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Mod Edit: This thread is now archived on >>>/siberia_archive/1 so make a new thread. This thread will remain up until the proper re-archive is complete. (everything's ready and should be safe, just making a full backup just in case. will take a few hours)

Post muscular women, 2D is welcome as well as 3D
599 posts and 1641 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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That's it for this thread


You've done it. A toast to the OP.


Based and functional. Make sure to link-back in the OP and we can web archive this.


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no idea what you're talking aboot m8





what the fuck mods
why are they so horny


Ngl, I like toned and buff women. Is this some kinda strange tennant of leftism?


leftists generally don't care much about traditional gender roles and gender stereotypes so they're not spooked by the "muh submissive tradwife" meme that rightoids love so much
at least that's my guess


Hmmph…checks out now I just to find a strong women that can fracture my pelvis.


You could do that to yourself with a hammer


And I thought I was aroused by strange things. What would be the fun in that?


Whenever women around me talk about aging or health I have to resist the urge to tell them working out and even taking testosterone in middle-aged women does wonders because I have this fetish and if I ever get found out they're going to believe I said that because of that.


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based muscle girl anons ran away a woojaker
critical support


Why would you suggest T for middle aged women? Their whole problem is falling estrogen levels, getting on E is a great way to stall off aging.


so that they can get jacked


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T does horrible things to human body, getting a post-menopause woman on it is just going to turn her into an old guy.



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>start to feel lazy about hitting the gym
>see this thread

Thanks bros, eyes on the prize.


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>within the last ~100 posts
you mean the first


brb drinking all the water in the world


We can try and avoid the problem of cyclics erasing content by making an archive board.
Give feedback for this idea over in this thread pls -> >>>/meta/15242


How would you pay for it though?


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ok your turn now guys

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