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File: 1608525629678.jpg (50.79 KB, 1260x600, films we just watched.jpg)

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Hello, the most recent movie threads have seemed a bit unfocused, this thread is for the discussion of movies we just watched and other anon's takes on them. So, without further ado I'll begin.

I just watched Parasite last night, it was pretty good I think, but not as cutting edge or witty as I was expecting. I thought it was a bit unfocused and threw a lot at the wall to see what stuck, but on the other hand, it was fun and more interesting than most. A solid 8/10.

I do an IMDB rating for each film I watch, for my own reference mostly, but you can see each film I watched lately and my rating if you're curious or want to ask about them. If other anons have something similar feel free to post.

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weird you got that vibe his entire purpose was showing the hollowness of Wayne's vengeance as a spoiled rich boy versus real grievances about the city most of which were caused by the Vanderbilt/Rockefeller families (Waynes/Arkhams in this universe) who built it.


new cronenberg
i liked his movie about the snuff films
i also watched the one on uh the virtual reality spine thing, felt it tried to do the same themes but didn’t like it


There should be a >>>/hobby_archive/ for good but full threads like this, since archive.is isn't fully reliable.


>Reimi Spiderman
<bog standard
LMAO no.


>О чем это кино? Да ни о чем. Тупой сюжет, бездарный сценарий. Жалко потраченного времени.
- Э. Рязанов

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How do you dress? What are you wearing today? How should you dress, as a Marxist? Which trends are proletarian and which are bourgeois? <br/>Discuss.(On leftypol_archive board 4 now. Will be moved to alt_archive when built)
601 posts and 206 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I'd say so.


>I think it's a shame that "western attire" is basically normalized everywhere. I wish I could use african-style clothes, arabian male dresses, folk latin american clothes, etc. Working in the confines of "jeans/chinos + t-shirt/button shirt" is fucking trash.
dude, wear those crazy foreign clothes, nobody cares if it looks fly and you can pull it off.

this shirt with
these pants


lmao are these real


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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

&ltStar Trek Picard S01E01 is out
(check torrents)


Favourite episodes, best characters, memorable moments, etc.
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Has anybody watched Star Trek Lower Decks ?
Can anybody explain who the Pakled are supposed to be, they seem to become the main foe of the show ?

They used to be a weak species that only had tiny ships without warp and relied on trickery to get new tech from more advanced races, but now they have scavenged or looted warp-drive, good weapons and a bunch of other stuff. Their ships are large and powerful now. They also are extremely dumb while somehow being very cunning, and able to jerryrig starships from cross species hardware. ( I guess that's all plug & play ) And their social hierarchies are based on who wears the largest hat or helmet. They have casual revolutions but that only changes who wears the biggest hat. They have melted faces but can apparently survive hard vacuum… while being air breathing beings.


Here's a few videos about them.

Is this species intended for symbolism or not? Their story sounds like a budget Klingon without the warrior tendencies; the Klingons received their ships and weaponry through war with an imperialist "outsider". It was through this brief conflict that the Klingons were able to reverse engineer their warpdrive, making them an intergalactic powerhouse by the 14th century Earth time, essentially bypassing the social stages usually associated with getting to warp travel capability that the Prime Directive is meant to prevent.
But for the Pakleds, apparently they don't build anything of their own and they don't really reverse engineer stuff either, they just stick parts of other ships onto theirs, maybe they found super intelligent nanobots glue that makes technology go if you just stick it together without them understanding anything, or they are idiot savants that are really good at creating technology inter-compatibility matrices and nothing else. TNG mentions a capability of programming but it was for a trap. How Pakleds were Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>Star Wars cgi circus battles
LMAO what? Do you mean Disney Star Wars? Because old star wars up until the prequels did exactly that; slow and methodical space sea-battles, although both series had their different approaches

Actually a good analysis is here http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Tactics/Naval-Tactics.html


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Considering how godawful Terminator Dark Fart was and how bland Abatap 2* was, I have little faith in Cameron anymore. Spielberg's Ready Player One** was just "reference; the movie" with a badly made plot that rips off every "VR" movie before it, like Tron, while pretending to be about "freedom" or some shit. Other films under his production like the Jurassic World series have been pretty lame too, so I have doubts that there would be much difference if either of those 2 made/owned Star Trek properties, rather than Kurtzman. As a side note Kurtzman is also one of the creators of Transformers 2, and CBS in general produces very shoddy series, so is it really a surprise CBS Star Trek sucks? Hollywood is all but dead at this point.

* >>31830 Avatar thread
** >>7701 from the Cyberpunk thread


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Based Fellow Space Ket enjoyer

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Post all obscure and underground imageboards in this thread, the chan must be at least half-dead so no archived chans.
>inb4 'hurr durr don't put muh sekrit klub in the limelight'
The population here is low as it is, there's also a large overlap between this chan and others.
I'll start:Dreamch.net
There was this one I faintly remember and I think the theme was either dinosaurs or lizards…
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"Good" news : 420chan will be back, but in 2025.

>"Fredrick Brennan bought 420chan.org on April, 20, 2023, from Kirtaner for the sum of US$4,200."

>"Under new management, Kirtaner will remain the admin of 420chan, with Brennan as owner. The goal is for the site to be owned by a non-profit organization, with Fredrick Brennan as Chairman of the Board, by 2025. There are plans to rebuild the site from scratch."
>"Additionally, a legal challenge will be brought to recover the servers that were seized by law enforcement in 2022."

From /dead/ with love.


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I figured out where africans post about politics and why they're almost never active on any western imageboard


It's cumbersome, but the slowness of the sites means it's not unusable entirely

Also a recent revival attempt of 8ch after 8kun.top and 8chan.moe went ded. https://infiniteboards.top/b/res/59.html



and now it is 3 years old :o

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Yep, we back at it again.Thread for n8, furries, furry related stuff, whatup.I was thinking of reading Beastars, I heard it was pretty good.
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One more


Sigh…. i need to tread on an ancap so bad bros…..


I just like the tits y'know?





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