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FUTA GENERAL #1 - "The Best of Both Worlds Edition"
>Details: Content to post about Women with an Extra Package
- NSFW & SFW images; porn, animations, videos / gifs & other pictures, 3D or 2D
- Writing like erotica fiction, greentext, captions, & lore discussion
- Manga, comics and hentai doujins of hung women
- Lewd games with Shmeat like Fenoxo's Trials in Tainted Space ( TiTs ) >>483372
- CYOA's https://chyoa.com/tag/futanari
- Other forms of media about or depicting chicks with fem-dicks like HMVs or memes
- Shemale, Futanari, Newhalf, Hermaphrodite & Gynomorph; She got cock? She rocks!
- Futa x male, female, and futa allowed
- Dickgirl Fics can be found at Literotica, Archive of Our Own, Hentai-Foundry, etc.
- Draw, Edit and Write anons encouraged & appreciated (also see >>>/draw/ )
- Posted AI gens should be high quality, no robot spam! Observe penis, hand, foot, etc. detail
- Beep-Boop use / make Chatbots: https://venus.chub.ai/tags/Futanari >>>/tech/20665

>GULAG Rules:

1) NO IRL politics E-Drama; thread is JUST to enjoy dickchicks we'd love to fuck or be fucked by
2) TG/TF allowed, >>511959 Spoiler hyper & NO scat, diaper, fart, vore or similar.
3) Have fun, remember it's fictional & if sausage bulge on girls aren't your fetish, hide the thread

>QoTT: Would you want to be a Futa? What is your dream futa? Their Personality & Physique?

PS: Posting Sauce and Pirating is approved >>>/tech/24100 https://saucenao.com
PPS: Translations, Decensors and Colorizing of bedicked woman also wanted!
122 posts and 96 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1716324043251.jpg (109.47 KB, 1000x1349, 195fa8b.jpg)

Simply put, yes


File: 1716327061114.png (2.85 MB, 1500x3073, 17152.png)

>Nice pic
>Honest sentiment
<jpg non transparent, even with pic 2
For shame Anon! I'll attempt to do pic 1 later, maybe


File: 1716332139480.jpg (421.41 KB, 1873x2484, Well go on.jpg)

>Simply put, yes
Yes what? Who? Where? To whom is this response?

<TFW no muscle futa
Will this be the drive for future scientific development?

Everytime someone whines about "wHeRe ArE hEr OrGaNs" I want to send them this and repeat the question back to them.


Translations and Decensors


File: 1716364003186.jpg (6.37 KB, 257x196, GOIr3J2XsAA3FiS.jpg)

Thank you anon
(Goals btw)


>Thank you anon
>(Goals btw)
You're welcome(?) BTW there's a group I knew of dedicated to "Futamaxxing" ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯


LMAO, c'mon now.


Sauce on full pic?


Does a resort sound fun anons?


What would you do in this situation of you were the dad?


That picture is from the POV of the mom, not the dad.


Idk bro there's no specified genre for the parent in the pic.




File: 1716671839185.png (83.02 KB, 528x92, ClipboardImage.png)


Lol guess I'm blind then


File: 1716673007400.png (446.58 KB, 690x935, ClipboardImage.png)

Parent, whatever - what would be your reaction as a parent is the question.

Be suitably impressed and amused. Impressed because my girl would be set for life, sexually and amused because she did the typical mistake of youth; desk-masturbation and blowing ropes without a safeguard.


File: 1716674572476.png (7.45 MB, 4023x5264, ClipboardImage.png)

>bringing that up randomly
Delete this.


>QoTT: Would you want to be a Futa? What is your dream futa? Their Personality & Physique?

I would be more of a black bishonen with a neon-colored skinned futa gf. She will be tall and curvy and lean-muscular.
She will have a nice thtobbing oenis that cums citrus discharge. Her penis will have recepetor cells on the front side and backside.
It will be more sensitive to touch than the averahe oenis. But not hypersensitive in the sense of "excessive tickling"

She will be a kemonomimi and very tame but not helpless.

I too would be kemonomimi.


No-balls futa


Some more ball-less futa


File: 1716911271291.png (2.51 MB, 1800x2591, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm surprised at how little decent Zero Two futa-stuff there is even with AI-Generated stuff included.


File: 1716967779391.png (8.01 MB, 3267x1627, The Whole X-J9 Yards.png)

Returning to this, how do you feel about futa Robo-cock instead then?


File: 1716986778572.jpg (353.41 KB, 2250x2825, GOfhTe1XEAAhnQ_(1).jpg)

The master has uploaded


>The master
<has uploaded
Who and what?


>growing penis
How does that even work?


Guess, use your shiny imagination .


File: 1716996330186-0.jpg (366.04 KB, 1600x1271, 56462314.jpg)

File: 1716996330186-1.png (312.5 KB, 707x1000, 56462685.png)

016 begs to differ


Jadf, the picture in question


File: 1717031781968.png (2.39 MB, 2047x1857, ClipboardImage.png)

>Jadf, the picture in question
It took me a moment to realize what you were referring to. Thanks for the sauce on the hung bat-girl. Apparently its a V-tuber OC, BatAtVideogames (Moriko Kyoho).



>Breeding program progressing with dual capacity
Excellent. Have a full-size decensor


File: 1717436093179.jpeg (367.2 KB, 1786x2048, 95ic1h9twc4d1.jpeg)

It's been a busy few days peeps. Bumping!


Ok but seriously, why are women with a *seven* foot sledgehammer dialectical and commiepilled?


>Ok but seriously, why are women with a *seven* foot sledgehammer dialectical and commiepilled?
Taking this shitpost seriously, here's my schizo take on this:
Dunno about 7 foot hammers, but in general Futanari can be interpreted to represent the best of both woman and man, being able to penetrate (and impregnate) or be penetrated (and impregnated), a physical, biological merging of the 2 sexes representing the unity of the working class's two halves* who 'hold up the sky'.



Its the goku fusion dance




did he died?


File: 1718362111201.jpg (251.13 KB, 1831x2048, GH2Bb7BXIAAlkmm.jpg)

> Tfw you aren't a hyper-shemale that can go around with her erect super-cock out on the public beach
Why live again?


By snusnu


You're gonna need a lot of blood to keep that shmeat erect, hell even elephants and tigers struggle to pump blood into their dicks, that's why they have special bones inside the penise to make them hung on command, no libido needed


Ngl that could be neat for use


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It's actually real??


Somebody ask Shay


Facesitting is an exquisite experience


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File: 1718653258455-2.jpg (102.12 KB, 1241x1371, FnTfaUiXoAEVYN1.jpg)

File: 1718653258455-3.jpg (193.63 KB, 1600x1600, rn7gxy1wdpub1-1.jpg)

God I fucking need a dommie commie GF to feminize me for being an incel


This entire thread is a goldmine https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11035227/


it's real, I know of a surgeon who does it


>"improvement island"
hack writing


you didn't get that impression from the fact it was obviously written with the authors dick in his hand


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In honor of 420chan redirecting to here for now


No self-sucking?

Unique IPs: 28

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