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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1645396975900.jpg (2.2 MB, 4032x3024, 20220219_194217.jpg)


This was funny in my head so I drew it out

Cool comic

nice, short and simple. and unlike a lot of comic artists you actually drew every panel.


Why the hell does it turn on its side when open?


Edit Thread
Post, request and make image and drawing edits and colorations. Instructions and templates also welcome.

>Spoiler NSFW content
>Be specific as possible so you get your request right the first time, that means really pour over your pic and think about it
>Don't complain too much about the final product, after all you're getting your request for free whereas most artists not only charge money, but would also be too moralfag to edit another artist's work
>Try and find the highest resolution of the pic as you can, because not only are you getting better quality, you're also helping make more accurate edits
>Post your request with names/authors/copyrights, references and links in one post. Cite the image source
>You should probably use Photoshop, and make special use of the 'spot healing brush' tool when it comes to removal requests.
>ALWAYS save as .png ; everytime you save as .jpg/.jpeg the final product LOSES quality and data. Stop this shit, please. Doesn't matter if the original pic you're editing was in .jpg/.jpeg format, you save as .png because it's lossless
>If you have to make a transparent crop/edit whatever of a specific character/object on a layer, always save the individual layers seperately for upload before saving the whole thing together for the final product to be uploaded. This accomplishes multiple things: 1. it allows different backgrounds and such to be edited in for later and 2. It allows either you, another editfag, or the requester to go back and change something if you didn't quite do the request right the first time. No one wants to layer-via-cut the main character and merge it with the background only for the requester to ask that you go back and do it again because it wasn't the background they wanted, because then you have to cut the lines YET AGAIN and that would be tedious; don't forget to upload the layers as seperate files when you're done
>Upload your delivery/edit onto the booru(s) https://colordump.booru.org Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
87 posts and 54 image replies omitted.


Holy shit, nice, thanks for doing these

File: 1720531673207.png (Spoiler Image,6.56 MB, 3000x3000, text-removed.png)

w-what are you gonna do with the vore pic anon

File: 1720542791444.jpg (3.8 KB, 225x225, daji jaws.jpg)

I'll probably use it for some concepts I was working on, but honestly I just liked how well illustrated the jaws were and the implication behind them.

>an unironic fulfilment of the request
<it's well done
Damn, nice work even if wasn't my request.

File: 1646790644769.png (110.76 KB, 424x553, R (2).png)


176 posts and 304 image replies omitted.

>Muh BLM
Liberals are not our friends
>muh LGBT alphabet soup agency
Idpol is not socialist, it's liberalism see the /leftypol/ Manifesto
>mostly retarded right wing propaganda
Nah, you're just flake

>replying to a post almost exactly a year old only to start whining again
Get thicker skin my brother in christ.

File: 1713461874144.png (487.06 KB, 957x1500, Untitled2.png)

Mislinked a post, it's >>>/edu/10137

File: 1718764150426-0.jpg (Spoiler Image,118.57 KB, 718x808, 1658902990936051.jpg)

File: 1718764150426-1.jpg (Spoiler Image,93.91 KB, 640x869, 1658899680744907.jpg)

File: 1718764150426-2.jpg (Spoiler Image,241.16 KB, 682x512, 4972654 - marauder Azov-ch….jpg)

File: 1718764150426-3.png (Spoiler Image,697.05 KB, 1080x1080, 5005868 - Azov-chan Marich….png)

File: 1719869784962.pdf (515.5 KB, 67x118, Ukraine Pig1.pdf)

Printable pig

File: 1719182437101.png (108.85 KB, 1280x1280, Untitled5_20240623183926.png)


Green one

File: 1719345069655.png (37.49 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

The Purple One beckons for unholy orgies.

File: 1719345517735.png (2.7 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

White one.

>ywn have such lucious eyelashes

File: 1719577441662.png (10.4 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

don't let your dreams be dreams


Requests thread.
Provide inspiration and make requests to artists here. Remember that you are not entitled to a delivery.
110 posts and 72 image replies omitted.

File: 1715200533699.png (315.74 KB, 626x480, ClipboardImage.png)

redraw this as muscle alunya choking gr*ce with her tail, pls

File: 1715508301783.png (213.5 KB, 1000x987, file.png)

Hi, this is a big request so I can pay you if you undertake it. Just give me a link to a PayPal or ko-fi.
I want a political cartoon, I know they are corny but they are effective. Here is the description:

<In the middle are four socialists

>one carrying a red flag, one carrying a flag with a peace sign on it, one carrying a Russian Federation flag, and one carrying the modern LGBTQ flag.
<The socialists look friendly and are waving at a small crowd of people representing Russia to their right. However the Russians are looking upward, terrified, at the hull of a giant aircraft carrier also with the modern LGBTQ flag on it. The image is captioned "Imperialism is the problem!"

nta but that's pretty cool

idk if that's just not sending the message you want to send or if you are trying to send the message that would definitely send

File: 1718797949421.png (15.56 KB, 590x590, 1717996321651d.png)

requesting a pic of Grace in a white bridal dress like this
with Alunya's hand

File: 1694212577567-0.png (161.91 KB, 755x892, Alunya-Draft6.PNG)

File: 1694212577567-1.png (348.19 KB, 793x968, Alunya-Draft7.png)

File: 1694212577567-2.jpg (31.61 KB, 371x516, Grace chan 3D.jpg)


how do we like it?
28 posts and 24 image replies omitted.

Gonna slap DPS on this

You can see chao in the background.
Not looking hard enough, anon.

What is DPS?

Anyone can now find the Alunya 3D models on VRchat.

Btw, you don't need a VR headset to play VRchat & can play on PC. & it's free

At Prismic's Avatar Search, by searching Alunya

It's the most popular avatar world around.

Alunya files are also here >>3825 & >>3826

Grace files in Royal Colony 8.0 & also available on VRchat Prismic Avatar Search.

At VRchat's avatar world called Prismic's Avatar Search, by searching Grace

You may find the up-to-date Grace avatar there.

File: 1684172028577.jpg (145.94 KB, 960x960, Reagan-Surrender.jpg)


Post your AI generated image collection. Also by the way the new midjourney v5.1 update has made realistic image making more easier. Good time to be alive for communist aesthetic lovers !
110 posts and 177 image replies omitted.

File: 1715884565268.png (2.03 MB, 1536x1024, image.png)

pew pew

Forgot about that post. Nice attempts.

File: 1716824795746.png (1.97 MB, 1536x1024, image.png)

miss, i don't think that's related to AI art

File: 1718206239963-0.jpg (165.02 KB, 1024x1024, OIG2 (22).jpg)

File: 1718206239963-1.jpg (193.67 KB, 1024x1024, OIG2 (23).jpg)

File: 1718206239963-2.jpg (165.74 KB, 1024x1024, OIG2.jpg)

File: 1718206239963-3.jpg (177.21 KB, 1024x1024, OIG2.s52YWrU.jpg)

File: 1718206239963-4.jpg (221.59 KB, 1024x1024, OIG2.TqmfTMwPvMBUhYLIf.jpg)

When Apple Inc. Invades Africa in 2034 and subjugates the population to work in the office instead of working from home.

I like how deranged characters start to look the more people there is on the picture.

File: 1634015217865.png (11.61 KB, 345x323, Oekaki.png)


in kind with this thread >>>/siberia/162618 collecting /pol/jak memes, let's make some OC on /draw/
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File: 1696453296724.png (14.05 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

senile chinletjak

File: 1701003405596.png (23.89 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

chinletdy goes larpin

File: 1709878719197.png (126.93 KB, 2550x2749, Chuds.png)

File: 1718239364195.png (7.38 KB, 544x702, SluttyChuddy.png)


Anyone have artwork of the "Rodina" from the old /leftypol/ (the one on 8chan)? I ask because I'm currently looking for some artwork of the character that is beyond the image search results.
5 posts and 14 image replies omitted.

>someone replies with the most correct answer in the first post
I'm not used to seeing this. Thank you.

I don't understand why Rodina wasn't given the famous Soviet school girl uniform instead of this generic shit.

File: 1718150220998-0.png (1.79 MB, 949x1390, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1718150220998-1.png (423.7 KB, 602x383, ClipboardImage.png)

It looks like the pics that came up when I googled it.

She's a little pioneer, which was like the boy scouts but communist. She's wearing their uniform.

Those are pioneer uniforms. The Soviet school girl uniform was like a maid dress.


250 posts and 164 image replies omitted.

Huh? I wasn't talking about the cursor, I'm asking how you can get proper motion for drawing with a mouse input.

>I'm asking how you can get proper motion for drawing with a mouse input.
Oh, it's mostly holding down and making the same broad strokes or small movements you would with a pen or pencil. It's not easy, but neither are Wacom drawing pads.

>disconnect of your hand from what you are looking at
>no pressure sensitivity
But most of all f
>friction up the ass.
Trying to draw a circle or straight line on a mouse is so hard.

File: 1716766154514.png (402.1 KB, 800x450, ClipboardImage.png)

It's crazy no one has invented a stylus you can hold like this. I guess it doesn't matter since the screen sizes are way too small for proper arm movement. You take any drawing class this is the first shit they beat into you. Move your arm not your fingers.

Honestly the friction is what makes it easier for me, but then again I've mostly stuck to editing and clean-up work.

>You take any drawing class this is the first shit they beat into you. Move your arm not your fingers.
1) Depends where you are. I know art schools and classes that didn't teach this even in beginner courses
2) It may be because it's not like a piece of paper, since you can zoom in and out with a tablet.

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