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"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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let's draw historical figures/famous leftists
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Now I just imagine all the spooks doing the old Scooby-doo door routine


stirner as johnny bravo


File: 1634183729832.jpg (30.37 KB, 600x450, Stirna Dinkley.jpg)


damn Stirner had ass



File: 1608525608203.jpeg (65.32 KB, 640x640, EObyZDVWoAAL1iB.jpeg)

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Post about drawing and painting and related
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<a onclick="highlightReply('18133', event);" href="/hobby/res/2062.html#18133">&gt;&gt;18133</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;in this case who cares.</span><br/>me or anyone that doesn't wants to see the cp you made <br/>you could've at least aged her up, but you were dumbass to do so<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;per global booru.org rules. </span><br/>yet back in 2016 that wasn't the case<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('18147', event);" href="/hobby/res/2062.html#18147">&gt;&gt;18147</a><br/>this, and will do nothing about it like the /get/lover they are<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;og VN</span><br/>as a side note: it not surprise since the MC is 17 years old in a ero-vn. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;most of girls are 18 but they still fucked up</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('18684', event);" href="/hobby/res/2062.html#18684">&gt;&gt;18684</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;me or anyone that doesn't wants to see the cp you made </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;you could've at least aged her up, but you were dumbass to do so</span><br/>Could you go back and read the whole reply chain to see that I wasn't the one who drew Ulyana? Also way to miss the point of my post. It's not like this single dude practicing his drawing skills by taking a request, which happens to be of an underage character, is going to result in the booru being flooded with loli crap because like I already said, you can't post that shit on there due to a loli/shota rule from global booru.org staff. It's different now from back then, and everyone knows this because leftybooru was about to be deleted last year until the admin deleted all the loli shit which some people complained about. Look, I also hate that crap but this is nothing to be mad about, I also doubt that guy is from /GET/.<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('18177', event);" href="/hobby/res/2062.html#18177">&gt;&gt;18177</a><br/>I'm happy that things are going well for you now anon.



holy shit what happen to the formatting in this thread lmao


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Alunya brings Lenin coffee while he is publishing (State and Revolution)

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