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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
Password(For file deletion.)

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This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues (bug reports, suggestions).

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible

REQUEST: Let us embed pornhub videos like we currently can with youtube links.

Does it have an embed API?

A petition to replace hcaptcha with 4get's autism score Test because I'm sick of this JavaScript bs. Who's with me?

>A petition to replace hcaptcha with 4get's autism score Test because I'm sick of this JavaScript bs. Who's with me?
Yes. I despise that captcha.

where did the theme picker go?

Accidentally posted in the previous thread:

The word filter to turn two -'s into an em dash (—, U+2014) is messed up, turning it into an en dash (–, U+2013)

It's in the options menu

Okay, what about mcaptcha.

From the looks of it, it could be doable; but given it's PoW model it could actually worsen the situation on low end hardware. It needs some testing first.

I'm a dev and would like to help leftypol out if there's need of such a thing, not sure where else to ask

join the public waiting from in matrix and type the same message there?

Somehow we still haven't put the global message back in place. With that said, here's the public link to the waiting room (just state your general leanings, the mods should let you in)
And here the git repo https://gitlab.leftypol.org/leftypol/leftypol

i signed up to the gitlab and will jump on the matrix, tbh I wasn't familiar with the matrix platform until now, it seems neat, so I want to config the client on my main pc but haven't been able to get out of bed for like 3 days cuz I got sick and have been shitposting on leftypol

We just had a spam wave and I had to leverage the bulk deletion system. Which name did you pick?

ice ink



SHut the fuck up Jannie.
Remove the char limit or kill yourself.

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PLEASE PLEASE let us actually see replies to op and not just replies to other comments. itll make keeping up with threads a lot less disorentating (picrel, example of how 4chan does it)

deleting posts is broken for some users

Remove the fucking auygh filter. Who the fuck created it and why?

>Ok I figured out what the filter is for

>an IIIIIIII egg

>but write it as one line normally. The word an. Followed by the word egg. with a space in the middle.



I've seen this happening to everyone recently. Just fucking delete the entry.


<Per-thread user-ids for all posts, with "hide post" applying to all posts, allowing me to mute people within a thread rather than sifting through individual posts.

This has drawbacks though
<It's less anonymous
<Trolls and raiders may just use alternative methods to get a different id for each post
<People may rely on the hide feature rather than reporting rulebreaking posts

The funny thing is that we have no filter for "egg"


Why is auygh wordfiltered?

I am not sure but that is something the dev team needs to look into to see why auygh is word filtered

It isn't. There's a bug somewhere that I haven't been able to locate

I assumed it was one of your n word filters catching it. a N-word would be auyghur. anig.

Idk if you guys run the booru or not but it won't let me download images on android firefox for some reason. It tries and errors out.

we don't run the booru

Please repost in >>34462 if Android Firefox still isn't working.

I'm getting a filter on /siberia/ over Tor on all posts I've made so far.
The rejection reason is the long one mentioning "[email protected]"
It's very concerning as this one is showing up at all, as it was meant for a specific situation where false positives were considered impossible, and this false positive is a harmful thing.

egg :3

Why did officer Garcia get deleted?

I assume its because officer Garcia is disguising, so I've spoilered it. Its nothing NSFW though.

>Wrong password
>Wrong password
>Wrong password
>Wrong password
I hate this site sometimes, can't delete my own posts because of stupid browser cookies and JavaScript failure.

Could someone figure out what the new filesize limit is? Because it's not 80mb.

OK 43mb is still good. 57mb is too big. We're narrowing it down.

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It should be 80MB

It's not try it yourself. 43mb was the largest that worked so far.

Ok I found and fixed the issue. Nginx was set to have a maximum body size of 57MBs instead of 81

Will you have sex with me?

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Can somebody update the Booru link over to lefty.pictures?

Gan we turn off the tor node? You know every single poster is a ban-evader. Brazilian FSLN anon has made that perfectly clear with his love of flagfagging. Why keep it on and also have bans? Either one or the other? Why have a ban-evade option available?

we also need user accounts linked to your national id card to curb shitposting once and for all

>You know every single poster is a ban-evader.
Tf are you talking about? Not everyone who's on Tor is a ban evader. Some countries even actively block websites if you aren't on Tor. You want to just help the feds with catching leftists or something? Thanks, """comrade."""

When will the onion service start functioning again? And why is the captcha requirement more harsh on the onion service? Is it because you can play whack-a-mole with Tor IPs if they access the clearnet site?

The daemon keeps hanging after some hours of activity for some reason.
I added a workaround to automatically restart it every now and then .

this is two weeks late but thank you for actually responding.

>I added a workaround to automatically restart it every now and then .
Thank you. Why does one have to complete the capcha on the onion site though? On the clearnet site the hcaptcha script is just… there. It's not even doing anything.

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I can't create threads for some reason, but I can post

Our records have this post as your first post. See if you make a thread now. This is a anti-spam measure.

Unique IPs: 39

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