodies and basically became one with the universe and are basically a cosmic entity all of their own.

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So, how did the witches of reddit vs Allah fight go like?
Did they win?
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PBUH ALLAH For ALLAH is good ALLAH Is Great and eats sinners.


T A K B I R ! ! !


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Eris won


>I don't see Allah anywhere.
t. Atheist

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Be Gone spook!! >>13


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Bruh I want to hug Nessy and tell them its alright. You will get your tree fiddy.

Well you see the internet likes porn, so they so they make an anime girl out of it they will. Because people want to fuck ghosts. Dunno why but you know get your ecoplasma everywhere.

Ah shit here we go again.




Which conspiracy theories should I subscribe to as a leftist (aside from obvious ones like cointelpro or the JFK assasination and shit like that) and which one should I write off as schizo shit
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I was so pissed when I figured out soy wasn't actually feminizing and I was paying more for nothing but a less pleasant milk experience.


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>>479 (me)
I unironically fell for one of those "how to achive trap aethetics" guides, but I had no money or financial independence so I thought if I consumed as much soy as possible it would make up for not having any of the fancy teas and herbs.
I feel like the "soy is feminizing' thing was started by the soy industry to sell more soy.


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these two are standouts everyone should know about


What do you guys think of weather control? Cloud seeding is a thing so it's much more of a possibility. Do you think the US uses it maliciously or is this an excuse by climate change denialists who don't want Exxon mobil to stop giving them checks?
>mp4 of some 4chan pandering vtuber invalid


are ssri drugs mkultra triggers?

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We're all riding the Kali Yuga together. ITT worship Hyperborea, denounce the modern world, discuss magick, aliens, theosophy and Atlantis. Only for people of Indo-Uralic and Indo-Aryan origin, no semites and reptilians allowed. Praise Evola (pbuh) and Guenon (pbuh). Praise the sun. This is a shitpost
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Most of these "Übermenschen" are basing their entire ideology around LARP from 80 years ago (plus the HOI4 mod)


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>It is said that only when someone chants the Garuda Vashikaran Mantra will they extricate the Naga Bandham (snake binding spell) & only then can the door be opened. For it is said to be guarded by Lord Vishnu. And anyone would opens it will Die and a curse will be unleashed apon the entire world.

Furthermore it is believed that no sage exists of such holy caliber right now in this world to be able to chant the mantra. And that one day there would be born a holy child who is destined to open it.

IT makes me so mad that unknown riches and historically important stuff is hidden in shit like this and nobody can investigate it because of spooked morons

>muh curse

suck it up and go send an army inside


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According to one of the codices, Aztlan does seem to have been an island. It's also unrelated though because it's located in mainland North America and the Mexica(what the Aztec called themselves) left it in about the 11th century AD, way later than the date people give Atlantis to.


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I WILL move to Hyperborea


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