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 [Last 50 Posts]

New burgerpunk thread since the last one reached bump limit a while ago.

Previous Thread: >>>/siberia_archive/1316


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I had this in my hard drive


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we need to repurpose the suburbs as gulags


>Roman statue avatar
always, lmao


So trans supporters are fine?


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Well… in the garden of Eden, Eve used to be a man's rib




But I just like eating pussy tho


>eating the pussy give you cancer
Fuck, I’m gonna die


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Do anyone hav that video of a dancing cowboy commercial playing while journalists were commenting the Ukraine war?


>video 3 with the frog costume

that is the most class cucked shit I have ever heard.


eating pussy increases your risk of mouth and throat cancer because it increases your risk of HPV. But 90% of people end up getting HPV eventually anyway so it's kind of a moot point.


Plus there is a vaccine against HPV now.


>>3168 (me)
On second thought I might confuse with papillomavirus vaccine.


here you go


>Mercyful Fate tattoo

Somehow the most confusing thing about this shit.




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The first pic infuriates me.
I don't approve of smothering idealism onto children and justifying it with Bible verses. Especially if it's American pro-war rightism.


zizek really let himself go


since amerimutts circumcise their children, they train them to use lethal dick replacements from an early age


My favorite subgenre of youtube video is people getting very excited about mundane American things.


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Can somebody link the archive of it?




Noo not muh heckin paintjoberinos!


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A lidle burgegombiladion :DDDDD


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>sam hyde
what's his deal? is he a real neo-nazi?


very mundane. It doesn't look like a good restaurant at all. what an experience, everything about it is so weird.


They are just speaking facts, according to the science. The burgerpunk part is routine infant circumcision being done on about half the male babies. It may seem weird to people outside the US to focus on this angle (women's enjoyment of the penis) but it's a direct counter to the prevailing ideology that getting cut is better for women, and a common reason given by parents (including mothers) why they had their son cut (for his future wife).


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the burgerpunk aspect is having such little shame so as to wear that in public


he's a post-irony nazi basically


Where are you from, Saudi Arabia? Those are some pretty funny shirts, AND politically relevant.


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seems cruel to people who got circumcised against their will


true but it's worth it if it convinces guys not to let their sons get it


Is the previous burgerpunk thread archived somewhere? There was a lot of good content



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the /pol/ face one is just sad. anyone who chooses work over the death of their dad, isn't dedicated to their work, they just hate their dad
that aside, the kikomi comics from that twitteroid terf are pretty burgerpunk


TBH, look how they turned out, you can imagine how their dad was


I look like this and i do this



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same, shes literally me and this comic is so clever


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Is it 99.6% of all households in burgerville or 99.6% of all households that Fox determined as "poor"?


The latter



based i do this


We legit do not need any more males. If you are under 6 feet and/or under 6 inches by the time you are 18 (or so) you should be forced feminized.

End result? Everyone gets sex, no school shooters.


err bigger men = more brutes
big dicks are disgusting
force feminization of bigger men makes more sense. you're welcome.


Nobody is attracted to hairy balding gremlins of middling test levels.

If you're gonna be male, be very masculine. Anything less is loathesome.


>Nobody is attracted to hairy balding gremlins of middling test levels.
test is what makes you go bald lol


he's not very smart
Ok sweety. As long as you're into getting pegged or creampied, then you're good.



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favorite burger genre?


ngl that little caesars is a vibe


Noir burgerpunk and Cyburgerpunk for me.


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ikr?, the neon lights remind me of a neo-noir movie I watched long ago

i have a few more images that are slightly simmilar


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cringe outdated ads


>Ok sweety. As long as you're into getting pegged or creampied, then you're good.
what the fuck are you referencing schizo


wtf that last ad is dumb even without asbestos
>haha what a silly bitch I burned down the house again with my baby inside, lucky he's wearing this suit he'll be fine


man anglos were so fucking backwards socially in the post-war period. we had nearly full equality here then
>asbestos baby suit
holy based


honestly slavaburgerpunk is my fav, with furgerpunk being a close second


N-N-Necktie-sama I kneel AAAAIIIEEEEEEE


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Yea, Anglos are socially retarded to a T.
It's no wonder why Angloid adults are so easily plagued with insecurities.
If only the Spanish and French were stronger, America would've been more racially egalitarian.


amerimutt mfs be wearing ties in bed


when are we going to stop winning mongolCHADS?


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>It's real


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kinda hot tbqh


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I'm imagining the woman is into it and this is her kink.

I'd love to play abusive 1950s husband and spank my wife on her delicious bottom that I suck the turds out of.


You think that's weird? I'm self-inserting as the wife!
God, please someone step on me.


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like i have nothing against bdsm but filtered through burgeroid aesthetics it automatically becomes cringe. it's almost like an allergy for me, i see anglo - i feel worse


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Hip hop was a mistake


>booba and tummy jiggle


What the fuck is this


It's called line dancing.
I know people do this in Texas and north/north east Mexico. I've seen it in clubs in Texas too (clubbing scene sucks ass in most of the US btw). I believe it started as a country thing, but now it's done to all types of songs.
Mexican version normally played in 15 year old parties for girls or weddings:

Here's another at a mexican wedding (or so it seems):


>(clubbing scene sucks ass in most of the US btw).
That's because Americans were never big on EDM. It's only either hip hop, punk, country, etc.
The only way to wild out is hit the bar or go to frat places.
I hear in Europe they're more accepting of clubbing.


She had a fridge body.


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from ITG


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burgerstan is such a fucking zoo i love it


Clown country


Wait till the end.


>11 years ago


haha holy shit I can't tell if it's satire or fear mongering. it has the same feel as that 5G child with half their face skeletonized by a phone


The way I see it, liberal capitalists 'embracing diversity' (only to the extent permissible while remaining capitalist) is rich people realizing that if they don't let minorities that manage to get rich feel welcomed by the wealthy class as a whole. said wealthy minorities will continue to feel more solidarity with their working class peers and thus pose a considerable threat to capitalism, using their wealth to diamond tip the spearhead of the revolution. That using idpol and such to divide and conquer the working class is beginning to leave the capitalist class divided too.
This is why we really need to reject idpol and such among each other, because currently many working class people feel more solidarity with liberal capitalists than their fellow proles.


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>No more cigarette burns on my skin when I cry too much!
what the fuck

Is this an ad from MAD magazine? It has to be.


huh, I always assumed line dancing was done in a line, like a conga line or something.


Honestly one of the more mindblowing things about it


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when I worked in a supermarket it wasn't even this bad


when will middle managers work out that literally nobody wants shop assistants to accost them randomly when they're just trying to buy whatever, if people need help they will ask


i dont even know what this means


it's probably just about control


Queer eye is a tv program where they do make overs for people. It's an emotional experience, they try to find out how the people got into shitty positions to begin with and try to fix them at their roots while also giving them a jump start to change their life by making them own their new style.


It's not about what if the customer want it, it's about coercing the customer into buying shit by being an overtly friendedly yet monumentally pushy & annoying shop assistant


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That burger too big for her goddam head. If a burger exceeds handheld, comfortable one meal eating it's missing the point.


Who is this Sam, and why must we pray to them?


makes me want to ask for the manager just to call the manager a piece of shit for making them do this and record their ass for tiktok or whatever


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that pic is a literal sign of a collapsing society


I’m still in shock that mukbang wasn’t originally an American thing.



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Hes right idgi


Cocomellon for high schoolers.


>war would be good if we didn’t have refugees
Retarded but I prefer the retarded be anti-war at least.


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Wrong. We need more males. The problem is gynocentrism.
If anything, we need free range childhood and trun schools into trade workshops.


>doesn't contain near enough grease to satisfy the mongol diet.
that explains why Britain doesn't have a mc donald also


Is that tucker carlson segment real??


There is already more males than females (under 65 yo) we don't need more males.


why wouldn't it be




Burgerpunk Hall of Fame material


What causes presidential orangification? Golf?


This documentary "Questioning Darwin" is some burgerpunk kino.


Kek. Kkkrackers have to fake spray tan themselves from looking obscene, thereby validating the supremacy of brown chads


I am Big Uncle.


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what is even going on there. is it a protestor?


Liberalism was defeated by this internal contradiction. They won, potterbros. Orange man good.


Some workers strike


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Lol at the Subway one. I mean of course you know that managers watch the surveillance videos, but the fact that he did it as live entertainment for guests in his living room is chef's kiss.


Why I don’t pity smol porky


I dont even "support" shoplifting and other lumpen behavior but following some rando shoplifter for an hour while filming it and still calling the gops afterward is smallbusinessownerism of the hitlerian variety.
Like you either call the cops or you humiliate her to the entire internet, not both.


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breezewood forever!


This pic makes me imagine like an inverted dystopia… you know how there's the common motif of a sterile artificial environment but they put up photographs of a nice vista or they have wall-sized screens showing lush forests or majestic mountains? This pic makes me think of the reverse, where the interior architecture is actually really nice and comfy, like some solarpunk thing but then for some reason they hang up pictures of the shitty burgerpunk world just to have a little contrast and help people appreciate what they have a little more.


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The Walmart Sam is Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart (and Sam's Club).


…or it's a Canadian car mechanic's waiting room, and he happens to appreciate American car culture.


i want to murder her
i'd take a fucking rock and split her skull


Damn, that's a clip for the ages to pull out any time some idiot tries to claim how the world's problems would be fixed if we just put the lay-deez in charge.


Hey man thats some clever punishment though. Its better than calling the cops who will then stand around doing nothing.



She did called the cops after tho


For USA.


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breezewood forever!


>halo but capitalism is the flood and the good guys are parasitic hivemind worms


tag urself, I'm the exxon parking lot diogenes


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The moebius stroad.


>white kids
they are also all girls
karens in larval form


this is counteracted by the dramatic increase of anime stickers slammed on shitty pickup trucks


>omegle, the 4chan troll colony
there's your problem


File: 1661502668613.mp4 (4.75 MB, 540x480, Manicotti Americano.mp4)


Lmfao @ the gay voice racist.


Larva would be embroyonic.
Also, theres nothing I hate more than edgy white kids/adults whom use slurs to be funny without warning.


what in the fucking fuck is that


No it's the interior of a world-thong


honorary burgerpunk?


>cutting the fake cheese with SCISSORS
This shit is 100% intentional rage bait.
Still burgerpunk tho.


What's the purpose of the stuff she made and why is that man crying? I love american culture btw and wish to learn more.


She's pretty so it's okay.


Tucker must really be as thick as two short planks. I don't think he's joking here, even if the segment was written as a joke.


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>first vid
where is his neck?
>last vid
poor kid, being dragged into the fight


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Dude looks like a thumb


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Lol that guy is actually clever. That's a temporary tattoo or a photo of someone else or nicely shopped in. A new tattoo would be red and inflamed.



>4chan /gif/'s reaction to the first picture




Brooke Shields had an elaborate nude photo shoot in a victorian bath tub at age ten. I saw it back when it was still legal.


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so much pedophilia in anglo Saxon societies


based kevin


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>weeb trying to gaslight anyone other than grorious nippon as the uncontested capitol of pedophilia in popular media


the black obesity thing is unironically true
areas with a historically black population are underdeveloped and have less access to quality food, which is associated with a much higher level of consumption to get any nutrition from the shitty empty calorie foods

who mentioned Japan?
both are pedo af


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Lifted truck in NYC lmao



how long before we get automated active violence trained to shoot people laying down that accidentally lights up someone who trips


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For context its a fox news segment about unruly and lawless n words in chicago doing donuts… ON THE STREET! IN THEIR CARS!


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he looks like the perfect fusion of the american la creatura and an incel


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lmao a gay /pol/tard is gonna be president of chicago
there's still hope for burgerland





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what if the rapist enjoys girlcock?


Obviously fake because that would atract hate crime attacks


Hate crime simulator


>less likely



damn i kinda want an slightly autist gf


second pic look like goatse


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>A conservative Texas-based phone company is planning a takeover of political offices in the US state, starting with public schools.

>Patriot Mobile, which calls itself “America’s only Christian conservative wireless provider”, has been fueling an extremist conservative movement taking over curriculum in public schools across Texas.



>He was Florida's serial police impersonator, even starting his own mini-police force complete with 18 'cruisers' - and now notorious fake cop and registered sex offender Jeremy Charles DeWitte is set to be released from prison.
>Obsessed with being a law enforcement officer, DeWitte, 42, spent years posing as a cop in Central Florida, where he also recruited fellow cop wannabes to his small force, Metro-State Special Services, that was once described as a 'cult'.
>Members were uniformed like officers - with one later being arrested for packing a real gun - and the unit was replete with 18 realistic black and white cruisers and motorcycles bedecked with flashing lights, air horns and sirens.



Why not just register with a resume to become one normally?


according to the article he abused a minor




>In 2005, when he was 25, he was convicted on charges of 'lewd lascivious battery sex, involving a victim between the ages of 12 and 15,' and was sentenced to a year in state prison, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
>Twice since February 2019, he has failed to register as a sex offender, a felony, the records show.


Why did he do that?


Americans dont train their kids in anything. In fact, they train their kids to only get ready for school and church. They punish adults whom train their kids.

Thats why we have so many clueless consumers.



This sounds like severe autism or something. Probably may have right wing slant to him.
And hes Floridian?
Truly Florida is the cesspool for all of white America's rejects.


IDK why, but many abusers are themselves abused, and child abuse is widespread.


Because children are seen as alter egos to be used and abused.
This system of non labor confinement for children is ironically worse.


Usonia shall be nuked for the good of humankind


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They give the continent a bad name


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>The Burning Man Exodus. Black Rock City Nevada, 10 Hours Long Traffic Jam.

Waiting for hours in traffic in a wasteland for an expensive yuppie/tech bro festival. Very peak burger.


When Amerifats dance to EDM, they cause earthquakes.


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this thread itself is quintessential burgerpunk
just random goofy shit that posters go on a coldsteel bleeding-heart rant over for no reason


During that time period, they used up so much gasoline while trying to leave that a local gas station ran out of gas twice. At minimum, they used 8,000 gallons of gasoline, assuming every car used that station and they only filled the station up with gas AND the gas station was nearly out initially (neither of these scenarios are likely true). Each gallon of gasoline contributes to 17.4 lbs of CO2. Therefore, they ended up releasing at a minimum of 139,200 lbs or 69.6 tons of CO2 in the atmosphere. Reminder, this was over a period of around 10 hours.


It’s Usea.


I think you meant Osea.


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>Bi moms squatting while breastfeeding
what the actual fuck
don't bring an infant to a gym




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Sometimes I see shit like this and the only way I can make sense of it is that it was written by ppl who hate the gays. I can’t think of another reason why someone would write something so dumb.




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9/11 is old enough to drink in the US of A


How many 9/11s so far? Chile, Libya, America?


maybe it would be more efficient to cut down bourgeois cunts?


this is gayer than gay sex wtf? RVTERN


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Intersectional Burgerpunk is my favorite type of Burgerpunk



literally "these blast points… too accurate for sand people."




My favorite thing about that line was that imperial stormtroopers then spent the rest of three movies missing absolutely everything they shot at by a country mile.


This is fake tho


I'm in this video and I don't like it. IDK whether it's better or worse here.
>no bike lanes
>big stroad through the middle of town
>barely any sidewalks
>no space to walk anywhere off the side of the road, so you have to drive just to go down the street most of the time.
>at least there's no really big intersections


oh I forgot
>zero public transit


lmao burgeroid cities look like the backrooms


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>doesn't get shot


I'm in these streets, I'm in these streets.


i dont see what's wrong with this specifically
it's hella empty ig? idk where this is but it's nicer than most places.

The real ennui and isolation people are feeling is just the lack of proletarian organization, smdh. Like entitled people want there to be "stuff going on" in a city or "something to do" - fam you can go to work, you can play vidya in your house, you can go take a boombox outside and chill with friends, you can bike, you can go to bars and restaurants. But people always be like "this isn't doing something though", and the only answer must be that they either want a life fed to them intravenously like TV is but more social and irl, or they just want to feel like theyre actually interacting with their world, instead of inhabiting the barren exterior of society, like its fr some abandoned shell of a society, but thats capitalism! Bring money or fuck off. Orrrr, join up within your place of work and based on class so you can actually be active in your own life and in transforming ur world.

America is a shithole and yeah there should be public transit and more mixed zoning, but this ain't that. This is just some business park section of what looks like a decently bourgie city. Some ppl find a problem with everything when the problem is them. The guy in this vid is probably some well paid tech zek.


> Like entitled people want there to be "stuff going on" in a city
the point is that the infrastructure is centered around cars and a pedestrian being able to walk through the area is an afterthought.


>America is a shithole and yeah there should be public transit and more mixed zoning, but this ain't that. This is just some business park section of what looks like a decently bourgie city.
This is what the whole country looks like now.


>you can go take a boombox outside and chill with friends
literally no one does that


Lol this.
The only people on the streets are the drug dealers, the prostitutes, and the homeless. They're not as bad as the robbers but still it isn't a picturesque society. Also the main point is it's not preferable walking right next to a major roadway.


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Anecdote time. Because that video caused a stir. Really that's not that bad. The standard in the south is no sidewalk at all. That means people walk in a grass embankment/drainage ditch and get their shoes soaked with mud if they want to go anywhere without a car. Well one day I was driving in my car and I was driving on this major roadway and I saw this old Chinese lady pulling a cart on a grass embankment while cars zoom by at 50 MPH. I said this shit is fucked up so I stopped my car and then I told her get in my car. She was a little unsure at first but I convinced her to get in and I loaded her cart in. I ended driving her a short 5-10 minutes away to a train station. She was so grateful she gave me some of her groceries as payment, I didn't want it, but I didn't want to be rude and refuse. She wanted to set me up with her grand daughter and I gave her my number but never came out of that.


You talk like a tele-evangelist.


Not to get in the way of your nice story, but you're pointing to someone with the flu and saying "well, that's not bad, mine is worse" as if that's not something to be concerned about. That's rationalization.


Yeah I agree with his post, but it gets much worse. I speak as a man who has walked through those muddy grass embankments. It's worse than you could imagine.


Eh, I guess I was too argumentative.
Anyway that does sound pretty bad. If someone's taking a trolley, I assume they're somewhere that people would reasonably be expecting to walk, and yet it's just grass. Even in outer suburbia I can go kilometres without needing to <_< , >_> touch grass at all.


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Like I've driven through the interstates in Texas a few times. You always see people walking along the motherfucking interstate medians because there is literally no other way to walk between cities. You'll even see people pushing strollers on that shit.


Yeh I noticed it was prolly somewhere in Europe in pic. Ironic that was the best pic that came up when I searched walking on interstate.


Trump did 9/11 confirmed


i get that, and we 1000% need transit, but almost all places got busses at least, and u see this is like some big business park area near some probably bourgie suburb area as far as i can see. The roads are nice, it has lots of trees, it has sidewalks and walking signs, there's no homeless. This area aint the area to critique. Shit is big. The desire for everything to be human-sized is understandable but also just kind of naive when commercial areas take up tons of space, and many ppl want to live further from the inner city. There's a difference between petite-bourg bellyaching about inconveniences and the world not living up to ur personal desires, and like actual problems hurting ppl, not just psychically with the long roads. Idk, maybe this guy has to commute super far to a shitty job. But it looks like he lives in a nice area and is criticizing the size/length of this area by a main road, and maybe the emptiness as it's a place for commuting thru. I guess it's verging on grandstanding at this length of thought im giving to this but really just there's so much of this shit on tiktok+reddit and it gets reposted places by real leftists and like… it waters shit down because it's just trying to make a negative mood about something where i cant even see a clear negative or harm there, and not an exemplary one for sure.

no.. .i live here and have been many places in this country. 99.99% of the country is not a clean business park lmao. Even cities are mostly residential.

i've done this h8rs, and other ppl do this shit. Try having fun sometime, touch grass, etc. My point was that ppl complain about their ennui when it's totally self-made and there's shit they could do to fix it, its a problem of bourgeois ideology.

>only ppl on the streets are drug dealers, prostitutes, and the homeless

bro go outside, PLEASE. You are in urgent need of caressing chlorophyll containing carbon
>not preferable walking next to a major roadway
why?? people walk on the side of the freeway lmao, there's trees and sidewalks here, it's a high tier place to walk - but also it's not like this is the only place to walk if u want scenery. This is just a guy, choosing to walk by a road. Is the problem that there are sidewalks by the road? The alternative is worse. Like I said, some ppl are just making up problems to justify their prior feelings about the world being bad. Yeah, it is, now go touch grass, hang out with ppl from ur work, join a party, and post burgerpunk and not burger clean-cut.

I know this shit! I used to have to walk 5 miles, half in a ditch by the side of a road with no shoulder, to pay rent. (Fuck america and the anti-pedestrian infrastructure) Sweet af story comrade.

BTW ppl im not trying to diminish, but contextualize and call shit how it is. When u see a guy being unhappy about living in a well off area, with relatively nice and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, just for being empty, not in the city-center, etc., i gotta call that out as being some sort of ennui or petite-bourg vibes getting justified with this vid, cause otherwise it doesn't really show a bad picture. Those feelings aren't wrong, but i persistently see ppl who have those feelings and never try to get to the bottom of it (which would lead them to organize), and instead they just play the "woe is me" card while living materially ok lives. It's important to know the difference! Everyone complains all the time. Rich people complain. Aristocrats used to complain. Everyone has something to complain about, so it's very important (imo, ig) to delineate socialist (aka proletarian) criticisms from just any bellyaching. Like sometimes i check out what's happening on /r/antiwork and i see all kinds of posts complaining about their boss being against remote work… makes me remember how dumb it is to not be classist and able to delineate actual problems from hassles/theoretical problems.


>i've done this h8rs, and other ppl do this shit.
maybe you have, but other people certainly dont.


im sorry your life is devoid of joy, friendship, happiness, and that your surrounding environs are the same. But no need to be a sour h8r. I've seen other ppl do this shit, in diff cities even. Listening to music with ur friends and walking, riding bikes, or just chilling in a park is normal shit. Maybe covid ruined your perception of the world due to short zoomie average attention spans. While I sympathize with your condition, as it is truly tragic to live such a deprived life, I must request you to cease and desist being a h8r


> The desire for everything to be human-sized is understandable but also just kind of naive when commercial areas take up tons of space
It can be done, but like someone already stated, everything is built around cars.


Also, this film got taken down from youtube and thought it might be a good opportunity to call attention to it.


commercial areas also wouldnt take up so much space if there wasn't 1000 different brands of every product


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are mormons burgerpunk?


>It's a commercial district!
<not a single fucking store on sight


mormonism is an essential burgerpunk religion


whenever I read LDS I read it as LSD


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not any of the anons you've replied to, but as someone who lives in a normal country, those streets looked like an abandoned game project to me. it just feels like there's no life or pedestrian infrastructure there, and the little there is looks like it needs replacing. in cities/towns here pretty much every place has something to it, but that city just feels extremely empty and uninviting. picrel is an average commieblock residential district in my cunt, and there's lots of better looking things in most towns. not even the most empty of our industrial/suburban districts look as bad as the shit in that video


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perfect balance between based and cringe


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have some karen cops, /burgerpunk/


I wouldnt call first a Karen necessarily depends if she means with siren or without. It's true a lot of people do not pull over when they hear a siren in the US whether police car, fire truck, ambulance or EMT vehicle. Though the problem partially stems from how US sirens have a sound it's harder to identify if someone is coming or going at first


She's not talking about using the siren. She wants to cruise at 90 all the time and for normies to make way. She got suspended over this video.


Of course, a suspension for a cop is a paid vacation.


>Though the problem partially stems from how US sirens have a sound it's harder to identify if someone is coming or going at first
Holy shit, yes. Forget about it if you happen to be in the downtown area in between the skyscrapers that bounce sound all over the damn place. The siren could be right behind you, or it could be coming from three blocks away and traveling in the opposite direction. There is no way to tell.


It's painful for them, they desperately want to bully and maybe even murder people~ ;)


You aren't supposed to know. You are supposed to be confused. You are supposed to lie in wait, dreading the approach, wondering if it's coming closer and the danger approaches or if it's moving away and you will be safe. The wailing police siren falls upon your ears from all directions at once, as a horror foreign to normal time and space.


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Then yeah that's really entitled and childish.
They should just make use of the GPS displays so many cars have and have an alert appear that tells you where an approaching emergency vehicle is approaching relative to you or just give them their own dedicated lane. You can't even pull over on a road that is more than two lanes when you're in the middle anyway.


Americans have to get their best infrastructure ideas from East Asia and Wesern Europe.


local schizo on train:

>They suckin' dick in the middle of Ukraine!

>They infected me wif AIDS 'cuz I'm Jewish and I'm black!


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Excuse me sweaty, the food pyramid is an oppressive hierarchy.


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I will never buy a car that has a computer in it.


it's funny but they're right THOUGH. stop being a stupidpolyp


>they're right that donuts are just as healthy as vegetables and food is only bad for you if it's spoiled or has allergens


Goodbye Lenin, we found something better😍


Correct insofar as food should not have a moral category.
The ideological franework is fucking retarded though.


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these cars look extremely hot. i want to deflower these cars


LMAO a ugly little linebacker cretin like that also shouldered me on the sidewalk when I was in NYC. Jesus Christ that woman.


don't worry, it's fake as fuck


She got suspended… for 10 hours. With pay I'm sure.


Who knows, White people be crazy. I know from experience. I've had White people of both genders yell at me before I hit them with the "you better call your 9-double-1 henchman before you try and tell me what to do."

But I didn't get in an argument with NYC linebacker midget lady actually. I was actually walking single profile with my friend to not take up space and she shouldered both me and him. Seemed like it had to be intentional. Insane people them new yahkwers.


Akshually the Karens never threatened to call the cops on me although I think one I never talked to or saw prolly called them on me. But it's mostly been the male Karens. They deserve a moniker.



Idk that guy makes some genuine faces of confusion and horror that would be difficult to fake.


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holy fuck


looks fake and GAY but believable




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nazi redditors are my favourite kind of animal



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This is racism against Americans.


Lmao there's like a 0,5m or more gap between the pole and the seat how do you get that fat


Patsocs in control


I would almost respect this mans willingness to piss off everyone who walks up to the counter if he wasn’t most likely a retard.


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You know he is closer to the maga hat than the "socialism" shirt.


i don't know about that, che t-shirts used to be popular but wearing them nowadays as a magatard would take an extreme amount of cognitive dissonance, as pretty much every right-wing eceleb in the burgerlands said
>shirt man bad
at least three times by now


99% sure the shirt says 'socialism sucks' or something


A shirt with Che and the word "Socialism" seems odd. Just Che is okay or maybe the word revolucion would make sense. Or use Marx and "Socialism". Excuse my autism, friend.


It’s a shirt sold by Stephen Crowder that says “Socialism is for fags”


How disappointing


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oh my fucking god
is steven crowder of all people calling people faggots? the same steven crowder that crossdresses and does gay voices whenever he can?
look at this lad trying not to soyface in his fucking shirt ad, holy shit


So this kid who must live with his parents and works in McDonalds who likely can barely afford his lifted truck with 100000 miles and a transmission that is on the verge of exploding thinks socialism sucks because capitalism works great for him.


american conservacucks are the least self-aware people on the planet. they unironically think they're middle-class and hate on welfare queens while living in bumfuck nowhere, wisconsin and struggling to make ends meet with welfare and 2 jobs


not to mention he kinda looks like a fag and his shit's all retarded


you're just mad that he isn't a dixie socialist comrade like you thought he was


reality is often disappointing.


femboy hands have drawn this image




reeeeee i downloaded it BEFORE i knew to always click on original image


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>a Seattle QAnon believer convinced his brother was a lizard person murdered him with a samurai sword.
I am trying so hard not to laugh.


Is Qanon the first instance of an internet cult making strides or have there been others?


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It doesn't say "fags" I mean that's an offensive racial slur. It obviously says "figs." Only a homophobe would see f*gs and thing "fags."
this is what he actually says


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There was the Church of the Sub-genius, but that was a joke that everyone involved was in on.


That would be funny if it weren't so sad. It's still pretty funny.



> Get active, over there!


anti vaxxing


I was looking through the top posts and its really depressing, the internet has completely ruined the minds of boomers.


Curse you, AOL!


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The 106! It's the baby brother of the legendary 206–one of the greatest rally cars of all-time. The 106 was a decent rally car in its own right, but it never took the circut by storm the way that its big brother did.


There’s also the insane cope about how it’s figs because the place where ache was executed had fig trees growing around.


>>3507 WATCH O


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What is this monstrosity?


TLDR American food sucks and is filled with hormones drugs, pollution and you get the gist
One of those hormones is estrogen and likewise a lot of Americans eat this garbage like crazy making women have unnaturally large breasts and men have anger issues


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Thats a biological male, when she transitioned she just got insane / ridiculous titties installed into her body.


Alright, I’m working on myself and trying to be more tactful in how I approach this subject:
trans comrades, was it really necessary for her to get massive freakish bazongas for her transition, or am I right in saying she is being extra?


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Yes… These are all natural xoxoxox
She's a teacher and they are not implants, they are prosthetics


No more extra than the cis women who also get humongous tits.


it's being extra but it's funny and i don't think really hurts anyone


Pretty sure thats breast plates (the thing cosplayers uses) and not breast implants. Which makes it even funnier to me.
God boomerhons are funny


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basically this



positive burgerpunk


Wasn’t Che like super homophobic?


Motherfucker has lip piercings and a septum ring. That’s only reserved for shitlibs.


I fucking told you that the fat acceptance movement is supported by the food industry.


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> economics → wealthsplaining
That one is true tho


I have a weird respect for Brennan because he managed to quit being an incel, break free from the reactionary 8ch hivemind, and become somewhat leftist.


>only foods that are bad for you is food that is poisoned
Doughnuts are basically poison though


>decolonize your plate
Wtf does this even mean? Most food you can get at a grocery store only exists because of colonization and its consequences. That goes for much of the modern agribusiness as well.


"decolonize" at this point has fully lost all meaning


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More of this cutie


Is that Steven Crowder?


When did he have this “incel” mindset?


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NTA but probably when he was admin of wizardchan.

>doesn't know about discordian connections to JFK's assassination
>doesn't know about the reinvention of the barvarian illuminati by RAW
Sub-genii was just the for-prophet front.


>this is you on Dominos


Basically this >>3534
He openly admits it as well around 10 minute mark of this video


The huge perking nipples fucking kills me


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Does anyone have Trump saying "death to AmeriKKKa and death to Israel"?
Why is there no booru for webm


boorus allow the upload of videos



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lmao what the fuck


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>She cut in line and then freaked out when someone said something. What is going on with people?


>Wildly myopic view of the Tiger Force in the Vietnam War
This book is shallow, wildly biased, uninformed and does not accurately cover the complexities of the Vietnam war. To top it off this ridiculous book won a Pulitzer - really? This book goes to great lengths to depict the tiger force element as nothing more than murderous thugs while failing miserably at defining the real "tactical" threat the Vietnamese civilians represented. A fact that does not stop merely at the reality of their providing intel and resources to the enemy. But to portray the Vietnamese civilian as "innocent" because they were not carrying weapons is intensely stupid and offensive. This book takes a stab at (and fails miserably) at assessing the possible psychological consequences that killing people can have on the mind of an American teenager. Then somewhere around page 210 or so just when operation wheeler is about to begin.. the idiot authors launch into the point of view of a genuine JACK ASS in CID (criminal investigation division) Regardless, you should not attempt to take on the Vietnam war until you are ready to take on the true underlying motive for the Vietnam war in the first place. To cover up the race war between the whites and blacks in the United States. Where the later emerges (true to form) as more of an enemy of the American people than the Vietnamese could ever begin to be or even hope to be. Who coined the phrase "THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING"


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It's not that implausible that she's actually freaking out because of trauma, but the scenario is sus. I wonder what ethnicity the guy filming is.

I got this one, but this isn't really the thread for it.






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Let's get some burgerpunk terms


>I wonder what ethnicity the guy filming is.
Burgerpunk moment.


this is what people watched before youtube? that's crazy


It was the first kiwi farms


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The Klan of bad dad midgets.


So why does this raspberry lemonade contain pear juice and vegetable juice, but no raspberry or lemon.
Bring back lemonade stands.


I recognize that corkscrew!


I picture Rainbow Dash with this terrified look on her face, wondering what this weird Chris-chan clone holding her is going to do when he gets to his basement.


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I didn't realize you could draw characters shay


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i used to sketch a lot in high school. i took art class mostly to fuck around. sometimes i got bored and decided to sketch though. i'm not really good for much else, especially since i cant do much but copy other pictures. ive drawn scenery based on my dreams though. those were my most inspired because i felt like they were telling me something, since i can see the future sometimes in my dreams.


> since i can see the future sometimes in my dreams.
I do this too and I normally wake up either terrified or in a much better mood.


Shay, you can't see the future




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Late Stage Burgerpunk


i wonder what it looked like from the perspective of the researchers. i think it would be pretty funny, just trolling a dude and blowing up some random granny from arizona


It was just about money. What the army did with the body was not of their concern.


This. They got money which presumably went to more research. They didn't use her body for whatever reason, maybe because they had too many to use or because something about her specific cadaver wasn't a good fit for their research. You'd have to know the full story to know if it was actually a bad call.

The issue here is less what specifically happened and more the fact that there is a market for cadavers and an important buyer is the military industrial complex testing weapons. The commodification of people's remains is the issue here, but it's easy to get lost in the specific surreal incidnet.


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Bronx Community Board Meeting discusses building housing for homeless people


What are they even pissed about? The Bronx is mostly a dump. I know personally


Furries are 100% Burgerpunk.


I respect his lack of escalation. I'd be too likely to just laugh, continuously.


It'd be nice to get more background. I don't understand what's going on.


Jesus Christ. And they say kids are cruel.


i imagine they were just calling homeless people drug addicts and scum and didn't like being filmed saying those things. that's what city council meetings are like, right?


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lmao, burgers are fucking savage. what's with the lack of empathy? was this some kind of conservatard meeting


The only people who have time to go to 'neighbourhood association' meetings are big landlords so yeah basically


fucking explains everything, holy shit i want these leeches gone


These same type of people go to school board meetings as well. Imagine being a teacher and having a room full of these loud-mouth cunts shouting at you (and possibly waving guns around) for allegedly teaching their kids CRT


White suburban adulthood is sociopathy


Bruh where is that from


American after criticizing a grammatical error.


that's not sociopathy though, they're just disgusting porkies. i swear that every time i see an american freak the fuck out it's always a suburban faggot or a landlord/heckin' wholesome small business owner


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hazbros we're winning


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Señora escandalosa, ya siéntense.


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a city for built for cars


Is that the guy's real voice?


says Karen who shouts and makes faces adding nothing


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no its voice to text




Who is this Michael?





Gulags are not enough.


Can't believe cops are going against fundamental USian values now


its his birthday


Friendliest New Yorkers


This is fucked up. They're really targeting teens for eating burgers in parking lots?

This is sociopathic. The Uvalade mass shooter was locked in the school by cops, a Flroida mam was jailed over donut glaze, etc.

This is why nobody respects policemen.
The sociopathic ones are given too much reign.


Who is this guy?


what the fuck? this has to be a bit


least deranged burger


b-but i thought walkable cities were le soy


What is sad is that none of these cops are dealt with. There is zero push back.


i'm all for walkable cities, but this guy is insufferable


Not sure if it’s more American to eat a burger in a parkinglot or be a cop and shoot a kid for eating said burger in said parking lot.
What’s a patriot to do?


synthesis: the pig can eat the burger after killing the teen


Thank you wise marxposter


>domestic supply of infants

That's fucked up.
Commodification of children is endless with Anglos.
Yet, they think allowing kids to play outside by themselves is child abuse





never migrating to burgestan, wtff


i hope all theses savages die


glad to know that all that "defund the police" shit and the summer 2020 riots solved all police violence in the US. everything is fine now, no need to have anything even remotely resembling organizing against this genocidal fascist shithole of a country :)


mein gott! das burgermenchen von amerika!




Why is that woman bragging that her 11 yo has a 1000 followers? That’s fucking creepy.



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>why can't we have wholesome apolitical racism?




Shee meant her child and she was being sarcastic.
Also it's not particularly creepy. That kid could be a YTP master or something. Not everything is always sexual whenever kids get involved in anything.


Not defending an adult saying his 11 year old has more clout 😭


>children having any ounce of social cred is clout

>not realizing that the mom was joking

>not realising white suburban adults are the masters of clout


Nah, it’s fucking weird and she seems like the type of mom that would be fine with that, so who knows.


> YTP master
She was referring to twitter.


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i like the south african anti rape method more.


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Now I wonder, was Rome also this insane in its last years? Did they have Roman Tucker Carlson talking about wanting to fuck the Roman Green M&M?


holy based


You just know some evil thot would call for some guy to fuck her just so she can mutilate his dick and claim he tried to rape her to try and get out of assault charges.


>thinking women are the only victims of rape


Particularly trans women. Only a retard wouldn't think this through for more than 2 seconds.


There's retards and there's idiots.
Which one are you?


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>woman being forced to peg me


>just walk around with this penis fly trap all the way inside your vagina
Surely there is something more practical.




Rape laws are probably pretty lax if not non-existent in whatever place women have the need to use this device.



Went to a comedy improv show last night, tiny venué, and this bitch in the front row was calling out all the fucking time. Way too early and fat to be that drunk. I mean she wasn't even calling out a punchline, still a dick move but at least tolerable. Nah, this was literally shit like 'haha mansplaining'. A sexist posing as a progressive, 4chan's delusion of tumblr, manifest as a human I'm the fucking front row.


horry shit it's a real song? thought it was just a commercial Melodie.


Why even asking if they don't wanna hear the answers?


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Welcome to Walmart Land!


it's called gaslighting


Again, why is it weird at all?
As long as there's no harm to the kid.

What's weird is the setting/reason she said it.


No cap, this is how fascism took root in the west.
Remember, Ford and Disney were Nazi sympathizers.

White suburbanite board members are worse than ghetto thugs.
These guys would have your house burned down "accidently" by scheduling a shoddy telephone line repair.


>have a man who was willing to rape you forcibly attached to you and in pain
yeah great idea, way to get punched to death
that said, I appreciate the vengeance.


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Respect to the nerd who used this as an excuse to play whatever the fuck roblox is on company time for a year.


Ask your mom



>Maybe covid ruined your perception of the world due to short zoomie average attention spans. While I sympathize with your condition, as it is truly tragic to live such a deprived life, I must request you to cease and desist being a h8r

That's rich coming from millennial nihikists taking how pop culture is fucked bc "muh political correctness" and how "zoomies are fashies/transhumanists".
All you anti-zoomies are well over twenty five sitting on imageboards whining about "tfw no gf"


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Is the Delancey Mcd really haunted as they say?
I heard all the fights happen here for some reason

Apologies for making americans into a spectacle again


darkcel when sees bbc: uohhhhh bbc!!! so epic!!!
darkcel when sees bleaches: Um sweaty this is Racist.


He forgot his backpack.


How many other countries let their state security services murder on a whim? This might be the freest country in history!


What's even happening here?


Women should all be equally the property of all races. Black owned, bwc only, alien brainworm owned, etc. This way true equality can be achieved!


If eating pussy gives you cancer then hook me to the chemo machine already



the crazy guy was getting broken up with the girl and went psycho instead


what if you wash your mouth afterwards and brush like a good boy?


How did you figure that out?


Wtf is wrong with her


The chinlet is a radicalized Nazi found only in America and brought forth from Chernobog’s puts


news article


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Kanye West opened a Christian private school called Donda Academy. Parents must sign NDAs to have their children attend


Why are they in a parking lot ?


I completely disagree.

why make up shit no-one said just to rant about?


hey look a cult


>Is Fried Chicken killing black women
It's killing me I can tell you that for free.


Kanye is literally american fascism




Being a Kanye fan post-2016 is just fucking suffering and disappointment


Every single person who is like this must be banned from any socialist group.


I swear to god there is another MKUltra going on.


Where is this? I wish Burgerstan could at least try


it's poland, this in particular used to be one of the cities designed by the communists as a new industrial hub, nowadays it's a krakow district


Intersectional Burgerpunk is now a form of fascism


>POV: You just told a Zigger that Russia and China are capitalist


china is not thoughever




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Imagine making up arguments to win since you lost the ones you took. Touch grass.

Also zoomies are transgender lol. You couldn't catch a millenial dead calling themself a valid heckin' asexual enby egg. at most they'll change their pronounds to they/them and fuck strange men.


News article just says he asked her out. He didn't know her.
>A man who went on a scary ax-swinging rampage at a Manhattan McDonald’s on Friday morning had flipped out after a young woman “rejected” his advances, a witness said.


>But Palacios said that’s not how it went down, claiming the violent incident stemmed from an argument with a patron after a security guard at the eatery refused to let him use the bathroom.



Yeah, looks like he had an issue after a security guard threatened to slap him


Creepy af





i love the fucking butter stick in between the balls


I will eat this if it will make my balls bigger.


why do you want bigger balls,


We need a zoomers quit eating weird shit for clout for five seconds tiktok challenge.


more room for pee


>tfw big balls but small dick


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>tfw well proportioned cock and balls


god someone please nuke burgers already


nah rocky mountain oysters are delicious


Those are normally cooked


If those fuckers didnt let him use the bathroom they 100% deserve it, he shouldve burned the place to the ground. So tired of these booj fuckers refusing bathrooms while there's nowhere in the city to take a piss


If they won't let you piss in their bathroom, piss on their floor.


You know, I was thinking after watching this, that he may have pulled out that axe out, threatened them all with it, and busted up a bunch of McDs property. But he also demonstrated a lot of restraint by not using it to inflict bodily harm after getting beat up by three of them. Maybe my standards are too low for people who threateningly brandish weapons but it kind of surprised me.


he was based


More sperm, means more semen needs to be produced for them to swim in. Also, the masculine look of pendulous large nuts even higher sex drive would be nice.

However I would cook it at least.



Because I want to look like a donkey, chicks dig it


Glad to see people are getting mileage out of those AI generated bourg images from that one thread :)


Did anyone put them in the booru?


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>we can’t go back to being the most spoiled kid on our block
And that’s a good thing!

>this is not consumerism



>literally Toys R Us
I only feel bad about the Toys R Us employees tbh. The company folded almost overnight with no warning to any of them.


I'm just waiting for this guy to start any moment kicking off about how its the jews who took this away


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And I thought the Jerry Springer stuff I was posting was cringe. Wish I could relate but I never got to join the club when I was a child so…


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Simple nostalgiafaggotry is just preachy and kitsch, but basing your entire political worldview on it makes it petty and pathetic.

Funny thing is, the concept artist who made that falls into the former category but this guy (ironically) projected his ideology on the artist's work and politicize it lol.


>Simple nostalgiafaggotry is just preachy and kitsch, but basing your entire political worldview on it makes it petty and pathetic.
It sums up the mind of the Millenial reactionary more than anything else.
Vid related


Only thing lame was the death of split screen gaming. I remember that happening while I was still a youth. I dunno like 360/ps3 gen? I dunno why TVs got bigger and games stopped supporting 4 player split screen.

Everything else still exists. The toy section at Walmart probably just got bigger and put Toys R Us out of business.

>wooahhh kids these days can't get a console for Christmas!

Pokemon cards were always kinda lame. I only ever collected them shit, but I remember how stupid it's supposed to be a card game but I never remember anyone ever playing a match(maybe it was just because I was younger and didn't know MS and HS kids) You were supposed to play with those little mancala beads and stuff. I never got into Yugioh and thought the art was puke worthy, but it was cool at least Yugioh nerds actually played.

Reposting from /usapol/
>got the holofoil Charizard
>doesn't put it in a hard plastic sleeve
>leaves dirty dishes on top of it
<Oh no, baby what is you doin.
But this got me thinking? How the fuck do you play with your good cards in the first place? Can you shuffle properly and all that with soft plastic sleeves? You could just leave little defects on the sleeve to tip you off. Trading card games are stupid.


>I dunno why TVs got bigger and games stopped supporting 4 player split screen.

because you can sell more copies with online only, and also developers were too lazy to figure out how to make splitscreen work anymore as it taxes the engine to render 4 views at once.


Newgene approves 👍


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Fuck I really do be missing the 90s. You zoomoids just wont experience that joy of blissful childhood consoooom


>just me and my merch



this is the same group of bugmen who make "consoomer" jokes at funkopopettes

is the artist who made this trying to evoke just nostalgia or is he also bitching about new things


Don't flood the burgerpunk thread with glowops. It's not as funny when you know it's fake.


Hehe. Flood. Because it's a piss related glowop.


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did somebody say



what was it?


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Nothing comrade.




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Wow. I'm in my early 30s, so I'm guess I'm the world's oldest Zoomer!
Anyway, what makes this nostalgia reactionary isn't just the naked gushing tribute to capitalism, its the era that he is expressing nostalgia for. The 1990s were hell on Earth for the vast majority of the population. Wokal Distance wishes, like the good reactionary he is to return "Home" - to the time when America was the unquestioned sole superpower, Russia was broken and defeated, China was far away and one could make Chechnya, Bosnia, Rwanda and Yugoslavia go away by changing the channel. In essence to return to the end of history. I myself grew up in the 1990s; of course I do feel some nostalgia. I am a human, after all. However, nobody should ever want to go back to the 1990s.


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the 90s were an era when my entire cunt was impoverished, crime skyrocketed, communism died, and the mafia was everywhere THOUGH


>millennial midlife crisis


<Aliens poster, Raiders of the Lost Ark poster, Terminator 1 poster, Predator poster, Scarface poster, Evil Dead poster, Ghostbusters merch, the Goonies poster, Bloodsport poster, Rambo 3 poster, Back to the Future 2 hoverboard
<Judas Priest Screaming for Vengeance poster, Anthrax '86 tour poster, Ozzy Osbourne The Ultimate Sin poster, Dio poster, Twisted Sister poster, Iron Maiden The Trooper shirt, Sabbath shirt, Wasp poster, Motörhead Road Crew shirt, Quiet Riot LP, Peace Sells LP, GnR poster, Dokken Under Lock and Key LP or poster, Slayer patch on jeans, Metallica MTV performance on tv where Hetfield has long hair
<NES, Commodore 64, OG Gameboy
>I really do be missing the 90s


Post fat kino






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Burgerpunk with chinese characteristic


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>angry land whale ranting about uyghurs on subway
>her tote bag says "DON'T WORRY, EAT HAPPY."


I’m glad that one guy at least tried to calm her down.


>Satanist-Turned-Evangelist Helps You Rise Above the Enemy!
>Many people, even Christians, deny the devil’s power. John Ramirez doesn’t have that luxury—he experienced the prince of darkness up close and personal.
>In the impoverished streets of the South Bronx, John Ramirez found “acceptance” from a family of witches and warlocks. These practitioners of dark arts trained him to be a high-ranking satanic priest. However, everything changed when he met his living Messiah.


Evangelicals will only ever stop when every piece of people's culture have been eradicated and everyone sing pop song about jesus in churches that look like a Taco Bell while a billionaire in a suit scream at them to make them purge the devil because lithurgy is satanic or something.
Theyre even worse than sunni muslims.


culture :)

but scabby the rat and that pig sharing the wealth is cool tho




Evangelicals make everything into a culture war. They personalize any disagreements/differences from secular/agnostics as immediate antipathy.

I remember growing up in the church when they were talking about how the government wants to remove theological quotes from their dollar bills and pledge of allegiance.

Or how they wanted to take Christianity out of schools replacing them with pagan religions. Being a kid I was sucked into it, UT it wasn't without a bit of indignation.

I notice that the evangelical cult always interprets national history as part of Christian post-biblical canon. All triumphs made by Americans was "grace of god". All failures was because "godlessness."

They're willfully superstitious. They look down on brown people while acting like the stereotypical strawman of said brown people.


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Impossible Whopperpunk


w*rlock is a slur, apologize to our wiccan comrades immediately


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didn't happen but it would be based if it did


New thread needed


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Burgerpunk of the suburbean variety

Unique IPs: 255

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