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 No.8376[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

a dumb little thought experiment…suppose that you're a believer that all the current forms of 'activist' leftism are failing and we are running out of time, and you come under the belief that predatory multinational CEO's are a much more efficient force for change in the world, as well as, as a group, generally far more progressive than the governments which 'rule over them'. suppose that you believe the world is already moving towards a state of increasingly centralised and interconnected capitalism. suppose that you are desperate for a solution to the climate crisis, and believe that we instantly require drastic action before global society itself collapses (and perhaps it will anyway, and simply we can only reduce the damage as much as possible). might such a person start to critically support a kind of formalist corporate anarchy, under which the state's power is dissolved (or at least, the power of monopoly issuance is shifted into the hands of these billionaires) in order to concentrate real power in the hands of more effective and competent figures? obviously not whilst eschewing other forms of anti-hierarchical action and radical anti-civ/anti-capitalist/radfem/eco-extremist/whatever-you-like dissent. many have expressed the desire to take drastic action towards saving the world– if these people were in charge of lawmaking, not only would they be able to expedite the process of lawmaking, but have much more expertise in governance. do we really have the time as a species to spend on bourgeois democracy right now– OR on the vapid activism and slow-moving cold war of intra-imperialist conflicts?

i know what i'm saying is dumb and schizo, and very much neo-reactionary, but im evaluating what options we might have remaining in the most drastic conditions in order to bring the global system to a swift change. i am getting a little desperate, and nothing seems to be working. as it stands, the left is objectively entirely ineffective as an activist movement, pretty much all modern 'activism' is ineffective. There is an irreconcilable split between the spontaneous desire to schizophrenise society, and the need for a sustained 'activist' movement that could even bring about change which must ultimately turn sour and reactionary.

Maybe such efforts are better spent ensuring that the processes that are leading to our inevitable destruction come to a grinding halt as soon as possible, regardless of how it affects one's rPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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it obviously won't. thoughever better political conditions are coming and we can use those to our advantage as leftists. even climate change can be an opportunity comrade


Let me be clear of your term.
>The conclusion of the slave-master dialect;
>aka the system will grant consiousness to the workers because capitalism design of inifinte growth on a finite planet with people, and designed to have infinite competition despite clearly studied wealth competition occuring, both of which leads to the system undergoing to more and more frequent crisis, leading to the system to make the workers bail it out (aka a wealth transference), while also deepening its level of exploitation, will in a result lead to the workers realizing that the system can't work and they must choose being murdered by the system, or change society and possible be murdered earlier;
>the analysis based on a scientific (testable) approach, based on the physical world (materialism), and categorizing the analysis based off the thinking of processes (dialects);
>the analysis comonly misinturpreted as a science like how math is a science.

Your counter, (correct me if I'm wrong), is:
>the universal application of the master-slave dialectic to everything as if it’s some law of history
<even though it was never used as some law but rather a framework in analyzing the world
>or that it has to always occur in its entirety and can never be interrupted
>Resistance to the growing consiousness can't occur, or the world can't be destroyed before
<even though the interruptions, which are in wanting to reverse the stage of capitalism to a more competitive moment of its existence, even if successful, will just lead the system to develop and go back to a stage in which massive crisis will occur again
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>suppose that you're a believer that all the current forms of 'activist' leftism are failing and we are running out of time, and you come under the belief that predatory multinational CEO's are a much more efficient force for change in the world, as well as, as a group, generally far more progressive than the governments which 'rule over them'. suppose that you believe the world is already moving towards a state of increasingly centralised and interconnected capitalism. suppose that you are desperate for a solution to the climate crisis, and believe that we instantly require drastic action before global society itself collapses (and perhaps it will anyway, and simply we can only reduce the damage as much as possible). might such a person start to critically support a kind of formalist corporate anarchy, under which the state's power is dissolved (or at least, the power of monopoly issuance is shifted into the hands of these billionaires) in order to concentrate real power in the hands of more effective and competent figures?
I'm a lifelong liberal in my 30s and you pretty much summed up my philosophy, minus dissolving state power. I still find states important. They're just often very inefficient and ineffective. (I don't necessarily even advocate for small government. I just acknowledge the difficulties and weaknesses when it comes to getting things done.)

>obviously not whilst eschewing other forms of anti-hierarchical action and radical anti-civ/anti-capitalist/radfem/eco-extremist/whatever-you-like dissent.

So dissent for dissent's sake? Why all this obsession on being "a rebel"? It almost seems like it's just aesthetic for you. Not to be uncharitable but one can easily read this as wanting to be radical simply because it's cooler than being one of those normie NPC sheeplols.

And you just admitted the value in some level of hierarchy! The issue with hierarchy is when it actually imposes restrictions on your rights or tries to push you to act or be a certain way. Especially in your daily life. (So, I'm definitely not a conservative or traditionalist.) When it comes to who makes decisions and who doesn't, a mix of hierarchy and decentralization/democracy generally works best. This is why the concept of corporations structured in a hierarchical top-down manner willPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>None of those things are positive in themselves. Stop clinging to false hope that history will just sort itself out.
It's all teams and factions. America/first world bad, communists/China good. (As an illuminated centerist I'd say obviously all four are bad.)


>So dissent for dissent's sake? Why all this obsession on being "a rebel"? It almost seems like it's just aesthetic for you. Not to be uncharitable but one can easily read this as wanting to be radical simply because it's cooler than being one of those normie NPC sheeplols.

I think hierarchy is bad. I don't really care about being 'different' or whatever you're implying. I dislike how hierarchy makes society ugly.

>And you just admitted the value in some level of hierarchy!

In order to avoid a worse hierarchy

>The issue with hierarchy is when it actually imposes restrictions on your rights or tries to push you to act or be a certain way.

That is the essence of hierarchy

>In any hypothetical communistic and/or anarchistic society, you will almost certainly see similar dynamics play out. If there's no de jure structure, things will eventually converge on a de facto one, which may be a lot less accountable and a lot more harmful than if you just had the de jure one.

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This might be an unpopular opinion but I don't think Kirby: Air Ride is actually a political game.

For that matter, I don't think Garfield is a political cartoon either, although the promotion of lasagna and the bullying of dogs at the hands of cats may be touchy subjects for some.

Teletubbies? I concede that there might be an argument there for it being political, I mean the purple one is coded gay, right? And we all know that gay = political.

Speaking of politics, my own political awakening was the 1946 Disney animated short aptly named "Squatter's Rights". Chip and Dale did nothing wrong.

Is all art political?
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I just want to hijack this thread to say that I'm sick and tired of art, music and fiction being used as a scapegoat for society's ills. The "all art is political" sentiment doesn't help in this regard. It's a distraction from talking about the actual root of society's ills, class division or in our case capitalism. Every single antisocial problem can be fundamentally traced to people being divided into "lessers" and "greaters".


what if i made an art piece about fisher's concept of performativity, what then


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art isn't always political because of it's content and it'd be absurd to imply such. project zomboid is a great game without an immediate clear political theme but it draws inspiration from zombie media, which runs on a series of common tropes, assumptions, and ideas that were forged from the political climate and contradictions it was born out of


most people itt arguing that not all art is political are arguing against ghosts


Non-sequitur? I don't see how this relates to what I wrote.

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 No.9184[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

/siberia/ webm
Music, cartoons, memes, animals, funny videos.

no porn
no politic
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Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan the Simp.


Музыка для ебли чугуна.


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 No.7774[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

/LGBT/ General 7

This thread is about the fact that queer people shouldn't be gatekept away from queer spaces based on how much oppression they have faced. the reason why is that they are queer either way regardless, and they still experience discrimination due to unchangeable aspects of what they are
This is mostly referring to asexual and aromantic people but it applies to others as well
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honestly we should have embraced gender neutral bathrooms back when that was the big controversy half a decade ago


Yes and while we're at it we need proper stalls that go all the way down to the floor.


What a shameful event. I saw people leaving Florida because of this, but who can realistically leave Florida and not have done it already, Extremely sad and worrying.

The "land of the free" yet again showing itself to be the land of the unfree. You can't abort, you can't dress however you want, you can't get certain medical treatments based on legislature's feelings on said treatments, you can't do shit.


At least it's not sustainable and it's accelerating the collapse we're already well into.


At least you can still buy guys to defend yourself with! Imagine being in europe where you not only have to let people dehumanize you, you have to sit there and endure it like a bitch until they eventually break into your home and murder you with no recourse.

I don't think society will last past 2030. It's odd how all the data is converging towards this and yet nobody will extrapolate the very obvious conclusion and will whine and howl about how you're a doomer.

 No.10350[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


It is now up to the people to decide whether there should be a new official Capybara OC character, and whether this character is Alunya's pet or something.
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NEW MOTION: kill the sticky.





Agreed, get rid of it.

 No.7168[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

New thread cuz old one is full. Idk what to write here so let me do a short blogpost.
>met a girl in class
>asked her if she wants to hang out in the evening
>"Uhm, you know, I got stuff, have to do schoolwork, there is a lot of it…"
Like this is the gentlest way to be shot down possible, but still makes me feel like shit. Another data point towards my undesirability. Fuck, why did I thought I even had a chance, she is so out of my league its not even funny.
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Game playing is stupid. Yeah it works, on retards, just like all lies. I guess if you want to surround yourself with idiots lying is a great way to go.


And speaking for myself. I've been duped and emotionally manipulated before. But I'll tell you the second I catch one of those it's over. I'll never trust you or want to interact with you again.


she's literally me


>but secretly most of them like it and won't talk to you if you've got a healthy way of communicating your interest. <5% of the men I've ever talked to are not interested in such games.
lol I think people tend to fall into the same relationship patterns, and it seems like a thing that is totally external to them, but in reality it isnt, and this totally smells like one of those circumstances.


For normies playing games isnt lying though. They are following dating script they have been socialized into. It is lying for maladjusted autists like us, making a fake persona to try to trick a woman into sleeping with you, because you know the "real" you is utterly unfuckable.

 No.6560[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

From now on I will be merging any relevant threads about these topics into this general unless there is a very unique spin on them that makes them deserving of an independent thread. While these conversations can be valuable they also have had a tendency to proliferate. Please try to stay positive in this thread if at all possible and to be kind to your fellow users. Sharing advice is better than just attacking each other. Thanks a lot.

Obviously you can also use this thread for asking general questions about the topic.
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Y’all act like getting a girl is some Herculean task. So many easy girls out there, just go out, bag a hoe and lose your virginity already. Christ.


Bill Hicks is a pretentious mancunt.
Always whining abput how America is emasculated ust because people dont act like outlaws from cpuntry and western movies.

He unironically wouldve been the face of the alt right movement had he lived another two decades.

Speakimg of which, theres a conspiracy theory saying that Bill Hicks is Alex Jones


new thread?


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Incels: women play the dating game on easy mode
Girl: Umm actually, *makes a bunch of points that support the incels points*.

I love dating advice from women.

If men could just have the privilege of fucking anyone, then most men would be more interested in serious relationships.

In an individual approach to deal with this, maybe put in your bio:
I recieve: three lovely dates
You recieve: one sex (after the dates)
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This is why I advicate for singehood

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 No.5955[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The old thread has reached its limit, so I decided to create a new one.
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I am negative horny on psychedelics, or weed. Even MDMA makes me averse to sex (not kissing and fondling though). How do you even? Cocaine has made me horny only once and it felt like messy-horny, can't even describe it. Jacked off furiously and could barely keep it up, let alone jack off. I guess people are very different.


Not really an issue if you're bottoming





Tret breaks me out like a mf :(

 No.4967[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The old thread has reached its limit, so I decided to create a new one.
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Fuck off anon. Keep coming in the lgbt thread lecturing us about not prioritizing the working class as an abstraction rather than in specifics. For lgbt people, a sizeable portion of the working class, the specifics differ from non-lgbt people in many notable ways. You just want to tell us to shut up. So I tell you to. Fuck off retard.




One of you literally said he doesn't care about socialism. Yeah, that's what i was talking from the start - brainwashed with invented interclass identity.
>Keep coming in the lgbt thread
Motehrfucker, this is a left wing board. I have more reason to actually ask what they fuck are you doing here even, if you are not about prioritizing worker class?
>Fuck off retard.
Same to you pork sucker. Vote blu more, maybe that will stop fascits.


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>One of you literally said
fuck that person, they're wrong.


 No.3757[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The old thread has reached its limit, so I decided to create a new one.
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>you could go further on and explain how rights are not real and just spooks.
Kinda the opposite of what i have said. Maybe read Lenin? I dunno.
>But rights are starting point inside the ideological apparatus and if we're not fighting for "rights" and "welfare" then we're not fighting for socialism.
They aren't really. You should read more. And we definitely don't fight for "welfare". Well, maybe you do.
>Working class is anyone who lives under wage labor, anybody can be working class and that's why the wellbeing and welfare of minorities and socially vulnerable people are also the wellbeing and welfare of the working class.
If many lgbt people are working class then helping working class is helping lgbt people. And should be the first priority. If you can't get behind that then it's on you.
>Explain why one of the most rich and famous trans women in the world was recently put into a men's prison in the US
<Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center
Some minimum security fucking resort for rich people. I fucking live in worse conditions.
>I don't care about socialism anymore. Solidarity is just a fucking pipe dream.
So why should i care about you? Like, for serious? Tbh it was obvious from the start which is why i pressed it and gave you so much shit. If solidarity is pipe dream then the only ting left for you is to screech about homophobic brocialists and priviliged cis white men while the world declines in absolute reactionary shitholw and we all fucked either by nuclear war or climate change. Because you couldn't put aside some of your sensitivities and make priorities. I mean i hate religious nutjobs, but i work with them. Why can't you?
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Fuck off anon. Keep coming in the lgbt thread lecturing us about not prioritizing the working class as an abstraction rather than in specifics. For lgbt people, a sizeable portion of the working class, the specifics differ from non-lgbt people in many notable ways. You just want to tell us to shut up. So I tell you to. Fuck off retard.




One of you literally said he doesn't care about socialism. Yeah, that's what i was talking from the start - brainwashed with invented interclass identity.
>Keep coming in the lgbt thread
Motehrfucker, this is a left wing board. I have more reason to actually ask what they fuck are you doing here even, if you are not about prioritizing worker class?
>Fuck off retard.
Same to you pork sucker. Vote blu more, maybe that will stop fascits.


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>One of you literally said
fuck that person, they're wrong.

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