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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post Burgerpunk
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We don't have time for that shit, we need this development to be covered in grass NOW so we can sell the land to people.


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EPIC reaction moments COMPILATION


Maybe I should be more empathetic to Americans because I am privileged by not being raised there.
>my boss ziptied me to a ladder I was using again, is this bad?


Requesting the YouTube clickbait facial expression overlays. I'd do it myself by I'm AFK



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Making this thread to archive /pol/'s false flag attempts on /leftypol/ (or 4chan). Post what you've got here.
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Me n the folx approaching self loathing trans people in /ttt/ to get them out of that hell-hole


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another one


fresh one


How can they be so fucking bad at it

I feel insulted.


the sharty is that way

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Mod Edit: This thread is now archived on >>>/siberia_archive/1 so make a new thread. This thread will remain up until the proper re-archive is complete. (everything's ready and should be safe, just making a full backup just in case. will take a few hours)

Post muscular women, 2D is welcome as well as 3D
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ok your turn now guys

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fucking legendary


It's either this or literal children singing about casual murder and rape


is this a symptom of autism?


liking fingers in ass or making this video


>Kanye West
Not clicking, fuck off

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Its out soon. Any other HOI4 etc. grand strategy enthusiasts here?


The Second World War’s hardest fighting was on the Eastern Front of Europe.

No Step Back is the newest expansion for Hearts of Iron IV, Paradox Interactive’s grand strategy wargame about the world crisis of the 1930s and World War II. This expansion adds greater detail for many nations in Eastern Europe, unique game systems to reflect Soviet politics, and many improvements to the military aspect of the game.

>New Soviet National Focuses.

>New Polish National Focuses.

>New Baltic National Focuses: Shared alternate history paths for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as unique paths for each.

>Army Officer Corps: Build a general staff, drawing on the talents and expertise of available officers to take advantage of changes in technology and tactics.

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"Communitas proletarisque romanum"
Rome = red abd yellow flag = comunism?


Forgot vid


Only if you were retarded, I think. Although Panzer was far more ruthless and it generally got better for both communists and some lowkie-rightoid but in an esoteric-conservative way guys, like that "Hindustan needs rework" dipshit. I'd still be on the sub despite my clearly red-glowing posts, if not for reddit admins banning me along with everyone else who ever participated with Chapo subreddits all those years ago.


I still can't get over the fact that the Battle for the Bosporus trailer makes it seem as if the Greeks, Turks and Bulgarians will all unite together against the Nazis.

Meanwhile, the Greek focus tree:
>1. Liberty and free elections! 2. KILL TURKEY
>1. Workers of the world, unite! 2. KILL TURKEY
>1. For his majesty the king! 2. Bring back the Ottomans (KILL TURKEY)
>1. Heil Hitler 2. Friends with Turks

That Luftwaffe guy in the trailer could have probably not worried about those three uniting together if the Germans just told them they'd give the Greeks Constantinople back or some shit. They'd hop on faster than a boomer clicking on a scam. Fucking Thanksgiving country.


Taboritsky is just Q bullshit for 1960s Russia
Was this intentional


Maybe we don't have enough power to have a great influence over politics but we have the power to have a great influence over people if we mobilize and take action by creating a new subculture to atract people's interest and take them out from that ignorance that leaves our enemies and traitors to win, a subculture with good aesthetic and it's own type of mentality will work the best to have a great change into society or just make things more fun a plan for this is SovCore.
>What is SovCore?
SovCore is a Soviet nostalgic subgenre of punk which incorporates several during or post Warsaw Pact aesthetics into one mixed with some alternative ones, it is a way to revolt against this Capitalist system and also promote a strong patriotic sentient.

>Mentality of a SovCorist

Basic Soviet mentality like Brotherhood/Sisterhood like minded, promotes gun, fitness or car cultures, helpful to community, feminist, aggressive, fanatical patriotic, AntiGlobalist, AntiFascist, AntiCapitalist, Antinationalist, racial separatist, continental unionism ex Asian Union, equalitarian, opposed to Capitalist rooten fruits such as sexual revolution stuff or mainstream pop culture


Basic alternative fashion combined with East European aesthetics such as military surplus or thug styles, the goal is your style to give an East bloc vibe, piercings are welcome in a small number and tattoos the best are the minimalist ones or based of Soviet prison tattoos ones


WitchHouse, Harbass, Post Punk, New/Dark wave, Chanson, Alternative rap the goal is to sound as gloomy, angry or Sovietic as possible

pic related a potential example for a SovCore style for women and excuse мой anglish
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I like the general idea but this sounds shit<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('18045', event);" href="/hobby/res/13537.html#18045">&gt;&gt;18045</a><br/>I both agree and disagree. There has been attempts to create subcultures and it got people to hate them because it was too obvious example being Romo. However if it's not too blatantly obvious and if you get enough people involved people can mistake a manifactured subculture for a spontaneously occuring subculture and start following it if it actually appeals to them enough.


might i recommend some fits?


<a onclick="highlightReply('13537', event);" href="/hobby/res/13537.html#13537">&gt;&gt;13537</a><br/>if there is sovcore there should be sovwave too and other subgeneres


OK no offense but why whould any leftists subculture focus on car ownership, see how bikers became in America and Japan post 80s


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<span class="quote">&gt;Brotherhood/Sisterhood, helpful to community, feminist,</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/><br/><br/>&gt;AntiFascist, AntiCapitalist, Antinationalist</span><br/><span class="quote"><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>&gt;racial separatist, </span>

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