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Me on the right.

Pls sar what da phuck is dis
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My brother in god (who is a femdom), I look up femdom tag on motherless and this came amongst the results, I click on it and it sends me to a rabbit hole of race femdom.
Some hindutvas are so politically horny I'm honestly impressed


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Daily motivation lads
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Thankfully, Engels was too much of a communist to place unneeded attention to it and do stuff like i.e. advocate tenant unionism. In fact he refutes its principles here by pointing out that the struggle between tenant and landlord is merely a simple commodity sale, hence beyond the bounds of class struggle:


Landlords in the early stages of bourgeois society were a separate class, which monopolized the land and consequently, owing to this monopoly, were able to derive a portion of the surplus-value indirectly in the form of ground-rent. Marx describes this mechanism in Capital vol 3. With the development of capitalism there's no distinct class like this left, most bourgeois directly own their own properties or lease them from other capitalists.


yes, but in vol.3 he speaks about how the landlord (in his own time) exploits the capitalist by renting land, which has to be paid off from the surplus originally generated by the proletariat, so it incurs what i like to think of as a "super-exploitation" of the proletariat (the same way high taxes on capitalist as rents of the state could overwork proles to make up for losses).
the concept of superexploitation makes sense to me this way where landlords today dont provide a service that represents its Value in exchange. prices are supposed to level out at their Values according to marx, but housing rents are clearly artificial commodities that unfairly move money into the bourgeoisie, which is why i would say landlordism is one of the heights of class war, which is why one of the most pressing issues for society as a whole is the housing crisis.
but yes i also agree with the historical existence of the pre-capitalist landlord whose rate did pertain to ground rents (and in feudalism this was rendered unto the peasants who shared the land of the lord).


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and also on the point of the nuclear family being a composite of capitalist relations, i would say that it more resembles the landlord than the employer. when you are young ofc you have chores but as you get older your own money is taken from you as rents that your parents waste away.
so i would again say that the landlord is part of the bourgeoisie but is also a contradictory element (the same as the "money-capitalist" banker) in being someone who commands to make money from money they put in to investment and not production.
so a landlord expects revenue from his property and a banker expects returns on his loans, but only the capitalist employer is extracting the surplus value possible to maintain the bourgeoisie as a whole
so my idea is that landlords and bankers are the super-exploiters while our employers are our regular exploiters, and again, our lived and popular experience is that the people hate landlords and bankers much more than they hate small business guys or even CEOs
so the class war is also an infra-class war


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I would say however that there is a sublation of the old provincial master in the state itself, which also sustains itself through the rents of taxation. Taxes used to largely be voluntary but are necessary today for the state's own position. This i would say has bred public servants but also "politicians" as a member of the super-exploiters, certainly within their place in the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. And we have to acknowledge the dissatisfaction the public has with these types as well.
So that completes the unholy trinity of super-exploiters: bankers, landlords and politicians, who all extract surplus value from renting rather than producing.
They are the unproductive ruling classes.>>533029

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>no bjd doll to brush hair
>no bjd doll to buy cute clothes for
>no bjd doll to take outside and take nice slice of life cute pictures
>no bjd doll to secretly kiss on forehead when no one is around
Why do I even go on?? I will never be able to hoard all the commodities I crave!!!!!!
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But that's far too embarrassing!


The need for cuteness in our lives!


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Eat shit weeb lol


>state mandated bjd doll

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I want /r9k/ but leftwing and less self pitying. Anyway, here's Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind
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>but proletarian men are not a part of a patriarchy
has this uygha ever read marx in his life


At the very least, it's something constructive to the conversation rather than a sudden baggage dump of accusing others of being "women who divorce-rapes le nice guy" stereotype.


you're spewing blatant lies so I assumed doing something more than insulting you would be a waste of my time




motherfucker I nearly spitted my water


Get comfee and tell me what you're autistic about today, Anons.
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You fucking bastard


Sorry I forgot it's double asterixes on each side. I don't use it much


BTW, I hope your girlfriend is not a delusion, remember to stay safe and take your meds!


Thanks, though ultimately I don't know how useful it would be in the end. It's totally insane, but part of the driving force behind my obsession is a neurotic desire for a logical, sensible progression in all things including politics, which is unfortunately pushing me towards reform and moderation. That and the fact that so many Americans seem hopelessly committed to our current system despite everything going to hell around us.


I've been looking into semantic web technologies recently. It's kind of like looking into a future that never happened where all devices, data and services communicate across one single universal global interface, instead of being vacuumed up and siloed away in the vaults of silicon valley megacorporations.

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somtimes it happens when you forget a song


The narrative tension of whether anon wouldn't or would find the phone…..




Android or iPhone?


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History proved he was right
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This guy and his political ideas were pretty based all things considered, /leftypol/


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Thomas Hobbes, author of Leviathan


It is interesting that Cromwell allowed him to come back after exile in France.


Cromwell didn't even want to kill the king. Cromwell was cucked. This post brought to you by Digger Gang


And therefore, with technology paving the way, communism may be able to manifest within humanity.

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what would happen if capitalists paid their workers fairly and why can't they
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Monopolies always represent a class interest. The state is a monopoly on violence, but this is supposed to serve society, while a private monopoly serves private interests. Marx also talks in capital how monopoly and centralisation are the self-movement of industry into efficient forms. The market destroys competition through competition. Dialectics.
I wouldnt say its good or bad per se, its just a necessary aspect of organisation. Natural monopolies will always exist, even ayn rand defended this position by fighting anti-trust laws.


Lenin advocated nationalizing monopolies


Why would they, it's not in their interests.


Well unions were massively influential in politics in the mid-20th century so is it possible to have like a massive worker cooperative which does the megacorp thing of lobbying for laws that favour them so that eventually you eliminate privately owned business or is that communism
If you somehow max out class consciousness


>more smarter

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i rarely watch americans in their natural habitat on social media, what's about them muricans talking about bears and feminists lately?
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Now that school's out I wanna make a hobby of de-wojakifying memes, replacing them with rage faces, animals and such.


>>532281 (me)
like I know that memes back then had a different spirit to them and weren't so whedonistic, but like thinking about how to redesign memes would probably be an interesting graphins design excercise.


The only thing that can scare a lone man in the woods:


They were being friendly. Motherfucking incels strike again.


we did it guys, we found the most alienated from nature person.

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 No.479105[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>be me
>into black women
>my family, particularly my mom doesn't want me to marry or even think of dating a woman with the slightest melamine
>nooo society will look down on you and your black wife!
>nooo you will ruin muh family genetics
>nooo your children will turn out ugly and get bullied
>nooo you will face racism in Europe! marry an Aryan woman instead!

feels bad man
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Somebody tag in Vladimir Lenin
Lenin if you can hear us please save me
Please save me Vladimir Lenin please
I'm asking you
Please save me
Please save me please get these imperialists away from me


Wasn't she an Afghan Vet that also did OnlyFans content?




maybe if there was onlyfans circa 2010 she wouldn't have gone to afghanistan


Fake tits are gross

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