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New burgerpunk thread since the last one reached bump limit a while ago.

Previous Thread: >>>/siberia_archive/1316
555 posts and 276 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


he was based


More sperm, means more semen needs to be produced for them to swim in. Also, the masculine look of pendulous large nuts even higher sex drive would be nice.

However I would cook it at least.



Because I want to look like a donkey, chicks dig it


Glad to see people are getting mileage out of those AI generated bourg images from that one thread :)


Did anyone put them in the booru?


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>we can’t go back to being the most spoiled kid on our block
And that’s a good thing!

>this is not consumerism



>literally Toys R Us
I only feel bad about the Toys R Us employees tbh. The company folded almost overnight with no warning to any of them.


I'm just waiting for this guy to start any moment kicking off about how its the jews who took this away


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And I thought the Jerry Springer stuff I was posting was cringe. Wish I could relate but I never got to join the club when I was a child so…


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Simple nostalgiafaggotry is just preachy and kitsch, but basing your entire political worldview on it makes it petty and pathetic.

Funny thing is, the concept artist who made that falls into the former category but this guy (ironically) projected his ideology on the artist's work and politicize it lol.


>Simple nostalgiafaggotry is just preachy and kitsch, but basing your entire political worldview on it makes it petty and pathetic.
It sums up the mind of the Millenial reactionary more than anything else.
Vid related


Only thing lame was the death of split screen gaming. I remember that happening while I was still a youth. I dunno like 360/ps3 gen? I dunno why TVs got bigger and games stopped supporting 4 player split screen.

Everything else still exists. The toy section at Walmart probably just got bigger and put Toys R Us out of business.

>wooahhh kids these days can't get a console for Christmas!

Pokemon cards were always kinda lame. I only ever collected them shit, but I remember how stupid it's supposed to be a card game but I never remember anyone ever playing a match(maybe it was just because I was younger and didn't know MS and HS kids) You were supposed to play with those little mancala beads and stuff. I never got into Yugioh and thought the art was puke worthy, but it was cool at least Yugioh nerds actually played.

Reposting from /usapol/
>got the holofoil Charizard
>doesn't put it in a hard plastic sleeve
>leaves dirty dishes on top of it
<Oh no, baby what is you doin.
But this got me thinking? How the fuck do you play with your good cards in the first place? Can you shuffle properly and all that with soft plastic sleeves? You could just leave little defects on the sleeve to tip you off. Trading card games are stupid.


>I dunno why TVs got bigger and games stopped supporting 4 player split screen.

because you can sell more copies with online only, and also developers were too lazy to figure out how to make splitscreen work anymore as it taxes the engine to render 4 views at once.


Newgene approves 👍


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Fuck I really do be missing the 90s. You zoomoids just wont experience that joy of blissful childhood consoooom


>just me and my merch



this is the same group of bugmen who make "consoomer" jokes at funkopopettes

is the artist who made this trying to evoke just nostalgia or is he also bitching about new things


Don't flood the burgerpunk thread with glowops. It's not as funny when you know it's fake.


Hehe. Flood. Because it's a piss related glowop.


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did somebody say



what was it?


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Nothing comrade.




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Wow. I'm in my early 30s, so I'm guess I'm the world's oldest Zoomer!
Anyway, what makes this nostalgia reactionary isn't just the naked gushing tribute to capitalism, its the era that he is expressing nostalgia for. The 1990s were hell on Earth for the vast majority of the population. Wokal Distance wishes, like the good reactionary he is to return "Home" - to the time when America was the unquestioned sole superpower, Russia was broken and defeated, China was far away and one could make Chechnya, Bosnia, Rwanda and Yugoslavia go away by changing the channel. In essence to return to the end of history. I myself grew up in the 1990s; of course I do feel some nostalgia. I am a human, after all. However, nobody should ever want to go back to the 1990s.


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the 90s were an era when my entire cunt was impoverished, crime skyrocketed, communism died, and the mafia was everywhere THOUGH


>millennial midlife crisis


<Aliens poster, Raiders of the Lost Ark poster, Terminator 1 poster, Predator poster, Scarface poster, Evil Dead poster, Ghostbusters merch, the Goonies poster, Bloodsport poster, Rambo 3 poster, Back to the Future 2 hoverboard
<Judas Priest Screaming for Vengeance poster, Anthrax '86 tour poster, Ozzy Osbourne The Ultimate Sin poster, Dio poster, Twisted Sister poster, Iron Maiden The Trooper shirt, Sabbath shirt, Wasp poster, Motörhead Road Crew shirt, Quiet Riot LP, Peace Sells LP, GnR poster, Dokken Under Lock and Key LP or poster, Slayer patch on jeans, Metallica MTV performance on tv where Hetfield has long hair
<NES, Commodore 64, OG Gameboy
>I really do be missing the 90s


Post fat kino






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Burgerpunk with chinese characteristic


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>angry land whale ranting about uyghurs on subway
>her tote bag says "DON'T WORRY, EAT HAPPY."


I’m glad that one guy at least tried to calm her down.


>Satanist-Turned-Evangelist Helps You Rise Above the Enemy!
>Many people, even Christians, deny the devil’s power. John Ramirez doesn’t have that luxury—he experienced the prince of darkness up close and personal.
>In the impoverished streets of the South Bronx, John Ramirez found “acceptance” from a family of witches and warlocks. These practitioners of dark arts trained him to be a high-ranking satanic priest. However, everything changed when he met his living Messiah.


Evangelicals will only ever stop when every piece of people's culture have been eradicated and everyone sing pop song about jesus in churches that look like a Taco Bell while a billionaire in a suit scream at them to make them purge the devil because lithurgy is satanic or something.
Theyre even worse than sunni muslims.


culture :)

but scabby the rat and that pig sharing the wealth is cool tho




Evangelicals make everything into a culture war. They personalize any disagreements/differences from secular/agnostics as immediate antipathy.

I remember growing up in the church when they were talking about how the government wants to remove theological quotes from their dollar bills and pledge of allegiance.

Or how they wanted to take Christianity out of schools replacing them with pagan religions. Being a kid I was sucked into it, UT it wasn't without a bit of indignation.

I notice that the evangelical cult always interprets national history as part of Christian post-biblical canon. All triumphs made by Americans was "grace of god". All failures was because "godlessness."

They're willfully superstitious. They look down on brown people while acting like the stereotypical strawman of said brown people.


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Impossible Whopperpunk


w*rlock is a slur, apologize to our wiccan comrades immediately


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didn't happen but it would be based if it did


New thread needed


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Burgerpunk of the suburbean variety

Unique IPs: 37

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