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And wow, I fucking hated it to be perfectly honest. It seems like the entire show is only about Shinji's angst (and Rei increasingly I'm sure) and the characters various emotional issues, but like, okay, who cares? The situations they're thrown into are totally absurd and ridiculous so how can I take any of this drama stuff seriously?

Like these kids are the last best hope of mankind and they seem to be totally unsupported by anyone? Shinji was gonna live in a totally empty tenement and it's only his superior's minor moment of reasonable judgement that means he lives with her instead (and she is clearly no kind of parent figure), and Rei lives in a dark, dingy slum dwelling made of all concrete with nobody taking care of her either?

Like, their emotional reactions seems somewhat understandable but also completely dull and uninteresting because the situation they're in is absurd (and even then they both come off as pathetic and unlikeable - and no you can't say 'but that's the point!!', that doesn't make it entertaining to watch).

The less said about the non-angst portions of the story the better, the 'fights' are 10 minutes of foreplay for like 60 seconds of action if that, and while that's a common problem with anime, that doesn't make it excusable.

Yes this series is old and I'm sure it has inspired so much but people still recommend to watch it and it just seemed like garbage. Almost nothing is explained which means I can't possibly feel invested in this absurd world in any way. Every part of the setting seems to have been created with 'style over substance' in mind, urgh, just overall I found it absurd. Try not to give too much spoilers because I guess I might still try watch it, but I really don't see it redeeming itself.

Though for context I also hated 'The Godfather' and 'No Country For Old Men' and thought they were pretentious overlong shit, so maybe I'm just a contrarian.

I'll just say that you've just licked the summit of the iceberg, the show gets much much better later on, the first episodes are merely setup
also, if you are not an angsty teen, you'll probably relate more to the adult cast

But how can such a supposedly legendary anime with such universal acclaim be a complete slog for so long? I'm literally 2+ hours in at this point.

> I also hated 'The Godfather' and 'No Country For Old Men'
Yeah that is just bout the summary of the "2Deep4U" problem
I'm not quite an EVA oldfag and I know the fandom can get caught up in the drama, but honestly all your complaints are just subjective dislikes rather than objective criticisms, which speaks more of your interests or lack thereof. You would like the Rebuilds more probably.
However, since you actually bothered watching the show before shit-talking it, I'll just suggest reading the posts in the waybackarchive of the old 8ch leftyweebpol Evangelion thread which explain they whys and hows pretty well.

Post 4005 in the thread is a good collection of the ideas of Evangelion. https://web.archive.org/web/20190802125217/https://8ch.net/leftyweebpol/res/2054.html

Also if you don't mind, when /a/ becomes a real board, I (or perhaps another poster) will make an Evangelion thread.

It's a slog for you, not for others.

>the show gets much much better later on
lolwut It actually gets even worse. Don't waste your time, OP, it's pretentious drivel the whole way through.

>Though for context I also hated 'The Godfather' and 'No Country For Old Men' and thought they were pretentious overlong shit, so maybe I'm just a contrarian.
I feel for you OP, I had to both read and watch No Country for Old Men for an American Studies course in college. I understand entirely that the whole story is a deconstruction of the Western story archetype. I understand it, and yet I still thought it was a bad story with no payoff or catharsis in the end. Genre deconstructions should not be an excuse for wasting the reader's time.

even if you think that episodes closer to the end suck, you've gotta admit that action scenes, which OP enjoys, peak a bit later than the 6th episode

OP here, I'm not saying I'm really into mecha battling, I prefer westernmechs and more 'gritty' kind of combat, but, it would at least be /something/.

The Big O has the kind of combat you're into.

Drop Eva go watch Gunbuster.

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Every intrigue requires a setup. Six episodes out of twenty-six (plus a movie as a conclusion) isn't that much.
Not to mention the third central character (plus a central side-character) arrives only in the eight episode, only after which the greater plot starts to open up.
And boy, does it pick up its pace, reaching an astounding dash by the end of it all.

>Like these kids are the last best hope of mankind and they seem to be totally unsupported by anyone?
It's not uncommon for Japanese students to be living by themselves since the principle of independence is pushed on to the people.

>their emotional reactions seems somewhat understandable but also completely dull and uninteresting because the situation they're in is absurd

The whole point of these type of reactions is to add realism to the show and make it more believable. It's a needed contrast for the mecha fights since they're inherently unreliable even considering how the viewer has to play along with the idea to start understanding the story.

>The 'fights' are 10 minutes of foreplay for like 60 seconds of action if that, and while that's a common problem with anime, that doesn't make it excusable.

It's the beginning of the show, of course the fights will be short. The whole point is to demonstrate the dynamic of daily life and the fear of the angels. The fights do get to last longer, mostly towards the end and the movie.

>Almost nothing is explained which means I can't possibly feel invested in this absurd world in any way

Like what, the Angels and the Evas? Their believableness in the beginning is an irrelevance to why the viewer should be motivated to be invested into the show since the point of the show is to watch Shinji become a hero and his story on how that happened. They need to introduce the characters and their relationships first before getting into the main story.

>Though for context I also hated 'The Godfather' and 'No Country For Old Men' and thought they were pretentious overlong shit, so maybe I'm just a contrarian.

Never saw Godfather so I can't say anything about it there but 'No Country For Old Man' I have seen and it seems to be the same thing with you. The enjoyment is the interaction the psychopath has with the world, a famous example being the shop scene and the first confrontation. It's a great film that's only long since the scenes are dragged on to add suspense, if you're not invested into the movie then the drag is annoying to watch.

I doubt you'll have any enjoyment if you do go back to Neon Genesis since the initial investment that show needs you don't have it so it won't get better. If you do, try to clear your mind of all the comments that have praised it and just go in with a blank mind since you seem to be overly worried of being a "contrarian".

Excellent posts


Bruh it's SUPPOSED to be shit!

Piss off

This. Gunbuster is a more "fun" series in general. Evangelion isn't exactly for everyone. I do suggest trying to get further into Eva before dropping it though.

Is there any point in watching this if you're not a teenager?
Seems like overhyped because of nostalgia and reverence

Its not about "teen angst" but a deconstruction of human emotion. Unlike Lain, which instead categorizes and explains psychological issues rather clinically, Evangelion instead poses questions and humanizes these depictions. The most famous of this is the "Hedgehog's Dilemma" where people want to interact but are afraid of getting hurt and do in fact get hurt by relationships.
Its not overhyped, though some of the fandom can be obnoxious, and it deserves its nostalgia because for the people of its time, it was a product that spoke to them. Today's audience is very different to those of the 1990s It was about to be the turn of the century, Existential crises were globally occurring from the former USSR, to the USA to Japan, whose economy crashed enormously. There is a lot to say but frankly I suggest reading the waybackd post referenced in >>593

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Alright, fine, I'll post it.

Okay is there an order to watch it? Is it based on manga

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not the anon of that post but
Eva 1-26 (EP21-24 Director's Cut)

Optional Death & Rebirth. Death is a recap of the series and rebirth is the first half of the EoE.

End of Evangelion movie is a must see. In my experience, people who didn't enjoy the anime generally enjoyed the movie more as it's tighter paced and action filled.

Optional Rebuild movies. These are the theater remakes of the original series, and there's three of them currently with a fourth coming soon. Personally, I consider the rebuild series to be inferior to the TV series.

The manga was released earlier than the debut episode of Eva back in 1994 in order to promote the anime. They were intended to be released together. However, the manga took over an additional twenty years to finish while roughly covering the same plot line as the anime. I think it's worth it for the Sadamoto's line work however.

'That' anon here:
I suggest watching all the episodes and then EOE. The final 2 episodes are very trippy and thoughtful presenting a contrast to the starkn ending with EoE. I tend to headcanon that the endings mirror each other, with the latter being what goes on outside while the final 2 episodes being the inner thoughts of chrcters, mainly Shinji.

If you want more action you can watch the rebuilds, however only the first 2 films are good, the 3rd film made no fucking sense (which is hilarious for evangelion but true), and the 4th movie is still a trailer… a very insane and crazy trailer.

The manga inserts a lot of extra shit, for example the hinting of Shinji and Kaoru's kinship is turned into full-blown Yaoi-shit.

I don't want to be that guy, but subbed or dubbed?

Subbed. The dub is serviceable. Don't watch the Netflix dub.

Subbed is technically better but the original dub is decent and you can get a few laughs out of the frankness (look up 'evangelion baloney pony' for an example of this)

> for example the hinting of Shinji and Kaoru's kinship is turned into full-blown Yaoi-shit.
no need to be in denial

Most acclaimed anime have slow starts, its to get you attached.

It's not denial, its basically a mix of Western Dub fucking it up, and the Mangakas going Fujoshi with the characters, when the original lines are a demonstration of "male love" i.e. kinship between men, not "cute boys fucking uwu" shite.

The more anime you watch the more you begin to realize just how uncommon slow starts really are.

I guess it is somewhat slow getting to the real story, but you get a bunch of angel fights and other shit right from the start. I don't see the problem.

Because most people don't find it to be a slog, or if they do they don't find it enough of a slog that the payoff doesn't justify it.

Honestly, I think the show overall kinda falls flat if you've never been a lonely 14 year old sad boy. I think that's the issue most people who don't vibe with the show are having, so that might be it.

But I have a friend who was in a similar situation to you. I tried for years to get this dude to watch the show but he couldn't get past the first several episodes. I was confident he would like it because I knew for a fact he had at one point been a sad 14 year old. Eventually he did watch it all the way through and has been obsessed with it for the least few months.

I went into the show expecting to analyze the kids' trauma and came out thinking, "Damn, everyone here needs therapy. I guess that's what the instrumentality was for."

This, finally someone fucking gets it

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the mangaka is a dude and a major reifag and he still doubled down on kawarushinji, the entire point was for their relationship to have a heavy yaoi feeling from the beginning, it's why anno had a literal fag write the episode and told him to make it even gayer after the initial script

man I agree shinj wasnt full on lusting after a dude but to say they "just had kinship" is pure denialism and ur probably a closet fag

>the mangaka
1) Reminder that manga came AFTER the anime.
2) A Fujo doesn't have to be a girl
>the entire point was for their relationship to have a heavy yaoi feeling from the beginning
>Anno hired a literal fag and had him make it gayer
>to say they "just had kinship" is pure denialism and ur probably a closet fag

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Fujo is quite literally not the term for a male obsessed with bl pairings. The mangaka is also not one of these people. That is your insecure projection. The manga was also started before the anime but it is also it's own canon.
Why dont you do some basic research on a show your having hot takes about instead of living in a solipsistic bubble with pet theories not based in reality?
Excerpts from the first and one of the longest interviews after the airing of eva with the most popular yaoi magazine in japan:
Your head canon is what is wrong. Pic related is the cover of the book the previously posted page comes from.
Face it. Your favorite sadboi anime has romantic gay shit in it.

the cover didn't load for some reason but here's a link to the amazon page itself

>Why dont you do some basic research on a show
Considering that I've been an EVA-fag for roughly a decade I do plenty of research, however there is also so many interviews and media that it is quite easy to miss this stuff.
>Fujo is quite literally not the term for a male obsessed with bl pairings
Yes yes I know Fudan whatever.
>That is your insecure projection
Yes, so insecure that I don't read Yaoi and actively avoid it in media
>The manga was also started before the anime but it is also it's own canon.
Started being a keyword, the anime is far more important in many ways
>it's own canon
Which is my point.
Did you read this yourself? Anno contradicts himself
&ltI’d sort of stopped understanding Kaworu-kun, so I couldn’t discount the possibility that I’d made a mistake. He’s just an odd guy. *laughs* His image is a little different. Well, as a character, Ishida-kun’s voice was incredibly good, so I wondered whether the stuff that I’d simply thought up on my own wasn’t a little insufficient.
So h literally admits to not being the one with yaoi intent, and just having the thees thrown in because he didn't know how else to flesh out the character.
>face it
Yeah you've just proven that there IS gayshit in the manga which isn't what I denied. I denied that the dialogue and actual depiction in the anime were outright homosexual. The cover page you posted is for the MANGA, which has quite a few differences in interactions.

kek I recognize your smoothbrain posting style now
>anno contradicts himself so it's my special snowflake interpretation over established canon
Yeah I'm gonna go with word of god's literal description of kaworu as a homo love interest. Feel free to keep living in denial over your own and this anime's faggotry tho. You could also try actually watching the show and paying attention this time :)
>The cover page you posted is for the MANGA, which has quite a few differences in interactions.

>anno contradicts himself so it's my special snowflake interpretation over established canon
Nice strawman faggot
>watch it and pay attention
I did fag
> word of god's literal description of kaworu as a homo love interest
&ltImma just ignore that word of god also states that he didn't know what to do with the characterization so he just had it thrown in for the lulz last minute
Yeah this is why word of god is considered unreliable, especially since Anno himself complained about budget cuts only to get debunked by the budget managers in other interviews.

TL;DR: no argument; read more smart alek and don't take things at face value.

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it gets interesting after ep 16 and tbh the evangelion manga is way better than the anime

>Manga is better
LOL no.

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>it gets interesting when you're more than halfway through

why do pseuds do this to themselves?

The first time I watched Clockwork Orange, I had a real hard time watching it cause I was hating the main character.

I was half-expecting my effortpost I made on leftypol to be there.

tl;dr, I got something very different when I saw it when I was young, than when I was older. And as another poster noted above, I understood more intimately the adult characters.

One real cool thing is the contrast between the end of the world and angels blowing shit up, with sunny days and boring cicadas. Also maturity, contrasted with wanting to connect with others on a "real" level (which has been something that psychedelics have made me more aware of), and a whole host of psychological traumas we all have. Maturity seeming to include an effort to suppress traumas (rather than solve them and overcome them).

As I'm more mature, I see this in adults all the time. Depends how empathic I'm being, there are times when other's traumas and insecurities are acutely apparent of whatever they're complaining or anxious about. I'm no exception, I'd say most of my adult life has been uncovering traumas and working through them. I have the suspicion a lot of people don't do this. Leftism has also made the trauma work easier.

Anyways, I'm rambling. The point is that EVA was an interesting series for me that touched on a lot of topics I care about. I think that at least makes it a good drama and a good sci fi series. It's not so much 2deep4you, many times it's just what you vibe with at the moment, sometimes EVA is not it.

just watch starting from episode 14 if youre too gay to watch fight scenes

Don't do this.

>Though for context I also hated 'The Godfather' and 'No Country For Old Men' and thought they were pretentious overlong shit, so maybe I'm just a contrarian.
u fucking wot m8. There's nothing 2deep4u about Godfather, it was the most successful film of all time when it came out.

Don't know about you op, but what I enjoyed about evangelion was the kinda quiet scenes the series have. Like in the first episodes when they are scenes of the city but nothing special happening, just the sound of birds, or "nature"; or when Shinji its at the hospital and you can hear the lights flickering, a loudspeacker in the background. I think those calm scenes do a good contrast with the fighting scenes, or when the characters have to deal with other issues. That feeling of being somewhere you may know, somewhere you may have visited before, or at least hearing something that seems quite familiar makes the series quite special to be honest :^). It's like having some sense of calmness before the storm, I guess.

>Damn, everyone here needs therapy. I guess that's what the instrumentality was for.

Yeah but despite that Shinji at the end of the movie seems to be as mentally troubled as he was at the beginning of the movie.

He's alright by the end of the last episode of the show though, can read that as taking place after the very end of EoE.

It's not obvious, but his grief is symbolised the last moment in the film when Shinji briefly chokes Asuka, but cannot bare to tighten his grip at all. He let's go, so to speak, all his baggage. And, all he is left to do is lay there. The ending is bittersweet. I think Asuka's line at the end, "You're disgusting.," is two faced. She's a tsundere. Even though the content of her words are harsh, her tone is neutral. I think it would be read the line instead as "I need you."
Watch at your accord, it's a spoiler.

>I have the attention span of an 11 year old: the post

>takes out all the crazy weird shit that made the second half so interesting

m8 NGE is indistinguishable from its many shitty knockoffs from the late 90s/00s once you take out Hideaki Anno's auteur fugue state out from the equation

Thanks for your responses. I can only say there's many ways to interpret Evangelion. But I guess that's one of the things that makes the show attractive.

I don't think that one can describe Asuka as just being a tsundere. I think there's more to it.

There's more to her, of course, but Asuka is the archetypal tsundere.

I supposed the Asuka/Rei debate has died down finally if there hasn't been any reaction to this.

Do you come from EvaGeeks or something? NGE debate has died down in general.

Well there's has been a little evangelion hype since last year due to the series being in Netflix, and that the last of the rebuild films is coming out this year.

>it's why anno had a literal fag write the episode and told him to make it even gayer after the initial script
Can anno get more based?

Also, Eva is a hegelian series.

/a/ still had regular rei vs asuka threads on 8ch

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Rei Bass Guitar

So, who you guys think is best girl?

As OP, Asuka, at least she seems to have a personality.

They're all unstable bitches I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot dick, but I do have a thing for fiery girls, so if I had to choose it'd be Asuka.

I was all about Asuka at 13, but now that I'm almost 30 I think Misato is best girl.

Have you finally finished watching the whole series?

Rei. before she dies her character progression and caring nature by the end show her to be a very good, if (like all of them) broken person. Asuka, is similar from a different end, but anyone who's actually had a girlfriend like her, knows that the amount of effort and problems caused is troublesome, unless you're a really chill person.

Hell no, this is just based on what little I know. Asuka is usually always smug or smiling, that's cute, Rei is always apathetic and somber. I don't have time for that shit.

>Rei is always apathetic and somber.
&ltI can't pay attention to facial expressions, so I'll take the fake ones plastered on by an aggressive, abusive girl than one by a calmer one.

>NGE gets better
lmao no

Don't waste your time OP. The characters only get more annoying, the plot only gets more absurd and the lore of everything is never explained properly. NGE is the pinnacle of psued bullshit and babbies first philosophy. If it were made today, people would be railing on it each week talking about how ridiculous the episode was or how annoying Asuka was. By all means stick it out to the end (by which I mean EoE, not just the end of the series) but you'll only get more annoyed

Oh look it's the unironic "2Deep4Me so it's pseud-shit" poster. I wondered how long you'd take to post here.

>but anyone who's actually had a girlfriend like her, knows that the amount of effort and problems caused is troublesome

There's an alternate live sequence that was meant to be in EoE (but was later deleted) where Asuka is hooked up with Toji. So I guess that's how she'd be in any relationship. By the way, one interesting aspect of the Eva fandom is the shipping (even though the characters are all fucked up to be in any kind of romantic relation, aside for the fact they are all just 14 year old kids).

Thee Asuka vs Rei argument is a classic indeed. I have some posts from leftyweebpol I made about preference and their brokeness, but I'm probably going to wait on reposting them when I can organize my time a bit better

Well, they both are great, they have their ups and downs. But if I have to choose, I'd choose Asuka. I wouldn't mind being always there for her whenever she needs me, aside for doing all the housework for her. Plus, she's a redhead, and redheads attract me.

Yes. The contrast of the end of the world with those moments of nothing happening.

I insist, this is the best series I have ever seen in my life. I think there is a lot of hegelian/freudean analysis to get out, which I haven't seen anybody write about.

The brilliant thing is that Shinji is the one that needs therapy the least.
I interpreted that as Asuka hating Shinji because he no longer hated Asuka enough. Asuka hates herself so much, that she hates Shinji for not hating her.

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Misato is the only correct choice.

Excellent taste

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>no you don’t get to say “but that’s the point”
But…it is?

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>anyone who's actually had a girlfriend like her, knows that the amount of effort and problems caused is troublesome, unless you're a really chill person.
That shit is like candy to me, reminds me of my mom

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I'm calling Asushin victory in the next Evangelion.

I'm basing this a process of elimination and the ending of EoE. Kaworu is dead, Rei will be used in the instrumentality and Mari doesn't fit the ending thematically. Since the instrumentality will be started with 01 and Asuka lacks her Evangelion it's safe to assume she'll be in the middle of it.

Barring Anno dropping a brick on her head she'll be the last one standing with a confession. Tic toc Mariasufags, tic toc.

Since (you) doesn't exist on this site these images have more impact methinks

pleb filtered lol

Who is best girl
And why is it Misato Katsuragichristian_communismChristian Communism

Some people want a strong woman with opinions and thoughts of her own. These people have bad taste.

Destroying the world is a pretty strong opinion thoughchristian_communismChristian Communism

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she's real in my dreams

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I feel youchristian_communismChristian Communism

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Whoever wins, Evangelion is still pretentious trash.

For me, it’s Yui.

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Interesting pickchristian_communismChristian Communism

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did you know that your kid can be only as smart as your wife?

I only enter Eva threads for delicious, salty comments like these.

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Shinji is best girl (for kaworu) obviously

best girl definitely.

also this.

Isnt he just Rei for Homosexuals?

Rei never rubbed one out over anyone's comatose body

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I meant kaworuchristian_communismChristian Communism

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Well in that case yes, kinda, insofar as a father is just a mother for homosexuals.

this is one of many placeholder symbolism I do not appreciate from NGE. Even after watching reboot I still don't appreciate how Kaworu is depicted. Like, why would you bioengineer a boytoy for confused teen having hard time with puberty? Shinji needed a dad not girl(boY) who is easier to talk to. If Kaworu slept with either Rei or Asuka it would have been based AF bonus point if shinji masturbates to the scene

>Like, why would you bioengineer a boytoy for confused teen having hard time with puberty?
Cus that's exactly what every confused gay teen going through puberty wants? A (boy)friend?
Shinji needed a dad, and never really had one, and wants the one that's basically right infront of him, that's exactly why getting him a new, different dad wouldn't have worked. You can look at Misato and Kaiji as examples of attempted replacement mother and father figures for Shinji and in both it doesn't work because there's a void there that can't quite be crossed, the mother-Mistato relation just gets diverted into sexual frustration with Asuka and the brief father-Kaiji relation falls short of Shinji's desire. In the end Kaworu was exactly what Shinji wanted, a christ-like father-brother figure who would love him unconditionally. Him sleeping with anyone else makes zero sense as well, that role is pretty much filled by Rei witnessing Gendo and Ritsuko, or Misato and Kaiji.

no I was larping as gen X failed father figure. I think kaworu teaching Shinji how it's done among guys could have destroyed shinji bit further and actually cause Third impact instead of… whatever we got at the end of Evangelion. Obviously this wouldn't work with current Kaworu's design choices but if Kaworu was introduced bit earlier in the show as frenemiy antagonist in classroom settings, it might have been interesting instead of the other guy who got crushed during test drive. he really doesn't contribute anything beyond momentary guilt

I used to be all about Asuka, but now I'm more drawn to Misato. Rei and Kaworu are great too. I wouldn't mind doing all the house chores If I was living with Misato.

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I feel you when I was younger I really liked Rei
But after a recent rewatch I felt more drawn to Misato I understand her much better nowchristian_communismChristian Communism

Yep. 100%.
My bf and I watched and discussed it a lot. It might sound cringe, but it felt like I understood more about adulthood, about myself, about others. It was a very profound experience.

I watched it when I was younger and it was a very profound experience as well, but for very different reasons. As >>6124 says
>Cus that's exactly what every confused gay teen going through puberty wants?
I cried watching it. It made me feel so so alone, and in many ways I was. Shinji was insufferable, but watching him was like watching myself be a pathetic cringelord IRL that was grappling with their own alone-ness. It made me confront parts of me back then.

Second time I saw it was 10+ years later and my focus was much more on Misato. I understood Shinji much better and saw him with less cringe, perhaps because I don't see myself in him as much.

The series end is so god damn cathartic. It's like coming down from a really good acid trip.


You know, the more I think about it, I guess properly critiquing NGE requires lgbtq perspective. I was too dense to realize that Shinji could have been suffering not only sexual frustration but confusion too. He is cringelord if I only focus on his refusal to accept adulthood but to think he could have been bi or gay teen going through puberty make things bit darker.

Did you see evangelion 3.0? What are your thoughts on ending sequence?

>I guess properly critiquing NGE requires lgbtq perspective
Not that anon, but I think you are right. Although not as important as the main themes, I think gender stuff is explored in the series. Like, the main cast of characters don't accomodate to gender stereotypes, especially Shinji who isn't your typical manly protagonist you would normally find in other mecha anime (something that gets him mocked and criticized by people like Asuka and Misato). Besides, there's also the fact Shinji totally fell for a guy, the attraction he felt for Kaworu was stronger than the one he probably felt for the girls. I find it interesting that Evangelion has many aspects to explore and analyze. Even to this day people are still discussing and finding new things that had been overlooked all these years since the series first aired.

I haven't watched it. I'll watch it soon and report back.
I think more than sexual confusion is the desire for some larger than life individual to "swoop" you up and validate your existence. Growing up gay, my biggest frustration wasn't sex, but the capacity to desire freely. Kaworu is someone who is able to desire and love freely, unhindered by internalized homophobia and confusion. It also plays into one of the overarching themes about validation and lacanian self-alienation (eg the characters projecting better versions of themselves and constantly failing to fulfill these projected ideations). Kaworu is the ideal self of Shinji and becomes the object of desire of Shinji. And Kaworu accepts and validates Shinji's existence as is. He's the realization of seeking validation outside oneself.

As a gay teenager, coming to terms with being gay is extremely self-alienating. You're basically forced to identify with the foreign concept of being gay unto yourself, which causes neurosis, but Kaworu represents the overcoming of that neurosis too.

Yeah watch it you will love itchristian_communismChristian Communism

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Heh. Rey Ayanami.

Anyone have a link to a good torrent of this series?

>requires lgbtq perspective
Bruh I'm straight and that shit GAVE me perspective.

Will you all are already here I'm gonna ask you another question
What is the right way to watch Evangelion?christian_communismChristian Communism

what the fuck kind of question is that? just watch it

There are 9 movies

I kind of feel bad for burgernons who may never be able to appreciate subway scenes. There's this distinct ambience that only ricecels can understand about riding subway back home from work or school

There's a distinct ambience that only comes from the brain damage that comes from breathing poisonous subway air.

Why should subway air be poisonous?

Why should it or why is it?

why is ittankieTankie

thx intersting stuff

To put it simply, there's no "right" way. Wanna binge? Binge. Wanna watch one episode a day? Do that.
I can't pass judgement on the quality of specific subs or dubs tho.
That said, some episode may be quite good in terms of pace and action, while there are at least a couple of filler episodes, even though in reality there's always some development either in terms of characters or the background of the whole story. If anything, the first half of the series tend to offer more fast paced action when it comes to fights, while the second half has literal trips. Also, don't freak out if a lot of elements in the story don't get to a solution: this franchise is notorious for red herrings.
Watch the entire series, twentysix episodes, including the last two episodes, which are the trip of trips, then turn to the films, Death/Rebirth and End of Evangelion. The first is a quick retelling of the whole story plus the first part of the finale, but this time in a real world, action perspective. The second is the whole action finale.
Then, if you liked it or at least you had not actively disliked it, you can move to the more recent Rebuild films.sandinistaSandinista

I've only ever watched Evangelion and the related films. No other anime resonates with me like Evangelion did, it's just pointless to watch another one for me.allendeAllende

There are alot of great anime out there but nothing gets close to NGE
I love gibli movies but even the best are only second place

Paprika and Perfect Blue get close to EoE's style and are enjoyable, but I enjoyed the introspection and depressive mood of the series and film which I've never seen anything reproduce at all.allendeAllende

Its kinda ironic NGE was made as a reaction to the great stagnation that started in Japan
Now after 40 years of stagnation it isnt even possible to produce smth like this again

Have you seen GITS? the 90s movie and SAC series?

I have only seen the movie and while I liked it, it wasn't Evangelion tier.
Very true. Anno's mental state declining as the series went on certainly contributed to the atmosphere of the show as well. It was lightning in a bottle, really. That just makes it all the more special.allendeAllende

>it wasn't Evangelion tier.
God Tier

Top Tier

Bottom Tier

Evangelion Tier

Did you wait for 46 replies so you could say you don't like NGE?

Eh. That's your opinion, it's not my problem. Also like >>6248 said, why wait for 45 replies before saying this? This is an Evangelion thread lmaoallendeAllende

It's the obligatory "Evangelion is shit" post

it's tru tho

>it's tru tho
Ok, and?allendeAllende

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3+1 airs today/tomorrow. They just premiered footage of the opening credits, of which you can watch here: https://streamable.com/63pd70

1. It's a tie between Rei and Misato.
2. Will Shinji ever be happy?

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fuck I haven't watched the Rebuild movies

>already DMCA'd
bah, it's on nyaa; dl it there

Is the entire thing there?allendeAllende

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Gunbuster was better

Thanks anonallendeAllende

You're welcome

Any news about the new movie?
Is it any good?

Was that the last movie? I haven't watched any of them

Its the last one yes
I watched the other ones and they were ok but not great

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until anno dies, then they'll make more.

I recently thought a bit about the movies and I think they werent necessary I kinda understand why they made End of Evangelion (even though I like the original ending more) but everything after that was just milking the franchise bc they are unable to create smth as great again

>even though I like the original ending more
why is that?

Spoilers obv.
Shinji realizing his own flaws and commiting to overcoming them and then the hole cast coming together to gratulate hime for this just works for me it has some lightheatness to it like all of what happened was just part of his personal journey to overcoming his flaws and becoming a better man it also makes clear that between all the giant robots monsters and christian metaphors Evangelion was in its core about trauma
In comparison the ending of end of evangelion turns this around shinji isnt able to overcome himself Misato is dead he is choking Asuka who just pitys him
I cant prove that but for me this ending represents the personal failure Hideako who after all just couldnt do it you couldnt overcome himself
But I love the Asuka fight scene but the progress that is made there is also a bit lost when in the end she just lays there with shinji

I loved both for the same reasons. The incapacity to ever fully be trauma-less. Shinji chooses to not be part of the human instrumentality project because existing is better than not. He's fine with having all that pain as long as we get to exist. Then he wakes up and the first thing he does is try to choke Asuka lol. Pain and trauma are nasty as fuck, but the alternative is to be One. The contrast with Asuka not even struggling because he understood Shinji and saw him as pathetic instead of trying to win his approval all the time. It's both sides of the coin, our trauma, and other's trauma as we experience it.

In general I liked the idea that we are separate, and alienated from each other, but to become One was untenable too. We will always try to become One, and our failure to do so will cause trauma. So, trauma is the contradiction of individuals and the One.

I agrre there is some worth to the alternative ending
Creating a direct opposite ending is still a bit weird to me

It could be my memory failing but wasn't final episode of NGE supposed to be happening inside Shinji's head as Third impact was happening in the movie? I thought they were intertwined not meant to be alternative. I thought Shinji's conclusion was that he'd rather live as a painful individual then sedated blob of mass while Asuka abhorred Shinji from her core.

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I might be getting old, but I see myself gravitating more and more towards Best Brows.

Based. Best girl from the start

Im probably still to young to apprerciate her

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i am assuming this is a neon genesis evangelion meme because its incomprehensible

somebody please explain it

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Everything you need to know about NGE is in this analysis

I have a lot more respect for Eva now

If Anno hates his fans what would Anno think of the people who think that Eva is overrated garbage, though?

Maybe he just ignores them

Why is there always at least one massive Evangelion thread on /a/ with the same debates and posts as always? I just remembered that.

Well, I find that ironic cat meme to be more incomprehensible than Eva, if I'm being honest.
I might be remembering things wrong, it's been years since I watched it. At the end of the original series (in the finale movie), during the Third Impact, all of humanity turns into a liquid that's called "LCL", a state in which they're supposed to be happy because people's insecurities are eradicated since everyone complements each other as they have now become one. Because of how it played out, all the people that turned into LCL have the choice to regain their human/physical body at the cost of having flaws and potentially hurting each other as separate entities again.

He wants them to think that precisely. There is nothing more pleasing for him, than to see some weebs discussing and raging over this show

Whats the meaning of Komm Süßer Tod?

"i want die"

Then what does he think about the people who enjoy seeing fans rage over it?

I assume he is indifferent to it, as he essentially is that person too. He only wants to stick it to otakus

Is this just some kind of IP cash grab like star wars

tbh i dont quite understand what anno is doing with NGE there are like 20 different endings now
Does he need to money
Does he want to make everyone happy

100% yes.

It's called greed.

>that spoiler
bruh who the fuck made this show
holy shit what the hell does it all mean

i kinda get it why people talk about it still now


AT fields are a metaphor for the divisions that people put between themselves and others for various reasons, for good or ill. They're what enable humans to maintain their individuality. The instrumentality project dissolves the human AT fields, in which all humanity merges into one collective consciousness. By eliminating the AT field and merging humanity, the pain created by division is supposedly eliminated as humanity achieves perfect understanding of its constituent parts.

Shinji balks at this in part because he's mortified by the ordeal of being known.

If you want reasons, read this >>8483

That fucking shithead creep who jacks it to a unconcious girl is gay?
I have seen this show talked about everywhere but I never knew that happened in the show

Anyways I googled the show and can't really find much of the "hate" the creator has for the fans and otaku but that might becase western news sources might not cover it as much

Whatever. I'm not really into the otaku shit and I don't really understand the point of making something you hate or watching something that you know is made by somebody who hates you but whatever

This fucking anime is too good damn layered with metaphors and deep irl lore too it seems. Not my tempo.

I am a narcissist. I would love to be known over and over and over again.
I want everybody to read my mind and fully become me and I want to be inside everyone.
I don't know any other sexual innuendoes to make of this.

>he ordeal of being known

Seriously tho, What does this phrase mean exactly
Like does it mean that everybody will know your entire lifes actions, dreams, fears?

Is this shinji character not accepting of who he is and what he has done

>That fucking shithead creep who jacks it to a unconcious girl is gay?
It's very heavily implied, not explicitly stated but it's obvious that Shinji had feelings for Kaworu (at least in the original series), but still there are fans who completely deny it.
As for the masturbation scene, well, the cast is full of fucked up individuals.

Shinji's fucked up and can't deal with rejection. For him every opportunity to connect with someone is a new opportunity for someone to find out how rotten he is, and subsequently abandon him once they've gotten their use out of him.

Shinji being gay is debatable, but his time with Kaworu is some of the only time that he's actually happy, in part because Kaworu accepts Shinji unconditionally. Which of course makes it all the more traumatic for Shinji when he has to murder him.

i hate shinji

do you know NGE only from the memes?

The true crux here is that Shinji is not the rotten one. Everyone else is and they can't connect to each other because of it. The idea of Shinji being a porcupine was projection.

I don't know NGE at all
Everything I have known about it so far has been against my will

I like gag anime like Dr.Slump and Dragon Ball
Not mecha stuff

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Bro, you're literally skipping the whole series and going straight to the ending spoilers. You lack all of the context.
Go and watch it, it's only 25 episodes. It starts slow and seems like any other mecha series until Asuka joins the cast (iirc). Then it becomes a wild ride.

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You have been exposed twitter migrant

You just exposed yourself as a soyjak.party migrant.

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dont do italbaniaAlbania

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Generally I'd agree, yeah, but it's a projection that Shinji's internalized. That's one of the reasons I really like ReTake, because Shinji has his epiphany and comes around to the idea that, hey, maybe he isn't the fucked up one here.

>but it's a projection that Shinji's internalized.

Critical Support to ShroomChads to kill the soyjaks forever

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This is (You)

>It's a MariShin ending
>Mari is a time traveler who knew his parents
<HOAD https://imgur.com/a/YlWfywm
Fuck Anno, his original work was great but the rebuilds were worse in almost every aspect, he unironically should have jacked off on camera and that still would have been a better ending.

>Cus that's exactly what every confused gay teen going through puberty wants
<a boyfriend
Except that's not what Kaworu is or is meant to represent originally, it arrived because of Japan's obsession with Yaoi. Even Anno himself mentioned in an interview that he approved the Mangaka's Fudaka shit because he didn't know how else to flesh out his plot-device of a character.

Shinji isn't supposed to be gay or bi or any sexuality, because that's not the point at all. He's looking for love while simultaneously believing that he is not loved, because he doesn't think himself worthy of love and therefore affection - this is worsened by Misato struggling with her own grief, Rei being mindwiped and placed in her new body, Asuka going off the rails and all his friends being sent the fuck away.

And so at his lowest point, Shinji meets Kaworu, who with a constant smile and persistence continues to interact with him, his Angelic nature meaning that he disrupts human social customs because he is unaware of them. Then it turns out he is Tabris and Shinji is forced to fight him, and Shinji states
<"You betrayed me, like my FATHER"
Unless we're reading Adam Kadomon fanfiction, Shinji wasn't sexually involved or in any way attracted to Gendo and the relationship between father and son differs to that between lovers, which would imply that Kaworu had become a support for Shinji, with something as vulgar as sexual attraction being irrelevant.

The inclusion of "sex" into the manga cheapened this, as did Kaworu's wanton killing of a kitten with the typical nihilist "it'll die anyway" garbage. It's not the gayness that is annoying, but how it translates the desperation of Shinji into a discount homolust tease doujin. While the anime doesn't fuck this up, the manga goes full retard with it, and subsequently we've had a consistent rise in KawoShin shipping garbage and associated cancer. Not that unironic Asuka-Rei fags are much better, but given Kaworu's character being pivoted on Shinji (from the audience's point of view), it devalue's his character into "muh gay bishounen uwu" tosh rather than being the rather beautiful symbolism he was.

TL;DR: It ain't about yaoi-shit or romantic crap but about desperation and it's search for a supporting love.

Anyone living in a burger city like Chicago or Boston that has to commute can understand this, as do Russians and Europe.

About 4 months late but don't watch that shit, it's trash.
>soyjacks all around
How unoriginal
The hell are you doing here then? Also goddamn get some better taste.

Come Sweet Death is the meaning. I think that's where the old 4chan meme came from.

>this rookieshit
This is a decent post but it barely scrapes the surface of the complex embroilment of Anno's insanity.

>Cold Clinical woman who has little moral or ethical qualms
>hates her mother but emulates her anyway
>projects her hatred for Gendo using her for sex onto Rei, further stunting the latter's social growth and making her subconsciously miserable
<'best girl'
I can understand and sympathize with her on a human level, but she's a few strings short of a war criminal, She'd probably kill you in your sleep with an undetectable poison she'd concoct out of sheer boredom.

I haven't watched any of the Rebuilds so I don't have the patience to try to understand this chaotic collection of posts.
So Asuka ends up with Kensuke and Shinji with Mari? What happened to Kaworu and Rei and their fans?

>About 4 months late but don't watch that shit, it's trash.
If it's fun or helps me understand fan reactions better, I will watch them. Not like I'll take them as canon over the original series.
>The hell are you doing here then? Also goddamn get some better taste.
stfu f/a/ggot

If you absolutely have to watch it, then I suggest you drink while doing so. After 2.0 I couldn't get through the last 2 films sober, because every moment of stupidity and drama made me want to shake Anno by his lapels and ask him to stop.

>because every moment of stupidity and drama made me want to shake Anno by his lapels and ask him to stop.
I know absolutely nothing about the films except for a couple of details and the existence of Mari. What's so stupid about them? Please give me a quick rundown.

Ok first two films were not as good as the original, but moslty followed the original series up until Zeruelstill tried to remain consistent with the themes, and did have their own good ideas, however now Angels are much easier to beat for no reason. There is also some hints about it being a continuation from EoE where everything starts over anew but with traces of the previous series (the Ocean is LCL for example). On top of that when facing Zeruel, Shinji is conscious and he causes 3rd impact by trying to pull Rei out, only to be stopped by Kaworu with yet another Spear and another Evangelion from the moon.
The scene where Shinji fights Zeruel for Rei is pretty good, btw.
However now we get to the real shit show of 3.0 and frankly I'd have an easier time listing what is not wrong with it, among which is the Kaworu and Shinji playing on the piano scene.
I suggest enjoying these video reviews, as they put things into words better than I can manage at 4AM.
DemolitionD series on Rebuilds
Part 1: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2dwnvb
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEn6-vLYvFQ
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sATCoI7Ozk4
Pleeb and Weeb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCtEVnhf0z8

As for 3.0+1.0, …I don't even know where to begin to describe the awfulness except to say that it's not even Evangelion at this point anymore. Oh I guess Mari - she's a time traveling 'friend' or sister of Yui Ikari and she basically becomes Shinji's girl at the end, because it was in fact her grand plan all along to bring Shinji happiness - yes the entire mess where she barely interacted with anyone and barely did anything outside of jobbing in her Eva, was part of a grand attempt to fix everything in some strange timeloop thing. It was essentially nonsense, and Anno tried to pretend that "The Curse of Evangelion" was an analogy for Evangelion plaguing everything he did or was, forcing him to repeatedly work on it to appease fans… and that 4.0 was him breaking away and being free… which was all nonsense of course.

Oh and the artstyle and animation is worse with it's reliance on CGI, pic 2 related.

>he unironically should have jacked off on camera

Isn't that pretty much just what the script for Evangelion is anyways?

Kek, no.
>Kaworu and Rei
Rei wants to become a farmere and live in solitude and peace but without LCL her body just falls apart.
Kaworu reveals himself as a being that exists in all timelinees or something like that, and that this whole thing has been going on over and over and over again and that Shinji needs to end the loop. While there is no KawoShin content, the fujos went full retard and have been spamming /a/ evangelion General threads with their garbage for months since the movies release.

don't you mean AT field?
>no KawoShin content
I thought the movies were gayer than the series, or are you just talking about the latest ones?
Also what happened to the other couples?

>don't you mean AT field?
Nope, LCL
<"Rei requires constant exposure to LCL and cannot maintain herself, decomposing in Shinji's presence."
>are you just talking about the latest ones?
The gayest moment in the series outside of the manga fuckery is Rebuild 3.0 where he and Shinji are constantly together, in 1.0 and 2.0 it's straight as an arrow for relationships.
I was referring specifically about 4.0 in >>8802 where Kaworu is barely in it.
>what happened to the other couples
Misato apparently had a kid with Kaji but abandoned him at a farm with other survivors. Touji and Hikari got together and are adults, Kensuke is still alone, Asuka is actually a clone or something and is also alone, Shinji ends up with Mari after Gendo and yui sacrifice themselves during 5th impact to reverse infinity or something and basically create a world without Evangelion, a la The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki, where he meets Mari as adults and they walk off into the future.
Oh and Mari is apparently some friend of Yui's from some alternate past.

It would have been nice for them to set any of that up at any point in the previous decade

>Kensuke is still alone
thank fuck
Thanks for the summary anon

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>set up Mari
Hah, yeah. But fuck the audience is Anno's motivation for Evangelion in the past decade. The creator of mari actually ahd to come out and claim the Mari timetravel bullshit was non-canon, because fans were so annoyed at how half-assed this trivia was, especially since the movie doesn't actually openly go into it and it's a manga extra that went along with the rebuild story.

You're welcome.

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reposting a good take: The original series had a central theme of finding the will to live and push forward. Why hasn’t Anno been able to connect this theme with the Rebuilds and instead opt for more meta themes? It’s like he completely forgot his fight with depression and can only focus on how much he hates his older lifestyle. I know that Anno said that the theme of 4.0 is “the loss of loved ones and moving on”, but making Asuka and Rei’s feelings towards Shinji be programmed is a clear meta commentary on the fanbase. Evangelion resonated with so many people beyond more than just waifuism, but I don’t think Anno will ever understand that.
In the End, Evangelion was 2Deep4Anno, he did (not) understand his own creation.

>Though for context I also hated 'The Godfather' and 'No Country For Old Men' and thought they were pretentious overlong shit, so maybe I'm just a contrarian.
Nah OP, that's called having taste.

Personally, I don't think Shinji and Mari are a couple like some people like to suggest, for me it seemed pretty ambiguous (not that I have anything against them being together). But I guess it's up to interpretation. Kaworu and Rei could definitely be a couple. The only romantic interaction so far is between Asuka and Shinji when he tells her that he also liked her, making her blush.

>That's called having no taste

t. no-taste anon

>Why hasn’t Anno been able to connect this theme with the Rebuilds and instead opt for more meta themes?
Because the rebuilds are about trolling the fans and making money.

Lost Evangelion AIDS PSA found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h1lFlKsppo

This is one of the best videos Owen has made. I'd recommend anyone else in the thread to watch it although it isn't really that related to Eva

It turned out to be more meta than I anticipated but any excuse to share Mecha, especially now

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weebs: "I watch evangelion for the plot."
anno: "The plot is Gendo wants to touch boobs."

>Anno: "I'm tired of this thing I made in the 90s during a depressive episode, so fuck the fans"

Ok masochist

You should understand the show is basically a satire of the anime that was being made at the time, the tropes involved with mecha shit and harem shit. A lot of what the show is doing won't land or will come off weird without that context. A lot of what's stupid about it is what was stupid about these genres at the time and the stupidity and wrongness is heightened to explore that. It's your typical deconstruction. The reason people like it so much is that most of the characters have their emotional problems developed pretty fully and they all paint an interesting picture of social dysfunction. I won't pretend it's the greatest thing ever but if you appreciate it for what it is it's pretty good.

Pretty sure the point of the rebuilds in general was to give the fans the finger for all their dumb bullshit. Mari is there to be the ideal fantasy girl and the fact that she ends up with Shinji without any build up and entirely of her volition is basically that idea taken to its logical conclusion. A lot of the rebuilds make more sense if you look at it through the lens of Anno giving the fans what they say they want but in a way that blue balls them because what they want is stupid and he resents them for it.

Also watching TV series as new episodes are being released is a very different experience from binge-watching it.
Evangelion was designed to be released in episodes for TV with a specific schedule.

This is a good point. The pacing works better with gaps, and especially later on it's better to have breathing room between episodes.

Michael Bay's Evangelion was an ADHD parody… I just love how everything is off. The angels are off, the look of the women are off, Gendo was bald. Ironically the Rebuilds weren't too far off from it.

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>Miss Frizzle: bleeding out on Magic School Bus This is an adult kiss, we'll do the rest when you get back. kisses Arnold
>Arnold steps off the bus to go and fight Eva Carlos in the Antiverse.
>Magic school bus: explodes

“Plug suits everyone!”

“Please let this be a normal anime!”

“Evangelion? No way!”

Shinji’s obtained godhood

Rei-Kaworu think he’s cool!

Gendo fucked up big time

And Misato’s gone for good!

Third impact’s a shit show

No one thought it’d go this way.

It’s the world’s begin and ending

Let’s see what Shinji has to say!!

It’s the giant robot!

Get in the giant robot!

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You thought Evangelion is finally over after 4.0?
You fools, the milk train is still going!!!
Train Anime Shinkalion Z Announces Evangelion Crossover
Ya can't make this shit up!

Should I watch the latest eva movie? I already have it on my HDD but I can't bring myself to watch it after the absolute dogshit the 3rd movie was.
I'm still mad about that one.

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It's not as incomprehensible as 3.0 but it is just as bad IMO. See posts
TL;DR: it's inane and I Do (Not) Recommend 4.0 At All.

Yeah Eva is still overrated garbage. This vid I found sort of sums up my thoughts on it.

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>saging your shitpost
Coward. The video is shit, it's not even sarcastically parodic so it's gaping inaccuracies just prove that this ECeleb approached the series determined at disliking it before they even saw it. The fact that their entire argument is centred on a generic "muh depression" line that literally says nothing is just boring. The whining bout lore is also typical weeb bullshit, they always want lore explained (especially when lore is not important) but don't seem to realize the explaining the lore past a certain point in a non-adventure quest type story is retarded, nd moreover whenever lore is given it is either done inanely, kills the story or is hated by the fans because it "(over)explains the magic" (see rebuilds as a good example of all 3 happening).
So yeah that fucking review is pretentious as fuck.
Not really unless you're a speedreader/watcher, the show's content is pretty clear and just about everyone knows the context of its creation, going into it blind is impossible even if you read the synopsis.
Shit taste. Evangelion's animation, art style, characters and plot is all benchmark quality. You can nitpick details or dislike things but the actual content is objectively well made.

Eva is still hot Garbage, though. It's not really deep at all. Anno has always been a hack who can't write a interesting story at all. All of the characters suck and have no redeeming qualities for any likable qualities at all.

Eva is basically babby's first exposure to elementary philosophy, and even then it really isn't that deep or even well done. All of the symbolism was simply done because the studio and Anno thought it was cool.

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>saging again
Are you actually this much of a salty faggot?
>Its garbage
<no argument
>it's boring
<No argument
Just making claims doesn't make them true. If you didn't find it interesting =/= it being bad you dumb fuck. I have utter disinterest in FMA but it's still a well animated show that has a consistent and intriguing plot.
>All of the characters suck and have no redeeming qualities for any likable qualities at all.
1) That's literal bullshit and implies either psychosocial issues of your own or a childish black/white understanding of people
2) Characters not being likeable doesn't make them bad you dumb fuck. I loathe a character like Admiral Akainu from One Piece, but he's not a bad character
>Muh Anno
<hack hack hack
Good job discovering America bro, you've done it, Evangelion's hype is no more, here's a cookie! …Are you actually this lacking in self-awareness? Everyone in the fandom knows he's a hypocrite and that's fine, it has literally no negative impact on the story being told, among the reasons being because people often ARE hypocritical, FFS; we're contradictive beings.
>babby's first exposure to elementary philosophy
No it really isn't you dullard. If I had a dollar for every retard who took
>we chose christian symbolism because it was foreign and mysterious
to mean
>literally every visual in the show is nonsense and irrelevant
I would have enough money to pay Anno to make another shitty Eva movie. The symbolism got picked for its aesthetic, but it's integration required forethought and actually reflected a lot of actual Abrahamic ideas and concepts.
>it really isn't that deep or even well done
Given that it's fairly straightforward, you're either legit too stupid or a ponce. It's not supposed to be people spitting out textbook definitions of psyche bullshit.

>Good basic summary of Evangelion
The show is a massive exploration of the human psyche and more-over a realistic look at what it would be like to be a traumatized, motherless child who's forced to pilot a cyborg god-imitation to fight eldritch creatures ironically named angels, with the stakes being the end of humanity, while also being treated as a tool and dealing with their own personal issues.

A lot of great works are essentially 'fuck yous' due an artists frustration in the medium they work/live in.
Personally, I've never been a big fan of anime overall but I enjoy the series and a few others since what must have been just a few year after the turn of the century. I'm disgusted by the sexual objectification of the characters and I personally put little stock in the religious imagery, beyond that which progresses the story.

The thing to love about Neon Genesis Evangelion is the characters themselves. They are not role models, heroes, or even cool - far from it. They are flawed and at times intensely flawed. Look at protagonists in almost any great work, they are flawed to hell.

The study of these characters and their flaws is what makes the show interesting. Their actions can be great acts of kindness, humanity, and then suddenly do complete 180s, because they are changeable and human. There is nothing wrong with liking these characters. I personally don't associate with them in every way, I certainly don't heroize or sexualize them, hell I wouldn't want to be friends with some of them. But I am fascinated and drawn to them.

>Inb4 Serial Experiments Lain is better

The show right from the first seven minutes establishes the subjectivity of the narrator, and the depersonalization of Lain between the wired, and the "real," and the shows finale ends off as a sublimation of the two into a greater understanding of the self, the perception of Lain in both worlds are no less real, and it does so through a cross-examination of the popular technology at the time, the internet. The show was largely based off post-structuralist thought from Deleuze.

This is all true and good, however Evangelion does its explorations well too. The difference here is that NGE is not there to make hard factual conclusions, but to trigger thought and consideration, and thus is abstract in many areas. The exploration of Asuka's trauma and her resulting behavior can be explained as a defensive mechanism in simple psychological terms, but this dry, scientific explanation bypasses the human element. Of the problem. Anno does not TELL us this or rather, as many anime, have Asua tell the audience by divulging this to some character, but rather we see it in her nightmares and her psychological episodes as she breaks down in the face of Shinji and Rei's growth, destabilizing her carefully built pedestal of superiority, created to hide her fears and sorrows created by her mentally ill mother.

The same goes for Rei and Shinji only from their own unique dillemas. The problem is that Anno was in the middle of depression and having his own deep thoughts, which, coupled with the enormous pressure on Gainax to make a hit, caused the entire staff to be on the edge of breaking down, and often going over the edge. This reflects on their work. But many of its viewers, were not under this pressure or did not relate to it and thus misinterpreted the results.

Rei and the Clone issue is well explored here:


Give this a read as well. I'm sorry that you feel that way but Eva has always been shit, and you only think it's deep because you heard so many other people on the internet say it is.

I have to admit, Evangelion is the worst I've ever seen. It feels like someones sick joke. Compared to it even High school DxD feels like pinnacle of story telling and character development. You can't even put it in "it's so bad it's good" category. Almost everything about Evangelion is repulsive. It's bleak, cringy, filled with pseudo-psychological nonsense and senseless symbolism. It is prime example of a superficial anime with little to no substance. Characters are boring and obnoxious. Seele looks like a boogieman placeholder. NERV isn't a research center (I don't even know what it was suppose to be), it's a certified mental institution filled with, in equal parts, of mindless puppets and megalomaniacs, and is run by sociopath with a god complex. Nothing is explained and everything means nothing. Who, when, why, how? Who cares, but lookie here, we have a bunch of squealing, squirming and agonizing kids just for your entertainment. And a cherry on the top is the ending, with two episodes of mental and verbal diarrhea with no meaning whatsoever. Just a white noise.

I've watched enough anime to understand that modern ones for the most part are as shallow as they come. They're just entertainment, way to kill time. Some of them offer something to think about, most of them don't. Some have interesting stories, most of them don't, but they have other things going for them. From time to time I seek out some old anime because they usually have some value in them, and most times this was true. Most of them were great, some of them were just "meh", but I never thought I'd dig up something this disgusting that I have to reevaluate my opinion on older stuff.

So, this is how I feel about Neon Genesis Evangelon. I hate everything about it, and that would include its creator. And I do realize that by hating it I acknowledge its significance. And that is true, it is significant, because not a lot of things leaves such strong and lasting impression on me, even if it's entirely negative.

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>you only think it's deep because you heard so many other people on the internet say it is.
I've been in the fandom since it began, piss off.
The link doesn't prove shit, it makes statements and then reaches a conclusion it already stated before the statements. Or rather the article makes correct statements and then concludes that these things making people dislike the show indicates that it's bad, and not that these dumbasses kept viewing a series clearly not aimed at being escapist fantasy.

>people generally indulge in fiction as a means to escape reality for 30 minutes to an hour

This is the most pathetic reasoning I've seen, comparable to "cartoons for kids can be shit 'cause they're for kids". Just because capitalist reality drives people to escapism does not make escapism the end-all-be-all of fiction. Explain the escapism in a horror movie or a historical drama? Evangelion is, from the very beginning obviously not escapist in any form, it's literally a criticism of escapism, that's a central theme, demonstrated by Shinji's "I musn't run away" . You don't like it? GOOD, that's the point, that means it's getting under your skin and making you feel and think rather than take the animated equivalent of a morphine shot. Escapism makes the prole become a lumpen and so dulls their ability to work and self-improve, and to live life in reality.
>Summary of plot excessively focusing on the detail of DNA mixing, ignoring key aspects
<it's confusing and dats bad
That same logic means The Matrix is "confusing and bad"
Infantile take. Half the content listed in the summary are excessive details. Even then I read it and the plot is understandable: A boy having special ability is summoned to fight a looming kaiju threat in a near-apocalyptic world in a giant 'robot', he's unwilling to fight and a psychologically damaged person, but does so for the greater good, acquiring friends and other relationships as he goes along. But life is not easy the monsters are dangerous and the 'robot' is actually a cybernetic biological organism. But rather than defeating the monsters, the main point is the conspiracy to ascend to a higher plane of being using utterly alien biotechnology and Shinji struggles as he or rather his Evangelion Unit becomes the focal point of this conspirational plan that results in all life on earth being liquified and their souls merging together.
As a synposis of 26 episodes and a single film, it's strange, but fairly simplistic makes sense and the fact that people today lack the attention spans to follow the story is indicative of their inability to do so. The things that remain unclear or mysterious are purposeful, it's a vast crisscrossing network.
An example of this mystery and obfuscation being attempted to be cleared up is 1st Darling in the Franxx (a ripoff that adds in a little Gundam) and the Rebuilds. Both attempt to explain their lore and mysteries and it just comes off as inane because you only have a certain capacity of time to explain the intricacies of biology and socio-economics, and you're left having an overinflated story lacking space for plot to develop.
>is a wimp that matures naturally like any real teenager would.
So essentially people (that complain about "muh Shonen protags" usually) also don't like characters that don't have plot armor and don't act like happy-go-lucky retards but like real people. Again that speaks not about Evangelion being shit, but about people having either shit-taste or just being too fucking lazy to look at a genre list and decide "yeah I'm not into drama/tragedy/etc., I should look for something fun and exciting"

TL;DR: The article states several key parts of the story and it's aim, these not being liked by escapist viewers does not make them objectively problematic. Not every piece of media must be tailor made for all audiences.

>you only think NGE is good because you heard other people say it on the internet
>anyway here's a random guy's blog explaining why Eva is objectively shit
Also, that article only explains why so many people hate NGE, it never claims that NGE is "objectively bad", and its conclusion is that people hate the show because it's not for everyone/not the type of show most people expected.
And the author's right. If you didn't like it, that's ok, but it does not mean that it's a bad anime. It's actually amazing how you could share that article without understanding it, and who knows if you even read it because it quite clearly spells out why it was well executed and why people who hate Eva missed the point of the whole show.
Evangelion does not try to be a typical anime. It doesn't even try to be a typical story. It goes a completely different way than most people would expect from an anime, so it's not surprising that so many viewers get mad at it for not being what they wanted it to be, and in fact being nothing like they wanted. But there are as many people (or more) who love Evangelion for what it is as there are people who hate it for what it isn't.

It's not even "2deep4u", I'm quite sure that you would be able to get it easily if only you didn't see it as a failed typical anime and instead saw it as the unconventional kind of story it is. Or perhaps you already understand what it's about and what it does, but still hate it because you know it's something that makes you uncomfortable.

>All of the characters suck and have no redeeming qualities for any likable qualities at all.
That's kind of the point and the characters being dislikeable (which isn't a universal opinion btw) does not mean that they're bad characters in any objective way, especially for the kind of story that Evangelion is. They are perfect for the story they're in.
>All of the symbolism was simply done because the studio and Anno thought it was cool.
The religious symbolism, which was done for style, is not the point and it's not meant to be deep or important. Neither that nor the lore are the point of the story.

>filled with pseudo-psychological nonsense
Could you at least point out specific examples of that?

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>Compared to it even High school DxD
These stories literally have nothing in common. DxD is fun and silly and is basically combining a Shonen protagonist and a semi-Isekai harem ecchi, having some deeper themes tossed in for plot and character development.
Evangelion is a essentially a mecha anime that satirizes many tropes in the genre and acts as a medium to express existential thoughts of the people creating it (despite popular misconception Anno did not create all of it or all of its ideas).
>It's bleak
Yes that's the point
How? You mean Shinji or what? I'm fairly sure that Shnji being "cringe" is the point, that's a introverted teen for you, not a moeized "cutie" but a rather annoying wimp. Do you refer to Asuka? Again, a traumatized girl trying to be mature and ending up just being obvious about her insecurities.
>Senseless Symbolism
Yeah I already said this once before, just because Anno said ONCE in an interview that he picked a design aesthetic because of the looks, doesn't mean the symbolism itself is meaningless and that's obvious to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention, I'll cover an example in another post so I don't text-wall too much. Heck I literally talked about this in the post you reply to.
Yeah that's a hard no from me. It's not COMPLEX psychology, and its not meant to be, it is however correct and covers ideas of Id, Ego, Super-Ego and other psychological concepts accurately. It doesn't analyze them from a scientific aspect but from an psycho-emotional one; that's the point of it. Serial Experiments Lain is the series that defines psychology more scientifically, because that's the point of THAT series. See >>10095
>Characters are boring and obnoxious.
Boring is your opinion, obnoxiousness of many characters is again intentional, Misato isn't supposed to be a role model of a stable person nor is Asuka or Rei or Shinji, that's the POINT FFS, to demonstrate people as they are, fundamentally broken, not heroized fantasy versions of them. The main characters are sympathetic but also off-putting on purpose.
>Seele looks like a boogieman placeholder.
The fuck are you on about? SEELE is a cabal of rich people that run society, just like porky today, it doesn't need to be detailed because it's not extremely important to the plot. You sound like you spent too much time on /pol/.
>NERV isn't a research center
Yes indeed it isn't a research center, that'd be Gehirn. NERV is stated to be a special organization that was put together to combat the Angels after the Second Impact and is the organization responsible for the creation of the Evangelions.
>it's a certified mental institution filled with, in equal parts, of mindless puppets and megalomaniacs, and is run by sociopath with a god complex.
yet another claim that essentially tells me you skimmed the series and learned most of this from memes and /a/'s statements.
>Nothing is explained
Covered in >>10098
>everything means nothing
Congratulations you reached one of the ideas of NGE that sometimes, in spite of all effort things end up being meaningless… except y'know the part that has Shinji reject Instrumentality and the idyllic illusion it represents and continue to live as an individual, because you should fight to survive and try to achieve something even if nothing is guaranteed.
>we have a bunch of squealing, squirming and agonizing kids just for your entertainment
Imagine being this fucking disingenuous about the depiction of suffering in the series. They don't get tortured for kicks, they get injured doing a job that they shouldn't be doing, but have to, against eldritch monsters, getting hurt and traumatized is par for the course, do you think combat and conflict is supposed to be like a Superhero cartoon or something? No consequences at all?
>two episodes of mental and verbal diarrhea with no meaning whatsoever
You're just literally just repeating memes made specifically to be disingenuous and ignoring the material realities of those episodes.

Your entire impression of Evangelion doesn't sound genuine at all, I'd try to reverse search your text to check for Copy-Pasta, but I can't be arsed to waste time scouring the internet for something that petty. Long story short not only are you just objectively wrong but to be honest your subjective opinions are boring and generic too because you're taking things too fucking seriously "I hate everything about it" congrats buddy you're literally r/whoooosh-ing this series because rather than just saying"meh I didn't like it" and moving on you admit to dedicating the time and energy to hating the series and demonstrate that you didn't even bring yourself to try and at least pay attention - in essence you viewed it just to be mad about it.

I'm >>10099
I forgot to add that none of the shit you mentioned about Eva (some of which is highly subjective and vague, like "cringy") means it's bad. Some of it is even intentional, like
>NERV isn't a research center (I don't even know what it was suppose to be), it's a certified mental institution filled with, in equal parts, of mindless puppets and megalomaniacs
>run by sociopath with a god complex
>Nothing is explained and everything means nothing

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Honestly rereading your rant, it sounds like you read an Adam Kadamon* fanfic, not NGE itself.
>Symbolism example
Here are some I suppose:

Man's relation to the spiritual is discussed in the show, but this is an argument people have been having since before 4chan. Some Newfag shows up, says "EVA's imagery is literally pointless, here's a quote where Anno says crosses look cool," completely ignoring that the series is about alienation, the fetishization of child soldiers, and the behaviors man exhibits in an attempt to keep himself safe from harm. It's not a flat "hurr durr muh super robot deconstruction" or "*hits blunt* dude Jewish mysticism lmao"

The Angels design reflects biblical ideas of rather eldritch looking angels (literally floating eyes and rings or giant leviathanic creatures) and the concept of the Chamber of Guf and Geofront 'Egg' parallel Manichean Cosmological mythology quite closely, too closely to just be random aesthetic.

Also someone pointed out that angels are a world-known concept that even the Japanese would be fully aware of Anno's naming of the monsters in his show as Angels (with canonic biblical names no-less) as an obvious irony. Along with NERV's motto "God is in his heaven, all's right with the world" which contrasts to the underground nature (both literally and socially) of NERV.

The Eva Units are essentially bastardized copies of of Adam and Lilith just as devils are born of the flesh of Lilith, the estranged first wife of Adam and of Lucifer.
Rei is born of Lilith and Yui Ikari and in EoE Shinji and Unit 01 acquire a set of wings and after mulling things over after having connected to all humanity's souls, rejects Instrumentality, essentially playing the role of Lucifer by granting the idea of choice for people and also that of Jesus by essentially be crucified and reborn. This is done too coherently to just be random symbolism. Even DxD that you mention is not that haphazard.

This isn't to say all imagery is purposeful, the exploding crosses of their light weapons (that shaped the idea of modern anime Angel weapons) are definitely just for a cool factor and some of it is just half-baked ideas that Anno retained. But that doesn't discredit the rest of the show and Anno isn't the only guy making it, but merely the head of a large collective.
since linking articles is legit apparently: https://archive.ph/OAzzL

Religious imagery aside (as that is the least important of it) the imagery in symbols like hands position and gestures come up many times and indicate different meanings. Pic related is the most basic bitch and obvious examples. Before you say 'lotsa anime use hand motif' Evangelion specifically focuses on it repeatedly and often, almost all of them the Right Hand. 'Hand' most frequently represents the ownership, power, or control that its possessor (either an individual or a people) has. Shinji constantly forms and unforms a fist when he's nervous or angry because those are his hand actions when he's inside Unit 01. It's about the only place he ever feels comfortable and also no doubt provides an immense feeling of power (and also at some deep level is a connection to his mother). It seems to be something he does when he's particularly unsure or nervous. It even goes back to the religious ideas (though I doubt Anno knows this one)
>"The hand can represent the whole person, symbolizing the achievement of what is promised with the mouth ( 1 Kings 8:15 1 Kings 8:24 )."
>"The hand of God, and especially the right hand, is also understood as a place of salvation, refuge, and protection (16:8)."
And further more there is a scene in EoE where Rei's voice asks during Instrumentality, "Then what is your hand for?" during Shinji's internal debate and struggle.

*an example of his horrendous writing being taken part:

>Video is just a massive meme comp of
<muh religion is just for cool
<it's just stuff for no reason
<they only explain at the end and don't really explain
<EoE doesn't make you understand uts happening
As if the chaos of EoE isn't fucking intentional. And also, aside from the actual Third Impact mental debate EoE is fairly fucking simple, posting ECeleb videos is not an argument.
<Muh Lore
(someone literally said "people know the lore for what it is because of like 20 video games" ignoring that those are completely AU.
This is honestly so tiresome, because none of these videos are saying ANYTHING concrete, they're just making claims and either don't back them up or cherrypick scenes out of context.

Also the video literally says
>"it gets too much praise undeservedly"
Fucking kek, the one thing that NGE fans have joked about and mocked for over a decade and is known to be of lesser importance to the story than many other things, is apparently getting to much praise… from who?!
A good comment talks about that "People paying more attention to the Religious imagery than the Characters internal conflict is like missing the forest for the trees, the entire cast is a reflection of Anno's fractured psyche and the tumultuous times Japan was living through. Conveying such personal chaotic abstract emotions while leaving yourself completely in the open it's not easy or simple, it's meant to make the audience reflect and come up with their own conclusions., the thesis of the show is to stop seeking external validation and instead find your own self-worth, Shinji rejecting the Human Instrumentality Proyect is a metaphor for that."

On top of this, "Evangelion is not about Theology or Religion, all of the Religious imagery and simbolism is an Aesthetic choice that adds to the Atmosphere and gives the show it a sense of mystery. In order to build the Lore of the series it borrows freely from pre-existing Terminology and Iconography, DC/Marvel do the same with Greek/Roman myth for Thor/Odin/ Loki/Hades/Hercules/Zeus., etc. … I want to add that all of these choices also double as an homage of sorts to older media like Mazinger, Devilman, Ultraman and many more, which not only inspired Evangelion but also made frequent use of similar kind of imagery."

>(someone literally said "people know the lore for what it is because of like 20 video games" ignoring that those are completely AU.
kek this, IIRC most of the lore is already within the original TV series, the extra scenes in later releases and the movie; the manga and games aren't necessary to understand the plot/lore, at all

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It's kinda the most obvious thing in any fandom - non-canon games and other content aren't canon

Ignoring all religious imagery, or rather all imagery and symbolism in general, NGE is still a fantastic show.

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Literally the only thing it had going for it was the fact that it was made in the 90s and explored subjects that weren’t popular for it’s time
If it was made today people would be complaining endlessly about the plot making 0 coherent sense, about the lore being nonesensical and confusing, about the amount of bad cgi shoehorned into every scene that was supposed to be epic or impactful about shjnji being another loner protagonists in a sea of loner stories designed to appeal to virgins in their 20s. It’s shit and the only positive is that it’s characters aren’t sexualized but actually have proper emotions

Aren't there already several threads just like this one?
>If it was made today people would be complaining endlessly about the plot making 0 coherent sense, about the lore being nonesensical and confusing,
Well, people already complain about that endlessly, and they're wrong anyway.
>about the amount of bad cgi shoehorned into every scene that was supposed to be epic or impactful
There was CGI in the TV series?
>about shjnji being another loner protagonists in a sea of loner stories designed to appeal to virgins in their 20s
If I recall correctly, the point of Eva wasn't to appeal to that audience and make them feel safe in their comfort zone. Quite the opposite.
>It's shit
You just mentioned things that people who misunderstand Eva complain about. Bait

In this gay & pointless OP
>people'd complain so its bad
People today complain about anything I don't give a damn.
>plot making 0 coherent sense
it made sense in parts, but the story is told in portions that intentionally deny the viewer from knowing the story because you're not supposed to understand the grand conspiracy because, as in reality, most cannot fully comprehend such a scheme and the methods or end-goal.
>Muh lore
It's lore is coherent for the plot, anything else is unnecessary.
>bad CGI
Fucking where? The only CGI used in Evangelion is in the Rebuild movies, the original is completely hand-animated
>another loner protagonists in a sea of loner stories designed to appeal to virgins in their 20s.
If that's your interpretation you missed the point entirely. Also as you pointed out, it got made in the 90s, and its story and tropes hadn't been done to death at the time.

Honestly this just sounds like you looked at memes about Evangelion, and saw some clips from the rebuilds and made an opinion based on that. Git Gud.

The only thing even slightly confusing about Eva is the end movies and even then it's not like you have to be steven hawkwind to figure out, unless you're the kind of person that loves marvel movies

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>yeah sure bro massive sections of the story are either cut out or straight up not written meaning the viewer has to do the writers work and imagine a coherently functioning plotline and ignore the fact that humanity somehow developed mechs capable of sending nuclear scale attacks and capture Eldriche gods but couldn’t build a rocket or base to get off earth when the third impact hit but none of that matters at all to the story or the meaning of anything in it because the writer is always right

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>viewer has to do the writers work and imagine a coherently functioning plotline
LMAO imagine making this shit up because you need to post your shitty gayjack. If writers put everything upfront there'd be no story. ach epsiode has coherent Beginning, Middle and End, and the plot of each episode has impact on later episodes, up until the end it's blatantly clear as to the plot - there is an eldritch threat and a limited method of combating it riding on the shouldrs of childrn that aren't cartoon heroes. Have you read a book or seen a film involving a conspiracy before? 'Cause the shit you're demanding exists only in garbage like Nolan's Tenet.
>humanity somehow developed mechs capable of sending nuclear scale attacks and capture Eldriche
They didn't develop mechs they used cloning on biological organisms that they used cybernetics on.
>capture Eldritch Gods
More like their progenitors and using this alien technology they found. If you actually observe NERV operations you immediately see the complexity and infrastructure required to run the facilities, it's literally obvious as heck in the first goddamn episode.
>couldn’t build a rocket or base to get off earth when the third impact hit
Are you retarded? The entire conspirational plan is specifically to induce 3rd impact but on humanity's - or rather SEELE's - terms and Gendo attempted to hijack the Human Instrumentality for his purposes of reacquiring Yui. It's outright stated, jackass.
Not to mention the fact that abandoning the earth to go where exactly? If the countless scenes of destruction didn't make it abundantly clear from the beginning, the 2nd Impact melted the polar ice caps and destabilized earth and society - wars, hunger, chaos and more - all as the preparation for the coming of the Angels, that are dictated by the predictions in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Sorry if your attention-span is too short for even the blatantly obvious.

>If writers put everything upfront there'd be no story.
I think he's just one of those fags that think worldbuilding is the same as plot. He wants to know everything about how the world in Evangelion works, so when the story only gives away the necessary details about this world, he considers the plot incomplete and incomprehensible.

Yeah probably… kinda sad TBH

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>don’t worry bro the story doesn’t have any sense just do what the marvel writers did in infinity war and ignore every time a major plot hole forms every time the stories own setting contradicts the events that take place in it

nta but I always thought of the writer and animators more than I did the characters in the show specifically
Like, Jesus what was wrong with them? Their egos and minds must have been thoroughly shattered for it to devolve the way it did. There is a dialectical relationship here that I feel like you're missing out on.

The problem is that those characters are unlikeable and with the bad worldbuilding in NGE it gets hard to feel anything for them every time the story builds up to a major arc or change because so many plot holes are apparent that it loses meaning especially at the end where the constant reminders of technologies as simple as fucking rockets or hell even storage for sperm and eggs easily blow away any emotional impact the viewer may have for the story

The best way to enjoy Evangelion is to not watch any of the series or movies and only read the hentai doujins.

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>he story doesn’t have any sense
But it does doyjakfag
>Muh marvuuuul
Burger spotted, >>>/hobby/ is the place for your capeshittery.
>ignore every time a major plot hole forms
Name a specific plothole in the original series, no rebuilds.

>hose characters are unlikeable
See >>10100
>bad worldbuilding in NGE
Fucking how? Explain yourself anon. And no bringing up the movies is not an argument.
>every time the story builds up to a major arc or change because so many plot holes are apparent
Explain; what plotholes are you on about.
>at the end where the constant reminders of technologies as simple as fucking rockets or hell even storage for sperm and eggs easily blow away any emotional impact the viewer may have for the story
Are you actually retarded or did you miss the entire "the planet suffered the equivalent of a meteor impact and rapid climate change flooding cities and creating an eternal summer? Did you miss the Rei clones and the reasons it's fucked up? How the fuck do rockets solve anything? It's not like they created the Evangelion for kicks.

If you're not going to bother making a coherent argument and just spam meme-tier shitposts that are outright incorrect, then I can only assume you're either a troll or just stupid. Unironically 2Deep4U.

Cumbrain… but ironically less of a faggot than OP.

Sure I can make a plot hole
Like wtf is the point in building easily destroyable mechs when you have the technology to build advanced ai integrated weapons system like the ones we literally see in the first fucking episodes
Or what’s the point in killing all of humanity when your not even gonna get rid of sperm and egg storages
Or why the fuck NERV is exclusively centred in Japan and the rest of the planet seemingly does nothing about the fact that there are Eldritch gods and aliens blowing up cities every fucking day
And I can just keep on and on with this obnoxious shit

>The problem is that those characters are unlikeable
And that's bad because…? Plenty of people enjoy this anime, both anime fans and normies (I know a couple who liked it). It doesn't matter if the characters are "unlikeable", maybe that's the intention and had the desired effect on the audience.

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>wtf is the point in building easily destroyable mechs
Did you do LSD during the runtime? They're not built, they're cloned cyborgs using ALIEN technology. Moreover they're facing creatures that clearly are demonstrated to be immune to everything including nukes from the first 5 minutes of the first episode. The EVA regenerate and can neutralize AT fields. **not to mention their key role in the 3rd Impact.
>what’s the point in killing all of humanity when your not even gonna get rid of sperm and egg storages
Are you autistic? You're one of those retards that gets an anal itch over Skynet not using mass chemical gassing and bio-weapons against humanity because you can't look past an artistic admission. Moreover they're not killing humanity, they're pulling a Grey Goo and merging humanity's consciousness into a single mass of LCL, so that people lose their ATF barriers - and so individuality - and never have to suffer or feel pain again, an ideal that essentially eliminates the very things that make us humans, and the key part of the last episodes is Shinji - a boy that has every reason to embrace Human Instrumentality - ruminating and thinking about his feelings and coming to the conclusion that it is better to suffer but also have the capacity to feel real joy and happiness and so live as an individual.
>why the fuck NERV is exclusively centered in Japan
Yeah you really are retarded
1) NERV is stated repeatedly to have American, German and other branches that are also key.
2) Tokyo-3 is located in the giant cavern containing the body of Lilith and is a giant alien space 'seed' called the Black Moon. All of this is stated in the series, the alien origins of it are expanded upon outside the series because they have little impact on the story.
>I can just keep on and on with this obnoxious shit
None of these are plot holes and it's only obnoxious because you're a speedreading faggot.

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>maybe that's the intention
Pretty much. The study of these characters and their flaws is what makes the show interesting. Their actions can be great acts of kindness, humanity, and then suddenly do complete 180s, because they are changeable and human. There is nothing wrong with liking these characters. I personally don't associate with them in every way, I certainly don't heroize or sexualize them, hell I wouldn't want to be friends with some of them. But I am fascinated and drawn to them. >>10095

Anno and his collective had been depressed and the economic crisis that Japan plunged into is a partial influence - Anno's Godzilla displays the bureaucracy of Japan's ineffectual gobirment and Evangelion also reflects this.

Nice stuff, thanks!

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Isn't the hope we have for Shinji the hope that we all have?

That father and son might be reconciled.

Yes it is indeed a hope that many of us have… but please uygha use the catalog >>590

fuck the catalog and fuck you

No U, contrarian.

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Оч͠е нашь ижє ѥси на н͠бсєхъ . да с͠титьсѧ имѧ
твоѥ да придєть ц͠рствиѥ твоѥ · да бѫдєть воля
твоя · яка на н͠бси и на земли хлѣбъ нашь насѫщьиыи ·
даждь намъ дьньсь · и остави намъ · длъгы
нашѧ · яко и мы оставляємъ длъжникомъ нашимъ
и нє въвєди насъ въ напасть · иъ избави ны отъ
нєприязни [яко твоѥ ѥсть ц͠рствиѥ
и сила и слава въ вѣкы]

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>unstable bitches I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot dick
>but I do have a thing for fiery girls

>reminds me of my mom
Oedipus is that you? Jokes aside, I'm glad this thread didn't have the "muh BPD" shitposters. That are inevitable on current leftypol.

Best taste.

Watch the first movie, Death. Then The End of Evangelion. It's the fastest.

IDK Y but a properly executed "love the Mets" meme is good.

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How true is this?

He called it Adam and Lilith, what do you think?

The Ultraman references MIGHT be in End of Evangelion after 3rd Impact (the Mass Production EVA on crosses) but not the initial series, as discussed already liking aesthetic and referencing other media does not exclude religious symbolism also existing on its own merit.

People constantly point to the Crucified christ and muh cross images but miss the subtle ones like pic related,.
this thread has some discussion that goes over the subtle yet strong message carried across https://archive.ph/8AF9e

Just watched the final Rebuild, what a bizarre film.

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it is brilliant
after all this time shinji becomes the God of the multiverse and creates this world that we physically live in - anno speaking against being an otaku yet shinji is literally the axis by which all existence revolves, yet he is also a God which negates his own condition, like Jesus sacrificing himself for the sake of humanity. We are the resurrection of the redemption of sin, in maturity, in love, in romance.
the visuals are perfect
the music is stellar as per usual
i even had a mini mental breakdown after
it is exactly what it could only be.

I'd like to see what would happen if you took Shinji and Amuro and had them switch roles

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I don’t care how much the writers spent on making this annoying ass teenage kraut easy to feel empathy for, she’s awful. The first fucking scene involving her involves watching her turned into a sex object which is weird considering again she’s 14, she’s annoying as shit and the viewers are provided nothing about her character or history beyond she should’ve been beaten repeatedly by her guardians for being an irresponsible little shit, she’s somehow even worse at piloting than Shinji due to rarely doing what’s asked of her by officials that actually understand the tech and science behind the mechs, other machines and angel’s, and even in the final scenes where literally everyone else is dead I feel more empathy for Shinjis dad than I do for that fucking redhead because at least ikaris actions make some clear level of sense regarding his situation not just with his past but with his loved ones and workplace. Fuck you Hideaki for allowing Asuka the right to live or even be a part of NGE, deliberately dislikeable characters are supposed to be viewed as either antagonists or beaten down by the writers for comic relief and satisfaction for the viewer, not viewed as actual people much less love interests and I’m glad Shinji tried fucking offing her at the end and nutted on her borderline dead and worthless body

Rest in piss(Use the General)

I’m amazed you didn’t also mention how she also set back shinjis personality back all the way to the first episode considering it’s likely 3rd impact wouldn’t have even happened if that bitch didn’t get shoehorned in the show when you realize that shinji was actually becoming more of a man each episode

>deliberately dislikeable characters are supposed to be viewed as either antagonists or beaten down by the writers for comic relief and satisfaction for the viewer, not viewed as actual people
I swear fags like you almost make me want to defend NGE

she's cute though

asuka is a good character because her role is responsible for causing the ending in EoE, which is objectively the best outcome for humanity

She’s also annoying as shit and every second she’s on screen feels agonizing

Don’t feel confused anon, there’s a lot of stupid shit about NGE that fans won’t admit, like how NERV managed to develop a positron laser that could down an AT field from light years away but refused to use it again for the rest of the angels, from the fact that everyone that got blasted by third impact likely came back to life after a few days rendering the story worthless, to the fact that there were companies stating that they could overcome the AT field and build mechs that didn’t require pilots but then mideaki had to straight up retcon that episode by randomly causing the machine to collapse and start up again to avoid killing misato and ensuring Shinji and the other pilots could have an excuse to even use the damp things. NGE isn’t a masterpiece it’s a pretty generic mecha series with above average animation, the writer themselves admitted there wasn’t even a point to adding mechs or Christian imagery in the show beyond finding an excuse to say NGE was different

>deliberately dislikeable characters are supposed to be viewed as either antagonists or beaten down by the writers for comic relief and satisfaction for the viewer, not viewed as actual people
Is this how you think of unlikeable people in real life? lol

Also nice, trying to revive the board with bait.

ASSuka is one of the very few 2D girls that actually deserves to be raped, what a massive cunt she is holy shit.


> NGE isn’t a masterpiece it’s a pretty generic mecha series with above average animation

I enjoyed it tbh

Still, why does everyone keep saying it's a masterpiece?

>Still, why does everyone keep saying it's a masterpiece?

Because every anime post use Kai is shockingly even shittier and also something along the lines of “oh wow Shinji is LITERALLY me”

>Still, why does everyone keep saying it's a masterpiece?
Because it has "feels" and symbolism

>blames asuka for shinji being a moping little bitch with no back bone that stumbles through to his eventual melodramatic temper tantrum purely due to plot armour and sperg rage rather than any kind of real character development
>probably a manchild neet incel that lives with mom and relates painfully to gary sue shinji
Many such cases

Why do so many of you fail to understand the point of this anime? holy shit
Even normies can understand it better than you

>>unstable bitches I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot dick
>>but I do have a thing for fiery girls
There is no contradiction there, especially if you take it for granted that you'll never touch a real woman anyway

It’s shit

Asuka was effectively useless the entire story through and extremely annoying making watching her die make me and a fuck ton of people who watched it apathetic
Shinjis character kept resetting every episode last episode 6
3rd impact was pretty much pointless for two reasons, hideaki admits staying as orange juice for the characters is a personal decision and the manga itself straight up admits all of them came back anyways. 3rd impact shouldn’t have even happened to begin with if shinji was allowed to actually develop as a character or instead of being constantly set artificially back so hideaki could communicate the idea that an individual the idea of an individual being capable of fixing their problems as long as they stay alive at the fucking end of the film instead of where it should’ve been with Toji.

I don’t even wanna get into the rebuild shit and post impact plot because at that point it’s an over glorified coming of age story with no new ideas and straight up fucks over the entire already garbage point of NGE & EOE

Hideakis a loser
No amount of anime will ever make me forgive the nips

>There is no contradiction there
Nobody said there is
>you'll never touch a real woman anyway
Guess again fag.

>Shinjis character kept resetting every episode last episode 6
No, realistic character progression isn't like a video game save, you can regress according to the situation; Not to mention that Shinji's character "regression" occurs after Episode 8 and mostly due to repeated traumas in each episode.
>Asuka was effectively useless the entire story
Incorrect, she served as a representation of a different psychological issue than Shinji and also did plenty as an EVA unit, in terms of practical effectiveness, she remained superior to Shinji.
> extremely annoying making watching her die make me and a fuck ton of people who watched it apathetic
No I think it's only you and a couple others, given the sheer number of Asuka-fags.
>the manga
The manga changes and inserts things that did not occur in the original series, mostly to its detriment.
>3rd impact shouldn’t have even happened to begin with
It'd happen regardless of Shinji, Shinji simply became the focal point due to the prior circumstances.
>shinji was allowed to actually develop as a character or instead of being constantly set artificially back
Except he didn't get artificially set back, he got smacked down in his life again and again pushing him to give up and be apathetic.
>hideaki admits staying as orange juice for the characters is a personal decision
That doesn't make it pointless
>should’ve been with Toji

Because they're filtered by the surface angst.

>I don’t care how much the writers spent on making this annoying ass teenage kraut easy to feel empathy for
The entire point is that she's hard to empathize with because she's so abrasive and closed off that you'd never think about her past traumas and even if you did become aware of it, it'd still make interactions hard, as is noted by most of the thread.

>>you'll never touch a real woman anyway
>Guess again fag.
lmao you took obvious self-depreciation out of context just to make it look like a personal insult, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>you took obvious self-depreciation out of context
>>especially if YOU take it for granted that YOU'll never touch a real woman anyway
Usually YOU is in regards to someone else, not as self-deprecation, so it is not obvious, you should have worded yourself better.

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I just finished the series and the movie and definitely one of my favorite anime. It had a amazing mind fuck ending which I very much enjoyed. Asuka was definitely annoying at times, and when she was first introduced I hated her. But I grew to tolerate her more. During the part of the series when she fell into a depression and the series overall took a much darker tone, I started to miss her and lighted hearted moments. One of my favorite scenes from the End of Evangelion was her coming out her depression and kick some ass, even though it led to one of the most horrific scenes in movie. I take episodes 25-26 and the EoE has being two alternative choices that Shinji makes, the former embracing the Human Instrumentality Project and the latter him rejecting it.

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>This excellent take
Nice to see someone not be a hater or "superfan" and enjoy the series as it is.

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It’s like they watched all of evangelion
New what the fucking problems with that original show were
And made those problems worse

If you watch the rebuilds after watching the original series and movie you’ll notice the noticeable spike in

>obvious unfiltered sexualization of literal teenagers(I can tolerate the original nudity because it often had literally nothing to do with sex but made sense plotwise like rei being naked when stored in a cell tube or a fucking angel or misato being generally less dressed when at home compared to work or that final scene in EOE that’s trippy as shit talking about whatever’s going on seconds after 3rd impact)

>shinji going from an already obnoxious pussified incel that kept resetting as a character when anno wanted him to be even if plot wise he really shouldn’t in the original series to oh god damb it another shonen “hero” that somehow musters up the courage to fight literal gods one on one due to “le power of friendship” or other faggot shit while all the actual character development that allows shinji to grow a pair of balls happens away from literally all angel conflicts but rather in fucking dialogue scenes in the Japanese country side

>the cgi oh god why did hideaki even allow the usage of that cursed tool in the films, the cgi is noticeable and poorly animated(like with all other cgi in ever other anime in existence), what’s funny is that nge 1995 was made on a limited and dwindling budget and still looks better than 90% of all footage in the rebuilds not to mention the sound design of the original is visibly better along with the taste in music that actually fits the tone and not pop culture what you’d expect from 2010s anime bs. This ultimately means the degradation of animation quality in the digital form vs the hand drawn version has literally NO FUCKING REASON to exist but emulates pure unfiltered laziness, if studio 4c made the rebuilds it would better animation and sound wise too bad that studio imploded

In conclusion
I hate evangelion but rebuild is shittier and never should’ve been made.

Exactly, anon, you finally get it.
Also thanks for reminding me of the existence of what's-his-name, he's a qt 3.1416.

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Side note the ending of the original evangelion movie wasn’t really that saddening
It’s already implied that everyone can come back if they want to and when you account for nerv members that didn’t see loved ones that means theirs plenty of people in and out of range of nerv HQ that nearly got turned into orange juice and came back as quickly as they morphed simply because they could imagine their best lives being exactly the same as their real ones, and when you have a planet of billions there are potential millions left still alive and billions more to return years after the event broke out even if said years will take an agonizingly long time

I agree. The ending might be confusing, but it definitely isn't sad or hopeless. And that's the point of the whole anime I guess.

the original evangelion is GOAT in spite of its flaws, as visual storytelling and as a character study it's got the juice

the rebuilds are what happens when you write yourself into a corner during a project you stopped wanting to do halfway through

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These two have the same voice actor. You're welcome

>lowkey desperately wanting to get into the pants of your hot boss, but unbeknownst to you she's a psychologically crippled alcoholic who confuses sex with genuine attachment
>she's already taken for a third of the show and then is in crippling grief over the death of her lover for the final third
>get manipulated into doing some girl with the dragon tattoo shit by her during this
>she gets blown up after being shot multiple times
>spend the final moments of your life witnessing horrors beyond all comprehension as the world ends after you spent the last eight hours trying to fend off literal special forces with an SMG
>last thing you see is that creepy kid you work with morphing into your crush causing you to explode into goop
poor dude never deserved this shit

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Takehito Koyasu is fucking everywhere (pic related) so it's not that surprising.

Maya too (the girl who was in love with Ritsuko)

Teens are naturally sexualized by something called puberty.

Thank you for this post, I did read it the day you posted it but forgot to reply.

From what I've seen so far on the internet it looks like the Rebuilds are basically Evangelion but as a shitty mecha anime played straight. Am I wrong?

Shinji a fag for not fucking misato

Puberty must be stopped

Funny enough that's why puberty blockers were invented.


Jut goes to demonstrate the VA's talent

Should we have a seiyuu/voice acting thread?

>It seems like the entire show is only about Shinji's angst (and Rei increasingly I'm sure) and the characters various emotional issues, but like, okay, who cares? The situations they're thrown into are totally absurd and ridiculous so how can I take any of this drama stuff seriously?

>Like these kids are the last best hope of mankind and they seem to be totally unsupported by anyone? Shinji was gonna live in a totally empty tenement and it's only his superior's minor moment of reasonable judgement that means he lives with her instead (and she is clearly no kind of parent figure), and Rei lives in a dark, dingy slum dwelling made of all concrete with nobody taking care of her either?

You missed the point entirely. Shinji is the only one who has his shit together despite having to fight with angels and his dad being an asshole and a weirdo. Rei, devoid of everything is only able to be midly functional because she is devoid of everything.

The series is about everyone else.
Shinji's angst is a foil to everyone else's angst.

>shinji is the only one who has his shit together

really depends on which take on shinji we're talking about, like
>TV Shinji: flawed but pretty much the most normal person in the cast
>End of Eva shinji: has seen and been through so much shit that he has regressed into becoming basically a school shooter
>manga shinji: sarcastic little shitgoblin
>rebuild shinji: just sorta there

Pretty sure the show was about not running away from one’s problems

Anno himself even added about living up to expectations to the point where the joke get in the robot shinji references that idea of actually not running away when problems come up

Might be a good idea actually, though if someone does make it it should be an effortpost of an OP, and not just someone dicking around. A la the Animator thread or other high effort OPs like ANIMETA and Anime Recc thread.

>rebuild shinji: just sorta there
Nah Rebuild Shinji is essentially the shinji that "mans the fuck up" and "takes action" as the critics of his character want him to do and in doing so demonstrates how Gung-ho attitude fucks shit up most of the time (a.k.a the lesson the original TV series taught using Asuka).

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he's become too powerful

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you know he's gonna jerk off over them, right?

nothin wrong with that

maybe if shinji masturbated more the world wouldn't have ended

>nothing wrong with that
average cum gremlin

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Fucking kek

nuttin wrong wit nuttin

the one problem with anno's thesis
he doesnt explain how to get a gf

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Here’s my list of problems with rebuilds

- pointless and bad cgi. It’s shocking to me how overused cgi is in all the movies, ending of evangelion had cgi but it wasn’t constant only in instances where handrawing animation was literally impossible with the tech available. Rebuilds use cgi IN EXCESS. It’s to the point where ordinary backgrounds get flustered up with play dough looking 3D models fucking everywhere when it would unironically be easier to use cels or 2d sprites to make moving backgrounds that actually organic. And that’s just for backgrounds as for animation oh boy skip all the mecha fights because the entire animation department despite having a larger budget collectively gave up on actually planning how fights would be choreographed, how ideas of conflict and physics would be communicated and hand drawn in favour of just blasting generic anime music while having fucking maya models duke out on each other

- sound design is shit. Again the original evangelion although i didn’t like it had a level of believability in the sound of its elements that these movies just don’t. The Eva’s don’t sound like half organic half mechanical creatures whose sound travels at measurable scenes they sound like the shit you’d find in every generic anime fight in existence with endless screaming and the sounds of buildings being destroyed without buildings actually being destroyed.

- writing, I’ll ease off the creators for this one because rebuilds gave needed closure and development to characters that was needed in the original nge since anno kept resetting shinji as a character and forcing asuka on screen purely for fucking pedofanservice. Rebuilds still do this but to a lesser extent that’s tolerable.

> art design actually degraded. One thing I hated about NGE and I mean NGE specifically not EOE was the way things looked. Nothing about the Eva’s look conventional in combat, they’re too bright, they’re too easy to see from a distance, their structure isn’t conventional in real world or fictional combat, and the same could be said about the pilots. Nerv looks semi normal but shit like the blue haired bitch or missy or being purple haired and eyed for no reason or having asuka unfortunately be a fucking ginger all was unnecessary and makes the events in the series less believable and easy to take seriously especially when the classroom kids actually look like human beings. As for the angel designs they should’ve been drawn based off real world organisms because some of them look batshit ridiculous *ahem* diamond bitch. The rebuilds don’t fix the art design of this show they make it worse. Now in 3 + 1 you have random sci fi looking cargo out of batshit no where, pilots that are even more needlessly colourful and abstractly structured, ruins that are just covered in red since the background artists were too lazy to treat LCL as a fluid covering infrastructure and not literally being it, shittier uniforms that don’t fix the fact that they make teenagers look like their in spandex suits while the pointless vfx look like something out of one piece

That’s all I can say about rebuild bye

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>no arguments
As expected also 98% of Eva fans are confirmed pedos. Nge isn’t perfect but rebuild is its own brand of shitty

The best version rebuilds could’ve been would be a continuation of the original end of evangelion in the same art style with 0 cgi with an ending where humanity is starting to come back with shinji growing into a better person. That’s it, no new lore, no Mari, no characters having their ageing set back for shitty pedo fan service, no short haired ritsuko, now more anime fights. Just an ending that’s not violently saddening and makes sense is the best version of what rebuild could’ve been

It wouldn't surprise me if there were dense retards who actually think this.

There’s a lot of retards in the Eva fandom
Personally i feel like anno himself is responsible for why that fandoms shit, the endless and pointless teenage nudity, shinji never really being allowed to evolve as a character until the entire fucking world gets destroyed, character designs that don’t match in the conditions the characters are in(don’t even get me started on the nonhuman hair colors of the main cast) this list keeps going. Evangelion doesn’t have to have a shit fandom it’s just a symptom of the shows writing and art design that that fandom attracts and produces such a degenerated audience

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>pointless nudity
It's usually not in the original series IMO
>shinji never really being allowed to evolve as a character
He does, his character progresses and regresses over the series in reaction to his interactions and traumas. He opens up but then gets shut down. He tries to be decisive and the results hurt him more often than not, making him regress into himself; this is one of the main themes of the series.
>the nonhuman hair colors of the main cast
Rei is a fucking test-tube clone made from alien DNA and Shinji's mother's DNA, Ritsuko is a bottle-blonde and Misato's hair is a variant of raven-haired, having purplish coloration. Everyone else has standard brown hair and Kaworu (a literal alien) is obviously albino.
Asuka's red hair is not common, but can exist IRL and in the shade she has too
>character designs that don’t match in the conditions the characters are in
???? They're fairly normal characters, they aren't starving (at least not in Tokyo-3) so their bodies are just fine.
>a symptom of the shows writing and art design that that fandom attracts and produces such a degenerated audience
Yeah no, that's not really true, fandom cancer of this kind exists in every fucking fandom of popular anime and movies, Attack on Titan, Naruto, One Piece, Harry Potter, Marvel films, DC etc. The audience is no more or less degenerate than any other icon pop-culture show.

NGE is just a wish-fulfilment harem isekai. It makes no sense that a scrawny 14-yo boy with no muscle mass has 5-or-so girls and 3 guys lusting over his cock but if you take this absurdist premise at face value you might find some amusement out of it.
However, having unlikable characters, as in characters with clear obvious flaws that only seemingly exist to stir up drama doesn't neccesarily mean you have to hate it for doing that. You can say it's bad writing on that alone, but try not to be frustrated with the tension, but appreciate it if you will, something capable of frustrating you to this end is praise-worthy if you think about it.
>I hated these movies for they're pretentious
I unironically think we're actually the same person. I'm not much of a movie buff myself but I'd pick something short and to the point with movie production values over some movie with people talking on the phone and 5 minute long sweeping scenes. Movies should be entertainment. Scenes should be viewable out of order, you should be able to watch 5 minutes of a movie out of context and feel satisfied.
EVA isn't meant to be deep. It's meant to relate to your self-hating teenage self. I didn't watch it until I had seen 200-300 other shows. I still haven't finished bebop either but I have watched the first half of bebop twice. I think their reactions aren't dull just because the stakes are high; they're dull characters that only think about getting laid and couldn't care less about the end of the world. They likely can't even fathom it. Would you believe yourself responsible for the world if you were told so? Wouldn't you be unhappy? Though you say you've only seen 6 episodes, then assume the whole show is about Shinji's angst. That's a bit silly. Also I mostly just read books. NGE's legacy is pretty good. Watching the third movie for example I could feel the maturing of the author. Hayate no Gotoku is a great harem. You have seen and read HnG right OP?

>NGE is just a wish-fulfilment harem isekai. It makes no sense that a scrawny 14-yo boy with no muscle mass has 5-or-so girls and 3 guys lusting over his cock
Holy shit I don’t even like evangelion
I think it’s a terrible anime that tries to hard to be smart but even I’m gonna step in and say if thats what you got out of the show you either completely misinterpreted the media or your retarded

Asuka hates shinji, not in a baka shinji not masculine enough. I mean actually fucking despises him for justified reasons and for reasons expressed by the other characters of the show for being a pathetic faggot and entitled.

Rei straight up forgets his existence on multiple occasions because she only exists to follow gendos orders and has shown on repeated occasions to be discomforted by shinji and the rest of the characters in the show for honest reasons ranging from not being good at talking to people in general to literally not having a properly functioning nervous system since she’s a synthetic organism made out of cell tissue off a kid that was strangled to death by a roastie

>NGE is just a wish-fulfilment harem isekai. It makes no sense that a scrawny 14-yo boy with no muscle mass has 5-or-so girls and 3 guys lusting over his cock
This has to be bait.
It initially appears to be a """harem""" because it deconstructs a bunch of anime tropes that were common back then (and even today). Asuka, Rei and Misato are deconstructions of character archetypes that already existed in the 90s, that's why it looks like a """harem""" to you and why you believe that makes it """wish fulfillment""". Not to mention there's nothing "isekai" about it. Evangelion is anything but wish-fulfillment anime, even though it is a more realistic and fucked up take on those kinds of stories.
>harem anime

Shut up and calm down, edgelord.

>Movies should be entertainment. Scenes should be viewable out of order, you should be able to watch 5 minutes of a movie out of context and feel satisfied.

You flat-out don't give a fuck about movies as an art form if that's how you think, holy hell just go to tik tok if that's what you want

Instead of telling me I'm not understanding the puddle that is EVA. I'm simply stating facts when I mention the 8 or so people over the duration over the show that mention his cock in one form or the other. Saying Asuka hates Shinji does not disprove this. Stating some obvious fact and implying I didn't know of it because I didn't mention it? Really? Do I need to mention every single goddamn obvious thing? Tarzan is a cannibal, probably ate his own shit, too. Wow so deep man, you just HAD to tell me that because it wasn't quite literally stated out in the show itself… what's that? Asuka literally said she hated Shinji? To his face even? Wow. That is quite literal. Good thing you mentioned it then.
>it appears to be a harem but it's so deep it's only pretending to be
If you assume my comment is bait, then don't bother replying. You've already vilified me in your head and you have not taken anything I've said at face value. You didn't deny what I said. It only shows your extremist view on a word that can be used to describe both extremes of the spectrum and much of whatnot in between.
>art means you have to watch a scene and be bored out of your mind because that's what art is
Art is appreciation of a craft no? If a movie is not a movie but a boring conversation happening on telephone between short 5second long takes. Then it is simply a bad movie. I indeed do not care about calling something art that does not deserve it. Most art is crap. Should I appreciate it for being art? I'm sorry but why should I?
>go back
See. You do not care to engage in conversation. Why are you here then? I can play this game too. You didn't bother trying to understand me, you just assumed, gave it exactly 10 seconds of thought and then assumed your impression was the right one. Your getting hung up over me having standards that differ from yours… I care about movies enough. Pretensions can be found in all areas including movies. If you think playing a 3 minute long mexican song in its full extent is anything but filler, an ad, poor movie making, then feel free to explain why this exact scene is doing something for you. But to me it's boring drivel and I'll be bored watching this performance for I've got standards and am not impressed by the average; specifically if it proclaims to be art. Art is not infallible.

>art needs to spoonfeed me in order to be engaging

nah, that's just you being lazy. Art is give and take

>5 seconds is a long take

holy hell what is your attention span

Eva isn't that fucking deep nor does it pretend to be. Read the thread.

Actually it seems like most "critics" of Eva think it's either "shallow as fuck" or "trying to be 2deep4u". It's neither.

the og eva is mecha played straight too, anno is a huge toku nerd

>And wow, I fucking hated it to be perfectly honest. It seems like the entire show is only about Shinji's angst
Stopped reading there - pic related, you just grasped the basic premise of the show

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No, he does understand the cartoon and he doesn't like it.

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>he does understand it, he just doesn’t like it


I mean. Doesn't this just prove the point? I call EVA part harem and the only argument you seemingly have against this is that one (read ONLY ONE) of the girls at one point in the story tells us (the audience) how much she hates the MC; Even ignoring the context in which this is done. Is not something I frankly see a counterpoint.

As for movies. I watch movies and know they're mediocre when I see them. Saw Golden Eye for the first time today. I must have seen some Bond as a child and I cannot imagine how this would not be boring as a book (as in movies should be movies, books should be books). My favorite scene was Bond being a dick to his drive instructress and the scene in which the guy 'exploded' in the phone booth. It was a very bad movie though. I had more fun reading some random crackers manifest. OP's post is great at bringing out NPC replies though. But just because any retard can reply does not mean they are writers. And that's just the worth I'd ascribe to their observations. Folks here are too hung up on words and getting their quick replies in. Some movies are boring. I prefer them not to be. This makes me less of a person for whatever reason. I also like my comedy to be comedic. You can only truly appreciate something for what it is if you don't pretend it needs be anything else. I've read the classics before I undertook anime and movies so I've got a much better grasp on what standards are. The entire world can't even properly feed themselves proper food, so isn't it safe to assume they also can't properly digest art, humor, conversation? Doesn't it make more sense to be contrarian if all you read are things you can't reason with?

I agree that the show has harem elemets, which it tries and fails to subvert. However the rest of your post sounds like a massive brainlet cope. You are amerikkkan aren't you?

NTA but… Have the knockers to reply to the actual post you reply to
>I call EVA part harem
It's a parody of typical harem situations but played realistically; there is no harem, there is no real harem gags, or rather the gags are depicted in a real manner; cringey or horrible.

The rest of your post is irrelevant rambling.

I don't watch movies in order to flex my brain's muscles. Movies which are at best a highly condensed idea. A commercialized forme of an idea that would take at least 50 hours to properly explain and sustain through proper ironman methods. Saying something sounds like something is just spook mentality. Why should I value you knowing that the majority of people is incapable of being right? You certainly don't truly concern yourself with me. You've never written anything. Then why would you be ever truly capable of conversation? Continue making vague assertions. If I validate your critique I have to validate you as a person first. You have not convinced me you are. I rather understand how to fix my chair than getting to understand a movie that is not fun; at best a game of semantics.

Ok Burger

you're an idiot hth

What's up with all the collaborations Eva has done with other brands in more recent years? They're all stupidly expensive too.
I guess with Rebuild Anno doesn't care anymore and is completely selling out.

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its been "selling out" since the 90s
but that is also another layer of it's postmodernity
ayanami and so on and so on

You're 10 years late to the "joke".

how do you know that i wasnt there 10 years ago? :^)

That's even sadder.

That's the kind of response I'd expect from someone regurgitating U/ACC memes that got stale after twitter got hold of them in fucking 2015.

I noticed it too. Evangelion is officially hypebeast shit now.

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vichan ate my image.

Russia's postion on Rei vs Asuka is made clear

I think that one of the smartest things that ano done marketing wise for his own movie was the end the series with some random ass ship. That way if you don't like the new movies retards will say that you don't like a ship. As if I even care about that shit.

I like some of the sneakers and jackets. Where do you even buy this shit

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This scene is just hilarious. Like it's an interesting scene depicting an adult Toji and his kid, but Rei's ignorance "shrunken human" is inane. She wasn't that ignorant FFS. nd then there's Shinji, sitting like a meme in his corner. Stupidly moe as the scene is, it's pretty wholesome.

Soooo did the last movie make the Rebuilds canon to the original series or not?

I mean kind of? But since it's such a lazy attempt at "le meta looper" meme I don't think of it that way.

just watched 2.0, i love evangelion so much bros
none of this shit makes sense

Did you like 2.0 for being nonsensical or dislike it for being so because you like NGE?

i love it, i think the jank is part of the fun when it comes to nge

Ah. I liked the first 2 rebuilds decently enough, they didn't do too much stupid shit and pulled off some stuff, but it's the content after that pissed me off for being too inane to sit through.

Guys! New Mechagamezilla!

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I'd say 1-I dunno half way, before they ran out of budget and behind schedule were good. When it started being student film art school nonsense is when I started not feeling it.

Like literally they had to change the show half way through because they didn't have enough time or money to animate it anymore. Ok I looked it up. It was episode 16 where they ran out of time and money and started winging it.

is this another butthurt "why shinji just doesn't fuck every girl" episode?

He should have pounded at least Misato's mound

That would make Misato a pedophile

never forget

I choose to believe there is an alternate timeline where Gendo gets a good shave and chooses not to go forward with instrumentality.
This is cannon

It's the end of the world, I think that's the least of Misato's problems.

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There is a short 1980 soviet cartoon called "Returning" (rus. "Возвращение") A lot of the imagery is similar to that of Evangelion. Not really surprising since a lot of the old guard Japanese animators and cinematographers studied soviet cinema and animation.

More on it https://daily.afisha.ru/news/67844-v-sovetskoy-rossii-eva-zalezaet-v-sindzi-na-reddit-nashli-proobraz-evangeliona-iz-sssr/

Link to the short https://www.animatsiya.net/film.php?filmid=572

Ever notice how they keep changing their minds on how redeemable Shinji is supposed to be every time they have to come up with an ending

>TV: look this kid just needs some therapy

>End of Evangelion: this sick little fuck barely learned everything and is a budding sex pest due to his trauma and emotional narcissism, look at that little fucker strangle his crush

is that better or worse than using psychically abused child soldiers as mechanisms to power giant warcrime machines in an interdimensional conflict against spacefaring gods

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An article analyzing the theoretical pay of Shinji as a NERV employee.

Found this CYOA for EVA, pretty funny for those familiar.

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So it's established twice that they have a CCTV camera in Asuka's hospital room, and the bridge crew has access to the video feed.

How the fuck did not a single person notice Shinji jacking it?

It's probably only checked if some of the vitals look bad and they didnt seem very heavily staffed at that point.

I prefer to think the long-haired dude saw it and just gave up right then and there

>This show was designed to be something different than what I wanted it to be, therefore it is bad

Why are geeks like this

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fr. op bitches about these kids being totally unsupported and having to endure horrible conditions that make their mental illnesses so much worse and so much more unpredictable to deal with while not realizing that this is precisely the point evangelion was making about the treatment of kids and the reason why so many people relate to it

The awkward moment i relate with nearly every fucking character in some way….damn my parents and acquaintances were and are shit

absolute pleb thread

no wonder you feel at home, eh?

The last movie made me cry. Maybe it's because I've been waiting for 20 years to finally finish this shit.

>the show gets better trust me
That’s not how this works

It literally does. The last 2 episodes are basically a completely different show in which the catharsis and object of the episodes is dependent upon the traumatic events of the previous episodes. The show is not a giant robot anime. Not really. It’s a joke where the punchline is the last 2 episodes. It’s a joke only for mecha fans, but not funny to mecha fans. It was ‘touch grass’ 30 years ago. Its beautiful.

The pacing and plotting almost completely fell apart after shinji leaves the cyber-ghibli commune but god damn somehow it managed stuck the landing in the last 30 minutes

If they had just unfucked that middle chunk it would have been perfect, but as it stands it's good, not perfect. It's a decent send-off for the characters and it was nice seeing the cast get a happy ending for once

As I get older, the more and more I like the TV ending on its own merits divorced from the movie.

The lore was never all that important. It's all about these sad fuckers trying to find connection in a world that completely fucked them thanks to institutional and eldritch forces beyond their control. The ending yanks the rug out from under you and puts you in that frame of mind, and gives you, if not total closure, at least some kind of hope and light, which is what these characters really needed.

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What IS Evangelion, Technically (And How Did It Break Anime)?
The editing of the film & how NGE's is iconic.

>not a single person notice Shinji jacking it?
Are you sure they just didn't care?

>One real cool thing is the contrast between the end of the world and angels blowing shit up, with sunny days and boring cicadas. Also maturity, contrasted with wanting to connect with others on a "real" level (which has been something that psychedelics have made me more aware of), and a whole host of psychological traumas we all have. Maturity seeming to include an effort to suppress traumas (rather than solve them and overcome them).

>As I'm more mature, I see this in adults all the time. Depends how empathic I'm being, there are times when other's traumas and insecurities are acutely apparent of whatever they're complaining or anxious about. I'm no exception, I'd say most of my adult life has been uncovering traumas and working through them. I have the suspicion a lot of people don't do this. Leftism has also made the trauma work easier.

Are you saying that the popular impression of maturity is "stiff upper lip" which fucks with adults?

I take that as an insult.
Why do people look down on kiss having angst for kid charcters for having angst or trauma while sympathising adults for doing the same?

Just finished End of Evangelion
Wtf did I just watch?

Incel loses his mind, commits a sex crime, is caught in a war in a position of power he should not have, magical apocalypse girl decides to give him the power to decide what happens, he's already a broken shell of a human being so he decides to blow up the world but then changes his mind

Settle down, newgene. It's just saying that as you get older, the adult cast's hangups become more relatable.

I prefer to believe this now because it's the funnier option

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>Pilot Asuka there's no time for you to be wiping the medical gel off yourself.
>It's too sticky? It has a strange smell? You really care about that after LCL? Get in the Robot.
>Why was it all over the sheets? There wasn't time for more than a buka- *cough* a spraydown

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Evangelion is up there as one of the best anime because of its amazing visuals, animation, story telling, and over all direction alone.
You only watched 6 episoes of 26 + a movie.

>so maybe I'm just a contrarian.

>How the fuck did not a single person notice Shinji jacking it
It's simple: you see, the writer wanted to put that scene into the movie…

that owns actually

Ehhh are you implying the scene came out of nowhere? Because it's a show about a teenager who wants to connect with others but can't after all

No. I'm implying that the writer wanted to put that in the movie regardless of whether it creates plotholes or not just because.

I hate the concept of plot holes because most of the time it's used by redditors nitpicking the most irrelevant bullshit like >>18417.

Media illiterate retards walk among us. Morons who were raised on Cinemasins to nitpick meaningless shit in ART, and thinking that prediction fagging is the best way to engage with a story.

Or the retard just doesn't know that people don't watch CCTV cameras 24/7 all the time and that most of the time, that most of the footage is erased over, and that surveillance capitalism is about the appearance and simulacra of security and control as opposed to the actual possession of power.

>irrelevant bullshit
It's just a shitpost lol, meant to intentionally provoke conversation. NTA BTW.

>people don't watch CCTV cameras 24/7
True, but often CCTV in secure facilities have shifts to watch the screens.

I hope they add some slice of life NGE anime.

please dont user ableist language

they should adapt that one manga about raising shinji. haven't read it yet but it would probably be better than the second half of the rebuilds

Ok redditor, back to reddit.

Shinji Raising Project? I thought that was a hentai.

>Ok redditor
>removing retard for some reason and making the sentence redundant.
Misato what the fuck?

I'm not the redditor guy. Sorry for calling u retarded.

it's ecchi sol from what i've seen in the first chapter. i think it would be fun to see animated if only for the keks but i guess it's better to make gay melodrama with a nonsensical ending that doesn't have any charm and shits on the original message

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the real r-word after all :3c

is that political catgirls or something

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>He doesn't know Leslie and Brianne
LOL N00b.

>We were on the frontpage of Newgrounds once in 2005

how should I watch Evangelion?

I watched the Evangelion 1.0 movie thinking it was the first episode because I had no idea it was a kind of remake of the series, but I'm here wondering if I should watch all of the series before watching the rest of the movies. should I keep watching the remake movies and watch the series later (or ignore the series), or should I watch the series first and then the movies? And after I watch the series and the movies that serve as remakes, what movies come afterwards?

thank you in advance! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

With friends :)

The order is:
<original TV anime series
<End of Evangelion (movie sequel to the series / interquel to the very end of the series)
<Rebuild movies (remaking the whole story)
<<3.0 + 1.0

Whether it's worth watching the Rebuild movies is a whole other topic. They are meant to condense the events of the show (at first) before subtly and then extremely deviating from the original. If you watch the movies first they won't make as much sense because the contrast is part of what they were going for.

Also, mistakenly watching Rebuild 1.0 first won't matter that much because it changes very little in the plot up to that point although you can already see pretty important differences in the characters that leads to the story deviating later.

❤❤❤❤❤❤ i don't tr
>>20225 ❤ i don't trust none of my friends, they're probably a
❤❤❤❤❤❤ ll feds in disguise, i'll never tell tem where i live!!!!!

>>20226 ❤ thank you f
>>20227 ❤ or the respo
❤❤❤❤❤❤ nse that's rly

op the type of guy to check the wikia article of a character before jacking off to them

How do you know if someone is a fed? Asking for a friend

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Thank you for the help homie

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It's the American Psycho effect.

Eva is not exceptional when it comes to the awful fan service, it was ubiquitous at the time. The difference is it was originally meant to satirize the conventions of the genre. But many (most?) people missed the point that this was being portrayed as perverse and it found a large audience who liked that stuff for exactly the reasons the show was criticizing. And because it blew up with the international audience, a lot of the fans were not aware of the context it was meant to satirize and were unable to recognize it as that at all. So then it became a huge media phenomenon where the coomers drove most of the profit and the merchandising. And that's why the Rebuilds exist, because there was just too much money to be made not to do it.

Anno clearly is sick of it and intentionally made the Rebuilds in a way that would piss off the audience as much as possible (which kind of worked). The lesson is never try to satirize anything because people will get the opposite idea of what you intend and at worst you will become trapped pandering to the exact thing you hate indefinitely.

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hey look, it's an evangelion fred!!! sorry for having made another evangelion fred before noticing this one

>I fucking hated it to be perfectly honest.
stopped reading there

I'm on the first episode and this is already the best anime I've ever seen, and i've watched dora the explorer

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>sorry for having made another
Is A-Ok comrade!
>this is already the best anime I've ever seen, and i've watched dora the explorer

>um acshually Anno hates otaku culture and fanservice
Decades later and retards still spout this nonsense LMAO. Thinking Anno was trying to "criticize the sexualization of anime characters" is legit the most laughable opinion about Evangelion there is.

Do you believe Miyazaki said "anime was a mistake" too?

>I feel that otaku have already become common to all countries. Whether they are in Europe, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or America, otaku really do not change. I think that's amazing. Even though I say critical things about otaku, I don't reject them. All I say is that we should take a step back and be self-conscious about these sorts of things. I think it's perfectly fine to be an otaku as long as you act with a certain self-awareness of what you're doing; self-conscious and cognizant of the current situation. I just don't think it's good to reach the point where you cut yourself off from society. I don't understand the greatness of society either, so I have no intention of going so far to call for people to give up otaku-like things and become more suited to society. All I think is that there are many other interesting things in the world, and we don't have to reject them.


idk how much clearer you can get than having the main self-insert character have the "i'm so fucked up" moment tbh

plssss tell me you dont think that scene was meant to be fanservice or even a critique of it and im reading this wrong

the whole narrative of the original evangelion is telling you that there isnt anything wrong with longing for affection and sexuality and the actual problem with shinji is his deep repression of his desires and feeling constantly ashamed about his insecurities


nvm youre one of those people

media literacy at an all time low holy shit

>main self-insert character
You're so fucking stupid.

>the whole narrative of the original evangelion is telling you that there isnt anything wrong with longing for affection and sexuality and the actual problem with shinji is his deep repression of his desires and feeling constantly ashamed about his insecurities
Uh yeah and in the context of animu fighting robots that repression manifests as that fanservice for the male gaze. When you repress something it leaks out in inappropriate places and becomes fetishistic.

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holy cr*p lois the guy who loves ultraman and wanted to be an animator since a child doesnt hate anime, youre just telling me this now. they really think the guy that made a love letter series to cutey honey was ever 'on their side' in mocking cartoon boobs and not liking it when mommy walks in at the wrong moment :( or that he was "making fun" of mecha like he wasnt a gundam and ideon stan

uygha dont be a pseud over anime, stop pretending evangelion was making fun of the ewww things that piss you off. idk why you keep bringing up "fanservice" when sexuality fucking terrifies shinji and thats why he does stupid things like staring too much or trying to kiss asuka when shes sleeping

>ignoring allthe shit that came after
>ignoring the message of the rebuilds

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omg someone laughed at my joke, this is the best day of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!

That dog looks ugly

>when sexuality fucking terrifies shinji and thats why he does stupid things like staring too much or trying to kiss asuka when shes sleeping
yeah and that's also why certain people watch anime with the bouncing boobies and panty shots instead of talking to women lol. kinda like the show is supposed to be about something or some shit.

You are going "le media literacy is le dead" because somebody is finding nuance about "maybe don't be a fuckin creep" instead of mindlessly jerking off to cartoons.

>>20254 wrong

Who is exactly the target here? Normal people? Normal people aren't sex-obsessed. Otaku? The otaku don't care anyway, it goes over their head. Teenagers? Maybe, but it's certainly not adults.

So while it's certainly an aesop, it's not something that deep. It might be insightful to yougsters, but adults either already know that or don't care. That's the thing about critiquing otaku: if you're not otaku you don't really give a shit, it's like someone pointing at Trump and saying "ORANGE MAN BAD."

youre stretching it too much to fit your worldview tbh

>That's the thing about critiquing otaku
this is something else anno said from the link someone posted above

>However, I take offense when otaku are criticized by non-otaku. Stupid idiots, I think, [criticizing] though you don't understand anything (laughs). There are truly many people who don't seem to really understand. I know these things without being lectured to by these people. It's like, why now? But saying those things is still better. There are many who completely missed the mark. When people don't even try to understand speak about otaku as though they were far above them, I think: what stupid people.

Does that mean that he didn't intend to criticize otaku or that he hates both otaku and non-otaku?

Those traits aren't unique to otaku, and because Shinji exhibits no actual otaku-defining characteristics, I think this is a bad reading. I think it's simply about depression, something Anno was struggling with at the time, and about being afraid and running from your problems. Shinji jacking off to Asuka isn't some critique of pornography or masturbation, he is just a coward who is only able to express his sexual desire when she's unconscious.

Neither. People still parrot the insane lie that anyone working on NGE had a "disdain for otaku", Anno was and still is a huge otaku himself. He had an Ultraman themed wedding, and Evangelion itself takes huge inspiration from Ultraman/Godzilla. These days he spends his days directing movies for otaku properties that he loves.

>that he was "making fun" of mecha like he wasnt a gundam and ideon stan
This is another big one. That Anno was ~deconstructing~ or ~subverting~ mecha or whatever the fuck. Ideon has a downer to metaphysical finale. I don't think anyone saying this watched any of the Gundam shows either.

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I've seen the same shit that happened to Eva happen to Danganronpa where the "fan"dom gets filled with le ironic weeb who hate themselves and project that onto the works spouting um acshually it's making fun of anime!!!!!! when anyone with half a brain and who has actually played the games would realize immediately Kodaka loves that shit, otherwise it wouldn't have references to other media.

the thing with old anime is that alot of the time explanations were bad or lacking or non existent so you just had to use your brain to fill out the blanks but you also go filtered hard but you will never read this post so who cares ? lol

I read it

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i'm starting to dislike the evangelion anime series because of how constantly and annoyingly horny it is. wtf, i want to feel the liminal vibes and the dread and cool mechas fighting, I love that, but I hate it that I gotta go through 20 scenes of underdeveloped whippersnapper brats naked to get to the good stuff. i'm about halfway and I hope they chill with this stuff

sounds like a you problem

now it's your problem too because my throbbing, veiny opinion is penetrated so deep inside your voluptuous mind that you felt the need to insult me

at least i dont get offended by "horny"

You know you can like things and be critical of them at the same time right? And that people who really like something are going to be more aware of its issues than people who don't like it as much?

The show isn't about vibes or giant robots. It's about awkward feels. You'll get it when you see the last 2 episodes.

>>20540 bitch

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i never understood what a "plotbrain" was or why people despised them so passionately until i saw this image and it all clicked within a single second.

>i never understood what a "plotbrain" was or why people despised them so passionately
Never heard of it until now.
I think you're juse engaging with terminally-online weirdos who're mad about weird things, and're trying to start a new term.

The term isn't on urban dictionary, nor know-your-meme.
It sounds more like a term to get angry at people who don't like shows with very little plots, like slice of lifes.

Youre being intentionally dense. Its obviously about people who seriously use terms like "filler".

It's the fundamental difference between entertainment and literature. To be obsessed with plot is to be obsessed with story, to love the feeling of the logic circuits in the brain turn off. Plot is a coping mechanism for those that want to avoid the human condition or any sort of theme that takes longer than "good thing is good". It's why science fiction and fantasy are generally regarded as 'genre fiction'.

The thing is that it was, evangelion is about escapism, misato escapes her trauma from her interraction with the second impact through sex and alcohol. Just like shinji escapes his through being a shut in, or asuka with video games and being a bitch. People are so abjetively disgusted by depictions of sex they turn illiterate.

I'm sick of all these fucking puritans ruining fiction.

did you ever consider it might just be a joke?

>Its obviously about people who seriously use terms like "filler".
Are you unironically saying that filler is not a real thing?

TBH you need to have a very high iq to understand NGE

>I'm only pretending to be a puritan

Filler is when the anime catches up to the manga so they have to stop the narrative in its tracks and make up some bullshit until there's enough manga to resume the main story again. This doesn't happen in Evangelion for obvious reason and you're still stuck in the idea that anything other than the protagonists dashing towards their goals isn't serving the show as a whole.

>Though for context I also hated 'The Godfather' and 'No Country For Old Men' and thought they were pretentious overlong shit, so maybe I'm just a contrarian.

Nah dude you're just media illiterate and have a shit attention span

filler also happens when the showrunners have no good ideas but have to hit a certain number of episodes (preferably cheaply)

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Piccolo and Goku having to get their driver's licenses is a really fun idea.

youtube essayists have done so much damage to media literacy, now everyone is some dumb utilitarian obsessed with plotholes and "advancing the plot"

>This doesn't happen in Evangelion for obvious reason
Where did I say it did? Evangelion has no filler. It just has proper pacing where sometimes things happen besides giant mecha fights. You gave a good definition of filler so idk why you were acting like using the word makes you a certain kind of person.

Less youtube essayists and more youtube "critics". NTA btw.

Agreed. Filler can be really fun or even be good worldbuilding, as long as you're not obsessed with "what next, next, next!" Although I suppose the hate for filler comes from the old days of TV-episodes where you'd be waiting for the continuation of the story that left off last week, only to get something else, which made people impatient.

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For me it's Yui too

>For me it's Yui too

>i never understood what a "plotbrain" was or why people despised them so passionately until i saw this image and it all clicked within a single second.
What the fuck does this mean?

It's been like 2 years since I've seen the show, so idk how bad it is– but those human moments is what allows the show to sell the dread.

It's also abit odd since what made me want to watch the show was the first fight's conclusion wasn't shown until part way of episode 2 – a massive declaration that the show was a mecha but was going a different route.
Having a issue with the fights taking a back seat – a fair problem – makes me wonder how you've gotten that far without being bored.

Unrelated to whatever you all are talking about but I do sometimes have a what if moment when it comes to the original concepts of Evangelion, with Shinji being a girl and it seems a combination of both Rei and Shinji via Yui. And Asuka seemed like she might be a different character. There's a cute story that takes place in this what if scenario, its yuri to be warned for whatever reason.

It's hilarious how popular Evangelion is in Mexico

anime is huge in mexico

>he's still on the first half of the show

get ready anon, you're going to get what you asked for and more

>A show that deliberately tackles loneliness, sexuality and relationships as its themes

<is horny

I agree that it could have been handled better but sex is a deliberate theme in evangelion. you signed up for this

People forget that being in deliberate dialogue with your genre is not the same as making fun of it

Evangelion is definitely in conversation with its forebears in the mecha genre, especially Mobile Suit Gundam, and Anno has openly stated that he's critical of certain aspects of otaku culture and that this is reflected in the final product.

That said, people do tend to take this too far and act like its pulling a Watchmen (it's not)

People with plotbrain cannot process that a movie or TV show can be just as much about its vibes and themes as it is about the plot and that sometimes the best way to get across the emotions of a scene is for the camera and editing to just Descend Into The Vibes (TM)

How about this? They should add this.

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#2 is Rei
#3 Hikari Horaki
#4 Mana Kirishima (Girlfriend of Steel)

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I'm honestly surprised a fanfic for this idea has never been written to my knowledge. It's such a fun idea. I wonder if her father would replace Ikari and if her dynamic with Shinji would be sort of Nagatoro-like.

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female kaworu

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who is best girl

I genuinely dont get what people see in Rei. Asuka or Misato or Ritsuko are all valid choices, but Rei is such a wet blanket.


Asuka because she's 14

Misato because she's a pedophile

the person reading this post
don't give a fuck about gender
you are now my best girl

my beautiful pedophile wife


she likes little boys

He is 14, and its not like Misato expressed sexual interest in other boys, she just likes this one particular.

>He is 14
and mentally ill, so shes still a groomer and also ephebophilia is a meme distinction that doesn't matter

shes still my wife and i love her even as a pedo

ok now mark down the names of the posters in this thread and kill them after the revolution

>who is best girl
Asuka, always like girls with some fire in them. Also like it when girls get violent.

<Misato is kind of a hoe

<Rei reminds me of my mother being distant, so thsts a no

>Misato is kind of a hoe
she literally only fucked Kaji she's not a whore she just has daddy issues

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Being mentally ill just mean he needs a mentor-lover figure all the more. And to pretend there is no distinction is disingenuous, there is an obvious difference between straight-up molestation and a May-December romance.

anon a 28 year old fucking a 14 year old is immoral, thats not a "may-december romance" that is being a sex offender

worry not, the show takes place in a different world with different morals

if its not self-evident to you then you get a bullet in your brain
yes that is why she is my pedo wife

your wife is cheating on you (with kaji, an adult)

>muh arguments
you could not matter less
i am kaji i am a pedophile too

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Misato, obviously. Both a mature adult and at the same time a fun person. Breaking down her barriers and fears on committing to a serious relationship are the only problem, and a successful relationship can overcome such.

LMAO no for Rits or Asuka. Rei's appeal is that she's subtle, yet genuine, idiot. She's not a wet blanket, she just doesn't know better, kinda comes with the territory of being a test-tube clone that is abused and socially isolated.

misato would be so fun as a best friend

shes literally me
>can't cook or clean
>on and off relationship with a man who reminds her of her father
>likes penguins
>is a pedophile

>you either choose a child (Rei/Asuka)
>or you choose a pedophile (Misato)
very "heads I win tails you lose" type coin toss

>and mentally ill, so shes still a groomer
She's a groomer in multiple ways, including her position of superiority too.
>and also ephebophilia is a meme distinction that doesn't matter
It doesn't change the fact that it's predatory, but the damage you get from a predator is different depending on what age you are to be fair. Conflating all those types of abuse doesn't serve to make people take ephebophila more seriously so much as it serves to downplay pedophilia proper as "taking advantage" of someone who's "too young" (i.e. statutory rape, traumatic enough in its own right) as opposed to hitting a child's early development with a wrecking ball. The entire discourse around the subject is way too focused on the psychology of the predators in general, often completely ignoring the impact on victims. Like these things aren't bad for some deolontological "wrongthink" reason; they're bad because they are devastating to the people affected by them. While there are apologists who try to downplay predatory behavior by using a less stigmatized word, the kneejerk response to conflate all these forms of abuse tends to go hand in hand with this broader paradigm of moralism that is only concerned with punishing "sin" and ends up downplaying the harm to victims, constituting its own form of pedo apologia.

>Being mentally ill just mean he needs a mentor-lover figure all the more
Least rapey freudian

explain the nge waifu debate to me. I watched it a long time ago but iirc none of the female characters were into the mc. blue and yellow wanted to fuck the boss guy, red and purple wanted to fuck kaji, right?
is this like a cuck thing or something. there are so many anime characters out there, why do people fixate on these

>Like these things aren't bad for some deolontological "wrongthink"
To most people this absolutely is the reason though. There is no examination of morality, only blind internalisation of conventions.

>Least rapey freudian

Why would you assume I am freudian? You arent wrong, but I am curious of your reasoning.

>Why would you assume I am freudian?
saying that children need sexual role models

You just wrote entire paragraph about dangers of conflating pedo and hebephilia. We are talking about an adolescent boy. So not necessary a role model, but definitelly a healthy outlet for his desires. Which a more mature, caring woman could provide.

a 14 year old is still a child. there are different stages of childhood.

i think that a lot of people in the NGE fandom tend not to consciously identify with shinji as a protagonist

Only in our modern society. Long ago he would be an adult.
Soon, people will be consodered children at 30.

I like how you guys like to talk about moraity being a spook but when it comes to youth sexuality, all of a sudden, its evil.

Ypu guys even advocae for infanticide.

tbh, most adolescent males would love to have a an older maternal figure for their first time.
Statutory rape would be if they were gaslit.

sex outside of marriage is a sin. this is the reason the angels are trying to kill them

That's because our knowledge of the development of the brain has gotten better. A human mind continues developing well into its 20s. So when there is a sexual relationship between someone above that threshold and someone below that threshold, there may be a power imbalance, or some kind of manipulation. Not saying I agree with that, but that is the logic behind why the consensus has changed on these things.

By having the female cast fit the visual and personality archetypes standard to anime, Anno was able to advance the theme shinji’s isolation to ALL women, while distracting the otaku fanbase with the broadest spectrum of their kinks. (Red/blue/purple/blonde or silent/abusive/cold/drunk or plugsuit/swimsuit/schoolgirl/scientist/rocker)

Thus the discussion of best girl is an ironic refusal of and disassociation from the intent of the show and its themes of isolation and the human condition in modernity.

But they don't really fit the tropes… I'm more inclined to think it was poor craftsmanship by the author and the "riddle" is an afterthought. I see why people would mock that.

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>none of the female characters were into the mc.
Misato tried to be a mother/older-sister but that clashed with her role as his commanding officer and the fact that she was seeking love (even as she fled commitment), hence her flirting with him and that Adult Kiss in EoE.

Rei II was attracted to Shinji as she began to discover her own humanity and actually want to have a relationship with Shinji.

Asuka also seemed to want a relationship with him because he was the only one who could truly understand the struggle of being a pilot, but her own insecurities got in the way.

And Shinji was attracted to all of them in some sense, but also feared being hurt.

All of this is various reflections of the Hedgehog's Dilemma and other interpersonal problems people have. See the Evangelion thread for more on this. >>590

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They do fit the tropes but are also deconstructions of said tropes (while simultaneously becoming the benchmark for those tropes) but people conflate what oldfag fans decided about them and what Anno intended, not to mention that Anno himself later grew muddled in what he meant, which is why the Evangelion films rebooting the series were such a mess for the most part. Seriously, the number of Asuka and Rei rip-offs in anime and manga after NGE is staggering. Ex. For years every other Kuudere was a blue-haired, quiet girl that didn't care for her own well-being, pic rel.

But What About Best Girl Kaworu

Kaworu isn't a girl and the "gay kaworu uwu" shit is actually terrible and one of the most unoriginal tropey fujo fantasies ever. I'm no AsuShin fan, but at least the idea that her and his relationship has romantic potential (abusive or not) makes sense given the themes of the story and her character. The same can be applies to Rei and Misato, they all make for believable, if imperfect possible romantic relationships because it fits the themes presented and the dynamics shown.

Kaworu doesn't fit this at all. Shinji compares his betrayal as being the same as the betrayal by his Father. If anything Kaworu's appearance in the anime (the real source material) lends itself to the idea of Kaworu being what Shinji needed in that moment, not romantic love, but the platonic love of a friend and comrade. This fits the themes in part because a major part of masculine insecurity is exposing your inner self to women. Rei is too out of touch to be of any help (and other factors), Asuka is abrasive and proud, and Misato is… complicated, but regarding all of them Shinji feels worthless due to his childhood trauma and abandonment, so even if they knew to speak the words to him, Shinji would be less accepting of hearing "you are worthy of affection" from them as opposed to a peer - Kaworu.


it is funny how pseuds think art is about figuring out some riddle by the author

it's funny how subtextual elements are so opaque to midwits they read them as riddles

there are no riddles to begin with, that's the point. pseuds (and bad authors) make them up to feel smart

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>there are no riddles
There's entire genres where the story revolves around a riddle.

and then there is the guy with a phd writing papers about how barbie is clearly a metaphor for the boer wars

You lads realize there's a middle ground right? Yes there is subtext, themes and so on within art and other media, HOWEVER you must also appreciate art at its face value as well. The themes of Evangelion are important, but trying to find meaning in it is a never-ending rabbit-hole if you start extrapolating too much, the same applies to all media.

Bro the themes in Evangelion are surface level. The characters literally discuss relationship dysfunction in the dialogue. You have to be asleep to miss it.

if the subtext is perceived as such, it has already failed, except for pseuds
but you have to make something up or else you watched 24 episodes of low quality nonsense made to launder money

Nah Kaworu's a girl and Shinji loves her

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…Sometimes I feel like the only sane NGE fan.

the woman


Don't be a twit

*Baddum Tsss*


Actually brain evelopment theory was found out to be misunderstood.
What happens is your brain slows down after 25.

But ok, if thats the case then people with metal disorders shouldnt have relationships with neurotypicals.

Alot of our society is centered around "safety" nowadays. The way we treat the youth like cripples because muh innocence, its no wonder why millennials think five years differemce in dating in the twenties is "pedophilia".

Soon, "brain development" may end at 35 instead of 25.

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>But ok, if thats the case then people with metal disorders shouldnt have relationships with neurotypicals.
Only if they have some kind of developmental disability that prevents them from maturing fully. The issue isn't that one person is "older" or "more developed" but that the one person hasn't reached the point where they are able to give informed consent. You are correct about people being stupid about "age gap" discourse (they are already doing it with 30+ year olds dating older people), but that was never the reason statutory rape is bad or how grooming works. Dumbfucks just completely misunderstood the concept of developmental psychology and instead treat age as just a number (ironically) that constitutes a dimension of privilege (like pic related).

Anon, you posted this already in another thread and got told off for it, fuck off.

actually no I didnt, so you go fuck off.
oh wait. You cant fuck off because youre an imageboard user therefore you couldnt even get your fuck on.
So how could could you fuck off?
Maybe jack off?

1) relative to >>25624 I have almost verbatim seen
>brain evelopment theory was found out to be misunderstood
Followed by talking of "societal coddling" as well as a false equivalency about mental disorders and "neurotypicals". Said post was deleted.

I will admit to the point that this idea of a 5 year difference being pedophilia between adult ages is asinine, but your take on innocence is inane. Also modern society's "safety" is all performative, because society has never been more open with perverse, violent and other content inappropriate for children.
>What happens is your brain slows down after 25
Brain development after 25 is due to the infantile nature of First World countries, and sub-sequentially, it takes people longer to "grow up" mentally than they should. The thing is that at 25 or so the body reaches full maturity and in an appropriately developing person, their brain should have reached maturity by that point as well with some lee-way on an individual basis. Obviously a person changes over their lifetime, that's inevitable, but it's not the same as formative development from child to adolescent to adult.

2) You are also an imageboard user by virtue of posting here, twat. Furthermore it's an anonymous forum, so if I'm getting my fuck on or not, is entirely beyond your knowledge.

Now if you're quite done being a whiny, pedantic pissant about obvious common terminology…

PS. It's notable that you utterly ignored the response in >>25631 sincerely engaging your argument. I reckoned you wouldn't answer in good faith to begin with, which is why I didn't bother arguing with you initially and told you to fuck off. Thanks for proving the point.

stop with the pseudoscience and get back to talking about best girl Mari

society has had more perverse contemt for children back in the days of old compared to now.
Alot of our surreal GMOD videos like Skibidi Toilet which Millennials amd zoomers freak out about is very tame compared to horror movies and punk rock concert videos from yesteryear.

Also again, what happens after 25 is ypur bran slows down, it doesnt finish development.

Mental maturity isnt dependent on physiological maturity after prepubescence. Its the fault of parents, teachers, and other pedagogical figures for smothering the youth for the sake of vicariousness.

Look at the average age of initial autonomy im adulthood nowadays compared to seven decades ago.

People used to have jobs at 14 and could have a house and spouse with a baby on the way by 18-20.
Nowadays, at 22, youre "too young" for marriage, serious career, or any political/philosophical devotion.

Also, adolescence is now being extended in definition.

Also, I didnt need to respomd to >>25631 because they described everything on point.

And you stop being a little petulant pissant.

Misato is a rapist

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>horror movies and punk rock concert videos from yesteryear.
<comparing something for older teens and adults to a a "children's" cartoon made by youtuber "memers"
eh? Are you retarded?
>People used to have jobs at 14 and could have a house and spouse with a baby on the way by 18-20. Nowadays, at 22, youre "too young" for marriage, serious career, or any political/philosophical devotion.
LMAO where the fuck do you live? People in the USA that aren't richfags have at the very least, summer jobs starting at 15. I started working 11 hour shifts when I was 15.
I agree that there's immaturity, but not because of parents and teachers "smothering children" from harsh realities but precisely because children don't get discipline, letting them indulge in whatever they want without trying to be appropriate or educate. This is not the same thing as sanitizing everything as you seem to be implying.
> you stop being a little petulant pissant.
<N-no U

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ASUKA is hot

turn on a fan. open a window. give her a cold drink.

uygha she's 14 and a cartoon

Again, everything youre saying is copium.
Society doesnt allow children as much "self indulgence" as you think.

They dont allow kids to have free range play, nor do they have vocational classes in school anymore.
Amd yes, parents do try to shut down worldly affairs from children.
Look at the amount of parenting articles online that go apeshit over kids watching any news or expressing cynical opinions.

Also, you think Skibidi Tpilet isnt child appropiate?

Also you wanna talk abput disvipline?
Kids had alot more "freedom" back in the old days.
You could literally bully someone half to death and it was shrugged off as "kids being kids."

You could go gallivant off to God knows where and expect to be back home for dinner.

It's not just that you could gallivant to God Knows Where, there was a place to gallivant TO.

There's basically nowhere for kids to exist that doesn't require money. Where are you going to hang out where you won't have the police called on you?

Yes, and?

> I started working 11 hour shifts when I was 15.

It has struck me that in my childhood cartoons, I watched the adventures of a young boy my age who had an interesting hobby

And now kids watch the adventures of a young sponge their age who has a job

>working as a teenager is le bad


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Exactly what I said.

>Society doesnt allow children as much "self indulgence" as you think.
Yes they do, I see it all the time and your examples are proving my point, rather than GIVING things for them to do, useful vocational skills, or encouraging them to spend time outside, they just have a complete hands off approach with anything good like such classes being prohibitively expensive.
>Look at the amount of parenting articles online that go apeshit over kids watching any news or expressing cynical opinions.
<Look at this cherry picked example
1) parents today are constantly pulling their kids into political shit
2) those parents that do complain haven't actually done anything about it, such as restricting social media access for their teens. Honestly it would be an improvement.
>you wanna talk abput disvipline
Talking like a /pol/faggot doesn't lend you credence
>Kids had alot more "freedom" back in the old days.
Yes and no. Kids had freedom to LIVE, but were also required to be disciplined when necessary.
>You could literally bully someone half to death and it was shrugged off as "kids being kids."
Again I don't know where you've been living but that hasn't changed. I know it because I've seen teachers literally brush off a kid being pegged in the back of the head with baseballs by their classmates during recess, until they were literally concussed. In Highschool I've seen kids do all sorts of horrid shit and you're more likely to see the victim suspended for retaliating against their bullies than seeing the bullies punished, because it's not about "ye olden days" it's about American society. Idiot

>Y-you're coping!
<starts repeating only semi-truthful twitter memes about kids today.
Go back or just shut up and stop derailing.

And again, society bars kids from worldly affairs such as politics and work.
Kids are exposed to politics but theyre discouraged from participating as individuals.

social media in itself isnt the problem.
Again, the problem is that people are addicted to outrage.

Also, how are parents doing a hands off approach?

Parents are constantly putting tabs on ther kids.
Kids arent really allowed to have personal affairs independent of famiky or school anymore.
Academia is everything nowadays.

This. Childhood is just glorified slavery.
Ypure seen as aleech for not having a job yet adults will be indignant about a child working for their own bread.

Whats the point of children existing if they need money for fun yet theyre not allowed to work for it?

oh it's this autistic "the children yearn for the mines" guy again

Fake fan detected. SpongeBob is in his 30s.

>kids having jobs is automatically "coal mines"

Kids are the most exploited by the job market though. They also need more free time for education so they don't have to go coal mining… Well, everyone does but kids not getting properly educated will have all prospects of a better career closed to them. Which can be viewed as increasing the contradictions of capitalism though. My point is, taking free time away from children will make the matters worse while giving more free time to adults will make the matters better. We should progress towards the latter, not the former.

>>25675 (me)
Well, "should" is a relative term here because under socialism it is expected that the workers will have more leisure time but if you're an accelerationist and want to increase the contradictions of capitalism then I guess the road to more leisure time is paved with… child labor.

kids are exploited by the labor market indirectly.
Theyre treated as charity cases that need to be locled away from the real world.
Also capitalism doesmt wamt kids to work because it maintans the illusion of care free childhood to sell more knick knacks.

"Carefree childhood" is obviously infantilizing children but that doesn't mean that children having 11h workdays is good for their mental development. It's not good for anyone's mental development really. Although not like the children don't do unpaid labour nowadays either because school education is forced unpaid labor that takes most of the child's life. But replacing unpaid studying with paid manual work won't actually improve the child's life, what's more important is teaching your child actual independence. So I'm against both compulsory schooling and compulsory work, for everyone, not just children. We shouldn't campaign for child labour to be legal, that solves literally nothing.

fair point.
But what Im saying is that kids should work, just not beyonf their abilities.
And Im glad you point out the absurdity of compulsory schooling.
Most of our education is centered around "social skills" and glorified brain games for 18-21 years of ones life.

you should kill yourself

I would but I prefer to watch you imageboard users do that from zero pussy


Misato is a slut

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See >>25681 redditor scum.

>sloppy seconds
you should kill yourself


Whats the differemce?
Imageboards are just as prudish/squeamish as Reddit. Only imageboards are even more obnoxious.

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>What's the difference
<doesn't even deny it
>Imageboards are just as prudish/squeamish as Reddit
Yeah-no. Go back to half-chan.

>Muh woman has to be a pure virgin!
Incels like you need to touch grass. Also that's not what that even means, retard.

case in point.
Imageboards as usual have severe projection

your mother op

yeah pretty much but unnecessary h8 for freud sisters ig

>longwinded way of saying "N-no U"
Concession accepted. Stay mad.

misato is still a slut.

Okay incel

A slut is the source of the most treasurable resource known to man: sex. That means we should thank sluts for blessing us with sex we otherwise would not have. And if you can't have sex with sluts you probably wouldn't have sex with them even if they weren't sluts anyway.

>Asuka being more cheerful than usual
Guys, I'm scared.

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What the fuck was Misato's plan if Shinji did not respond in the timid way he did?

What if Shinji actually took her teasing as an invitation to fuck rather than as banter?

>"Hey Shinji I know I literally sent you a pic of my cleavage with heart arrows towards them but I actually do not want to fuck you"

How do you even deal with this? Why would you even go with the plan knowing this could potentially happen? Is she stupid?

She would probably fuck him? She is mentally ill and a woman. You know Lucifer filled them with uncontrollable lusts, right?

Otakus are the worst

>What if Shinji actually took her teasing as an invitation to fuck
do moids really?

The point is supposed to be that she's immature due to trauma and uses inappropriate sexuality as a coping mechanism. The show doesn't leave it up to interpretation, in the first episode IIRC she gets called out on this behavior by her coworker over the phone.
>What if Shinji actually took her teasing as an invitation to fuck rather than as banter?
Flirting isn't an invitation to fuck, weirdo. It's inappropriate in context due to Shinji being underage and Misato being both his legal guardian and "workplace" superior. It's unambiguously an example of grooming in the sense of wearing down somebody's boundaries and normalizing inappropriate behavior in a way that makes them more vulnerable to direct abuse in the future. She does worse things after this too.

Honestly if the two of them fucked it would probably go a long way to fixing them.

I don't get the problem? Women do this shit all the time, it's called "leading on".

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She literally tried to fuck him. She made advances, he rejected her, and then she goes out and gets sad that's she's only useful as a pussy provider.

damn, so a predator and an incel

Truly a based woman

just like me fr

The problem is a fictional character did something bad and the narrative doesn't have someone turn to the camera and say "what this woman did is actually evil and she deserves to be punished", which as all good, right thinking, morally hygienic people know means that the show is advocating and endorsing the behavior.

Yeah it's like a guy sending you a photo of his bulge and then he said that it's just banter

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>This shoddy bait
>using the Rebuild version
OP is a faggot again.

No, you stupid incel. When shit hits the fan and Shinji is near catatonic, she wants to help him but the only way she knows to be close with someone in a way that is closer than simple friendship, is through sex because of her stunted experience in intimacy, which follows the overarching theme in Evangelion of the Hedgehog's Dilemma. Furthermore Shinji is in need of a different sort of connection, not that of romantic intimacy, but of family, but Misato doesn't know how to do that, having never truly experienced it herself.
Boiling it down to
>she goes out and gets sad that's she's only useful as a pussy provider.
Is a disingenuously broad and vile smear.

Possibly, but that's kinda the point, it never got to that point because originally Misato never intended it to, and only later fell back on it as a desperate measure, but at the wrong time. She was trying to appeal to something normal boys had - hormonal lust as a way of having fun and teasing. Funny part is that it could go that far. Shinji's reaction to her "Adult Kiss" was him finally coming out of catatonia, at least a little, and she's a central figure during his LCL mind-trip during Third Impact.

Mmmm, no. The equivalent would be showing off pecs and upper body nude. Breasts are not genitals.

that's not even close to being true, breasts are a lot more sexual than pecs

Full NGE thread here BTW >>590

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Best Girl Thread >>25476

Which is why I said full upper body nudity for a male, as compared to a bit of cleavage. A bulge/dick pic would be equivalent to a pussy pic.

a bulge implies it being covered, a pussy pic is not covered.

Don't be facetious, you know what I mean.

anon this is undoubtedly top importance and priority matters, you need to be crystal clear about it

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>male equivalent of cleavage
There isn't a direct one. Women don't react to the male chest or torso in the same way really. The closer functional equivalent is the forearms.
>indicator of health/fitness/virility (muscles, veins, and hair
>may or may not be covered by clothes
>can be accentuated and revealed by adjusting clothes (rolling up sleeves)
>associated with gender roles (manual labor vs nurturing babies)
>relevant to sexual pleasure (the muscles used for fingering)

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