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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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drop them PDFs, we will rebuild edition
87 posts and 232 image replies omitted.

File: 1728205043624.pdf (9.26 MB, 159x255, Monopoly Capital.pdf)

Complete works of Plato and Aristotle (Hackett, Bollingen)

Latest translation of Capital Volume 1

dumping some from the coffers

File: 1728419746651-1.pdf (60.38 KB, 180x255, Long Live MLM 1995.pdf)

File: 1728419746651-2.pdf (688.79 KB, 197x255, mlm-study-notes.pdf)

File: 1728419746651-3.pdf (82.81 KB, 165x255, On the Maoist Party.pdf)

File: 1728419746651-4.pdf (9.56 MB, 255x208, thomson-1.pdf)

Hobsbawm's famous "Age Of" tetralogy

2 snapshots of rustic people
Anyone have an ereader they recommend? I want to get a bit more serious about my reading.

recommended ereader's going to depend on your device and OS. I use different ereaders depending on whether I'm on my Work PC, my personal PC, or my Phone

What's the LeftyPol opinion on Verso essential reading list?


Highly recommend Washington Bullets. It's not as comprehensive as Killing Hope but it is much newer and more visceral in its writing.

It just occurred to me there's no William Blum ITT

A small primer to early modern economic and global history. The main themes are the birth of the military-fiscal state of the Ancien Régime; productive forces and economic growth in proto-industrial conditions; local and global networks of trade, knowledge and competition/cooperation; the "great divergence" between Europe and the world in the XIX° century

Do you have borderline personality disorder, sweety?

thanke :)

Is there an essential reading from this thread?
Like with Capital I, II, III and ToSV something like:

>Chapters of volume 1 in this order: 10, 13 through 15, 26 through 33 with appendix on the value-form.


I thought TBBOC stalled and died? :O

File: 1732742495291.pdf (4.98 MB, 150x255, Defensor pacis.pdf)

Defender of the Peace - Marsilius of Padua

not necessarily for borderline personality disorder
could help with e.g. shitting your pants at rage bait for incels

Comrades, I found an AI that generates an audiobook from a PDF


It works very slowly so you'll have to leave it running overnight, but it produces mid quality AI-read audiobooks. It may get hung up on certain formatting, and it naturally does worse at OCR books which are full of errors.

i remember someone sending PDFs of Gorky's work, if you have them send them here plz

anyone have a copy of Back to Marx - The Change of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics by Yibing Zhang

File: 1737427603148-0.pdf (5.44 MB, 180x255, Chapter 1 (Notes).pdf)

File: 1737427603148-1.jpg (157.04 KB, 1058x762, s-l1200.jpg)

i'm re-reading the capital trilogy so that i never have to read it again. i will publish my final notations for anyone who might be interested. here is chapter 1, which was especially interesting in the final section, where marx implies the value form to possess an unconscious which determines social life. its interesting since i once posted here a freudo-marxist concept of a capitalist unconscious being located in SNLT, which related to freud's comments in "beyond the pleasure principle" that i imagined, where he says the unconscious is a spaceless-time; re-reading it however, i discovered the terms were reversed, where he described it as a timeless-space. this is a seeming platonist reversal of my previous materialist prejudices. in relation to marx however, we can see this spatial dimension relating to concrete, or particular labours, which is also the particularity of freud's dream object, whereby the unconscious reveals itself by this constitutive limit. this may also describe the commodity fetish in marx's terms however:
>"the objective appearance of the social characteristics of labour"
such that the value of a commodity is the inversion of its coarse materiality, so too is the unconscious the objectivity which cannot be immediatised as an essence, but is forever alienated in its symbolic order. this is also why i think of freud as a kantian; the unconscious is simply the thing in-itself; that from which all phrnomenal appearance is cognised, but that which is uncognisable in-itself.

Can somebody please fetch this?
The crisis of American labor: Operation Dixie and the defeat of the CIO
I filled my maximum borrows counter


and redpilled?

The best book I have read on topic of nazi era German economy. Deals with economic problems and policies leading up to the war and during it, how they connect with Nazi ideology, holocaust, generalplan ost.

Anything on the 1st and 2nd industrial revolutions?

haven't seen the PDF of to kill a nation around; only the EPUB version, so here~

I'm almost done reading to kill a nation. I have to stop every other page because it enrages me. It's a great overview of the US playbook, since many of the things they did in Yugoslavia, they have been also doing in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, etc. It's the same tactics over and over and over and over again, and western leftists and liberals in general keep falling every single time for them.

Genes (discrete, metaphysical units of heredity) aren't real


An individual sequence of DNA isolated is meaningless. It only has meaning because of the whole genome. Like a hermeneutic circle. That's why CRISPR failed

>denis noble
yes, he is a good critic of neo-darwinism, by offering a holistic view of nature. common sense points to a social ontology (mutualism) in things. the concept of strict genetic heredity has the discourse of patrilineal right, whereby a patriarchal entity possesses his offspring by ancestral property where we are "made in the image" of the primal father. studies in epigenetics however have even enlivened neo-lamarckian perspectives in regards to the attribution of acquired traits being heritable.
yockey criticises darwinism as an essentially victorian perspective, amicable to thinkers like thomas malthus and herbert spencer (who actually coined the term "survival of the fittest").

>people just keep posting PDFs

Damn it, can you people start posting EPUBs, PDFs are pain to read.

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