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Post what you're wearing today, pieces you want to wear, recent cops, thrifting, inspo, concepts, runways, designers, questions, etc.

Previous thread: >>29827
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i think the opposite, that "unique" doesnt automatically mean good, or rather, its not as clear cut as that. i disagree with the idea of "expressing yourself" via your clothes too tbh


Does this mean that I can detectivemaxx and engage in tactical espionage action in the same fit?


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thicc frames have always been seen as dorky i think
wire frames have the benefit of metal=shiny and being more understated i think


The more fashion conscious prefer thick frames while wire frames are nowadays associated to self-conscious nerds



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Post what you're wearing today, pieces you want to wear, recent cops, thrifting, inspo, concepts, runways, designers, questions, etc.

Previous thread: >>25977
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Why the fuck are cargo pants so expensive? I finally made the switch from jeans to cargo pants but it took me a while since Im cheap and even shitty cargo pants are like 2x the price


Because basic cargo pants are meant for blue-collar work so they should use good materials. Cargo pants with more intricate designs will be marked up due to the design itself.


I like Demna but I'm so fucking tired of seeing Balenciaga everywhere. It's always the gaudiest pieces too, not the actually interesting ones.


i gotta sell the patagonia jackets, the north face fleeces, the carhartt coats, the vintage descente… this is my Gorpcore reckoning


need this t shirt so much
you have no idea

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Ask your lifting related questions here.

Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky"

Previous thread: >>15840
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Time for new thread!


True, consistency is key


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Just fucking hang yourselves you bunch of hunchbacked nerds. I was skeptical at first but jfc does it unlock joints like nothing else. Absolutely do not hang upside down on cargo straps attached to a doorway pull up bar, tree branch or something secure only. I was doing assisted dips with bands. It looked something like picrel, probably entertaining to watch but felt great.


is this a sex thing


Not outright, but it can be.

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Previous thread: >>2221
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Wear this instead.


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get that fucking image off the board, it doesn't need to be in front on anyone's eyes.


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damn the new undercover looking wild


Pretty! This was a really wonderful article.
Thank you for supplying this info.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First thread >>2278

I just watched the new Batman movie, it's about as boring and derived as you'd expect. The villain is a real psycho, apparently he hates Bruce Wayne's father because of his scam charity orphanage where children froze to death and the villain himself grew up in, and tries to publicly reveal his father's ties to organized crime and political corruption. Luckily Batman eventually teaches him the true meaning of love and forgiveness before the villain is thrown into an insane asylum for the rest of his days, and the credits roll.

I also watched Memoria, which was just as boring and I have nothing to say about.
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Speaking of Stalker, been rewatching Harry Potter films cause nostalgia and I read HPMOR and it reminded me of them, most of them actually hold up and are still fun enough but holy shit Deathly Hallows part 1 is awful, just proves why multi part movies are a bad idea in most cases, and the fans say it's 'darker and more mature', I mean I guess if by mature you mean a boring camping holiday where nothing happens and you just want to go home


Oops you said Solaris not Stalker

same difference :^)


i need to fix my attention span. i couldn't get through anatomy of a fall


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1. It's just a fun movie with DeCaprio doing weird shit while being charming as fuck.

2. It's an interesting case study of someone with amazing abstract problem solving and people skills who uses their smarts to just accumulate random bullshit. The only fun thing in some rich peoples' lives is just hoarding and stepping on others. It's peering into the mind and world of someone very different from myself. A fun companion movie is The Aviator, another rags to riches story but focused on an autistic dudes obsession with airplanes instead of just being rich for the sake of it.

3. I love movies like this because they're a real character determiner. If I'm talking to someone about this movie at work or at a bar and they're like "Belfort is a badass, the government ruined his life!" then I know they're a fucking retard.


I actually like deathly hallows part 1 tbh

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Let's get a footy thread going.

Tomorrow is the first match between TÜRKS (Kara Boğa) versus Italians.

Other spicy first round matches include England versus Scotland, Finland vs Denmark, Germany vs France.

Post your predictions and reactions in this thread
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<a onclick="highlightReply('17770', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17770">&gt;&gt;17770</a><br/>I think that noone is here because the thread is bumplocked and as a result doesn't show up on the overboard


<a onclick="highlightReply('17772', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17772">&gt;&gt;17772</a><br/>well i'll make a new one then, worth it for post match shitshow


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17775', event);" href="/hobby/res/17775.html#17775">&gt;&gt;17775</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17775', event);" href="/hobby/res/17775.html#17775">&gt;&gt;17775</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17775', event);" href="/hobby/res/17775.html#17775">&gt;&gt;17775</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17775', event);" href="/hobby/res/17775.html#17775">&gt;&gt;17775</a><br/>NEW


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<a href="https://www.nikerosheblazers.us.com/"><strong>Nike Blazer</strong></a>
<a href="Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Ask your /fit/ related questions here.

Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky"

<Previous Thread

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so is that a no? i just chose a random pic


Tweaked my shoulder doing 20kg weighted dips. Got excited to hit the 20kg and went too hard.

Just a minor tweak, was only like half an hour ago so haven’t seen if it’s still there after a sleep. I know shoulders can be fragile so why do? Got bench programmed for Thursday and OhP for Friday, should I not do these?



New thread: >>26632


no. caloric deficit for 10 weeks and more protein, water and sleep.

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Old /co/ thread is dead and buried.
Let's have a new thread to talk about comics and animation.
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Idc about it but damn the name goes hard also copyright is cringe

what was the context of this, he was accused of being one by some evil wizard?



That's anime tho

I heard that Thor is basically a shounen protagonist

Is that true?


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Ive taken to comic bad girls lately. Can any recommend some good comics/manga with hot nude/semi-nude vulgar women doing raunchy and bad shit?

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The practice and principles of Permaculture are one of the most important tools for not only creating a sustainable socialism, but also for repairing the damage done to the global ecosystem by capitalism, and lessening your individual reliance on the current capitalist system.Permacultural practice and socialism are two very powerful allies, and learning about permaculture should be necessity for modern socialists and communists.
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Everything, from potatoes and cabbage to cucumbers and tomatoes, to berries and nuts. I grow food to eat, dumbfuck. I grew up in a family where we had to grow our food or starve and for the last 7 years i have my own garden to fulfill like 70% of what i need in food another 25% comes from other villagers and remaining 5% from stores (stuff like salt and tea).

Good luck growing garlic on shit, but at least use your own, that way on the off chance you don't kill it with too much nitrogen, you at least not gonna acquire some exciting guests in your guts.

>I've grown shit on literally cracks in the pavement

Are you retarded or pretending to be one for some reason?


You are based anon, please redpill us on self sufficiency?



Learn to link, moron >>>/hobby/33648


This was a post replying to >>8018
I have found it and am reposting it finally with the pdfs and images that were included
Wayback is how I found my old effort post

This was the father of Soviet agriculture and biological study.

One of the people who were inspired by his work was Lysenko. As part of anti-sovietism the man who was researching then unknown sciences is often scorned today, including by leftists. The reality is somewhat different. Like Vavilov, his contributions are forgotten and dismissed and the fact that he was a respected man by many contemporaries is ignored.
The claim that some of Lysenko's ideas were disproven or false is meaningless. Darwin's work is also not perfect and has errors, as did famed biologists and naturalists like Lamarck and Cuvier. It is also interesting to note that in
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Star Wars thread; To discuss, laugh and meme about Star Wars

Don't be a cunt and may the Force be with you
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fight the empire


Which rebel cells do you think communists would align with? Probably not the neo-Republicans cuz they’re just liberals who want to go back to “normal”. Sectorists sound like folks who are more into self governance than a centralized galactic government. I think Saw’s partisans are the closest but even Luthen mentioned about Saw being something of an anarchist, but I’m more interested in the regular old communists and who they’d align with.


from reading this speech, this show actually seems well written?


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You do you I guess


WHAT IF Anakin Killed Palpatine and Started a Jedi Civil War? | STAR WARS Jedi Empire What If
Screen Crush

Clanka says the f word

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